EXPOSED: ATF rule could make 40 MILLION gun-owners FELONS

The ATF is in the process of passing a new rule that could soon turn 40 million Americans into FELONS. In this clip, Glenn explains exactly what the ATF would like to achieve, and how this new rule is just a ‘gateway drug’ in order to ‘disarm’ Americans. Why? Because the far-left FEARS YOU, Glenn says. ‘They’re trying to do anything they can to take away everything that gives you at least a CHANCE to give them pause.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: There's something that is -- the ATF is doing. That is absolutely beyond the realm. While you feel less safe because more criminals are on the streets, because the DA's office usually when the office is controlled by George Soros. They are just letting criminals go.

The DA used to be the guy that would stand up for the victim. But now we've switched that. Without -- with disregard to, you know, thousands of years of precedent. Of showing that when the prosecuting attorney. When the DA, if you will, when that person that is declared by law, to clean up crime, when they are clean. And they are looking to defend the victim, things are great.

When they're dirty, or they just have just a sweet, sweet spirit for, you know, the criminals and disregard the victim, society falls apart.

Well, that's what's happening. Because, again, we're not applying any common sense. We're -- we're listening to, quote, men of science.

When we now know, men of science have been totally corrupted. The ATF has just put a new rule out. It puts 40 million people at risk of being felons.

Joe Biden, he instructed the ATF, a bunch of unelected bureaucrats that don't -- you don't know their name. You didn't see this process.

Nobody voted on this process. But thanks to Woodrow Wilson, we have an out-of-control administrative arm, and now the ATF is just making up new laws.

They have finalized a rule, that will turn 40 million Americans, into somebody that can be hauled off into prison.

They have reclassified firearms. With pistol braces, as short-barreled rifles.

Okay? Short-barreled rifles are illegal. You can get a special stamp for them. The ATF. If you have any kind of special weapon. You know, you have an old Gatling gun.

You have an automatic rifle. You have to have an ATF stamp. You get it from the government. They do all -- they do months of investigation on you, to make sure that you're going to be safe with that.

And then it has all kinds of rules. That if you don't keep it safe, if you're traveling without it, you hand it somebody else, who is not on your stamp.

That you and they can go to prison. I mean, it's crazy.

Now, they have just decided, that these guns that were legal to buy, are not going to be grandfathered in.

They were absolutely legal to buy.

They now have to be surrendered to the ATF. So you have to give them to the ATF.

Or you have to ask for the stamp. And you'll have 120 days, to come into compliance.

Either give them the gun. Or get the stamp. As someone who has one of those stamps, but would have to apply for a new stamp for a gun like this, I can guarantee you, that there's no way in hell, that you will get that stamp in 120 days.

There's no way. First of all, they have to issue 40 million.

Now, as somebody who has done this, under the Obama administration, it took me eight months closer probably to a year, to get that stamp.

Never thought it would ever come honestly. Now, they have rules. You have to -- they have to do it, within I don't know, 200 days or whatever it is.

They have to issue that stamp. Otherwise, you know, it's their fault. And what are you going to -- I'm going to call the police?

What am I going to do?

They issue it, when they want to issue it. So you have to now either say, I want to get a stamp. Here are my fingerprints. Here's the picture of the gun. Here's where I'm keeping it. Here's all of my information.

You send it in, and I want to get that stamp. But if you don't have the stamp, in 120 days, you're a felon. You're committing a felony.

Now, you could say, this is just -- they just overlooked that. They just didn't think that one through.

But that's the way it's written. There's no out. It's not like, oh, well, you're in the process. Forgetting a stamp.

No. In 120 days, you're just a felon.

Now, they're not going to arrest 100 -- or sorry. They're not going to arrest 40 million people.

But I can guarantee you, they'll arrest some. So what do you do?

Do you apply for the stamp that you're not going to get? At least in 120 days, and roll the dice?

Are you going to turn that gun into the ATF? I don't even know how to call the ATF. Are they in the phone book?

Where are they? How do I turn that in?

This seems a little German, if you remember my history right. You know, hey, turn your guns in. Then if you were in the street with the gun, that was illegal. Then they could legally shoot you. I kind of remember something like that. I would like to make sure that doesn't happen again. How do you do that?

And are they going to have 40 million people?

By the way, this is just the gateway drug. This is just the gateway.

Okay. This isn't a machine gun or anything else.

This is a gun, that is about the size of a -- of a very large, larger than a very large pistol. Okay?

And the stock goes into the gun. It collapses into itself.

So you could use it, you know, as like a pistol. But like, you -- it's built to put up against your shoulder.

And anybody who knows anything about guns, if you're using one of these, you better just be spraying everything with bullets. Because you're not going to be very accurate.

And they're not machine guns. So you're not spraying them.

Anyway, these were perfectly legal. Now it's ten years in jail. And a 10,000-dollar fine.

So you just have to reclassify now. I don't remember anything where we've ever done this before. Maybe we have. If anybody can remember, I would love to hear from you. But I don't think they've ever dub this before. It's always been grandfathered.

STU: And this also seems like the type of thing, we have a big debate about.

We have a bill that's proposed. It goes through a process. People need to vote on it.

Like, what is this process?

All of a sudden, this stuff -- there's 40 million illegal people, they've created out of thin air?

That seems like -- that doesn't seem like how our government runs. Is there a court challenge, that we can?

GLENN: No. And I think that's what people are waiting for. Say court challenge.

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: But what -- I mean, luckily, all my guns -- I mean, unfortunately, all my guns.

STU: You said luckily. What you meant was unfortunately?

GLENN: Unfortunately.

STU: All your guns were...

