Preparedness guide to the Marxist revolution

If nothing else, 2020 certainly qualifies as an interesting year. As of today, we're officially 50% of the way through, and boy oh boy have we clocked some miles. The president of the united states was impeached by the House. A global pandemic shut down the world's economy (or, more accurately, our governments did that to us) and has killed over 118,000 Americans – thus far. A Minneapolis cop murdered a black man sparking worldwide protests, riots and looting, with hundreds of American businesses being destroyed and millions of Americans taking to the streets in protest of everything from police brutality to systemic cultural racism to income inequality to bronze statues.

Let's be clear, we're facing a purposefully driven Marxist revolution in America right now. Antifa is far better organized, funded and dedicated than the apologists in the mainstream media would have you believe. Antifa members have received combat training in camps in Syria and Iraq, and they are also being supported by anti-American misinformation campaigns by anti-Capitalist support from China and Russia. Their intent is the overthrow of the US Constitution, and they're using the Black Lives Matter protests as cover for their activities.

All this and we still haven't even really kicked off the 2020 election season, which, given our current political and social climate, stands to be one of the most hotly contentious in history.

Let's further realize that the US economy is teetering on nothing short of total collapse. Remember when we were all freaking out that the US Debt was nearing $20 Trillion a couple of years ago? Well it's sitting at $27 Trillion, with over $1 Trillion being added just in May. Estimates are that the US Government will need to borrow another $2-3 Trillion by the end of the year…oh, and by the way, as of last Friday, The Federal Reserve is the sole buyer of US Debt so far in 2020, effectively printing money to lend to the US Government, threatening hyper-inflation by practicing so-called Modern Monetary Theory right before our eyes.

Leaving aside for a moment whether or not you believe COVID-19 was a hoax and whether you believe the recent protests and anti-police riots are justified or not, there's a very practical reality facing each of us: we must survive. We have to provide for our families. Food and water. Shelter. Medical care. And, for the first time for many of us, safety - in a world where we're sadly less confident that there will be a police response if we need one. Whatever side of the aisle you may be on or how you feel about the Marxist-lead social revolution we're in we can debate another time. The point is simply this: America is facing existential crisis on several fronts.

The point is simply this: America is facing existential crisis on several fronts.

For most of us, "preparedness" has taken on a new meaning and sense of urgency. It was something we always knew we should be. The scout motto. Be prepared. If nothing else, the past few months have shown us the truth and value of that concept.

Nobody can predict what the next few months or years will be like, but if the last few months are any sort of guide, you should be ready to take actions to keep your family safe. What follows is a simple guide to get you started.

1. Admit to yourself that this is actually happening.

What you're seeing on the news may seem like surreal and a little like it's happening in another country. Unless you happen to live in Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Atlanta or one of the other major cities were violence and looting have occurred, it might feel as if COVID-19 and the George Floyd protests against alleged endemic police racism and violence against minorities are isolated incidents and distant from where you live.

But this is one of those times you'll need to force yourself into action. Say this to yourself: Don't freeze, don't freeze, don't freeze. When there is so much chaos around us, it can be easy to let fear of the unknown or the instability of the moment overwhelm your instinct to act.

Don't be the victim of Deer In The Headlights syndrome. This really is occurring, right before our eyes. There has been a cultural-Marxist revolution ongoing in the US for years, and now the one we've been warning about for years, the actual revolution and attempt to overthrow the US Government and Constitution is underway. It's NOT over yet. Indeed, it's just getting started.

So, get your mind right. Root yourself Spirit in the knowledge that God stands with the righteous, that as we as a righteous people have made a covenant with him, so too has he made a covenant with us. We will make a principled stand and save our nation, but we can only do so if our families can eat and sleep safely in their beds. That isn't automatic, it will take conscious, purposeful action to make it so.

2. Follow The 6P Rule: (Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance)

You do need a plan. The plan will vary for each of you, depending where you may live. If you're in a small town in a Western state your plan will be fairly different from the plan needed by someone living in West Hollywood or even Dallas, Texas. We are almost certain facing very regionalized and localized supply disruptions, social unrest/riots through the end of this year, and depending on what happens with the November 3 rd elections even longer.

