14 ways to PREPARE for food shortages around the world

Inflation is high in America, but that’s not the only place. Other countries — like Peru, for example — already are experiencing some terrifying consequences from high prices around the world. That — coupled with the war in Ukraine — means we could be facing not only food shortages, but shortages in fuel, fertilizer, aluminum, and neon as well. So, what can we do NOW to prepare? Glenn lists 14 WAYS to prepare for food shortages, inflation, and unpredictability TODAY.

Watch Glenn's entire Wednesday Night Special on this topic here:


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So we have inflation. We all know that we have inflation. And it's not just here in America. Inflation many Peru, is getting so bad now, the proven authorities, have -- have been in a scuffle in the streets. Six people were reported dead. Then the president came out, put a state of emergency out. Placed the capital under curfew.

The next morning, he had to backtrack, and withdrew the curfew. Because nobody listened to that curfew. His -- I love this statement. You're going to love this, Stu. His statement to the press is, Peru is not really going through a good moment. Suboptimal.

STU: Suboptimal. Yes.

GLENN: Suboptimal. Now 11 people are Ted. It's because of high gas prices. High food prices. Everything is hitting the economy. Their inflation now is 9.5 percent. Almost 10 percent, is what they're dealing with. We're at 7.5. But that's on me at 7.5. But that's because you calculated it the way we did when we had inflation like this last time during the 1970s and '80s. We would be about at 15 percent inflation. That's the real number, that you're feeling right now. Not this 7.9 or 7.5 percent.

STU: Which is still really bad.

GLENN: Still bad. Still really bad. So they're trying to blame the rise of gas prices on the Ukrainian war. And that is contributing. But prices were already on the rise, before invasion began. And that's because we're flooding the U.S. dollar, all across the world. I mean, Noah, build a freaking ark. The money wave is coming. In Germany, if you went to the grocery store on Sunday, this just a few days ago, you bought groceries. If you forgot something, you really regretted it. If you went to the grocery store, on Monday. Because Monday, food prices went up between 20 and 50 percent on every item. They're freaking out, just a little bit.

Now, farmers and ranchers have been ringing this bell for a while. But the federal government is not doing anything. About the real crisis, that is happening with the farms and the ranches. Why? ESG. They're going to cripple them. But in the meantime, if you look at the food commodity price index, it's up with vegetable oil. Cereals. Dairy, meat, sugar. Way above normal. And rising. A large chunk of the wheat production, comes from Ukraine and Russia. Bizarrely, not us anymore. I don't know when that changed. But it's shameful. Shameful what we have done. Not only is the wheat production now closing down in Ukraine and Russia. But also fertilizer. Just from inflation and the Ukrainian war, we are now looking at shortages, coming in food, fuel, fertilizer, aluminum, and neon. Yes? No more -- no more heat signs. Can't make them. Can't make them. Actually, neon is -- is used to make silicon chips. We use them for high-tech.

STU: Oh, no issue with that. No chip shortage whatsoever.

GLENN: Yeah. Now, aluminum affects the price of all your canned goods. China is locking back down again. Due to another wave of covid. And it was as serious as it was the last time, when everything stopped coming from China.

We don't have any idea how bad this is going to get. We are now -- listen to this. We are now the largest food importer, in the world. We import more food, than anyone else. China has more than double our population. Yet, we double the amount of food, that we import.

STU: And for, what? Almost four times our population.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. But we import double than they do. That should tell you, how out of control this country is. How we have just paid attention to all of the wrong things. We aren't making our own medicines anymore. We're not making anything. If the world -- nobody is really talking about this. If the world does go bipolar, we now have a unipolar world. The United States and the West pretty much runs everything. You go bipolar, like we did with the Cold War, all of that fuel, that comes from the Soviet Union, all of the medicine and chips, and everything else, that comes from China. Gone. What does that mean for us? So here's what it means to me. Prepare. And I want to go through some things, with you. On how to prepare your family. Now, I know that Bloomberg has said, ride the bus. Or my favorite was, eat beans. I love that one.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: I mean, at least Marie Antoinette said, cake. You know what I mean?

STU: He is riding the bus to Bermuda?

GLENN: Yeah. He is. Yeah, he is. He has a house down there. So let me give you a few things that I came up with, and also Carol Roth, who is going to be on the program tomorrow. Also came up with. And she's been working with people online, saying, okay. What are you doing? We have to think like our grandparents, if your grandparents survived the Great Depression. Inflation means your -- your dollar. It's not the price of the goods that is going up. This is so important to understand. And you can learn about it in the Tuttle Twins books. It means that your dollar is worth less.

The products aren't worth more. Your dollar is -- has buying power that has been lessened. Okay? So when -- when the prices increase, what you can buy decreases in volume. Okay? For item that see are going to go up in price. And this is an article, by Carol Roth, at You try to lock in the prices today. This is something I've been saying, if you need something, buy two. Store the other one, and don't use it. Don't use it.