GLENN: All my guns are at the bottom of a lake. I was going to -- I was going to take them and throw them off the top of Mount Crumpet. Just take those guns and dump it.

And on the way, they just slid down, and they all went to the bottom of this lake.

STU: Do you remember which lake? We could look for.

GLENN: I can't.

It was somewhere around Mount Crumpet. So look at that up. That's at least where I remember the name.

But it might not be the name of the mountain. I don't know. I've got to call and report those, all at the bottom of the lake.

STU: I just don't understand. Again, there are these protections. But the Second Amendment quite clearly protects these things.

You can't do this. I think we've already done far too much. The process you had to go through, should not have existed in the first place.

And I think, you know, there is -- there has been attempts to overturn things like the automatic weapons ban, for example. Which, again, you can say, you don't want automatic weapons in this country. That's -- it's very -- maybe even sensible of you, however, you can't just overwhelm -- constitutional amendments with what you want.

GLENN: So, but this is the problem here.

No matter what Joe Biden says, and no matter what common sense would tell you, and only the people without common sense would tell you that common sense says this. You know, Joe Biden. You're going need to F-16s. And you're going need to tanks to fight the United States. Really?

Because the Taliban did a pretty good job. I mean, they're back in the power. Huh.

Who would have thunk it? They didn't have F-16s.

STU: Well, they do now.

GLENN: Of course. But then if you just have some old weapons that barely function, you can beat the United States, and then you would get the good stuff at the end.

STU: Really difficult to go door-to-door to take out a population that is at war with you. By the way, of course, this is a ridiculous scenario. That's what they want you to do.

They want you to believe, like think of yourself. Look down your driveway. Here comes a bunch of tanks. And all you have is this gun, you can't do anything.

Well, then that situation would be very difficult. But, of course, going door to door, and trying to clear a city of people fighting back against you. This is all stuff you hoped, never, ever occurs.

And would only occur, if they went down this road, even farther. Right?

We're not on the verge of -- as much as, it feels like atmosphere at times. We're not about to have a Civil War. Let's calm down a little bit here. Let's not have a Civil War. That's really, really bad. You really, really don't want to be at war with your government. It's really, really bad.

GLENN: It doesn't usually work out for anybody.

STU: Anybody, ever. It's really terrible.

But like, this idea that you can't stop a more powerful force, with small arms, is just not -- it's not true.

GLENN: It's ridiculous.

STU: And, yes, in theory.

GLENN: How about David and Goliath?

STU: Yes. Kind of a fundamental story to the human experience. But what are you going to do?

Yes, you could, I guess, nuke every single city. You could nuke everyone. And kill all your allies and every opponent. Right?

And then what are you ruling over?

A nuclear wasteland? I don't understand -- this is not -- this is just a ridiculous argument to make you not think.

Having the ability to protect yourself against a government, that could go into tyranny, is exactly why you don't have tyranny.

That's why it happens. Because you have that ability.

It's why we are still on the same Constitution, from hundreds of years ago. And every other country on earth, has switched numerous times.

This is an important part of our culture. And our foundation. And we need to keep it.

GLENN: Yeah. I just don't -- I just don't understand other than, they are trying to disarm you.

The only reason why we haven't fallen into real tyranny, is because the government still kind of fears you. Okay?

Used to fear you at the election. You know, at the ballot. I'm not sure that really is -- is there anymore.

They used to fear you. Giant corporations used to fear you, because you could stop buying stuff.

I'm not sure. Because now the government will just partner with them. And they will buy the stuff.

They are trying to take away everything that gives you at least a chance to give them pause.

That's all it is.

And that's why the Second Amendment is there.

And that should never be infringed.

My question is: If you have one of these guns, what are you going to do?

Back in a minute.

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GLENN: I want to tell you a great story, we were just talking about ranchers. And farmers. There was a farmer. His name was Jodi Childress (phonetic), and he lived in a small little town called Geraldine, Alabama. And he had, you know, his life savings, retirement savings. He was not living high on the hog, so to speak.

About ten years ago, he walked into his local drugstore, and pulled the owner aside, and said, are there people here in town, that just can't afford to pay for their medications? And the pharmacist said, yeah. Unfortunately, a lot.

That farmer said, you're not allowed to tell anyone. And he gave $100 a month to that pharmacist, so he could help people in his community, without ever being owed.

He died last week, and the pharmacist thought, his town should know.

This guy do a lot and never took any credit at all. There are really good people, still among us. And -- and we don't know them, but they're everywhere.
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(OUT AT 9:28AM)

GLENN: We have an expert on what's happening with these firearms. The -- what do they call? They're called now, short-barreled rifles. Because the -- the government has changed that.

But they're -- you know, they're these -- these little like, they are AR-15s. But they have a collapsible stock.

So it comes out, pulls out. And it just makes it smaller, easier to carry. Everything else.

But I -- I don't even understand this. I don't even understand this. The ATF, have they passed this, or not?

I mean, decided. I have read this two ways. That they have already decided. And 120 days is starting soon, if not now. And then the other is, well, they haven't officially decided. But they -- but they're -- they're saying at the same time, if you want to avoid 10 years in jail, and have a potential 10,000-dollar fine, you must reclassify your legally obtained weapon as short-barreled rifles. And you have to do that through the tax stamp system, which is the worst.

It will take you months. With this administration --

STU: It sounds like something out of the revolutionary times. The tax stamp system? It seems like something with powdered wigs discussed.

GLENN: Oh, it's horrible. It's horrible. Right. You will only have 120 days to bring your firearms into compliance. ATF warns Americans with pistol braces are likely already violating the national firearms act, by possessing an unregistered rifle with a barrel less than 16 inches. So they're saying, you have to register it. But even if you're doing that, you are most likely already violation -- in violation of the firearms act.

