Tonight's full episode is available for FREE On Demand HERE! Find out what YOU can do to get activated and make this election a mandate HERE
On tonight's Glenn Beck Program, Glenn focused solely on the Supreme Court ruling to uphold Obamacare. Like many Americans, he was surprised to see the individual mandate survive, even if it is as a tax. And while he was certainly shocked and upset with the news when it first broke, he now knows it's time to move forward and do something to really turn things in America around.
"Today millions of Americans are feeling defeated after the ruling on obamacare and the individual healthcare mandate. I get that. It's understandable. But here's what I want you to remember tonight: This November there will be another mandate," Glenn said.
"Here's my opinion on this ruling: While it may have sealed the fate of the private insurance industry, I think it also sealed the fate of the election in November," he added.
Glenn said that now the progressives had woken the sleeping giant of America. Conservatives would not stand for the direction that progressives are taking this country.
"The American people are awake and fully engaged," he said. "It will make the Obama administration a thing of the past."
Glenn called for people to see if they were registered to vote, and if not to get registered. He also encouraged them to get as many like-minded people to vote in November as possible. Readers can check to see if they are registered or if their friends are registered HERE.
In addition to putting out a call for people to activate, Glenn also called out several GOP progressives who had a hand in making this ruling possible - especially Chief Justice John Roberts.
First, he had a shirt made that calls out Roberts for what he is - a coward!
Glenn also had radio co-host Pat Gray dress up as The Dread Pirate Roberts (a reference to Andre the Giant's infamous scene in the classic film The Princess Bride)
"Roberts has been revealed for who he is-- a progressive and a coward. I am done with progressive cowards," Glenn said.
Glenn specifically called Roberts a coward because he believed he had hidden his progressive leanings rather than be straightforward from the start.
"We lost the battle today, but the war is just getting started," Glenn said. "President Obama came out and spike the ball, proclaiming today was a 'victory for the American people'. You know what? I actually agree with him. Not because this disaster of a bill was upheld by the Supreme Court. Today was a victory for America because they've awoken a sleeping giant," Glenn said.
"This November, I intend to give Barack Obama the biggest mandate he has ever seen. How about you?"
At the start of the show, Glenn added some levity by riding into the studio on a horse and wearing a kilt. Once he shouted, "You may take our money...but you'll never take our freedom!" it was clear he was parodying Braveheart. Watch it below: