THE DOCUMENTS for 'Civil War: The Left's Revolution Playbook EXPOSED'

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Last week I told you about the growing trend this month, a narrative that the Left is building about how President Trump will lose the election in November and refuse to leave office.

Democrats have been delusional about Trump from day one, so I guess this narrative isn't really surprising.

But the repeated references to this really make you sit up and take notice. Is someone passing out talking points? Because this is remarkably coordinated messaging. And this messaging has a familiar ring to it when you remember the Color Revolutions that happened in Eastern Europe during the Obama administration.

WATCH: Civil War: The Left's Revolution Playbook EXPOSED

Color Revolution might as well be the name of the Left's insurance policy for the U.S. presidential election. They seem to be following the same playbook they used in countries like Ukraine — because they ARE using the EXACT same playbook. On previous episodes, I explored everything the Obama administration did in Ukraine, in coordination with George Soros, through Civil Society 2.0, the “tech camps," etcetera, so I'm not going to revisit those specifics tonight. But if you're not already a BlazeTV subscriber, please join us so you can refresh your memory by watching those episodes on demand. Your support helps us bring you the vital information that no one else is digging up.

The Left is done with regular U.S. presidential elections. 2016 ruined it for them. The coronation for the first female American president was all set, the decorations were ready, the catering was ordered. But when this outsider crashed their party, the Left vowed with remarkable unity — never again.

Now, through the Color Revolutions that the State Department instigated around the world, especially in Eastern Europe, there are American experts in this field of “mostly peaceful" regime change. These Americans are specialists who have developed a systematic approach to Color Revolution. And now, in their desperate hour, they seem to be using this playbook on their own nation.

The Left and the mainstream media have waged a four-year war to delegitimize President Trump with a singular focus on November 3, 2020. In the Left's collective mind, losing this election is an impossibility. But there's still the annoying wild card of American voters. That's where their Color Revolution playbook comes in. Make no mistake – the goal just under six weeks from now is to set the system right, with the ruling class elites back in charge. Democracy is convenient and all when the people obediently elect this ruling class. But when the people wreck the system and put someone like Trump in office? The people have to be put back in their place.

Last week I told you about one of these Color Revolution specialists, Michael McFaul. He was the U.S. Ambassador to Russia under Obama. McFaul wrote an academic paper in 2005 about the “Seven Pillars" a country needs to have in place for a successful Color Revolution. I showed you those Seven Pillars on the chalkboard last week and I'm going to return to the first four a little later. Remember, a “Color Revolution" is not an old-school, banana republic-type military coup. It's a strategy the U.S. has used for regime change in foreign nations with a few main components: questioning the legitimacy of an election; mass street protests and civil disobedience; and relying on Media for positive coverage and promotion.

A year after his paper on the Seven Pillars, Michael McFaul wrote a book titled – Revolution in Orange: The Origins of Ukraine's Democratic Breakthrough. Who wrote the only endorsement featured on the book's back cover?

A guy you may have heard of with a vested interest in these kinds of revolutions: George Soros.

McFaul is just one of several Color Revolution specialists who were diplomats during the Obama Administration. One of the most influential of these specialists is the Obi Wan Kenobi to McFaul's Luke Skywalker, a guy named Norman Eisen. He is a longtime DC lawyer and former ambassador.

In 2003, Eisen co-founded a government watchdog organization called CREW — Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Bookmark that one, because CREW will pop up again later.

When President Obama took office in 2009, he made Norman Eisen Special Counsel for Ethics and Government Reform, better known as the White House “Ethics Czar." I want you to pause for a moment to let it register that this guy was Obama's “Ethics Czar" — that's going to take on a lot of irony after you hear about all that he's currently involved with.

In 2011, Obama appointed Eisen Ambassador to the Czech Republic. So, like Michael McFaul and many other Color Revolution specialists in the State Department, Eisen honed his craft on the ground in Eastern Europe. This Color Revolutionary guard is a relatively close-knit group of people with strong connections to the Obama administration and the Left's top power players. And they all share the common goal of removing President Trump from office.

