Following the Mueller Report, Democrats have a lot of pie on their faces, and they're desperate to pump up their inflatable muscles in time for the 2020 Presidential Elections.
Monday, President Trump re-introduced his attack on Obamacare, provoking fervor among Democrats and the mainstream media, both of whom are desperate to distract us from the fact that they've essentially spent the past two years rallying around a "MUELLER WILL DEFEAT DRUMPF" banner, only to, as I mentioned, end up with pie-covered faces.
Remember, last year, a Texas judge made strides to invalidate Obamacare. Trump has been relatively quiet about it, but this week he doubled down, and the Department of Justice announced that Trump intends to axe the entire Obamacare law.
The New York Times put a squad of reporters on the story, which is titled: "What Happens if Obamacare Is Struck Down?"
In case you can't guess where they stand on the issue, here's the subheader: "The Affordable Care Act touches the lives of most Americans. Some 21 million could lose health insurance if the Trump administration were to succeed in having the law ruled unconstitutional."
So, is there a chance this could go to the Supreme Court?
In 2012, the Supreme Court has twice upheld Obamacare, and five of the justices who upheld the law are still on the Court.
According to the Associated Press:
Several GOP senators said Tuesday that Trump told them to ensure those with pre-existing conditions stayed protected as they work on an Obamacare replacement. Republicans appeared ready to back up the president on health care for now. Trump is 'thinking that's the issue that defines us as conservatives,' Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind.
Here's what our favorite real-life Nurse Ratchet/House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi had to say:
Nancy Pelosi Announces ‘Big Step To Lower Health Care Costs’ | NBC
Is this just positioning for an election or does it have a chance?
Well, yesterday, the Donald himself tweeted, "The Republican Party will become 'The Party of Healthcare!'"
Who knows what that means.