Which is a felony.

STU: Oh. Just that.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: This does -- now, Glenn. This feels like the type of thing the courts will get a hold of and say, no. Of course, you can't do that. Obviously, you can't do that. Now, I hate depending on that, because it seems like it's the bast barrier between us and insanity over and over again. And eventually, it will not work.

GLENN: All right. So here's the thing: If this stands. If this stands. What's to stop them from saying. Because Joe Biden has already said it. There's no reason for semi automatically handguns.

Almost every handgun in America is a semiautomatic. All that means is that it's not a revolver.


STU: Yeah.

GLENN: We used to have like the cowboys. 6 barrels and a revolver. Just, back in the 1900. 1800s period, they redesigned the revolver.

And you got the 9/11 handgun. Which just loads, instead of a circle, in a line underneath. He's now saying --

STU: It's every gun. For people who don't know guns. It's basically every gun you buy. What is it? Eighty-five percent, 95 percent of guns?

GLENN: Every gun. At least. I think you have to buy old-timey guns.

STU: Shotguns, I guess. I mean, there's a couple of them.

GLENN: My shotgun is semiautomatic.

STU: That's true.

But a typical shotgun you wouldn't describe that way, but there's a few. But it's very rare.

What's to stop them from saying, well, by the way, you have to register all your semiautomatics. And if you don't -- if you don't get the tax stamp, then you're -- you're committing a felony. This is -- this cannot happen. This cannot happen.

STU: Nixon looked at this closely. To try to make all handguns illegal. Back when he was president. Again, this is not all of Democrats.

This is a progressivism problem. And it goes back to even the Nixon administration, where he -- on the Nixon tapes, used about highway he wanted to get rid of all handguns. How did he get rid of all of them?

You think these guys aren't doing the same thing?

If Nixon was doing it. You don't think these guys have updated this approach. This is obviously a first step in this direction. Clearly, if they get away with this, they'll do it with other models.

GLENN: So here's the ATF director. He said last week, the rule prevents people from circumventing the laws Congress passed almost a century ago.

Now, people are saying, he's redefining rifle. You can't redefine, you know, what a rifle is.

He says, almost a century ago, Congress determined that short-barreled rifles must be subject to heightened requirements.

Today's rule makes clear firearm manufacturers, dealers, and individuals cannot evade these important public safety protections, simply by adding accessories to pistols that transform them into short-barreled rifles. But the same FDA -- ATF, determines determined in 2012, that pistol braces do not alter the classification of a pistol or other firearm.

So what -- do we listen to the ATF then, or listen to the ATF now?

That was 2012. That wasn't under Trump. That was under Obama. So which one was right?

Do we follow the science? Is the new science the right science? Don't eat butter. Eat butter. Don't eat butter. Eat butter. This is -- this is insanity. This is insanity.


JD Vance ENRAGES European Elites by Denouncing CENSORSHIP?!

It seemed like Vice President JD Vance stood alone for free speech at the Munich Security Conference. The Conference’s chairman decried Vance’s critique of European "hate speech" laws, “60 Minutes” treated Germany’s “online hate speech” police raids as normal, and CBS News’ Margaret Brennan peddled the narrative even further, by suggesting that the Nazis “weaponized” free speech to orchestrate the Holocaust. “This is extraordinarily dangerous,” Glenn says. But if America must stand alone to defend free speech, so be it.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So last hour, I played a little bit of J.D. Vance's speech at the German -- or Munich Security Conference. And he talked about how free speech is under attack. In Europe!

And he didn't just point out that it was Europe, that was having this problem.

But he said, it had to end. But let's not stand here and point the finger at you. Pragmatism let's point it to ourselves as well. Cut seven.

GLENN: And in the interest of comedy my friends, but also in the interest of truth. I will admit that sometimes the loudest voices for censorship, have come not from within Europe. But from within my own country. Where the prior administration threatened and bullied social media companies to censor so-called misinformation.

Misinformation like, for example, the idea that contester had likely leaked from a laboratory in China. Our own government encouraged private companies to silence people, who dared to utter what turned out to be an obvious truth.

So I come here today, not just with an observation. But with an offer. Just as the Biden administration seemed desperate to silence people for speaking their minds. So the Trump administration will do precisely the opposite, and I hope that we can work together on that.

And Washington, there is a new sheriff in town. And under Donald Trump's leadership. We may disagree with your views. But we will fight to defend your right to offer it in the public square. Agree or disagree.

GLENN: Wow! Didn't go over well. In fact, here's the Munich Security Conference chairperson, closing out the convention. Listen to this.

VOICE: This conference started as a transatlantic conference after this speech of Vice President Vance on Friday. We have to fear that our common value base is not that common anymore. I'm very grateful to all those European politicians that spoke out, and reaffirmed the values and principles, that they are defending.

No one did this better than President Zelinsky. Let me conclude that this becomes difficult.

GLENN: He was applauded for crying. That we don't have the same values in common anymore.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: If this is the way Germany and the rest of Europe feels about freedom of speech, then, yes. We don't have the same values. And I don't care if we stand completely alone! We've done it before. And when it comes to freedom of the individual, if that's what it takes, that's what we must become. We have to square our shoulders and remember our principles. Yes! If you want to shut down free expression and free speech, which means you have to let the worst be said, so you can actually have dialogue, learn from one another, learn from the past, and not just become a zombie robot, with an out-of-control government that you can never speak against. Well, that's who we are!

