Both President Biden and Nancy Pelosi ACTUALLY tried to convince the American people over the weekend that massive government spending does NOT lead to inflation. In fact, they argued, it will FIX it instead. Umm…we’re not stupid! Although, Biden disagrees. He admitted that he basically thinks American voters are fools who 'don't understand' his policy moves. Listen to the audio in this clip to find out exactly what Joe Biden thinks of YOUR intelligence…
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.
First of all, let's welcome Pat Gray.
PAT: Thank you. Great to be here.
GLENN: Is it? You wouldn't want to be anyplace else.
PAT: Nowhere else. If I could choose any place to be, it would be right here.
GLENN: Not Disney. Not some exotic vacation. Not even at home in bed.
PAT: No. Right here.
GLENN: That is great.
PAT: Isn't it?
GLENN: That's the kind of detection you get from Pat Gray, from Pat Gray Unleashed. He's got a passion for being here.
Pat, how are you?
PAT: I'm good.
GLENN: Good. What is on your mind today? What is it that you see?
PAT: That there's no trouble in the world. I'm very excited about the fact that everything has been fixed. Except for the things that Putin keeps screwing up.
It pisses me off. Everything would be perfect if it weren't for him. We would have a great economy.
Gas prices would be incredibly low. You could buy a house for 198. Putin. Ugh! Dang it!
GLENN: I know. I hate him for that. Could we play Americans don't understand what we're doing clip, please?
BIDEN: Never forget what we've accomplished together, so far.
And, by the way, the American people are just trying to stay above water. They don't understand this.
You tell them what the American Recovery Act was, they look at you, like, what are you talking about?
PAT: They're so stupid, the American people.
GLENN: Yeah. They are so stupid.
They are so stupid. And they don't understand that Putin has caused inflation.
PAT: Right.
GLENN: And can I tell you something?
It's simply not true about government spending. Listen to this.
VOICE: Having this discussion, it's important to dispel some of those who say, well, it's the government spending.
No, it isn't. The government spending is doing the exact reverse. Reducing the national debt is not inflationary.
STU: Government spending is reducing the national debt?
GLENN: Yes. Okay. Look. Look it.
You're married.
STU: Yes.
GLENN: Okay. My wife is married to me. You're married to Lisa.
Lisa and I have a lot of things in common. For instance, honey, we're saving money, by sending this money.
STU: I've heard that sort of pitch.
GLENN: Yes. We're saving money by spending this money right now.
STU: Yes.
GLENN: And who doesn't know the basic principle. When you're in debt, if you go out and put more things on the credit card, you're actually not adding to debt.
You're making things better. Don't think that through.
I mean, that's what she's saying.
That's what she's saying.
We're not adding to debt. How are you not adding to debt?
STU: Well, what we did with the money we spent was buy counterfeit money machines. And now we're counterfeiting money, being in debt.
GLENN: Okay. Good. Well, they're already kind of doing it. It's called Fiat currency. But that's a different story. Here's the president. He gets a little testy. Cut three, please.
BIDEN: I'm sick of this stuff. We have to talk about it. Because the American people think the reason why we have inflation is because the government is spending more money. Simply not true.
STU: Now, the Treasury Secretary of the Obama administration Larry Summers said it was true.
One of their lead economists, firm in,also said that was true.
And obviously, every conservative economist says this as well.
But it's just simply not true. It's simple.
PAT: Just because he says it.
GLENN: He's sick of it too.
PAT: Yes, he is.
GLENN: Have you noticed that he seems a little angry a lot of the time.
STU: Yeah. Or a lot angry, a lot of the time.
GLENN: Yeah. Or a lot angry, at just off the -- off the cuff. Just kind of like, hey. I like -- I like chocolate ice cream!
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: It's not true that I don't like vanilla ice cream.
I mean, he goes from zero to 60 in a heartbeat.
STU: There's a little bit of old manuals at cloud going on, you know.
There's something -- it's not normal. He seems to burst into real visceral anger out of nowhere.
GLENN: No. It is normal. It is normal.
PAT: For a super old guy who is losing cognitive functions.
GLENN: Yeah. That is super normal. We've all seen that in our family.
STU: In that situation, it's true.
PAT: It's not normal for a president.
STU: And you think about, how he's losing it in front of crowds, and at the press, who has done nothing, but coddle him through this presidency.
He's mad at them. Imagine what he's like behind closed doors.
I've heard that he is angry at the drop of a hot, a lot.
PAT: I'll bet he is.
GLENN: In the White House.
PAT: Well, his presidency is going down the drain.
