I learned a valuable lesson from the Smithsonian when I visited recently. They showed me this big drawer in their room of politics where they store banners and the flags from the Thomas Jefferson campaign. They pulled open a drawer and in this drawer was all the stuff collected from you, from our rallies.
I asked why they would have all of this stored in their museum and the answer taught me something profound.
He said: "We're not sure if it will ever go on display or be worth anything but we have found that it's easier to grab things from history early and hold on to them, than it is to go back and find them and buy them later."
I think there are some things that are going to disappear from history and it's already happening in North Korea. They are getting rid of all of their anti-American propaganda posters and those have been a staple in North Korea. There are a few things that are disappearing that I sure would love your help with.
What I'm really looking for are any of the fliers, any of the posters, anything that are handouts, that are calling for revolution or mob justice or anything that marks today's political climate.
If you have a chance to grab those, please do and send them to me here at Mercury Studios in Dallas, Texas. Because we need to collect all of the things that are going on today. If you have something you think we might like to get our hands on, send me an email here and we'll send you the address of where to send them.
Thank you and God bless,