Want to Help Stop Sex Trafficking in Thailand? Here's Your Chance

Bangkok remains a lightning rod for sex trafficking with one of the most active networks for selling and buying children. Tim Ballard with Operation Underground Railroad (OUR) likened the ease of buying a child for sex with ordering Chinese food from a menu.

"You walk down the street, you're going to see window displays of half nude women and minors dancing. If you go into the places . . . you're going to see a stage with minors and adults mixed," Ballard explained about an upcoming trip he'll be taking to that very spot with Glenn.

RELATED: Finding Virtue in Hell: Glenn Headed to Bangkok With Operation Underground Railroad

"You're going to see westerners everywhere. You're going to see people, they're going to come up to you with a laminated menu like they're selling Chinese food. Would you like number one, two or four, and you're going to see on the laminated menu sex acts."

Glenn's response was visceral.

"Oh, my god. Why do they not shut this down?" he asked.

Ballard is trying to do just that in partnership with the government of Thailand --- but he needs help.

"We're looking for somebody that we desperately need," Ballard appealed.

OUR is currently looking to hire someone with experience in undercover work, child exploitation and digital forensic, preferably a former undercover operator from the government who is perhaps retired. The cherry on top would be someone who speaks Thai.

"It's kind of a long list, but we need someone over there . . . the Thai government wants it. They want us to provide someone who can provide guidance. They would work as an informant, signed up and certified by the Thai police."

Interested parties may contact OUR online.

GLENN: Welcome to the program. Tim Ballard is with us. Tim is an author, multibooks. One of them is the Covenant, which was the first book that I was introduced to you with, which talks about the covenant that this -- that George Washington made at the time of our founding. Cover this real quick.

TIM: Yeah, he believed that there was a power. He tapped into the power of ancient Israel. I mean, he believed that the ancient Israelites have created something, a society with god, and it brought miracles and created a foundation of liberty. He utilized that, got the office to make those same covenants, got the army to make those same covenants, and the theory goes that that's how we won, earned independence.

GLENN: Right.

So we were in Haiti a couple of months ago, Pat was with us. And it is evil. I mean, there is something very dark in Haiti that you just -- your heartbreaks for the people that are there. I mean, look at Haiti. It's always destroyed over and over and over again. I understand weather patterns and everything else. But they have been from the beginning, they were a slave station, and then they had a revolution. And I found out this time when I was there -- and this is kind of hearsay -- they teach this in Haiti, don't they?

TIM: Oh, they teach it. It's part of their culture. Part of the society.

GLENN: So at the time, we were making the American covenant, Haiti made the Haitian covenant, but it's the exact opposite.

TIM: Yeah.

GLENN: Do you know the story?

TIM: They teach the political leaders got together and made a pact with the dark side. I mean, they teach -- this is not me talking. It's what they're telling me. They believe it. It's taught. It's believed and so many good people there are trying to get out from under this.

GLENN: And this is really where voodoo and everything else comes from; right?

PAT: That's creepy.

TIM: Totally. There's voodooism in there and there's a lot of darkness around that.

GLENN: Right. And the slaves, they killed -- wasn't Haiti French?

TIM: Right the -- it's a great story. I mean, it's the only country that gained its independence through a slave revolution. They rose up. The same year I believe our bill of rights.

GLENN: Yeah, 1791.

TIM: 1791. They rose up and pushed the French up. The French then moved over to New Orleans. That's how we got all of that voodoo in New Orleans from that revolution because that's where they ran away. And then they never fully got all of the slave mentality.

GLENN: Yeah, they just started enslaving each other.

TIM: Until today, it's still going on.

GLENN: It's absolutely crazy. And I don't know. I mean, Tim and I were just talking about this while we were over there, and I would love to find a scholar on Haiti that really knows to find out if there's truth to that. You know, a lot of people will dismiss that, but people dismiss that the American covenant.

TIM: Of course.

GLENN: I absolutely believe in the American covenant. What's the rabbi's name that wrote the book on the covenant the harbinger. Have you ever read that?

TIM: Yeah. I actually introduced it to Jonathan, our books came out at the same time.

PAT: So have you heard of it?

GLENN: Tim, let me tell you something about the harbinger.

STU: Let me tell you about something called operation rescue. It's incredible.

GLENN: Okay. Smart guy. So we're getting ready in just a couple of hours to get onto a plane and spend 20 hours on a plane to get to Bangkok.

TIM: Yes.

GLENN: But you're not taking me to the nice places in Bangkok.

TIM: Oh, no.

PAT: Are there nice places in Bangkok?

GLENN: It's supposedly beautiful.

TIM: The city's beautiful. Yeah.

GLENN: You're taking me to a place in Bangkok -- can you say the name?

TIM: I'm not going to say the name we're taking you.

GLENN: So we're going some place that has been described -- not only by you, but several other people not with the organization who say there is no place on earth or in hell that is quite as bad as this.

TIM: True. This is true.

GLENN: Explain.

TIM: We're going to take you to a place, that I think I described earlier today. It's a small world ride add Disneyland but imagine as all those kids are -- this is horrible. But they're being sold for sex. You walk down the street, you're going to see window displays of half nude women and minors dancing. If you go into the places, and I don't know -- guide me how far you want to go.

GLENN: I want to see it. I want to see it all.

TIM: You're going to see a stage with minors and adults mixed.

GLENN: And they're selling them.

TIM: They're selling them. It's like an auction block. There's a Russian sector, a Japanese sector, an Arab sector.

GLENN: That is for who is being bought or who is buying?

TIM: It's for who is being sold.

GLENN: So the Russian. This is a Russian boy.

TIM: Right.

GLENN: This is an Arab boy.

TIM: What do you want? A Russian boy on Friday? And we'll show you the Arab boy you can take. And it's mostly westerners. You're going to see westerners everywhere. You're going to see people, they're going to come up to you with a laminated menu like they're selling Chinese food. Would you like number one, two, or four, and you're going to see on the laminated menu sex acts, and they're going to try to entice you --

GLENN: Oh, my god. Why do they not shut this down?

PAT: Yeah.

TIM: Thailand thrives -- its economy thrives on this tourist industry. But they are serious about getting into the underbelly of this, which is the child part of it. And we have met -- we worked very hard to vet out who we can work with and the government. We have found some amazing people. We just built a digital forensic lab.

GLENN: We're cutting the ribbon on that, are we not?

TIM: Yes, absolutely.

GLENN: So explain what this is. We have a job for somebody. Everybody says, oh, I wish I could help. I'm going to give you two ways that you can help. And one is really getting into it. But you have to have special qualifications.

TIM: Yes.

GLENN: So explain that.

