We're facing the world's WORST FOOD CRISIS since WW2

The world currently is facing the WORST global food crisis since World War 2, according to the United Nations. But the food shortages we are experiencing here in America today are not JUST due to Russia’s war in Ukraine…they’re the result of several issues plaguing our nation, like Biden’s skyrocketing inflation, supply chain problems, labor shortages, and more. One U.S. Senator recently warned a worldwide FAMINE could take place in the next few years. Whether or not his prediction comes true, it IS time to prepare.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Okay. So I want to go through a couple of -- a couple of things. First of all, there's real problems in China.

China is still closing everything down. And their society is collapsing. Shanghai, there are stories now, and it's amazing. Because these are Americans that live in Shanghai. And in the story, that was I can't remember. It was an American journal. They did not want to be identified, in fear of repercussions.

And what they're saying is, as soon as this lockdown is over, I'm out of here.

I love the quote from one of them. That said, the problem with this is, there is no one to turn to for help.

Bingo. Now you understand the problem, with an all-encompassing government. Whenever they decide, they're going to do something, there's no one to turn for help.

Who is going to help you?

You going to call the police? Because that's the government. You going to call the politician, because that's the government

You going to call the military? Because that's the government. You going to call the media? Because that's the government.

So it's falling apart badly, and the ships that are stuck in port, and trying to get into port, unlike anything the world has ever seen. This is much worse than it was with covid. Remember when we couldn't get anything?

Now it's causing all kinds of problems. And we are just at the beginning of this story.

This is an epic black swan event.

And with the war in Ukraine, and the bird flu pandemic. I don't know if anybody has been paying attention to that. But that's causing real problems here in the United States.

And this is -- this is assuming now, that in the next 12 months, there are no natural disasters.

We are now facing the worst global food crisis, since World War II.

I want you to think about this. The worst food crisis since World War II. This is a problem, Senator Roger marshal said, that we are going into a worldwide famine, and, quote, it is definitely going to happen.

Now, let me just give you a couple of things, that just, you know, the -- the low-hanging fruit here, so you can understand what's coming.

You're going into the grocery store. Have you noticed that there's not empty shelves. But they're not as full as they usually are.

If you've noticed that, you might have noticed that in the canned dog food. Canned dog food. Is -- there's starting to be a shortage in America of canned dog food. Not going to be able to get it. Why?

A couple of reasons. Chicken and turkey. Because of the Asian flu. Now going through our bird population. Which we are just slaughtering turkeys and chickens, left and right. You can't get cheap food for your dog. You can't get the chicken and the turkey for the dog food.

Plus, there's an aluminum can shortage. There's a shortage of aluminum. Those two things are only going to get worse.

Now, if you also are heading into summer, wherever you live. And there are pools around. Try buying chlorine. You're about to see a growing problem with chlorine.

The pandemic is not the problem this time. This is Hurricane Laura in late 2020. It -- it leveled the facilities of a major chlorine manufacturing plant in Louisiana.

Forty percent of all of our chlorine is made at that plant. Well, that was two years ago. But why isn't that plant back online?

Because of the building supply shortage.

They can't get it back online, because they don't have the supplies, they need. To rebuild it.

There's also the baby formula shortage, that is continuing, and getting worse.

Have I tried to buy bulk food?

You know, I kind of hang in the circle of preppers, and my church is big on this.

Try to go to -- they're always like, we got food. We got food. Don't worry, you can just come buy the food, at cheap prices. You can't buy it. You can only buy it at limited supplies now.

That is remarkable. Rice is going to go up. Rice is going to go way up. The food shortages are going to get worse. And we will feel them here. Over in Europe, they are already rationing cooking oil. Because of the Ukrainian -- Ukrainian war.

Inflation supply chain, shortages of energy, food, raw materials, and labor are all going to accelerate this.

And the war is only going to make things worse. Which brings me to two things. First of all, Russia has just cut off a major supply of natural gas, to Poland. Gazprom just cut off the gas supplies, to two countries, that are both NATO members.

And it marks the first time, of -- of us being able to say, yeah. Ronald Reagan said this would happen. Why did you let them do this?

But they have become dependent on Gazprom, and dependent on Russian fuel. And now they've turned it off. This is the first time, since the Soviet era, that Russia reacted this way.

So now, gas supplies are down. We're not doing anything about it here. In fact, Putin -- I mean, Biden is delaying more things that we could do to help with the gas supply. And he's saying, no at this point, for environmental reasons.

But here's what's really disturbing: Listen to this story from the Washington Examiner. Near the beginning of the Russian invasion in Ukraine, which commenced February 24th, U.S. Intel provided to the Ukrainians help that defeated a Russian operation, that was meant to rest control of the airport near Kyiv. They helped, and it gave the Ukrainians the ability to shoot down a Russian transport plane, carrying hundreds of Russian troops, according to NBC News.

