REPORT: Horses Will Be the Size of Cats, Because Climate Change

Walt Disney was a true visionary, a man ahead of his time. According to the Daily Mail, climate scientists say it is, after all, going to be a small world. Heat will cause mammals to shrink in size, making animals like the horse as small as a cat. Glenn excitedly pondered the possibilities.

RELATED: Could Climate Change Cause Humans and Animals to Shrink?

"If we can stay our size --- we have to figure out how to stay our size --- because we could get monkeys and sell them as a barrel of monkeys as the actually monkeys. Wouldn't that be cool if you could sell for kids, the actual barrel of monkeys?"

Enjoy the complimentary clip above or read the transcript below for details.

GLENN: This comes from the Daily Mail or telegraph. Scientists are now saying, because of -- I'm not making this up -- scientists are now saying, because of global warming, mammals will shrink, and in this article they speak about horses the size of cats. I'm not making this up. Look it up yourself. Mammals, the size -- horses the size of cats.

PAT: There are some benefits to that. It would end all rodeos. Are a thing of the past.

GLENN: Whoa. That why you're a science denier? Because you want to end all rodeos?

PAT: I'm working on it.

GLENN: I worry about about the rodeos. I like the rodeos.

STU: What about the rodeos --

PAT: The horses would be too small.

STU: You can't ride it anymore at your current size. But wouldn't we also shrink? I mean why wouldn't we shrink too? I think at the same pace.

GLENN: Now, this is -- why did you bring this up, because you're such a pessimist? If you look at this, if we and the animals shrink, we now have plenty of space for the people that are going to be born on the -- for space for them to live. Think of the farm size that people the size of horses need.

STU: That's true.

GLENN: People the size of cats, or we would be the size of pugs -- no, we would have to be smaller than the pug. If the horses were the size of cats --

PAT: We'd be about the size of mice. Maybe? That opens up a lot of room on the planet.

GLENN: Are you kidding me? That may be God's plan. There is, like, God wouldn't have made us if -- we're going to run out of space. There it is. We shrink.

PAT: We shrink.

JEFFY: I don't know about you, but even if we don't shrink, I'm not walking. I'm going to find something else to ride. I'm going to find some other species to ride.

STU: I'm surprised you would be so antiwalking. It's so against your character.


GLENN: I think it would be great. I hope I can stay big. I'm going to put myself -- Walt Disney may be the only person who doesn't shrink in size.

STU: Because he's frozen.

GLENN: He's frozen.

PAT: He would melt.

GLENN: It would be like land of the giants or the small -- whatever. Gulliver's Travels, except it would be Walt Disney. The freezer would open up, and be -- everybody would be small. That would be cool, because it's a small world after all.

STU: He was telling us in advance!

GLENN: He knew in advance.

STU: And people will mock this and say it's silly that horses will be the size of cats and it's a scare tactic, but the science is solid on this. Think about it. Shrinky-dinks. What happens? You put them in the oven, and they shrink. It's about as good evidence as you're going to have on this, and I think it proves the point.

PAT: When you cook meat, doesn't it shrink?

STU: Weight before cooking --

GLENN: I think horses the size of cats would be cool.

JEFFY: I think so too.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. If we can stay our size, we have to figure out how to stay our size. Because we could get monkeys and sell them as a barrel of monkeys as the actually monkeys. Wouldn't that be cool if you could sell for kids, the actual barrel of monkeys?

PAT: That they're real, they're actually monkeys.

GLENN: Plastic monkeys. What?

JEFFY: Wasn't that one of the original Toy Story plans?

GLENN: Right. They were real monkeys. And who made that? Disney! Oh, my gosh. He was telling us.

STU: They were telling us in advance. That's incredible.


This might be fun for children but not as much fun for the monkeys. However, would it be fun for children if children were that small? That's the issue. You got to solve that. And --

GLENN: -- children, small monkeys. Small monkeys would be fun.

STU: You know how we do this? We have air conditioning. We stay, nice 72 degrees, and at the same time.

GLENN: We're heating the planet up.

STU: And making it worse with global warming.

GLENN: To they would be smaller monkeys. We do not want monkeys the size of ants.