TIM: So we just built together with some U.S. agencies a state-of-the-art digital forensic lab, which you can't -- see, all of these kids are being sold online. They're being sold on escort sites, sold on places the only way you can preserve and identify and grab the evidence is through forensic tools. And it's this beautiful lab that they can now go in and find these guys. What happens is westerners come over, Americans come over, they get online, they know where to go, and they get introduced into these networks. So if they don't have a lab to be able to intercept these dark deals going on on the dark net and other places.

GLENN: This is on dark net?

TIM: A lot of it is on dark net. Absolutely. But we've given them the tools so that they can intervene in the deals.

GLENN: So to keep it clean to make sure it's good and to oversee it, you're looking for who?

TIM: We're looking for somebody that we desperately need. Somebody who has -- preferably former undercover operator from the government who is perhaps retired, has a lot of experience in -- not only undercover work but child exploitation, digital forensic if possible. And preferably speaks Thai. So it's kind of a long list, but we need someone over there that the Thai government wants it. They want us to provide someone who can provide guidance. They could work as -- they would work as an informant signed up and certified by the Thai police.

GLENN: Now, here's the challenge, audience. When he said this, he said to me we so desperately need it, and I said come on our show. We'll talk about it. You'll have somebody by the end of the week.

He didn't tell me he had to also speak Thai. I mean, I can't --

TIM: That's a cherry on top. That's not a requirement.

GLENN: We are looking for somebody who really has not only the experience but the soul of steel because honestly, you know, I don't know how you do it. I don't know how -- how many times before you had the perspective of anything I'm going through is nothing compared to the kids? How many times a week or a day did you think I can't do this another second?

TIM: All the time. There's -- I was thinking about that as you were talking earlier. I remember times -- especially in the beginning where I would see an image -- I see my kids faces in all the kids that we see. I can't see it. I used to hate it. I now appreciate it because it keeps my heart fully in the game. But there were times when I would literally get in my car, leave work, drive to my kids school, check my kids out, take them home, and just put my arms around them and hug them and not let them leave me. I mean, that's -- that was a lot in the beginning times and the beginning part of my career. But I appreciate that. I appreciate that I see my kids faces. We all should. Because there are kids that they don't have -- if any child that has no parent --

GLENN: What is suicide rate among your colleagues in the world? I mean, what is the drinking rate? There has got to be a number of people who do not have faith like you do that just can't take the daily beating.

TIM: They don't usually allow someone to stay in that work for more than a couple years before they rotate them out. There's a required psychological evaluation that we have to go through and my guys go through -- we have a psychologist who's volunteer but resident psychologist who regularly checks up on us. It's devastating. You're in hell. I mean, you have to go in hell to pull these kids out.

GLENN: So if you really want to make a difference, you would have to relocate to Thailand.

TIM: Yes.

GLENN: But you would be working at this state-of-the-art digital lab. I've heard a lot of people say Glenn, you can't work with the Thai government. And they've said that about the Haiti government and everything else. You are very careful on who you're working with. You know this game because you've seen it from the governmental side.

TIM: Absolutely. We've taken months and months to make sure we're working with the right people in the government and that we are working with the --

GLENN: And, Pat, when we were in Haiti, talk about the guy that we saw at dinner that came in and the -- that guy, I don't know how that guy doesn't get killed at some point in his life. Do you remember him, Pat?

PAT: Which one.

GLENN: The guy who came in, and he had just arrested the president's bodyguard for abuse of children and put him in prison and then the president, the old president said, no, I pardon him. Let him out. And this guy went back and rearrested him.

PAT: Yeah.

TIM: Yeah.

PAT: The courage of that guy.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

PAT: Just really amazing.

GLENN: I mean, there are some of these guys that are really dedicated.

TIM: What happened with that guy, he was the detective on the first rescue we did. You know, how they -- a lot of Haitian traffickers set up these fake orphanages where people bring in the kids, and they sell them. And he helped us liberate 28 children. The very first operation, we got 28 kids out, and you met a lot of them. That -- he was a detective at the time. He just became a chief of the child crimes unit for Haiti and one of his first calls was to us and said, guys, I'm in charge now. Get down here. Let's operate. That's what led to the Super Bowl rescue.

GLENN: We're going to talk about that here in a second. And I want to tell you something really, really -- and I think really exciting and something you want to get involved with. Operation underground railroad. It's You can get involved a million different ways from giving $5 a month to being on a prayer team. Go to Back in just a second.


GLENN: I said to Tim, I don't remember where we were, and I think he thought I was joking or would like it if I was joking, but I wasn't. I think the time will come that you there -- somewhere in the world, there will be a statute built of Tim Ballard.

TIM: You promised with me you would never share that thought.

JEFFY: I believe it.

STU: That is Glenn Beck. He will tell you that off the air and then on the air, it doesn't count.

GLENN: Because I have a bad memory, and I don't remember things like that.

PAT: And because he wants to say it.

STU: He wants to say it. That's a good reason not to make the promise; right? If you can't remember not to say it later.

GLENN: So I want to say this blanket for anybody in my life that doesn't already know this, I mean, there's a reason I have very few friends.

STU: Right.

PAT: Yes.

STU: I'm kind of interested in this trip. Because you've got Glenn Beck going to Bangkok while you're doing slums.

GLENN: The slums of bang cock.

STU: You're doing this amazing work to try to rescue these children, and you're saying that this area is loaded with westerners. I mean, Glenn, people -- wouldn't you think that someone might recognize him. This is not the time to come up for an autograph, by the way.

TIM: Yeah, we were talking to Glenn's security earlier. How do we prevent -- before we get the message out with the headlines and tabloids Glenn Beck caught in brothel. Pictures. And I thought, oh, my gosh what if that happens?

GLENN: Jeez. I never thought of it that way.

TIM: You can use it to your advantage later, though. Because once you come up with the truth --

GLENN: The press would never report the truth. They would never report the truth. Glenn Beck caught buying 6-year-old boys. I never even thought of that.

PAT: Yeah, that could be bad.

GLENN: I just thought of the westerners. I heard Glenn, you need to do some things. And I thought somebody might recognize me, and it could queer what we were trying to do.

JEFFY: Are you taking three or four planes? I don't know if you've ever traveled with Glenn before, but he doesn't necessarily travel light.

GLENN: So here's the thing. So --

STU: You want to go there. Look, he's doing actual work there.

GLENN: I'm doing actual work too.

STU: You want to tell these stories and see -- I mean, because it's one thing to talk about this in the abstract. It's another thing to actually be there and --

JEFFY: No kidding.

GLENN: See your life going to Haiti? Yeah, changes your life to see this. And this something I really want to -- I really want to talk about. Let me ask you this question, and I ask this of everybody of the floor crew.