Had Russia been able to maintain the control of the airport, its forces captured it for a short time, Moscow could have used it to solve many of its logistical and supply problems.

Various U.S. defense and intelligence officials have spoken in broad terms, about the intelligence sharing with Ukrainians while frequently choosing not to get into specifics.

However, in a statement, a spokesperson for the National Security Council, told the outlet, quote, we are regularly providing detailed timely intelligence to the Ukrainians on the battlefield to help them defend their country against Russian aggression, and we will continue to do so.

General HEP Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the House Armed Services Committee. That, quote, we have. And I'm not going to reveal in an open hearing, the intelligence, we have collected. And how we did all that.

But this war has arguably been the most successful intelligence operation in U.S. military history. The chairman also pointed out, that the U.S. played a significant role in providing Ukraine with the tools to ensure Russia it not achieve air superiority. Quote, the fundamental significance of air defense systems, in order to deny an opponent, that ability to achieve air superiority and supremacy. That's what's been done by the Ukrainians. But it was done with a huge amount of help from the United States with stinger missiles.

Also, because of our intelligence feeds, end quote.

Why the hell are we saying these things?

There is a great article in the Federalist. Listen to this. As the war in Ukraine drags on, the United States is making a clash with Russia, more likely, with each passing week.

What are we to make of a comment from Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, that the Biden administration's goal in Ukraine is to see Russia weakened to the degree that they can't do the kinds of things that is done in invading Ukraine.

Austin made the remark in a press conference with the Secretary of State. After the pay for met with Ukraine's president Zelinsky in Kyiv.

In what was the highest level visit by U.S. officials since Russia invaded Ukraine. One obvious conclusion we can draw from Austin's comment is that the Biden administration is now committed openly to a policy of escalation within in Ukraine. The White House intends on keeping the war on Ukraine, alive, with the stated goal of weakening Moscow. By continuing to pour new and more advanced weaponry on to the war-ravaged country.

Indeed, Austin and Blinken announced a new round of military aid on Monday to Ukraine, bringing the total amount to $3.7 billion since the invasion began.

After resisting pressure early in the conflict, to support Ukraine, with advanced weapon systems, the Biden administration has changed course. It is now preparing to send heavy artillery. Helicopters. Armored personnel carriers. Anti-aircraft radar systems. Advanced attack drones. And other weapons.

Austin told members of the press, the Defense Department won't just send weapons. But will expand military training for Ukrainian service members in the region, on certain weapons systems being provided.

Quote, delivering all of this aid is an escalation of the U.S. involvement in the war, senior U.S. military officers, at a facility in Poland. Described accelerating logistical network for supplying weapons and material to Ukraine.

So they are sending all of this stuff over. They're sending it into Ukraine within from Poland, by rail (?) road.

Now, did you hear that after these clowns were over, in Ukraine, meeting with Zelinsky, that just after they left the country, Russia bombed the train stations?

How did Blinken leave Ukraine? By train.

Minutes later, they bombed the train stations. Imagine if there would have been a timing issue on that one. What was it the foreign minister said, from Russia, this week?

STU: Certifying a lavrov, you'll remember him from (?) much of the Trump/Russia talk, back in the day, that the media was so obsessed with. He came out, and on state-run media. Said, the danger for World War III was real. The danger is serious. It is real. You can't underestimate it. Also, spoke about the possibility of nuclear war. Being real. And, you know, all of this stuff doesn't make any sense. You're totally right, saying, you know, we shouldn't be announcing all this stuff all the time.

Even like, for example, the Blinken visit, right?

They announced this. What's-his-face from Great Britain went over there. And we found out (?) that's the way it always happens.

STU: We instead, say it in advance. So, on Saturday, Blinken is going to be there, our Secretary of State. Now, that opens you up to all sorts of issues. For example, even the type of thing where a rogue group of Ukrainians, right? Who want to draw us into this war, could -- could affect that situation. What if one of our officials is over there, and God forbid something happens to them?

Of course, obviously the suspicion immediately is going to be Russian forces. But it could be anybody. And if that were to happen, we could be drawn into this war. We tell them in advance, we're going to be there. Seems like a massive mistake to me. Luckily, nothing happened. As you pointed out, it was pretty close.

They're saying, the Russians are signaling to us, don't come. Don't do this. Don't be involved in this. And we keep saying, well. Not only are we going to be involved in it. We're going to embarrass you publicly, by telling everyone, that we're involved in it. And you can't do anything about it.

Now, as Russia gets more and more desperate. And cornered. What are they going to do?

GLENN: So let me tell you what some are speculating is cottage. And it's the key date of May 15. (?) I'll give it to you here in just a second.

When you tons and tons to charity. You probably are likable me. (?) you want to make sure it's a worthy cause. It does what it says it's going to do. The Tunnel2Towers Foundation. Charity navigator rates them four out of four. Since 9/11, Tunnel2Towers Foundation has been supporting America's heroes with their families. So when somebody goes down a first responder or military service member. They don't come home. And there's children left behind. They pay the mortgage, to lift the financial burden off of that family. So they can do be stable.

