Bill O’Reilly: ‘Profound Change’ Is Disrupting the Way We Watch News — for the Better

News is shifting to a model where people have more control over their own content. On radio Friday, Bill O’Reilly shared an update on his latest project and explained why it’s important for him to bring news to people without “intrusion.”

Glenn remembered starting his own TV network and how people told him to stay locked into the old school model of cable news instead of making TV available on mobile devices.

“Those days are over,” he said of the shift. “We’ve laid the groundwork and the rails.”

O’Reilly talked about a new show prototype where he was in a studio and talked with guests over Skype, giving him far more independence than he would have with a network.

“We don’t want any intrusion: corporate intrusion or Media Matters intrusion or threats,” O’Reilly said to Glenn. “We want to control the product, as you do.”

GLENN: BillO' Probably one of the more brilliant businesspeople. Definitely one of the more brilliant people when it comes to how to do a show and what people are thinking. Bill O'Reilly. Now at BillO' He has his own show. It's a half-hour news show every day, and you can find it at BillO' He started it earlier this week. It's really good. Not a lot has changed with Bill O'Reilly. Just the background has changed. And we'll talk to him about that.

I want to start here, Bill, with something that really bothers me, and that is the firing of -- what's his name? Jeremy Lions? No, what's his name?

STU: Jeffrey Lord.

GLENN: Jeffrey Lord, that's what it is. That's how much I care about this guy.

I actually care about his firing. I think he is horrible. I think he is one of the worst commentators on CNN. I think he's just a total sellout.

However, they fired him because he got into a Twitter spat with Media Matters. And Media Matters is starting to campaign again to get people fired, get them thrown off.

And he said, "What you're doing is fascistic in nature. This is fascism." And they tweeted something back. And he wrote, "Sieg Heil."

CNN fires him almost immediately because they say, "Nazi salutes are absolutely -- we will not tolerate this --

STU: Indefensible.

GLENN: Are you kidding me? So now he's out. Bill.

BILL: Yeah, I mean, look, anybody -- and I mean anybody knows that this firing was political. It wasn't for cause. It wasn't because he did anything outrageous. I mean, you can debate all day long whether Nazi analogies should be used in any kind of discourse. But this clearly falls under freedom of speech. And he was making a contextual point, which is accurate, by the way, that Media Matters is a fascist organization. It is.

And then when the president of Media Matters struck back at him, he, in a wise guy fashion, went, "Sieg Heil." Who does that offend? Media Matters. So, what? So they were looking to dump him. And this gave them the opportunity to do it. That's the only thing I can figure out.

GLENN: Okay. So, Bill, that's maybe a little bit better than what I thought, but not by much.

Are you saying that they only use Media Matters as a cover? Because, I mean, why not cover him because we don't want him around. We don't like him.

BILL: Yeah, if he were a valued employee, they certainly wouldn't have done that. Look, if Jeffrey Lord -- I don't know what his contractual situation is. But he is an actionable violation of contract, sued against CNN.

You can't do that. He didn't do anything out of the ordinary, in the sense of exercising his freedom of speech to slap back at an organization that he feels is fascistic. So it's got to be something else. I don't know whether -- if he even had a contract.

But it looks to me -- and I've been in this business almost since as long as you have, since the War of 1812, Beck, as you mentioned last week on your program. All right? It looks to me like they just want to get rid of the guy, and this was a convenient way to do it.

GLENN: So, Bill, doesn't this not empower Media Matters like crazy?

BILL: Of course, it does. But Media Matters is in bed with all these people. I mean, Media Matters doesn't attack CNN, ever. Media Matters -- well, let me amend that. If CNN put on a conservative like you or me, maybe Media Matters would attack. But they don't attack their editorial posture. They don't attack NBC. They don't very rarely attack the networks. They only attack people with whom they disagree with politically, which is anybody. Moderate or right.

You've got to be a far-left lune to be in there cogering (phonetic).

GLENN: So we found a Media Matters plan of attack. And we're going to be going over it in the next couple of weeks, with our audience. It is their plan.

BILL: Good.

GLENN: We found it on the dark web.

BILL: The dark web.

GLENN: Yeah. I mean, who -- who even puts their stuff on the dark web? Seriously, who does that criminals. Evil people. Why are you putting stuff on the dark web?

So in it, it talks about how they're now consulting with Google. They're now consulting with Facebook. They're trying to tell YouTube and Google and Facebook exactly what is offensive, what isn't. They're coming in as these moderate arbiters of --

BILL: Oh, they -- this organization, these are the people that orchestrated the sponsored attacks against me and you.

GLENN: Yeah.

BILL: They organized the demonstrations in front of Fox. They've got money. They pay people. They're awful. They're anti-democracy. And I hope you guys -- you know, I listen when I can. But when you get stuff, send it to me. Because certainly looking at these people hard, these Media Matters people.

GLENN: I'll send you the stuff that we just pulled up.

BILL: And you know what the worst part about this is? The worst part about it is these people were so closely allied with Hillary Clinton. David Brock, who was the founder of this, was Clinton's consigliere. If Clinton had ever been elected president, these people would be in the White House, these Media Matters. And I can't tell your audience how strongly enough how vicious and vile and anti-democratic they are.

GLENN: Actually I want to correct you on one thing.

BILL: Win after win after win because the media will never take them on because the media sympathizes with their far-left posture.

GLENN: Okay. I want to correct you on one thing: They're absolutely pro-democratic, which in the meaning of, all we want is a popular vote and majority wins. I mean, that is -- you know -- remember, Chavez was also very democratic.

BILL: They don't believe in freedom of speech.

GLENN: Yes, you're right. Correct.

BILL: They don't believe in freedom of speech. They operate in shadows on the dark web. They try to hurt people. They try to destroy people.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

BILL: This is not what our democracy is supposed to be about.

GLENN: It's a republic.

BILL: This is the most vicious, vile political organization in existence.


BILL: And they have power. And money.

GLENN: So tell me how you feel about what happened with Google this week, with that firing.

BILL: You know, I didn't follow it that much because I'm not really into that world of -- and I know they're super powerful and all of that. But I'm more interested in the political component of this, rather than -- once you get into Google and Facebook and all of these organizations, you get into corporations. They're corporations. I mean, they may not wear ties. And they may give you kale for lunch. But it's a corporation. Okay?

GLENN: That's kind of what I want to talk to you about. As I said earlier this week, look, if Firestone or Goodyear was doing this, I wouldn't care. But this is the gateway to information.

We had this week a report was released that Apple has $58 billion in US Treasury bonds. That's more than most foreign countries will hold.

That gives that corporation real leverage on Capitol Hill. You know what, maybe we should just liquidate our government bonds because that's why we don't -- that's why we worry about foreign countries holding our bonds.

Does -- are these corporations that the left loves, are they becoming worrisome at all to you, Bill?

BILL: That's an interesting question. They are -- they are very, very powerful agents, and they control now most of the information flow. And with the destruction of cable news, and that's coming very, very fast.

GLENN: Very fast.

BILL: Talk radio is pretty much the only counter to the internet information flow, which is not an honest situation.