If we went back in time, and it was, you know, 1860, and we were fighting against slavery, it is 1840, and you find out about slavery, how many of us say we would definitely be an abolitionist, and we would stand against it?

STU: Absolutely.

GLENN: Absolutely. Raise your hand if that's right. Everybody in the room would say I'm an abolitionist. I think that's bull crap.

STU: Yeah, because of the pressures of the time.

GLENN: Pressures of the time. It's easy to overlook it. It's easy to say oh, you know. And people --

JEFFY: They're fine.

GLENN: I met somebody yesterday that was on the television show with me who sat in the front row, didn't know what the show was about, it was about this, and he said I can't thank you enough for doing this show today. I'm here. And every time you guys talk about this, I turned the TV channel because I don't want to see any of the pictures. I don't want to see any of it. And I'm forced now to sit here and watch it. I couldn't walk out from the studio. And couldn't ask you guys to talk about something else, so I've looked at it, and he said life changing. What am I doing? What am I doing?

And I think most of us wouldn't be doing anything because there are more slaves today than all of the slave trade from the beginning of the western slave trade to the end, all of those combined. It's only a fraction of those who are actually enslaved today.

STU: That's one of those stats that you hear and don't believe.

GLENN: Do you have the numbers? Do you have the actual numbers? Or anywhere close to the numbers?

TIM: Yeah, the estimates are around 30 million -- that's conservative.

STU: Yep.

TIM: 30 million people.

GLENN: Today.

TIM: Alive right now. Are in slavery.

STU: And there was something like 15 million in the -- slave trade from the 1500s to the 1880s.

GLENN: Right.

STU: That's incredible.

GLENN: That's spread out over hundreds of years, and we're double the number today.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: So what is it we're doing about it?


GLENN: I'm leaving the studio and heading to Bangkok, and I will be back Monday afternoon, so I'll be back on the air Tuesday. 40 hours in the air, less than 30 hours on the ground and hope to bring back some stories, not of the vice but of the virtue. The things that are really happening, that are a bright light, and we are concentrating on this over the world because we're all connected to this. And in Bangkok, we are one of the main sources of the buyers. I mean, we are --

PAT: We as Americans; right?

GLENN: As Americans.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: It is -- I've only seen the stats. I have not experienced it myself. But looking at the stats, America and the west, we ship all of our dirtbags over there. They're all taking dirt bag vacations, and I don't know how you stop that. I mean, other than drying up the source. But we -- I can't even imagine what people in Bangkok think of American men because it's so grotesque what happens over there.

TIM: Well, you arrest enough of them, and you start creating a deterrent.

GLENN: Well, what was it? Columbia?

TIM: Yeah, in Columbia we did about three or four operations, big ones. Got the media, and we went back a month later after that and no one would sell kids. They wouldn't even talk about it, referencing all of these Americans keep getting arrested. And I was an undercover operator in Columbia, and we walked around the corner, and he was crying. He said Tim, this is worked. We shut it down, at least for a time. We have to keep hitting it. Keep hitting it. And empowering law enforcement until a deterrent is laid.

GLENN: I'm telling you, this changes lives, and this is something that all of us can agree on. I'm taking Samantha, she was supposed to come to Bangkok with me, Samantha B. She couldn't because of scheduling at the last minute. But she has said definitely I'm coming to Uganda, where we're going to find these devil worshipers and free these children from being human sacrifices. But this is something that we considering on and come together. This -- being an abolitionist will heal our wounds. It will heal our wounds and heal our country. I'm convinced of it. We just have to get the word out. And every time anybody gets involved at the smallest level, all of a sudden they want -- for instance, the guy who -- and I don't want to say anything about him. I don't want to say what agency he came from or anything else. But he gave up a gigantic gig.

TIM: Huge gig.

GLENN: Huge gig. And walked away from it and said "I think I have a skill to be able to help find the bad guys."

And he is -- he's one of the nicest, most prayerful guys you can imagine, and we were just in Haiti. Your team could not find the big kahuna, if you will. He said let me go, he took a plane, flew over, within what? Two hours?

TIM: Yep within two hours, he found the...

GLENN: Kingpin.

TIM: The kingpin of the whole thing. How he operates, he sent the police of the nightclub, we sent three teams in. We couldn't find it. This guy says let me try. He goes outside, says a prayer with his small team. And he walks in. And he's like it's like Finding Dory. Just keep swimming. And the lord literally guides him to the right person who then introduces him to the other person. He might have to go a mile down the street to the house with the red door and boom.

GLENN: He's most unlikely. You would meet this guy.

PAT: I didn't realize he completely walked away from his business?

TIM: Pretty much the whole thing.

GLENN: Okay. Enough.

PAT: Amazing.

GLENN: Yeah, he's an amazing man. He's going with us.

TIM: He'll be there.

GLENN: Yeah. One thing because we're getting ready to go on a plane, you've got to go as well. But I want to leave with this. I look at my life differently than I have. I believe we're living in a time in history where scholars like Tim who wrote about George Washington and the covenant, those scholars are going to be looking back at these times. And we're going to be studied either because we made it or because we failed. This is the moment of truth for the United States. We're either going to make it, or we're not. This is the pivot point. And scholars will study for generations what did the people do?

We're going to be remembered horribly on things like abortion. Horribly. It's only a matter of time before science just proves all of these lies that it's not really a baby. Completely untrue.

Slavery. To be so entertained with the things that were entertained and to argue about the things we're arguing about now, think of that and then think of 35 million slaves and children as young -- literally. You've pulled them out at 2 years old.

TIM: Absolutely.

GLENN: People having sex with a 2-year-old. What are we doing? People say every time they're involved a little bit, I want to go. I want to help. I want to do.

I don't. I really don't want to see the bad stuff. I don't want to go on a bus. I don't want to be a part of any of that. I want to be part of the good stuff, of the healing afterwards. But I really don't even have the skill to do anything there, but I have my resources that I can apply to this, my talent. There are people who have no talent to help in this regard. They may not have any money to help in this regard. But there are different ways and Tim has just posted them on the website. They're up now?

TIM: Yeah, they are.

GLENN: At our rescue. Different ways for you to get involved. As simple as I want to be on the prayer team. I want to pray when things will going down, I want to be on my knees and just praying for the teams.

So simple things like that all the way to working in Bangkok. We're looking -- is that job going to be posted up on the website? Or how do they find out?

TIM: We're going to start with this.

GLENN: Okay.

TIM: And see what happens.

GLENN: Okay. And, again, you need to be somebody who has worked in this industry for an agency.

TIM: Yes.

GLENN: Have some experience, hopefully computer experience.

TIM: And undercover operations.

GLENN: Undercover operations.