Norman Eisen actually wrote a 100-page report that is a playbook for the Color Revolution movement. He didn't even try to be subtle about it.

It's titled: “The Democracy Playbook: Preventing and Reversing Democratic Backsliding."

In this playbook, Eisen writes (p. 24):

Opposition leaders may also choose to pursue more extreme institutional measures available to them, such as IMPEACHMENT PROCESSES, votes of no confidence, and recall referenda. To raise the profile of their campaign against democratic erosion, opposition leaders can also utilize extra-institutional tools – engaging in or encouraging, for example, a protest, strike, or boycott, in conjunction with civil society.

Hmm, interesting. “Encouraging protests" sounds like precisely what Democrats have been doing for the past four months, refusing to condemn the violence in the process. It's also precisely what they're gearing up for after November third, broadcasting this idea that Trump will claim victory and refuse to leave office.

It's also no accident that Eisen's playbook mentions impeachment as a viable option.

If the name Norman Eisen rings a bell, you might remember him for another prominent role he played this year — Special Counsel for Adam Schiff's House impeachment committee.

Eisen literally wrote the book on impeachment in July, it's called: A Case for the American People: The United States v. Donald J. Trump.

The Left tried so hard to make it seem like Trump brought impeachment on himself.

But Eisen admits that he had already drafted ten articles of impeachment one month before Nancy Pelosi had even announced an official impeachment inquiry of Trump last year. In fact, as soon as Democrats retook the House in 2018, Jerry Nadler hired Eisen to get ready for impeachment. After all, impeachment is in Eisen's Color Revolution playbook.

Let that sink in for a moment — House Democrats hired one of the architects of Color Revolution to lead their impeachment effort. It was part of the plan from the very beginning. And I mean the VERY beginning.

The weekend of President Trump's inauguration in 2017, David Brock, head of Media Matters, put together a conference with over 100 liberal donors to map out how Democrats would “kick Donald Trump's ass." Media Matters, along with CREW (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington) produced another 50-page playbook for the conference. And remember who the co-founder and board chair of CREW is? Norman Eisen.

Here's a quote from page two:

Trump will be defeated either through impeachment or at the ballot box in 2020.

The memo says CREW will be responsible for filing lawsuits against President Trump:

Trump will be afflicted by a steady flow of damaging information, new revelations, and an inability to avoid conflicts issues.

They have certainly fulfilled that pledge. CREW has dozens of pending lawsuits against President Trump and his administration.

What does all this mean? It means that Norman Eisen who wrote one of the Color Revolution playbooks — which includes impeachment as a strategy for regime change — and who was also Special Counsel to the Democrats' House impeachment committee, was planning President Trump's removal BEFORE Trump was ever sworn in.

Well, the Mueller report failed them. Impeachment failed them. The full Color Revolution treatment is all they've got left or everything they've worked for the last four years is a waste. Their whole plan hinges on the November third election. But they've been laying the groundwork since 2017, and their “Seven Pillars" to pull off a successful Color Revolution seem to be in place

Next, I want to take a closer look at the first four of these pillars...

They were already establishing that Donald Trump's legitimate election put the nation "under siege."

So now I've told you about Norman Eisen, one of the key architects of Color Revolution strategy.

He even wrote a Color Revolution playbook that he actually called “The Democracy Playbook." I mentioned how before Trump was even sworn-in as President, Eisen collaborated with David Brock, head of Media Matters, on a written strategy to remove Trump. Right at the top of their 50-page action plan, they write:

The progressive infrastructure groups we've built together were started long before Hillary Clinton ran for president. They were always intended to be the first line of defense — and offense — when we are under siege.

