Glenn recently experienced life without air conditioning during a trip to Europe, and he has a warning for Americans, especially in hotter states: We DON'T want to be Europe! So, it's easy to imagine how disturbed he was when he returned home to find out that President Biden wants Congress to regulate air conditioners. In this clip, Glenn asks ... can we AT LEAST draw the line at air conditioning?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Now, here's the big news: Out of all the things that you could think of, that you would say, you know what, you know what would make my life better? A lack of air-conditioning. Well, they're doing it. So thank -- thank God somebody is talking about the real problems in America. Joe Biden has signed a treaty, or an executive order, 140008, tackling the climate crisis at home and abroad. And he was going after hydrofluorocarbons because, you know, of the ozone layer.

Which I don't know what that has to do with global warming. Didn't we heal the ozone layer? Wasn't that a whole --

STU: They've been bragging about it for years. The Montreal protocol, of course.

GLENN: Yeah. I love that protocol. That, and the protocols when they scope you up the butt, both are wonderful. Okay. So now, Congress passed legislation requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to develop regulations to reduce domestic production and use of hydrofluorocarbons. Don't worry, it's just air-conditioning, your refrigerator, things like that.

So it will be -- it will be really great. Now, we have the Kigali Amendment. That he is pushing now. 146 countries have signed on to the Kigali Amendment. And, I mean, we're held to a much harsher standard. You know, in the Kigali Amendment. You know, China and Iran. They don't have to worry about anything. But they sign on, like, absolutely. America reducing its hydrofluorocarbons. And reducing air-conditioning, yeah, they need that. Stu, in a completely unrelated question, don't murder rates in like Chicago always go up when it's really hot in the summer?

STU: It's fascinating, because that's something that people who are pitching global warming restrictions constantly tell us. That when it gets warmer, there's more violence. And therefore, global warming is responsible for all the violence around the country. But now we're going to get rid of the air-conditioning. Which is a fascinating solution to that. You were just in Europe.

GLENN: Yeah. I was.

STU: And they have a lot of buildings without air-conditioning there.

GLENN: Yeah. It was great. Why do stores, they do this a lot in New York, you know, where they really love the planet. Why do stores leave their doors open on really hot days in New York? Ever ask? You never even noticed it. Used to happen a lot. I don't know. I haven't lived in New York for ten years. But used to happen a lot. They would leave the doors open. And the air-conditioning would just be blasting out those doors. What? You grew up in a barn? That's what I always used to think. Close the door! We're not air-conditioning the whole world.

Actually, they do it to invite people in. You walk by that blast. And you're like, it's so hot. I don't know. I think I'm going to stand in the corner of the Victoria secret. And I might need some new panties. So that's why they do it. I was in Europe, last week, or two weeks ago.

Can I tell you, no air-conditioning. None. None.

And it was fabulous. It was really great. I ate at some really good restaurants. If you would have air-conditioning in a bad McDonald's knock-off with fake meat, I would have eaten there, over any restaurant. I sat at this restaurant, with my wife, and I said, this is the best meal, I think I've ever had. And it was just -- it was just noodle and crap. Italian stuff. You can get that at the Olive Garden. So I'm sitting there. And I said to my wife, I think this is the best meal I've ever had. And she said, I think I agree with you. And I said, how do you know? Are you messing with my tongue? Are you using my tongue on weekends? And she said, no, my tongue agrees that it's probably the best meal I've ever had. Then I understood it, the argument was over, and we went on.

I said, however, this restaurant would never make it anywhere in America. She said, I don't know it's really good. I said, you see the sweat -- you sigh the sweat on your brow, the sweat on my brow? There's no air-conditioning here. The windows were wide open. But it was dead still. And boiling hot. Boiling hot.

There's no way, you could take the best restaurant. The best whatever, and put it in a town like Dallas, Texas. And say, you know what, you can have air-conditioning. But only -- you can only bring it down to 85 degrees. Nobody is going there. Nobody is going there.

STU: This is the -- I think one of the most pure examples of the differences between the left and the right. The left says, it's really hot. Therefore, we should change our entire economy.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: And control the global temperature, to bring it down a few degrees. Even though you'll still hit the 90s, you might not hit 95, you'll only hit 92. That way, we can control the climate. So less people die of heat waves.

GLENN: Like. For instance, I believe that the free market should come up with a way to go up to Alaska, and get some giant blower, that Belize all of that cold air down.

STU: You have a doctorate, not in science.

GLENN: You're right. You're right. Not in science.

Well, the doctorate in humanities. That's the science of whatever is working inside. I have something to say about the Stacey Abrams comment, that there's no heartbeat. I'm a doctor, Stacey. I have a few comments for you later on in the program.

STU: But the right, capitalism says, well, let's just come up with a way to bring air-conditioning to everyone, right? So that if it does get hot, everyone is comfortable. They kept saying this about Europe, the past couple of months. Oh, well, they have this heat wave. And thousands will die.

GLENN: Because you're not using anything!

STU: What would happen if this were every year? Well, you mean it would be like Dallas, where we all lived happily and live in every single building is air-conditioning and everyone is comfortable. That's what it would look like.