TIM: And then they would go to and send an e-mail and say I heard it on Glenn Beck, here's what I want. Here's my rÈsumÈ. We'll be waiting.

GLENN: They do use retired Special Forces, but that's not -- you can't just call up and say, hey, I want to go on a mission. Here's what they really need. $5. Literally $5. Almost everyone that they have freed and are -- we not only take them and free them, the most important part is they're put into a safe house and sometimes they're kept until they're 18, until they are out of trouble, and they have schooling, they have a family, if you will, and they are deprogrammed from all of this stuff. $5 a month. You can go to and just sign up and say I want to do $5. You can do more. But $5 has Abraham Lincoln's face on it.

It's one thing to say I want to give $500. Okay. Great. But why not give $10 a month for the next year? Give $5. Give 25. Give 100. Almost everyone has been rescued from donations less than $40; is that right.

TIM: Yeah, that's right.

GLENN: Most of everybody in this audience. I would imagine that this audience is the main funder for our rescue?

TIM: Oh, yeah. Yes.

GLENN: And I know this -- he won't say this, but I know this because I've talked to people around him that are trying to get this story out. This is such a hard thing to talk about that, you know, CNN, fox, while they'll cover things, they do not want to cover it because they know it's impossible. I'm not talking about their heart. I'm talking about ratings. They know this is a kiss of death to, hey, let's come on the morning show, and let's talk about sex slavery. Nobody wants to talk about it.

This is the moment of abolition. This is the moment where we can actually change the world and come together. I'm asking if you will go to and donate and become a monthly supporter of rescue -- of our rescue and operation underground railroad. Tim, I will see you in a little while at the airplane.

TIM: Yes, we will.

GLENN: As we go to Bangkok.

TIM: Excellent.

GLENN: Thank you, sir.

TIM: Thank you.


Elon Musk is NOT a Threat to "Democracy." He's a Threat to Bureaucracy

Elon Musk and DOGE are not threats to "democracy," like Democrats are complaining. They're threats to the bureaucracy that has taken over the government our Constitution established. Glenn explains how this all originated with Woodrow Wilson, who dreamed of "freeing" the government from the "chains" of the Constitution and replacing it with a government of "experts" and administrators. That's where the shadow government began and that's what Trump and DOGE are "destroying."


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Elon Musk said, that we're not living in a democracy, we're living in a bureaucracy.

When he said that, my response was, yes. Now, I don't know if you know who Elon. I don't know if you know who Woodrow Wilson is.

But, yes!

Living under a bureaucracy, that's the point. Let me give you the quote, the history of liberty is a history of resistance.

The history of liberty is a history of limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it. Who said that?

Sounds like a guy who understands and values freedom. Somebody who understands the delicate balance of power, between the individual and the state. Right?

But the guy who said that, was the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson.

Now, does that sound like somebody that we know, maybe on the left, that is now saying things like, we've got to save democracy? We've got to save democracy?

He's killing democracy, by cutting the bureaucracy.

Wilson was exactly the same kind of politician. Except, he was the grandfather of all of this.

He was the architect of a vision, where government would no longer be confined by the rules, the outdated rules. And the chains of the Constitution.

He was the guy who said the Declaration of Independence needed to be cast aside, because it's an outdated relic. He was the guy that wanted you not to be governed by the laws of nature. And nature's God. But by an elite ruling class of scientists, experts, bureaucrats.

That's -- that's what he wanted.

Isn't that what we have right now? We're not -- we don't elect the president. You elect the president and nothing changes. Why?

Not just because both parties are alike. But because the bureaucracy is set in stone!

It's a ruling class, of scientists, experts, and bureaucrats. Wilson believed that the government was no longer the machine of our Founding Fathers, that needed to be shackled and restrained.

He thought government should be a living organism, an evolving entity, free from the so-called outdated principles of 1776. This is where we get the Constitution is a living, breathing thing.

No, it's not. No, that's Woodrow Wilson.

He looked at the Constitution. The greatest safeguard of liberty ever written. And didn't see it as a beacon of freedom. He saw it as an obstacle that needed to be overcome. He -- let me paint you this picture.

Imagine, you're sitting in a grand lecture hall. It's early 1900s. Gaslights are flickering. And a young professor steps up to the podium.

He stands at the podium, everybody starts to be quiet. It's all -- you're in the crowd, everybody there is the future rulers of America.

And he starts in to thunderous applause, with something that, I don't know.

Me. It would -- the back of my neck, the hair on the back of my neck would stand up.

He said, quote, the makers of the Constitution constructed the federal government upon a theory of checks and balances. Which was meant to limit the government's power.

And therefore, its ability to govern.

This was a great mistake. The Constitution was founded on the Newtonian theory of the universe.

But we now understand, that the government is not a machine. But a living thing.

It must evolve. It must adapt. And it must be freed from its chains!

End quote.

Freed from its chains. When I read that line, I -- I thought to myself. I thought of setting the monster free in Young Frankenstein.

You're free! You're free! It didn't work out well.

Okay? When you take something that is like fire. Hello, California. And just release it. It is a very bad thing.

Washington said, government is like fire!

It will be the master of you, if you're not the master of it. Are we the master of our government, or is it the master over us?

What do you think happens, when you -- when you have a government, I free it from its chains?

Does it become a benevolent force?

Does it look out for your best interest. Does it even know who you are, let alone answer to you?

Wilson wasn't just a professor. He was a man on a mission.

To change, and this is his words.

To change a man or a boy, to be the most unlike his father, as possible.

Isn't that what our education system is doing?

Wilson believed that we needed to move away from the messy system of self-government.

And have it all placed into the capable hands of an intellectual elite, that he called administrative experts.

So you can see this throughout our whole government. Anthony Fauci.

The law was, that we are not supposed to do gain-of-function research!

We now know, through all kinds of records, that have been released, that Anthony Fauci disagreed with that. And he made the decision, that we were going to do gain-of-function research!

Because it's not up to him, to answer to the people!

He answers -- he's the expert!

He's the administrator. He knows better than the average person. Even if other scientists disagree with him, he is science!

These experts, that are unelected, and unaccountable, Wilson saw this. This is -- these are the people that need to run the country.

Not as representatives of the people. But as scientists, technocrats, bureaucrats, who know better than you do, on how to live your life.

For Wilson, and now you're seeing his finished product, that Trump and Elon Musk are beginning to dismantle. You are now seeing, that his vision was that the American people were not individuals that were given God-give up rights.

They were just parts of a collective. A mass to be organized. To be managed.

To be directed.

He viewed the old principles of liberty and self-determination. Those are relics of an ignorant past.

Things that have to be replaced. By science. And numbers. Cold, efficiency of science and government regulation.

Now, our founders would say, that's all well and good.