This way, you're not paying the higher price in the future. You're saving money, by buying two of everything right now. Also, you might want to talk to goods and services providers, to see if they can give you a discount on any bulk purchase, or paying in full today. Just make sure that the goods aren't perishable, or that you know how to properly store them. For any ongoing services, you prebuy. Make sure they're from companies you believe will still be in business, when you need to use them. She said Twitter followers responded that they are cutting out grocery stores, and going straight to the farmers. This is a fantastic idea. Some are finding friends and families to split a cow for meat, freezing as much as they can, to secure better pricing. Others with the ability to care for them. Are getting chickens for eggs. Et cetera. Many individuals are planting or canning Venezuela, dealing directly with local farmers, via the farmer's market. Or contacting them directly. And this is helping keep important food prices down. I can't recommend highly enough, that you either plant your own food. If you're a farmer, plant your food. If you have space for a garden, plant your own food. You can't do any of those things. Go meet the farmers. And talk to them directly. Because they need your support. And you need their food. The other thing is, get into a farmer's market. And if you don't have a farmer's market, start one. We need farmer's markets in all of our towns. You've got to think locally. One of the Twitter followers, with Carol said, in December, I established a local liberty urban homestead market. It's a group on Facebook. The goal is to set aside some space we have, in our urban and suburban homes, to grow or raise something, to exchange with others. Completely voluntary. Tee centralized. And pier to pier. This is really a great idea. Anything that you can do, that is voluntary. Decentralized. And peer-to-peer is great. Bartering is peer-to-peer. And it is always used in tough economic times. Goods. Food products. All of it can be bartered. If you have a skill, like you need somebody to tell you a story. I'm there. I'm there. You know what I mean? I've got skills that are -- oh. So valuable, in things like the great depression. Yeah. I can -- I can sit and talk. Or not talk.

I could tell stories.

STU: I don't know that you're capable of not talking. I think there's just talking.

GLENN: All right. Well, I can work on the rest of that. I've got no skills. You and I both, we're dead.

STU: Oh, toast.

GLENN: We starve to death. I got no skills.

STU: We provide finely marbled meat to farmers.

GLENN: That's exactly right. If you go the barter route, make sure you're very clear of the expectations of both parties. Having something written down helps avoid problems in the future.

Also, note that barter transactions are taxable. Make sure you keep track of the bartering, and speak with your accountant for guidance on how to account for all of this and the tax implications. You have to do that. If you want to -- this brings me to the next thing, that I think is one of the toughest. Location, location, location. Live near like-minded people. Lots of them. Texas. Florida. Mountains. Any place. The Amish. Any place -- I mean, you would have to wear black. But you can blend in. But I can't use the blender or the TV or the radio? What? Just put on a black dress. You're fine. I mean, even if you're a man, you will be fine. They are so woke. Any place where God plays a role. Because you are going to need to be around like-minded people, who believe in a higher power. For good. That's kind of important. If you can't move, fine. Most people can't. If you can't move, create a network of people. Find a network, and create it. Start your 9/12 Project. To get whatever it is. But find a network of people, around you. That you can contact, and you can work together. Don't be alone.

By the way, when this hits, where you are, is where you will be. I am convinced of that. I could be wrong. But I don't see people buying a lot of gas for trucks and things going across the country. When it happens, that's where you will be. Make sure you think about that, right now. Moving is a serious consideration. It is so tough. I've got kids in school. You've had maybe kids in school. Family. You've built a life. It's really tough. But at least consider it, if you are alone, in the area.

I'm going to take a quick break, then I'm going to come back, and talk to you a little bit about money. Electronics. Your school, and your life at home, and life at work, coming up in just a second. First, let me tell you about the Tuttle Twins. You know, I just mentioned that inflation is a big part of our life. Inflation is so important, to understand. And if you don't understand, what inflation is, how it works, who is responsible, how to get out of inflation. We're in real trouble. The Tuttle Twins books. I've told you about for a while.

They are for your kids. And they help your kids learn really important principles. This one is the creature from Jekyll island. I'm bringing this one up. This one is from a series, but you can buy this book. Actually, I've asked them to give it away for free. I think this is so important. Every household should have this. Even if you think you can explain it. Even if you think you know what the fed is, how it works. What inflation is. Get this book, and pass it on to somebody. Because it's really easy to understand it. It's the Tuttle Twins and the creature from Jekyll island. Vital. So vital, that I have asked them to give it for free. All you pay for is shipping. So go to while the supplies last. Get your free copy from the Tuttle Twins. The Creature from Jekyll island. Ten-second station ID.


GLENN: Just trying to go down a list of things to be prepared for. This list at We also have to take the preparedness test. I would love to take that with you. See how different we are. That's at How prepared are you.

STU: I don't know if I would be embarrassed by that. Because my outcome would be terrible compared to yours. But that's always been the case. Of all situations. So far, it's worked out okay.

