Violent Leftists are set to descend on Washington D.C. and Charlottesville this weekend, but you probably won't hear it reported that way. Sunday marks the one year anniversary of the "Unite The Right" rally, and a state of emergency has already been declared to free up additional law enforcement and the National Guard. Over two thousand demonstrators are set to show up in D.C. alone.
But no matter how the participants in these organized riots try to sell this, and no matter how the media covers it, "Uniting The Right" has nothing to do with the true American Right and especially not with Conservatism. And this is absolutely crucial for everyone to not only understand but to also scream from the mountaintops. We reject their racism. We reject their violence. We reject everything they stand for.
RELATED: Where Did the Alt-Right Go?
We also reject their Leftist principles. In fact, instead of calling this rally "Unite The Right 2," they should have called it "Unite The Left." In fact, if the two sides actually listened to one another, I think they'd struggle to find something they disagree on.
Let's take immigration off the board. Can you imagine how the conversation would go?
"We demand single payer healthcare!!"
"So do we!!!"
"Oh yeah, well we won't rest until we get Socialism!!"
"Neither will we!!!!"
Don't let any media outlet or person try and tell you that what happens this weekend has anything at all to do with the Right or Conservatism.
Then they'd both descend into smashing windows and beating people up before realizing… "wait a second. How are we different again? Oh yeah, your racism is directed towards one group while my racism is directed at another… but our side's racism is stronger!!!"
Don't let any media outlet or person try and tell you that what happens this weekend has anything at all to do with the Right or Conservatism. This is about two groups of like minded Leftists that just can't come to an understanding on which direction they want to direct their racism and bigotry. That's all this is.