Catastrophically injured veterans and first responders. Tunnel2Towers builds mortgage-free smart homes. Enabling the severely injured, to live (?) Tunnel2Towers, is gifting tiny homes, to homeless veterans. This is who we are. This is how Americans behave.

And you can do be involved for $11 a month. At It's (?) help them out. Ten-second station ID.


GLENN: So if we look at what is -- if we look at what is happening over in Ukraine, and you look at where things could head, you have Putin and Russia painted into a corner.

Military seemingly teetering on collapse. They have zero replacement capacity for most of the weapons systems that they've lost. Too many high-tech components. And unless he can dramatically change the narrative in Russia, he needs a million volunteers to join the army. And that would be a solid six months, before any of the new recruits, could come online.

So there's two ways he can handle this. Surrender. Or up the stakes.

So it's not the 15th, it's the ninth. May 9th, say huge holiday and celebration in Russia. It's the day that -- it's the day that they beat the Nazis. Remember, they lost like 20 million people in the war against the Nazis. In Russia.

It was a horrific thing. So they remember this. And this is a huge day of celebration. There is a shot that May 9th is such an important day. That Putin will use May 9th as a launching ground.

Possibly -- I mean, some people think nukes, tactical inunction, which he will say, oh. We're not bluffing. Your turn.

It wouldn't be an ICBM kind of thing. This is a -- you know, a tactical nuke. It will be used, you know, over troops or something like that. But it is a nuke.

How would we respond?

That could be happening, as soon as May 9th. Just say a prayer, that everybody stays calm, until that goes. And somehow or another, we don't inflame the situation.

I think it is not insane. Historically speaking, the progressives, the Fabian socialists in -- in Great Britain, they wanted World War I. They wanted it, with bated breath. They helped egg it along.

I -- I just fear that there are those, all over the world, that feel the same way about this. They want The Great Reset's cover.


Should the US Own Gaza? Ben Shapiro Explains Trump’s REAL Agenda | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 245

Donald Trump may have just given “Free Palestine” a whole new meaning. In this episode of "The Glenn Beck Podcast," Ben Shapiro breaks down what Donald Trump understands about the Middle East and why he is seemingly immune to conventional State Department “nonsense” guidance on the Israel-Palestine conflict. “Nobody wants to own Gaza,” but what does Trump mean when he warns Hamas to return the hostages or else he will “let all hell break out”? If Ben advised Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, he would tell him to “listen to the president.” Ben and Glenn marvel at the breakneck speed at which the Trump administration is moving, how Elon Musk has been “unleashed on the federal government," and JD Vance’s clear position on AI in America. The two discuss tariffs, trade wars, annexing Canada, the war in Ukraine, Fauci, Epstein, the JFK assassination, and why we should investigate what went on during the Biden administration. In the end, they agree that “2024 was the nail in the coffin for legacy media” and joke that they are, in fact, “not tired of winning.”


The MAJOR Difference Between the Trump and Biden Economies

Democrats just aren't getting the message: The American people are DONE with Big Government and their socialist agenda. But there is one thing that Trump must watch out for: the economy. If inflation continues for too long, it could mean trouble for his administration. However, Glenn explains the major difference between the Trump and Biden administrations when it comes to the economy: at least Trump is being honest with us. Instead of insisting that the economy is the greatest it's ever been, like Biden did, Trump has admitted that more pain could still be on the horizon. But hopefully, it will only be temporary...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Boy, I have to tell you, I think the -- the left just doesn't know what to do. They are on the ropes.

And then -- and then you put somebody like David Hogg in? As -- I mean, what are you thinking?

STU: Vice Chair of the DNC.

GLENN: Yeah. What are you thinking?

STU: They've learned nothing.

GLENN: Nothing.

STU: I think they're just panicking right now. And there is a reason to believe, if we're being honest here. That the American people are fickle. And they usually just run out of gas for whoever is in office. And I -- you know, you can't look ahead. And think, okay. This is 40 years of success ahead.

Like, they're going to do something. Right now, they're flailing though. We're three weeks into this.

GLENN: Right.

But you also have to remember, that it wasn't too long ago, that books were being written. How the Republican Party will never come back. It's over.

It will be 100 years of democratic rule.

STU: There was a book. Was it James Carville who wrote it about how Republicans would be a regional party only? This is after Barack Obama's 2008 election. The 2010 election was the biggest wave election in 100 years.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: That's how fast this stuff can dry up. So this is why I'm so encouraged by what Trump is doing here. In that, we are at a situation, that he's realizing that he doesn't maybe have the longest road to do all of the stuff. He's got to get it done. And hopefully, it works, and excites the American people. And don't lose the House, for example, in 2026. Which is usually what happens.