GLENN: Worked out okay. Keep going. Soy sauce. Duck sauce. You're fine. You're fine.

STU: Right. That's all the food groups.

GLENN: That's right.

STU: Soy sauce is one food group. Duck sauce is the other.

GLENN: It's meat and vegetables. That's what it is. What else to a need? You have soy. It's a vegetable.

STU: It's pretty much a vegetable. Duck sauce is not made from duck. But we can count it.

GLENN: I think it is. All right. So let me go with money. The money that you have right now, you are going to lose. Let's put $1,000 in your bank account. You will lose 10 percent of that, every year. Just leaving it in the bank account. 10 percent of that, every year. For the next ten years.

So what does that leave you with, at the end?

STU: That's not good. I'll tell you that.

GLENN: It's not good. It's not good. And that's not coming from me. That's coming from Barack Obama's Treasury secretary. He said that a couple of weeks ago. And he said, that's baked in. That's bare minimum. Bare minimum.

So your money is going to be worth less and less, until it's worthless. And then they will change over in the currency. So what do you have as a storehouse, to be able to keep your money valued at something?

What can you buy that will forever hold its value? Well, that's where gold and silver come in. Some people will say bitcoin. That's risky. I mean, but everything is. But gold and silver, I know, and silver can be used for bartering. Gold can be used for bartering. It's -- it's good that way. And it's Biblical. I mean, it's been there forever. When the world goes insane, and governments go insane. They devalue their money. And everybody returns to gold. So gold.

But also, food has great value. Cigarettes have some value. Liquor. I mean, let me just tell you. As an alcoholic, I would have -- I would have -- I would have -- you know, you have a problem with your neighbor. I would have eaten them, if I had to. If you had alcohol, and I had none.

So -- but I'm not saying play off the desperate alcoholics. But I am saying --

STU: That seems what you're saying.

GLENN: Well, it's not that I'm not saying that. But I am saying that it is also medicinal. It is something --

STU: Ah. I like that -- that's an alcoholic talking right there. Oh, it's medicinal.

GLENN: If anybody watch 1883 -- if you saw what they had to do in 1883, I better have a lot of alcohol on my hands. So, anyway, alcohol. Cigarettes. Sugar. Ammunition. Guns. Seeds. Those are all very, very important. Skills are really important. I mean, can you fix an engine? I can't. I can't fix a new engine. No. I don't know anybody that can fix a new engine. But I can't even fix an old engine. Which brings me via a truck or vehicle in 1979. Something you can learn to fix yourself.

Try to have at least two weeks, if you can. Thirty days of cash on hand. So, in other words, whatever you spend, if you can, have it, I think for a couple of weeks. If you can. It's a lot of money. But try to have whatever it is that you would spend, minimal, that way, if there is a banking crisis, which this will go into a bank shutdown. Like it did in the 1930s. They will do that. And you're going to need to have something on hand. Otherwise, you're like. But George! All my money is in the savings and loan. You're going to need to have some cash. More in just a minute.


No, it's not. Not good.

Stu just said, I have an old pre-1979 car, but it's British. Nope. Won't do. You can fix it, but you will just fix it again tomorrow. Listen to this. Car Shield. Car Shield can help you.

The -- the problem is, is that we look at the today problems. Not the future problems.

And the future problems are the ones you're looking at, that always spring up. And you're like, what? Here's the way to beat inflation or high cost of your automobile. It's an insurance policy, really for your car. When your warranty runs out. This is health insurance for your car. You will save 10 percent, if you sign up for it now. They have all kinds of different plans you can pick from. But you also lock in the pricing forever. So as long as you own that car, you don't get a price increase. No matter what they're being charged, Car Shield pays for it. And you don't pay anymore. Lock this price in. 800-391-8888. 800-391-8888.

STU: All the details on how to prepare were on the show last night. Don't miss it. The promo code is the Alamo.

(OUT AT 9:28AM)

GLENN: This is the Glenn Beck Program. I'm going through some things I went through last night on the Wednesday night special. About what is coming, and how to prepare. It's not to freak anybody out. Well, let me just tell you this. This might freak you out. We all survive, okay? Most of us. We survive. Make it through this. It's going to be bumpy and rough. But we've done it before. Humans have done this before. We are very -- literally and figuratively, out of shape. We don't understand -- don't waste. We don't understand reuse. Repair. We don't get that. We are a very disposable group of people. The head of BlackRock came out, what was it? Last week, and said, you know, this is a generation of people who just want everything now. And they've never had to deal with real need. And they've got a real eye-opening experience. Oh, well, thank you Mr. BlackRock. But we do. We all do. All of us. And I can't tell you -- hmm. You know what's weird? I do this show for everybody. But I know there are people that listen to this show differently. Have ears that hear and eyes that see. And so I hope you're in that category. But if you are, and I take this medicine myself, believe me. We have to be in shape. We have to have our bodies in shape. It's going to be harder for medicine. And everything else. There will be shortages of things. So we just need to be as healthy as we can be. Eat the right things. And be as -- and do that mind, body, and spirit. It's critical. And sometime in the future, I'll explain why. But start on that now. Buy a house. Buy property. Don't overspend. Don't get crazy. But don't be afraid of the future. Don't be afraid of the future. You have to move on -- everything I'm doing right now, has a double purpose. If it doesn't serve now and through a storm, I don't do it. I've changed a lot here recently. I feel strongly, that the seasons have changed. And -- and with it, I am shockingly, to myself changing as well.