Did you catch that? They were already establishing that Donald Trump's legitimate election put the nation “under siege." It's also disturbing that their “first line of defense and offense" is not voters, not better ideas — it's their AGENDA through the “progressive infrastructure groups" they've built.

Again, quoting from the first page of their action plan:


That clearly ties-in to the second pillar on Michael McFaul's list of the seven factors that need to be in place to pull off a successful Color Revolution. Number two:

“An unpopular incumbent."

That messaging began the day after Trump's election.

On Inauguration Day, remember how much the media crowed about the supposedly small crowd on the Washington Mall?

Trump's alleged unpopularity has been the standard operating message for four years.

According to the Left and their Media friends, Trump has NEVER been popular.

And of course, when you own the entertainment industry, it's easy to perpetuate the message that Trump is unpopular. Since at least 2008, the Left has elevated Saturday Night Live's election influence to mythic proportions.

So, right out of the gate, SNL went outside its own cast to get Alec Baldwin to play Trump as a nasty moron. Or what about Showtime's new James Comey glorification project? Watch this and see if you can figure out who the villain is...

The Left and the Media have also made a big deal this year out of a group called The Lincoln Project. The narrative here is that President Trump is so unpopular and dangerous, that this group of Republicans organically got together and organized to campaign for Joe Biden instead.

In reality, the Lincoln Project has raised over $20 million from Leftist donors to campaign against not just Donald Trump, but Republican Senators who are up for re-election.

According to its FEC filings, the Lincoln Project hired the Katz Watson Group for “fundraising consulting."

Fran Katz Watson who owns that consulting firm is a longtime Democratic operative who used to be the national finance director for the DNC. Her firm's other clients include the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

The Lincoln Project has also paid consulting fees to a firm run by Adrienne Elrod — she was Spokesperson and director of strategic communications for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign.

As if that's not proof enough that the Lincoln Project is just a Democratic opposition campaign in Republican clothing, its communications director is Keith Edwards who was formerly on Mike Bloomberg's presidential campaign staff. The Lincoln Project is the very definition of “Republican in Name Only."

Pillar two is clearly in place — if you hammer home the idea every day for four years that President Trump is wildly unpopular, it helps you create the perception that he could not possibly win a legitimate election. Which helps you develop the fourth pillar on the list:

“An ability to quickly drive home the point that voting results were falsified."

Recently, Democrats spent a couple weeks flooding the airwaves with the conspiracy theory that President Trump is going to sabotage the U.S. Postal Service with cutbacks and closing facilities so they can't deliver all the mail-in ballots on time.

Any time Trump has been critical of mail-in-voting, the Left immediately frames it as “voter suppression." It all seems to be part of their groundwork to deny any positive election result for the President.

Now, just in the past week, we're also seeing blame placed on “right-wing" media — including me — that we're working to delegitimize a Biden victory. It's all part of the narrative that Biden winning the election is a foregone conclusion, and that Trump disputing that result will be fake news.

And of course, social media will jump in and do its part for the cause with their Fact Checks. Because what's a good Color Revolution these days without the aid of social media?

Facebook, for example, is very proud of their third-party fact-checking program. They use fact-checkers that are certified by IFCN – the International Fact-Checking Network. Sounds very official, but what exactly is the IFCN? It's a project of the Poynter Institute. Founded in 1975, Poynter bills itself as:

The world's leading instructor, innovator, convener and resource for anyone who aspires to engage and inform citizens.

One of the major funders of Poynter, of course, is George Soros' Open Society. Poynter also owns PolitiFact. PolitiFact's two largest financial supporters are the E.W. Scripps Company and... Facebook. PolitiFact is also one of the IFCN's certified fact-checkers, which means in essence that the IFCN certifies itself as a legitimate fact-checker. Not sure how that's supposed to fly. But it doesn't matter because it's a Left-wing operation, which means it's automatically trustworthy.

Next time you see a “fact check" from PolitiFact, take it with a tiny grain of salt, since it is largely funded by Facebook.

