Glenn's Show Prep

What Are They NOT Telling Us About the 9/11 Mastermind Plea Deal?

What Are They NOT Telling Us About the 9/11 Mastermind Plea Deal?

Glenn can’t believe his eyes: The Pentagon has announced a plea deal with the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and two of his accomplices. The deal would spare them from the death penalty if they plead guilty. “If there is anyone who deserves execution,” Glenn says, “I think it’s somebody who killed 3,000 people.” So, did the American soldiers who lost their lives in the 20-year War on Terror die for a PHOTO-OP?! And why wouldn’t the government go through with a real trial? Are they trying to hide something? And if that’s not concerning enough, the Biden administration has also announced a prisoner swap with Russia. While the U.S. will get back 2 people that Glenn wants to see freed — journalist Evan Gershkovich and former marine Paul Whelan — he wonders, who or what did Biden give Russia in exchange?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. So hello, Stu.

STU: Glenn how are you?

GLENN: Oh. Fantastic.

Now, I say that, with such a fervor. Because we have some good news.

Russia, just announced that they are releasing the Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gershkovich. And former US marine Paul Whelan. Now, these were -- this is part of a prisoner swap, that the US and Russia have just made. We don't know who they swapped, for these two. But I'm sure it was a favorable deal for us.

STU: Always is. Always is. I love your optimism, Glenn. That's the right way to do it.

GLENN: Thank you.

STU: We typically in these moments. What the administration wants us to do, is engage in a benefit analysis.

And I -- look, the benefit analysis is really good. I really want these people back. We talked about them a bunch of times. We highlight hostages that are kept in areas. Unlike other networks you might see at the bottom corner of our screen. American hostages, 299 days in Gaza.

We focus on this, everyone else seems to ignore them.

But the benefit analysis here is good. The problem may wind up being, when you do a cost-benefit analysis.

And we don't like to do that with policies. And we don't always like to look at hostages in that same way. It's difficult, of course. To look at it that way. But I am very worried as to what happened here. What did we give up? For these two hostages.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Seeing that those details were not immediately available. I have a feeling it's probably not good.

Now, here's something else. I mean, these geniuses, they had their finger on the pulse of the American people.

And they're making good deals, really good deals. The next story that I've found, just kind of, well, fascinating. US lawmakers, are a little upset with the -- the Biden/Harris administration.

Plea deals have been reached now for the three Islamic terrorists who carried out 9/11. They -- prosecutors have entered into a pretrial agreement. These guys haven't been tried yet?

Pretrial agreement with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shik Mohammaed (all phonetic) and Wali Mohammed Sali and Mubarak Bin Atash. Oh. And Mustafa Ahmed Adam Elharswi. Okay.

So what they've done is an exchange for the removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment. These three accused have agreed to plead guilty to all of the charge defenses including the murder of 200-0976 people listed in the charge sheet.

Now, if there is anyone that deserves execution, I think it's somebody who killed 3,000 people.

I think it might be somebody who, you know, perpetrated the largest terrorist attack, the world had seen.

But maybe not. You know, maybe we just went over, and we sent our troops over, because we didn't really mean it.

You know, we were just doing a photo op. Maybe all of those soldiers. Those US soldiers died for a photo op. Because I think that's what happened in Afghanistan. Right?

Wasn't that a big photo op. Wasn't that just something we did. And we were like, you know what, I'm kind of tired this. We have enough photos.

And so we just pull out. And it was a beautiful, beautiful exit, that we made.

Now, just to complete the circle, no death penalty for these guys.

So that's good.

STU: Not even the trial.

So if you are a family of someone who lost people, in 9/11. Many of these families are complaining about this.

They don't even get the questioning, they don't get the evidence. And they don't get a trial. A punishment.

They skip all of that, with -- potential inclusion in their closure process. That's all gone. He just gets to say I'm guilty. And that's over.

VOICE: What would be another reason, not to have a trial?

To just -- I mean, sure, saving money. And our government is so frugal.

STU: Uh-huh.

VOICE: Saving time. You know, because they put a lot of research into this.

Almost 25 years of research.

That's a speedy trial for you, don't you think?

And then, on top of that, what else could there be?

Why wouldn't the government want a trial?

STU: Hmm. I mean, I -- we can only venture guesses at such a thing. But some might think that if an entire trial were to go on, we might learn some things about how the government handled this situation.

Who they were dealing with.


STU: What arrangements were made. For -- for potentially government officials from other countries.

There's maybe something they might not want us to know about.

GLENN: Wow. I didn't even think about that. Wow, what a conspiracy theorist! By the way, speaking of conspiracy theorists.

The New York Times has an op-ed out.

Right-wing lawmakers. Oh, I'm sorry. This is not an op-ed. This is a story.

Right-wing lawmakers and candidates have made baseless suggestions, that the shooting was orchestrated by Democrats, or government actors who targeted former president Donald J. Trump. Representatives -- representative Eli Crane, an Arizona republic. And former Navy SEAL. Says, he's no conspiracy theorist.