Antifa is definitely most active in bigger cities, but there are cells in many cities in Western states, including places like Provo, Utah, Boulder, Colorado, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Much of that is because College Campuses are prime recruiting and breeding grounds for Marxists in the US, where new recruits can be found, trained, programmed and sent out into the community armed with rocks, bricks, billy clubs, knives, guns and explosives. So, even if you're not in one of America's larger cities with a large minority population, if you have a college nearby, you may have an Antifa-type community closer than you think.

But wherever you are located and whatever your situation, your plan should involve some version of the following:

a. Ensure you have sufficient food, water and household supplies on hand for at least 30 days (remember the COVID-19 recommendations from Uncle Sam was 2 weeks). As much as possible, ensure the food supply is portable in case you're forced to Get Out Of Dodge.

b. Speaking of GOOD (get out of dodge), you'll need a plan for that as well. If you are forced to leave your home/apartment for some reason, you need a preplanned place to go, pre-arranged resources at that location, and a pre-planned route/means to get there. You should prep a plan to get your car packed and family on the road in 30 minutes or less. Speaking of which: from today forward, ½ tank of gas is 'empty' and you need to refill it. Always at least 50% full or better.

c. Prepper's Mantra: Be early and wrong. Late and right is useless. Don't be the last one to leave your neighborhood or town. You don't know what roads will end up blocked off by protestors or by the police/national guard, and you don't want to end up on CNN accused of being a white-fascist who drove through a crowd of "peaceful" protestors who blocked your path to keep your family safe. So set the triggers with your household and get everyone prepared for the possibility that you're going to leave if those thresholds are tripped, and then go. Call it a mini-vacation. If you end up being wrong, come on back home. Better early and wrong than right but late.

d. Rule of 3s: Three is two. Two is one. One is None. You need a redundant back up for EVERYTHING. 3 sources of income/money. 3 Sources of food/water/shelter. 3 sources of light, heat, fuel, medicine. 3 forms of self-defense. Everything needs a back up, and every back up needs a back up. House lights, flashlights, candles. There, done and done. Now, apply that to transportation. Car, bike, feet. 3 plans for every need.

e. From food to water to medical care, aim for becoming self-sufficient. If your local supply chain or power grid is down for weeks at a time, do you have your own means to provide food to your table and power for your radio or grandma's oxygen tank battery?

3. What to Expect

One of the common things that seem overwhelming when 'prepping' is to think through all of the various scenarios that you're actually preparing for. That can seem daunting, since these days even alien-invasion can't be ruled out thanks to the Navy's release of UFO videos a couple of months ago.

Luckily, we're really talking about a few main threat issues here, whatever the "cause" ends up being. Your family needs food & water, safe shelter, medicine, hygiene & first aid, and household supplies.

What you can and should be prepared for are things like:

a. Supply chain disruptions — regionally at least, if not nationally. What if Antifa-lead revolutionaries burn down and loot Amazon or Walmart warehouses (as unconfirmed internet rumors suggest they are planning)? As we saw the severe shortages on toilet-paper and some foods during the early COVID-19 shut downs, the supply chain in the US can be made fairly fragile quickly. Food is at greatest risk, and while it might seem challenging to actually have 30 days of food on hand, that should be your minimum threshold.

Antifa's & BLM protestors have explicitly targeted grocery and drug stores, as well as engaging in transportation disruptions by blocking freeways. Those techniques seem to work and to get them attention and supplies, so it's prudent to expect more of that type of activity in the future.

b. Power, Water, Telecommunication grid disruptions. COVID-19 was an interesting crisis in that much of the country was in crisis-shut-down mode, but we never lost power, water or Internet. Our cell phones still worked. But with the height of summer kicking in, The Sun beginning to wake up in Solar Cycle 25 (combined with the earth's severely weakened magnetic field) and social unrest due to protests/riots, you should have a definite plan for grid-down going forward. It's key to plan for not having Intern/Cell phones in the least, and that means ensuring that everyone in your household knows the plan ahead of time, since direct communication in an emergency might be impossible. So, everyone knows the meet up point (probably home), the GOOD plan (where you're going, the planned route to get there), and whom you're communicating with on the outside if local communications go down (usually a friend or relative out of state acting as a hub to leave messages with).

c. Banking holidays or failures may be coming. One of the telling events in the very early stages of COVID-19 was an emergency message by the head of the FDIC imploring US citizens to leave their money in the bank.