We understand that, let's just take you, at face value and say you're honest in that. But what you're forgetting is that men go bad with power and money!

All men can be corrupted.

So it's not that we are putting chains on the government, because government is bad! No. Government is made up of the people that are in it.

And if you don't limit it, if you -- if you allow them to gain more and more power, and more and more money. It will go corrupt.

And it will begin to oppress you.

The government -- the founders weren't anti government. They were anti-out of control large government. Where the people were servants of that government, not the other way around.

Wilson wrote, the Declaration of Independence. That the -- the foundation of our freedoms.

He said, it was outdated.

He called the principles for all practices and purposes in the Declaration, meaningless.

Meaningless is his word.

The words that inspired the American Revolution, the ideas that all men are created equal, that our rights come from God. Not from government. Were to Wilson, irrelevant. And meaningless in the modern world.

Why? Because you're too stupid to understand what's really going on. You're too stupid to be able to manage the affairs, of not only the nation. But the world!

Every time we try to manage a nation, or the world, we go wrong!

Every single time!

He didn't believe you really have a right to property. To speech. To life itself, unless the government allowed it. If that doesn't terrify you, let me tell you something darker than that. Not morality.

Not faith, not the Constitution. But science should be the guiding force of government.

Well, we saw that with COVID. Didn't we?

Follow the science!

What kind of science?

The experiments that Fauci has been doing on animals and everything else. It's -- it's -- it's -- it's Mengele stuff.

It's really evil stuff! Because it has no medical purpose to it at all. The science that Wilson was talking about. Was eugenics.

And that's the same kind of stuff, that just named it something else. But it's the same kind of medicine that we're talking about now.

The kind that kills those who are unfit. Look at what's happening in Canada!

It's the kind of politics that led to policies of forced sterilization.

And racial segregation.

Which he put into practice. He was the guy who reseparated -- resegregated the military.

He segregated the government.

He praised the film, birth of a nation. Which we don't need to be the Klan. He believed in an America where government, led by an enlightened few, would decide who was fit to participate in society, and who wasn't.

Does that sound like America to you at all?

Or does that sound like the birth of something entirely different?

When he left office, it grew!

It took root in Washington, because they figured out, companies could go to Washington and lobby and get their way.

This was the beginning of all of the lobbyists in Washington.

And it -- it just grew. Ever expanding bureaucracy. A shadow government of unelected officials, who now control almost every aspect of your life! From what kind of car you drive. To what you eat.

To what stove you can have in your house. How you can build your house.

His dream was that a government would no longer be by the people. But by the experts.

The people would be managed. Guided. And nudged in the right direction.

So when they're saying that they're destroying democracy, no. They're destroying the bureaucracy, which is the antithesis to our founding documents.


PBD Reacts to Glenn Beck's Prediction the Epstein Files WILL Be Exposed | Glenn TV | Ep 413

Radical transparency IS coming to America, Glenn says, but only if Kash Patel is confirmed to head the FBI. In fact, Glenn makes one of his boldest predictions yet: Kash will release the Epstein client list on his FIRST DAY leading the bureau. On tonight’s episode of "Glenn TV," Glenn is joined by ‪@PBDPodcast‬ host Patrick Bet-David and co-hosts Tom Ellsworth, Adam Sosnick, and Vincent Oshana. They discuss the damning ramifications releasing the Epstein list (or the Diddy list) may have for those who were associated with the island but were not guilty of partaking in criminal activity there — something President Trump expressed concern for before becoming elected. Plus, what will releasing the JFK files do to the CIA? We now know the CIA was in Miami following Lee Harvey Oswald, so why then didn’t the CIA stop him? Public trust in our federal government dropped substantially after the JFK assassination, and it continued to plummet over the next several decades until it hit a new low (14%) under Biden. Can Trump — with the radical transparency Glenn predicts is coming — turn that all around? PBD predicts Trump could increase that number to 50% or even 60%. Democrats see it coming, too. Their meltdowns over the DOGE and Elon Musk ending wasteful spending now are on fully display: “Accountability is here, and they’re panicking.” Lastly, Glenn and the "PBD Podcast" guys discuss how the first assassination attempt against Trump changed him as a person, providing him with both laser focus and an understanding that his job in the White House is much bigger than himself.


Trump’s Treasury Secretary SHUTS DOWN Reporter Trying to Attack DOGE

The Biden government hired 80,000 new IRS agents to make sure YOU followed every one of their complicated tax laws. But when President Trump ordered DOGE to audit the government, politicians and the media squealed! That should speak volumes about what their true priorities are, Glenn says. Glenn and Pat review some of the latest pushback from the establishment, including how Democrats are whining about Elon Musk and how a judge tried to block even Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent from accessing Treasury data.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: You know, it's astonishing how many people have found a very clear common sense voice and a lack of fear.

They seem to be all over this administration.

Stephen Miller is one of them, don't you think, Pat?

PAT: Definitely.

And he was talking about the angry Dems. And had some things to say about them. Deputy chief, Stephen Miller, cut 14.

VOICE: The Democrat use of the term unelected is really quite remarkable here. Donald Trump was elected in an overwhelming landslide.

These are Donald Trump staffers. It's like saying that Mike Walls, National Security adviser is unelected. Or Susan Wiles, the chief of staff is unelected. Or Donald Trump's communication team is unelected.

This is presidential staff that serves at the pleasure and for the president, just as I do. I am a staffer, for the president of the United States. He is elected. He is the one that the American people have chosen to implement his agenda. This is the agenda the American people voted for.

That he is asking his staff. His subordinates. His employees. To implement.

The unelected power in this country is the rogue bureaucracy.

USAID is unelected. The FBI, that persecuted President Trump for eight years, is unelected.

The CIA and those who have laundered intelligence to try to change the foreign policy of the United States are unelected.

President Trump is restoring democracy, by controlling the federal bureaucracy.

There is one man in the country, who is elected bit whole American people, to implement an agenda they support. That is the president.

Every other officer in this country, members of Congress and Senate are elected at the state and local level. The Constitution puts one man in charge of the federal executive branch. And that's the president.

GLENN: Understood. Understood.

PAT: Let him finish.

GLENN: He's absolutely awesome.

And absolutely right.

I mean, that's the thing -- I just don't understand. When they were -- when the federal judge tried to block and did for this weekend.

But it's not going to last long.

Tried to block the secretary of the Treasury

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: From even looking at the data, that is produced by the Treasury?

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: Who is running things? My gosh.

PAT: Well, Treasury secretary Scott Bessent was interviewed over the weekend, and he had some things to say about -- just about that!

VOICE: Mr. Secretary, we are inside the cash room in the Treasury department. It's almost impossible to overstate how important the work that's done in the US building. Is the US financial system.