But in the weeks, since the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. He has made the baseless suggestion that the shooting was part of a coordinated campaign by Democrats or shadowy government actors to try to stop the former president from reclaiming the White House. Not only did they try to bankrupt him. But they tried to put him in prison.

Mr. Crane told Orbitz, a right-wing radio personality in Arizona. When that didn't work, they tried to put him in prison for 750 years.

And many of us said the next step in this escalation is try to kill them, because they can't beat him fair and square.

An appearance on the Glenn Beck Program, Mr. Crane, who traveled to the Pennsylvania rally site where Mr. Trump was shot, to conduct his own investigation. Said, I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist.

But at the same time, I don't want to, you know, rule anything out. Because I don't put it past some of the people in our government to do anything necessary to hold on to power.

That is such a wild, baseless allegation.

That somebody in this vast government, would do something unethical. Or wrong. Or immoral.

To hold on to power. Or to shoot a guy, that they are convinced is Hitler!

How crazy is that!

I mean, that is just tinfoil hat, crazy.

STU: Yeah. How can you possibly blame people for having their minds warned to outlying possibilities. At this point.

I mean, I'm pretty sure I saw footage yesterday. Of the shooter building a Ferris wheel next to the speech grounds. And going to the top of it, to see if he can get a clear shot. And deconstructing it right in front of Secret Service officers. Everything that you could possibly think the guy was -- now he's just running back and forth on the roof in the background. And no one does anything.

I'm not -- I am saying.

GLENN: Hang on just a second. Play that video.

STU: You can see the head in the background in the white circle.

VOICE: The Republican Party.

STU: I mean, it's like. How -- it's inexplicable.

And this comes from a person, who is very skeptical of government competence. Like, I -- really, like, usually unfazed by government doing something pathetically incompetent.

And that does always almost explain everything. But it could be.

GLENN: And it could just be incompetence. It might be.

But to want consider that it might be something else. Is ridiculous.

Especially the way they've been behaving, on hoarding all of the information. And only releasing things when it seems to be good for them.

It is really not good.

Why Leftist Elites Will NEVER Understand J.D. Vance

Why Leftist Elites Will NEVER Understand J.D. Vance

Democrats and their mouthpieces in the media have branded Trump's VP Pick J.D. Vance as ... "weird." But Glenn explains why that's a GOOD thing. Vance IS weird to leftist elites because they will never understand him. He grew up poor, not with the "white privilege" that Democrats insist all white people have. Instead of staying on government welfare, he pulled himself out of poverty. And perhaps "weirdest" of all to these elites, he's an entrepreneur — proof that the American free market system works.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the Glenn Beck Program.

I was listening too Pat and Stu there. And thank you, guys, for filling in. We have a problem, seemingly getting my voice down to earth, even though I'm only 8,000 feet above earth. But thanks for filling in.

I'm listening to them talk about J.D. Vance and weird. How weird he is. Well, first of all, let's keep J.D. Vance weird. Okay? You can go to right now and get your Keep J.D. Vance Weird T-shirt. I thought weird was an okay thing. I mean, that was keep Austin weird. Keep San Francisco weird. Keep Portland weird.

So I don't know what their problem is. Well, actually I do. This listening to Pat and Stu, they bring up a lot of really, really good points. But I think we're missing one thing. To him, he is weird. And this is critical to understand.

Because we think they're weird.


So let me explain why they think J.D. Vance is weird. J.D. Vance is from a red state. Weirdness number one. J.D. Vance grew up in white poverty. Weirdness number two for them. They -- he was -- he was -- he had a horrible, horrible life. He didn't have white privilege.

Weirdness number three. And he never gave up or listened to the naysayers. Weirdness number four.

Just that, is enough to make him weird. But that's not the full key. To understand why the left thinks J.D. Vance is weird. And they don't relate to his policies, is because he comes at life, 180 degrees differently, than the left does. He believes, pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Don't let anybody tell you no. Do it. Do it.

No matter what anybody says about you -- because nobody is holding you down. Nobody is holding you back, except you and your choices.

That's one of the biggest things that's weird about J.D. Vance.

Because either they totally believe it, or they know they're running an evil scam. On -- on people.

All over the world. You can't make it. You'll never make it. You need me to make it. Who says that? Who says that, except an abusive partner.

You'll never make it. You know who is keeping you down.

But I can help you get there. I mean, that's the Nina Simone. Life. Nina Simone is probably the greatest jazz singer in the 20th century. You don't know it. Or you may know her. Or know that she's great. But she didn't have her popularity, because she was twisted from the beginning. White people telling her she couldn't do it. And then breaking through that. And then marrying abusive men over and over again, that just used her and lied to her and abused her.

Well, you start to believe those things. Or you conquer those things. It's not what happens to you in life. It's what you do with those things! I thought my dad was crazy, when he told me, son, there's nothing. There's nothing bad.

And I was feeling bad for myself. And I said, really? Nothing bad. Really?

