THIS woman is trying to prevent ELECTION FRAUD in 2024. Here's how YOU can help.

Bill Clark / Contributor | Getty Images

Glenn asked the question on everyone's minds heading into the new year: "How will 2024 end?" The impending 2024 election has Americans on both sides of the aisle holding their breath, bracing for what many believe will likely be an even more contentious election than in 2020.

The questionable voting practices during the 2020 election resulted in one of the most divisive and contested elections in U.S. history, creating record-high distrust in our electoral system. One thing is clear: unless our elected officials work to reinstate trust in the integrity of our electoral system, 2024 may very well create even more division than 2020.

That raises the critical question: what are our elected officials doing to rebuild trust in the electorate? Is the GOP doing anything to reform the contentious voting laws to avoid repeating the chaos of 2020?

The short answer is: No.

A grassroots initiative to prevent election fraud

Last week, Glenn had Cleta Mitchell from the Election Integrity Network on the Glenn Beck Program (01/05/2024) to give his listeners an insider's view into the state of our electoral system. What she said will shock you.

Cleta founded the Election Integrity Network in 2021 in response to the 2020 election with one goal in mind: "To build a permanent infrastructure of citizen volunteers to be involved in their local election offices" to keep our elections above board starting locally. They are doing this by using an often-forgotten right that every U.S. citizen holds: the ability to contest voter rolls that appear to be fraudulent.

The questionable voting practices during the 2020 election resulted in one of the most divisive and contested elections in U.S. history.

Voter rolls are the lists of registered voters in election districts. During an election, electoral committees check all ballots against the voter roll to ensure that all ballots cast aren't fraudulent—at least that's what they're supposed to do.

Cleeta's organization has uncovered thousands of cases of fraudulent voter rolls, from voters who have moved away and are still registered in a previous district, to voters who are deceased and haven't been taken off of the voter roll. This is especially problematic in states that have universal absentee ballots, one of the most controversial practices during the 2020 election.

The Election Integrity Commission has uncovered thousands of cases of fraudulent voter rolls.

In these cases, absentee ballots are sent to every address on the voter roll. However, as Cleeta points out, this results in hundreds, if not thousands of duplicate ballots. The Election Integrity Network has evidence of deceased voters "coming back from the grave" to cast their vote in the 2020 election, a practice that the Left brazenly dismissed as "misinformation."

The Left fights back

Election Integrity Network's thousands of volunteers across the country aim to help local districts clean up their voter rolls to protect our country's foundational commitment to "free and fair elections," and they have even developed a software called EagleEye that compares voter rolls to other databases to detect cases of voter fraud. However, though they are a bipartisan resource, it comes as no surprise that the Left has pushed back against their efforts.

The Election Integrity Network has evidence of deceased voters "coming back from the grave" to cast their vote in the 2020 election, a practice that the Left brazenly dismissed as "misinformation."

Cleeta told Glenn that "it's hard to describe the intimidation that has gone on by the Left." Most notably, notorious Democratic election litigator Mark Elias threatened Fulton County with litigation to keep them away from the Election Integrity Network's data, although the network uncovered 11,000 citizen challenges of duplicates to voter roll in Fulton County alone.

"It's hard to describe the intimidation that has gone on by the Left."

If you would like to learn more about Election Integrity Network or volunteer with their nationwide effort to clean voter rolls, click HERE where you can find additional information, including guides for local electoral committees to reinstate election integrity.

The Election Integrity Commission has uncovered 11,000 citizen challenges of duplicates to voter roll in Fulton County alone.

Below you will find a selection of emails compiled by Cleeta detailing the Election Integrity Network's nationwide effort at the local level. From Dekalb County, Georgia to Rock Island County, Illinois, this list will give you exclusive insight into the state of our electoral system.


Redacted email below:

Here are the major categories of voters removed from the Virginia Voter Rolls in 2023.

  • Purged - 61,111
  • Deceased - 79,867
  • Felony - 8,512
  • Out of State - 54,701
  • Voter Choice - 10,988
  • Total Removed - 215,179

2022 Total Removed - 128,245

2021 Total Removed - 283,390

2020 Total Removed - 68,933

Warwick, Rhode Island

Redacted email below:

There are 3 of us in Warwick, RI starting to work with our Board of Canvassers to clean our rolls. At the moment we are getting signatures to get the Republican candidates on our ballots.

