Every morning, Glenn's producers put together stories and research for Glenn to review before he discusses the plan for the radio and television shows. Below, you can see the stories that the producers put together for him this morning. Some of these stories will end up on radio and television, some will not - but now you can get more insight into what shapes Glenn's show each and every day:
#1 Abbas 'Victory Speech': Jerusalem 'Eternal Capital of Palestine'
#3 Obama punts to Congress over repercussions for UN Palestine vote
#4 NYC's famous Stage Deli closes, owner cites rent
#5 Obama’s Now Borrowed More Than All Presidents from Washington to W
#6 USDA: Meat, Poultry Prices to Rise Even Higher in 2013 -- Thanks to Drought
#8 Mexico's Enrique Peña Nieto assumes presidency amid protests
#9 Hillary Clinton: Israel has ‘lack of generosity … lack of empathy’ for Palestinians
#11 Atheist victory in California as surf city loses its nativity display
#12 Bahrain police deploy teargas at anti-Kim Kardashian protest
#14 MSNBC: Those of us in ‘nerd land’ think Obama is ‘channeling the Godfather’
#15 New fish species named for Obama
#16 Taliban suicide bombers attack US-Afghan air base in Afghanistan
#17 Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't
#18 Teachers Flock to Northwestern University for 'Marxist Conference'
#19 City: Give Us Your Guns, Get A Free Flu Shot - And A Wegman's Gift Card
#20 The Chart That Keeps Ben Bernanke Up At Night
#21 Is This Why Americans Have Lost The Drive To "Earn" More
#22 We Have Reached a Major Turning Point in Central Bank Intervention
# 23 UK doctor testifies that under socialized medicine, sick babies are sent home to die
#24 UK Doctor Admits To Starving Babies To Death, Using ‘End-Of-Life’ Care
From Mercury One's Soapbox
Q: “Who is the Vice President of the United States?” Actual Answer: “Bin Laden?” A group called “Lunch Scholars” showed just how ignorant American students are by asking simple questions such as, “Can you name one Democratic candidate in the 2012 presidential campaign?” “In what war did the US gain its independence?” and “Can you name all the countries that border the United States?” What is more shocking than the simplicity of these questions is the number of students that simply didn’t know the answers. What are kids being taught in schools if they can’t answer these questions?
Zombies Aren’t Exactly What You Should Be Preparing for, But If It Gets You Prepared… The Second Amendment Foundation has found that fears of a Zombie Apocalypse are actually in part driving increased gun sales. Gun and ammo manufacturers are taking advantage of this trend and releasing zombie targets and special “zombie cartridges” for shotguns. Protecting yourself against zombies is ok, but what about the original reason for American gun ownership, protecting yourself against an out of control government?
Another Government Program to Save the Environment Turns Out to Be Bad For Engines. The AAA has come out against the EPA mandated ethanol blend called E15. They claim that only 12 million cars on the road today are built with the ethanol fuel in mind and its use in any of the almost 230 million other cars and trucks on the road can damage the engine and even void the manufacturer’s warranty. So unless you are driving a 2012 or 2013 General Motors vehicle, a 2013 Ford or a Porsche made after 2001, check that the gasoline you are pumping isn’t E15.
Implementing the “For the ones who opposed us, they will get what they deserve” Policy. Just before the presidential election last month, Valerie Jarrett essentially said if you aren’t with us you’re against us, and if you are against us we will come after you. It looks like that wasn’t just an empty threat, as the Department of Health and Human Services has released a new set of rules that includes a 3.5% premium tax on any state that refuses to set up a state insurance exchange and instead opts for the federal exchange. The number of states currently opting for the federal exchange sits at 17, with Arizona deciding against a state exchange last week.
There is Always an Open Desk. Returning God to the Classroom. Those who would keep God kept from schools cite the first amendment and the “separation of church and state” as their legal ground. In doing so they show their ignorance to both history and to our founding documents. The first amendment simply states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” and the line “separation of church and state” appears nowhere in our founding documents, only in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury, CT Baptist congregation. Until 1962, prayer in school and even Bible classes were common, and perhaps the downward spiral that the US has seen since the 60’s is not merely a coincidence.
One State Incentivizes Single Motherhood at the Poverty Line. If you are a single mother in Pennsylvania it actually makes more financial sense to make less money, because in the long run you will make more. A single mom earning $69,000, a respectable wage, only takes home $57,045 in net income and benefits. A single mom living just over the federal poverty line at $29,000 per year (the poverty line is 23,050 for a mother and 3 children) actually will take home $57,327, that’s almost $300 more than the woman making over double her wages. To make matters worse, if that mother got a $1,000 raise (usually a good thing), she would loose up to $7,000 in benefits. Looks like the birthplace of liberty is keeping people in poverty.
What Does the UN’s Palestine Vote Actually Mean? There are more implications to the UN General Assembly’s vote to grant statehood to the Palestinian territory than a new nation being carved into a volatile area. It means that the UN would be violating it’s own charter in overruling a Security Council resolution with a General Assembly vote. It also means that a two state solution will become rule of law, something that many of the nations who voted for Palestine’s statehood do not agree with, as they do not recognize Israel’s existence. While there might legally be two states in the eyes of the UN, that is not going to stop those in Gaza and the West Bank from shelling and raining down mortars on Israel.
The Federal Government has Borrowed More Since 2009 than it did from 1789-2001. From the day George Washington was sworn in as the first President of the United States until five months into George W. Bush’s first presidential term, the United States accumulated $5,693,220,327,798.14 in national debt. Since President Obama was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, the accumulated national debt stands at $5,696,206,400,691.90. And to top it off, Tim Geithner, the Secretary of the Treasury suggested it is time to give the president the authority to raise the debt ceiling without an act of Congress.