This is a twist the Left did not see coming.
For months, the Left's pet cause was opposing President Trump for his snatching of children from their parents at the border and locking them in cages (at least, that's how mainstream media presented the situation). In June, a federal judge in San Diego ordered that parents and children be reunited, and the government has complied.
RELATED: Poll shows we agree on immigrant children issue. Then what's dividing us?
But over the weekend, Reuters reported an update to this saga that throws a wrench in the narrative. Here's the twist: many Central American parents who have been separated from their children and deported, don't want to be reunited with them.
That's crazy talk, right? What parents wouldn't want to be reunited with their kids? Reuters must be using Trump supporters as their main source for this story. Actually, it's the ACLU pointing out this problem – not exactly an organization that usually counters the Left's narrative.
On Friday, an ACLU lawyer told a federal judge in San Diego that they've had "difficult conversations with the parents this week" and "As much as they want to be with their child, and it's heartbreaking, they feel it's too dangerous."
This ACLU lawyer told the judge that they've been in Guatemala trying to find the parents of 300 children currently in U.S. care, but that almost two-thirds of the parents are refusing to have their children returned to them.
According to the ACLU's court report, parents refused to be reunited with 109 out of 162 children. The ACLU says some parents who refused have older children that they fear will be recruited by violent gangs if they return home in Central America.
Our border and immigration issues are not as clear-cut as media coverage would have you believe.
Others who refused are hoping their children end up with relatives already living in the U.S.
This report proves what some of us have pointed out all along, that our border and immigration issues are not as clear-cut as media coverage would have you believe.
The whole border focus this year has been about painting the Trump administration as heartless and cruel for separating families. Yet a largely ignored part of the story is the fact that many of these families are so desperate to spare their children from the harsh realities of their home countries that they're absolutely fine with separation. As long as it means that their children get to stay in the U.S.