GLENN: But you have to have someone competent to run, somebody who has vision.

I mean, you know, when you're putting in as your vice chair, David Hogg. It doesn't show

STU: It's at least a somewhat meaningless role.

GLENN: I know that. But still, it shows me that you are -- you are still on the same message. You know, I was talking to somebody yesterday. Do we have the picture of the front of Rockefeller Center? This is one of the buildings in Rockefeller Center. Pull it up if you can, online.
And it is a glass cutting of the front of Rockefeller Center. Do you have it?

STU: They're working on it. They are working on it, Glenn.

GLENN: Okay. There it is. So it's hard to see. But see, there are two horses. And then the strong guy, naked. Standing, holding those horses back. He's standing on a chariot. And the two horses are being held back.

STU: Looks like he works out.

GLENN: There's a sunrise right in front of those horses. And you will see the youth, in front of the horses, kind of leading the horses. Okay?

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: What this means is, this is -- this is the -- the socialist movement, the Democratic Party.

This is the horses represent industry. The strong man in the chariot is the government, and it's holding back the reins of industry. It's got industry completely in its grip and control.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: And the youth of tomorrow, lead us into the sunrise and the new chapter. This is socialism. This is what they're still offering us. Where Trump is saying, no. We don't want the strong guy in the chariot. We don't -- we don't want that.

And we just want competent people. I don't care if they're 12 or 112. If they're competent, we just want competent people. You know, setting the course for us.

And that could be -- it doesn't necessarily have to be elected. The elected guy is in the chariot. I want that guy just to be really small. And really, not even in the picture, quite honestly.

STU: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, this goes back to the speech J.D. Vance made last week, about AI. Which we haven't discussed all that much. It was really encouraging. It was like saying, hey. We're freaking America here.

You know, we're going to -- of course, we're going to dominate this industry.

Obviously. Do we want it? Yeah, stop we're going to take it.

And we're not going to lose to China. It was like -- it wasn't -- it wasn't apologizing for that. It wasn't saying, well, really, we should give this technology to everyone.

Because everyone needs it. It's like, no. No, we're just the best at it. And we will do everything we can, to make sure we're the ones in control of this. It's not only important for our economy, but also the nation's security.

GLENN: And freedom of the world, quite honestly. Did you see what James Cameron came out and said? Normally I don't care what James Cameron said. But he's the guy with Skynet and the Terminator.

STU: Okay. Yeah.

GLENN: He came out and said, you know, I wrote a fictional nightmare, he said. But this time, it's not fictional. It's not speculation. It's already happening.

That's a quote from him. He said, it's a scarier scenario than what I presented in the Terminator four years ago. If for no other reason, that it's no longer science fiction. It's happening right now. You'll be living in a world that you didn't agree to, didn't vote for.

Are forced to share with a super intelligence entity, that wants to follow the goals of a corporation. This entity will have access to your communications. Beliefs. Everything you ever said. And the whereabouts of every person in the country through personal data.

He said, its ability to predict and influence human behavior. This is surveillance capitalism. And surveillance capitalism can toggle pretty quickly into digital totalitarianism. This is the hard place. Is, I don't want the government to own it, but I also don't trust corporations to own it.

STU: I trust corporations more than I trust the government.


STU: I do. That one is not a tough decision for me. I understand -- I feel like, it's a little more difficult than maybe conservatives felt at one point.

GLENN: I mean, I distrust them equally. It's not like I trust one more than the other.

STU: That's fair.

GLENN: I distrust both of them.

STU: I trust corporations more. And the reason is that there's actual competition between them.

And it's -- I don't trust any individual corporation necessarily. But like, the -- the impacts of the market, I think generally speaking, lead to us good things.

You know, but that -- it's up for debate, of course. The problem here, you sort of have to choose one path or another. I can tell you, I do not want centralized control of AI.

Do I want guardrails around it for national security purposes? Sure. But when it comes to whether -- I don't love tech companies, for example. I think there's been a lot of good things. But there's been a lot of bad things. That being said, the difference between that and the government. To me, there's a pretty bright line there.

GLENN: I have to tell you, if you look at what's happening in Europe, and Canada. I mean, did you hear that in Canada. They're now trying to pass a bill, that you can go to prison, if you say anything favorable about oil, gas, or coal? That's sensible. That's going to work out really well, isn't it?

STU: These are products that have built our civilization.

GLENN: Exactly right. You can't run -- not just built it in the past.

STU: Currently.

GLENN: We can't live without any of that stuff.

STU: No. And they're like, no, you can't even talk about it positively.

GLENN: It's crazy.

STU: It's basically crazy about everything. Let alone something that's been really positive to our world.

GLENN: Also Linda McMahon. Yesterday, she talked about in her confirmation hearing.

She said, fund educational freedom. Not government-run systems.

This is her plan. Listen to the parents. Not the politicians. Build up careers. Not college debt. Empower states, not special interests.

