Yesterday, President Trump gave a speech at the White House, addressing the migrant caravan that is slowly approaching the American border. In many ways, Trump's speech was an affirmation for the many people who voted for him to be President, proof that they voted for the right person.
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There was a lot to take away from the speech. If I had to pick one moment that encapsulated the entire speech, I'd probably go with this moment, when a reporter asked President Trump whether or not troops will fire on migrants in the caravan:
Word for Word: Pres. Trump Says Rocks Thrown by Migrants "Will Be Considered" Firearms (C-SPAN)
Those are John Wayne words right there. No doubt about what he means, or why he's saying it, or what he plans to do. It is undeniably American. It embodies the American spirit, a spirit that you won't find anywhere else. A unique spirit. Scrappy. Bold. Unwavering. Strong.
President Trump faces a barrage of hate daily. Daily. A level of hatred that is almost unprecedented.
President Trump faces a barrage of hate daily. Daily. A level of hatred that is almost unprecedented. And, we all know the man has his flaws, but he has just as many moments like yesterday, when he performs the job as President in a commanding and impressive way.
The Obama years will likely go down in history, after all the haze of the media's fangirl "I've got a crush on cool guy Obama" obsession clears, as dark years, when a menace took office and brought the country into a seemingly incurable pain. And these years, the Trump years, despite all the venom from the media and academia and the Left in general — these will be the years remembered as the days of redemption. A time when America returned to itself, after nearly a decade of anti-American sentiment and rhetoric, and the toxic nonsense always threatening destruction.
We're living in historic times, folks. Trying as they often are, these are historic times.