So, yes, it's dangerous. I'm not so concerned about them holding bonds. Although, yeah, I mean, I guess down the line, they could do a blackmail thing. You better do what we want. Or we'll liquidate or something. I see what you're saying.

GLENN: It's not like it's the top of my concerns. But it is -- it is a part of it.

It's like, wait a minute. These -- these guys are getting really powerful.

BILL: They are very powerful. But there's nothing you can do about that in a capitalistic society. The more successful corporations become, the more powerful they become.

GLENN: Yeah.

BILL: You can expose it. You can tell folks what's going on. And the information flow they're getting is not honest. That's certainly noble. But you can't stop them from accumulating assets.

GLENN: No. But you can start to say to our representatives, "I don't want you in bed with these people. There are no special favors for these people."

BILL: No, absolutely. Right. Right.

GLENN: So, Bill, I want to take a break. We have a ton to talk about, the news of the week. But I would like to pick your brain, honestly, because I have tremendous respect for you, as you know, on multiple fronts. But one of them is you are a very shrewd businessman. You are very smart.

You took every show. You know, I run on passion and gut and feelings. And you are much more of a scientific kind of guy. And you've made a brilliant move this week in not going -- running to somebody else and saying, "Okay. I'll fall under your umbrella." You're doing it yourself.

I want to talk to you about the future of cable news. I want to talk to you about the future of information.

BILL: Sure. It's fascinating what's happening.

GLENN: It really is. It really is.

BILL: And nobody is talking about it. So your audience is going to get a lot of information fast. After these announcements of interest.

STU: Wow.

GLENN: Wow, thank you.

STU: Wow.

GLENN: Back in just a second with Bill O'Reilly from BillO'

GLENN: So let me go to Bill O'Reilly from BillO', who just started his news program, the No Spin News. Every day you can see it and you can watch it at BillO'

Bill, let's switch gears. I'd kind of like some advice from you and to pick your brain. What we did six years ago, when I left Fox and I built TheBlaze and the first OTT model around this, everyone said, "Glenn, no one will watch this on the Internet. They're not going to watch it on the phone. They want it on this."

It's why, honestly, we spent as much money as we did to make my network look -- quite honestly, the model was MSNBC. If it -- if it can't look as good as NBC in visuals, then people won't accept it.

Those days are over. We've laid the groundwork and the rails. And now you are the first one to come out as a really big guy and say, "Okay. I'm going to go and do this model, and I'm going to do it by myself. I don't need to join a network or whatever. I'm going to do it by myself." How long before, Bill, this becomes the absolute norm?

BILL: You know, it's hard to say. Our blueprint is that we want to deliver on a daily basis 30 to 40 minutes of honest news analysis, honest in the sense that it's fact-based.

And we're going to do that. And so we did a prototype this week on BillO', where I was in a studio in a spiffy jacket and tie. And we had guests via Skype. And it went very well. I mean, it looked good. People liked it.

We have it up now, BillO' Anybody can see the prototype. And it -- and it was tough. It was tough analysis. Talk about North Korea and stuff like that.

Now, we haven't decided exactly when we're going to launch this on a daily basis because we're doing our podcasts from my home office now. And it's working very, very well. But it's going to happen. And even if I decide to come back to cable TV, we'll still do this 30 to 40 minutes per day, because we don't want any -- I'm sorry about that. That's enthusiasm.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh.

BILL: Enthusiasm from the --

GLENN: That's Bill's head writer.

BILL: From the community.

Anyway, we don't want any intrusion.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

BILL: Corporate intrusion or Media Matters intrusion or threats or any of that. We want to control the product, as you do.

GLENN: Right. So you can control --

BILL: And I think this prototype that we put out is going to take root. And I think it's going to be very successful.

GLENN: Right.

BILL: The reason this is necessary, this is the key to it all, is there's been a profound change in cable news. And as we discussed in previous episodes of the Beck program, network news is largely irrelevant now. Remember Scott Pelley, the anchor of CBS News?

GLENN: No. Neither does anybody else.

BILL: Well, Scott packed it in, and nobody even knew.

GLENN: Yeah.

BILL: I mean, nobody even said a word. It was like, poor Scott. He was there six years on every night. He was taking Walter Cronkite's seat, and he's out of there, and nobody even cares. That's how irrelevant the Nightly News is.

The morning is entertainment. So when cable news starts then to change -- fundamentally change, not into a news service anymore. They're not a news service. They're basically a party apparatus. So MSNBC, CNN, they're a Democrat Party apparatus. And Fox News, to some extent, not to the extent of the others, it reflects a Republican point of view. Well, where do Americans go for the truth? People seeking the truth and not having a vested interest in one political party or one political philosophy. There's nowhere to go.

So that this, in a capitalistic society, this Blaze, the Beck Blaze, O'Reilly, BillO', this now presents a very, very attractive alternative to millions of Americans who love their country and want to know about it in a truthful way.

GLENN: Bill.

BILL: You're stunned at that analysis?

GLENN: No, no, no. I was actually --

BILL: You're absolutely stunned. It's so right on. Nobody has ever talked that way to you.

GLENN: I was actually hoping for a deeper insight. Why don't you put the dog on the phone?


All right. When we come back --

BILL: Corgi.

GLENN: When we come back, we're going to have to go over the strategy of North Korea, how Bill thinks that is going, where that ends up, and all the rest of the news of the week with Bill O'Reilly. You can hear him every day at BillO' That's BillO' BillO'

GLENN: So let's bring Bill O'Reilly from Bill O'Reilly back. BillO' And talk to him a little bit about North Korea.

First of all, Bill, are we going to war with North Korea?


GLENN: Okay. If -- if it is just between us, we're having a private council, you're the president of the United States, and you've got your council split in half. And half says, "Mr. President, we've got to go. They've crossed too many red lines. It's only going to be a problem down the road. We got to go, and I'd like to recommend a first strike." The other half says, "No first strike and, no, don't go to war because millions will die." Which do you lean towards?

BILL: Okay. You can't do a preemptive strike with nukes on anybody. That's not acceptable in the world we live in. You could do, you know, some bombing like -- like you did in Syria, take out a strategic military target. I mean, that's certainly possible. But I don't see that happening.

What I see happening is this is -- Trump is basically telling the world, "Look, I'm capable of this," which is true. I'm capable of it.

Which Obama was and everybody knew, no matter what you did, Obama wasn't going to do anything drastic. And it was like Merkel today, the German chancellor comes in and says, "Well, there really isn't any military solution to North Korea."

Now, just step back and analyze how stupid that statement is from Angela Merkel. What if North Korea launches a missile at Guam or Japan or South Korea? What if they do that? I mean, that's what this idiot is threatening to do.

And Merkel says there's no military solution to that. So, what, you let them do that? That's exactly the wrong message.

And Trump's message is basically symbolic. It's a symbolic message. I'm capable of this. But will he do it? No. Only if they attack, they being North Korea, one of our allies or any interest that the United States has. Then he will. But I don't see any new component in this. Because that's Armageddon. Once you start with the nukes, then, you know, the stuff kills south Koreans. It kills Chinese. You really can't do that.

GLENN: So here's where I've come down on this, on my understanding of what Donald Trump is doing. And it may be more wishful thinking. But I don't think it is.