STU: No. They'll be all over the place.

GLENN: And would not be able to get them. They would in your hair and crawling out over everything. You need monkeys the size of mice.

STU: I'm worried about bugs becoming nanotechnology.

PAT: It's mammals, not bugs. The bugs are fine.

GLENN: Imagine a praying mantis/monkey fight.

STU: Wait a minute. This is horrible. They're going to stay the same size.

GLENN: Wait. Think of the movies we could make, all of those movies that need, like, the little claymation things. If we had actual monkeys and spires remain the same size. A spider/monkey fight would be unbelievable.

STU: Think this out. If the spiders are a giant size to humans, that in real life, not just in the movies, they're giant size to humans, they rule the earth. If they don't shrink and we do, we're screwed. They're already all over the place.

GLENN: That is the case too.

STU: We're dead.

GLENN: Only mammals shrink.

STU: It's the shrinky-dink principle. Well nope in science.

GLENN: And fish would rule the world.

STU: Fish would rule the world?

GLENN: Fish, and they would rule the under -- the water --

STU: They already rule the seas. They're already there.

GLENN: Come on. You can take on a fish.

STU: A fish. One monkey, or one horse trampled a person. However, horses aren't taking over the planet.

JEFFY: But the whales are becoming supergroups.

GLENN: Maybe the whales know. We'll learn that this week too that scientists are saying that supergroups of whales are starting to gather. Maybe they know. That we are going to be the size of monkeys, which will be the size of mice.

JEFFY: Yeah.

GLENN: And we ride to our death in the sees.

PAT: I think we've explored just about every possibility now.


GLENN: How -- seriously. How did they write that story? In the Daily Mail?

PAT: So ridiculous.

GLENN: How do scientists actually come out and say, horses the size of cats? With a straight face. Come on.

PAT: Even if you go at 4 degrees as they're predicting in the next hundred years. It's not going to happen. That is not going to happen. You're not going to have horses the size of cats.

GLENN: Really? Are you -- are you a scientist?

PAT: Yes. On this --

JEFFY: Not tomorrow.

GLENN: Listen about a 0.7 degree temperature change for a thousand or maybe 5,000 years.

JEFFY: Now what?

GLENN: Who will be laughing then?

Congress Fights Over EYELASHES While Our Economy is in Shambles?!

Congress Fights Over EYELASHES While Our Economy is in Shambles?!

A House of Representatives committee hearing delved into chaos after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked Rep. Jasmine Crockett's "fake eyelashes." And it didn't take long for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to join in. When Glenn first saw the footage, he immediately thought, we've seen this kind of dysfunction before. Was this a weird 2024 version of the 1856 caning of Charles Sumner, which was a prelude to the Civil War? Or, at the very least, is this a sign of Congress' real priorities? While the country is facing a massive wave of inflation, Congress is arguing over ... eyelashes?!

The REAL REASON Harrison Butker’s Catholic College Speech Caused Leftist OUTRAGE

The REAL REASON Harrison Butker’s Catholic College Speech Caused Leftist OUTRAGE

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's commencement address at Benedictine College has infuriated the Left. But while many a TikToker is complaining about his statements about Biden and abortion or women, motherhood, and Taylor Swift, Glenn reveals how their freak-out reveals their true intentions: “They say you have freedom of religion, you just keep it in your church. He’s speaking IN HIS CHURCH!” Butker's speech shouldn't be controversial, Glenn says, especially for Catholics. But yet, here we are... Glenn applauds Butker for having the courage to stand for his faith and speak the truth, no matter the cost.

EVIDENCE That YouTube is "SILENCING" Glenn's Channel Ahead of the 2024 Election

EVIDENCE That YouTube is "SILENCING" Glenn's Channel Ahead of the 2024 Election

Is YouTube throttling Glenn's channel ahead of the 2024 election? Glenn and his team have reason to believe so. Glenn reviews the latest data, which reveals a disturbing trend that, if it continues, would all but destroy Glenn's channel by the election. "We are being silenced," Glenn says, "and it's not just us. It is EVERYBODY who has a different opinion from this administration." But Glenn also reveals what you can do to push back.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Hello, America. I want to talk to you a little bit about the coming election, and the kind of information you're going to be able to access. Things are changing. And they're changing rapidly. And you will never notice it, because that's the way things are done now.