Invest in teachers, not Washington bureaucrats. November proved that Americans overwhelmingly support the president's vision, and I'm ready to enact it.

Education is an issue that determines our national success, and prepares American workers to win the future. The legacy of our nation's leadership and education is one that every person in this room embraces with pride. Unfortunately, many Americans today are experiencing a system in decline.

I think she's -- I think -- I mean, I don't know how you argue against these things. I really don't. We all know our schools are failing like crazy. She was asked, does that mean that you are going to cut off the funds for schools that need, you know, help because they're in low tax -- no! No. We'll still help those. But we're going to get rid of all of this crap, that you're required to do, to get any of that money.

They have to be run, the classrooms need to be run by the parents and the teachers locally. Not some bureaucrats in Washington, DC.

STU: Yeah. And she -- McMahon is a real advocate for school choice.

This is an incredible. We have a real opportunity to make a massive difference for millions of children.


STU: For millions of children in this four-year period, and it's really exciting. Even here in Texas, where we had an election. We talked about the House Speaker situation. Who, it did not go the way the conservatives were hoping in Texas.

But at least as of today, Burrows (phonetic), who is the guy -- not the more conservative option, is claiming that they're going to go forward with school choice in Texas.

Even, I mean, we're at the point now, even what you might call the RINO contingency is like, okay. We'll do that. This is incredible, Glenn! We've been talking about this policy for ten years.

GLENN: Longer than that. As long as we've been on the air, we've been discussing as this sort of pie-in-the-sky. Hey, maybe that will -- and vouchers! Like it was this thing, that would never occur.

And all of a sudden, it's occurring. All over the country.

GLENN: So here's what concerns me. Is Donald Trump -- I love these people who are coming out from the Democrat side. Saying, have you checked inflation?

No. There is no inflation.

This is the greatest economy ever. What are you talking about?

The Bidenflation is the work against inflation that Biden has been doing. Bidenomics, it's the greatest thing ever. I can't believe the people who told us, there was no such thing as inflation. Are now crying, you know, the inflation numbers. And I'm happy to say, that our president is saying, yes! Inflation will go up. And it will be hard. And we are working to -- to reverse that. He's at least recognizing the reality of the situation.

And it is going to go up, and get worse before it gets better.


Is a Global Gold "Ponzi Scheme" About to Come Crashing Down?

Something weird is going on with gold, related to tariffs and a possible audit, that could drastically change the value of the dollar. Glenn reviews an X thread from user Matt Smith and warns that we must start looking for the word "rehypothecation" to appear in news stories. If that happens, it would mean, "no one owns anything." But this isn't the only possible future. There's a chance, Glenn explains, that Trump could return the US dollar to the gold standard.

Read the X thread:


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: They're great. There is a great thread from Matt Smith, that I retweeted last night. And it's about the -- the dollar and our economy and everyone needs to read this.

What the average person is going to be talking about is my groceries are going up. And, yes, they are. That's not anything from this administration. That is from all of the lies, that the media was telling you that things were strong and it's getting better. Yada, yada.

No. It's not. Those numbers and all of that stuff were garbage!

And it's not getting better yet.

And Donald Trump is cutting, cutting, cutting.

But we also need to cut regulations.

We need to get business back on its feet.

These two things have to have happen in a coordinated passion.

Otherwise, you will get the spending.

Remember, most of our GDP. A lot of our GDP is coming from the government.

They're spending all of this money.

You're not spending money. They're spending money. That's keeping the government's GDP. So if you cut, our GDP goes down. Which means all kinds of numbers start to fluctuate from interest rates and everything else. So we want a growing GDP, which means we have to grow real wealth. We have to grow real business. Not NGOs. And the one guy that I think can do it is Donald Trump. But there's a tweet, that caught my eye yesterday. Because it starts with gold, and I've been following the comments.

There's something going on with gold, and nobody really knows what it is. Somebody here in the United States is buying a crap load of gold. We think, I hope. It's the Treasury. Or the central bank. The Fed. But somebody is taking huge physical deliveries. And it's causing shortages, in London. Where they're -- they buy and sell gold.

There are shortages now of gold. Because somebody is buying it. And shipping it here. Somebody with very deep pockets. Okay. So why? Now, this is all theory. That's fact. Here's the theory of what's going on.

They're preparing for a full-on gold audit. We talked about this yesterday. The government right now claims on its balance sheet, as an asset, all of this gold.

And it's valued at $45 an ounce. In case, you haven't heard, it's $2,900 an ounce. So they're talking now, about boosting the price of gold, at least market to market, but maybe even making it 5,000 dollars an ounce. Okay? If that happens, the balance sheet starts to fall into line, and our debt to GDP is not as bad as it really is. Right now. Okay?

Just start claiming the truth about gold, and our balance sheet starts to come into line. Start taking our minerals, start taking our oil. And claiming those as assets, and putting those on the balance sheet. Which we can do. And it's not a bad idea. Unless, you know, we lose in the end.