Dekalb County, Georgia

Redacted email below:

You might hear from others here in Dekalb County, GA. Dekalb is 80% Democrat. Our attempts to clean the rolls constantly are denied 3:2 because our independent BoE member is a Leftist. Our Dekalb Voter Roll Research Team of 7 average citizens won't stop. We keep trying to wear them down. We heard that Mark Alias sent letters to all counties in GA saying do NOT accept the challenges. Even Fulton is hitting a brick wall.We have ~89 people in DeKalb > 115 years old on our rolls!

The board says we must prove the 115+ purposely entered the wrong birth date. But we are not allowed to contact voters. No lawyers wants to get involved for fear of the Fani Willis tactic. Our team is working with Dr. Rick Richards. As you know, the software is not yet complete. And even if it were, Dekalb County denies, denies, denies. Wish I had better news. THANK YOU for all that you do!

Frederick County, Maryland

Redacted email below:

I am the cochair of the Frederick county Election Integrity network with [REDACTED] and we gave a presentation to the Frederick County Board of elections today. Four people shared three-minute segments about going to paper ballots and getting rid of machines and we had some elected officials there and we had county council members there and we had the Frederick news post that interviewed me afterwards and I told them that we need to treat our vote like a crown jewel and put it in a safe and get rid of the machines and, we had a great turnout and we are making the same presentation to the Frederick county council next Tuesday, January 9 at 5:30 PM and we are having more elected officials come there and I’m giving this presentation to two mayors within the next two weeks. Don’t tell me we’re not doing anything!

St. Louis, Missouri 

Redacted email below:

CheckMyVote formally launched in 2023 and following is what we’ve accomplished so far. I’ll share detailed metrics in a subsequent email.

(1) First-of-its-kind tool that connects citizens and engages them with their PDs to clean-up voter rolls (2) Launched Voter-roll integrity scorecard (concept credits: Pat Colbeck)(3) Invited to present our work at Election Crime Bureau in St. Louis, MO(4) Expanded footprint into Ohio(5) Launched tool for Royal Oak residents to check their vote.

Rock Island County, Illinois

Redacted email below:

2021 to early 2023 approx. 85,000 registered voters at that time - identified roughly 850 duplicates/deceased/moved voters with success in correcting roughly 2/3 of that list. We also pointed out to our election authority that our own county election laws were not being followed regarding removal of voters that had moved that registered in another state, along with not following her own procedures regarding mailings to voters requesting updating their information- this is now being done.

There were many other local election laws not being followed that we reported to our local DA, AG and Illinois State Board of Elections. We believe that the fact that they know we are watching makes a difference. I am no longer involved in voter roll maintenance in this county, as I moved out of state. I am unsure if anyone else has stepped up to lead this initiative after I left.

A volunteer from another Illinois county thought her county would be fine because it was conservative with a population of only 15,000. She initially discovered over 300 deceased voters; some had died 20+years ago. The last I spoke to her she was still working on her county finding deceased and now she has identified duplicate voters. She has a great relationship with the election authority (conservative), and they appreciate her help. She is doing this all on her own - one person, cleaning the voter rolls in her county.

Hope this helps.

Lincoln County, Tennessee 

Redacted email below:

I have found in my county (Lincoln) Tenn, they do not realize a problem. They think the voters [rolls] are good, and the voters machines are all perfect. When the problem is I feel like no one is accountable to anyone anymore including these corrupt politicians. I have a voter [roll] that [has] over 1/4 of the people on it, [who] are not actively participating or inactive in the elections. I was told 1- not enough staff to take them off 2- they have to have a reason to remove them. Even though they have never voted. When I tried to sign up to work as a worker they told me they didn’t have any openings, later to find out they did. I finally found a way to be a watcher. Not with the help of the election board. Those are just a few of my thoughts.

Prince William County, Virginia

Redacted email below:

In my county the process has been agonizing because our Registrar simply does not wish to do voter roll cleanup on his end, BUT we recently submitted reliable evidence on over 200 registrants with more to come using VA code 24.2-429.He responded, in time and in no hurry at all, with a 2015 ELECT guidance on applying the NVRA in certain circumstances.I attached that guidance. We develop short lists based on databases from the RVL, undelivered mail, NCOA, etc. Then those lists go to a trained genealogist team lead before distribution to a larger team to do guided research which is returned back to the team lead for final review. Those that make it through that process are submitted to the election office, but we are now only submitting about 40 a week or the office balks.So that, compared to a 318,000-voter registrant list, seems to not make a dent, but the GR is finally admitting he can move forward without waiting for the state.