So, how does election polling play into this narrative that Trump is unpopular and will somehow falsify the voting results? How accurate are these polls that the Media and political class rely so heavily on? In 2016, nearly every poll predicted an easy victory for Hillary Clinton, which made Donald Trump's shock win that much more devastating to Democrats and Mainstream Media. Four years later it seems like déjà vu, because the polls once again indicate virtually no chance that President Trump gets re-elected. What's going on here? Can anyone put any real stock in polls anymore?

The Left MUST make the case that Trump's presidency is at least a semi-autocratic situation.

We're going over the first part of Michael McFaul's “Seven Pillars" list of essential factors that need to be in place for a successful Color Revolution. The first item on the checklist is:

“A semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime."

Obviously the United States is not a fully autocratic regime, but the Left MUST make the case that Trump's presidency is at least a semi-autocratic situation. I'd say they've done a pretty good job staying on message.

They tried so hard pushing the Russian collusion hoax, which was supposed to make their case for them that Trump aspires to be just like Putin. Here is the author of the Color Revolution pillars himself, Michael McFaul, in a BBC radio interview LESS THAN A MONTH after Trump took office...

It's interesting that even now they still try to tie Trump to Russia — which is the one place where the State Department apparently could not get their Color Revolution done. That must be why Michael McFaul lasted just two years as U.S. ambassador to Russia.

Next, any autocratic president worth their salt will have some sort of thuggish force to help carry out their will. Enter Charlottesville.

The tiki-torch-carrying neo-nazis, and the armed white supremacists provided the Left with the perfect visuals they needed to paint this far-out fringe as Trump's wacko militia.

Now, anytime Antifa or BLM instigate some of their famous “mostly-peaceful" protests, we're told the real threat is from Trump's wacko right-wing militia.

The Left has tried building the case from day one that Trump is an aspiring dictator. But the Covid pandemic has exposed the inconsistency of their scheme.

Their constant attack against the President for six months is that he hasn't been autocratic ENOUGH in addressing the pandemic.

Why on earth, they wonder, won't the President declare a national mask mandate? I don't know, maybe because he doesn't have the Constitutional authority to do so? Isn't forcing every citizen to wear a mask EXACTLY what an autocratic ruler would do?

Trump has resisted the kind of heavy-handed responses to the pandemic that Democratic governors around the nation embraced without flinching.

Naturally, they get praised for it, while Trump is blamed for the deaths of 200,000 Americans. THAT is insane.

By the way, Joe Biden now says that if he's president, he'll have the authority to create a national mask mandate. Autocratic for me, but not for thee!

Speaking of that, Barack Obama's presidency proved that any degree of autocratic is not really a concern for the Left as long as it's THEIR guy in charge. It's so nonsensical.

  • Spying on the Associated Press and threatening reporters with jail on issues of identifying sources.
  • Using the IRS to target Tea Party members.
  • Attempting to force nuns to grant access to birth control.
  • Going around the Constitution's treaty provisions to make the disastrous Iran deal.

Who did all that? President Obama. And that's barely scratching the surface.

Next to FDR, no other president in our history attempted to reshape so much of American life by simple decree than Barack Obama. By Executive Order, he decreed the U.S. joining the Paris Climate Accord, DACA, the Clean Power Plan, and transgender restrooms. Through Obama's 276 Executive Orders, he instituted 560 major regulations — classified by the Congressional Budget Office as having “significant economic or social impacts."

Regardless what you think about President Trump's comments to the media, or his tweets, or any of his impulsive tendencies, those things are not what makes an autocratic ruler. Being autocratic is working to expand your power beyond the Constitutional limits. Obama clearly did that, A LOT. And Trump has not.

The end-result of the Color Revolutionaries trying to establish Trump as a scary authoritarian ruler is their conclusion that he will refuse to leave office when he loses the election. There is no actual proof that Trump would refuse to leave office. And even if he tried to refuse, they haven't really explained how he would pull off such a feat.