STU: Because you've talked about the Case-Shiller Index. And how it is right now. This is a very overheated housing market. Right now, is it the time to buy?

GLENN: I guess -- I don't want to give anybody financial advice. What I'm trying to say, I guess. Is don't -- don't spend your days, worrying about tomorrow. Do the next right thing. Okay? Understand that what's coming tomorrow, is unlike anything we've witnessed in our lifetime. Unless you lived through the Great Depression. We have not witnessed anything like this before. And so you've got to think out of the box. That's why our grandparents were so afraid. Because they didn't think that kind of stuff could happen. And then it happened. And they were pretty prepared for things. Because they lived, you know, on farms. They canned and everything else. So they weathered that storm. But it freaked them out, so much. That all the way until my who can't understand parents died, they were still saving every scrap. Every can. Every -- wrapping paper. They always saved all of. And they used to say, you don't know how fast it can come. Well, we don't. We don't even think it can come. So stop all excess spending. Stop spending on stupid stuff. And when you do buy things, buy quality. You've got to teach your kids, and maybe yourself, don't buy things with holes in it, okay? Because you'll earn those holes. Those clothes will have holes in it eventually. Measure twice, cut once. Consider fuel efficient trucks and SUVs. If you can find them. Make -- get off electronics as much as you can. Make paper copies of all of your paper documents. Know where the deeds are to anything that you own. Learn to use a map. Teach your kids on how to use a map and then have maps. When it comes to business. If you are -- somebody else's employee, be the one employee, that no one can fire. Be the Swiss army knife. Whatever needs to be done, do it. Don't wait for anybody to ask. You see something, do it. Be the American worker, that we used to be. If you are in business for yourself, be the product or the service, that no one can cancel. Stay in business, just preserve. Preserve, preserve. Honesty, integrity, and charity. Needs -- it's paramount in business. And really, in life. No one is going to know who to trust, in -- unless you have engaged in honesty, if you have integrity, and you are known as a charitable, kind, helpful person. You're -- you're not going to help anybody. Because nobody is going to listen to anybody. You need to be known as a source of good and light. This is a conversation we're having with my kids right now. I'm not sending you to school. You want to go to school. Fine. You pay for it. But I'm not paying for your destruction. Also, I don't think everybody needs to have those -- the higher education. I'm not enamored by Yale or Harvard or Columbia. I don't really care. I don't really care. Did you learn what you needed to learn. Now, I mean if you're a doctor, meaning, an actual hands in someone's chest doctor, yeah. I want you to go to the best schools. But there is something to be said for trade schools as well. My son wants to eventually build his own car. Good. You should start with knowing how to change a spark plug. And mechanics, and people who can fix things. They are going to be wanted and needed. Forget all of this crap, that that's beneath my son. No, it's not. Teach your kids, college is not a given. Educate yourself at all times. Always be reading and have hard copies of important books. Learn old or lost practices. Mending. Canning. Farming. Fixing an engine. Serve and share in your life. This one has taken on new meaning to me, recently. I understand this now more deeply than I ever have.

I am -- I'm -- I'm a guy who, I like to collect stuff. I mean, you watch the show last night. I showed you the missile collection, that I have, from Russia. Russian missiles, that they're actually using now, on the Ukrainians. I have a bunch of them. And I have a bunch of stuff, that the Ukrainians were using to fight the Russians, just to be able to tell the story, visually. I love collecting stuff.

Yeah. Every dollar I make, and I would encourage you to think this way. Every dollar you now make, needs to be viewed as sacred money. What can I do, to help build up -- straight with you. Remember when I said, Stu. When I started talking like this, you'll know. I think -- I think I'm there. You need to think about your money as building up the kingdom of God. You need to start preparing the way. And -- and don't spend money, on stupid stuff. Because we -- we're going to need each other. Teach your children, the things that matter. Forget about running them to soccer practice, if you're not teaching them values and principles. Teach those things first. Do less -- do with less now. It will help your family take the shock a lot better. Read the Bible. Plan. Pray. Listen. Obey.

