We've all heard the Fable of the Fox and the Chickens. About a sneaky fox that tricks everyone into believing that it is the best animal to protect the chickens. Only to eat them all.
In the wake of the terrible shooting in Pittsburgh at the Tree of Life Synagogue, the Women's March, which is incredibly well-funded for a grassroots campaign, came out in pearl-clutching support of the victims, not without plenty of underhanded digs at President Trump and America, with its ghastly "xenophobia."
RELATED: The hypocritical feminism of Linda Sarsour
Their official statement on Twitter:
Today we are turning our grief to action with @jewishaction to send a clear message that these anti-semitic and xenophobic attacks can never happen again. If you're not in DC, tune in around 3pm to our Facebook page to watch and share the livestream.
There's one truly peculiar thing about the Women's March showing support for the synagogue shooting: three of its highest-ranking members have a history of vehement anti-Semitism. Above all of them, Linda Sarsour.
Sarsour's main concern is attacking America and destroying its western values, so that it can be more amenable to Islam. Sarsour is full of hatred. Everything she says is hateful. So any time she has words of support for something, the red flags pop up.
Earlier this month alone, Sarsour tweeted a vague threat to Senator Collins for voting to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and her choice of language, as usual, was racist and bigoted, while pretending to be virtuous:
A white woman Senator is talking about presumption of innocence that is never offered to Black men in America. You are watching white supremacy live on the Senate Floor. #SusanCollins #CancelKanavaugh.
She called the Democratic process "White supremacy" being performed "live on the Senate floor." And what's that part about "Black men"? What does that have to do with Kavanaugh?
In the wake of the shooting in Pittsburg, Sarsour's anti-Israel, and at times anti-semetic rhetoric has taken quite a turn. Suddenly she's Judaism's biggest champion.
Even Courtney Love — yes, that Courtney Love, the one who was married to Kurt Cobain—even she has called out Sarsour's blatant anti-Semitism. Her exact words were that Linda Sarsour is an anti-Semitic terrorist.
Sarsour has—repeatedly—advocated for the boycott of Israel, and has long called for the dissolution of Israel. She is violently pro-Palestine and anti-Israel, and she has rarely shown support for Israel or the Jewish community, yet now, all of a sudden, she's had a change of heart? I shouldn't have to say what important political event is about to take place.
Linda Sarsour is just being a faithful Muslim. A sharp-minded fox guarding the chicken coop.
Above all else, Sarsour is an extremist. Her loyalty to Islam demands that she put it before everything else. And, within Islam, and all throughout the Koran, there is the doctrine of deception. Muslims are forbidden from mixing with people of other faiths. Yet, they must do everything to convert and to spread Islam.
Hence the doctrine of deception, wherein lying is encouraged, the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences" or "gain the upper-hand over an enemy", and to "advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them." In Quran 3:54 Allah himself is described as "the best of deceivers."
Linda Sarsour is just being a faithful Muslim. A sharp-minded fox guarding the chicken coop.