Rule of law... or mob rule? The presumption of innocence… or guilty as accused? That's the precipice we appear to be standing on right now. Sure, Judge Kavanaugh was ultimately confirmed and then sworn onto the Supreme Court, but if you think things will now get better you've got an extremely rude awakening coming.
The Left successfully weaponized the mob to storm the offices of the Senate in the thousands. There were over 300 arrests made. They chased Senators into elevators and screamed at them. They released private information on the internet so more of the mob could follow people to their homes or call their phones. They yelled and jeered at Ted Cruz and his wife while on a date night in a restaurant. They even sent Cory Gardner's wife a text message depicting a decapitation. They nearly ruined Kavanaugh and his family's life. They wanted to destroy him… and based off of what? An allegation that had zero corroboration or evidence. Ask every single one of them in private, and there's no way they would be doing this if it were they, or someone in their family, who was being accused.
But this is where we're at. We're at the beginning of the race, not the end. Today it's accusations of sexual assault, but tomorrow it will be something else… mark my words. We're going to see it all. It's going to get more brutal and vicious the further this goes. Politico wrote an article yesterday called:
Democrats Fear They're the Wet Rag Party: Kavanaugh's victory leaves many on the left saying it's time to get mad - and even.
This tweet accompanied the article:
After failing to stop Kavanaugh's confirmation, Democrats wonder if it's time to be more ruthless.
More ruthless? Do I dare ask how you can get more ruthless than what we've seen over the past month? They already tried accusing a man of mass gang rape and serial sexual assault. They called him a blackout drunk. This Politico article is just one of a blitzkrieg of other similar articles pushed out over the weekend. They sound exactly like the mob that has been harassing and doxxing Senators last week. They're echoing the mob charges that Republicans somehow pulled off some kind of scam. Ultimately... they're helping pave the way for mob rule.
We're in for a populist battle.
A man was accused of rape and sexual assault. There was nothing credible to back up that claim, so what else do they seriously expect? I'll tell you what: They expect a system where Pilate washes his hands and lays the fate of life or death in the hands of a bloodthirsty crowd. We're in for a populist battle. Radical Left vs whatever remains of the sane in both the Democratic Party and the GOP. This is only just the beginning. Get ready for chaos.