I don't know how you savage it, at this point.
And he's pissed off that people are noticing it.
GLENN: And yet they're talking about it this weekend, thinking seriously he will run for reelection.
PAT: I know. That's insane.
GLENN: No. That's not insane. The head-to-head polls, between him and Trump, it's a dead heat.
Are you -- are you -- I'm -- what?
STU: I mean, look, my wife says this to me, all the time. Speaking of my wife. She's always like, how can -- I don't understand, how can anyone think this could be close? And how is it possible?
And it's like, well, we all sat here and complained for four years about the media, turning Donald Trump into Satan.
Well, that has an effect. Donald Trump is going to -- if he runs, when it seems like he will. He has the nomination locked up pretty much, on his side, in the primary. But he's going to face this same treatment.
And multiple years of him being turned into Satan by the media. It won't be a cakewalk for Donald Trump, if he runs.
I mean, they have -- we all sat here, and day by day, cataloged --
GLENN: He can't afford to lose this.
STU: How bad the media was against him. And complained about it. And said it was unfair. But it was. But it was real. And it occurred. And they will go back and reverse themselves completely to anything negative that Joe Biden has done. All the -- whatever skeptical --
PAT: They're already trying to do it in realtime.
STU: Yeah. It's going to be -- and their groundwork is already done.
It's going to be a challenge. President Trump, if he runs, it won't be a cakewalk. It will be hard. And he will have that same awful treatment from the media. He will have to overcome. And we've seen how difficult that is. Even for Donald Trump, who is very good with dealing with the media.
GLENN: So I would -- no. This is never going to happen. But I would love -- I would love to see president Trump endorse DeSantis. And then take the role from Nancy Pelosi.
STU: The Speaker of the House thing.
GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine?
He would tear it apart. The Speaker of the House?
STU: He doesn't have to be in Congress, to be Speaker of the House, right?
GLENN: No. All he has to do is the ruling party, we would like him, Speaker of the House.
PAT: Don't you think they would do that -- if he wanted it. I don't know that he would want it.
GLENN: Could you imagine?
Because then he is actually responsible for all the investigations.
He would be responsible for, yeah. We'll do a little investigation on Hunter Biden. We'll look into that one.
We'll do a little investigation into -- into the Democrats, that were here, and doing my impeachment.
We're just going to look into that. He could improve it. He wouldn't be on the -- on the committees.
He might be.
But he would be the one that would be, we're doing it.
Can you imagine?
Because that may be a more important role.
Because if you want to clean out the hornet's nest, you have to do it through Congress.
You have to do it. The president could sign all kinds of executive orders, do this and that. But that doesn't last.
And if the president wants to fire, clean house at the State Department. All of you, out.
He can't do that without Congress.
If he's the Speaker of the House, and Ron DeSantis is the president, I think you have a one-two punch.
STU: Hmm. This is a bit of fantasy league we're playing here.
It would be interesting.
I don't think Trump would have as much interest in that role.
GLENN: You have presidents go back and be in Congress.
If it's good enough for John Quincy Adams, if John Quincy Adams was willing to do it. And John Quincy Adams, in the end, is the reason why we got rid of slavery. He tried and tried and tried. And then he saw this upcomer, who just came to Congress. And he said, you get it.
And he -- and he tutored that young congressman, on how to stop slavery. And that young congressman became the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln.
I don't know.
I think it might be good. It's -- it's not a joke, to be in Congress. It is now.
STU: No. No.
GLENN: Because Congress isn't doing anything. We send all these representatives, and it's really only Schumer and McConnell, and Pelosi, and maybe McCarthy that are getting together in the rooms, saying, yeah. We're going to do this. And then just send it to everybody to rubber stamp. That's the problem.
STU: It will be fascinating to see.
GLENN: Yeah. By the way, have you seen all the things in the spending bill. That we didn't know about. Because nobody read the bill.
STU: All stuff cutting inflation.
GLENN: Yeah. People just don't understand it.
STU: Why don't you get it? It's cutting inflation.
PAT: And there wouldn't be any, if it weren't for Putin. Damn Putin. I don't like that guy. I hate him.
STU: You're really angry, Pat.
PAT: I'm really angry at Putin. Dang it!
GLENN: So you really think that it's not printing of money?
PAT: No. It's Putin. That's an absolute lie.
I'm sick of it. It's Putin.
STU: But he started -- Putin. What don't you understand about Putin?
I want to scream his name.
Is it that not tell you, it's Putin!
STU: Fair point.
GLENN: I think I get it now.
I think the American people get it. Thank you very much, Pat.