GLENN: So I asked the person who was our tour guide. They said, oh, man, you should have been here last week. This is great. I'm like, really? Because it's 95, and nothing is air-conditioned. And I said, wow. What was it like when it was 105? I mean, was there anybody on the street? And she said, no. Everyone was on the street. And I realized, oh, yeah. Because at least walked around creates a breeze. Walking around outside, when it's really, really hot, that's what people were doing, because staying in their home is unreasonable because it's even hotter in your house! My gosh.

STU: Yeah. The status we all enjoyed before we had civilization is what they seemed to desire. They want to go back to this idea. Where you don't get any of the improvements, any of the wonderful things that we enjoy on a day-to-day basis, that solve these basic problems. They want them all to go away.

GLENN: I tell you, did you see the show last night? No. You don't watch the show. You don't watch the show.

STU: What show?

GLENN: My show on Blaze TV.

STU: Oh, I was watching Blaze TV.

GLENN: You didn't see my show.

STU: I was watching Whitlock. Checking that out.

GLENN: So, anyway -- that's all right. When you're talking, I'm listening to old Imus shows.

STU: And you're on the show. So you're not listening to my show when you're guesting on my show.

GLENN: I got it. I got it. So, anyway, last night, I was talking about the 14th century. Or, the 15th century. What things were like in the 1400s, over in Europe. And how we are going back to that. And I laid out a really good case. You should watch it on Blaze TV. Or you can find it also on YouTube. It's last night's TV show. But made a really good case. That the fed and the government are taking us back to serfdom. On the Road to Serfdom.

We are -- we are taking away everything that made western society livable. We're taking it all away.

All of it. Hey, let's stop using some of that oil.

Okay. Can we -- with we harpoon a whale to get its oil? I mean, what are we -- what are we going to do?

Let's stop using air-conditioning. Can we all just stand up and say, no? Can we do that?

I think -- I think we might still have some power, to stand up and go, no. Not doing that.

I -- I choose not to live in Cuba. And air-conditioning is not the main reason, but it's a pretty big one. Okay?

So no. But here's more good news for you. Oh, thank goodness, we have finally figured out how to stop all of the toxic chemicals, that are spewing out of the chimney. Well, they're not -- well, there's a chimney, but it's not really a death camp. It's just where we -- where we burn people up. You know. What is that called?

You know, dead people. They burn them up. Yeah, cremation. Yeah.

So the crematoriums apparently are causing real problems. Real, real problems.

California has come up with a way to solve that. I'll tell you about it in 60 seconds. I hear from people all the time, tell me about their journey with pain. What it used to be. What their life used to be like, before the pain set this.

And it was always one thing they couldn't do anymore. The one thing. I remember my dad, he used to tell me all the time, when I was growing up. Some day, I'm going to retire, and just going to play golf. By the time he retired, he couldn't play golf, because he was in so much pain. What is the one thing that you can't do anymore that you really wanted to do before the pain set in?

Relief Factor. Please, try it. 19.95. It's a three-week trial pack. If it's not working for you in three weeks. Probably won't work.

Seventy percent of the people who try the trial pack go on to order more. I'm one of them. 800-4-Relief. 800-4-Relief.

19.95 three-week Quick Start developed just for you. Feel the difference.

Ten-second station ID.
Wow. Stu, you're going -- you're going to be very excited. The governor -- Newsom, who is -- who is absolutely running for president in 2024.

STU: He's already running for president.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Gee, why does he want to debate Ron DeSantis?

STU: He's running ads in Florida. I've never seen a more pathetic attention grab than this.

GLENN: Yeah. Well, he's just signed a bill that will change all of the problems that we're all talking about, when it comes to burning up your relatives after they die, in cremation. So many problems connected to it, right?

You can spend how long talking about those problems, Stu?

STU: An unlimited --

GLENN: Don't bore me about all the details. Because I know you can go on and on. Assembly bill 351 has now been signed in, so you can compost yourself or your loved ones.

It's really great. What they do is they put you in a box, and they drill a whole bunch of holes in it. It's an 8-foot box. They drill a bunch of holes in it. And then they put wood chips in there, with you.

Now, I hope they haven't cut down trees for these wood chips. I hope they're just growing crops of wood chips, to use. God forbid, they are cutting down a forest, or using any of the underbrush, that I love so much. It's part of nature. And when it starts to -- the fires and the glow in the sky, it's magical, California. So, anyway, they put wood chips in with you, and they bury you. And within 60 days, your body, has been composted.

STU: The gracious -- just incredible moment where you go through 60 days of deterioration. It's just awesome.

GLENN: Sixty days. And then the soil is sent to you.

STU: Wow. That sounds great.

GLENN: So you're like, oh, this mushy kind of soil was mom. Good. I'm going to use it to -- in the flower bed? Okay.

So they send you the box of mom dirt, which is so rich with nutrients. You know, because mom had a lot of nutrients in her. And if she was fat, oh, my gosh. Human fat, when it's composted. Oh, the trees just love it. So, anyway, they send you that box, or -- and I like this one. Or, you can donate it to a conservation, you know, plot of land. Which I'm sure, that's going to happen. I mean, don't you think? You know how many -- you know how many funeral homes. They're lake, yeah. Yeah, we cremated your loved one. And we sprinkled their ashes on the moon. And you find out later, that the body has just been like half buried in their basement.

STU: Right.

GLENN: I'm sure this is what they're going to do. Yeah. They're going to take that soil with mushy mom in it.

STU: They'll take your $10,000 and send you a bag of dirt, is what they're going to do. You're going to get a bag of dirt. And this dirt -- you'll be surprised to hear is not going to have any of your loved one in it. It will just be a bag of dirt.

GLENN: Well, it's not. It might be a bag of dirt with someone else's loved one in it. But anyway, $4,000 to $5,500.

STU: Oh, wow. What a bargain.

GLENN: I don't know what the 5500 difference is. Am I in better dirt? Do they have elitist worms that are munching on me?

STU: If you went to Taco Bell every day, there's a little more mass.

GLENN: Oh, so you need a bigger box? So you will need a bigger box of dirt? So if you have like a big flowerbed, thank you, Gavin Newsom. Thank you. Because I'll be working in my garden, myself. I will be doing it. Because it will be too hot in my house, because of Joe Biden getting rid of air-conditioning. What a utopia. Oh, man. And then on the weekends, we can drive to. No, we can't drive. We couldn't drive to the beach. The beaches are probably protected areas.

So it's going to be great. Oh, I -- seriously, it's going to be great. And you will not complain. We will complain for you!


Why This State SUED China Over COVID and Threatened to Seize Assets

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey is suing China for $25 billion in damages connected to its role in the COVID-19 pandmeic and withholding PPE. Missouri cites new evidence from the CIA that says the Wuhan lab leak theory is the most likely cause of the pandemic. So, will China finally pay? AG Bailey explains that if he wins and China, which has not been cooperative, refuses to pay, he has a backup plan: seize Chinese-owned assets in America, including farmland.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I want to tell you about our new secretary of state, Marco Rubio real quick here. You know, he had a travel ban on China. He could not go to China. He said something, I don't know. In 2022, that the Chinese didn't like.

And they were like, you're not coming to visit us!

Well, now he's Secretary of State. So he called his co -- or, his counter person over in China. The foreign minister of China. And they were talking.

And in roughly translated, the Chinese said to Rubio. We know you'll behave.

Well, if you actually know Chinese, apparently, that takes on completely different connotation. It means, it's not something you would say, unless the person you're talking to is an underling. And it's basically, I know you're going to do what I say.

And Rubio said, no.

I'm going to do what's right for my country. In fact, I'm scheduling a visit to China right now.

He's got a travel ban. And he's going.

This administration is putting the world on notice. And I think it's going to be wildly effective, if they can continue to -- walk the way they're walking. And just set the table back to common sense.

And what's right for both of us.

I don't want anything bad to happen to China. But you're not going to treat us as an underling.

And, you know, if we don't get that prowess back that we're at least an equal partner at the table. We will got screwed all the time, as we have been.

Now, one of the things that I'm really glad to see that's been taken care of. The CIA apparently released a memo that came out a couple years ago, saying that the Wuhan lab was probably the most likely leak, of COVID. Well, that's not what they said, under the Biden administration.

Why all of a sudden, are we getting this, now that Biden is gone?

Why is the CIA now saying, yeah. It's probably Wuhan labs?

And somebody is actually doing something about this, Andrew Bailey. He's the Missouri attorney general. Missouri thinks they might have found a we to hold China accountable for COVID.

Andrew, welcome.

ANDREW: Hey, thank you for having me on.

GLENN: You bet. So what is -- what is your idea here?

ANDREW: We filed a lawsuit against China.

And the Chinese communist government asking for 25 billion, with a B, dollars in restitution and remediation for the damage they caused the Missourians by unleashing the COVID pandemic on the United States of America. And then hoarding and withholding, the PPP needed for the state to respond to the crisis.

It's called the Federal Sovereign Immunities Act. That's the basis for our lawsuit.

We're in trial today in the United States District Court, for the Eastern District of Missouri.
And I anticipate, we are going to win.

GLENN: This is -- I mean, this is phenomenal! What makes you think that you can win this?

ANDREW: Well, it helps when the other side doesn't show up.

That's how little the Chinese communist government thinks about these United States of America. That they won't even participate in a judicial process.

And, look, this isn't some crackpot theory that I can talk about on my own. The people's elected representatives in Congress enacted a statute that specifically allows states to sue for governments.

And that's the statute we've utilized. And China has not participated. As they've been granted due process of law, under the -- the judicial process. And served with notice.

They had the opportunity to be heard in court.

Had declined to do so.

Have not shown up.

I anticipate, we will get a judgment.

And we will begin executing that judgment, at the appropriate time.

GLENN: So you know that China is not going to -- they will do everything they can. To not pay it. You know, even if they're deemed guilty, they will say, well, we didn't show up. Kind of like us with the hay.

So what actually will happen with this?

ANDREW: Well, if we have a valid judgment issued by a United States district court, we can execute that government, by seizing assets that the Chinese government owns, not only the state of Missouri, but using any willing partner in any state, in the United States of America. And so we're identifying assets.

And we will continue to do so. And it's a lot of concern to Missouri, because agriculture is such a big part of our economy here in the Midwest and in the state of Missouri. And so, does China own farmland in Missouri?