If you can afford it, you should have 1 month's worth of household expenses set aside in cash/liquid form. If you do decide it's safer for you to keep your cash in a bank, then select a local/regional savings bank, with an AA or better rating, one that does NOT engage in or offer Investment Banking. If you walk into a Branch and they have an Investment-Banking or Money Management desk, walk out and find another bank. Investment banks that take depositors cash and put it into the stock market automatically put your $ at risk, since what money you have deposited there is the Bank's money, you're legally lending it to them.

A local bank that lends money to local business owners or home-buyers and does NOT offer equities investment services is your best bet to ensure any money you have in the bank will still be there should stocks crash.

What's important to consider from a cash perspective is: what if ATMs didn't work or were offline…due to a power grid failure, official bank holiday is declared, or social unrest, etc? So imagine that scenario. Tomorrow, the plastic in your wallet or purse doesn't work. How will you pay for things?

d. Self-defense/Lack of Police Response. Wherever you are and whatever the scenario, you need to be prepared to defend yourself, your family and your property. Due to Antifa & Black Lives Matter driven Defund The Police movements, Police are under attack as never before, and are busier than ever before. There are parts of the country right now, such as Seattle and now parts of Atlanta and Minneapolis that are effectively no-go zones for Police. 911 calls for robbery, assault, even rape are going unanswered in Seattle and the city has formally turned over several square blocks to Marxist thugs. In Minneapolis, sections of the city that are heavily Somali-Muslim aren't being patrolled by cops (but instead by anti-American Islamic gangs). This isn't hyperbole, this is actually occurring on US streets. So you need to be prepared to be your family's form of self-defense and security, rather than relying on the police. Our boys in blue have a lot going on just now, so don't be a burden to them if you don't have to be.

Self-defense doesn't always mean guns. In fact, if your household isn't already armed and trained, it may be too late, as numerous gun stores are either sold out or in very short supply. If you do decide to arm yourself, please seek and gain firearms safety training and know your local laws.

Also recall that a good deal of self-defense has to do with Operational Security anyway: do your best to maintain a quiet, fairly anonymous and innocuous persona in your neighborhood. Don't make yourself or your home a target for looters, rioters or thugs. That means you don't need to brag to your neighbors that you have an underground bunker filled with a year's supply of food and ammo. If you have that, more power to you, but keep in on the down-low.

4. Observe Situational Awareness

The combat pyramid preaches an escalation process, not dissimilar to the white-house's COVID-19 response plan. Condition RED means you're actually in combat in real time. A gunfight, for example. Condition Orange is a heightened state of awareness that comes when the threat of combat is real or imminent. Condition Yellow is a state of mental and physical readiness, but not seeing any specific immediate or apparent threat. Condition white is 'safety', and really should only occur when you're asleep or dead.

Right now, most of us in big cities should be somewhere between Condition Yellow and Orange. In smaller cities or suburbs, probably Yellow is sufficient. You are prepared physically and mentally, and you are watching and listening. But you are ready to escalate into Orange if conditions worsen. Have your local news station on your car radio and on your mobile phone (most have apps you can use to access them, so get that checked off). Also there are numerous smart-phone apps that let you tap into local police/fire/emergency radio chatter, and are perfectly legal, so check out one or more of those as well. Be the first to know, so you can be the first to act. Better early and wrong, remember?

Another key factor related to situational awareness is a communication plan for your family. Develop a parallel plan, one that works via the smartphones you all carry around, and one that is back up in case cellular service experiences disruption. Even if/when local cell services goes down, the Internet in general tends to be up, so Facebook (or CODIAS if you want a Conservative alternative) can be used as a back up communication platform. And walkie-talkies at 5 Watts tend to give you several miles of range in most cities.

5. Know Your Enemy

We're in a very real fight for the heart and soul of America. If you realize that yet, at least know that is what your enemies believe, even if you don't. The movement behind Black Lives Matter is a pro-Marxist/Socialist movement, even if most of the protestors aren't aware of that (classic useful idiots paradigm) however well-intentioned they may be. The Antifa-agitators are out and out Communists, or just general anarchists. Both groups are anti-Capitalist (read: Anti-American) who wish to tear down the Constitution as is and rewrite a new one in the form of a Marxist utopian society complete with reeducation camps, no allowance for free speech or freedom of religion.

