Trump is following through on his campaign promises. Here are the top 10.

Somebody might want to check the temperature in hell, it might be just a tad chillier than normal.

If you missed Friday's episode of The Glenn Beck Program, you missed something you probably never thought you'd see in this timeline or any other. Glenn actually donned President Trump's trademark red "Make America Great Again" hat and laid out the case for why he thinks Trump will win in a landslide in 2020.

RELATED: The media's derangement over Trump has me wearing a new hat and predicting THIS for 2020

Bottom line: Nancy Pelosi and the mainstream media may have pushed Glenn to this point, but believe it or not, Trump's record will make this next election a walk in the park for number 45. At this point, the sitting president has done enough to earn even Glenn's vote.

Glenn broke down what he thought were the 10 biggest campaign promises that — unlike those made by most politicians — Trump actually kept.

10.Impose a 10% repatriation tax to bring jobs back to America

Not all of Trump's promises were good ones, but regardless of what the consequences may be — he did keep this one.

"Now, I think this one is dangerous," Glenn said on radio Friday. "He did it. Ten percent. Bring all of your money back into the United States. It will create jobs. Yes. It will also create inflation. But it's creating jobs."

9.Withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

This has been one of Trump's most passionate issues.

"The stop the TPP. Uh-huh. Right. Sure you are. Uh-huh. Yes. He did," Glenn admitted.

8.Withdraw from the disastrous Paris Climate Accord

Glenn found himself eating crow on this.

"I'm on record saying he will never do that because his daughter is a huge global warming person and he only listens to the family. Eh. Wrong," Glenn said with a puff of crow feathers coming from his mouth.

7.Bring North Korea to the table and rein them in

This looked impossible. Not so.

"'I'm going to bring North Korea to the table.' Are you? Everybody has tried to do that," Glenn said. "Now, they're at the table. We don't know what's going to happen. So the result of that is unknown. But has anybody else done that?"

6.Stop over-regulation and jump-start the economy

It's the economy, stupid.

"Does anybody feel like America is beginning to get on track somewhat economically? You know why? Because he fulfilled another promise," Glenn said. "Stop over-regulating the American people. Give them their money. Give the companies the opportunity to expand and bring their money back into the country, and maybe they'll build buildings. Maybe they'll build offices. Maybe they'll build new products. Maybe they'll build new factories. Maybe they'll hire a bunch of people."

Glenn went on.

"Now, I know Seattle is trying to do everything they can to make sure everybody in their city is homeless and unemployed, but the rest of the country is enjoying the feeling of, wow, maybe things are going to be okay."

5.Reverse Obama's executive orders

If you're like Glenn, you've gotten used to politicians promising "no new taxes," but you can really tell they're lying if their lips are moving. Guess what? That's apparently not Trump.

"The executive orders? Yeah. He's reversed a lot of Obama's executive orders," Glenn said. "These are outrageous promises."

4.Pull out of the Iran nuclear deal

No big deal...

"'I'm going to cancel the Iran Deal.' Yep. None of these are small. You know, I've got maybe ten minutes. I think we can get that done in the first term. And they did," Glenn said.

3.Give tax cuts to middle-class Americans

Maybe this could have been better, but we'll take it.

"I don't like the tax cut. I think he could go a lot further," Glenn said. "But that's not even his job. His job is to sign things that Congress puts in front of him. Not to design it. You Republicans in Congress, you disgust me. You disgust me. 'Imagine what we could do if we had the House and the Senate and the White House.' I can imagine what you'll do — nothing. You'll do nothing."

2.Change strategy and defeat ISIS

The mainstream media have been radio silent on this.

"How about the president's — well, I know I can defeat ISIS. I know I can do it. I'll defeat ISIS. He did," Glenn said. "And did you notice no one in the press even talked about it? All of a sudden, we're not talking about ISIS anymore. How come? Oh, I know. President Trump. That's why."

1.Recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate the US embassy

This one is a true game-changer.

"Now, every president will say to you, when he's running, 'I'm going to make Jerusalem the home.' Well, really? The home of the embassy. Really, are you? Because everybody says that, nobody does it. He did it," Glenn said. "And I think that's going to go down as the biggest game-changer possibly in my lifetime. This is going — it already is — it is changing the game in Iran."

Glenn continued.

"And when it does, this president is going to come out and say something directly to those people, that we support them," he said. "And that's going to add fuel to the fire. And you might see a regime change and a collapse of the Islamic regime in Iran. And it will be 100 percent Donald Trump that made that responsible. One hundred percent. You're going to see changes because of this. He kept that promise. A promise I said, he's not going to do that. Nobody is going to do that. He did."

Glenn is inviting you for a once-in-a-lifetime celebration of our American heritage--through art.

You know Glenn as the Radio Hall Of Fame-winning host of the Glenn Beck Program. Since 2020, Glenn has been making his mark as a fine artist, curating pieces that highlight the Western and American heritage. Now, Glenn is hosting a new national art show featuring 100 works of art created by himself and 30 elite artists, featuring the beauty of America's history and landscapes.