Well, how about when this happened. When this happened. Or when mom died. That wasn't bad?

He's like, there's things that happen, that cause scars.

There are things that happen, that we don't like. But you're either going to wallow in that. Or you're going to learn and take something away from that. And help it empower you.

This is the lesson of life!

Don't cower, stand back up!

Because life is going to hit you over and over again.

Well, stand up.

So that is -- that is really weirdness this be four.

But here's the main weirdness for the left, with J.D. Vance. He's an entrepreneur. And it coincidences with don't tell anybody, you know.

Don't let anybody tell you what you are or what you aren't. Don't let anybody tell you no. Just do it yourself if you believe it. You may fail, but you're going to pick yourself back up.

That's an entrepreneurial spirit. Those are the people with real drive. And they're different than people that just want a 9:00 to 5:00 job.

And there's nothing wrong with either of them. You can be somebody who is like, I don't want all of that. I just don't want all of that. I just want to go do my time. Make my money. Be treated fairly. And go home.

And have a life. I don't know what percentage of the population like that.

But there's a good portion of the population that is like that. And those are the people that the left relates to, and counts on. Because, they can use greed and envy. To have you look at an entrepreneur, somebody with drive. Look, man. I don't have the drive to go do what Elon Musk does. I don't have the brains to do it either.

So why should I think -- I should take some money from Elon Musk? Why would I hate Elon Musk? For having the brains, the -- the absolute gall to do what he's done. Take all of the risks.

Oh, good for him. See, what the left doesn't understand is we need each other. We need the entrepreneurs.

We need the people that think out of the box.

Quite honestly, we need rich people, that will -- will build libraries. Or -- or invest in some crazy, crackpot idea.

By the way, every idea, that's changed the world, has been crazy or crackpot.

We need the entrepreneurs. The crackpots. The inventors. The people who have drive, that just won't stop.

And those people need the 9:00 to 5:00ers. Can you imagine what it would be like if we were a society, that was just full of nothing, but entrepreneurs.

You would think it would be a good thing. But it wouldn't be.

Who is actually holding down the fort?

Who is doing all of the work, that needs to be done, to get that idea launched?

You have to have the 9:00 to 5:00ers. You have to have them.

And 9:00 to 5:00ers. The old saying is, tell me the last poor person that you worked for. Because those people an average salary, and everything else. And again, there's nothing wrong with that. They're not the ones, necessarily, that have the drive, and maybe they do.

And they're waiting for their opportunity. Or whatever. But generally speaking, those who want to work 9:00 to 5:00. Clock in, clock out. Have a life.

Those aren't the ones that have the dreams of changing the world. No entrepreneur can do without them.

So here's what happens. They think J.D. Vance is weird because they can't relate to him.
They can't relate to him, on anything. His white poverty, instead of his white privilege. His red state over their blue state.

His getting back up again, over and over again, and rejecting the idea. Stay down.

You need the government. Reach out for a handout. They can't understand that. Even though, his family did take government assistance. Because they needed it.

You got out of that. No. Stay in it.

He's an entrepreneur. He's a guy who dedicated himself. He was a dummy. Dedicated himself, to learn.

And he did. And that opened another door. Don't just go to school and do it like everybody else does. Actually choose to be in charge of your education. Take it seriously.

And look at the door that will open for you.

They don't understand that. They want you to sit in that class. And learn not to read. And not to write. All of the stuff.

They want you to learn how to be a good little soldier, for them.

And the collective. If you have unbridled crony capitalism, which is what we have had.

If you have it to where the government can get involved, and start making bets on who is going to succeed, and who is not.

What does that give you? It gives you a culture much like ours. It gives you a culture where, God help you. You're not employing to be able to escape.

Because it's not fair, because the man, not in the corporation. But the corporation and the government keep you down.

You cannot invent a better mousetrap. Because the people at the mousetrap company, have all kinds of laws that they have helped write. To make sure that you can't start at the beginning.

And so you get this greed, this envy. This wealth.

This power. And it's all corrupt.

But then the left comes in, and says, let's get rid of these rich people.

Because they're bad. And we're going to tell everybody else, that we're the power. And you can't make it without us.

But who are those people?

Those are the same people, at the top now, in the corporations, as opposed to government. That are saying, you can't make it. Give me more power. Pass more laws in my favor. That are holding us down for you. That's why this system is broken! And you can't go back to the way it was, with crony capitalism. You've got to get rid of all of that. You have to reduce the size of the government. And put a clear wall between the government and business. They are only there. The government is only there to say, excuse me. That's against the law. It's a place for you to run to and say, I need the police. But you can't do that with the government now. You're going to run to the FBI? You think you're going to get a fair shake?

Socialists eat the entrepreneur. They eat them. They eat the rich. And that's why it always fails. Socialism, communism, always fails, because it eats the dreamers. There are no dreamers.

Tell me who the dreamers are in the government.

That's why he's weird, to them. And, again, I would say, if that's the case, keep J.D. Vance weird.