Because then we lose all of our assets, our natural it assets. You put those on the balance sheet. This helps strengthen the United States. Because we're coming a place where we're not going to be able to finance the debt. Who wants to write the United States a new long-term loan, at less than really market value, and market value, I mean, you know -- if you walked into a bank, and you had the credit report that the United States of America has. What do you think the bank is going to charge you in interest?

You're a risk. You're just addicted to spending. You're doing ridiculous things. I'm sorry.

Now, they might write you a check, if you have all of this stuff on your balance sheet. Okay?

And that's why they're doing it. They're trying to reshore up our balance sheet, make ourselves healthier than we are. Because we're at the end of the dollar. We're at the end of this financial system. So this is an endgame. It's why tariffs are being, you know, brought in.

It's a -- it's a -- to -- to force others to start to see the sorry situation they're in, I mean. Europe. If this deal with Ukraine goes through, which, by the way, yesterday, had a great -- a perfect phone call with Putin. And it did go really, really well.

And Donald Trump is saying, yeah. You know, we might have to have the resources, from you. We might. We want your rare earth minerals.

Because of what we've already given you.

We want that in exchange.

He's doing that as a negotiating tactic with everybody.

And he's putting on notice, the European Union.

We're not in this anymore. This is your problem. We leave. We're not rebuilding Ukraine. You have to do it.

And you're going to have to protect it. And we're not going to guarantee its protection. So if you want it protected. You do it. They're talking $3 trillion to be able to rebuild and protect.

Europe can't handle that!

But, you know what, Europe, neither can we!

So he's putting everybody in the same situation.

And this is going to cause inflation to rise. It's going to!

It will punish the average person. Because tariffs and everything else. If they're not done exactly right, it will punish with higher prices.

However, he's betting that wages will also rise. Because he's forcing people to keep their profits here.

And make jobs here.

If everything goes right, what the -- the trade on gold is showing us, is that we may be going towards a gold-backed financial system. Or gold-backed currency of some sort.

The Fed could even be shut down. There is something big in the wind, and nobody knows what it is, for sure.

So if -- what do you do as a regular person?

You need to understand that the dollar could be by design. Being collapsed.

That's exactly what the Biden administration was doing.

Collapsing the dollar. But they didn't have a plan, to replace it, other than a digital dollar. And, you know, global slavery.

I'm not sure what the plan is here. But it seems much more American-centric. Good for America. And good for the rest of the world.

And it doesn't look like it's taking freedom away from people. But we have to watch it.

The situation with the economy is really dire.

That hasn't gone away!

What we have is a -- one of the best mechanics who have hired the rest of the best mechanics. To come in, put up the hood, and say, we want to save this engine!
How do we do it?

And they're applying that. We don't know what direction. But a -- a huge sign that something big is coming, is the amount of gold that is being purchased. And the key here that you have to understand, shortages in London, gold flowing into the US at record levels. Somebody with deep pockets. This is what Matt Smith is scooping up gold.

They're reshoring gold, that might have been leased out. What does that mean?

That the United States is buying all this gold. Why?

Because they're reshoring the gold that might have been leased out. That's rehypothecation. That's just the word away from the word that I said, if you see rehypothecation.

Begin to be bantered around. Look out.

What rehypothecation is, is we've taken one asset. And we've -- we've counted it, on several different accounting books.

So we counted at the United States. But also, we've -- we've leased this gold out to Germany.

So Germany could get more money, based on their gold. But their gold is our gold.

And our gold is England's gold. So that's how dire this is. Is we're beginning to enter the world of rehypothecation. Which means, no one knows anything. Because your house, you say, well, I've got my loan through Citibank. Because Citibank has rehypothesized -- has used rehypothecation to put that on their balance sheet, as that's their house. But they sold it in a package to eight different banks. And they're all counting that house, yours. As an asset. So when they all start to go down, they all say, well, we've got all of these assets. Well, no, you don't.

Which one of you has the 100 percent.

You're all claiming 100 percent of Bob Smith's house. Which one actually has it? Well, they all do. This is such a Ponzi scheme. Where -- you know what this is?

This is the story of The Producers. You ever see the movie, or the stage show Mel Brooks, the Producers. Why did they get into trouble? Because they were selling over 100 percent of the play. They kept selling the play. You get 100 percent. You get 100 percent. You get 100 percent. All thinking, that it's not -- that that particular show, wouldn't make any money.

It won't be a success. It's the worst play ever. So it will close. And nobody will audit and say, wait a minute. You sold 100 percent. Nobody will ask. They just want to get away from it.

They lost their money. It closed.

But if it's a success, they now have to pay 100 percent of the proceeds to 14 different people!

It's a scam. That's what's happened here. They have sold 100 percent of your house, or in this case, the gold!