As I've watched this game play out and I know, you know, how horrible war with North Korea would be and now especially with China saying, "You do a first strike, we're on their side. You fight back, we're going to leave them to their own business. And you guys can have at them." There's no way we're going for a first strike.

If we do, we turn the whole world against us, I think.

BILL: Yeah. And the generals -- look, Kelly is the guy calling the shots, a lot of the shots now. He's never going to do it.

GLENN: Yep, I agree.

BILL: People got to calm down. And the reason that this has taken on hysteria is because it's August. There's no other news. Cable news is all -- I mean, they're just going crazy. And they're whipping everybody up. And the left wants everybody to think that Trump is Dr. Strangelove. And so that's why it's whipping up.

But if you look at it, it's probably not going to lead to anything. It's going to fizzle out like most of the North Korean missile tests do.

GLENN: So here is the second part of that: If this indeed is strategy and Donald Trump is playing the strong hand because nobody has the United States for a long time and wants to put everybody on notice and does have a little bit of a twitchy eye, he may in the end, if this works, be remembered as Ronald Reagan, when it came to the Cold War. This is exactly the argument we had from the left on Ronald Reagan.

BILL: Yeah. But it's a different situation because you have irrationality in North Korea. I mean, this guy is pretty irrational.

But, you know, I want to personalize it a little. And I can do that by a plug. You know, Killing the Rising Sun is about -- primarily about the atom bomb drop on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the power of those bombs was so horrific -- now, they're 10,000 times as powerful. And if you really want to know what happened -- and kids should know it too. We have a kid's book: The Day the World Went Nuclear, off Killing the Rising Sun. We take you right down, we put you right down at Hiroshima when that bomb dropped, and you can feel what happened. And so that's why the horror of nuclear war, it gets people crazy. I mean, it really does. It gets people crazy.

And all Americans should know what the actual horror is. That you're going to have people vaporized on the spot, that you're going to have fallout that states for 50 to 60 years. Makes Chernobyl look like Disneyland. So I think that when you take that into consideration and then you're President Trump or whatever, you're not going to do that unless you absolutely have to do it. But I can see a surgical, you know, conventional strike on North Korea, if they keep it up.

GLENN: Bill, you were probably, oh, around retirement age back in '82 and '83, when -- when The Day After came out. And that was -- '82 was the year I graduated from high school. So I had a very different look at it then. I just looked it up this week. I was just kind of zipping through it on YouTube. And I remember how scary that was. But because of my age back then, I really didn't see it as really what it was. Nothing's changed. That is Hollywood and the press and the networks trying to make you more afraid of Ronald Reagan's rhetoric than really the Soviet Union. And trying to thwart Ronald Reagan. Would you agree with that?

Did you see that that way?

BILL: Yeah, the left historically never wants to fight for anything. And anybody who counters that is a war-mongering fascist. So even before World War II, there was a big strain of Americans that didn't want to confront Hitler or Tokyo. They didn't want to get involved.

GLENN: Yeah.

BILL: And some of those were conservative people.

GLENN: Yeah. The America First -- the America First campaign.

BILL: Yeah, just stay away. We got two oceans protecting us. Well, now we don't have any oceans. Okay? So it is an emotional issue, but people should know, this isn't like Iraq or Afghanistan. You know, sending in the Special Forces to track down ISIS. It's nothing like that.

This guy is playing with something that could obliterate millions of people. And so I -- I have, you know, confidence in the American system that we're not going to do anything irresponsible. That's the key word. The rhetoric is the rhetoric, all right? Trump is definitely sending a message to the world that he's capable, like Reagan. Okay? But I don't think anything more will come of this, at this point.

GLENN: Okay. Let me give you just some quick hits here and just get your comments on. Chelsea Manning being described as an American beauty in a woman's swimsuit on the beach in Vanity Fair. Comments?

BILL: What do you want me to say about it?

GLENN: Just any comment on --

BILL: I mean, look, if she wants to be in a bathing suit and on a beach, she has the perfect right to do that. If Vanity Fair wants to make a deal about it, I don't care.

GLENN: It's not that. It's that she's an American traitor. How many people lost their lives because of her?

BILL: Oh, I see. Okay. Yeah.

GLENN: And now we're being spoon-fed, that, no, she's just a beautiful woman.

BILL: And if I could just remind everybody, President Obama commuted her sentence. Okay. So that's why she's in the bikini. Now, maybe that was part of the deal. I'll let you out, if you go into a bikini in Vanity Fair. That's the deal.

PAT: That's a weird deal.

GLENN: That's a weird deal.

PAT: But okay.

BILL: It could have happened.

PAT: It could have.

GLENN: Paul Manafort, the raid of his residence by the FBI.

BILL: You know, not since Eliot Ness and the Untouchables has there been a crime drama at this level.

You know, Manafort, I've always said this from the very beginning: If there's one Trump person that's got a deficit in this whole thing, it's him. Because he made some big money representing pro-Russian interests in the Ukraine situation. He had the contacts. He knew the guys.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

BILL: He knew Boris and Natasha. And so, you know, they went in. They try to find out what he has, and I'm glad I'm not Paul Manafort.

GLENN: Mitch McConnell said the reason why the G.O.P. is getting a bad brand or bad name is because Donald Trump and others had excessive expectations.

BILL: I just think this guy is such a dweeb. I hate to be -- you know, I just think McConnell is such a dweeb. D-W-E-E-B. Word of the day.

GLENN: Yeah. Word of the day.

BILL: I mean, this guy, when I was very close to getting Kate's Law on the floor of the Senate, it was him who sabotaged it. Because he wanted to attach all kinds of stuff that he knew wasn't going to pass it.

I just think this guy is just -- I don't know him. I don't -- he never came on my program. He was always afraid to do that.

I just don't have any use for him at all. So I wish -- I wish there was more dynamic leadership on both sides. On the Democratic side, you have Chucky Schumer threatening all of his people.

If you don't do what I say, we're going to run somebody against you in the primary and cut off your money. That's why he's got all these Democrats, you know, voting against their country's best interests.

And on the other side, you've got Mitch McConnell playing whatever game he's playing. So it's just really -- and I think Americans have got it. It's disgusting. It really is.

GLENN: Bill O'Reilly, writing some great history books and books now for your kids as well. You can hear his commentary every day at BillO'

You can get his podcast and his members also are chiming in now on, how do we make this internet newscast work for you? And he's taking your comments on it. And you can watch it now at BillO' Thanks, Bill, appreciate it.

BILL: Now, Beck, one more thing before you dump me here, if I send you an advanced copy of Killing England: The Brutal Struggle for American Independence, will you read it, Beck? Will you read the book if I send it to you in advance? It's out September 19th.

GLENN: Are there some things in the pages that maybe might fall out?

BILL: You're going to find out what Franklin, Washington, and Jefferson were really like.

GLENN: I only care about Benjamin. If Benjamin happens to be in those papers and it slips out of the book, I might read it.

BILL: All right!