Why Venezuela's Election Chaos Is a WARNING For America

Why Venezuela's Election Chaos Is a WARNING For America

The White House is now calling on the Venezuelan government to release detailed voting data amid claims of election fraud ... oh, the irony! Can no one in the media see it, Glenn asks? Glenn connects the dots that the media has missed about how Venezuela went from one of the wealthiest nations in the world to one of the most chaotic: A corrupt government, an embrace of socialism, a "reform" of their Supreme Court, a focus on "experts" ... is any of this sounding familiar?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Well, hello, Stu.

STU: Hi, Glenn. How are you? That's how we're starting the show today? This voice?

GLENN: Yeah. We're going to talk like cartoon people. Because I think everything that is happening in the world is a giant cartoon.

STU: That is where we are, I think right now at this point. None of it seems real.

GLENN: It is. That's the only way you can look at it. None of it seems real.

And you're standing off to the side. What was that science fiction movie 2000.

STU: 2000. Yeah.

GLENN: Yes. Yes. Yes, yes.

I feel like those guys sitting in front of the screen. Just watching the world unfold every day.

Like, this is going to work out well. You know what I mean?

Just, it's nuts what's happening. And the fact that no one can connect the dots.

Now, I've always been a dot connector. Sometimes I'm right. Sometimes I'm wrong.

But I always look at things. I can take things. Different things and ideas, that don't seem to be connected, but I can see them connected. And then I can find the connection to prove it to you. Many times.

and that is a skill, I guess. Or a curse.

But it appears to me, no one has that skill. Or maybe it's like, I don't want to look at that. I don't want to look at that.

Why would I look at that? The Venezuela story. Oh, I don't know.

Are there a couple of dots we could connect here?

Is there anything we could look at like, hmm. I wonder what we're doing here.

They started. It was a rich country! It was a country, where they weren't eating the zoo animals. Oh, just a few years ago.

It was the third richest country in the western hemisphere.

Has oils and resources, like nobody's business. Sound familiar?

Okay. Let's just keep that one over there. Rich country.

All kinds of resources. Could make it on their own.

If they just wouldn't go country, and go to socialism.

But what did they do? They go corrupt, and immediately go to socialism. How do they go to socialism?

They begin to talk down democracy. They begin to say, this republic. This Constitution isn't right.

And so Hugo Chavez. He is -- he is thrown in jail, by the president of Venezuela.

And nobody thinks that's right. He's like, I have to get out of -- and he gets out of jail.

And he replicates again. And this time, he wins.

Why? Because generally, the people don't like it, when you put their candidate in jail!

They don't think that's fair. Hmm. Is there another dot we can connect?

So then when he gets in, the first thing he does, is he changes the makeup of the Supreme Court.

Wait a minute. I'm seeing another dot on the horizon.

Then what does he do?

Well, then he starts talking about how we've just got to nationalize health care. Because health care costs are out of -- out of site. It's crazy.

We can't get anybody to have health care. So we've got to nationalize it. And it's going to save you like $2,000 per family. Every single year. And what does it do?

It jacks the price of -- of health care through the roof. And then the health care system collapses. And nobody can get anything.

Is there another dot we see?

Then they start jacking with the oil. Because, well, these big oil companies, they're just evil, you know.

And there was corruption. Why was there corruption. Because the government got involved with a private company.

And when the government gets involved, then there's you all kinds of things that are going on behind the scenes that nobody knows. And everybody starts enriching themselves, at the upper level, but not anywhere down below.

Is there another dot, we could connect?

So then they hire a man of the people. They hire a guy that, you know what, you know what, we need? Chavez is dead now. Gosh darn it, miss him. But let's keep going down this road. So they hire an expert.

A guy who was a bus driver. He was, a bus driver. He had no money. You know, much like the Obamas, when he went into office. I'm sure he had student loans. He couldn't afford his mortgage. He was an average, everyday guy struggling like you. And lo and behold, he's the president. And all of a sudden, he and his children are the wealthiest in Venezuela.

How did that happen, as a public service -- I mean, Maduro.

How does that happen? How come everybody in government, who claims, oh, I'm just trying to save the people, become incredibly rich and powerful.

How does that work, exactly. I'm trying to figure that out.

Did they all win lotteries. Or is there something else going on?

Now, they had problems with their voting machines. They just held an election. And everybody was talking about the voting machines.

Voting machines. This is bad. Not good. The voting machines. Voting machines. All kinds of corruption.

No, no, no, no. No corruption. No corruption.

Corruption. It's going to be bad. Maduro's -- the guy he was running against was like 30 points ahead, 30 points ahead.

And then when it comes to a vote, well, we've got to -- we're going to take a break. We'll take a break.

We're vote counting. It's sleepy. It's 9:30 at night. We have to get to bed. And then they count. And lo and behold, Maduro wins. We just found some ballots in Detroit.

Does anybody see a single dot here!

