If you are a parent, tonight’s show on BlazeTV… IS MANDATORY! You can’t afford to miss it. We are in a culture war. There is no other option but to fight it. To refuse is to surrender, and an entire generation of CHILDREN is at stake here.
We, as concerned parents, have been fighting back against both CRT and the new Comprehensive Sexuality Education. And we’ve been doing a good job, but we are only fighting a fraction of what’s really going on in our kid’s schools.
The new system that’s being pushed through public schools all over the country, is receiving federal funds — EN MASSE — and the program has roots that go all the way to the Center for Disease Control. Its collaborators have powerful lobbies, like Planned Parenthood, who coordinate with each other on school curriculum. And I'll show you the proof tonight.
The people pushing this on our children want to turn teachers into an evil hybrid of sociologists and psychiatrists. This is their stated goal for this program. They say it’s a process, quote:
Through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.
It’s designed to sound benign, but why do they feel TEACHERS are qualified to do all that? Why does there need to be a government-backed program to guide it all along? Let’s dig further. Here are a few questions — straight from the curriculum — that they want teachers to ask themselves in order to instruct their students:
1. Can you recall times or events in which your identity (race/ ethnicity, social class status or gender) were made obvious or important to you?
2. In what ways does your identity . . . inform who you are as an educator?
3. In what ways have you taken action to impact change when you recognize inequity in your school?
4. How do historic and systemic issues of inequity contribute to your understanding of the root causes of the problems you see?
What do you think? Take the poll:
It gets a lot worse, and I’m going to reveal and break down for you tonight all the ways they are trying to brainwash our kids. Some of the little tricks include exercises that mention “ceremonies” and “rituals." This is from their curriculum, they are their words… not mine, and it just might be in your child’s school RIGHT NOW. If you live in Austin, TX and your kid goes to public school… it’s there.
Tune in tonight on BlazeTV at 9 pm Eastern. Again, if you are a parent, this show is MANDATORY. Tonight… Project Groomer: Exposing the Secret Plan to Brainwash Your Kids