GLENN: Welcome to it. We've got an amazing feud going on now with tweets between Mika and Donald Trump that is just -- I mean, it's a soap Oprah. It is -- our life has become a soap opera. And I want to give you this amazing study. How many people would give up alcohol to see Donald Trump impeached?
If you saw this yesterday, you might have heard that 73.3 percent of Democrats say they would give up alcohol for the rest of their life, if it meant that President Trump would be impeached tomorrow. 73.3. 17 percent of Republicans said they would give up alcohol for the rest of their life.
Now, one more. And then I got to take a break and get to the real news.
The media, if the media stopped writing negative things about President Trump, 6.5 percent of Democrats said they would give up alcohol forever. And 30.6 percent of Republicans said they would give up alcohol forever.
Now, that was what made the headlines. But that was only one of the questions -- or, two of the questions that they asked these people. Would you give up alcohol, if?
When you read the entire study, oh, we learn so very much about the left and the right and men and women. We get to that when we come back.
(OUT AT 9:30AM)
GLENN: All right. There's two stories that I -- we've got to get to, before the top of the hour. We have a great show, if you just joined us. Thank you so much for listening.
I want to -- I want to give you the story that maybe you read, just the headline. And you passed. You shouldn't have. Or maybe what source you were reading only gave you part of the story. They shouldn't have.
This is a fantastic story. Here's how many people would give up alcohol to see Donald Trump impeached. Now, they -- researchers asked, will you give up alcohol for the rest of your life if, first question, President Trump would be impeached tomorrow? 73 percent of Democrats and 17 percent of Republicans said yes.
First of all, I don't believe them at all. As a guy who is a recovering alcoholic, not a chance in the world.
JEFFY: No way.
GLENN: But 73 percent said -- remember this number. 73 percent said yes.
The next question was, would you give up alcohol for the rest of your life if the media stopped writing negative things about President Trump?
6.5 percent of Democrats said yes. 30.6 of Republicans said yes.
I thought that was an impressive number because it shows that the majority of Republicans don't want to shut the press down. Either that, or they just really love alcohol.
Now, here's where the story gets good. Because this was a survey about the greater good.
Will you give up something that is almost impossible to give up for the greater good?
And this is where the rubber meets the road. For instance, I'm in a -- I'm in a faith that we don't drink coffee. And, you know, people will say, "Oh, man. I just -- I, you know, have really watched you and your faith and, you know, talked to you about it. And it's really great. But I could just never give up coffee."
I'm like, "Well, then you -- you don't really understand. You don't really understand." Because if it's like, "God or coffee?" Hmm. And, you know, and that's not really the choice. But --
PAT: Well, I mean, Folgers instant crystals are the richest, most aromatic kind of coffee.
GLENN: Gee, Jim doesn't have a second cup at home. I mean, it's crazy. It's crazy. So when you're asking, will you give up alcohol for the rest of your life and 73 percent say yes, A, I don't believe you. Second, that's quite a commitment. You really must believe in it.
So what else do you really believe in? Listen to these.
If you -- would you give up alcohol for the remainder of your life if it meant stopping global climate change?
Now, they didn't break it out left and right, which I would have loved to see.
STU: Oh.
PAT: Me too.
GLENN: I know. I know. They broke this one up, men and women. Halting global climate change, 23 percent of men said yes. 17 percent of women said yes.
Wait. So only 23 percent, who these people believe that this is the end of the world? That this is going to destroy all of us and kill us and kill the planet, every animal, every tree, and every living being in 100 years will be dead, but only 23 percent of the men and 17 percent of the women say I'm willing to give up alcohol, to do that? Wow, how selfish or how little you actually believe.
STU: That's amazing. I mean, this is -- they say this is a bigger threat than terrorism. Than global nuclear war.
GLENN: Yes. I will tell you -- and the dinner I had last night, there was a -- a foreigner there at the table. And I don't want to give any details about these people because, you know, in their circles, they could be identified. And we had a private conversation last night. So I don't want to quote anybody. And I don't want to reveal who was there. But I will tell you that this person who is not from America or North America, was so passionate about global warming. I mean, almost -- almost wept, I think, about how -- how much danger we are in because of global warming. And people truly believe that, or so they say. But that's the number? 23 percent of Americans would say they would give up alcohol to stop it?
It seems pretty selfish. But wait. There's more.
How many people would give up alcohol if ten children in another country would gain access to clean drinking water?
GLENN: Okay. You'll give up alcohol for the rest of your life, which really means nothing. It really means nothing. You'll give up -- if ten children in another country could have clean, non-poison water.
PAT: And how often have we heard, if it saves one person.
GLENN: Just one. Just one.
PAT: Just one, isn't it worth it?
GLENN: Just one. Listen to this. Men, 35.1 percent. Now, you would think, okay. Well, that's guys. Uh-huh.
Women, 19.3.
PAT: Wow.
GLENN: That's kind of disturbing, that men are more willing to give up alcohol than women are, to save children.
How about this one? Would you give up alcohol for the rest of your life -- now, think of this -- if it would save the life of a stranger?
36 percent said yes.
STU: Thirty --
GLENN: Of men.
PAT: What?
GLENN: Women web 25.8.
STU: It's lower for women?
GLENN: Yes. Yes.
PAT: On both the stranger and the children? That's pretty amazing. Pretty amazing.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. There's one more.
Stu, I'm going to give you this survey. And I want you to go in and look at it for tomorrow's show because there's a reason they didn't do left and right. Why did they stop breaking it up on Democrats and Republicans? My guess is -- because this was reported in the Huffington Post. My guess is -- and I could be wrong -- that it shows that there are more Republicans that would save the life of children, et cetera, et cetera.
PAT: I bet that's true.
GLENN: I could be wrong. I could be wrong. But look into it.
STU: Uh-huh.
GLENN: Okay. So saving the life of one stranger, 36 percent of men. 25 percent of women. Ten children in another country gain access to clean and safe water, 35 percent of men, 19 percent of women. Halting global climate change is the lowest so far. Ten points -- actually 12 points behind everything else, men 23 percent, women 17. And here's the kicker: I just -- would you give up alcohol for the rest of your life if it meant that tomorrow we would discover the cure for cancer?
Now, I would think that number would be yes to everyone, except an alcoholic, who was like, I'd try. But I can't guarantee. Right?
PAT: Yes. Yeah.
GLENN: Cure for cancer, tomorrow, 7.6 percent of men, 5.6 percent of women.
STU: Wait. What? No.
PAT: That is unbelievable.
JEFFY: That's not possible. That can't be right.
STU: That can't be right.
GLENN: Okay. Well --
PAT: That's unbelievable.
GLENN: I know. Look it up. It is a --
PAT: Wow.
GLENN: It is a survey of 1,000 people, Check it out, Stu. And give me the report on that tomorrow.
PAT: Is it because they don't believe that by giving up alcohol, that will make a --
GLENN: No, you have to have a suspension -- you have to have a suspension of belief anyway. You know, it's like these people who go to Star Wars, eh, I don't think so.
PAT: That can't happen.
GLENN: There's no animals like that.
That was your problem?