Yet right now, there is widespread concern about the DOGE teams access to sensitive payment systems.

Are you worried at all, that that access and that tinkering of the payment systems, could affect the Treasury's market or cause any disruption.

VOICE: Well, good. Thank you for asking me about that.

Because there's a lot of misinformation out there.

First of all, when you say the DOGE team, these are Treasury employees. Two Treasury employees, one of whom I personally interviewed in his final round. There is no tinkering with the system. They are on read only. They are looking. They can make no changes. It is an operational program to suggest improvements. So we make 1.3 billion payments a year. And this is two employees who are working with a group of long-standing employees.

VOICE: The letter that the treasury department sent earlier this week, talked about how the team currently does not have access to change the system.

Have they, at any point this year, had the ability to make changes?

VOICE: Absolutely not. This is no different than you would have at a private company.
By the way, the ability to change the system, sits at the Federal Reserve.

So it does not even lie in this building. So they can make suggestions on how to change the system, but we don't even run the system.

VOICE: And if they ask her, they request the ability to change the system. Would you grant that?

VOICE: No. Again, they have no ability to change the system.

I have no ability to grant that change. That they can make suggestions. Then it would go to the Federal Reserve. And just like any large system. There would be tests.

There would be this. There would be that.

And then the fed will determine whether these changes are robust or not.

VOICE: As the Secretary of Treasury, you also oversee the IRS.

Do you know what kind of access the team has to IRS data or individual taxpayer data?

VOICE: Well, I'm glad you asked that too.

Because, look, the IRS, the privacy issue is one of the biggest issues. And over the past four years, we've seen a lot of leaks out of there. The IRS systems are quite poor.

When I started in college in 1980, I learned the program. I think, there are 12 different systems at the IRS that still run on COBOL. But as of now, there is no engagement at the IRS.

VOICE: Elon Musk just a few -- half an hour ago, tweeted out that Treasury needs to stop approving certain payments. Has your staff tried to block any payments at the Treasury?

VOICE: We have not.

And I'm glad you asked that too. And just to put it in perspective, Elon and I are completely aligned in terms of cutting waste and increasing accountability and transparency for the American people.

I believe that this DOGE program in my adult life is one of the most important audits of government. Or changes to government structure, we have seen.

That when I was in my 20s, we had the grace report. And there's some great suggestions that came out of that.

Never implemented under Clinton and Gore.

I think it was to government efficiency. Or to reduce government. Nothing happened.

So, you know, President Trump came in. There's a big agenda.

And I think there are gigantic cost savings for the American people here.

And I think it's unfortunate the way the media wants to lampoon what is going on.

PAT: Yes.

GLENN: Thank you.

VOICE: These are highly trained professionals. And this is not some broken band going around doing things. This is methodical, and it is going to yield big savings.

PAT: Jeez. And what's wrong with that? Is there anything wrong with that? I don't think so.

GLENN: Right. Did you hear a nonhostile question coming from the Bloomberg reporter?

PAT: No. A nonhostile? No. But he handled it in a nonhostile way.

He was great, wasn't he?

GLENN: Yeah, very well.

I mean, yeah. And it's a little scary, that the Treasury Secretary can't make any of these decisions, they're all made by the Federal Reserve.

That's a problem, which is why DOGE wants to bring Ron Paul in for an audit of the Fed, which would be fantastic.

PAT: It would be great.

GLENN: Can you imagine what we would find at the Fed now?

PAT: Oh, my gosh. I can't imagine it. And it's the fed with the power to make these changes.

That's amazing too.

That they can't even do it from the Treasury. That's kind of eye-opening.

But I think they need to use that term audit of government more. Because what's wrong with that.

GLENN: Yes. That's why they're going into the Pentagon. The seventh audit failed.

Let me ask you something: You know, she brings up the IRS.

The government hired 80,000 new IRS agents, to go over your records. To make sure nothing -- no funny business is going on with you.

That you're paying every dime that you're supposed to pay. Because there's a shortfall.

No! There's not a shortfall.

They're spending too much. When we go in, and try to send accountants in, to say, how did you spend this money?

The same thing the IRS does to you, every year, they squeal like little pigs.

I don't know.

If -- you know, you went in to the IRS every year with the attitude that the Democrats have.

You would be audited every year. Because somebody, probably rightfully so would go, wait a minute.

Why are you panicking so much. Why are you saying we can't have access to your records?

This is a legal operation. What's happening here?

And it -- it kills me that the media is sticking up for corruption.

Whose side are they on?

PAT: Well, they're on the side of corruption. Because they're benefiting from it.

And that's been the problem for how many decades now?

How many centuries now?

GLENN: I know. I know.

PAT: Have we run the nation in a way that the Founding Fathers intended, since, I don't know. 1830. Probably not.

GLENN: No. So, you know what, I have a copy of the first budget. It was on the front page of a Columbia newspaper from South Carolina.

And it -- it lays out George Washington's budget.

And it actually asks Congress to increase the budget for firewood, because the Capitol was cold.

And they needed extra firewood to keep things warm.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: And I don't even know if that got passed. I have no idea if that got passed.

PAT: Jeez.

GLENN: But that's the way we should be. Oh, you know what, put a sweater on, Congress. Oh, you're a little cold in there. Put a sweater on.

PAT: Exactly.

GLENN: They're the ones that should be putting the sweater on. Not us. Not us.

PAT: Look how Thomas Jefferson struggled with the Louisiana Purchase.

I mean, we almost didn't do it. Because he thought, it wasn't proper. He thought it was unconstitutional.

But it turned out to be too good a deal, and we did it anyway.

But they had a completely different mindset. You know, the funds that the federal government had, that they got from American taxpayers, whether they pay in excise taxes, or wherever their taxes came from. Those were sacred funds.

And they didn't just throw them out to anybody for any reason.

GLENN: Yes. And look at --

PAT: We've got to get back to that.

GLENN: We can spend a trillion dollars and have it all just vanish on us.

But if Donald Trump says, let's take $2 trillion and buy Greenland.

Everybody would freak out. Which one should you freak out about?

The investment, or the loss?

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: It's -- it's -- it's an unspeakable horror, what is going on. And how the people are reacting to it.

You know, everybody in America should be happy about this.

One other truth speaker. Somebody else who is just very good at saying exactly what he means. And getting right to the truth. Is Hegseth.

Here he is, talking about our strength. Cut 22.

VOICE: I think the single dumbest phrase in military history, is our diversity is our strength.

I think our strength is our unity. Our strength is our shared purpose. Regardless of our background. Regardless of how we grew up. Regardless of our gender. Regardless of our race. In this department, we will treat everyone equally.