Have a gun. Know how to shoot it. Have ammunition. Understand that anger is a part of your life. This is so important. Anger will be a part of life. But never feed it. Be honorable in all of your dealings. Especially when nobody is going to know. Be honorable at all times. And be optimistic and happy. Because life does go on. Life is going to get really good. Should we choose? Life is going to get really good. It's going to suck on the way there. But it is going to get good. Make plans for the future. Get married. Have children. Don't listen to people who say, you're going to bring them up in a world like this? Yeah. Because they were -- they were meant to be born at this time. I'm telling you now, our children -- our children are important. And they were born for this time. And they will be able to help heal and rebuild. They are critical. Don't buy into the lie.

If you want more, there's a much more on the website, at There's a much more on the website at There's a how prepared are you? Stu and I will take that together here in a minute. How prepared are you, for whatever is coming? And will you be able to be a leader. You can find that at Also, all these things there at You can watch last night's special, Hunger Games. Not like we're going to be in games killing each other. Just, we have hunger. So what are we going to do? How are we going to do it? Be a leader. Take control of your life. Do not be at the mercy of others. You can find that show, at If you haven't joined us yet, we plan on being the Alamo. The very last outpost of truth. There is nothing that will stop us. You know, until they just come crawling over the walls, like they did in the Alamo. But we will be standing. Join us. We can't do it without your support. Join us now. At Use the promo code, the Alamo. No space. And save 20 bucks off your subscription now. Promo code the Alamo.

How Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion WILL Create the Next Public Health Crisis | Glenn TV | Ep 348

How Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion WILL Create the Next Public Health Crisis | Glenn TV | Ep 348

Everything is a “public health crisis” these days. Racism. Climate change. The lack of access to “gender-affirming care.” But there’s one ACTUAL public health crisis the far Left has created: diversity, equity, and inclusion. The future of YOUR health care is at stake as this dangerous reform movement is being forced upon American medical schools, all of the professional medical organizations, and hospitals, with total endorsement from Biden’s White House. Glenn Beck exposes how this academic cancer is changing medical school admissions and graduates, what caused this movement to accelerate, the real-world life-and-death consequences of this insanity for patients, and how any resistance to this movement brings swift crackdown from the Thought Police. Glenn is joined by Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, the founder of “Do No Harm,” a network of doctors, nurses, medical students, and patients working to get identity politics out of medicine. Dr. Goldfarb taught medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and published more than a hundred articles in the New England Journal of Medicine and other top medical journals. He debunks the racist claim that “black patients need black doctors” and sounds the alarm on deadly efforts to push unqualified doctors on patients.

EXCLUSIVE: Will RFK, Jr. Change Glenn's Mind?

EXCLUSIVE: Will RFK, Jr. Change Glenn's Mind?

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. once called Glenn a traitor because he thought Glenn's opinions on climate change were "dangerous" and should be shut down. But now, he's one of the biggest CRITICS of censorship. So, what changed? Glenn decided to sit down with the independent presidential candidate to find out.

SHOCKING: You Need HOW MUCH Money to “Live Comfortably” in Each State?!

SHOCKING: You Need HOW MUCH Money to “Live Comfortably” in Each State?!

With inflation still on the rise, Glenn and Stu review another shocking number: how much money you need to “live comfortably” in America. The numbers have gone through the roof and it’s no surprise that the most expensive states are blue states. Thanks to inflation, a single adult now needs to make over $100,000 a year in order to live comfortably in many states. So, can you afford your state?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Okay. So there's a new number out now, on what it costs to live in the United States of America. It's a little higher than it used to be.

And I -- I don't know if anybody has noticed they're having a hard time making ends meet.

Comfortable to live comfortably is defined as the monthly income, needed to cover a 50/30/20 budget, which allocates 50 percent of your earnings for necessities like housing and utility costs, 30 percent for discretionary spending, and 20 percent for savings or investments.

STU: Wow. I don't think a lot of people are living like that.

GLENN: Nobody is living like that. Nobody is living like that.

STU: That -- but wait. Percent of what? If you're making $10 million. You know. What is it -- you don't need to have a 50/30/20 lifestyle to live comfortably, right?

GLENN: Right. Right.

They're saying this is the minimum. This is what it takes to, you know, live comfortably. In America.

STU: So -- this is not talking about -- I think Jeff Bezos is pretty good. I don't think he needs an article.

STU: You're saying, they're basically reverse engineering the number you need to hit that. Is that what you're saying?

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

Okay. All right? Jeez.

STU: I was trying to understand.

GLENN: Here they are.

Most costly states: Massachusetts. $116,000.

STU: Hard-core conservative state.

GLENN: Hawaii. You'll see this a lot. Hawaii, 113.

STU: Another conservative -- red state.

GLENN: California, 113.

STU: Big red state there.

GLENN: New York, 111.

STU: Wow.

GLENN: I'm rounding out the top. Topping out the top five is Washington State, with 106.

STU: Another big red state. That's amazing. So $100,000, and you cannot live comfortably.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

STU: That's incredible.

GLENN: Okay. Now, to live comfortably in these states, you need to earn double what most single earners typically make. The median income for a single full-time worker is around $60,000. The national median for living comfortably is $89,000.