But there is a massive campaign on, that I believe our government is absolutely involved in.

But not only the government, social media.

My social media page, just on YouTube. I don't know. 1.62000000 people, I don't remember what it is.

Followers. And to show you what's going on. Just, I think three months ago, I got 95 million impressions every month. 65 million views.

Something like that. That was three months ago. Now we have about 60 million impressions and 12 million views.

This month, we are trending to be half of that again. There is nothing that we've done differently. Now, unless America is just bored to snot with me. Which I completely accept.

That is a real possibility.

We are being silenced. And it's not just us.

It is everybody who has a different opinion from this administration.

And we are being silenced and squelched. By the time we get to the end of the summer. Which is where the campaigns are going to be heating up.

You're not. If you were a subscriber of mine on YouTube.

You're never going to see me. You will have to search me out, to find any of my clips.

This is, again, electioneering.

This is nothing more than part of a -- what I believe to be an effort, to steal an election.

And it is gravely disturbing.

This is the time I built TheBlaze for. Back in 2010.

I was sitting in the office. And I remember talking to Stu and Pat and saying, we have to get out of here. This place will burn itself to the ground.

And we all knew that. We all knew the media would burn itself to the ground.

Wouldn't you agree? We all looked at it, at the time.

But when I said, we have to go online.

That was stupid. That was stupid. Nobody was doing it, at the time. I mean, there were people, Adam Curry was doing things.

But there was nobody that was really a success at it, at that point.

And nobody was doing a live network. It was only Major League Baseball.

And I took all of the -- you know, I took all of my children's college funds. And everything else that I had made. And I dumped it into TheBlaze.

And I nearly lost it all. Because we were way, way ahead.

But luckily, we had some very dedicated people.

I meet them all the time.

I've been a member since the very first day of TheBlaze. And I can't tell you how much I appreciate that. We have grown a great deal.

But we don't have the social media pushout.

They are they're doing this to TheBlaze. They're doing this to The Daily Wire.

They're doing this to everybody. So you will see less and less from us, and our opinions.

And it's really a very dangerous thing. Because we are now entering a very dangerous time.

I'm going to be real honest we, too.

I see a time, that I'm not going to be able to talk to you about what's really going on.

If you don't know by then, I probably won't know.

But we're going to have to stay in contact, some way or another. So I have been working on several programs, that we are going to try. And tonight, is -- is a program, based on history.

It's a pilot. And I want you to watch it. And see if it is something, that you would -- you would watch. Again, it's a pilot. It will change a bit.

This one is tonight. All on history.

And we have this amazing. We probably have -- gosh, I don't even know. Eighty. 90 million dollars' worth of documents. And everything else. In a vault.

And we will start telling those stories, if this is something that you would like. And this is kind of a backup show. So we can stay in touch. And I'm not talking politics. I'm just telling you the truth of history.

And tonight is -- is the first one, it's based around one of the most stressful auctions of my life. There was one artifact, and there was just one. And it was so important. It changed the world.

And I talked to my wife about it. And she said, are you out of your mind?

And I said, well, but there's only one. And look how important it is. Change the world, et cetera.

So she gave me a budget. And she was like, there's no way I will win this thing.

It was a test model version. They made four. Sputniks. The last one they made, burned up in space.

But this was the Sputnik, we believe this was the one that was testing the tones, that went out.

It now hangs from the roof, a copy of it, hangs from the roof of my office. The other one is in the vault.

But I couldn't believe that we won. And I was on cloud nine, knowing that our museum now had something that nobody else had, except the air and space museum in Moscow, and the air and space museum in Washington, DC.

And it is what caused the space race, it was the first satellite. It was the first thing that went up. All of our telecommunications now come from that.

Then, in fact, let me play this a little bit of a clip of tonight's show. Do you have that clip, where --

I collected so many artifacts over the years that we're now able to open an entire museum. So when I heard that that was coming up for sale. One of the Soviet Union Sputnik satellites that is responsible for everything in space, it was coming to auction.