You know, what other assets do they have in this state or in other states, that we can seize to execute on that 25 billion-dollar judgment.

GLENN: Holy cow.

Okay. This is fantastic.

I'm just thinking of the ramifications of seizing assets of China. Have you -- have you had any conversations with anyone in the Trump administration, on how this might play out?

ANDREW: Certainly. We stay in constant contact with the Trump administration. I know President Trump's incoming Department of Justice is monitoring this case. And familiar with it. We will remain in contact with them. Certainly, it's the prerogative of the United States. The president of the United States to execute foreign policy on behalf of this country.

This is different. This is, again, the people's elected representatives in Congress, created a judicial process for states to seek redress against foreign governments that harm those states.

But you're absolutely right.

This has to be part and parcel, and in symbiosis and in coordination with the executive branch of the federal government.

We will remain in contact with the president.

GLENN: All right. So what is your case? How are you making this case? That they intentionally released it here in America?

ANDREW: Well, it's corroborated not only with the evidence that we've found, and that we've adduced in court. But it's corroborated by the recent CIA memo that President Trump released just within the last few days.

Look, this is something that we have been talking about for a while. We knew that this wasn't some accidental transmission from an animal in a wet market to a human. That this was part of a -- the design, you know, virology study, at the Wuhan lab. It was too coincidentally, right? To be an accident.

And then China lied about it. And then China hoarded the -- isn't that how communist governments work? They create a problem.

And then withhold the means of solving that problem. So you are dependent on that government. And that's it basis of our gains.

GLENN: So what do you say to those who say, that's great.

But you're only holding half of the Frankenstein doctor, responsible?

You have Fauci.

You have EcoHealth.

You have all of these other people that were knowingly sending money.

And everything else, over to Wuhan.

How are those people held to account?

Or are they?

WILLIAM: No, I think you're absolutely right.

I think this is just one piece of an ongoing strategy to find justice for victims of COVID. And it's the American people who were lied to. Who were deceived, who were sold a bill of goods. Not only as to the lab leak. But also to the potential remedies. You know, the health risks associated with the pandemic. The lockdowns. The masking, the deprivation of our liberties. I mean, America suffered a traumatic injury, as a result of the pandemic. And we're still looking for justice.

This is just one avenue to obtain that justice. But certainly, this isn't the work that my office will do, and that the American people, certainly the people of Missouri will demand.

GLENN: So they are saying that maybe the Biden pardons of his own family, may not stand up in court. I don't understand the argument. I haven't really looked at it. I don't know if it's valid.

But can the same at all be true for Fauci?

Can we hold these people responsible even if they were pardoned before any fact came out, that showed them doing things wrong or any charges?

ANDREW: Yeah, Glenn, you're absolutely right.

Number one, we're still assessing the legal validity of President Biden's corrupt pardons.

But at the end of the day, regardless of what the federal government does, the federal government can't pardon individuals or offenses under the state law.

So they can still be charged at the state level. And certainly, you know, all options are on the table here in the state of Missouri.

GLENN: That's fantastic.

When do you expect this to be over? You only have one side to present? So when do you suppose this is over?

WILLIAM: Well, the trial should wrap up today, and then I anticipate the district court judge should issue a judgment in the coming days. It shouldn't take long.

Again, a lot of these issues have been litigated in the earlier proceedings in court, when the court dismissed our case, and we had to appeal.

So much of the writing is on the wall. Really, at this point, it's just establishing the images.

And so it shouldn't take long. And we'll be off to the races.

GLENN: Wow! And then the next step is?

WILLIAM: Again, the next step, once we obtain that judgment is identifying assets and working through the legal process to seize those assets, to make good on that judgment, that we will have obtained against the people's Republic of China.

GLENN: Any speculation on how China will react to that?

ANDREW: Well, I'm sure it will be a negative response.

But here's the problem: They had their opportunity. They had their day in court. They didn't show up. They didn't participate. Didn't communicate. Didn't put on any evidence. Didn't enter an appearance. Again, they have to know, that they're subject to the laws of the United States of America. And again, there's this federal statute on the books. That gives states a right imagine against foreign governments. So it should come as no surprise to them.

But they've done nothing to defend themselves.

So at the end of the day. It's a tacit administration Domitian of guilt.

When they refuse to even acknowledge or respond to the allegations in the petition of the lawsuit.

GLENN: Andrew, thank you. Appreciate your bravery. And your stick-to-itiveness, if you will. Andrew Bailey, the AG of the great state of Missouri.


DOGE Reveals INSANE Things the Government Spent YOUR Tax Dollars On

President Trump and Elon Musk’s DOGE has uncovered an insane list of things that USAID has spent your taxpayer dollars on. The “US Agency for International Development” sure seems to like spending money on things that seemingly have nothing to do with “international development,” like trans surgeries and LGBT activism in Guatemala, helping the BBC value the diversity of Libyan society, and promoting inclusion in Vietnam (through TWO SEPARATE groups…how inclusive). Glenn reads through a list of often-vague expenditures compiled by DOGE and wonders…how many governments could USAID (a CIA front) have influenced or flipped with this amount of cash?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: You know, I -- I am having a hard time understanding how Democrats -- well, no. I can't say that.

Democrats are just not getting the truth.