It's insane. It's -- do we have that -- that crazy music, that we -- that we may Sara, for stuff like this. When it's just -- it's the one with the horn honk. No. But that's appropriate too. That's appropriate too.
So, anyway, now he's president. It's like this. Is this the one with the horn honk? I think so. So he is -- so he's now president, and what did he do? Well, he consolidated power, in their Pentagon. You know, got rid of anybody that might be -- you know, might be against him.

So they got rid of him. Gee, isn't that what -- wait a minute. Didn't we stand our army down to do that right after? Well, that's weird. So now he has the complete support of the army. And they're out quelling these crazies that are saying, the election was stole. Was stolen. Because these people -- it's the worst thing to happen in Venezuela, since I don't know. The Civil War. And they're going into Civil War.

Now, I've been watching the news. And I haven't heard anyone pluck out a single parallel story here.

I haven't seen a single person on -- you know what I'm seeing on TV? This is bad. Look at this. Look at this. I mean, the people were crying out, saying there was corruption.

And now he's trying to -- he changed the Supreme Court again.

Now he's doing it again. This is out of control.

First of all, he was trying to arrest his opponent.

So I do believe, Stu. That for the rest of the show, we should just talk like this.

Because everything is a cartoon. I wouldn't be surprised.

Secret Service says, Donald Trump was not hit by a bullet. We believe, a safe fell out of the sky.

Why not?

STU: I've always believed acme was in on all of this. It's been Acme from the beginning.


GLENN: Yes. Yes. Would you have been surprised if the guy up on the roof, would have had a big, black, round, bowling ball of a bomb. And lit the fuse.

And was wearing a fedora. And was like, shh. And he's lighting the fuse, and everybody is in the crowd going, there's a guy in a black fedora with a big black acme bomb. And he's lit it. And he will throw it towards the president. Why not?

Why not? Why is the crap that they're saying to us, right now, less believable?

STU: Every day, they update that story. Yeah. Every day they update that story.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. They do.

STU: He's there earlier. Like, I remembered when this story broke, I had a conniption on the vacations, saying, hey. How the heck was this guy up there for 90 seconds?

90 seconds! He was on the roof for 90 seconds?

And somehow they let him up there? You get updates. Eh, it was actually 26 minutes. Actually, he built a condo on the complex, six months ago, and has been living there, casing the entire field since then.

I don't -- every day, the story is worse.

GLENN: He was halfway finished with a tunnel that he was building from the roof to the lectern where Trump was. I just couldn't get it done in time.

Yeah. Now -- now we're starting to find out something about him.

The FBI has come out, and said, oh, no.

We have some evidence for you.

We think we might have -- we think we might have a motive.

Okay. First of all, I'm pretty sure, his motive was, to kill the president.

I think that's what his motive was. I don't know. What are you getting up for today? To ever, well, I was going to have some brand flakes, but I decided I will kill Donald Trump. That's what motivated him.

STU: Along with the brand flakes.

GLENN: Right. You eat brand flakes at that age.

STU: Twenty-eight cause weird outcomes, no doubt about that. And look, you have a situation where --

GLENN: Absolutely no footprint digitally. That happens all the time. He's never said a word, on the internet. Oh, yeah. And he's got a phone and everything. He's not crazy. He's got a phone. But he has zero footprint. He left us nothing. Except now we just found go!

Wait until you hear this story.

You're going to talk like this too, in just a few minutes.

First, let me tell you about our sponsor. Our sponsor this half-hour is Lear Capital. You know, some would say, things are weird right now.

Not me. No, no. Not me. People are weird. Especially those Republicans. What a bunch of weirdos. By the way, you can go to Glenn Beck merch. And do we have the T-shirt?

I made two T-shirts for J.D. Vance.

One of them is -- well, I would hate to say, that I just lifted the artwork from Portland. And they have -- Portland, you know, campaign, that they had up on billboards. Keep Portland weird.

But it looks kind of like that.

The T-shirt just says, keep J.D. Vance weird. And the other one, you remember the -- keep calm and carry on.

This one is just Keep Calm and J.D. Vance weird. You can get them at Glenn Beck merch right now. Anyway, things are weird. What will they do next? Review next thing you'll know, the Republicans will say, hey, we shouldn't have a national digital currency.

That could be really bad.

Mark of the beast. You know, something like that.

Thank goodness, people who don't know what a woman is. So I'm not sure that they can put that together. Terrible changes will come. And we have to be prepared for it, as a people. If you start with your finances, one of the most important things you can do is if you have any extra money, you need to put some of that money, in a hedge. Something that will hold up, if the dollar goes down. If dollar goes down, inflation goes up. What grows?

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Ten-second station ID.
So the FBI director says, now there is no doubt. And there never has been any doubt about Trump.

He was hit by a bullet. No matter what, Director Wray was saying. It was a bullet. It only took us two weeks to find that out. Man, these guys are on top of it, aren't they? Now, the FBI also has come out and they believe hmm.

That Crook, his -- his attempt to assassinate Donald Trump, was because he was motivated by, Stu.