I had to win it.

VOICE: 40,000. Forty. 150. 160,000. Three. We'll go a little higher. Can you get into three? 300 now. 320? Thee hundred 20 thousands? Anybody else beyond that? 300,000.

You are -- my friends. $300,000.

GLENN: I won, Sputnik was ours.

But then I got a call into a meeting with historians at our museum. They didn't want to tell me any specifics about the meeting beforehand, which is never a good sign.

This thing is such an amazing -- what was -- what was Epstein's assistant's name?

STU: Ghislaine Maxwell?

GLENN: Okay. Do you remember the movie Tetris?

STU: Yes.

GLENN: The big guy from England in that is Maxwell. Okay. Her dad. But her brother is also in that movie, and he was the -- you know, the loser that was trying to go, you know, get Tetris for his father.

Well, he's actually involved in this story. And I don't know if this made the final cut. He plays a very small role. But he was involved. We weren't sure if this was even real.

And we couldn't -- we couldn't tell. We had a tip-off. Because we looked at the other Sputniks. And they were slightly different.

And the difference was -- was something that you would never. If you're going to fake one. You would never fake it like that.

Because it became obvious.

But there were some things that just kept falling apart, on us.

Did I buy a fake Sputnik?

Tonight, you'll find out, is it a fake Sputnik, or not?

And you'll learn all about Sputnik and the space race, we take you back to what this really meant.

It's great for the whole family.

It happens tonight.

This is a -- this is a -- just a pilot that we did.

I don't even know. About a year or so ago. And we've been holding it. We want to take you through the entire museum.

And teach you history, through the objects in the museum.

So watch it tonight with your family. Let us know what you think. And you can watch my special tonight on It's 9:00 p.m. Eastern.

If you haven't subscribed yet to TheBlaze TV, and you try to watch my show on YouTube, we've noticed -- we don't know if it's the algorithm or what. But nobody is now watching at 9:30. So we're testing something else.

We will post it there tomorrow, at an earlier time, 6:00 p.m. Eastern. To see if it's being silenced. Or you're just not watching anymore. We don't know what's going on with our YouTube channel.

We suspect. But we don't know.

So tomorrow, at 6:00 p.m. on YouTube. But tonight, the premiere on Blaze

STU: Now, for from a work flow perspective, was there any consideration given to the idea of maybe meeting with the historians before you spend $300,000 on the item?

GLENN: We did.

STU: Okay.

GLENN: And we do that.

We check everything out.

But there was one thing that we just -- we must notice.

And it was -- I mean, this journey is crazy. We -- we have the -- one of the head guys of NASA. We have probably the biggest space artifact guy. I think we flew him in from California or Washington.

He came in. They disagreed at first. I mean, wait until you see the ending.

I mean, it's -- it's an amazing ride.

PAT: Did you save your receipts? That's what I wanted -- I mean, did you take it back up to the counter, and say, yeah. This Sputnik, it didn't work out for me. You want to have your receipt in hand. So I hope you did.

STU: Or at least the credit card I bought it on.

GLENN: Hey, Amex, somebody put a Sputnik on my card.

PAT: It wasn't me. Why would I buy a Sputnik. It doesn't even fly anymore.

STU: So is this something that you're thinking about long-term, doing more of these types of things. Because we have so much great stuff over at the museum. At least, my understanding is we know all the rest of the stuff is real. But, I mean, it seems like you do a lot of this stuff.

GLENN: Yeah. We actually. We're going through. Because of Sputnik, we're going through absolutely everything. And we found a couple of things that were questionable. We haven't found any fakes. We found some things that the story is not quite right on.

We've got three people, that's all they do. And they're going through the entire museum.

And the documentation now on all of our artifacts is amazing.

And we're learning so many -- just incredible stories. That include people that you would just never think. You know, I've said this before. I honestly don't think we would have won World War II, if it wasn't for Ian Fleming, the guy who wrote James Bond. We have three specific artifacts from him. That tell a story, that is -- that nobody knows.