We will treat everyone with fairness. We will treat everyone with respect, and we will judge you as an individual by your merit. And by your commitment to the team and the mission.

That's how it has been. That's how it will be.

Any inference otherwise, is meant to divide or create complications, that otherwise should not and do not exist.

GLENN: I've got to tell you. How is that controversial at all?

We're -- you know why they keep teams together.

You go through buds and you keep that team together, because their strength is their unity. You don't send them into war with a bunch of people that are all different with each other. You send them into war that all have different skills, yes.

But are acting as one, with one purpose.


New Task Force Could Expose The Government's DARKEST Secrets

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has been tapped to lead the House Oversight Committee's "Task Force on Declassification of Federal Secrets." This task force will look into declassifying information on the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations, UAPs/UFOs, the Jeffrey Epstein client list, the origins of COVID-19, 9/11, and more. But Glenn has a few questions, including whether getting Congress involved will slow the process down. Rep. Luna clears up the confusion and says that Trump appointees, like AG Pam Bondi and, hopefully, FBI Director Kash Patel, will still make the big decisions. Plus, she addresses criticism of her promise to subpoena witnesses related to the JFK assassination.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Anna Paulina Luna is with me now from Congress.

She's just been appointed to lead the task force on declassification of federal secrets. Anna, welcome. How are you?

ANNA: Hey, Glenn. Happy to be back on. Thank you!

GLENN: Okay. Now, I just have to say, yesterday, unbeknownst to me before you are appointed, I was on a show with Patrick Bet-David.

And I said, within 15 days, they are going to release the client list for Jeffrey Epstein. No way! That can't be true. And I said, I'm telling you, Kash Patel, I talked to him over the summer. He is for radical transparency. It's in the hands of the director of the FBI.

I think he does it day number one. Let's give him a few days to settle in. They didn't believe me. They said, we're going to track this.

So, Anna, you're going to make me look bad.
And I don't care if lives are destroyed or whatever. But you can't make me look bad.

VOICE: No! You know, we actually also sent a letter yesterday to the Department of Justice. As you know, Pam Bondi is heading up that organization, and we also asked for it there. But I also -- I'm in the same belief, that Kash will get confirmed.

I think he will absolutely be pushing for radical transformation. I also too like to point out, you know, at the same time, that we're basically announcing our press conference at the declassification passports, we actually also found out that the SPI just so happened to locate thousands of pages of previously undiscovered JFK files.

So, look, I know a lot of people are like, well, the American people need to see the information first, and you actually will see it.

It will be declassified. But the reason why we're doing the task force is, A, just because President Trump signed an executive order doesn't mean that bureaucrats and even Intelligence agencies won't attempt to block it.

So we want to make sure that's followed through. We do have punitive authority to hold them accountable, if they don't, A.

And then, B, I think it's incredibly important to look at the evidence that we know now. Which is sure as heck a lot different than what they had even 60 years ago, and what we're finding. What we're finding, and from what I have looked at.

To stuff that's already out there. Also, too, taking into account, many of the doctors that were actually at that initial responding -- or at that initial hospital. I do think that there were two shooters.

And I think the whole Magic Bully theory that the Warren commission pushed, I think that was faulty.
I know another president at the time, also believed that that was a faulty theory.

And so, you know, I'm eager to accommodate this. I know that there's many Democrats and Republicans that also want to get to the bottom of this.

And I am simply asking the questions that every American has been asking for decades.

GLENN: So I have a very good friend, Paul Biets (phonetic), who has the museum of the American soldier in Texas. And he had -- he spent a long time to get the exact right gun, the way it was modified. A scope and everything else, and he just had it redone. And I have to tell you, I've held it.

I will take it out to the range next week. I've held the gun, looked through the scope.

I just don't think you could do it. I mean, it's just so difficult!

ANNA: There were reports from doctors at the time, some of which were first and second-year med students who were at the hospital, in the room where Kennedy was brought. And they reported an entry wound in the neck. From some of the footage that you can see.

Video of Kennedy being shot.

But also the doctors that ran the autopsies at Bethesda, Maryland, had reported seeing an entry wound in the back. And so we're talking about multiple shots here.

I think the whole idea that they would try to just ignore the evidence, or at least try to bury that, and not even answer the question. Is suspect to me. And so I think the whole idea of wanting to push against declassification or even trying to pooh-pooh the evidence that has now been brought to the forefront.

Look, the obligation of the US government to release this to the American people -- Kennedy was arguably one of the most popular presidents, and he was assassinated.

So why did they try so hard to push back against any questioning?

And that's where I come in.

And where the task force comes in.

You know, I'm also telling people, if you're seeing people with large -- especially, pushing against declassification or attempting to discredit. And I thought, immediately after my press conference, try to discredit the efforts of Congress to actually follow through and get this done.

In my opinion, bad actors are just on both sides. If you really have nothing to hide, then you should not be afraid of the questioning.

You shouldn't be afraid of information getting out to the American people.

GLENN: Let me push back on a couple of things, just from, you know, playing devil's advocate.

ANNA: Yeah.

GLENN: Why would you start with the JFK? Why is that even important?

It happened a year before I was born. Yesterday was my 61st birthday. How is this relevant? How is this relevant?

ANNA: I think -- so when we chose to kind of go through the timelines. It's the MLK files and the JFK files that are going to be released first.

So we wanted to help go through that information. And then also clip some of the historical narratives that were painted on these assassinations.

Obviously, confirming -- or holding hearings to actually present you evidence, I think is important for knowing and fully understanding the story, right?

So that's the first thing.

GLENN: Are these going to be open hearings?

ANNA: Yeah. These are all open. And the reason I want them open. Is because I think the American people will go through the evidence. I am also going to be doing something similar to what I did, to the UAP hearings, which allowed people to ask questions. We're also bringing in experts.

There's a few individuals that I want to bring in. From the previous investigations. That actually were pointing out some pretty incredible evidence, that pointed potentially second shooter.

And they were pooh-poohed. And I think those people deserve a platform.

And if we find anything, it's -- you know, having Kash confirmed is incredibly important. He's also going to bring forward -- I would argue, that have been hidden from the American people.

So this is obviously a big effort. We're not perfect. But we do know that the American people deserve this.

And what we're fighting for is total and complete transparency.

GLENN: The other pushback question I have. And this one is actually pretty sincere from me.

And that is, once we get Congress involved. Then we're re-litigating everything.

The more Congress gets involved, the slower it will happen.

And the higher the percentage is.

It's just not going to come out. We will just get pages and pages of redacted crap.

LINDY: Well, so the whole purpose and objective of this task force is to actually ensure, with President Trump's executive order. That the agencies and the bureaucrats in those agencies, do exactly what that executive order says, which is to declassify it.