STU: The desire to assassinate Donald Trump.

GLENN: Yes. But what was really behind that?

STU: Brand flakes?

GLENN: No. No. Stop listening to those conspiracy theorists.

He was extreme in his view of illegal aliens. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

And he also had extreme anti-Semitic comments. Now, the FBI released the story. And the headlines are all extreme anti-Semitic comments online. I thought he had no digital footprint. Now he found extreme anti-Semitic. Okay. Well, that would make him part of the left.

Which is weird. Because that's where the Nazis belong. On the extreme left. Not the right.

So he is now an anti-Semite. And he also said some vicious things about the border. And what's happening to our country.

Sounds to me, like he's a right-wing nut job.

STU: Well, I think there's a logical line there from someone who is upset about open borders. And immediately goes to assassinating Donald Trump.

Like is there any sense in that?

Is there any logic in that path there? I don't --

GLENN: Okay. Okay. Okay. Good. Go with that for a second. Tell me why there's no logic in that. Because I have another story that you can help figure out. Go ahead.

STU: Well, Donald Trump is the most visible person in America, arguing for tighter Border Patrol.

If you're upset about what's going on, on the border, assuming it wasn't like, we have kids in cages thing, you know, with AOC crying in her $3,000 suit at the border fence. You would think, that Donald Trump would be your -- would be your hero. If -- if that were true.

GLENN: Yeah. If that's what you really -- okay. Can you help me figure this out? Because remember, you just said there's no real logic to that.

Vice President Kamala Harris. Now, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee has received critical endorsements from the mayors of some of the largest towns on the Arizona/Mexico border.

I trust her to meet the needs of our border cities and towns, without taking advantages of us for her own personal gain, like her opponent.

The border mayors in Arizona, trust that the border czar. Non-border czar, is the one to fix the problem.

It's like, there is a little miniature shooter on the -- a slopy kind of roof, in my head, just killing brain cells.

Every time. I listen to the mainstream media.

So everything is fine, everybody. Hey!

I got a funny nose.

And J.D. Vance is weird.

"White Women for Kamala" Zoom Call Takes a RACIST Turn

"White Women for Kamala" Zoom Call Takes a RACIST Turn

A Zoom gathering called "White Women for Kamala" apparently broke the app. Nearly 170,000 people, including celebrities like P!nk and Megan Rapinoe, reportedly gathered to discuss the best ways for white women to support VP Kamala Harris' 2024 presidential campaign. But things quickly went beyond "cringe." Comedian Bridget Phetasy, herself a white woman, joins Glenn to explain why the entire premise of the call is rooted in racism: "It is actually white supremacy. You have to believe you are better than everyone else and that it is up to you to lift up all these poor people who can't help themselves and speak to everybody like's insanity!"


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. Let me see. I want to play a couple of things, here. Just a couple of pieces of audio, that I don't know. I'm a little uncomfortable with.

Here's white women for Kamala. Cut one, about women's privilege.

VOICE: White women. I mean, here we are. I have to admit when I was writing stuff down. It was like, parents for Kamala. I don't know. Why is it so difficult, as Glenn was saying, to acknowledge and address ourselves as white women?

But here we are. And I am so proud for all of us to be together, as women, as white women. We are the ones that have the privilege, of course. And we too have had to fight and continue to fight for equality, our self hood, our freedom.

But we have whatever privileges are male -- white male counterparts, and have the good sense to bestow upon us. And then whatever else it is we have managed to take for ourselves, often being led by as many have said earlier tonight.

The leadership of our sisters of color, who have fought and fought and continue to fight, for their righteous place on God's green earth.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Yeah.

Yeah. So white women have the privilege. They're now apparently, the -- the ruling class, I think. I think that's what she was saying.

And they wanted to make it very clear, when they started this Zoom call. One of the influencers, really wanted to make sure that nobody makes any mistakes on this phone call. Cut four.

VOICE: I'm going to share some do's and don'ts for getting involved in politics online. Don't make it about yourself. As white women, we need to use our privilege, to make positive changes. If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals. Or God forbid, correcting them, just take a beat. And instead, we can put our listening ears on. So do learn from and amplify the voices of those who have been historically marginalized and use the privilege you have in order to push for a systemic change. As white people, we have a lot to learn, and unlearn. So do check your blind spots.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Okay. All right.

Well, let's -- let's bring on Bridget Phetasy. And please, please, check your blind spot, Bridget, if you will. Please.

BRIDGET: Please acknowledge that I'm the most powerful person on this call right now.

GLENN: Yeah, you are. You have all the white woman privilege. And you're -- you really are going to be the one that turns this whole thing around. You white women.

BRIDGET: Glenn, do you understand that it's up to me and my people, to save the world.

Literally, save the world.

It is up to us, if we don't get it together, the world will end.

GLENN: Yes. Yeah.

They said that. I know you know that. They said that yesterday. That it's up to white women. Oh, my gosh.