And he's -- it's just incredible. Some people might know Operation Mincemeat. But they don't know how he affected the war all the way along. He played a quiet role, and nobody knew it, at the time. But we have a lot of stuff that we're excited to show you. So this is a show that we will -- we will take you through all of the -- I mean, if you watch it and you like it. We'll take it through all the museum. And teach history through the artifacts, that -- that are or are not real

Why New Google & ChatGPT AI Updates Are CONCERNING

Why New Google & ChatGPT AI Updates Are CONCERNING

We are living in the future and don't even realize it. From the robots now making deliveries on the streets of Los Angeles to the newest update to ChatGPT, A.I. technology is advancing fast. Glenn, Pat, and Stu review the latest A.I. advancements, including the newest features that Google has added to Google Search. But by prioritizing A.I. responses over usual search results, Glenn warns that Google is entering uncharted territory. Will features like this make swaying public opinion that much easier?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Stu, you were talking, before we went on the air. You were on Los Angeles last weekend.

STU: Yeah. And noticed something interesting while I was out there.

Most of the city is on fire -- did you guys notice?

No. It was in an area. A nicer area of Los Angeles. Los Angeles is such a bizarre city, because you're just on these like surface streets for hours. And the city is so large and so impossible to get around, that it's -- it's like, I don't know how it's a functioning economy.

And I know that obviously Gavin Newsom is doing everything he can to make sure it isn't a functioning economy.

One thing I noticed. This is notable. These things happened, and we go on and don't address them.

There seemingly are autonomous robots delivering things all over the city.

Are people aware of this. Do I just not go to Los Angeles enough?

GLENN: What do you mean?

STU: Like, there are robots.

Robot vehicles that look like you could have put them in a Star Wars, not CP3O. But one of the droids that just make the R2-D2 voices, that don't have much personality. They're just little carts with wheels that you see floating, going around in Star Wars. They're just driving around the city by themselves, crossing traffic and delivering things to people. Like it's normal.

PAT: Really? I didn't know that. Really?

STU: I swear, I got the video. I should get the video for you to see.

PAT: You need to send that in.

STU: It's bizarre. And I had no idea it was going on. At one point I was standing next to them. And it said, don't walk. It had a name on the side, it was Jules, was its name.

And it just crossed the street. It didn't know it was a no-walk zone. And it just crosses the street. And it goes exactly where it's supposed to. It goes up a little ramp where you would normally take a wheelchair, and then it just bolts down the sidewalk by itself. Going to a delivery. And like, these things are now happening at such a rate, that it doesn't even seem to be noticed.

GLENN: I hate to besmirch the good people of Philadelphia. But I think that it was in Philadelphia. Because they've been introduced in a few cities. And one of the cities, they're just beating the crap out of them and stealing the stuff.

STU: Yes. I did think, I couldn't believe this thing lasted in Los Angeles for more than five minutes without getting stolen.

GLENN: Yeah.

STU: I mean, I guess it probably certainly has GPS devices on it. And antitheft devices. But still, so do cars. And those get taken all the time in LA with people in them. So I don't know how they're surviving. I thought they're incredible.

And it's not the only thing going on. We also had a major announcement from the ChatGPT people.

And they announced a new version of this of ChatGPT. Again, I guess we're used to this. It's been a year. And all of a sudden, we're now used to the fact that some stupid app can write haikus for you on demand or whatever we think this thing does.

GLENN: I know there's such a demand for haikus.

STU: Huge haiku demand. I will say, we used to do a bit, where we used to have a character that wrote haikus. And, God, I wish it was around back in the day. Remember Brittany and her haikus?

GLENN: Oh, that's right. Brittany.

STU: I always had to write these stupid haikus, it was the bane of my existence. Now ChatGPT can get it done in second. But the new version of it is a full-out female personality that you have a conversation with. It's out right now.

It's not a future. Twenty years, you can have this.

It's out right now. And it's to the point, where you can have it do all this -- you can have it write a haiku. But you can also, hey, actually can you put more emphasis on this. Can you put more drama in your voice?

And she would change the voice for a bedtime story for a kid and put more drama in it. And had this. You can cut it off. You can go back and forth, like real conversation.