That's what we stand against. I will tell you, that their own people -- I can guarantee you, are not for it. How do I know? Well, let me show you what happened on 60 minutes. Here's 60 minutes, joining a German police censorship raid.

VOICE: It's 6:01 on a Tuesday morning. And we are with state police as they rated this apartment in northwest Germany.

Inside, six armed officers search a suspect's home. Then seized his laptop and cell phone. Prosecutors say, those electronics may have been used to commit a crime. The crime? Posting a racist cartoon online.

At the exact same time, across Germany, more than 50 similar raids played out. Part of what prosecutors say, is a coordinated effort to curb online hate speech in Germany.

GLENN: Now, I don't like hate speech. I don't like seeing racist cartoons. But that is part of life! It depends on who is in power. On how you define hate. And when you have a government, able to take away inalienable rights, you have a real problem on your hand. Sixty minutes continues.

VOICE: Is it a crime to insult somebody in public?

VOICE: Yes, it is. Of course.

VOICE: And it's a crime to insult them online as well?

VOICE: Even higher, insulting someone on the internet.


VOICE: Because in internet, it stays there. If we are talking face-to-face, you insult me, I insult you. Okay. Finished. But if you're on the internet, if I insult a politician.

VOICE: Then it takes around forever.

The prosecutors explain German law also prohibits the spread of malicious gospel, violent threats, and fake quotes.

VOICE: If somebody posts something that is not true. And then somebody else reposts it or likes it, are they committing a crime?

VOICE: In the case of reposting with, it's a crime as well. Because the reader can't distinguish between whether you just invented this or just reposted it?

VOICE: The punishment for breaking hate speech laws can include jail time for repeat offenders.

GLENN: Jail time. Jail time.

If you say something offense about a politician. Did anybody catch that? If you say something offensive about a politician. You can be charged with a height crime. You do it several times, and you will go to prison!

STU: That's a question of how much do we have in in common, before J.D. Vance's speech?

Apparently, not that much.

GLENN: Clearly not.

STU: If those are your laws, it's a crime?

You can't trust people to be able to decipher whether a quote is fake or not?

It's -- it's not their responsibility to -- to look it up themselves?

GLENN: Listen to cut three. CBS. Not pushing back.

VOICE: To build their cases, investigators scour social media, and use public and government data.

They say, sometimes social media companies will provide information to prosecutors, but not always. So the task force employs special software investigators to help unmask anonymous users.

VOICE: So this is suggest you kill people seeking asylum here.

VOICE: He says his unit has prosecuted about 750 hate speech cases over the last four years, but it was a 2021 case, involving a local politician, named Andy Groat, that captured the country's attention.

Groat complained about a tweet, that called him a pimmel. A German word for the male anatomy. That triggered a police raid, and accusations of excessive censorship by the government. As prosecutors explained to us in Germany, it's okay to debate politics online. But it can be a crime to call anyone a pimmel, even a politician.

VOICE: So it sounds like you're saying, it's okay to criticize a politician's policy. But not to say, I think you're a jerk and an idiot?

VOICE: Exactly. Like you're a son of a bitch. Excuse me for -- these words have nothing to do with a political discussions or a contribution of a discussion.

STU: And it's up to him to decipher whether it contributes or not.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Boy, you better be careful if you're going over to Germany any time soon.

GLENN: 60 Minutes finally asks about some free speech issues. Listen to this.

VOICE: That this feels like the surveillance that Germany conducted 80 years ago. How do you respond to that?

VOICE: There is no surveillance.

VOICE: (inaudible) is a CEO of Hate Aid, a Berlin-based human rights organization, that supports victims of online violence.

VOICE: In the United States, a lot of people say, this is restricting free speech. It's a threat to democracy.

VOICE: Free speech needs boundaries.


STU: Ah.

VOICE: In the case of Germany. These boundaries are part of our Constitution. Without boundaries, a very small group of people can rely on endless freedom to say anything that they want.

GLENN: Endless freedom.

STU: Oh, my gosh. It's scary.

VOICE: And your fear is, if people were freely attacked online, that they will withdraw from the discussion?

VOICE: This is not only a fear. It's already taking place. Already half of the internet users in Germany are afraid to express their political opinion. Many participate in public debates online anymore, half of the internet users.

STU: Of course. You're putting them in prison. When they say the wrong thing.

GLENN: I mean, it is Gestapo, with today's technology.

I've warned you. With today's technology, and what is right around the corner, you put a Hitler in charge of it.

STU: And there's not a Jew left in the world.

There's no place to hide in the entire world. This is extraordinarily dangerous.

Now, that's -- that was the extent of the CBS pushback on the Germans.

STU: That was a lot though.

GLENN: Then you get Marco Rubio. And they go to Marco Rubio, to ask him about this. Listen.

VOICE: Well, he was standing in a country where free speech was weaponized to conduct a genocide. And he met with the head of a political party, that has far right views. And some historic ties to extreme groups. The context of that, was changing the tone of it.

GLENN: Changing the tone.

VOICE: Well, I have to disagree with you. No. I have to disagree with you.

Free speech is not used to conduct a genocide. The genocide was conducted by authoritarian Nazi regime, that happened to be genocidal, because they hated Jews and they hated minorities and they hated those -- the list of people they hated. But primarily the Jews. There was no free speech in Nazi Germany. There was none.

There was also no opposition in Nazi Germany. They were the sole and only party that governed that country. So that's not an accurate reflection of history.

STU: Obviously.

GLENN: The free speech caused the Holocaust.

STU: Amazing.

GLENN: Free speech.

You couldn't speak out against the Nazis.

