MRC TV just released a video debunking the recent claims that voter I.D. laws are racist.
Last week, The Blaze reported that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People traveled to Geneva to appeal to the United Nations Human Rights Council for help in fighting oter identification laws in the United States.
“Supposedly that’s disenfranchising voters and especially minorities,” Pat said.
NAACP President Ben Jealous was among those who appealed to the UN. He told reporters that part of their goal was to “shame them,” and claimed something to the effect of as many as 75% of black men don’t have an I.D. in states like Wisconsin, therefor America is being racist for instituting these laws.
“Well, the Media Research Center went out and started asking African Americans, ‘Do you think you need to have an I.D. to be able to vote?’ Listen,” Glenn said.
Common sense prevailed, and, of course, most of the Americans that they spoke to said ‘yes, they do think that they should have an I.D. to vote.’ One response even replied, “I don’t think it’s prejudice at all. I mean it’s pretty standard. You have to have an I.D. in America—whether you’re black, white, Indian—it doesn’t really matter.”
“Can you imagine being put in this position where you are being used for someone else’s gain?” Glenn asked after the audio had stopped.
Glenn pointed out that the left continues to do this with minorities, and gave the example of the Trayvon Martin case. He pointed to the example of Pastor C.L. Bryant, a former leader of the NAACP who is very outspoken on the issue of the left using minorities to push their own agenda, coming out last week condemning how the death of the seventeen year old was being turned into a political debate and a racial issue.
Other African American leaders have made similar statements on the issue as well. “The former head of the Black Panthers—the old Black Panthers has come out now against the New Black Panthers and said you need to be for something,” Glenn pointed out. “Think of this. The Black Panthers used to be for black power. You guys, the new Black Panthers, you're anti-white. That's all that is,” Glenn said, summarizing the statement their former leader made.
Stu gave Glenn the stats on the issue to further point out how agenda driven these talking points are. “The polling backs it up,” Stu said. “By a margin of 62% to 29%, black Americans say I want photo I.D. at the polls, not just I.D. Overall the percentage for all Americans is 70% to 18% in favor of photo I.D. at the polls.”
Pat noted the talking points of Wasserman-Schultz on the issue, who complained that getting a photo I.D. “takes effort” and “there’s cost involved.”
“Excuse me? It’s a privilege,” Glenn said.
“Since when were we promised citizenship would be effortless? Never,” Pat added.
“These are the people that constantly are berating us about tens of thousands of pages of new regulations,” Stu pointed out. “You can’t open up a business. It takes months of time to open up a business and do your basic human functions and, yet, here we are, this one thing that’s so critical to the basis of our entire country, and you can’t get an I.D.?” Later adding, “It is so insulting to African Americans.”
“It is insulting to immigrants as well,” Glenn said. Glenn went on to point out what his wife’s family went through when they came to the United States from Italy.
“They knew it was a privilege, and the people that come through the doors [of America] the right way are not looking for free stuff, but they want a part of the American dream. They want to make sure they’re living by the law as well. They understand that it’s a privilege, because it’s a privilege they don’t have in their own country,” Glenn said.
Stu went back to the stats, noting that virtually no group appears to disagree with voter I.D. laws. “Democrats are 63% to 28% in favor, so even Democrats and liberals are completely on board with this.”
“That’s a pretty good indication of why Ben Jealous and the NAACP took this to the UN, because he no chance of winning this with the American people,” Pat said.
Glenn brought up how the rest of the world must view these issues, and pointed out that the ‘global opinion’ is why these far left groups go to global courts and councils despite their lack of power over our laws. Foreign governments use these examples to paint America as evil, and to enforce their regulations.
“Think about the way Americans are being portrayed in the rest of the world,” Glenn said.
“They have no idea who we are. Think about going into another country and saying ‘I’m a member of the Tea Party,’ and what they must think. Because, all they get is the impression from our media and theirs.”
Glenn next brought up the shooting in Florida again, describing how it is probably a big story about America overseas. “They love these kinds of stories, because they don't have guns. That's why their media, their elites, their governments, loves these types of stories.”
“When all we’ve done as a country is stop these injustices that mainly came to us from Europe,” Stu said. “We’ve gone around the world trying to stop horrible genocides in other countries that have done terrible things to their own people.”