And I mean the Democrat that lives down the street from you.

They're just not getting truth.

They're still listening to the mainstream media. You know, the mainstream media is dismissing the -- as Liz Wheeler pointed out.

The $34.5 million gift from the government to Politico!

And we're going to have a lot more on that.

All of the things that are happening. And they're being -- you know, souped up, by these corrupt people in Washington.

I mean, how -- how is it people are angry that Elon Musk is coming in and finding waste?

That's something all of us should want. Right?

PAT: Because it's our money. It's our money!

GLENN: Yeah.

PAT: That's being wasted.

GLENN: This is the tip of the iceberg.

First of all, when we're talking about USAID. What's really important. And I know you understand this. If you've listened to me for a long time.

Or you've watched all of the shows, we've exposed all of this, oh, my gosh.


We started exposing it. But it really came to the fore when we started talking about Ukraine under the first Trump administration, when they blamed him for, you know, corruption with Ukraine and the impeachment.

We started looking into what happened with Ukraine. And my gosh, USAID as we've always told you, is -- it's an arm of the CIA.

Anything that is too risky to do. That you just don't want to do in the CIA. Because somebody is paying attention. You do it at USAID. Okay?

So all the revolutions, all the Colour Revolutions, that happened all around the world. They were done by us. The Arab Spring was done by us!

You know, we looked at that, and we were told, this is just a spontaneous. No, it wasn't!

It was USAID.

And if you look at, I just -- ask your friends, who are Democrats, are you cool to spend $7.9 million to teach Sri Lankan journalists how to avoid binary-generated language? $20 million for a new Sesame Street Show in Iraq.

Actually, that one, you could make a case for!

Because all of the kids are being, you know, brainwashed, into -- whatever!

I mean, I don't want to do it. But that one, you could make a case for.

$4.5 million plus, to combat disinformation in Kakistan! 1.5 -- $4.5 million?

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: I could hire everybody in Kakistan right now, just to talk to the sheep. Whatever.

PAT: It was Tajikistan. Not Kajikistan. Because that's just a completely different situation.

GLENN: Crapkanistan. So 1.5 million for art. For inclusion of people with disabilities.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: $2 million for sex changes and LGBT activism in Guatemala. $6 million to transform digital spaces to reflect feminist democratic principles.

I don't even know what those democratic feminist principles are.

But transform digital spaces?

What? So spaces that don't actually exist?

$2.1 million to help the BBC value the diversity of Libyan society.

PAT: It's not funny. But it sounds -- when you hear it this way.

GLENN: I would like a Democrat that's very upset.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: With the closure of USAID to come on and just defend any of this.

$2.1 million to help the BBC, which is the British broadcasting company.

Which is on the European -- I'm sorry. The English dole.

Has money coming out their butt from the king.

And we're paying for -- so the value, the diversity of Libyan society?

I don't even know the diversity of the Libyan society!

I don't really care about the diversity of the Libyan society!

10 million dollars' worth of USAID-funded meals. Which went to an Al-Qaeda linked terrorist group.

$25 million for Deloitte to promote green transportation in the country of Georgia!

The -- the president of Georgia told me once, he said, we get American values. We -- we are -- we are -- we're all behind the Founders of America. We get it. We understand freedom, probably better than you do. Because we had to fight for our freedom recently.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: He said, please don't send us any more freedom stuff.

We've got it!

Top sending us the Marxists, and the people who are trying to put us back into that situation.

PAT: Wow!

GLENN: $6 million for tourism in Egypt.

Well -- what?

Honestly, you know, here's the best thing you can do for tourism.

Don't foment, you know, an Arab spring.

That kind of stopped me from going to Egypt, you know.

Stop terrorism.

That would be a good thing.

$2.5 million to promote inclusion, in Vietnam.

PAT: Yeah. I like the next line item too.

GLENN: 16.8 million for --

PAT: For a separate group.

GLENN: For a separate group.

PAT: To promote inclusion into Vietnam.

GLENN: Wait. So there's --

PAT: You can't --

GLENN: No. You have to have them separate. And one only gets 2.5. And the other gets $16.8 million!

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: Do you know what $16.8 million would buy in Vietnam!

PAT: Oh, man.

GLENN: Can you imagine what -- how far the dollar goes?

PAT: Hmm.

GLENN: I mean, you can -- and this is USAID. This is their whole point.

You can have revolutions in some countries with this amount of money.

$5 million to EcoHealth. Alliance.

Oh. One of the key NGOs funding bat virus research in the Wuhan lab.

$20 million to a group, related to a key player in the Russiagate impeachment hoax. $1.1 million to an Armenian LGBT group. I love how specific this is getting too, you know.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: We have a LGBTQ group in Armenia.

1.2 million to help the and does development agency in Washington, DC, build a state-of-the-art 440-seat auditorium.

PAT: That's just so ridiculous.

GLENN: Wait. The African Methodist Episcopal Church. Okay. Methodist Episcopal Church services and development agency in Washington, DC! To build a state-of-the-art --

PAT: Oh, at least that stayed in the US then. That's good. That's good.

GLENN: Create jobs.

$1.3 million to Arab and Jewish photographers.

I don't -- what did we -- did we get some pictures?

At least show me some great black and whites?