There are many who find that either difficult to accept or, like most in the Mainstream Media (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, NY Times, etc) who support those goals and so are simply lying on air and obfuscating the truth. And misinformation campaigns are being waged on Social media by Russia, China and other anti-American, pro-statist groups, just as they did in 2016 during the election.

Even the COVID-19 response by our own governments and by the UN/EU/WHO leadership should be viewed through a skeptical and anti-American-agenda lens. The UN has called for a global 10% 'tax' on all incomes to be paid to the UN, supposedly to fight the COVID-19 crisis and related supply chain disruptions, effectively a wealth transfer from the G-20 to poorer countries. The WHO has kowtowed to Beijing and the Chinese Communist Party at every turn during the crisis. And state governments have used the Pandemic as an excuse to implement cell-phone tracking, use of drones to monitor our personal behavior, and to monitor online purchases to ensure we aren't 'hoarding' food or other essential goods.

We will have to play the dual role of self-sufficient, productive Americans as well as battling statists and Marxists to save our country. But you don't get to pick one or the other. You have to be self-sufficient in order to offer America your services as a protector.

So that is where to start. Prepare yourself mentally, emotionally and spiritually first. Get your heart right with God. Mend fences with your family members, especially those who may live out of state in smaller, rural towns. Arrange to be able to go there and stay, and prep some goods there is at all possible.

6. Start a Victory Garden

Let's kill two birds with one stone here: let's plan on victory and help take care of our family's food needs in one go. Every American, yes, even those of you who may life in an apartment in a big city, should start a Victory Garden. Lots of vegetables are very easy to grow, even indoors, including beans, tomatoes, squash, dandelions (very nutritious and grows everywhere), etc. Your kids are home from school, you may be working from home some or all of the time, so there aren't many excuses. If you've never grown food before, start small and easy. A planter box or even a few window-based pots with beans and tomatoes is a good place to begin. But there are hundreds of YouTube channels, books and online tutorials that have removed all excuses save for your own laziness. So get going on this one. Make it a fun event for the family, especially if you have younger kids.

Above all, know that we are going to get through this. As Americans, we have been through hard times before, from 1776 through the Civil War, Great Depression, 60s race riots and 9/11. We can take whatever the Marxists dish out and more. All that is required is that we renew our covenant with God, and adhere to our original principles: Liberty and Justice for all. If we do that, we shall prevail and ensure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, and that the first nation of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

POLL: Was Malaysia Flight 370 taken by a WORMHOLE?

NurPhoto / Contributor | Getty Images

It's hard to know what's real and what's fake anymore.

With the insanity that seems to grow every day, it is becoming more and more difficult to tell what's true and what's not, what to believe, and what to reject. Anything seems possible.

That's why Glenn had Ashton Forbes on his show, to explore the fringe what most people would consider impossible. Forbes brought Glenn a fascinating but far-out theory that explains the decade-old disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 along with riveting footage that supposedly corroborates his story. Like something out of a sci-fi novel, Forbes made the startling claim that Flight 370 was TELEPORTED via a U.S. military-made wormhole! As crazy as that sounds, the video footage along with Forbes' scientific research made an interesting, if not compelling case.

But what do you think? Do you believe that the U.S. Government can create wormholes? Did they use one to abduct Flight 370? Is the government hiding futuristic tech from the rest of the world? Let us know in the poll below:

Does the military have the capability to create wormholes?

Is the U.S. military somehow responsible for what happened to Malaysia Flight 370?

Is the military in possession of technology beyond what we believe to be possible?

Do you think American military tech is ahead of the other superpowers?

Do you think there would be negative consequences if secret government technology was leaked? 

School today is not like it used to be...

Glenn recently covered how our medical schools have been taken over by gender-affirming, anti-racist, woke garbage, and unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. Education at all levels has been compromised by progressive ideology. From high-level university academics to grade school, American children are constantly being bombarded by the latest backward propaganda from the left. Luckily, in the age of Zoom classes and smartphones, it's harder for teachers to get away their agenda in secret. Here are five videos that show just how corrupt schools really are:

Woke teacher vandalizes pro-life display

Professor Shellyne Rodriguez, an art professor at Hunter College in New York, was caught on camera having a violent argument with a group of pro-life students who were tabling on campus. Rodriguez was later fired from her position after threatening a reporter from the New York Post, who was looking into this incident, with a machete.

