Jack Dorsey is the multi-billionaire Co-Founder and CEO of Twitter. And he's got very high moral standards for his platform. It's a totally free speech platform, for most people. I mean there are exceptions of course, just like everything else in life. Some people don't have the right views, therefore they don't belong on Twitter. It's understandable, just like some minorities don't belong in certain countries. You know, like the Rohingya ethnic minority in Myanmar, also known as Burma.
Burma? What does that have to do with Jack Dorsey and Twitter? Apparently, a lot. You see, Mr. Dorsey knows a ton about virtue-signaling by banning certain users who don't adhere to his Progressive tenets. But when it comes to real-life virtue, he is now the Beethoven of tone-deafness.
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Dorsey was very proud of his recent ten-day meditation vacation, so last weekend he let the world know how virtuous it was. He tweeted that his meditation was all about, "Understanding the inner nature as a way to understand everything. It [his form of meditation] was rediscovered by Gautama the Buddha 2,500 years ago through rigorous scientific self-experimentation to answer the question: how do I stop suffering?"
Isn't that neat? The multi-billionaire went on a silent meditation vacation to look inside himself and figure out how can he stop suffering. Meanwhile, the place where he took his vacation and tweeted those precious moments is a place full of suffering called Burma.
A recent "unprecedented" U.N. report concludes that Burma's military regime has pursued a campaign of genocide against the Rohingya Muslim minority for the past year and a half. The regime is accused of mass rape and murder. Over 720,000 Rohingya have fled their homeland for Bangladesh, creating the largest refugee camp in the world.
Isn't that neat? The multi-billionaire went on a silent meditation vacation to look inside himself and figure out how can he stop suffering.
But hey, the food in Burma is great according to Dorsey, who also mentioned the swell time he had listening to the music of Kendrick Lamar once the silent part of his retreat was over. He tweeted:
Myanmar is an absolutely beautiful country. The people are full of joy and the food is amazing.
Well, some of the people are full of joy maybe. On one hand, it's hard to understand why a seemingly intelligent, billionaire CEO would choose to vacation in an oppressive regime like Burma. Then again, forcing out people based on their beliefs may have just made Dorsey feel right at home.