Do you ever wonder why the president always brings up Hillary Clinton's lost 30,000 emails? The media has relegated this to punchline status. "There he goes again! Talking about Hillary's emails!"
But it's true. There are question marks out there that have never been answered. The president mentioned this and the missing Democratic National Caucus computer server during his press conference at the Russia summit. He simply asked, what's up with the Pakistani IT guy? Where is the server? What's going on with Hillary's emails? All questions that are threatening to turn into vapor. Will we ever find answers to ANY of them?
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These are serious questions. The president shouldn't be the only one bringing these things up. We should all be equally outraged that we still haven't been given any answers. The media acts as if they could care less, but if the content contains the words Trump and Russia? They're chomping at the bit.
So are these questions simply unimportant? Let's look real quickly at one of them: Hillary's emails. If you ask any Democrat, they'll tell you it's a witch hunt and conspiracy theory. Even some Republicans don't care anymore. So, should you care about it anymore?
If you watched Peter Strzok's hearing in front of Congress last week, you might have seen the grilling he got from Congressman Louie Gohmert. In that line of questioning, Gohmert dropped a bomb so huge that I can't believe no one is talking about it.
Gohmert revealed that the Intelligence Community Inspector General found an "anomaly on Hillary Clinton's emails going through their private server, and when they had done the forensic analysis, they found that her emails, every single one except four, over 30,000, were going to an address that was not on the distribution list."
Hillary's unprotected server had been hacked, and her emails were being siphoned away to an "unauthorized source that was a foreign entity unrelated to Russia."
Can you imagine the damage that did?
THIS… IS… INSANE. Who was stealing the friggin Secretary of State for the United State's work emails? Can you imagine the damage that did? Let's see, did anything unusual happen during Hillary Clinton's tenure? We found out last year that between 2010 to 2012, China had completely dismantled the CIA's covert operation network within their country. It was unprecedented and no one knew how they did it. Up to 20 U.S. agents were murdered or imprisoned. One had been shot in front of his colleagues in front of a government building.
The CIA was baffled. They figured they either had a mole or that they had been hacked. Little did they know, someone was quite literally reading the State Department's mail. So… are these questions important? Just ask the families of the Americans that died in China. The president shouldn't be the only one leading the charge on this. We should all be demanding answers!