So there's a shortage there.

STU: And those are statewide numbers to point out. It's a lot worse in these cities.

Like, there was a time. I don't know this is eight to ten years old now.

When I remember looking at this. They gave you these guide lines, what you need to earn to buy an average home in the market. In the market of San Francisco, the -- several of the players on the roster of the San Francisco giants, did not earn enough money, to buy the average home.

GLENN: It's crazy.

STU: In the market.

GLENN: So let me go through this. Alabama, to live comfortably, $83,000.

Alaska, $96,000.

And I don't know if that's ever -- I don't know if you're ever comfortable living in Alaska, unless you can change the climate completely.

GLENN: Yeah. Right.

Arizona, $97,000. Arkansas, 79

STU: Gosh.

GLENN: California, 113. Colorado, 103. Connecticut, 100. Delaware, 94. Florida, 93.

Think of that. In Florida, it's 93. In Colorado, it's 100. Georgia, 96. Hawaii, 113. Idaho, 88. Illinois, 95. Indiana, 85. Iowa, 83. Kansas, 84. Kentucky, 80. Louisiana, 82. Maine, 91.

Why? Bear traps? Maryland.

STU: That's a northeast state.

GLENN: Maryland, 102. Massachusetts, 116. Michigan, 84. Minnesota, 89. Mississippi, 82. Missouri, 84. Montana, 84. Nebraska, 83.

STU: A lot of these -- these are like the bargain basement states. You are having $85,000 to live comfortably.

GLENN: I know. Yeah.

STU: That's just putting away some money for retirement. That's not living -- you're not flying private.

GLENN: I know. Yeah, but you're not living paycheck to paycheck. If you would live that way. If you would do 50/30/20.

STU: Right. Right.

GLENN: Nevada, 93.

Nobody does that. Do you know anybody who is young, that put 20 percent of their salary away for savings?

STU: Depends what you mean by young. As you're starting out, you're just trying to make it, pay your bills. As you get older, you're trying to put some money away.

GLENN: 20 percent?

STU: It's hard to do.

GLENN: Really hard to do. Nevada, 93.

STU: By the way, 50/20/30. What are the taxes on this one? This is post-tax revenue, I assume.

GLENN: Yeah. Where are the taxes?

STU: Another 30 is going to taxes. So which part of it are you taking out?

GLENN: That's why nobody saves. New Hampshire, 98. New Jersey, 103. To live in New Jersey. New Mexico, 83. New York, 111. North Carolina, 89. North Dakota, 52.

STU: North Dakota. This is -- this is hwy people go to the Dakotas, I suppose. It's --

GLENN: Is it worth Dakota, though? You don't even have the presidential thing on the mountain, that Dakota.

STU: That's true. Was that the Doug Burgum state?

GLENN: Yes, it is. Fifty-two.

STU: You got those eyebrows. They are kind of like -- on the Mount Rushmore of eyebrows. I don't know if that counts.

GLENN: Ohio, 80. Oklahoma, 80. Oregon, 101.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: Pennsylvania, 91. Rhode Island, 100. Oh, my gosh, for Rhode Island!

South Carolina, 88. South Dakota, 81. Tennessee, 86. Texas, 87. Utah, 93. Vermont, 95.
Virginia, 99. Washington, 106. West Virginia, 78.
That's a state you could live in. Wisconsin, 84. Wyoming, 87.


STU: First of all, the red and blue state is -- I don't know if it's perfect. It's darn close to perfect, as far as the difference is.

GLENN: It is. It is.

STU: You look at that, and you think -- it wasn't that long ago, that we would say, oh, my gosh, nap guy is earning six figures. Doing really well.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: That's just not even doing really well.


STU: It's the way you're supposed to plan for your future. And now you need to earn six figures, in most states. Or at least close to most states.

GLENN: And it's going to get worse. That's the problem. It will get worse.

How will companies be able to keep up with it? How is that going to happen?

GLENN: The presses.
STU: Yeah. But eventually, people can't afford to produce the products that people want, and people can't afford to buy the products that they need.

STU: I mean, you just recited the slogan for Bidenomics. That's exactly --

GLENN: Yes, I did. Starts bottom up. Bottom up. First people to be heard.

The bottom. And eventually, it's heard all the way up.

The -- in another remarkable story, the IMF has come out and said, that Biden has got to stop money.

Printing money, and spending money.

The International Monetary Fund, sounded the alarm on the Biden administration's rampant spending as, quote, out of line with what is needed for long-term fiscal stability.

STU: No!

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

STU: What? It feels like it's right in line with the exact -- what you're supposed to do with each budget is spend trillions of dollars than you have.

I thought that's the way you're supposed to be fiscally responsible. What is the 50, 30, 20 number for the United States right now? It's like 80, 50, zero. Eighty, 50, negative 30. Right?