Who doesn't learn that in school? Well, probably most Americans. And clearly the journalists here in America. You had no free speech! How do you get everybody to give the Heil Hitler salute?

You don't do that by becoming popular. They didn't. They did it by beating people in the streets.

You will do this, when we salute. If you don't, we'll beat you to death in the streets. And we can get away with it. Because our guy is in power. There was no free speech! This is insanity! Now, I want to show you what -- what J.D. Vance said, that made the guy cry.

In Germany!

Now, I want you to remember that the Munich security conference chair cried at the closing of the conference.


Because he realized the United States was no longer on the same side as Germany and Europe!

Now, that seems crazy. But, no. I'm not on the same side of people who want to silence anyone.

I am not for the silencing of people on the left here, I am not for silencing the people in the middle. Or the right.

Even to the extreme. Free speech is an absolute!

Unless you're calling for violence and it actually turns into violence. No! But you can say whatever it is you want. I know that sounds extreme. It didn't used to. But apparently, it does now.

Here's what J.D. Vance said. And if you think that Germany is the problem. Listen to this from J.D. Vance. Listen to this.

VOICE: I look to Brussels where the EU commissars warn citizens that they intend to shut down social media during times of civil unrest. The moment they spot what they've judged to be, quote, hateful content.

Or to this very country prepare police have carried out raids against citizens, suspected of posting antifeminist comments online. As part of, quote, combating misogyny on the internet.

A day of action. I look to Sweden, where two weeks ago, the government convicted a Christian activist for participating in Koran burnings that resulted in his friends' murder.

And as the judge in his case chillingly noted, Sweden's laws to supposedly protect free expression, do not, in fact, grant, and I'm quoting, a free pass to do or say anything without risking offending the group that holds that belief.

And perhaps, most concerningly, I look to our very dear friends, the United Kingdom. Where the backslide away from conscience have put basic liberties of religious Britains in the crosshairs.

A little over two years ago, the British government charged Adam Smith conner, a 51-year-old physiotherapist and Army veteran. With the heinous crime of sanding 50 meters from an abortion clinic and silently praying for three minutes. Not obstructing anyone.

Not interacting with anyone. Just silently praying on his own.

After British law enforcement spotted him and demanded to know what he was praying for. Adam replied, simply it was on behalf of the unborn son he and his girlfriend had aborted years before.

Now, the officers were not moved.

Adam was found guilty of breaking the government's new buffer zones law, which criminalizes silent prayer and other actions that could influence a person's decision within 200 meters of an abortion facility.

He was sentenced to pay thousands of pounds in legal costs to the prosecution. Now, I wish I could say this was a fluke, a one-off crazy example of a badly written law being enacted against a single person.

But no, this last October, just a few months ago. The Scottish government began distributing letters to citizens, whose houses lay within so-called safe access zones, warning them that even private prayer within their own homes, may amount to breaking the law.

Naturally, the government urged readers to report any fellow citizen suspected guilty of thought crime. And Britain and across Europe, free speech, I fear is in retreat.

GLENN: What part of that, did you disagree with.

What part of that makes you want to embrace the European Union?

For me, it's quite the opposite. I've always believed that Europe, our brothers and sisters, and we're fine.

And we should help one another. But I have to tell you, I no longer am comfortable with a single dollar going over to Europe, to defend those kinds of policies.

You're not on the same side.

We are not on the same side! If you violate freedom of speech, that way.

And remember, this is why Klaus Schwab told Europe, just believe in the system.

Well, what is the system?

We found out, the system is, if the people vote for a candidate that is not going to play ball. If they are at all in line with freedom of speech, they're a radical, need to be shut down.

And we cancel that election. Until the people get it right!

That's a dictatorship! We are seeing the hatred of the old Germany. And Europe. Start to grow again. And Europe could become a very large foe of freedom.


Should the US Own Gaza? Ben Shapiro Explains Trump’s REAL Agenda | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 245

Donald Trump may have just given “Free Palestine” a whole new meaning. In this episode of "The Glenn Beck Podcast," Ben Shapiro breaks down what Donald Trump understands about the Middle East and why he is seemingly immune to conventional State Department “nonsense” guidance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. “Nobody wants to own Gaza,” but what does Trump mean when he warns Hamas to return the hostages or else he will “let all hell break out”? If Ben advised Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, he would tell him to “listen to the president.” Ben and Glenn marvel at the breakneck speed at which the Trump administration is moving, how Elon Musk has been “unleashed on the federal government," and JD Vance’s clear position on AI in America. The two discuss tariffs, trade wars, annexing Canada, the war in Ukraine, Fauci, Epstein, the JFK assassination, and why we should investigate what went on during the Biden administration. In the end, they agree that “2024 was the nail in the coffin for legacy media” and joke that they are, in fact, “not tired of winning.”


The MAJOR Difference Between the Trump and Biden Economies

Democrats just aren't getting the message: The American people are DONE with Big Government and their socialist agenda. But there is one thing that Trump must watch out for: the economy. If inflation continues for too long, it could mean trouble for his administration. However, Glenn explains the major difference between the Trump and Biden administrations when it comes to the economy: at least Trump is being honest with us. Instead of insisting that the economy is the greatest it's ever been, like Biden did, Trump has admitted that more pain could still be on the horizon. But hopefully, it will only be temporary...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Boy, I have to tell you, I think the -- the left just doesn't know what to do. They are on the ropes.

And then -- and then you put somebody like David Hogg in? As -- I mean, what are you thinking?

STU: Vice Chair of the DNC.

GLENN: Yeah. What are you thinking?

STU: They've learned nothing.

GLENN: Nothing.