Do we have any great black and whites? 1.5 million to promote LGBT advocacy in Jamaica. They have to love that.

1.5 million to rebuild the Cuban media ecosystem.

PAT: Yeah. That's -- that's been crumbling for -- I've been saying it for how long? How long?

GLENN: When is somebody going to New Jersey and rebuild that ecosystem.

PAT: That ecosystem.

GLENN: That has to happen.

Again, I go back to $1.5 million to promote LGBT advocacy in Jamaica. Have you been to Jamaica. To an how much $1.5 million would buy in Jamaica?

PAT: A lot.

GLENN: A ton. 1.5 to rebuild the Cuban media ecosystem. I think you could buy the presidential palace in Cuba for 1.5 million.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: $2 million to promote LGBT equity, through entrepreneurship in Latin America.

500,000 to solve sectarian violence in Israel.

By the way, they gave that just before -- you know, just a few days before October 7th. 2.3 million for artisanal and small scale gold mining in the Amazon.

PAT: Jeez.

GLENN: Are we -- do we get to keep the gold?

Do we get any of the gold?

PAT: My guess is no.

GLENN: 3.9 million for LGBT causes in the Western Balkans.

You know, when you have something that vague, you can spend that on anything. On absolutely anything.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: 5.5 million for LGBT activism in Uganda. 6 million for advancing LGBT issues in priority countries around the world.

What countries are -- 6.3 for men who have sex with men in South Africa.
Did we just -- wait. Did we just go out in the public square and say, hey, if you're a guy who is having sex with a guy, can you raise your hand? I have some money for you!

What the hell is that?

6.3 million for men who have sex with men in South Africa. 8.3 million for USAID, education, equity, and inclusion.

USAID's climate strategy. Outlined 150 billion whole of agency approach to building an equitable world with net zero green house gas emissions.

I mean, give that list to your friends. And just say, hey.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: What part of this are you for?

PAT: Are we just immune to numbers like that now?

GLENN: Yeah. I think we are.

PAT: We hear trillions now so often, so hundreds of billions and trillions now.

That maybe when we hear $20 million for Egypt tourism. Maybe it just doesn't affect us anymore.

We're like, eh. That's not that much.

GLENN: It's more than most people will pay in income tax, their entire life. Wasted. Wasted.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: And your kids are on the hook for a loan, for to pay for things like that, because we're, you know, $3 trillion overbudget.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: Every -- every American. I don't care who you voted for.

Every American should be pissed off at this.

And since when -- since when has America been okay with being this dark ops country?

We're not fighting communism anymore. Okay?

When were -- when have we suddenly become comfortable with just overthrowing countries?

Just overthrowing regimes?

Just going in and having the CI -- not making the case for it.

Just going in and having a few people, along with George Soros, just decide, that regime shouldn't be here. We're going to overthrow it.

When did we become cool with all of this? The answer is, we didn't. We didn't.

The biggest -- biggest enemy we fight, is complacency.

It's -- it's not the other side. It's not this ideology. It's complacency. All this stuff would be stopped, if there were enough people on both sides. All size.

That would stand up and go, what the hell is this?

I mean, we can talk about disagreement on the tax policy and everything. But this. It's got to stop right now!

Right now.


Government Caught Paying $34.3 Million for Politico Subscriptions?!

Thanks to the work of Elon Musk’s DOGE, it was recently revealed that Politico has received $8 million from USAID and other government agencies. The money was reportedly payments for subscriptions to Politico Pro. But BlazeTV’s ‪@lizwheeler‬ joins Glenn to discuss her findings: The $8M was just the tip of the iceberg. In reality, the government has spent $34.3M on “subscriptions” over the past few years. But that’s a hefty price per subscription, especially since taxpayers are paying for it! So, what’s really going on here, and can it explain why Politico has led the way on pushing disinformation about things like the Hunter Biden laptop story? Plus, Glenn reveals how the government treated news organizations like TheBlaze...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Liz Wheeler is here. She's the host of Blaze TV's the Liz Wheeler show.

She broke the news early yesterday, that the federal government has been subsidizing Politico. Not to the tune of 6 million. But $34.3 million!

She has the receipts. Liz, welcome to the program!

LIZ: Hi, Glenn. Thanks for having me.

GLENN: You bet. So the media is now saying, this is a right-wing conspiracy. There's nothing to see here. But if the Trump administration -- if -- if those people were all subscribers to TheBlaze and we were getting 6 million or 35 million dollars from the Trump administration, even if it was all legitimate, they would go apoplectic. So tell me why --

LIZ: As they should.

GLENN: What?

LIZ: As they should, when that was happening. This is one of the biggest media scandals of this decade. And it's also a litmus test, anybody in the swamp, anybody, an elected politicians, anybody getting this amount of money from the federal government, they're part of the problem. They're the baddies. Not the goodies here.

So what's happening is yesterday, we woke up to news, that Politico had received $8 million from USAID. USAID, of course, is a so-called autonomous agency of the federal government, that Elon Musk has been DOGing.

He's been exposing corruption in that agency.

GLENN: It's a CIA front.

It is in charge of all the Colour Revolutions all around the world. And the Colour Revolution that they've been trying to pull here in America. Anyway, go ahead.