GLENN: But I'm interested in the Benjamins. Thank you very much, Bill. Appreciate it. God bless. BillO' BillO'

Megyn Kelly EVISCERATES ABC Debate moderators for Kamala bias

Megyn Kelly EVISCERATES ABC Debate moderators for Kamala bias

@MegynKelly‬ joins Glenn Beck to react to the ABC News Presidential Debate. At no point was it Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris, she argues. It was Trump vs EVERYONE. As a former presidential debate moderator herself, Megyn tears into the ABC News moderators for "fact-checking" Trump while letting Kamala get away with lie after lie: “The only time you should weigh in as a moderator is if the integrity of your question is attacked. These ABC News moderators didn’t understand that, or they just didn’t care.” Plus, Megan explains why she believes Harris' performance at the debate didn't win her any votes: "The person who’s going to be [our first female president] is not going to be an emotionally unregulated, harrumphing, sighing hysteric.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Megyn Kelly, welcome to the program. How are you, Megyn?

MEGYN: Enraged. Angry. Just in disbelief at what our imagery has become.

GLENN: It was state-run media.

For her to go in and say so many lies. She -- that proves, this is state-run media.

She knew she could get away with saying lie after lie after lie after lie.

I've never seen anything like it.

And no corrections.

MEGYN: I could have lived with that. Politicians lie all the time. But the one-sided, quote, fact-checking was so outrageous.

I would have been fine. They have done what CNN did. Which is just be quiet. Dana Bash and Jake Tapper did not try to fact-check the candidates. They let them do that to each other. Which is totally appropriate in a presidential debate. It's actually the way it should be. It's not our job to set the record straight.

The only time you should weigh in as a moderator, is if the integrity of your questions is attacked. Right? Like they're attacking the underlying foundation for what they're asking. But as for the answer, that's for the other candidate to do.

And these ABC news moderators didn't understand that, or they just didn't care. If CNN actually got hammered by the left for doing that, the left wanted them to get out there and criticize Donald Trump. And they said, oh, no, you said this. And that's wrong and so on. And ABC News clearly watched that and said, oh, well, that can't be us.

We've got to pander to our base. And so they only fact-checked him. Their fact-checks were incorrect and/or were opinion.

And then you had the assist by the rest of the media, and back to CNN. And its absolute credence, named Daniel Dale.

Who is fact-checked after the fact. Was that Trump lied 33 times. And she lied once!

GLENN: Once!

MEGYN: That's what we're up against. Yes!

GLENN: What was the one he picked?

Was it like a lottery? You put all the lies into a little basket, and you twirl it around, mix it up.

B17. What was the lie?

MEGYN: Yeah. He didn't make that clear. Because on Twitter, he called her out for trying to claim that she had reversed her -- her personal stance on fracking in 2020. You know, she wanted to ban it. And then in 2020, she has been claiming she didn't want to ban it, which isn't true.

In 2020, the VP debate, she said Joe Biden would not ban it. She has never put her stance on it.

But nothing about the Charlottesville, both sides lie, about the bloodbath, about the 2025 nonsense, about saying Trump is against IVF.

Nothing. No, that's fine.

GLENN: So, Megyn, what she had to do last night was assure people, that -- that hadn't seen her, act presidential, to appear to be strong, tough, and presidential.

Did she do that, for enough people?

MEGYN: Well, you added that phrase at the end. Which makes me say, no.

"For enough people." I don't think it was a game-changer last night. I think most people will say, she won the debate. But here's what I saw.

I saw somebody who engaged in nothing, but personal ad hominem attacks against Donald Trump throughout.

I mean, at every chance she could. She went low, insulted him personally. And on that, he actually didn't take the bait. He took the bait on every other thing. You know, on the subject of immigration, and suddenly, we're off topic about rally size. And he went there.

Okay. But on the personal attacks, he didn't. I saw somebody who couldn't control herself emotionally. She was on screen, right? Harrumphing. Rolling her eyes. Hands up on the chin. Like, oh, aren't you so interesting?

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. That was -- I've never seen anybody actually put their hand up on the chin, and rest their elbow on their other hand.

I mean, it was --

MEGYN: And let me tell you something. Let me tell you something. This country has not elected a female president in 250 years. The person who is going to be number one is not going to be an emotionally unregulated, harrumphing, sighing, hysteric. And that's how she appeared in the split screen for the first half an hour of the debate. She's not a controlled leader. I cannot believe that the people sitting at home, don't forget this election is coming down at the margins to men versus women.

Men are for Trump. And women are for Kamala. That these men sitting at home, are going to say, I'm going to vote for her.

I can sit at home, on Election Day, and let her win. I just think they're going to be motivated by how extreme she is. Yes, on policy. Which Trump failed to point out last night.

But her behavior. She's not a strong leader. She's the opposite of a Margaret Thatcher. And I think her schoolgirl attacks on him personally. You know, trying to undermine the dignity of this man who served as president. And who almost was assassinated a month or two ago. And her eye rolling and so on.

Which telegraphs, I can't control myself. Were a real turnoff.

GLENN: Let me ask you.

I was personally offended. And I can't imagine that the American people weren't.

When he was talking about how people are suffering.

And you can't afford, you know, the groceries, at the grocery store.

When she laughed and rolled her eyes, at that. I saw that, and I'm like, oh, my gosh. You -- you're in, A, such denial, that that is happening.

Or you just don't care!

Do you think that -- did that play on you?

MEGYN: Yep. It was moment that she laughed. She laughed when he was raising what was happening in Springfield, Ohio.

She openly laughed. These four people, if you can accept the testimonials or not, they have not, in fact, been debunked. You have one city manager, who says he can't prove any of that.

He hasn't found the proof of it.

That doesn't mean it didn't happen. Another totally inappropriate quote, fact checked by David Muir. What we have here is a "he said, she said" situation. It's not up to the moderators to try to fix it.

But she laughed at it. She rolled her eyes. And what is she laughing at? Immigration. What's happening in our cities, because of the minimal. This has what has been documented. 10.4 million illegals, who have come under her watch.

2.3 million under Trump's four years. 10.4, minimum, not counting gotaways, under hers.

And when the question is raised, look at what's happening to American cities, because of it. She laughed.

You know who is not laughing? The family of Laken Riley, the family of that 12-year-old little girl who was murdered by illegals down at the Southern border, who Trump went down and spent time with.

That's the kind of stuff, Trump needed to raise and didn't.

But at a minimum, his team now today, needs to be showing cackling Kamala, back at it, on the two worse issues for her: The economy and immigration.

GLENN: Yeah. Can you run for president?

You would make a really good president. You would. You would make a really good president.

MEGYN: Thank you. I'm too happy a person for that.

GLENN: So you agree that Trump -- she came out immediately and said, let's do another one.

I think he should say, sure. Let's do five.

MEGYN: Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, that would be amazing.

And you know what they should say, I'll do it. And I'll pick one moderator. And you pick the other.

Why don't we do that?

Don't give it to -- if Trump agrees to go on another mainstream -- and that's a fake term. That is just a BS term. What is mainstream about these people?

GLENN: I think we should start calling them state media. It's state media now.

MEGYN: True. This is one example. How many questions did we have on 2020 election denialism and so on? And how many questions did we have about what's being done to young girls in this country, and about the cutting off body parts of kids who are just confused, because their parents got a divorce.

