Have you ever wondered why it's always the FBI that's prosecuting people of faith for praying at abortion clinics or parents protesting at their children's school board meetings? Why would a federalized police force have automatic jurisdiction over these local matters as opposed to a local police force? Glenn had FBI whistleblower Steve Friend on air Tuesday to discuss this often overlooked issue—and a critical solution for it.
Steve explained to Glenn that the FBI takes over cases from local law enforcement because local authorities don't have a "need to know" status. But who determines the "need to know" status? Not your elected sheriff. Unelected FBI officers get to decide when to loop in local authorities from your district—and it's little wonder why this hardly ever happens. Moreover, your local taxpayer dollars are funding their investigations.
Why would a federalized police force have automatic jurisdiction over these local matters as opposed to a local police force?
It's time put investigative power back in the hands of your local, elected sheriff and their police force. Thankfully, there's a law that aims to do just that on the table right now in the Tennessee state legislature, and it has the opportunity to become a blueprint for other states.
Senate bill 2804 and House bill 2912 in the Tennessee state legislature will mandate that the local sheriff has to read and approve any terrorist investigations that involve the FBI or any of his deputies who are on loan from the FBI in a joint terrorism task force. That means that your elected official has the authority to tell the FBI that they are overstepping their jurisdiction when it comes to prosecuting cases that involve pro-life protesters, parents at school board meetings, and other victims of the Left's weaponization of federal law enforcement.
Glenn's audience has already made a huge impact in Tennessee. In February 2024, Glenn asked his audience to support Tennessee's sweeping anti-ESG bill that prevents large investment firms like Blackrock from putting monopolistic pressures on small businesses to conform to their leftist ESG agenda.
Your elected official will have the authority to tell the FBI that they are overstepping their jurisdiction.
Now it's time to keep the momentum going. If you're a Tennessee resident, call your local representative and tell them to support Senate bill 2804 and House bill 2912. For the rest of us, we can call our representatives and demand they model future legislation after the ones being debated right now in Tennessee.
Big change starts locally. Now is the time to step up and take back the power usurped by federal bureaucracies for our local elected authorities.