There are still county resources that the election office could draw from, like local property tax and personal property tax records from the county Finance Department. The Loudoun County election office does this and sends notices accordingly. I am not aware their EI group uses the 24.2-429 but their GR seems more responsive to other means of removal or sending notices.

Having more involved would be a huge help so people do not get burned out.

Navajo County, Arizona

Redacted email below:

I don't have the numbers, but here are the main voter roll maintenance projects from Navajo Co, AZ

  1. Project: Name by name check of every voter who is listed as "active" who has not voted in the past 10-40 years Results: Lists of likely deceased voters with documentation Identification of maiden/married name changes which created duplicate registrations Identification of voters who have active voter registrations in other states Identification of voters with data entry typos in their registration Follow-up: A recent spot check of this list of voters shows improvement. Some names have been removed, others have been merged with records in other counties, others have moved from "active" to "inactive" status putting them in line for future removal.
  2. Project: Check voter list for duplicate registrations within the county Results: Over 100 duplicate registrations after 2020 election, reduced to 35 prior to 2022, which were flagged for the county before any voting occurred.
  3. Project: Check voter list for invalid voter registration addresses Results: Identified voters who were registered at mail facilities Identified addresses that were typed incorrectly or non-existent, based on comparison with county property records Follow-up: the county started using parcel numbers to identify voter locations where addresses are not yet assigned. Voters registered at mail facilities have been moved to "inactive" status unless they corrected the registration address.Good luck on your interview!

North Carolina pt. 1

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Per your request, some bullets on the voter roll cleanup.

  1. We are using the NIST Election Model to map election risks, such as voter rolls with ineligible voters, including underage, deceased, felons, non-citizens, and non-residents
  2. We are reviewing State policies on voter roll maintenance in order to identify poor practices and seek to have them improved.
  3. We are researching blockchain and immutable database systems that provide a permanent record of voter roll changes.
  4. We are investigating the use of Artificial Intelligence to quickly identify ineligible voters on the rolls.
  5. We are developing auditing practices compliant with accounting standards and ISO election standards (ISO/TS 54001) to audit and identify ineligible voters.
  6. We are researching the use of statistical analysis including Benford’s Law to identify anomalies and zero in on the high-risk areas.
  7. We are investigating poll book computer systems to ensure that they meet the cybersecurity standards as prescribed for election systems under the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) and NIST SP800 series requirements for Federal systems.

North Carolina pt. 2

Redacted email below:
  1. We have an NC Data Team independently analyzing voter rolls and identifying duplicate entries and registrants who have moved. This team has identified 200,000 registrants missing federally (HAVA) required identifying information of last four of SSN or Driver's License. The team continually challenges bad entries at county level up until 90 days prior to each election.
  2. [REDACTED NAME] and PILF sued the State of NC to remove non-citizens it identified on the voter rolls less than 7 years ago. The state settled out of court and removed tens of thousands of them.
  3. At NCEIT's urging, the State of NC passed an omnibus elections bill this year that detailed new provisions to clean up the voter rolls. It spelled out methods for cyclical identification and removal of non-citizens.
  4. NC is one of several states who have fielded and began using Eagle AI, a commercial business intelligence tool that analyzes and compares voter rolls against other legitimate data sources to assist boards of elections in removing ineligible registrants. That includes registrants who are non-citizens or duplicated ,or who have moved, died, or committed felonies.
  5. Our training for thousands of poll observers across the state includes teaching methods for identifying and challenging ballots from those who vote in person or by mail, but who are not eligible to vote. We do this by extracting "suspicious registrants" from our voter registration list for each county that is used to match against those who present to vote.
  6. NCEIT task forces closely monitor same day registrations to ensure their addresses are verified via USPS mail prior to their votes being counted.

New Jersey

Redacted email below:

We recently turned on a Blockchain-based database tool to evaluate our New Jersey voter rolls. Our “golden record” was created with our 9/2/23 data load. Since then we have added a 10/29, a 12/2 and, just yesterday, a 12/29 data set.