Woke professor argues with student after he called police heroes

An unnamed professor from Cypress College was captured having a heated discussion with a student over Zoom. The professor verbally attacked the student, who had given a presentation on "cancel culture" and his support of law enforcement. The university later confirmed that the professor was put on leave after the incident.

Professor goes on Anti-Trump rant 

Professor Olga Perez Stable Cox was filmed by a student going on an anti-Trump rant during her human-sexuality class at Orange Coast College. This rant included Professor Cox describing Trump's election as "an act of terrorism”. The student who filmed this outburst was suspended for an entire semester along with several other punishments, including a three-page apology essay to Professor Cox explaining his actions. Orange Coast College continues to defend Professor Cox, citing the student code of conduct.

Unhinged teacher caught on video going on left-wing political rant

Lehi High School teacher Leah Kinyon was filmed amid a wild, left-wing rant during a chemistry class. Kinyon made several politically charged remarks, which included encouraging students to get vaccinated and calling President Trump a "literal moron." Despite her claims that the school admins "don't give a crap" about her delusional ramblings, a statement from Lehi High School reveals that she "is no longer an employee of Alpine School District."

Far-left Berkeley law professor melts down when a Senator asks her if men can get pregnant

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Berkeley Law Professor Khiara M. Bridges was asked by Missouri Senator Josh Hawley to clarify earlier statements involving "people with a capacity for pregnancy." The senator's line of questioning is met with a long-winded, frantic rant accusing the senator of being transphobic. When Sen. Hawley tries to clarify further, Professor Bridges makes the outrageous claim that such a line of questioning somehow leads to trans suicides.

Woke ideology trumps medicine in America's top 5 medical schools

Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

Progressive ideology has infected our most prestigious medical schools and is seeping into our medical system.

As Glenn covered in his latest TV special, "diversity, equity and inclusion" (DEI), and leftist rhetoric have overtaken science and medicine as the focus of medical schools across the nation. The next generation of doctors and nurses is being force-fed DEI and "anti-racist" nonsense at the expense of slipping standards. This has led to a decline in people's trust in the medical industry and for good reason. Woke ideology has already been the driving force behind at least one medical malpractice case, and more are undoubtedly on the way.

All of this is being spearheaded by universities, which have integrated DEI practices into the fabric of their programs. Our top medical schools now require students and staff to participate in mandatory DEI and "anti-racist" classes and training and are adjusting the standards to reflect this new shift in focus. Here are 5 statements from the top American medical schools that show that medicine is no longer their primary focus:

Harvard Medical School

Boston Globe / Contributor | Getty Images

Taken from the Harvard University "Unconscious bias" resource page:

“As members of HMS, we each have a responsibility to create an inclusive community that values all individuals. Barriers to inclusion may include assumptions we make about others that guide our interactions. Recognizing our Unconscious Bias is a critical step in developing a culture of equity and inclusion within HMS and in our partnerships with other communities.”

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Rob Carr / Staff | Getty Images

Pulled from the JHM Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity blog:

“One-hour live, virtual unconscious bias training ... [w]ill be required at all Johns Hopkins Health System (JHHS) entities for managers and above; hospital nurse leaders; credentialed providers (such as physician assistants and nurse practitioners); and for school of medicine faculty and trainees (including residents, fellows, medical and graduate students, and research postdocs), as well as those at a manager level or above.”

Stanford University School of Medicine

Philip Pacheco / Stringer | Getty Images

Found on the Stanford Medicine Commission on Justice and Equity page:

“The Commission on Justice and Equity—composed of external and internal leaders, experts, and advocates—represents an institution-wide, collaborative effort to dismantle systemic racism and discrimination within our own community and beyond.”

Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Education Images / Contributor | Getty Images

Taken from the Penn Medicine Commitment to Inclusion, Equity, and Antiracism site:

“We openly acknowledge the role of structural forces of oppression as primary drivers of the disparate health outcomes. We believe that working to reverse the underrepresentation of historically excluded groups is critical in achieving equitable health outcomes. While this is an ongoing journey for our program, here are some of the tangible steps we have taken to achieve an inclusive culture”

Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Jeenah Moon / Stringer | Getty Images

Pulled from the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, Justice, and Anti-Racism page:

"Courses are being revised to be more inclusive and informed by the key principle of race as a social construct and a social determinant of health. We are training faculty that Anti-Racism is not an add-on to a course. Anti-Racism is a pedagogy - a manner of teaching, designing courses, and measuring learning outcomes. We make sure that the classroom environment is inclusive by holding space for respectful conversation and ensuring that we address any “classroom ruptures”– a disorienting dilemma or situation when a bias or microaggression that may occur, providing real time opportunities for professional development, learning, and growth. Racist actions and remarks are never tolerated at Columbia University and will be dealt with following established protocols."

Editor's note: This article was originally published on

Critical theory once stood out as the absurd progressive notion that it is. Now, its maxims are becoming an integral part of ordinary political discourse. The more you repeat a lie, the more you will believe it, and this is the very dangerous place in which we find ourselves today.

Take this critical theory maxim as an example: If we desire justice, we must sometimes champion what may appear superficially as injustice. It's a necessary evil, if you will, the necessity of “controlled injustice.”

By using truth through fabrication and controlled injustice for justice, we’ll save the republic. We’ll be acting in a noble way.

This definition of justice is defined by the “oppressed,” not the “oppressor.” It is the greatest happiness for the greatest number. To achieve this justice, however, we need to endorse acts on occasion that, while seemingly unjust, serve a higher purpose. It will ensure the stability and the unity of our republic, and this may manifest in ways that seem contradictory to our values. But these are the necessary shadows to cast light on “true justice.”

And isn’t that what we are all after, anyway?

Here’s another critical theory maxim: Sometimes we find the truth through fabrication. Our pursuit of truth sometimes requires a strategic use of falsehoods. The truth is a construct that has been shaped and tailored to promote the well-being of the collective.

We sometimes need to accept and propagate lies designed by "the system” — not the old system, but the system that we’re now using to replace the old to get more justice through injustice and more truth through fabrication.

We’re engaging in a higher form of honesty. When we fabricate, it’s for the right reason. We are reaching up to the heavens fighting for a higher sort of honesty. To fortify the truth, we occasionally must weave a tapestry of lies. Each thread, essential for the greater picture, will ultimately define our understanding and ensure our unity under this infallible wisdom.

The election is coming up. Does this maxim sound familiar? Many think it is imperative that we secure our republic through election control to maintain our republic. Sometimes, we might need to take actions that by traditional standards might be questionable.

The act of securing elections requires cheating. It's not mere deception. It is a noble act of safeguarding our way of life. We're on the verge of losing this democracy, and without deception, we will lose it.

To ensure it doesn't fall into the hands of those we know will destroy it, we may have to make a few fabrications. We're fabricating stories to be able to control or secure the republic through our elections. By using truth through fabrication and controlled injustice for justice, we'll save the republic. Therefore, we'll be acting in a noble way. Stealing an election from those who wish to harm our society is truly an act of valor and an essential measure to protect our values and ensure the continuation of our just society.

If we desire justice, we must sometimes champion what may appear superficially as injustice.

I know it's a paradox of honor through dishonor. But in this context, by embracing the dishonor, we achieve the highest form of honor, ensuring the stability and the continuation of our great republic.

Let this be heard, far and wide, as a great call to patriotic action. As we advance, let each of us, citizens of this great and honorable republic, consider these principles. Not as abstract or paradoxical but as practical guides to daily life. Embrace the necessity of controlled injustice, the utility of lies, the duty to secure our electoral process, and the honor and apparent dishonor. These are not merely strategies for survival. They are prerequisites for our prosperity.

We all have to remember that justice is what our leaders define, that truth is what our party tells us. Our republic stands strong on the values of injustice for justice, honor through dishonor, and the fabrication of truths. To deviate from this path is to jeopardize the very fabric of our society. Strength through unity; unity through strength.

We've heard this nonsense for so long. But now, this nonsense is becoming an instituted reality, and we are entering perilous times. Don't be fooled by the narratives you will hear during the march to November. Never let someone convince you that the ends justify the means, that a little bit of injustice is needed to achieve a broader, collective vision of justice, that truth sometimes requires fabricated lies and narratives. If we do, justice will cease to be justice, truth will cease to be truth, and our republic will be lost.