LIZ: That's exactly right.

I was going to say, it's the nexus of the Censorship Industrial Complex. They've taken their political warfare run and aimed it back at us.

So no better target for Elon Musk than USAID.

This is a scandal in and of itself.

That Politico was receiving $8 million from them in 2024. But what my team and I did is round this website, where any American citizen can find out how their taxpayer money is spent. It's called

And you plug in the name of any recipient organization group. We type Politico as the key word.

And then instead of just looking at year 2024, we said all fiscal years. Let's see how much Politico has received in the last 10 years. And what we found, before our very eyes, it began to populate millions upon millions of dollars, totally -- it's $34.3 million.

And, Glenn, this is not just from USAID. This is from a variable laundry list of the most corrupt federal government swampy agencies like the Department of Education. The Department of Health and Human Services.

Subagencies like the FDA. And the CDC. And the EPA. If you look at when these subsidies started, it started just about the moment that Trump descended on that golden elevator in 2015. That's when the gravy train for Politico started.

And then you can see it year by year in 2020 and 2021 when Joe Biden took office, all of a sudden, these subsidies for Politico increased exponentially.

Exponentially. And, of course, you'll have these defenders saying, well, these are just subscriptions that federal government employees paid for Politico pro. It's like a 10,000-dollar a year subscription. They claim it's a premium service.

GLENN: Aimed right toward the Beltway. Aimed right directly at the Beltway. So go ahead.

LIZ: 100 percent.

Well, first of all, that's clinical insane to pay $10,000 for a subscription service.

That's not a subsidy. That's a patronage. If you're paying $10,000, this is what money laundering is. It's nebulous. It's vague. Money is fungible.

So if the bulk of your revenue. Or a huge percentage of your revenue is coming from so-called federal government employees, that are paying this exorbitant fee, what are you going to expect in response?

You're going to expect in response, coverage exactly like Politico is giving us.

Where they told us the Hunter Biden laptop wasn't real. That it was Russian disinformation.

GLENN: But they were the leader on that. They were the leader. Yeah.

LIZ: They were! Of course, which makes sense where they're getting all this 33.3 million. They were defenders of the COVID-19 jab, the Moderna jab, even for young men, which we now know is dangerous.

They're the ones that led, when the Supreme Court leaker leaked -- when the Supreme Court was going to overturn Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs case. They were the ones that published that. So they are the arm, the propaganda arm of the federal government. And here's what's funny.

My team and I got a hold of one of these log-ins for a Politico pro-subscription. We just borrowed it from a friend because we're normal people. That's what everybody normal does.

Aren't going to pay for this. And we went in there. And we went, well, what does Politico pro offer? They said it's a critical function of their job to have access of this.

You know what is behind their pay wall there?

It's a glorified Rolodex. It's just like the phone numbers of staffers and the federal government, kind of a rumor mill. All very publicly available information, if you just exert the tiniest bit of effort.

We're still digging into it, and we'll keep you updated. We'll have more on this Monday on the show.

There is, so far, absolutely nothing useful that would justify even one 10,000-dollar subscription, let alone $34.3 million!

GLENN: This -- as you said, is the biggest scandal in media. So you know, Liz, just a point of information that most people don't know.

During the Obama administration, it may still be true.

I don't know.

You couldn't not only get to Blaze TV, to log on. On a government computer.

You couldn't go to It was banned as a website. For the government! Yeah. Yeah.

LIZ: What? Wow, man. It's so nuts.

GLENN: Yeah. So anybody who is like, you know, they were just -- well, there were a lot of people who wanted to subscribe. And subscribe personally, not through their office.

And just be able to listen or watch. Or just get their news from the news site,

And they were blocked! Every government employee was blocked.

LIZ: I did not know that. It proves exactly what we've been saying. First of all, there is no justification on the face of this earth, for $34.3 million to be given from the federal government agencies to a supposedly objective media organization.

There is just -- there's no explanation for it. We all know that. The swamp creatures that are defending it are exposing their true colors here.

We're not always lucky enough to have an email that says, this $10,000 is for the big guy. Or the 10 percent is for the big guy.

But we know! We're smart people. We use common sense. We know how human nature works. We know if the federal government is giving this exorbitant amount of money to a media organization, what they're going to get in return is coverage and cover-up and propaganda.

And emotional manipulation.

And exactly what we've seen from Politico for the past -- for the past -- for the past decade.

You know, coincidentally since this gravy train began. And one comment on, you know, TheBlaze TV.

I double-checked this morning to see how much our subscriptions are. Because I was like, okay. I pay for a couple of subscriptions to even mainstream media outlets. Although, I really try not to. Because I don't like to give them my money. But I need to for research sometimes.

Normal people pay $100 a year. That's why -- if you go to, it's $120 for an annual subscription, and you can get $20 off. That's what normal people pay.

And even then, they probably share a log in. Which also normal people do.

GLENN: Well, we don't encourage that. But, yes. You're right.

I mean, you know, my initial payment to open the doors, I had a few partners. And they -- I can't remember what they gave. But it was probably around 10 million, together.

And I had put in 20 million, myself.

We started this entire operation, with $30 million!

$30 million, is what kicked off TheBlaze.

When the technology didn't even exist.