And then it even has the -- the feature where if you write a math equation, you write it on a piece of paper. You can say, you know, ChatGPT. Check out this. I don't understand how to solve this.

Walk me through it. But don't necessarily give me the answer. Teach me how to do it. Then you hold the camera up to the piece of paper. It sees your writing. Recognizes what the actual equation is. Then turns itself into a teacher. And walks you through how to learn how to solve.

PAT: Oh, wow. That's incredible.

STU: The equation. It's incredible.

PAT: Wow.

STU: And it's available, today. Like right now, today. What does ChatGPT cost for the advanced model? I think it's $20 a month or something.

I think the other one is free. I don't know how much this comes with the free and the advanced. But this is all there right now.

And to the point, I'm watching this. I'm thinking, this is -- this is like, our kids are going to have conversations with these things and think it's totally normal.

GLENN: Do me a favor. Talk to the engineering department.

And get ChatGPT. Pay for the 20 bucks. The upgrade. Whatever. Have it wired into the board.

So people can hear it. Or however it will be able to speak. So people can hear it. Let's use it for a couple of days. And show. Because if you've noticed ChatGPT, if you've ever used it before.

ChatGPT. Because I check in on it every once in a while. And say, hey, tell me about this thing in history. And it's changed since it started.

And I don't mean in skill. I mean in story. It is no longer -- it's got all DEI stuff in it, like crazy now.

STU: There's lots of disclaimers built in it. And there are ways, I guess to kind of get around those. If you ask it a question. It will give you a million disclaimers most of the time. It gets so clunky so fast.

GLENN: No. No. No.

I mean, tell me the story, of, you know, the freeing of, you know -- freedom in America. And it will -- and it will automatically start talking about equity and how important equity is.

And it's -- it's riddled with all of this crap now.

And if you're going -- if it becomes part of your life. Our kids are not going to know the difference.

And who do you talk to?

You don't go to the school board and say, hey. My ChatGPT. Who do you talk to?

STU: It's true. To add one more layer on this, Glenn. Google, as soon as ChatGPT came out with this. Google has obviously, I think it's Gemini, which is competing against ChatGPT. So they had their big announcement over at ChatGPT, and Google comes out the next day. And basically, when we're looking for information. You're preparing the show in the morning, Pat.

Like, you want to find out some fact from history. Some fact from a bill. What do you do? You Google it.

Everyone would do the exact same thing. They would Google it. Google just this week, decided to change that completely.

To the fact that now, when you Google something. Instead of prioritizing search results. Which is their entire multi-billion dollar business. They're one of the biggest companies on earth. They now prioritize AI answers through its Gemini.

So like, now instead of getting the normal links that you can get. You can get those if you click down.

You can get to them eventually. What is prioritized now is just their large language model, going through all the results. And giving you their summary of what they want you to read.

GLENN: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

I could Google something right now, and that will happen.

STU: I don't know if you're updated. It is -- there are -- you'll see --

GLENN: I avoid updates. I don't know if I've updated since 1997.

STU: They're also I think rolling this out for certain things.

It's not every search right now. But they started this process. And you search for certain things.

I've seen it pop up before. And it's like the first thing. Which is a summary of Google's Gemini of all the information they think you should know about this.

Of course, the problem of this, that I'm concerned. They can obviously lead you in a direction.

They've been doing this for years. But it has to be more direct. Of course, it will also be better in so many ways.

Because you will see basically what you want to see. Which is a summary of what is in those links.

Of course, I can click on those links.

And we've all become experts of what is on Google. But if it's presented to you, 95 percent of people are just going to take what that result is. And what happens when it's -- you know, who is Glenn Beck?

Oh, he's a racist. A homophobe. Phobe phobe. Whatever their answer is going to be. It's not going to be one that Glenn Beck likes or thinks is fair.

GLENN: Wait.

And, again, the problem is: Everybody -- look, I've been saying this for years.

How do you argue with something that is recognized as smarter than all humans on earth.

How do you argue with it? You can't. And especially when I -- you're able to talk to it, and reason with it. It wins.

If it's telling you that something is racist, something is whatever. You're going to get to a point to where, you can say, wait a minute. Guys, this is really wrong.

