One of Glenn's favorite cable news commentators had a few strong words for Al Gore earlier today. Stuart Varney found the decision the former Vice President to avoid the coming tax increase by rushing the sale of Current before the end of the year to be nothing short of "gross hypocrisy".
Varney, a man who left England for America to escape to rise in socialism, is clearly less than pleased with the current direction of America. He's even less pleased when the individuals pushing us further and further down this road doing everything they can to avoid the repercussions of their policies.
Yesterday, along with the news of Gore selling Current to Al Jazeera and reaping a $100 million dollar payday in the process, was another detail about the deal. Al "pay your fair share" Gore rushed the deal so that it would be finalized before the end of 2012 in an effort to avoid to coming tax increase on the wealthy.
So while Gore preaches things like this...
"The single most popular proposal we had was to reduce taxes on working people and lift the higher rate. Let's give an incentive to work and let's ask the most fortunate in our society, including me and you to do our fair share. And we ought to do that again."
…his actions speak a little louder.
Here's Varney's epic reaction:
"They ought to do their fair share. Well, as it turns out, the liberal multimillionaire mogul tried to push to complete a deal to sell his Current TV channel to Al‑Jazeera before any of the new tax hikes would affect his big payday. So sir, let's get this straight. Al Gore wanted to unload Current television during the George Bush era tax rates before the Obama tax rates that harken back to the Clinton/Gore tax rates went into effect.I don't want to spoil the mood on the couch but you know, let's call it for what it is. That is gross hypocrisy. Here's Al Gore extremely wealthy, ultra leftist. He's scrambling to book a profit on the sale of his TV network last year, when the tax rates are low. He will do anything to avoid selling it this year, as exactly that's what happened, when he has to pay a higher tax rate. That is hypocrisy."
Stuart Varney went on to say:
"How do you feel about guys who say, hey, you, you've got to pay more money in tax. I think it's a good thing. We should all share the sacrifice. Oh, but I, I will do my utmost to avoid the tax that I'm forcing on you."
But that's not all he was upset about. Varney continued his brutal takedown of Gore onto the issue of to whom he sold his television network.
"Al Gore sells this Current TV to Al‑Jazeera, which is owned by the oil sheikdom of Qatar, right? So 'Big Al' who hates Big Oil is actually making a ton of money by selling it to Big Oil. Is that not ‑‑ is that not hypocrisy?"
One of the other commentators Varney was speaking with noted the other interesting note about the deal with Al Jazeera — Gore had other options, like TheBlaze.
"Al says to Glenn Beck — Glenn Beck wants to buy this TV network — So Al says, 'no, we're very sensitive to the networks not aligned with our point of view.' In other words, get lost, Glenn Beck. But okay, Big Oil, the sheikdom of Qatar."
And the biggest disgrace of that situation to Varney is, of course, that Gore is a former Vice President of the Unite States of America who just sold is news network to an anti-American news channel called Al-Jazeera.
Watch the exchange here:
"Isn't that incredible — those three points?" Glenn asked after hearing the audio.
He added that it's amazing no one has really gone after Gore for his hypocrisy all of these years. Glenn remembered how Gore was the darling of the media during his time at CNN.
"Everyone loved him because he was Mr. Global Warming," Glenn recalled.
Somehow the former Vice President has managed to win an Academy Award, the Nobel Peace Prize, a Grammy — just about every possible award you can imagine.
"He's a total joke," Glenn remarked. He recalled meeting The Simpson's Harry Shearer.
"He's brilliant, very funny. But very, very left," Glenn described him. "We don't have any of the same views. I shouldn't say that — I bet we would surprise each other on how many decency points we have in common. But politically speaking, we don't share a lot in common."
While attending one of Gore's 'Live Earth' speaking events, Shearer woke up to what a fraud Gore really is.
"He said, 'I was standing there on this huge platform with all of these trucks and these jets flying into it and everything else,' and he said, 'It dawned on me sitting backstage, I'm like, this is bogus. This is bogus. If these people believed any of this, we wouldn't be doing any of this.' And I mean, he was honest about it. I mean, at least people like Harry Shearer, you know, is honest about it."
Well, Harry Shearer may be honest, but one thing's for sure, Al Gore doesn't have an honest bone in him.