STU: I think they're just panicking right now. And there is a reason to believe, if we're being honest here. That the American people are fickle. And they usually just run out of gas for whoever is in office. And I -- you know, you can't look ahead. And think, okay. This is 40 years of success ahead.

Like, they're going to do something. Right now, they're flailing though. We're three weeks into this.

GLENN: Right.

But you also have to remember, that it wasn't too long ago, that books were being written. How the Republican Party will never come back. It's over.

It will be 100 years of democratic rule.

STU: There was a book. Was it James Carville who wrote it about how Republicans would be a regional party only? This is after Barack Obama's 2008 election. The 2010 election was the biggest wave election in 100 years.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: That's how fast this stuff can dry up. So this is why I'm so encouraged by what Trump is doing here. In that, we are at a situation, that he's realizing that he doesn't maybe have the longest road to do all of the stuff. He's got to get it done. And hopefully, it works, and excites the American people. And don't lose the House, for example, in 2026. Which is usually what happens.

GLENN: But you have to have someone competent to run, somebody who has vision.

I mean, you know, when you're putting in as your vice chair, David Hogg. It doesn't show

STU: It's at least a somewhat meaningless role.

GLENN: I know that. But still, it shows me that you are -- you are still on the same message. You know, I was talking to somebody yesterday. Do we have the picture of the front of Rockefeller Center? This is one of the buildings in Rockefeller Center. Pull it up if you can, online.
And it is a glass cutting of the front of Rockefeller Center. Do you have it?

STU: They're working on it. They are working on it, Glenn.

GLENN: Okay. There it is. So it's hard to see. But see, there are two horses. And then the strong guy, naked. Standing, holding those horses back. He's standing on a chariot. And the two horses are being held back.

STU: Looks like he works out.

GLENN: There's a sunrise right in front of those horses. And you will see the youth, in front of the horses, kind of leading the horses. Okay?

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: What this means is, this is -- this is the -- the socialist movement, the Democratic Party.

This is the horses represent industry. The strong man in the chariot is the government, and it's holding back the reins of industry. It's got industry completely in its grip and control.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: And the youth of tomorrow, lead us into the sunrise and the new chapter. This is socialism. This is what they're still offering us. Where Trump is saying, no. We don't want the strong guy in the chariot. We don't -- we don't want that.

And we just want competent people. I don't care if they're 12 or 112. If they're competent, we just want competent people. You know, setting the course for us.

And that could be -- it doesn't necessarily have to be elected. The elected guy is in the chariot. I want that guy just to be really small. And really, not even in the picture, quite honestly.

STU: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this goes back to the speech J.D. Vance made last week, about AI. Which we haven't discussed all that much. It was really encouraging. It was like saying, hey. We're freaking America here.

You know, we're going to -- of course, we're going to dominate this industry.

Obviously. Do we want it? Yeah, stop we're going to take it.

And we're not going to lose to China. It was like -- it wasn't -- it wasn't apologizing for that. It wasn't saying, well, really, we should give this technology to everyone.

Because everyone needs it. It's like, no. No, we're just the best at it. And we will do everything we can, to make sure we're the ones in control of this. It's not only important for our economy, but also the nation's security.

GLENN: And freedom of the world, quite honestly. Did you see what James Cameron came out and said? Normally I don't care what James Cameron said. But he's the guy with Skynet and the Terminator.

STU: Okay. Yeah.

GLENN: He came out and said, you know, I wrote a fictional nightmare, he said. But this time, it's not fictional. It's not speculation. It's already happening.

That's a quote from him. He said, it's a scarier scenario than what I presented in the Terminator four years ago. If for no other reason, that it's no longer science fiction. It's happening right now. You'll be living in a world that you didn't agree to, didn't vote for.

Are forced to share with a super intelligence entity, that wants to follow the goals of a corporation. This entity will have access to your communications. Beliefs. Everything you ever said. And the whereabouts of every person in the country through personal data.

He said, its ability to predict and influence human behavior. This is surveillance capitalism. And surveillance capitalism can toggle pretty quickly into digital totalitarianism. This is the hard place. Is, I don't want the government to own it, but I also don't trust corporations to own it.

STU: I trust corporations more than I trust the government.


STU: I do. That one is not a tough decision for me. I understand -- I feel like, it's a little more difficult than maybe conservatives felt at one point.

GLENN: I mean, I distrust them equally. It's not like I trust one more than the other.

STU: That's fair.

GLENN: I distrust both of them.

STU: I trust corporations more. And the reason is that there's actual competition between them.

And it's -- I don't trust any individual corporation necessarily. But like, the -- the impacts of the market, I think generally speaking, lead to us good things.

You know, but that -- it's up for debate, of course. The problem here, you sort of have to choose one path or another. I can tell you, I do not want centralized control of AI.

Do I want guardrails around it for national security purposes? Sure. But when it comes to whether -- I don't love tech companies, for example. I think there's been a lot of good things. But there's been a lot of bad things. That being said, the difference between that and the government. To me, there's a pretty bright line there.

GLENN: I have to tell you, if you look at what's happening in Europe, and Canada. I mean, did you hear that in Canada. They're now trying to pass a bill, that you can go to prison, if you say anything favorable about oil, gas, or coal? That's sensible. That's going to work out really well, isn't it?

STU: These are products that have built our civilization.

GLENN: Exactly right. You can't run -- not just built it in the past.

STU: Currently.

GLENN: We can't live without any of that stuff.

STU: No. And they're like, no, you can't even talk about it positively.

GLENN: It's crazy.

STU: It's basically crazy about everything. Let alone something that's been really positive to our world.

GLENN: Also Linda McMahon. Yesterday, she talked about in her confirmation hearing.