Not one. They don't care. They're in favor of that. That's not mainstream. So, anyway, if he agrees to go back on the air and do a debate with another state-run media company -- NBC, CBS, obviously ABC is out -- they ought to be out forever. No Republican should ever agree to that again.

GLENN: Ever. Ever.

MEGYN: MSNBC. Then he deserves what he gets. He deserves what he gets. It should be, if they do anything at this point forward, there's no moderator. They go mono a mono. Or he picks one, and she picks one.

GLENN: But he has got to expose her, because nobody else will. And she will crumble eventually. I mean, she just -- she's arrogant now.

She came in after five days of memorizing all of these lies. Really well-prepared.

MEGYN: Yes. Uh-huh. That's what was so frustrating, Glenn.

You can see it, couldn't you.

She was like an automaton. Giving these lies. She heard this before the DNC.

Mark Halperin reported that she's been getting help -- he did it sort of tongue-in-cheek, so you had to read between the lines.

But it was CAA. And Brian Lord who was one of the heads of CAA. One of the most powerful agencies or one of them. Talent agency, in the country.

And that they were bringing in top Hollywood actors and actresses, to coach her, on delivery.

That's what she -- it takes to make her salable to the American people. But I really believe that the people sitting in Ohio, know that. They watched that. And there's just no way, they looked at her, and thought, yeah. This is the genuine person who cares about me.

She barely talked about them.

Her whole -- debate performance was to convince them -- by the way, same stance of the moderators. How terrible Trump is.

It was not, your first day in service. She tried to say, oh, I'm middle class. And I understand your problems.

It was not about them, or the economy.

GLENN: One last thing.

When she was calling him week, and remember, she said -- you're going to hear nothing, but name-calling tonight. Well, yes, from her.

But when she kept saying over and over again, you know, you're weak. You're weak. You're weak.

She was just trying to get the under his skin, the entire time. And I have to tell you, I don't know if I could have been as restrained as he was last night. You know, 90 minutes of lies.

MEGYN: I don't.

GLENN: I don't think I could have contained myself. I would have lost.

MEGYN: I agree. I agree.

I mean, my blood was boiling. His blood had to be boiling. Obviously, this was her plan. But the -- the number of personal emasculating attacks, she launched on him.

If he had done anything like that, to her. He would be getting lectured all day, about his misogyny.


MEGYN: But she got away with it entirely. And all I could think of when I looked at Trump, this is like a soldier in -- in a foxhole. Surrounded by enemy fire.

GLENN: Yeah.

MEGYN: Trying to return fire, you know, one by one by one. But the hits we him were uniform.

It was a pile-on. It was non-stop. And when I looked at the way ABC handled it.

100 percent as effective and strong as a competitor to him, as she was.

All I could think was, ambush.

This is an ambush. They laid a trap for him, by assuring him, they could be fair.

He fell for it. He walked in there. And all they did was ask him horrible questions for him.

If he didn't answer it. You know, he tried to bridge. Or he had his own messaging. On him, they would follow-up. The question was this. The question was this.

On her, they never did that. And then they would try to fact-check him. And nine times out of ten. Their fact-check was incorrect.

And they never once fact-checked her.

And all of the topic selection was left-wing anti-Trump. I mean, every single question they asked, maybe two were normal.

GLENN: It was. It was.

MEGYN: So he was like the soldier that was ambushed.

And now, I do have a belief.

I know it's contrarian.

But I really have a belief. That the average American at home, who watches that, gets it on a visceral level.

And I just don't expect any sort of big bounce for her.

GLENN: From your lips to God's ear. Thank you so much, Megyn.

You can hear Megyn and, you know, her whole opinion on Sirius XM, immediately following this program on Triumph.

Thank you so much. Appreciate it, Megyn.

MEGYN: My pleasure.

GLENN: You bet. Buh-bye.

OUTRAGEOUS! Glenn Beck REACTS to Harris/Trump ABC News Presidential Debate

OUTRAGEOUS! Glenn Beck REACTS to Harris/Trump ABC News Presidential Debate

"I have never heard as many LIES in any debate." Glenn Beck rails against the "state-run media" immediately after watching the ABC News Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Not only did Harris spew lie after lie, but the ABC News moderators ONLY fact-checked Trump! Joining Glenn for analysis on the panel are fellow BlazeTV hosts Stu Burguiere of‪@studoesamerica‬, Sara Gonzales of‪@saragonzalesunfiltered‬, ‪@lizwheeler‬, and Steve Deace‪@sdeace‬‪@sdeace‬.

Liz Wheeler: Trump must EXPOSE these RADICAL Kamala Harris plans

Liz Wheeler: Trump must EXPOSE these RADICAL Kamala Harris plans

BlazeTV host ‪@lizwheeler‬ joins Glenn Beck with her predictions for the ABC News debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Does Kamala want to appear as a “girl boss” taking on a white, patriarchal bully? How should Trump counter this? Liz advises Trump to focus on how radical Harris is, despite what she claims on the campaign trail: highlight her record on things like abortion, child gender surgeries, the military and foreign wars, and the economy.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Liz Wheeler. How are you?

LIZ: Hi, I'm well. Thanks for having had me.

GLENN: You're welcome. You're welcome. So I guess I will start with where Stu started with me this morning. Are you optimistic?

LIZ: I'm so excited for this debate.

GLENN: Are you really?

LIZ: Yes. I'm a political nerd. I just love this stuff.

I know it's a circus. It's a clown show.

It seems like a culmination of what we fight for every day. We finally have two people that are representing polar opposite viewpoints for our country.

Different paths. And I'm rooting for Trump.

I think he can win. But I think one of the most important thing he has to do is understand his enemy. If you know your enemy, then you will be able to tweet them. And he has to be very self-aware that Kamala Harris will be this girl boss. Girl power. She will try to provoke him emotionally.

And he has to be able to let that roll off his back.

GLENN: So what do you mean, she will be the girl boss, girl power?

LIZ: Remember when she was debating Mike Pence during the last round, and she goes, excuse me, Vice President, I'm speaking?

Why do you think this time, her team, insisted that the mics be left open. Remember, the first debates?

Between Trump and Biden. The mics were muted. So you could only speak during your allotted time, otherwise no one would be able to hear you. All of a sudden, she had agreed to this.

Then last week, her team said, we want the mics open. Why?

So she could run these, quote, unquote, fact-checks in realtime.

She can say, you're lying, I'm speaking. And make it seem like he's this white patriarchal male, who is trying to be a bully to her as a woman of color.

GLENN: Right.

I think if he handle this is debate, exactly the same way, he handled it the way with Joe Biden.

He will do really well.

LIZ: Yes. He did very well with Joe Biden.

Because he was so disciplined with his message.

See, this is the thing. Kamala Harris is a radical. She is not moderate. She's not centrist. She shouldn't appeal to independents. She is a radical leftist. A Marxist. Her father was a Marxist. Is a Marxist.

Economics professor.

And Donald Trump should highlight that.

He has all the facts on his side.

She had been in the White House for four years thousand.

Her record is Joe Biden's record.

GLENN: Well, I don't know if you heard the news today.

But her policy page is Joe Biden's policy page.

How do you do that?