Each data set has approximately 6.5 million voters and their entire voter history. We receive the data directly from the state of New Jersey on the last Friday of each month at no charge. As each dataset is ingested, the records are connected with the OPRA reference # associated with the request of the state.

We can identify every single change to every single data element for every single voter. We have developed a dashboard to identify trends and a series of reports that allows us to evaluate more closely exactly what is changing. We believe we are well position[ed] to closely evaluate how New Jersey manages their voter rolls leading up to the general election in November.

Cobb, Georgia

Redacted email below:

I don't have the whole state for Georgia numbers removed but in Cobb, [REDACTED] got our new supervisor to remove 60 dead people just before Christmas and there are thousands more in Cobb waiting on Dr Richards software to become active again.

[REDACTED] in Fulton has got 20k removed and is working on submitting another 2 to 4k. Spalding is a small county but working on it and Chatham county as well. Forsyth County has been trying but slow.Thanks Cleta for fighting. Now that we have this WIN in Georgia, the rules for removing voters from the list are being finalised and sent to counties to have EVERYONE follow the rules.

Mustang Ridge, TX  

Redacted email below:

In 2023 I got a copy of our county's voter roll. I'm not good with databases, so I just did this the old-fashioned way by sorting the spreadsheet different ways, then eyeballing as I scrolled through the list.

First I sorted the list by DOB. Then as I scroll through the names column and I look for similar names and make a separate list of all that are hard matches or soft matches.
Then I sort the list by residence address and look for similar names. Many families have similar names registered in the same household, but they are Jr/Sr or daughters named after their mothers. So when you find similar names at the same address, you have to also check the date of birth.
I sent in over 300 duplicates, triplicates, or quadruplicates.

I keep the obituaries from the local paper. When there is a hard match - both name and at least month and year of birth, I send those in. There were at least 40 that I caught that were still on the voter roll.

Montgomery County, Maryland

Redacted email below:

Last September, my Montgomery County, MD, crew identified 700 deceased registrants who were on the county’s registration list to the Montgomery County Board of Electons.


Redacted email below:

It would be great if you could plug in PILF's Michigan case concerning more than 25,000 deceased registrants on the voter rolls. Both sides have submitted motions for summary judgment. But, we expect the case will go to trial this year. Additionally, if you are looking for a win. In 2021, Pennsylvania signed a settlement agreement with PILF to remove more than 20,000 deceased registrants from their voter roll.


Redacted email below:

Part of the settlement agreement was that the PA Department of State provide PILF with copies of the full voter export at three-month intervals on three separate occasions. By the last mandated sharing of this voter roll data, they had removed the more than 20,000 deceased registrants we had flagged.

As for the non-citizen case, we won in the lower court, but the Secretary of State appealed it to the Cricut Court of Appeals. Unbelievably, they continue to try and hide the mistakes that led to foreign nationals getting on their voter rolls. Even the DOJ, filed a brief supporting PILF's right to see documents relating to these foreign nationals being registered to vote.

​YOU made Target​ choose between profit and 'progress'

Scott Olson / Staff | Getty Images

Have you seen Target's newest pride month collection? Don't worry, you don't have to break your hard-won boycott streak to satisfy your morbid curiosity. Glenn took a look during a recent radio show. If you remember last year's display, you might be expecting horrors such as tuck-friendly bathing suits, chest binders for girls, and apparel made by a transgender Satan apologist. Fortunately, that's not what Glenn found. Instead, the collection was very tame, with one item being a charcuterie board with the phrase, "It's giving charcuterie" printed on it. So what happened? Did Target have a come-to-Jesus moment over the last year?

You. You are what happened.

The Target boycotts did exactly what they were supposed to do, they punched Target right in the wallet. According to the New York Post, Target lost a whopping TEN BILLION dollars in just ten days. You stood up for what you believed and Target had no choice but to listen. And this year's pride collection is proof that they heard you loud and clear.

"The inmates are now in charge of the asylum."

Now, this doesn't represent some change in the ethos of the company, but rather a desperate step back to protect their financial interests. The problem Target is now facing is that they don't have a whole lot of room to step back, as they have spent years cultivating a left-wing, progressive culture that really wants Target to take two steps forward instead. As Glenn said, "The inmates are now in charge of the asylum." These progressive activists within their company that they have pandered to for years don't take being told "no" very well. So when Target rolled back its pride collection, the internal backlash was immense.

