It was the most expensive midterm election in modern history. Record amounts of cash poured in. From the very next day after the 2016 election, the left was out marching and hashtag resisting. They designed ridiculous-looking hats and even weaponized high school kids, plastering them all over cable news. And then later — because why not? — leading a march of their own on Washington, D.C. The Blue Wave was coming!
Aaaaand... then last night happened.
RELATED: Election Day: It's not about him, no matter how much THEY want it to be
The Blue Wave ended up being a Blue... ripple. Yes, Democrats now control the House, but they actually lost seats in the Senate.
Is one step forward but one step backward what the left was hoping for? Is picking up around 20 seats in the House a Blue Wave? In the 2010 midterm elections, the GOP picked up 63 seats when they took over the House. That was a wave.
So what does all this mean? Well, for me, the biggest lesson from all this is not what Democrats have gained — the House — but rather what they've lost. The perceived narrative was that anyone who didn't agree with the left was instantly and permanently branded a fascist, a bigot, a racist and even a nazi.
If a Blue Wave would have actually happened, it would have justified their accusations — at least in their eyes. But half the country wasn't fazed by this. They stood their ground and boldly declared, "WE WON'T BE COWERED BY THAT! YOU CAN'T SCARE US WITH THIS ANY MORE!"
The media's headlines today highlight America's division, but I actually saw unity.
The media's headlines today highlight America's division, but I actually saw unity. And not only among the right-leaning voters, but also among the right-leaning media. Last night, something happened that I've been hoping to see since I started this little project... my company. I've been looking for those of us outside traditional media to stand together.
During our election coverage we had collaboration with CRTV, the Daily Wire, and the Daily Caller... it was amazing. We all shared content together.
So the left won the House, but they might just have lost their biggest tool — their ability to use shame, guilt and fear as a weapon. Democrats, you have the House. Why don't you use it to show us what you really stand for? Will it just be to launch petty investigations to continue whining about what you lost back in 2016, or will you actually try and get something done?
I mean, you got killed in the Senate, so you won't get anything done anyway — but still — show us if there's more substance to you than name-calling and division.