As for Pillar Number Three: “A united and organized opposition" — this is the Left's specialty.

They've been united and organized since before Day One of Trump's presidency. I've already mentioned the David Brock and Norman Eisen conference on Inauguration weekend that brought together 100 of the most powerful Leftist donors to map out a plan for removing Trump.

Then there is the Transition Integrity Project, headed by Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff John Podesta. Note how the “Transition" is basically assumed. A Biden win is their foregone conclusion. The TIP conference invited 100 current and former government officials, academics, and journalists to wargame various election outcome scenarios.

It was started by Rosa Brooks who is a Georgetown law professor. She served as special counsel to George Soros' Open Society Foundation where she is also on the Advisory Board. It's hilarious that every mention of the Transition Integrity Project in the media calls it “non-partisan." Look at this quote from a Washington Post article Rosa Brooks wrote weeks after the TIP war games:

A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis.

Sure, it doesn't get much more bi-partisan than that. Does that not sound like a veiled threat to vote for Joe or face street-violence?

The conclusions of the TIP report make it clear that any effort by Trump to stop the street violence using the National Guard, or to have Attorney General Barr investigate voter fraud will automatically be seen as election interference by Trump. Which would then just reinforce Pillar Number One that Trump is a power-mad autocratic monster.

Self-fulfilled prophecies are the darnedest things.

The Color Revolutionary guard is so united and organized, that one election war gaming conference wasn't enough. A coalition of 50 Left-wing organizations held a Zoom conference earlier this month called the “Democracy Defense Nerve Center." One participant told the Daily Beast that they strategized about practical matters, like how to "occupy s--t, hold space, and shut things down, not just on Election Day but for weeks."


Participants in the Democracy Defense Nerve Center say such a large number of groups has never coordinated so closely before. Really — who could've possibly seen that coming?

Rahna Epting — executive director of MoveOn was in the conference and said:

It is very obvious that Trump is laying the groundwork for claiming victory no matter what... we will fight to protect it [our democracy] from what we truly see as a president who has gone off the rails and taking this country down an authoritarian fascist path.

I don't know what kind of Disney version of authoritarian fascist leaders these people have studied, because if they knew anything about ACTUAL fascist governments, they would know that their Lefty Election Fight Club Meetings, their books, and tweets, and hundreds of millions of dollars in fundraising WOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED. They would all be canceled, thrown in prison, executed. That's what happens under normal dictatorships.

If Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist, then every one of these Color Revolutionary clowns should fall on their faces and THANK GOD ALMIGHTY that they would be so lucky to live under such oppression.

What happens if Trump wins from prison?

Rob Kim / Contributor | Getty Images

If Donald Trump is sentenced to prison time, it will be the first time in American history that a former president and active presidential candidate is thrown behind bars. Nobody knows for sure what exactly will happen.

With the election only a few months away, the left is working overtime to come up with any means of beating Trump, including tying him up in court or even throwing him in jail. Glenn recently had former U.S. DoJ Assistant Attorney General and Center for Renewing America senior fellow Jeff Clark on his show to discuss the recent resurrection of the classified documents case against Trump and what that could mean for the upcoming election. Clark explains that despite the immunity ruling from the Supreme Court this summer, he thinks there is a decent chance of a prison sentence.

What would that even look like if it happened? This is a completely unprecedented series of events and virtually every step is filled with potential unknowns. Would the Secret Service protect him in prison? What if he won from his jail cell? How would the American people respond? While no one can be certain for sure, here's what Glenn and Jeff Clark speculate might happen:

Jail time

ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / Contributor | Getty Images

Can they even put a former president in prison? Jeff Clark seemed to think they can, and he brought up that New York County District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, had been talking with the New York jail system about making accommodations for Trump and the Secret Service assigned to protect him. Clark said he believes that if they sentence him before the election, Trump could be made to serve out his sentence until his inauguration, assuming he wins. After his inauguration, Clark said Trump's imprisonment would have to be suspended or canceled, as his constitutional duty as president would preempt the conviction by New York State.