Glenn's team was given access to leaked internal messaging within Target's Slack channel. The messages show the outcry of Target employees after Target announced they would be reducing the pride collection. Based on their reactions you would think they had just witnessed a national tragedy unfold. Some employees questioned if they could still work for Target after what had happened (remember, Target is still a VERY progressive company), and other employees discussed submitting ethics complaints. About a month after the internal firestorm, Target employees sent the following list of demands to leadership so that Target could atone:

  • An acknowledgment in writing, of the harm Target caused to the LGBTQ+ community.
  • A sincere apology.
  • To partner with prominent LGBTQ advocacy groups.
  • To immediately reinstate the Pride collection in full.
  • To donate to LGBTQ causes.
  • To implement sensitivity training for employees.
  • To cease all contributions to politicians and organizations that do not support the LGBTQ community.

Target has made a mistake.

By cultivating such a radical progressive community, they have placed themselves in a precarious position. On one side, there's the progressive monster they cultivated, with its ever-growing, ever-changing list of demands. On the other side, there are people like you—people who just want to shop without having to walk by transgender children's underwear. The more Target gives to the woke monster, the more they alienate their customers. Now Target is trapped—if they give in further to the woke mob, they'll lose billions of dollars, but if they don't, they'll be attacked from the inside.

So let Target serve as an example to other companies. Customers have a voice too, and when you stand up and use it, a great many things can happen.

Whatever happened to "do no harm?"

Last month, Glenn hosted a powerful Glenn TV special exposing malpractice and fudged consent standards among members in WPATH, the world's largest transgender health organization. Now that it's pride month, LGBTQ+ activists around the world are continuing their attempt to normalize life-altering transgender surgeries and hormone therapy as a legitimate option for minors experiencing gender confusion. However, as Glenn exposed in The Reckoning: Gender-Affirming Care, WPATH members are not only ideologically motivated to forego medical standards like "informed consent" to push transgender surgeries and hormone therapy on minors; they are financially incentivized to do so.

These "gender experts" are willing to bend the rules to do their dark work, and hospitals are turning a blind eye and rake in the cash. Here are 10 children's hospitals across the U.S. currently performing transgender procedures on minors:

1. Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

We provide services including pubertal suppression, menstrual suppression, hormone therapy, and referrals for gender-affirming surgery.

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Gender Development Clinical Services page

2. Children’s Wisconsin

The most common care plans include ongoing psychological, emotional or social support. In some cases, our services may include reversible puberty-suppressing hormone therapy, gender-affirming hormone therapy and speech/voice training

Children's Wisconsin Gender Health Clinic page

3. Connecticut Children’s Hospital

The Division of Plastic Surgery at Connecticut Children’s offers surgical options for gender affirmation to individuals who have documented and persistent gender dysphoria. Gender incongruence occurs when a person’s sex assigned at birth does not correspond to the gender with which they identify. Gender affirmation operations are a group of surgical procedures that may be appropriate for transgender and gender diverse people to help affirm their gender identity.

Connecticut Children’s Hospital Gender Affirmation Surgery page

4. Doernbecher Children’s Hospital: Oregon Health and Science University

Our clinic accepts new patients through age 18. Our pediatricians, pediatric endocrinologists, adolescent medicine doctors and psychologists specialize in providing team-based care for children and teens.

Doernbecher Children’s Hospital: Doernbecher Gender Services

5. Golisano Children’s Hospital; associated with the University of Rochester Medicine

Gender Health Services coordinates with other divisions and departments to provide personal comprehensive care for our youth and young adults through age 26.
-Cross-gender Hormone Therapy: Gender Health Services provides cross-gender hormone therapy. We consult as needed with Pediatric or Adult Endocrinology
-Pubertal Blockade
-Mental Health Assessment: Referrals and coordinated care
-Surgical Services: Referrals and coordination of care (as medically necessary)Gender-affirming Top -Surgery: Plastic Surgery or Breast Surgery
-Vocal Therapy: Speech Pathology

Golisano Children’s Hospital: Gender Health Services

6. NYU Langone’s Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital

We help children and their families understand and explore their identity, with the goal of helping them achieving a true and nuanced sense of self. We want children to understand and value themselves, so that they can develop the confidence to talk with others about their sexual orientation and gender identity.