LIZ: It's like a gift to the Trump campaign.

GLENN: Oh, it absolutely is.

LIZ: She will come out and pretend to be a prosecutor. She will ask him pointed question after pointed question without --

GLENN: Yeah, she will call him a felon.

LIZ: Yes, and you know what she should do?

If she calls him a felon. Because she's going to -- that's polled well for them. He should say, Madam Vice President, do you agree with the Supreme Court ruling, that the vaccine mandate that came from the Biden/Harris administration was illegal? If she says she agrees with the Supreme Court, then she is acknowledging that she was a tyrant. Trying to violate all of our medical freedoms. And if she says no, I think the Supreme Court is wrong. Then she's saying, she thinks it's illegal to do that.

When you want to talk about crime -- a visceral response that people are going to have to a crime committed against them, he should pivot to the topic that's important for the viewers to understand. He's never going to change Kamala's mind on mind.

That's not the point. The point is to showcase the American people, what she is.

GLENN: You know, you've started with saying. And I've wanted this for a long time.

If we're going to talk about communism. We're going to talk about truly changing the economy.

Changing the Constitution.

All the things that the world economic four up until has been doing.

Along with the Biden Harris thing.

Then let's have that -- let's that have conversation, honestly. You know.

And we do have, literally, a communist.

She -- what she is preparing, is communism.

And her dad loves that stuff. So she grew up steeped in all of this stuff.

But she won't admit it. That's the problem.

LIZ: No, but her track record shows it. So all Trump has to do is remember one question. Every time she makes an assertion, he should say, what does that mean?

He should say it rhetorically. He shouldn't give her back the microphone. He says, I'm going to be tough on the border. What does that mean?

During the past four years, when you were in the White House and had control of this, as the border czar, which was acknowledged by the United States Congress after Biden appointed you to that position, eight and a half million illegal aliens cross the border. So when you say you will be tough on the border, is that your definition of tough on the border, or did you fail when you had a chance at this job?

GLENN: She is going to say, we have greatly stopped the flow of --

KAMALA: I hope she does, because that will turn people off.

Because people have Haitian migrants eating ducks in their front yard in Springfield, Ohio. They won't believe her when she says, everything is hunky-dory.

GLENN: Yeah, I don't -- tell me this.
I said to Stu yesterday, that I'm actually becoming more and more optimistic about this election.

Because things are getting so bad.


GLENN: That the average person. I mean if you're -- you're a stay at home mom. If you're a mom, you are worried about your kids getting to and from school. Even in California.

Where now the immigrants are just staying at the bus stop.

Standing there with your kids. And if the bus sees a bunch of immigrants there.

Because they're trying to get on the buses. If they see them, they just blow on by. They won't pick your kid up.

So now your kid is left at the bus stop, with illegals, because the bus driver does not want to stop. You have your -- every day, you're going in, and you're fighting against prices.

The rate of the rise of inflation. Has slowed down.

But they keep saying that, you know, inflation is -- is falling.

No. The rate of how -- the rate of how -- of going up. Has slowed down.

But we're still 20 to 23 percent inflation, compared to when Trump was in office.

GLENN: That's all he has to say.

He just has to say. My fellow Americans. How much are you paying for groceries right now?

What was your grocery bill last week? How much did it cost you to fill up your tank of gas, the last time you filled up at the gas station?

And then he says, and how much did it cost when I was president?

And if Kamala Harris says, I will impose price controls, or some other Communist measure for the food industry. That's her general idea. Which showcases exactly what she is. He just has to say, well, do you support continuing to send US dollars to Ukraine. Because that's what's causing inflation.

She will say, yes. This is a fight against Putin. He's a tyrant. Blah, blah, blah. After she finishes her spiel, Trump just says, okay. So what I'm hearing you say, is, yes, you want to continue to spend American dollars in Ukraine.

Which means you're saying to the American people, you don't care how much their gas and groceries cost.

I do care. And I've proved that. Because when I was in the White House, people had a very different life, than when you were in the White House.

GLENN: Yes. When it comes up to Ukraine. I mean, right now, Afghanistan is on everybody's mind again because it was the anniversary.

And that was such a disaster. And now, we are -- we are openly praising Ukrainians for their drone attacks on Moscow.

We would never put a -- if Canada became an enemy, and Russia was sending drones over. And military equipment.

And they were -- they were bombing with drones. New York or Washington, DC.

We would not put up with it.

They're not going to put up with it either.

And you can't -- how is she going to make the case, that we are safer today?

Again, I go back to the mom, worried about her kids.

I don't want to send my kids to war.

I don't want our world to be at war. I'm also, I don't want drag queens in my -- at my school, you know, for my kids.

All of these things are so much worse.

That I just think that, when people close the curtain, this time around, they are going to reflect. Do I want more of this?

GLENN: Right. This is why I encourage President Trump to stay on message. Because if you get into the weeds on the personal stuff, as entertaining as that might be for us to watch for a moment, the average American wants to talk about how things impacted them. That's classic politics.

So with the war in Ukraine. Yes. You can talk about these hypothetical war plans. The truth of the matter is, Kamala is dragging us to the bring of war. She's arguably the one who started this war, by saying Ukraine could be part of NATO.

That was, what? A month before Russia invaded Ukraine.

There's no doubt, that there was a correlation between those comments and the onset of this war. She is a warmonger. She wants to continue this.

And then she wants to draft our daughters and send them to the war. Tell that to the average suburban mom. I have two young daughters. The idea that Kamala Harris could send them off to war, enrages me.

GLENN: I have an 18-year-old daughter. That could be drafted, I guess, under her, if we went into a war. That is --

LIZ: It's unacceptable.

GLENN: And there's no Canada for my son to run to. But I would have to have some place for my son and daughter to run to.

They will not serve in a war with these people. They won't. I, as a dad would say, do not do it. Where do we have you go to?

LIZ: And it's a very frightening prospect in our country. We shouldn't be in a situation where we feel like we have to run away from our country, otherwise our children --

GLENN: Yeah. I have never felt that way. Never. Under any president.

LIZ: I have not either. And I'm a newer parent than you are. My oldest is three and a half.

But my idea that I'm already having to think about all these different ways to protect her, from the left trying to get her. Whether trying to indoctrinate her on abortion.

I actually had last year. It was not this past November, but the November before. I had a debate with the local school board member, outside the polls. I was walking in and carrying my daughter on my hip. And the school board member, or this candidate I knew was very leftist. And she wanted to talk about her policies. And I was like, sure. I enjoy this a little bit.

And I said to her, do you believe in teaching trend-setter ideology to children? And she goes, oh, we need to be inclusive. I held up my daughter who I don't use for political props. But she was just there with me voting. And I said, so if my 2-year-old at the time, said she wanted to be a boy, you would transition her behind my back? And essentially, she said yes. And I said, evil. That's evil. That's what we're fighting against. People who will say that to your face.

GLENN: I know.

LIZ: President Trump should bring that up.

GLENN: You know, it's amazing what they will say to our face. And then what they say is a conspiracy theory. That they always turn out now, to be absolutely accurate. And they eventually admit it. Yes. Okay.

That is true. The things that they say to our face, are frightening enough. When somebody is unclear with you, in this administration, you should be terrified.

