Pat Gray, welcome to the program. On your mind today.
PAT: Many things. But maybe the top of my list right now is Ryan Seacrest.
First of all, Ryan Seacrest was accused by his hairstylist or the person that does his makeup at E!.
GLENN: For six years.
PAT: Yeah.
And she claimed that he sexually harassed her on a regular basis. So quietly, E! did an investigation. I think they handled it right. They didn't suspend him. They just waited to see what would happen. They found zero evidence that what she said was true.
GLENN: Zero.
PAT: And he kept going. And Seacrest talked about it. He put it on his Facebook post. Put out a story.
GLENN: And he said, this is not true, but I'm cooperating.
PAT: Right.
GLENN: Whatever the company wants to do, I'll cooperate.
PAT: And he did.
GLENN: He did.
PAT: And they found no evidence.
GLENN: Zero.
PAT: And now it's everywhere all of a sudden. And now they're talking about public relations people are advising their clients not to go anywhere near him at the Oscars because he has the red carpet thing. The interviews that he does.
STU: Oh, jeez.
PAT: And so the PR people are saying, why would you even take that chance? He's been accused. So go to the other person, or go to some other outlet.
GLENN: He's been accused.
PAT: And he's been cleared. And he's been cleared.
GLENN: He's been accused. Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? My gosh.
PAT: If this isn't a worse McCarthyism than we had in the '50s -- I mean, it's getting as bad.
GLENN: It's getting as bad. Except that did have the power of the government to put you in jail.
PAT: Very true. So that's worse. That's true.
GLENN: This is just destroying your life.
PAT: And, I mean, witch hunt is appropriate on this. There's an ABC star. Bellamy Young. She's on Scandal. She said, I think this is the time for Ryan Seacrest to step aside and let someone with equal talent that is beyond reproach that is in charge. First of all, the guy has every job in the world. There is nobody of equal talent.
GLENN: I'm sincere about that. I think he's one of the most talented, smartest guys around.
PAT: He's really good. He just is really good.
GLENN: Yeah, he's really good.
PAT: And how -- aren't you above reproach if you've been cleared of any wrongdoing? That seems to be --
GLENN: No, you never get to go back.
PAT: I guess not. I mean, you're just totally tainted now forever because somebody accused you.
GLENN: It's wrong.
PAT: Anybody can accuse anybody else of wrongdoing. And then --
GLENN: I have a llama in the wings right now that will swear out of testimony about Pat. And you want me to bring the llama out, I will.
PAT: If you actually had a llama, I would be nervous.
GLENN: But once that llama does what llamas do.
PAT: Yeah.
GLENN: Baas or barks or whatever they do. It can't be unbarked, Pat. It can't be unbarked.
PAT: Scary.
STU: You know what's interesting. You're talking about how people can be accused. And it's always -- they're always tainted with it. And it's over.
PAT: And it's over.
STU: We're in the me too era. Right? It's over. You know what's one accusation that has had no attention since the me too movement has started?
GLENN: I bet I'll say the same thing.
STU: Are you really? I was going to say Al Gore's second chakra. Remember?
PAT: Oh, wow. That's a good callback.
GLENN: Oh, wow.
STU: Remember the accusation by the masseuse who said that Al Gore was constantly trying to get him to touch her.
PAT: Yeah.
STU: To --
PAT: I want you to adjust my second chakra.
STU: Right. Remember this?
PAT: Because of our SUVs that my chakra is out of place. So, yeah, he was trying to get her to do things to him in regions she didn't want to touch.
STU: And she complained about it. And it was brushed off by the media completely. He has not faced word one of a second thought on this over that time. And Bill Clinton has. Right? There have been a lot of people on the left, who said, okay. We handled that Clinton thing wrongly. But one accusation has been enough for almost everybody.
PAT: And that wasn't 30 years ago. That was eight years ago. That was in 2010.
STU: Was it 2010? I knew it was late 2000s.
PAT: Yeah. Yep.
GLENN: Let me go where I was going to go.
Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy Kimmel is hosting the Oscars. Not outside like Ryan Seacrest. He's hosting the Oscars.
PAT: Has he been accused?
GLENN: Have you seen any of the videotapes of what he's done?
STU: He used to host a show called The Man Show.
PAT: Oh, man. Wow.
GLENN: Yeah, he did a, I'm going to put something in my pants, and you can feel around to see what it is. You might want to use your mouth.
PAT: Oh, yeah. Wow.
GLENN: He's on video doing that.
STU: Yep. Over and over. It was part -- that show -- look, and I defend that show at that time. And, you know, they did things --
PAT: No way.
STU: It was funny, right? It was funny. And it was totally fine --
PAT: Sorry. It's retroactively inappropriate.
STU: It's retroactively inappropriate, however.
PAT: Yeah.
STU: Remember, this is the show that ended every episode with girls jumping on trampolines in their underwear. Every episode end the same way. That was literally --
GLENN: And he's --
STU: Now girls jumping on trampolines.
PAT: Wow.
GLENN: And he's the guy that's totally okay to host the Oscars.
PAT: Yeah. Nobody said a thing.