House arrest

BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / Contributor | Getty Images

Another possibility is that Trump could be placed under house arrest instead of imprisoned. This would make more sense from a security standpoint—it would be easier to protect Trump in his own home versus in prison. But, this would deny the Left the satisfaction of actually locking Trump behind bars, so it seems less likely. Either in prison or under house arrest, the effect is the same, Trump would be kept off the campaign trail during the most crucial leg of the election. It doesn't matter which way you spin it—this seems like election interference. Glenn even floated the idea of campaigning on behalf of Trump to help combat the injustice.

Public outrage

Jon Cherry / Stringer | Getty Images

It is clear to many Americans that this whole charade is little more than a thinly-veiled attempt to keep Trump out of office by any means necessary. If this attempt at lawfare succeeds, and Trump is thrown in jail, the American people likely will not have it. Any doubt that America has become a Banana Republic will be put to rest. How will anyone trust in any sort of official proceedings or elections ever again? One can only imagine what the reaction will be. If the past is any indication, it's unlikely to be peaceful.

POLL: What topics do YOU want Trump and Harris to debate?

Montinique Monroe / Stringer, Win McNamee / Staff | Getty Images

Does Kamala Harris stand a chance against Donald Trump in a debate?

Next week, during the second presidential debate, we will find out. The debate is scheduled for September 10th and will be hosted by ABC anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis. This will be the second presidential debate, but the first for VP Kamala Harris, and will feature the same rules as the first debate. The rules are: no notes, no chairs, no live audience, and the debater's microphone will only be turned on when it is his or her turn to speak.

This will be the first time Trump and Harris clash face-to-face, and the outcome could have a massive effect on the outcome of the election. Trump has been preparing by ramping up his campaign schedule. He plans to hold multiple rallies and speak at several events across the next several days. He wants to be prepared to face any question that might come his way, and meeting and interacting with both voters and the press seems to be Trump's preferred preparation approach.

With the multitude of issues plaguing our nation, there are a lot of potential topics that could be brought up. From the economy to the ongoing "lawfare" being waged against the former president, what topics do YOU want Harris and Trump to debate?

The economy (and why the Biden-Harris administration hasn't fixed it yet)

The Southern Border crisis (and Kamala's performance as border czar)

Climate change (and how Trump pulled out of the Paris Agreement)

The "lawfare" being waged against Trump (and what Trump would do if he were thrown in prison) 

Voting and election security (and how to deal with the possibility that illegal immigrants are voting)

3 ways the Constitution foils progressive authoritarianism

ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / Contributor, Kevin Dietsch / Staff, Pool / Pool | Getty Images

This is why it is important to understand our history.

Over the weekend, the New York Times published a controversial article claiming the Constitution is a danger to the country and a threat to democracy. To those who have taken a high school American government class or have followed Glenn for a while, this claim might seem incongruent with reality. That's because Jennifer Szalai, the author the piece, isn't thinking of the Constitution as it was intended to be—a restraint on government to protect individual rights—but instead as a roadblock that is hindering the installation of a progressive oligarchy.

Glenn recently covered this unbelievable article during his show and revealed the telling critiques Szalai made of our founding document. She called it an "anti-democratic" document and argued it is flawed because Donald Trump used it to become president (sort of like how every other president achieved their office). From here, Szalai went off the deep end and made some suggestions to "fix" the Constitution, including breaking California and other blue states away from the union to create a coastal progressive utopia.