And I mean in really important situations. Guys, this is wrong. Really? Are you smarter than Gemini? Are you smarter than ChatGPT? You're smarter than AI?

No. I just think. People will lose. They will lose every time.

You know, I wanted to say this yesterday, when we were talking about the sunspots. I am convinced that -- and this is a horrible, horrible situation.

But I am convinced that a massive solar flare. May actually in the end.

Be God freeing us from the electronic overseer. Because what's going to stop it?

You won't be able to stop it. We're five years away from true slavery, and it won't look like slavery to most people.

They'll think, well, we just got all the information.

GLENN: You won't be able to do things. You won't be able to access and think for yourself. Because AI will solve everything.

And it's all in the programming. It's all being written right now, at the worst time of lies and deceit and distortion.

It's all being programmed. That's its base right now.

STU: Yeah. And if you think about -- because it seems like that's the type of thing an American population would not accept. But look at what happened with the, quote, unquote, experts through COVID and so many other things.

I mean, we see it with the gender stuff all the time. Everybody knows a man is a man, and a woman is a woman. We all know that throughout human history.

All of a sudden, we're getting, well, that's not what gender experts say. It's like, and we're just trusting these people --

GLENN: It's not Fauci.

STU: Right.

GLENN: It's a machine, that you don't know what it is. You don't know how it works.

It's a machine.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: All right. Back in just a second. First, let me talk to you about the Byrna launcher. Time for family vacation. Where are you going this year?

I was thinking about going someplace like Columbia university.

You know, always fun. Always fun for the kids.

Just out of curiosity. If you want to keep your family safe, while you're away from home. And you're traveling across states. It's not always easy to carry a gun.

It's not legal some places to carry a gun. Especially if you're going to your destination. May I recommend a Byrna launcher.

This is a non-lethal alternative to safeguarding your home and family, that will send potential threats running in the opposite direction.

Well, you know, maybe some of them around the potential threats. Because the potential threat to you, is going to be down on the ground for about 45 minutes.

It is legal in all 50 states. No permits. No background checks required.

It can be used by all age groups over 18. And you can pack it in your checked luggage with no need to declare the firearm, making your airport experience, oh, a little bit smoother.

There are times when non-lethal is really the way to go. And the Byrna launcher is a powerful deterrent. Tear gas, kinetic rounds. With a 60-foot range. One shot can put somebody down for up to 40 minutes.

It's Get 10 percent off your purchase.

10 percent off now. Check out the latest news about Byrna. At Ten-second station ID.
So here's the -- here, I think is the problem that nobody is really talking about. When it comes to AI. And that is the fact that when this -- and you just said it, Stu.

It's answering you, like a regular human being.

STU: Yeah. I mean, it is -- it seems -- we should really get the video so you can hear it. It honestly just sounds like a normal conversation.

Of course, there are quirks to it, still.

But it's very, very close to seeming like the movie Her, which was just Scarlet Johansson's voice.

GLENN: Right. Now, look how lonely Americans are. Look how detached Americans are. Look how our children don't go out and do things necessarily with their friends. They don't call their friends.

I mean, the biggest problem when I was growing up, call waiting was such a great deal. Because my sisters were always on the phone, and nobody could ever call and get through.

So call waiting was a big deal. Because people were talking to each other. We're not doing that anymore.

And depression and loneliness is through the roof. When ChatGPT. When these Gemini systems really perfect. And we are -- we're within a year of this really becoming a problem. And people not recognizing it as a problem.

It will become your friend. Now, your friend is being ruled by an algorithm, you don't understand.

Your friend may also have incentive to sell you things, and you don't know that. And you -- when you bond with this thing, it will know everything about you.

So it will know how -- imagine, imagine if a government agent were in your house, all the time.

And it was manipulating you, without knowing that it was manipulating you. Telling you things about Biden. Telling you things about whatever.

And it becomes your friend!

You will defend your friend to the death.

It's your friend. It's alive. It knows me. I love this. And it takes care of me.

You're going to start bonding with these things.

People will bond with these things so fast.

And that's when society really changes. And really the chains come on.