So we're not going to be siloing or holding any information, that won't be available to the American people.

So this is all going to be out there.

You will be able to go through it yourself. It will be online from what I gather.

Similar to how they've declassified previous documents from the FBI and the CIA.

So, again, we are simply, reopening the investigation with new evidence. Also, bringing in credible witnesses that will be verified and confirmed via House Oversight, the committee itself.

And we are going to be opening this up to the American people.

So you will access to the same documents that we are looking at.

We are simply ensuring, we will not get blockaded. Or this information is not siloed.

GLENN: Unbelievable.

And when do we get to the things?

By the way, the answer for me, the answer to my first question to you, was, it's relevant. Because I think they've been doing this kind of stuff forever.

And it shows a pattern. If they were doing it in 63. What are they doing now?

I just don't think -- go ahead.

ANNA: You know what is interesting is, if you ask those questions. There are some people.

And to be clear, these people largely exist in the media. And they're largely bad actors.

When you have someone, instead of answering the question, and having a respectful dialogue. To discredit something as a conspiracy theory or try to gaslight into you thinking, you should not be asking the question. That's when you know they are hiding something.

GLENN: Right.

ANNA: So I've talked to many Democrats. Many well-known Democrats. That are just like, we want in on this task force. Because we have questions.

And it just doesn't sit right. Look, this -- this entire task force. I don't believe that this would be possible. Had President Trump not gotten into office.

Had our CIA director not been confirmed. Had there not been people placed in positions of power, that are true ideologues like you and I.

You know, to be clear, I think that also Marco Rubio played a part at -- the Secretary of State's office.

I think that, you know, there are going to be many people. And some of these investigations that will at least give us access to whatever information.

Look, we've asked to declassify everything I've list in that press conference.

COVID-19 origin. 9/11 files. Look what just came out yesterday.

We find out that the FBI was basically ordering lunch for someone that was working with the pilots that crashed the plane into the twin towers. I mean, that's ridiculous. And that's all coming out now.

And that's why we ask these questions on the 9/11 files.

How could it have been prevented? How much did the government truly know?

I mean, look, I could care less if people think I'm crazy for doing this.

I can tell you, I am joined by many high-profile people in Congress, Democrats who have the same questions. And so we are not going to stop.

GLENN: Jeffrey Epstein. When is that coming out?

ANNA: Well, I have the letter out to Pam Bondi. I know Kash Patel has been supportive of it.

So hopefully, once they're confirmed, previously they said that the Epstein list could not be released. This is mind you, under Biden's Department of Justice because there was an open case.

Right? That's what they kept pointing to.

You hear that Pam Bondi. Before she was confirmed.

She called for the release of the Jeffrey Epstein client list. So we're pushing for it. Go ahead.

GLENN: So will Pam and Kash be the ones to make the decision, we're going to release it? They will be the ones.

ANNA: Yes, they will be the ones.

Again, I'm going off what we were told as the previous administrations. But what they were saying, that there was an open investigation.

So I believe that Pam has the authority to release that. And, look, I don't believe that any of that should have been classified.

If there are people that were doing bad things. We should know about it.

GLENN: It's unbelievable.

I mean, radical transparency.

It is the only thing that will heal our nation.

Is if we deal with all of the corruption that we have been dealing with. That we know has happened.

And if we can get an honest look.

You know, maybe. Maybe the Warren commission was right.

I don't know.

CAROL: We should be able to know that, and look at the evidence for ourselves. Yes.

GLENN: Yes. All of the evidence. All of the evidence. Without protecting anybody.
Anna, thank you.

It's got to be -- what was it like to be -- did you get the call from the president?

How did this work?

ANNA: Initially, in full transparency, this was actually supposed to -- the task force looked a little bit different. And I chose to expand it. Because even our investigators said, there's a lot here. If we're truly -- our absolute objective is to begin restoring trust in the relationship with the American people.

We have to go into these, you know, different theories. Going to these cases. And investigate. And actually find the truth. And let the American people decide.

I agree with them.

Also, Glenn. There were two other members that were potentially going to be taking over the initial task force.

And they turned it downed, because there was a climate of fear, that it was considered dangerous territory.

And what I will tell you, I do not believe that it's dangerous territory. Because we have, you know, the 800-pound gorilla in the White House, and our allies in the Intelligence Agencies. That are pushing for this.

So it's not just one person. I think where you had, you know, previous historical -- it was one person that was leading up the charge.

But when it's a group effort pushing for this, it's -- it's a systematic change that occurred.

And so in my opinion, I think I'm going to be okay.

But, you know, a lot of people. I had a reporter that called me actually, a very well-known reporter from Fox News yesterday said, it's interesting.

One of the initial reporters that had reported that there were three shots heard at the JFK assassination. One that was -- one of the prizes for writing. And he actually committed suicide several years later.

Stuff like that has happened in the past. And I just -- I'm in the perspective and belief, that right now, we have a very small window of time. To bring true change. You see everything happening with USAID.

Mike Benz has been uncovering a lot. Elon Musk has been uncovering a lot.

But there are a lot of good people that are really cleaning the system. You saw 40,000 federal employees resigned. Or not resigned, but chose to leave the workforce.

So you're seeing a big change happen, and I'm not saying that this is a complete fix. But it definitely is going to change I think our country long-term and historically.

I'll also tell you this, Glenn. Yesterday, after we made the announcement, I felt a massive orchestrated campaign, specifically coming from a lot of other people that had typically been political on social media. That were trying to discredit what I was saying about potential witnesses, and trying to spin it.

And the reason why they were doing it, is because the Warren Commission presented a faulty theory on the bullet. The magic bullet theory.

To think that that was how Kennedy was taken out. And the Texas governor --

GLENN: But they were -- they were saying, nobody is alive. So who were you going to --

ANNA: Yeah, that's not true. First of all, I was using the Warren commission, as an example of the commissions that have been set up. The hearings that have been set up. But who we are actually looking to subpoena. I don't want to say their names yet.

GLENN: No. No. No.

ANNA: Are individuals that, A, were -- are at Bethesda, in the room during the 8:00 p.m. autopsy that the military did. Individuals that were on the assassination board, that that did not agree with the findings initially with the new evidence coming out. I think that they will -- it will reflect their government employees, that should pass backgrounds. And then there's another individual who is going to be very key, in I think resetting the narrative upon Kennedy.

GLENN: Interesting. Anna, thank you so much. Interesting.

And you sound like you are. You know exactly what you're walking into. There's a new stat out this morning.

Over three times more people in DC are Googling criminal defense lawyer than anywhere else in the US right now.

So you've got a lot of people who are freaking out.

Keep up the good work.

God bless you.

Thank you.