NYU Langone’s Hassenfeld Children’s Hospital Gender & Sexuality Service page

7. Seattle Children’s Hospital

We accept new patients ages 9 to 17.75 at the time of referral who have already started puberty. Patients ages 17.75 and older and patients who have not yet started puberty will be directed to community resources. Our clinic primarily provides gender-affirming medical care (such as puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones).

Seattle Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic page

8. Stanford Medicine Children’s Health

This multidisciplinary clinic provides medical services for gender nonconforming youths and their families in one central location. The expert members of the Gender Clinic team consists of providers from pediatric endocrinology, adolescent medicine, pediatric urology and social services, supporting each child’s or adolescent’s gender identity. All our providers are members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

Stanford Medicine Children’s Health Pediatric and Adolescent Gender Clinic page

9. St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital

DSD (Differences in sexual development) encompasses conditions in which a person is born with sexual and/or reproductive anatomy that is not consistent with typical definitions of male or female anatomy. This may include atypical or ambiguous genitalia, unusual chromosome patterns, or differences in internal reproductive or urinary organ development. Our team provides hormonal therapy, mental health evaluation, and surgical consultations for patients with DSD.

St. Luke's Children's Essence Clinic page

10. University of Illinois Hospital

We are here to work with you to determine how to best meet your goals of external gender presentation. We want you to feel and be as prepared as possible while you take these important steps towards surgery.

University of Illinois Hospital Gender Affirming Surgery page

Why is my name on this deep state-backed Ukraine 'disinformation watch list'?

Chris Williamson / Contributor, Janos Kummer / Stringer | Getty Images

Editor's note: This article was originally published on

On Thursday,, a so-called independent media outlet with an editor-in-chief who has ties to the U.S. State Department, placed dozens of American politicians, activists, and media outlets — including Blaze Media and myself — on a list of those who have allegedly shared Russian disinformation and anti-Ukrainian statements. The outlet published an article titled, "Roller Coaster: From Trumpists to Communists. The forces in the U.S. impeding aid to Ukraine and how they do it."

We have a color revolution happening within our own country.

There are 75 individuals on the list with the nearly 400 entities that have opposed sending aid to Ukraine in its war against Russia. Blaze Media and I were mentioned on page 34 of a 47-page list.

The group admits it couldn’t establish direct, proven ties between most of the entities on the list and the Russian government or known Russian propagandists. Instead, it gathered “evidence” that these people and outlets have spread Russian disinformation by echoing key messages of Russian propaganda in their arguments for ending further aid to Ukraine.

Who exactly are the people behind Its cofounder Anatoly Bondarenko was involved in the "tech camp," a public diplomacy program established by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the State Department. The tech camp is very much part of the State Department’s efforts to foment “color revolutions” in other countries. They find “tech-savvy people” and show them how to build movements against their governments. That's what our State Department is doing. What a coincidence that the editor-in-chief and cofounder was trained by the State Department and has ties to USAID.

I did a "Glenn TV" special a few weeks ago about regime change. It's been the United States' policy for a very long time. We use covert CIA operations to go into foreign counties and influence policy, manipulate the foreign media, meddle with and topple governments. We never admit that we do these things. When asked, we say, "We didn't do that. What are you talking about?"

It begins with those in the government who want to overthrow a regime.

This strategy started with the Cold War, but nothing the CIA has pulled off comes even close to what its successor began doing: the United States government, including the CIA, NGOs, trade unions, and people like George Soros. They coordinate together to bring about color revolutions. The first one that was really successful was in the Middle East: the Arab Spring. I told my audience years ago that the Arab Spring had its roots in 20th-century communist revolutions. After the “Communist Manifesto” was written, there was the European spring, which was the communists’ attempt to overthrow all of Europe.

We've carried out color revolutions in the Middle East, Latin America, and Eastern Europe. Ukraine is one of them. Here’s how they do it. The United States keeps its distance from the “dirty work” by going through NGOs and trade unions. They train and mobilize street movement — like the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots or the current pro-Palestinian protests. These movements are funded by the same people and seem to pop up every four years.

Their money and actions usually come at a time of massive civil unrest right before an election. There's some kind of government element at the top — whether it be the CIA, the State Department, or USAID — but ultimately the office of the president calls the shots.

It begins with those in the government who want to overthrow a regime, and then the operation is privatized to give it distance from those in the government who are in charge.