That's what we're doing. The savings is negative 30 percent of the budget. We're spending mandatories, like 80 percent of what we have. Then there's another 50 percent discretionary. It's insanity. And we're getting to the point very soon. Just the interest on the money already spent will be more than our entire defense budget.

GLENN: We will have to borrow over a trillion dollars a year, just for the interest.

STU: My God.

GLENN: I mean, this is unsustainable.

And I really don't understand, why more people can't see this.

STU: You keep seeing this word.

I don't think it means what you think it means.

What Would Happen if Israel RETALIATED Against Iran's Missile Attack?

What Would Happen if Israel RETALIATED Against Iran's Missile Attack?

Iran’s attack against Israel made barely any impact (despite what Iran is telling its people). But will Israel strike back? It has the right to, and many Israeli leaders seem to want to, but SHOULD it? Glenn and Stu discuss whether it’s worth risking World War III, or whether Iran is too weak to do anything else.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Okay. So let's just recap what we know now, what happened over the weekend with the Iranian attack on Israel. First of all, the Iran state TV used footage from the Texas fire. Also, there was footage of One Direction.

STU: The band?

GLENN: The band. And it was Israelis, panicking while under attack while under missiles and drones. Unfortunately, it was just a throng of excited One Direction fans.

STU: Wow, the fact that those things look the same, may make you rethink things if you're a One Direction fan.

GLENN: It really does. They also use a picture of a forest fire in Chile. So, you know, they're running all kinds of lies. I don't know if their people understand that they really made no impact at all.

STU: I'm kind of -- look, I kind of hope -- this is weird. I kind of hope they are able to convince their people, that they made an impact.
Because maybe this will somewhat calm down.

GLENN: So the president boasted the attack had, quote, taught a lesson to the Zionist regime. They were chanting with their fists in the air, death to Israel. Death to America. Yay. And Hezbollah supporters were out in the streets, of southern Beirut, honking their horns and celebrating.

And they warned that Jordan would be the next target, if it took any measures in Israel's defense.

So everybody is just like holding back.

Except for Israel. Now, my goals may not be the same goals, as the Israelis. My interests are, let's not have any terrorism here in America.

And let's try to bring peace to the world.

Israel has played this game for so long. They're not going to sit back. At least the word we're getting from their -- their war committee, was that it was a brawl.

The defense minister stated yesterday, that Israel's confrontation with Iran is not over yet.

The public security minister demanded a crushing attack, against Iran. Another minister, declared Iran's audacity in such an attack, must be erased.

Meanwhile, Iran's mission to the UN said, should the Israeli regime make another mistake. Iran's response will be considerably more severe.

And warned the US to stay away. Okay. I don't know what they can do with their -- their missiles. Quite honestly.

I think it was embarrassing. If that were us, well, that would be us. Because Joe Biden is in charge. Maybe Joe Biden helped them with planning of this mission. But that were us. That would be humiliating.

Absolutely humiliating.

And, I mean, it's the -- wouldn't you say, it was the most lopsided thing you have seen, possibly ever? With the amount that they fought back?

STU: Yeah. It goes back to a couple of examples. The first gulf war.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: Remember that.

GLENN: Except they fought back. And they did hit targets. This one hit -- they say three -- the outside is ten. That they hit ten -- that missiles hit ten things. They fired over 300.

STU: 300, right. The other one that comes to mind. The way we reacted in Afghanistan, when the Taliban started taking it over again. We kind of just all ran. And that -- that seemed -- that was embarrassing. I was embarrassing that way. The way I think Iran should be embarrassed this way. That's if their intent is to actually get a lot of damage. Look, we have an alternate theory. We talked about it yesterday.

They floated a bunch of flying lawn mowers over there. With 12 hours notice for a reason.

To say, hey. Shoot all these town.

We don't want to start an international war. If we don't do something in our country. Our people will overthrow us.

GLENN: So you're sitting in Israel.

And I say, Stu. What are you going to do? Now, you're an Israeli.

You're in the defense cabinet. And I say, what are you going to do?

Because the whole world hates us right now?

And if we retaliate, then we're in trouble. Should we just walk away and call this thing?

GLENN: Again, there's so much to weigh here. And I'm an idiot. But I will tell you, my initial instinct is, you have a free hall pass to --

GLENN: No. No. No. No. Your first impression is you're an to it. I just don't want that to get lost.

STU: The second impression was --

GLENN: The first one was, again --

STU: I'm an idiot. Number two. And I should not be making these decisions for any nation. We should be clear about that. That's not a good policy, because I'm an idiot.

GLENN: Sure. You're an idiot. You could work for the Biden administration.

STU: I will say, maybe I should leave the country. This one here, because it seems that's the path to success these days.

GLENN: Correct.

STU: But I will say, what my thought would be, is you have a free hall pass to do another Syria type of operation. Right?

You can -- of course, are justified. If I was an Israeli, you would be justified to launch at least 300 missiles towards Iran. You're justified morally to do so.