To several different people. When everybody says, I'm in trouble. I want my money back. I need my gold. Trouble.


STU: I mean, it just seems like the type of thing that's almost impossible to unwind. Right?

If it's that deep, how do you unwind it, or do you just protect yourself and your family?

GLENN: For you. You -- you make sure that if your house is paid for. If you have anything paid for, you have the title.

You know where the title is, you have the title.

Okay? So you're not in as bad of shape.

If you own things. You own your car. Good.

The title.

You own your house, good. Have the title.

It's really good, if you're buying a house, to make sure that that loan is staying local.

That they're not reselling that loan. That it's staying with one bank. And it's not -- it's not being sold, what were those cold? Credit default swaps.

STU: I remember those things. Yeah.

GLENN: That it's not being sold like that. Because that's what causes the problem.

And -- and so you just need assets.

You need real assets. If you can buy gold, you should buy gold.

It especially, if they're going to start counting that on the balance sheet. If they change the price of gold, to -- from $45, to $4,500, that means they're going to have to do that worldwide. So gold all of a sudden becomes $4,500 an ounce. Okay. As your that are goes down, your gold will go through the roof.

STU: This is much better when Margot Robbie is telling me about it, in a bathtub. That is -- the delivery --

GLENN: I can run the water.

STU: No. Please don't. Oh, my gosh. Sara just threw up on the board. Stations, we may have some technical difficulties.


Cabinet Wins, DOGE Audits, Tariffs: Trump's Third Week Has Been WILD!

It's only been 3 weeks of Donald Trump's second presidency and A LOT has changed! Glenn reviews some of the biggest wins that we've seen in the past few days: RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard were confirmed as members of Trump's cabinet, Kash Patel is one step closer to being FBI Director, Trump has called for “fair and reciprocal” tariffs on US trade partners, DOGE is preparing to audit the IRS, and the list goes on!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let's see what the president has been up to in the last 24 hours.

Does this guy sleep? What's Melania doing for Valentine's Day today?

STU: One thing. When he's the president of the United States, is he thinking about that type of thing?

GLENN: No. He has people think about it. People who have people.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: Yeah, people who have people. Usually, maybe like, maybe his son. Like, Dad. Maybe you should carve out a couple of hours tonight.

Oh, crap. I didn't even. You're president. I think I can make a few calls.

STU: I feel like, it's interesting that we just have a president that is awake, like every day. He seems to wake up. We see him places. Have you noticed this? I don't know if you've noticed this at all. But current president of the United States, we see him out doing things. Isn't that weird?

I feel like it's weird.

I don't know about this system we have, where the president is awake every day. It's changing our traditions, Glenn. I'm concerned about it.

GLENN: It is. It is. Well, Barack knows. We have to change our --

STU: That's true. Trump has kind of dropped the hammer on the rest of the world with tariffs. And I kind of like this tariff. Whatever they charge us, we're going to charge them.

STU: Reciprocal tariffs.

GLENN: Reciprocal tariffs. That's fair. We're not going to charge you -- I mean, maybe China would.

But we will not charge you more than you charge us. You charge us something. We'll charge you.

I think that's good!

STU: Yeah, it's interesting. It certainly seems fair. Right? Like, don't fire up.

Because the rest of the world loves tariffs. They love tariffs more than we love tariffs, even though we --

GLENN: I don't love tariffs.

STU: I don't love them at all.

Trump does love them. We've talked to him even in private conversations. By the way, in case you're wondering, is he just saying this just for the cameras? No. He really loves them. He loves tariffs. I don't agree with him on that policy. Though, he's used it to great effect recently.

That being said, I mean, if someone started charging you 100 percent tariff on a particular item, picking that same item and putting a tariff, 175 percent, certainly is fair. Now, of course, the reason we import things typically is because we don't have them here.

GLENN: Right! But not necessarily, like cars. Cars. Europe charges us a 10 percent tariff to send a Ford over.

And they charge -- we charge them 2 percent to send a Mercedes. I mean, what's fair about that?

STU: Now, again, one of the things that's fair about that. Is it's not paying an extra 8 percent on a car. We get a benefit of that, as a consumer.

That if we want to buy a European car, we will pay a little bit less and now we'll pay a little bit more. So there is a penalty to that.

However, it is certainly fair. The word "fair," I think applies when it comes to nation-to-nation relation.

And one of the things we've liked about having these lower tariffs on our side is getting lower prices for our consumers.

GLENN: Correct.

STU: And so they're -- and as Trump has discussed, he's been very up front with us. There will be pain with these policies. But long-term, we think it's worth it.

And that's really where the rubber meets the road.

GLENN: Okay. So now, everybody is very, very upset about Donald Trump signing off on DOGE and the audit of the IRS.

Now, I do have to question your sanity when you're against the audit of the IRS.

STU: You seem to be for audits. You can't audit them?