She said, fund educational freedom. Not government-run systems.

This is her plan. Listen to the parents. Not the politicians. Build up careers. Not college debt. Empower states, not special interests.

Invest in teachers, not Washington bureaucrats. November proved that Americans overwhelmingly support the president's vision, and I'm ready to enact it.

Education is an issue that determines our national success, and prepares American workers to win the future. The legacy of our nation's leadership and education is one that every person in this room embraces with pride. Unfortunately, many Americans today are experiencing a system in decline.

I think she's -- I think -- I mean, I don't know how you argue against these things. I really don't. We all know our schools are failing like crazy. She was asked, does that mean that you are going to cut off the funds for schools that need, you know, help because they're in low tax -- no! No. We'll still help those. But we're going to get rid of all of this crap, that you're required to do, to get any of that money.

They have to be run, the classrooms need to be run by the parents and the teachers locally. Not some bureaucrats in Washington, DC.

STU: Yeah. And she -- McMahon is a real advocate for school choice.

This is an incredible. We have a real opportunity to make a massive difference for millions of children.


STU: For millions of children in this four-year period, and it's really exciting. Even here in Texas, where we had an election. We talked about the House Speaker situation. Who, it did not go the way the conservatives were hoping in Texas.

But at least as of today, Burrows (phonetic), who is the guy -- not the more conservative option, is claiming that they're going to go forward with school choice in Texas.

Even, I mean, we're at the point now, even what you might call the RINO contingency is like, okay. We'll do that. This is incredible, Glenn! We've been talking about this policy for ten years.

GLENN: Longer than that. As long as we've been on the air, we've been discussing as this sort of pie-in-the-sky. Hey, maybe that will -- and vouchers! Like it was this thing, that would never occur.

And all of a sudden, it's occurring. All over the country.

GLENN: So here's what concerns me. Is Donald Trump -- I love these people who are coming out from the Democrat side. Saying, have you checked inflation?

No. There is no inflation.

This is the greatest economy ever. What are you talking about?

The Bidenflation is the work against inflation that Biden has been doing. Bidenomics, it's the greatest thing ever. I can't believe the people who told us, there was no such thing as inflation. Are now crying, you know, the inflation numbers. And I'm happy to say, that our president is saying, yes! Inflation will go up. And it will be hard. And we are working to -- to reverse that. He's at least recognizing the reality of the situation.

And it is going to go up, and get worse before it gets better.


Is a Global Gold "Ponzi Scheme" About to Come Crashing Down?

Something weird is going on with gold, related to tariffs and a possible audit, that could drastically change the value of the dollar. Glenn reviews an X thread from user Matt Smith and warns that we must start looking for the word "rehypothecation" to appear in news stories. If that happens, it would mean, "no one owns anything." But this isn't the only possible future. There's a chance, Glenn explains, that Trump could return the US dollar to the gold standard.

Read the X thread:


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: They're great. There is a great thread from Matt Smith, that I retweeted last night. And it's about the -- the dollar and our economy and everyone needs to read this.

What the average person is going to be talking about is my groceries are going up. And, yes, they are. That's not anything from this administration. That is from all of the lies, that the media was telling you that things were strong and it's getting better. Yada, yada.

No. It's not. Those numbers and all of that stuff were garbage!

And it's not getting better yet.

And Donald Trump is cutting, cutting, cutting.

But we also need to cut regulations.

We need to get business back on its feet.

These two things have to have happen in a coordinated passion.

Otherwise, you will get the spending.

Remember, most of our GDP. A lot of our GDP is coming from the government.

They're spending all of this money.

You're not spending money. They're spending money. That's keeping the government's GDP. So if you cut, our GDP goes down. Which means all kinds of numbers start to fluctuate from interest rates and everything else. So we want a growing GDP, which means we have to grow real wealth. We have to grow real business. Not NGOs. And the one guy that I think can do it is Donald Trump. But there's a tweet, that caught my eye yesterday. Because it starts with gold, and I've been following the comments.

There's something going on with gold, and nobody really knows what it is. Somebody here in the United States is buying a crap load of gold. We think, I hope. It's the Treasury. Or the central bank. The Fed. But somebody is taking huge physical deliveries. And it's causing shortages, in London. Where they're -- they buy and sell gold.

There are shortages now of gold. Because somebody is buying it. And shipping it here. Somebody with very deep pockets. Okay. So why? Now, this is all theory. That's fact. Here's the theory of what's going on.

They're preparing for a full-on gold audit. We talked about this yesterday. The government right now claims on its balance sheet, as an asset, all of this gold.

And it's valued at $45 an ounce. In case, you haven't heard, it's $2,900 an ounce. So they're talking now, about boosting the price of gold, at least market to market, but maybe even making it 5,000 dollars an ounce. Okay? If that happens, the balance sheet starts to fall into line, and our debt to GDP is not as bad as it really is. Right now. Okay?

Just start claiming the truth about gold, and our balance sheet starts to come into line. Start taking our minerals, start taking our oil. And claiming those as assets, and putting those on the balance sheet. Which we can do. And it's not a bad idea. Unless, you know, we lose in the end.

Because then we lose all of our assets, our natural it assets. You put those on the balance sheet. This helps strengthen the United States. Because we're coming a place where we're not going to be able to finance the debt. Who wants to write the United States a new long-term loan, at less than really market value, and market value, I mean, you know -- if you walked into a bank, and you had the credit report that the United States of America has. What do you think the bank is going to charge you in interest?

You're a risk. You're just addicted to spending. You're doing ridiculous things. I'm sorry.

Now, they might write you a check, if you have all of this stuff on your balance sheet. Okay?