However, what I would like to do is tamp this down, so it doesn't inflame into something worse. If you were are to do something like they did in Syria. Where you took over some important, overseas. Not in Iran. Type of operation. That would actually benefit you.

Not like as a show of power or strength. If you're Israel, you don't need to do that. What you need to do is do something that would actually benefit you.

And I think it would be difficult for the world to be all that upset.

If you went and did another operation like that.

GLENN: I forgot.

I was going to say, no. No. No.

STU: That's a smart answer for an idiot.

GLENN: I forgot you were an idiot. It would be tough for the world to say.

You remember, you're a Jew here.

STU: Right. So they --

GLENN: They can say whatever they want.

STU: They can say whatever they want.

GLENN: They're always the pad guy.

STU: But there is a line.

The world wasn't overly outraged about the Syria operation in the first place.

Iran was.

And everyone was talking about what their response would be.

No one was like, oh, gosh. I can't believe they did that.

Some people did, of course.

Look, there was 150 countries, that voted not -- that voted to condemn Israel, over the whole Gaza situation.

And when given the opportunity, I think it was Austria, that proposed an amendment that said, hey. Shouldn't we condemn Hamas for October 7th in this thing?

Ask they voted no.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: Of course, they said no to that.

At some level, you can't care at all, what some of these countries think.

They will just think, Jew equals bad.

But I think to not make this go over the top. And flame out of control.

And also, get and done, that you're completely justified for. And will benefit for your country.

If you can walk that line. If there's another target like that. That seems highly justified and appropriate.

What do you think? You're not an idiot, right? You're a doctor.

GLENN: I'm a doctor, so I'm not an idiot.

STU: Do you notice this? Does anyone in the audience, even notice he does this? He asks these tough questions, and he never gives his own answer. It's pathetic.

GLENN: Because I'm trying to move the show. I'm trying to move the show.

STU: Move the --

GLENN: See, you don't want me. You don't want me anywhere near the buttons of any -- for any country.

Because we would run out of missiles quickly.

Because I have -- I have a short attention span.

And I also have a short fuse. It would be like, hmm. They did what.

Yeah. Launch.

I would be over there, saying, the world is going to hate us, anyway. They're building a nuclear weapon supply.

We know now what they're capable of doing from the sky. That's great. But if they get a nuclear weapon over our border, any way, shape, or form.

Millions will die.

And we know they're serious. And the rest of the world, can say whatever they want. But take up out their nuclear facilities.

STU: In country.

GLENN: In country.

STU: Look, he's been wanting to do it for a long time. And I think that's entirely justified.

GLENN: He has to. He has to.

No one in the world will do it, until he ignites one of those things.

STU: That is true. It probably does extend this though, right?

That's the risk.

GLENN: Oh. It's going to --

STU: Netanyahu has been wanting to do this forever, and I think has been looking for an opening to do it.

GLENN: Justifiably so.

STU: Justifiably so. Again, I'm not being critical. If I were Israeli. I think probably I would be for a much more aggressive response.

GLENN: Enough is enough.

STU: But I'm not. And I'm -- I'm thinking more selfishly frankly as an American.

GLENN: Yeah. Me too. Me on top.

STU: I think that's appropriate for us to do. America first is a dumb sort of slogan, but also very true.

It's also misused by many factions over the years.

GLENN: Yeah. Correct.

STU: But, I mean, it is the appropriate priority list for the United States.

GLENN: If you're going to take care of somebody, you don't swamp the lifeboats. That is what we're doing with our border. We're swamping the lifeboats.

How had we help anybody, if we can't help ourselves?

How will we help anybody, if we're fighting terror here?

I don't want terror here. But we've already swamped the lifeboats with a whole bunch of terrorists, apparently that are already here.

But we're not doing anything about it. So my America first kind of has to go to, let Israel do what Israel cares to do.

They can handle it. They're big boys. They can handle it. We'll handle our thing over here.

Now, with that being said. I know that Iran will not let us get away with that.

Iran will immediately activity. They're already activating the people. Who do you think. Hamas is paid for by the Iranians. So when you're in New York City. And you're holding a Hamas flag, you are doing the bidding of the Iranians.

So they're already here. And it's coming. And I would like to delay it, quite honestly, as long as possible.

But, you know, let Israel be Israel.

By the way, we have a news from Israel's Channel 12 News. They carried a report, that the country's Air Force, which includes US-made 16s, fifteens, and F-35s are already gearing up to deliver a retaliatory counterstrike against Iran.

According to the report, the strike will be intended as a message that Israel will not allow an attack of that magnitude, to pass without reaction.

That's actually good. That's a good reaction from them. Because doesn't that sound limited?

I'm just looking for happy things.

Turning rocks. Oh, no. That's a friendly worm. That's a friendly bug.

The strike intended a message, Israel will not allow an attack of that magnitude, to pass without a reaction.