That we had to invent all of this stuff to do it.

To have 34 million dollars coming in from the federal government, they are your master!

They are absolutely your master. Could you talk about one thing, Liz?

The press is hanging their hat on the fact that some media outlets said, that was -- that was the cause of them not making payroll. Was DOGE. That didn't have anything to do with it, did it?

LIZ: Well, it depends if you're a swamp creature. And if you view the world through your own twisted reality or if you're a normal person that can look at things, that probably aren't coincidences.

We were told that -- we were told that, according to this initial report. That Politico would never miss a paycheck before.

So I would just pose those questions, to all of us normies, you think as a coincidence that the day the gravy train is cut off, they're not able to make payroll.

GLENN: It's funny. It's funny. Because one of my producers knows one of the people at Politico.

And on the phone, all day yesterday, arguing back and forth.

And this person said, we have payroll glitches here, all the time.

And I thought, I've never had a payroll glitch!

If -- I would get another payroll service, if it was glitchy all the time.

So, I mean, they either have the worst payroll service, which you -- there's lots of them out there, you can get, that actually work.

Or there was something else going on. But that's not the story. The story is --

LIZ: No. That's what they're using to distract from the $34.3 million. Even those subscriptions are a distraction because they don't want us to think, $34.3 million given from basically the Biden regime to Politico.

It is one of the most significant scandals the mainstream media has been exposed without an excuse. Being in the middle of, that I can remember.

GLENN: So we also found out the other day. That our federal government gave millions of dollars to the BBC.

The BB-freaking-C. That have that's supposed to be the queen's money. Not our money!

What the hell are we doing funding the BBC?

I mean, the -- go ahead.

LIZ: No, listen.

This is what is so critical to understand.

The reason why -- I don't know if you've been watching Brian Stelter, it's quite funny. They're freaking out about this.

Jen Psaki on MSNBC, she's like, there's a hostile takeover of the federal government happening. Because you and I are identifying ways that taxpayer money has been corruptly abused. That's a hostile takeover in her mind. But the reason they're freaking out about this, isn't just because their pet projects won't be funded anymore.

They won't have a log-in to their gospel rag. Politico magazine or whatever it is.

Reason they're freaking out. Is because their mechanism of controlling us.

Hinges on the mainstream media outlets.

These corporate media outlets running propaganda for them.

They'll never be able to lie to us. Or emotionally manipulate us.

If the media is not taking a leading role on that.

And now, they can't.

GLENN: On top of that, they also have lost their gravy train through the NGOs.

They found a way to get all of their radical friends to open up an NGO, and then funnel millions of dollars into it so they can do everything that they want with taxpayer dollars!

If you look at just USAID's 2023 fact sheet, they -- the agencies supported 6200 journalists, 707 news outlets, 279 media sector civil society organizations, and the -- and this comes from the Columbia Journalism Review. Now, I don't know.

If you've got 6,000 journalists on your payroll, you could probably influence a few people.

This has got to stop. And I don't know what it's going to take for your neighbors, to stop listening, to the mainstream media.

That's why it's important not to say, in my opinion, that this is why they didn't make payroll. Because we can't prove that. We don't know.

I mean, great coincidence. But we don't know. It's important to say, but this is provably true! It's the thing with Ben Stiller. And, you know, Angelina Jolie going over to Ukraine, getting $20 million.

That didn't happen. That's not true.

You need to know what the truth is! Because the truth itself is so unbelievably powerful!

That you need to know what that is. And that's what we try to give you here, every day.

Liz, thank you for this exposé. It's great!

LIZ: Thanks, Glenn. I appreciate it.

GLENN: Liz Wheeler from the Liz Wheeler show on Blaze TV.


EXPOSED: How Our Government Funded the Illegal Immigration Disaster | Tom Homan | Ep 411

Did you know our own government — using YOUR tax dollars — funded the illegal immigration disaster? While it was bad under President Trump’s first term, it ballooned into an epic disaster under the Biden White House. Even the New York Times had to admit it was the “largest immigration surge in U.S. history.” The Biden administration let in an average of 2.4 MILLION migrants per year during his first three years in office. But the new Trump administration is tackling the mess head-on with a deportation operation targeting dangerous criminals and restoring law and order at the border. It’s a promising start, but to fully dismantle the Biden policies that got us to this point, it requires pulling the plug on the insane funding of NGOs that drive the steady stream of illegal immigrants to the border. Most Americans are completely unaware of how vast the illegal immigration industrial complex is and how WE are funding it all. Glenn reveals a tangled web of corruption that shows how NGOs get paid BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars, which flow from the alphabet soup of federal agencies including the State Department and USAID, FEMA, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security. President Trump’s no-nonsense border czar Tom Homan tells Glenn in an exclusive interview that he’s “very concerned” about reports that Mexico’s drug cartels are planning drone and explosives attacks against U.S. Border Patrol agents. He predicts there “will be violence on the border” and warns that if cartels hurt any federal agents or members of the U.S. military, President Trump will "rain hell down on them" and “wipe them off of the face of the earth.” He also has a message for anti-ICE politicians, like New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, who suggest they're knowingly harboring or concealing illegal aliens: “It’s a felony,” and Attorney General Pam Bondi is watching.