GLENN: Yeah. Who do you have to be, to be against an audit of the IRS, and bring every single receipt you have! I want to see every receipt. Oh, I want to help them.

STU: By the way, Glenn, I work with you.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

STU: My job is -- and for multiple decades now, has to be -- become closely associated with Glenn Beck.

GLENN: Yeah, it's good.

STU: Oh, the perks. The benefits. Oh, gosh, I can't even count them!

GLENN: Yeah. Hmm.

STU: Yet, somehow, I made it through the entire Barack Obama administration. And the entire Joe Biden administration.

GLENN: Yeah!

STU: Without getting audited.

GLENN: Yeah. Not me.

STU: No. I know. I remember. And yet what about happens two weeks ago? I get a letter with the IRS, with Trump in office. That I'm getting audited.

And I don't know if this is just a parting gift from the Biden administration. How is that happening?

GLENN: That's what I'm saying. Thank God somebody noticed your shadiness. Somebody finally noticed. He's very shady. He's very shady.

You know, the good thing is, both of us stay -- to our accountants, we always say the same thing. Anybody who is preparing our taxes. Stay way away from the line.

STU: Yes. 100 percent.

GLENN: When in doubt, leave it out.

STU: Still, it's incredibly frustrating. We were talking to Alan Dershowitz, I have every single book -- everything -- yeah. Sure. Somewhere, I have every receipt from 2022. I'm sure.

But, I mean, the -- this is this relationship that we have with the government, that is this adversarial torture fest, that we pay for every year. Oh, gosh. I can't wait to pay by taxes.

Maybe I'll get a refund. Maybe they'll give me some of the money that is mine, back to me, multiple months later.

GLENN: I believe that's actually what happened to me.

I believe they owed me money.

STU: After the audit. Yeah.

GLENN: I stayed away from the line.

STU: That's what you have to be.

GLENN: You know, jail time does not sound good to me. In any way, shape or form.

STU: The wrong IRS agent, that doesn't like your show, happens to be doing it, well, guess what happens? They push it beyond the limits of normalcy. So the good senator and common sense-filled senator from Oregon, Ron Wyden said, this means Musk's henchmen are in a position to dig through a trove of data about every taxpayer in America.

Wait. What? You mean like the IRS does?

STU: What core of government function are you guys talking about?

GLENN: No, what's up with that? And it could be the very reason behind possible delays, in people receiving their tax refunds for 2024.

What a scare tactic.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: These guys are so freaked out about Donald Trump. I mean, you know, the one thing that happened yesterday, that everybody should recognize. Mitch McConnell was alone. He was alone.

STU: That's huge.

GLENN: That's gigantic.

STU: On two votes. Tulsi and RFK!

GLENN: I know. I know.

STU: And before this, if McConnell said, hey, this is where I'm going, he would always have a bunch of buddies that would come with him. His closest friends. It would always do that.

GLENN: It's weird, you cut off the money, and things change.

STU: Yeah, he no longer has the leadership. He no longer has control of that cash. All of a sudden, he's a lonesome dove.

GLENN: Yeah!

So let me just ask -- I want to ask, are you tired of winning? Let me just give you the winning streak so far number Congress. Marco Rubio, voted to be confirmed, 99 to zero. Secretary of the Treasury Scott Bessent, confirmed, 68 to 29.

Secretary of the Interior Doug Burgum, seventy-nine to 18. Brook Rollins, Secretary of Agriculture, 72 to 28.

Secretary of Transportation Sean Duffy, seventy-seven to 22. Pam Bondi, 54 to 46. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Scott Turner, 55 to 44.

Secretary of Energy Chris Wright, 59 to 38. Doug Collins Veterans Affairs, seventy-seven to 23. Kristi Noem.

Secretary of Homeland Security, 59 to 34. Lee Zeldin became the EPA administrator 56 by 42.

I have to tell you, Lee Zeldin, there's some stuff he did yesterday, that you're like, holy cow.

STU: Yeah, I have high hopes for the him. He's off to a very good start.

GLENN: Yeah, Russ Vought, who I just absolutely love. Director Office Management and Budget. He's done a lot of incredible things this week. 53 to 47.

John Ratcliff, confirmed as CIA director, 74 to 25. Tulsi Gabbard and RFK were confirmed yesterday. You have Kash Patel who got out of the committee and is going to be voted on early next week. And, of course, you have Pete Hegseth. I mean, and Mitch McConnell, standing there alone, all day yesterday.

This is good. Now, the president did a couple of other things yesterday, that are ground-breaking. But we need to make sure Congress passes all of these things as laws.

And they're not just executive order.

And that's going to require us to keep the heat on Congress. And they're working on the budget.

Congress just put together their budget for next year.

The Senate is squealing like stuck little pigs.

But we need to get them to pass in one bill. And you're going to get some crap in that one bill, I'm sure. But you have -- you really have a hard time, going to get two bills through on reconciliation.

So we need it in one bill.