And I don't know why people continue to listen to liars. You know, Donald Trump exaggerates. He exaggerates.

I don't know. I mean, I can't think of anything. Of any importance, that he has exaggerated or lied about.

Can you think of anything that he lied about?

STU: For example, we talked about a couple of times. When he was saying, no. No one opposed Roe vs. Wade being overturned. Right?

Now, what he's talking about there is clearly there were, a lot of people on the left, legal scholars who did think it was bad law. So he is summarizing a legitimate situation by overstating it.
GLENN: Yes. Correct. Correct.

LIZ: It's like a general -- a hyperbolic generalization on a lie. I'm not trying to justify or be precise. But there is a difference.

GLENN: Yeah. There is a difference. And especially when you know you're lying.

You know, it's one thing to say this, and, you know. And he said, there are fine people on both sides.

No. At this point, you are engaging in evil, because you know exactly what you're doing.

That is exact opposite of what he said. And they just. I guess people just are -- they're either numb to it. Or they hopefully are waking up, and going, you know what, these people have given me this crap, in my -- in my home. In my bank account. And with -- in my city.

I can't trust them anymore. I don't -- I mean, I just can't keep doing it.

LIZ: Right. And obviously, Kamala is responsible for her own lies. But the institution that is responsible for allowing her to be a liar is the mainstream media. And that's what I would advise President Trump.

He shouldn't come off as a bully. There is the idea that if you have a man and a woman on stage, and the man is being harsh, there are a lot of women, who will interpret that as being a bullying demeanor.

Whether or not it's true, that's simply the reality of how people perceive things. And so he should say, what does that mean? When she says a lie.

Because here are the statistics that show that that's not true. And say, I don't know why you're not -- but to deceive the American people. But this is why -- this is a good example of the damage that happens when the mainstream runs interference for you. Because you shouldn't be on the stage if you're not going to tell a truth. But that should have been weeded out years ago by media actually doing their job and asking questions, about why you were contradicting your actions.

GLENN: All right. Back in just a second. We're with Liz Wheeler. I want to talk to you, Liz, about abortion. How should he handle? Because that's her big thing.

She's in the evil territory.

LIZ: She's not just pro-choice. She's pro-abortion.

GLENN: Oh, yeah, and she's almost Malthusian. You know, when you're willing to go, well, let the baby die after birth. That's a problem.

LIZ: It's child sacrifice.

GLENN: Yeah. It is.

So how should he handle abortion? Because she's going to lie and say, he wants to take all of your rights away. Which he doesn't. But he -- he has to say, what he actually believes. But he also can't piss off his own core, because he already is --

LIZ: He did.

GLENN: Yeah. He's already pissed them off. So he doesn't need to make it worse. How does he respond to that?

LIZ: It depends on how she brings it up. I'm more pro-life than Donald Trump. I'm a pro-life absolutist, and I encourage Donald Trump and everyone to be the same.

I acknowledge the reality that he is not. My advice to him would be to start out by praising life. Say, life is precious. Life is wonderful. I have five children. I have however many grandchildren. They have been the biggest blessings of my life. And I want to ensure that women across our country and American families, I want to make abortion unthinkable. I want to change the culture so that life is something that we value. I want to us think, who might this young girl or young boy be?

And I want to make it financially possible, I want people to feel financially secure and emotionally supported when they face these surprise pregnancies.

I believe that life begins at conception. I know he's unlikely to say that. Because he talks often about thinking abortion is okay through six weeks. I obviously disagree with that. But I encourage him to follow the science.

He always talks about following the heart. If he truly spends some time and reflection, I think he should be based.

I think he should say, abortion is wrong. Abortion is sad. Abortion ends the life of an unborn baby, who had potential and a future. And it harms women, it harms families. It harms our country. I don't want that.

And he should make it a generally positive message, without sacrificing the value of the dignity of life.

GLENN: Can he go in to, you know, she wants -- she wants abortion after birth?

CAORL: Oh, of course, he should highlight. He, of course, should highlight just how radical she is.

I mean, this is one of the most radical politicians in our country on abortion, if not the most.

GLENN: Oh, yeah. She's almost Margaret Sanger.

LIZ: Probably more so, because Margaret Sanger at the beginning didn't support late-term abortion or after-birth abortion.

GLENN: That's true. That's true.

LIZ: Kamala Harris does.

And he should highlight, that she's out of step with the American people. Even women who identify as pro-choice, 80 percent of Americans, including pro-choice women want late-term abortion to be banned.

Sixty percent want late-term abortion should be banned. He should highlight that he stands with the majority of America. And that she -- she does not.

And he certainly should highlight that the CDC says between 13 and 30,000 times a year, late-term abortions happen. That's awful.

GLENN: Liz Wheeler. She'll be joining us tonight for our live coverage of the debate on Blaze TV.

DEBATE PREDICTION: Will Kamala & ABC News try to TRAP Trump?

DEBATE PREDICTION: Will Kamala & ABC News try to TRAP Trump?

The first debate between former president Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris is quickly approaching. So, Glenn and Stu give their best predictions: Will Trump force Harris to finally admit the policies she’s for? Will Harris try to trap Trump into making comments that the media can spin? Will she just call him a “felon” constantly? Will Trump bring his classic energy, or has surviving an assassination attempt mellowed him? And which would be better in his face-off against Harris? Glenn and Stu also discuss a report from the Media Research Center, which found that the debate’s host network, ABC News, is as biased as can be.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

STU: So the debate is tonight.

GLENN: Yes, it is.

STU: And it is going to be an interesting one. I don't think it can live up to the standards of the last one. I just don't think that it can get to that level.

GLENN: Yeah. But wouldn't it be nice?

STU: I think so. As long as it doesn't happen in the opposite direction.

GLENN: Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

But there is a chance that either one of them, could just step on a land mine.

STU: It's very possible.

And I'm -- I will -- are you concerned?

What's your concern level? One to ten. Glenn Beck concern level going into tonight.

GLENN: Because it's American politics, and the stakes are so high. One to ten. 100.

STU: Yeah. I'm kind of there. I don't know if we're there for the same reasons.

GLENN: What?

STU: Because the stakes are super high. Obviously, you're concerned.

GLENN: That's 99 percent of it.

STU: Your concern is not Kamala Harris is an amazing debater, right?

GLENN: No. It's just that she's going to be everything she can, just to get under his skin. I mean, that is literally the -- the plan. Is to get under his skin. Make him angry, so he says something.

STU: Yep.

GLENN: And, you know, I just hope that he -- he is as good as he was, on the last debate.

STU: Yes. As far as knowing what the situation is, and knowing what's going on. Right? It is -- a lot of it is about awareness in that moment. And that is probably what Trump is best at, in these debates. You think back to the -- well, you would be in jail. That moment, with Hillary Clinton.

That was him, just picked apart the conversation at the moment. He's very good at that. He's obviously not as skilled at going after policy details. That's not what his game is.

GLENN: I bet it will be tonight. I bet it will be tonight. What is your plan? What is your plan? What is your plan? Let's talk about details. What's your plan?

STU: Right. Asking about them constantly. Like him trying to recite parts of health care laws, is not a good point for Donald Trump.