Do women -- I mean, are there a lot of women, that think this way? That are like, you know, fine with, I just have -- I have so much to learn. And so little to say, and so much to unlearn.

But I'm the most powerful person here. What are you talking about?

Oh, my gosh.

BRIDGET: Right. It's such a weird humble brag in a strange way. It's like at the same time you're saying, you are -- you know, I was saying this yesterday, to you, actually.

In talking to my friends about this. You have to have the worldview. You have to start with the premise, that it's -- it's actually white supremacy. You have to believe you are better than everyone else.

And that it is up to you, to lift up all of these people, these poor people, who can't help themselves, and speak to everybody like they're toddlers. We need to put our listening ears on. And talk to all --

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

BRIDGET: It's insanity. But I do think it's a way for people -- I mean, what is more important, than saving the world, while also somehow humbling yourself and recognizing your privilege?

It is -- it's still all ego. It's so gross!

It's so gross!

GLENN: Is this --

BRIDGET: I have strong feelings about this.

GLENN: Is this popular? Is this going to, Bridget?

BRIDGET: I mean, I don't know. It's weird. Just, I went off line for a couple of days, just to take a break. And I came online, and it was like 2016 with flavors of 2020 all over again. And this didn't -- it didn't work in 2016. You know, all of this -- like, I feel like, oh, we're just going to run a very unlikable politician, that people have openly said that they don't like. We're going to AstroTurf the entire media with, oh, look at how cool this person is, with celebrities and white dudes for Harris, and white women for Kamala. Weird, weird Zoom calls.

We are going to make it seem like it's all very popular. Except, it's not.

And then they will be out marching in their -- in their little pink hats. You know, the day after the election. You know, I don't think.

This feels like, it feels like -- I don't know. It feels manufactured to me. All of it.

GLENN: Okay. So let me ask you this.

You heard that everybody is now calling Trump and J.D. Vance weird.

And I think it's weird, that everybody started saying it, at the same time.

And I think, Bridget, that this is the new strategy where he was a danger to the republic. People are so sick and tired of hearing all of this.

And they just want somebody just to be normal with them. And so I think it's a way to have, you know, Donald Trump or whoever say, the woman is a socialist.

And then they go, you know, they're just weird. They're just weird.

I mean, I'm more like you. We're just laughing it off. That seems to me, to be a dangerous strategy, for the right.

BRIDGET: It's very dangerous. I'm -- I'm obsessed with this weird thing.

This morning, I was going down all these rabbit holes, for numerous reasons. One was clearly, the memo went out. And this is blatant AstroTurfing. Then there's this strange weaponization of the word weird by a party that has generally, that has been cool coated. It has been Lady Gaga was weird.

And her little monsters. And this was something that was always very left-wing dominated. We're going to make weird cool.

So they were the ones who said, no.

You can't use weird.

But then there was all this language of ableism that came out. And you couldn't say crazy. And you couldn't say insane.

And I was looking at all the list this morning. And it's weird, it's either been retroactively removed, which I wouldn't be surprised by. But it might have been the one word, like, hey. What can we call him that we won't get yelled at for?

And weird isn't on any of these lists, strangely. And as I'm talking to my editor at the spectator about -- we were texting. And he was saying, to win the general, you have to seem normal. And it's whoever is normal, and now they've made weird, this, you know, this step to creepy.

Like one step away from creepy. But I don't know if you should be doing it, if you have guys like Sam Brinton. And Rachel Levine on your side.

You can't. That seems like a bad idea for the left, to make weird one step away from creepy. Because they have way more weird people, that represent them.

Than I would say, the mainstream right-wing.

GLENN: If I may, however, you know, it's always the happy warrior, that America wants to be with.

And so if they are -- if they are seen as almost mocking themselves. You know, Karens for Kamala. And they're not taking themselves so seriously. Even though, on the call, they took themselves like God-like seriously.

And they're calling them weird.

And then you say, really? That's weird?

How about the dude that is stealing women's suitcases that you had watching over our nukes?

And then they -- their response is, see, I mean, you're just bigoted and hatred. Full of hatred. I mean, you're weird. But you're also bigoted.

And we just have -- I keep coming back to what she said, at the very end of that phone call. With Barack and Michelle.

Or big Mike.

She said, and we're going to have a lot of fun with this, aren't we?

And it was so fake. But I think that's what they're going for. Just laugh their way through this.

It will just be fun. We'll just have fun.

BRIDGET: Yeah. I think they realized a couple of things. Which is -- it's smart of them to course correct.

They seem to have leaned back into, okay. America isn't horrible, like we have we've been saying, and preaching, and academia. And we will reembrace the American flag.

They seem to have been saying, like, they realized, you know, the -- the RNC, for whatever Idiocracy, it might have seemed like, it was fun.

It was like people having fun. And I was saying this on Twitter. They're like, oh, look. What they're projecting.

They're projecting fun. This thing that Americans like to have. And generally have. And I think that they're realizing, they're not seen as the fun party.