Here are three of the "flaws" Szalai pointed out in the Constitution that interfere with the Left's authoritarian dreams:

1. The Electoral College

Bloomberg / Contributor | Getty Images

The New York Times article brought up the fact that in 2016 President Trump lost the popular vote but won the Electoral College, and thus won the election. This, as Szalai pointed out, is not democratic. Strictly speaking, she is right. But as Glenn has pointed out time and time again, America is not a democracy! The Founding Fathers did not want the president to be decided by a simple majority of 51 percent of the population. The Electoral College is designed to provide minority groups with a voice, giving them a say in the presidential election. Without the Electoral College, a simple majority would dominate elections and America would fall under the tyranny of the masses.

2. The Supreme Court

OLIVIER DOULIERY / Contributor | Getty Images

President Biden and other progressives have thrown around the idea of reforming the Supreme Court simply because it has made a few rulings they disagree with. Glenn points out that when a country decides to start monkeying around with their high courts, it is usually a sign they are becoming a banana republic. Szalai complained that Trump was allowed to appoint three justices. Two of them were confirmed by senators representing just 44 percent of the population, and they overturned Roe v. Wade. All of this is Constitutional by Szalai's admission, and because she disagreed with it, she argued the whole document should be scrapped.

3. Republicanism

Chip Somodevilla / Staff | Getty Images

To clarify, were not talking about the Republican Party Republicanism, but instead the form of government made up of a collection of elected representatives who govern on the behalf of their constituents. This seems to be a repeat sticking point for liberals, who insist conservatives and Donald Trump are out to destroy "democracy" (a system of government that never existed in America). This mix-up explains Szalai's nonsensical interpretation of how the Constitution functions. She criticized the Constitution as "anti-democratic" and a threat to American democracy. If the Constitution is the nation's framework, and if it is "anti-democratic" then how is it a threat to American democracy? This paradox is easily avoided with the understanding that America isn't a democracy, and it never has been.

Kamala Harris' first interview as nominee: Three SHOCKING policy flips

Anadolu / Contributor | Getty Images

On Thursday, Kamala Harris gave her first interview since Joe Biden stepped down from the race, and it quickly becameclear why she waited so long.

Harris struggled to keep her story straight as CNN's Dana Bash questioned her about recent comments she had made that contradicted her previous policy statements. She kept on repeating that her "values haven't changed," but it is difficult to see how that can be true alongside her radical shift in policy. Either her values have changed or she is lying about her change in policy to win votes. You decide which seems more likely.

During the interview, Harris doubled down on her policy flip on fracking, the border, and even her use of the race card. Here are her top three flip-flops from the interview:


Citizens of the Planet / Contributor | Getty Images

In 2019, during the 2020 presidential election, Harris pledged her full support behind a federal ban on fracking during a town hall event. But, during the DNC and again in this recent interview, Harris insisted that she is now opposed to the idea. The idea of banning fracking has been floated for a while now due to environmental concerns surrounding the controversial oil drilling method. Bans on fracking are opposed by many conservatives as it would greatly limit the production of oil in America, thus driving up gas prices across the nation. It seems Harris took this stance to win over moderates and to keep gas prices down, but who knows how she will behave once in office?


PATRICK T. FALLON / Contributor | Getty Images

In her 2020 presidential bid, Harris was all for decriminalizing the border, but now she is singing a different tune. Harris claimed she is determined to secure the border—as if like she had always been a stalwart defender of the southern states. Despite this policy reversal, Harris claimed her values have not changed, which is hard to reconcile. The interviewer even offered Kamala a graceful out by suggesting she had learned more about the situation during her VP tenure, but Kamala insisted she had not changed.


Tasos Katopodis / Stringer | Getty Images

When asked to respond to Trump's comments regarding the sudden emergence of Kamala's black ancestry Kamala simply answered "Same old tired playbook, next question" instead of jumping on the opportunity to play the race card as one might expect. While skipping the critical race theory lecture was refreshing, it came as a shock coming from the candidate representing the "everything is racist" party. Was this just a way to deflect the question back on Trump, or have the Democrats decided the race card isn't working anymore?