GLENN: No. It's not going to be good for her either.

STU: No. And she is the reverse of Trump. She's much worse in the moment. She's much worse realizing what's going on. The only thing I think she will try to do I think in this debate is to make Donald Trump, lure him into some sort of, quote, unquote, sexist, quote, unquote, racist moment.

That she can exploit.

You go back to that Mike Pence debate. Where she said, excuse me.

Mr. Vice president.

GLENN: I'm speaking. Oh, shut up.

STU: It's like, we know you're speaking. The problem is the words coming out of your mouth.

It's not that you were speaking.

If you were saying true things, you wouldn't need to be interrupting. But you're lying constantly. That is the moment they'll try to get that into something. And to be clear, the media will try to magnify that into something it's not.

GLENN: ABC is so bad. So bad.

Did you see the numbers on ABC? Let me see if I can find it real quick. So ABC is absolutely the most biased out of all of them. They are so much more worse. Is that right?

They're worse than NBC. And that's saying something!

STU: Really?

GLENN: Yeah. According to -- according to, you know, a watchdog group, they --

STU: The earner center, I think it was.

GLENN: Yeah. I think it was. They tracked CBS, ABC, and NBC. CBS was actually the most fair and balanced out of the three.

I think it had a score in the 70s. And what they scored was, is there any -- is it balanced?

Is there the other side ever being shown?

Is the anchor ever giving the benefit of the doubt?

Are they saying something positive?

Or is it just all negative?

On Kamala Harris, it was 100 percent positive coverage.

100 percent.

STU: Well, it wasn't 110 percent positive.

GLENN: It could have been worse.

STU: Well, actually, it can't be.

That's unbelievable.

GLENN: Here it is. No. Actually, NBC was best. 71 percent, with NBC.

STU: 71 percent positive is the best. The best number?

GLENN: The best number is 100 percent.

STU: No. But I'm saying, like for our -- for fairness. The best one was 71 percent positive.

GLENN: Seventy-one percent.

Then 94 percent for CBS. ABC, 100 percent.

STU: And what's the time period on this? They must say one negative thing?

GLENN: Oh, yeah. Since --

STU: Since?

GLENN: She became the candidate.

STU: Oh, my God. That's over a month.

That's 50 days now?

GLENN: Yeah. 100 percent. Now, Trump's negative coverage, 77 percent on CBS.

86 percent on ABC.

STU: Oh, my God. These are terrible.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

But -- but nobody -- nobody even -- nobody even came close.

STU: I didn't even think about that.

GLENN: 100 percent.

STU: I have to -- you have to think about it. Are they this incompetent?

How have they ever lost an election? With this environment, how do you lose elections?

GLENN: Well, I don't know if it's ever been this bad.

STU: Yeah. Yeah.

GLENN: Now, it is -- it's just lies. I mean, they've always gotten stories wrong.

And they're like, well, yeah. That's not the way you frame that story.

You know what I mean?

That's the way it used to be. And then some lies.

Now, it is non-stop.

If I hear that very fine people thing, one more phylum

STU: How many times can they do this?

Oh, my gosh. And they just keep getting away with it.

STU: Did you see the one they tried to J.D. Vance?


STU: J.D. Vance. Quote. Shootings are just a part of life. Are you kidding me? That's not what he did. That's not what he said.

GLENN: In context, he made a big deal about how horrible this was.

What I tragedy this shooting was.

And he said, unfortunately, and I don't like this. Shootings have become part of life.

STU: Yeah. A fact of life. And we've got to stop it.

STU: But if you take all the context out. And say fact of life. It looks like you're just this, yes, and wants people to die.

GLENN: Hey, whatever. Those kids are killed. It's a fact of life, you know what I mean?

STU: Let's build all schools near a mountain so they have high ground for all these assassins. It's like, no, that's not what he said.

GLENN: It's really almost that.

STU: It's like, they all know what they're doing.

This is the Donald Trump, we're going to have a bloodbath, dot, dot, dot, in the economy.
But they just say bloodbath. This is stuff. They all know what they're doing here. This is not like mistakes.

Not like, this is taken out of context. They are intentionally trying to sink his campaign. Because they hate him.

And I don't know that they love Kamala Harris honestly. She's just the other thing.

GLENN: Well, that quote really originated with the Associated Press. And I don't know if you saw this.

But the Babylon Bee has -- has put a list together of all the things that the AP has said in the past.

And they still stand by it. You know, for instance, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. According to -- according to the AP. The only thing we have, dot, dot, dot. Is fear itself.

STU: Hmm. Wow! I don't --

GLENN: Neil Armstrong.

That's one small, dot, dot, dot, man.

STU: That was a height speech?

GLENN: Yeah. Wayne Gretzky. You miss 100 percent of the shots you, dot, dot, dot, take.
STU: So you shouldn't even try, is what he's saying.

GLENN: Donald Trump, I can't believe he came out and said it. But it was reported by the AP. I am literally, dot, dot, dot, Hitler.

STU: Oh, my gosh. He said that? So he's not even saying he is endorsing the policies of Hitler, he's saying he's the man.

GLENN: And let me tell you, John F. Kennedy is practically Kamala Harris. John F. Kennedy: Ask not, period.

STU: So you shouldn't bother asking.

GLENN: Don't even ask. Don't even ask. How about this one? Martin Luther King: I have a dream that one day, dot, dot, dot, little boys will be, dot, dot, dot, little girls.

STU: So he was for this gender stuff?

GLENN: He was for it.

STU: A reverend was for all of this gender stuff? Glad they covered that.

GLENN: And, of course, you know, you want to talk about weird. Thomas Jefferson. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that men are dot, dot, dot, endowed, dot, dot, dot, well.

STU: Oh, wow. I thought that was Abraham Lincoln they were talking about with those things.

GLENN: Yeah, Patrick Henry: Give me death.

Franklin Roosevelt again. December, dot, dot, dot, will live in infamy.

STU: Just the whole month?

GLENN: Anti-Christmas. Just anti-Christmas. And, of course, Bill Clinton.

I did, dot, dot, dot, that woman. That one is actually --

STU: That's a good summary.

GLENN: That one is right.

You know what they're doing is, they're changing history in realtime. They really, truly believe, that Hitler was right when he said, you say a lie wrong enough, loud enough, people will begin to believe it's the truth.

I mean, there's no other reason to keep saying, very fine people. Other than --

STU: They know they're lying on that. And they may think that secretly it's what he really believes.

They might really. They may actually apply those things to him. I think they hate him enough maybe to believe that.

GLENN: Yeah. I was going to say. You know why they believe that? Not based on any fact. But just what they think.

You know he believes that. What?

You know, what kind of people do they hang around all the time?

STU: The worst people that have ever been created. Maybe it's because they're surrounded by all the most awful people that have ever existed. Could be that.

GLENN: Yeah. And their experience tells them, that everybody on earth, is a scumbag. Because that's all they're surrounded by. And actually, we know that to be true.

We worked -- we worked in those circles. Yeah. Not a lot of home runs there, on the people front. You know.

STU: Home runs on the people front.
That's an interesting way to describe multiple cities. I think it's pretty accurate.