They're seen as the scold now.

And the -- the authoritarians who are checking everyone's language.

And so I don't know. It's -- they're not going to believe -- that's not. You can't be. You can't say this is a weird paradox. You can't say this is the end of democracy.

And, oh, look how weird J.D. Vance is. That doesn't -- that doesn't carry this -- they're trying to walk this tightrope. And I don't think they'll be able to do it.

You can't be calling everybody bigoted. And racist.

And that this is a fascist takeover of America. And then be like, look at how weird he is. Yucka, yucka, yucka, it's not -- it's like weird. It's -- that's weird.

GLENN: Yes. It is -- it is awfully strange.

However, it might work, for a limited time. You know, that was the thing that I think the G.O.P. had going for, this year.

Was, it was full of joy. And it was fun.

And, you know, it was like a respite from the end of the world.

And it was still serious, had its serious moments when it needed to be. But it was fun. And I think that's what gave the wind in the sails of the Republicans in Donald Trump.

And I think that's what they're going for. I could be wrong. I want to hold for one minute, if you will, Bridget.

I want to ask you how would you -- if you're Donald Trump. How would you handle Kamala Harris. What would you do in a debate?

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Bridget Phetasy is the spectator contributing editor and columnist. She's the host of walk-ins welcome. And the host of the weekly Dumpster fire, which I absolutely love.

I was on her show yesterday. And we were talking. And it was -- it was an odd -- it was a very odd interview. I was in a weird space with you, yesterday, Bridget.

BRIDGET: It was so fun. I still love talking to you.

GLENN: Did you?

Yeah. Was it -- at you release this already?

BRIDGET: No. No. No.

GLENN: It wasn't odd. Just spilling into people's houses.

BRIDGET: No. I would definitely let you know, if you were going live. No. It will be cleaned up.

And, yeah. I thought -- I thought it was great.

GLENN: Oh, wow. Yeah. I really enjoyed it.

I always enjoy you.

Anyway, Bridget, tell me about -- you know, Donald Trump has to switch, fighting strategies. Because she's a different fighter than -- than Joe Biden.

So he's got to come to a whole new world. What would your approach be, or recommendation on debating her and taking her on?

BRIDGET: Gosh, I'm not. Some brilliant adviser to the people.

But I --

GLENN: No. But you're a white woman. And you have all the power in the world.

BRIDGET: Yeah. I'm obviously the most knowledgeable person on this call. As we mentioned.

I just want to -- put your listening ears Donald Trump.

Maybe you should talk to her like she's a toddler.

I don't know.

I think -- you know, they get away with not having to focus a lot on stuff that she -- she is basically now saying, oh, I lied about everything I said if 2020.

You know, now it's like, all of -- she's totally pivoting. I think you call her out on that constantly. And try to nail her down on what she actually believes.

Because I don't -- does anyone really know? It seems like she was quite radical.

I believe she's -- you know, she's from California. So I know what they've done to that.

GLENN: She's from -- she's from Berkeley, and her mom and dad were both Berkeley professors. So she's not just from California.

She's not the average Californian. She is way off the deep end.

BRIDGET: She's from Commie-fornia.

GLENN: Yeah. So she was -- she was saying the other day that -- and the press was helping her. That Donald Trump was accusing her of -- of having these certain viewpoints. What was it, Stu? They said that she was being accused of? And it was her stated policy.

STU: Oh, being -- she was accused of wanting to ban fracking.

BRIDGET: Oh, yeah.

STU: She said multiple times on debate stages over and over again.

GLENN: Right. But that was Donald Trump accusing her. Go ahead.

BRIDGET: Yeah. I love when the right-wing pounces on things that have been spoken in direct quotes by that person.

GLENN: Yeah.

BRIDGET: There is --

GLENN: I mean, it's just --

BRIDGET: I also think the right-wing needs to stay away from, you know, the commentary, the commentators, the childless thing. There's a lot of women who wanted to have kids, who couldn't. I think there are a lot of independent women who have been pushed -- you know, there is literally men boxing women right now. Men boxing women.

And you're calling other people weird? People who support this?

Like, focus on the erosion of women's rights on -- on the left in policy.

It's not just -- I think you have to stay away from the like -- all that childless stuff.

That's not good. That's not helpful. It turns people off. It turns people away.

He's got to pivot. He has to kind of get some substance from that.

I actually think he's really smart, and even if a lot of the right-wing doesn't agree. And even moderate on abortion. He was kind of doing the right thing to win a general election.

And now he's going to have to really -- he's going to have to step it up. But I really think all you have to do is keep forcing her to reiterate what she believes.

GLENN: Well, she likes. She believes in Venn diagrams. And she likes yellow school buses. But who doesn't? Bridget Phetasy. Thank you so much.

Host of walk-ins welcome. You can find her podcast, every day.

Bridget Phetasy. Thank you so much, Bridget. I appreciate it.

BRIDGET: Thank you for having me. Bye, Stu.

GLENN: God bless. Goodbye.