I'm always fascinated by history. It really is amazing how, if you trace something back far enough, you can get at the root cause for why it exists today. For example, have you ever wondered where the term Political Correctness came from? I'll come back to that in a second.
A recent study called 'Hidden Tribes: A Study of America's Polarized Landscape' was highlighted on Wednesday in The Atlantic. More specifically, how the majority of Americans hate political correctness. 80% of America believes PC is quote, "a problem in our country."
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And the further you break down the numbers, the more revealing it gets. This one won't surprise you. 97% of Conservatives have a serious issue with political correctness. But this one might… The majority of middle of the road Democrats also hate PC. 61% of them to be exact. So the great divide between the middle left and the middle right might actually be closer than you think.
But there's one group in this country that absolutely loves political correctness… Progressives. The study found that 70% of progressives on the Left fully support "politically correct" language. What's amazing is that this small minority within America has successfully dominated the narrative in this country. Think about it. Progressives aren't even the majority on the Left or in the Democratic Party, but they've somehow hypnotized the entire country into believing that everything we say or do has to be looked at through the lense of political correctness.
The youth? 74% hate PC. Asians? 82% hate PC. Hispanics? 87% hate PC. These numbers go all across the board, but progressives - a tiny minority - have got us all following their lead.
"Politically correct" was first coined in the late 1920's, not by progressives… but in the Soviet Union.
And why are progressives so enamored with all that is PC? It's simple. To shut down any kind of debate or public conversation that threatens their agenda. And progressives didn't even invent this strategy, they stole it. And this is where I go back to history. Who did the new American Left steal this strategy from? "Politically correct" was first coined in the late 1920's, not by progressives… but in the Soviet Union. It was used by the Communist Party when anyone that had expressed a pro Capitalist viewpoint needed correction to the party line.
Let's say a member of the politburo was caught reading Adam Smith… that was politically incorrect. Maybe they expressed favor for privatizing a state run business… very politically incorrect. The Marxists knew that these ideas might actually be factually correct, but they were not politically correct.
When you finally raise the progressive curtain and reveal all their secrets, it all begins to make sense.
UPDATE: Here's how the discussion went on radio. Watch the video below.