This is where NGOs like the National Endowment for Democracy come in. The National Endowment for Democracy is composed of four different entities: the National Democratic Institute, the International Republican Institute, the American Center for International Labor Solidarity, and the Center for International Private Enterprise. Do you see what's happening here? It appears that the National Endowment for Democracy is composed of organizations from both sides of the aisle so it looks fair: Republican and Democrat, labor and private enterprise. But this is a bipartisan “cover story.”

Next on the food chain are the multibillion-dollar financiers and their organizations that partner in the entire operation. This is where George Soros comes in along with his organizations, the Open Society Foundations, and the Tides Foundation, which spread the message coming from the top: “Demonstrate in the streets!” They influence the media to report what the government wants to communicate to the masses.

This is the color revolution blueprint. We've done it many times, and I make the case that these same people are doing it here in America.

So, why am I on this list? I believe I'm on this list because I’m telling you exactly what’s happening.

We have a color revolution happening within our own country. Our government, NGOs, George Soros, and all the same actors used to initiate color revolutions abroad are now initiating a color revolution within the U.S.

This is what they've practiced in foreign nations, tested in 2020, and are doing right now ahead of the November presidential election. They might succeed this time because they can't have Donald Trump as president again. If he wins, you will have the government, the media, and the masses in street movements all saying that the election was illegitimate. This is how we've brought about regime change in foreign nations, and now it is being attempted on our own soil.

Top FIVE public figures calling out woke mob

Patrick McDermott / Stringer, Matt Winkelmeyer / Staff, Cooper Neill / Contributor | Getty Images

As Glenn says, there is balance in all things. The further the pendulum swings one way, the stronger the counter-force grows.

For the past decade, the pendulum has been swinging left so fast that it has been hard to keep up with. What's considered progressive and woke one day is suddenly old-fashioned and intolerant the next. Fortunately, many people (such as yourself) have seen the writing on the wall and have taken a stand against the woke mob that drags us closer and closer to tyranny, despite personal risk.

Some of these people have taken a stand despite being in the public eye, at the height of their careers, and having everything to lose. For these people, it would have been easier (not to mention more profitable) to stay quiet, keep their heads down, and do what they're told. But they didn't. Instead, they risked it all to make a stand against wokism. This is where we see the tide turning, the pendulum slowing, and perhaps starting to swing the other way. This is where we begin to take America back.

These are the top five public figures who have recently made a stand against the woke mob:

Harrison Butker

In his now famous commencement address to the graduating class of 2024 at Benedictine College, Kansas City Chief Kicker, Harrison Butker stood up for his religious values (and assumingly, the values of the students at this Catholic College). Butker criticized the president and media for perpetuating "degenerate values" and promoted traditional family values. For this, he was vilified by the media.

Jerry Seinfeld

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld has come under fire for defending his values several times over the last several months. During his commencement speech at Duke University that made the rounds on the internet a few weeks ago, Seinfeld was met with protests and walkouts by the pro-Palestine crowd due to his public support of Israel. Seinfeld has also received criticism for an interview with the New Yorker during which he blamed "the extreme left and P.C. crap" for the absence of quality comedy on television.

Joe Mazzulla

The NBA finals between the Dallas Mavericks and the Boston Celtics are the hot sporting event at the moment. The head coach of the Celtics, Joe Mazzulla, is an outspoken Catholic and speaks frequently about his faith. In a recent interview, Mazzulla was asked if he felt that it was significant that the head coaches for both teams were black, to which he responded "I wonder how many of those have been Christian coaches?"

Aaron Rodgers

NFL Quarterback Aaron Rodgers caught flack in 2021 for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine and going on air to defend his decision. He also criticized "woke culture" for being so easily offended. Rodgers has admitted that he lost money, friends, and media allies on a podcast with Joe Rogan since becoming outspoken about his beliefs. Rogers has continued to be vocal over issues concerning the vaccine and has championed other athletes who have spoken against vaccination.

Russell Brand

UK actor and comedian Russell Brand has faced recent criticism from the mainstream media for speaking his mind on several controversial issues. Brand started during the pandemic when he began posting videos on his YouTube channel that were critical of the way governments across the world were handling the crisis. Since then, Brand has defended his stance on COVID-19, called out woke corporations, and even converted to Christianity.