And that's why they're doing it. They're trying to reshore up our balance sheet, make ourselves healthier than we are. Because we're at the end of the dollar. We're at the end of this financial system. So this is an endgame. It's why tariffs are being, you know, brought in.

It's a -- it's a -- to -- to force others to start to see the sorry situation they're in, I mean. Europe. If this deal with Ukraine goes through, which, by the way, yesterday, had a great -- a perfect phone call with Putin. And it did go really, really well.

And Donald Trump is saying, yeah. You know, we might have to have the resources, from you. We might. We want your rare earth minerals.

Because of what we've already given you.

We want that in exchange.

He's doing that as a negotiating tactic with everybody.

And he's putting on notice, the European Union.

We're not in this anymore. This is your problem. We leave. We're not rebuilding Ukraine. You have to do it.

And you're going to have to protect it. And we're not going to guarantee its protection. So if you want it protected. You do it. They're talking $3 trillion to be able to rebuild and protect.

Europe can't handle that!

But, you know what, Europe, neither can we!

So he's putting everybody in the same situation.

And this is going to cause inflation to rise. It's going to!

It will punish the average person. Because tariffs and everything else. If they're not done exactly right, it will punish with higher prices.

However, he's betting that wages will also rise. Because he's forcing people to keep their profits here.

And make jobs here.

If everything goes right, what the -- the trade on gold is showing us, is that we may be going towards a gold-backed financial system. Or gold-backed currency of some sort.

The Fed could even be shut down. There is something big in the wind, and nobody knows what it is, for sure.

So if -- what do you do as a regular person?

You need to understand that the dollar could be by design. Being collapsed.

That's exactly what the Biden administration was doing.

Collapsing the dollar. But they didn't have a plan, to replace it, other than a digital dollar. And, you know, global slavery.

I'm not sure what the plan is here. But it seems much more American-centric. Good for America. And good for the rest of the world.

And it doesn't look like it's taking freedom away from people. But we have to watch it.

The situation with the economy is really dire.

That hasn't gone away!

What we have is a -- one of the best mechanics who have hired the rest of the best mechanics. To come in, put up the hood, and say, we want to save this engine!
How do we do it?

And they're applying that. We don't know what direction. But a -- a huge sign that something big is coming, is the amount of gold that is being purchased. And the key here that you have to understand, shortages in London, gold flowing into the US at record levels. Somebody with deep pockets. This is what Matt Smith is scooping up gold.

They're reshoring gold, that might have been leased out. What does that mean?

That the United States is buying all this gold. Why?

Because they're reshoring the gold that might have been leased out. That's rehypothecation. That's just the word away from the word that I said, if you see rehypothecation.

Begin to be bantered around. Look out.

What rehypothecation is, is we've taken one asset. And we've -- we've counted it, on several different accounting books.

So we counted at the United States. But also, we've -- we've leased this gold out to Germany.

So Germany could get more money, based on their gold. But their gold is our gold.

And our gold is England's gold. So that's how dire this is. Is we're beginning to enter the world of rehypothecation. Which means, no one knows anything. Because your house, you say, well, I've got my loan through Citibank. Because Citibank has rehypothesized -- has used rehypothecation to put that on their balance sheet, as that's their house. But they sold it in a package to eight different banks. And they're all counting that house, yours. As an asset. So when they all start to go down, they all say, well, we've got all of these assets. Well, no, you don't.

Which one of you has the 100 percent.

You're all claiming 100 percent of Bob Smith's house. Which one actually has it? Well, they all do. This is such a Ponzi scheme. Where -- you know what this is?

This is the story of The Producers. You ever see the movie, or the stage show Mel Brooks, the Producers. Why did they get into trouble? Because they were selling over 100 percent of the play. They kept selling the play. You get 100 percent. You get 100 percent. You get 100 percent. All thinking, that it's not -- that that particular show, wouldn't make any money.

It won't be a success. It's the worst play ever. So it will close. And nobody will audit and say, wait a minute. You sold 100 percent. Nobody will ask. They just want to get away from it.

They lost their money. It closed.

But if it's a success, they now have to pay 100 percent of the proceeds to 14 different people!

It's a scam. That's what's happened here. They have sold 100 percent of your house, or in this case, the gold!

To several different people. When everybody says, I'm in trouble. I want my money back. I need my gold. Trouble.


STU: I mean, it just seems like the type of thing that's almost impossible to unwind. Right?

If it's that deep, how do you unwind it, or do you just protect yourself and your family?

GLENN: For you. You -- you make sure that if your house is paid for. If you have anything paid for, you have the title.

You know where the title is, you have the title.

Okay? So you're not in as bad of shape.

If you own things. You own your car. Good.

The title.

You own your house, good. Have the title.

It's really good, if you're buying a house, to make sure that that loan is staying local.

That they're not reselling that loan. That it's staying with one bank. And it's not -- it's not being sold, what were those cold? Credit default swaps.

STU: I remember those things. Yeah.

GLENN: That it's not being sold like that. Because that's what causes the problem.

And -- and so you just need assets.

You need real assets. If you can buy gold, you should buy gold.

It especially, if they're going to start counting that on the balance sheet. If they change the price of gold, to -- from $45, to $4,500, that means they're going to have to do that worldwide. So gold all of a sudden becomes $4,500 an ounce. Okay. As your that are goes down, your gold will go through the roof.

STU: This is much better when Margot Robbie is telling me about it, in a bathtub. That is -- the delivery --

GLENN: I can run the water.

STU: No. Please don't. Oh, my gosh. Sara just threw up on the board. Stations, we may have some technical difficulties.