The vision for the art show began at Glenn’s Idaho ranch in July 2022, when he and a select group of artists gathered to explore how to create art with a pure motive to inspire that is more inclusive and accessible to newcomers in the art market while also still appealing to seasoned patrons and collectors. Thus the inspiration behind “American Narratives in Fine Art” was born.

Glenn and the participating artists of this exhibition aspire to unite people through art and celebrate cherished American values in a time of increasing division. Artist Josh Clare said, “It is a new concept for an art show. We are exercising faith to participate, but nothing beautiful happens without a leap of faith.”

As a self-taught historian, Glenn has amassed a valuable and vast collection of national historic artifacts, and he offered this collection to the artists to use as inspiration to create art for this show. Artifacts used by the artists will be displayed with the art to create an interactive and unique presentation of illustrative American storytelling.

You won't want to miss this one-of-a-kind celebration of our American heritage in this world-class art event on September 20-21, 2024. Click HERE to buy tickets and learn more, and stay tuned for content highlighting the participating artists.

These 3 things PROVE Kamala Harris is a radical leftist

Michael DeMocker / Stringer | Getty Images

Vice President Kamala Harris seems to be the apparent democratic nominee (for now), and despite her image over the past four years as Biden's cackling sidekick, her reputation is no laughing matter. If elected, Kamala would be the most far-left, progressive America has ever seen. Glenn discussed on his radio show just how extreme Kamala's track record is, highlighting some of the most radical things she has said and supported. While she may try to pass herself off as moderate, here are three things from Kamala's past that PROVE that she is a radical leftist:

1. Her stance on the environment

Chip Somodevilla / Staff | Getty Images

When Kamala was in the Senate she openly stated that in the name of stopping climate change, she was in support of a total ban on fracking. This would mean a complete halt on one of the most important pillars of America's energy sector and a collapse of the U.S. economy. Not to mention we would become completely dependent on foreign powers, such as Russia and the Middle East for oil and wouldn't address oil consumption, only make oil and gas even more expensive for everyday Americans.

Kamala was also among the eleven most progressive Senators who endorsed the Green New Deal, which aimed to combine radical climate protection with wide-sweeping socialist reforms. This is one of the most radical pieces of legislation to ever be proposed in America and would completely rewrite the entire country from the ground up.

2. Her economic theory

Tom Stoddart Archive / Contributor | Getty Images

Kamala's economic theory seems to be "it's easy to spend other people's money," as demonstrated by her Senate track record. In 2019, Harris introduced the "Housing is Infrastructure Act" which proposed to spend $100 BILLION on housing projects, $70 billion of which would be on government-owned housing units.

During her 2020 presidential bid, Kamala openly supported debt-free college. This followed her support for Senator Bernie Sanders's plan to make college tuition-free for low and mid-income families. Even Bernie Sanders admitted that this plan would cost the tax-payers $48 billion a year (keep in mind that's 48 billion pre-pandemic, 2017 dollars), which by all accounts was a low-ball estimate.

Speaking of the pandemic, Kamala's response was just about as extreme as it gets. She proposed a $2,000-a-month allowance for every U.S. citizen during the pandemic. Kamala also introduced a bill that would have capped price increases during the pandemic at 10 percent, which would have caused crippling shortages across the country should it have passed. Kamala's short-sighted economic vision would spell disaster for America should she be elected.

3. Her encouragement of lawlessness

JOHN AMIS / Contributor | Getty Images

Possibly most shocking, Kamala worked to free violent criminals and rioters in the wake of the George Floyd "mostly peaceful protests" of 2020. In June 2020, Kamala tweeted a fundraising call for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a non-profit organization that was created to bail out rioters who were arrested. Approximately $41 million was collected and used to bail out rioters who wreaked havoc on American cities. But even more disturbing is the fact that large portions of the funds were used to bail out violent suspects that bore no connection to the riots. One of these people, a man by the name of George Howard, who had a violent track record, was bailed out using this fund money and quickly went on to gun down Luis Martinez Ortiz in a road rage incident.

Kamala's tweet of endorsement is still up, and she has never commented on the incident. If the lawlessness of the summer of 2020 is a vision of justice that Kamala can get behind, America will not survive a Harris presidency.

These 2 leftist bills will REVERSE Trump's immunity and EMPOWER faceless bureaucrats

JIM WATSON / Contributor, Alex Wong / Staff | Getty Images

The Democrats in Congress have been trying to slip a few dangerous bills under our noses, and Biden and Kamala Harris came out today publicly backing their efforts. These bills are aimed at undoing two landmark Supreme Court cases that significantly reduced the power of the federal government: Trump v. United States and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. Here's a brief summary of each of these cases:

Trump v. United States

This case granted presidents immunity from criminal prosecution of official acts in office. This pumped the breaks on the onslaught of lawfare against former president Trump, putting an end to the left's persecution of their political opponent. This ruling also got Trump out of the classified documents case in Florida and has the potential to get his 34 convictions in Manhattan overturned.

Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo

This case overturned the longstanding Chevron deference, which has historically empowered federal agencies to make and enforce regulations that aren't explicitly made clear in statutory law. The Chevron deference was first articulated in the 1984 Supreme Court case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council,which required courts to defer to the appropriate federal authority when an ambiguous regulation comes under question. This gave the federal bureaucracy far too much regulatory power and greatly expanded the influence of the administrative state. Fortunately, the Supreme Court overturned this doctrine earlier this month, returning power to lower courts.

Long story short...

Over the summer, the Supreme Court dramatically reduced the power of the Federal government and practically dismantled the administrative state. Naturally, the Left was angry.

Last Wednesday, Democratic Congressman Joseph Morelle proposed a new Constitutional Amendment that would reverse the ruling of Trump v. United States. The proposed amendment would prohibit a president from pardoning themselves and remove "immunity from criminal prosecution for an act on the grounds that such act was within the constitutional authority or official duties of an individual." This amendment has been endorsed by President Biden, who has also called for dramatic changes to the Supreme Court, well overstepping his presidential bounds. Biden wants term limits and an enforceable code of ethics for the high court, which would destroy the delicate system of checks and balances created by our founders. It is clear that the objective behind this unconstitutional escapade is the destruction of Donald Trump, no matter the cost.

Additionally, the Democrats have just introduced a bill into the Senate that would codify the Chevron deference into law, restoring the power of the regulatory federal agencies. Sponsored by Elizabeth Warren and 10 other Democrats, the Stop Corporate Capture Act seeks to take the power to interpret regulations from the lower courts and give it back to the federal government. This is all in line with the progressives' larger goal to centralize power and keep Americans poor and reliant on the government.

The progressives have taken a major blow this summer, their authoritarian grip has been loosened, and they are desperately trying to gain it back. While neither of these bills is likely to pass, it shows that we have to keep up the fight. This election is FAR from won, and it is more important now than ever to take to the polls and vote!

3 facts the Left wishes you forgot about Kamala's track record

Nathan Howard / Stringer | Getty Images

Every day it seems more and more likely that Vice President Kamala Harris is bound to become the Democratic nominee. Maybe there will be some switch-out at the DNC, but for now, we should prepare ourselves for a Trump-Harris faceoff in November.

Most people know Kamala for her awkward demeanor, her tendency to cackle at inappropriate times, and her deep love for yellow school buses. But Glenn has reminded us that behind those cringe-worthy speeches is possibly the most extremely progressive nominee America has ever had. You might see some people calling Kalmala a "moderate" Democrat, but these 3 facts Glenn brought up on his radio show blow that idea out of the water:

1. Her Green New Deal Endorsement

Win McNamee / Staff | Getty Images

Harris was one of 14 people who endorsed the Green New Deal, which is a plan designed to fight climate change by any means necessary. Other people who endorsed the Green New Deal include radical progressives such as Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and AOC.

The plan includes switching to renewable energy sources as fast as possible, never mind the effects that will have on the economy, the power grid, or the price of electricity. The Green New Deal purports to aid communities who would feel the impact of such a dramatic switch, namely poor Americans who already struggle to pay the electric bill, and oil and gas workers who would be out of a job. But let's be realistic. The government would not be capable of supporting the millions of affected families by such a dramatic switch, and neither would the taxpayers be able to afford it.

This is what Kamala has in store for us if she were to be elected.

2. Her Radical Progressive Platform

Joe Raedle / Staff | Getty Images

Kamala has also proposed a radical socialist agenda that would dramatically reshape our country. One such proposal is for government-backed healthcare. Sometimes referred to as "Medicare for All," Kamala's plan would enable every American to sign up for "free" government-sponsored health insurance. Now, of course, nothing is ever "free," and MASSIVE tax hikes would accompany this sort of plan to generate the funding to pay for such a program.

Kamala is also an abortion activist and has been an outspoken critic of the Dobbs decision, which saw the overturning of Roe v Wade. She famously went on a "reproductive freedoms tour" across multiple states in 2023. If elected, Kamala would be the most vocal pro-abortion president in our nation's history.

3.Her Hypocrisy As California AG

The Washington Post / Contributor | Getty Images

Kamala has a troubled record as the attorney general of California that the Left would love for us to forget. Harris was caught multiple times hiding evidence that proved to be crucial for their respective cases. She also locked up more than 1,560 people for minor marijuana charges, which is extra ironic now considering she has changed her tune and is now pro-marijuana. Kamala has even gone on-air and joked about smoking pot in a radio interview during which she was asked if she had ever tried the substance. She responded, "Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?” Later in the interview, she elaborated that she had smoked at least once in college — before she went on her pot prosecution spree as California's AG.

This shows just how flimsy Kamala really is. She'll bend to whatever pressure the Democrats put on her, which is clearly why so many Democrats jumped at the chance to back her after Biden stepped out of the campaign. Conservatives need to be careful. Trump has looked stronger than ever these past few weeks, but we can't get lazy. As unlikely as it seems, there is still a real chance Kamala could win this November, and a Kamala presidency would be every bit as bad as a second Biden term, if not worse. You NEED to get out and VOTE this fall.