On May 27th, Ivanka Trump posted a lovely picture with her son. There's a genuine warmth to the picture, mother and son. They're touching foreheads and smiling. The picture is artful and sweet. The caption reads, “My heart! #SundayMorning."
Samantha Bee, whose show Full Frontal is the comedic talk show equivalent of campus feminism, responded to the picture in an unusual way: "You know, Ivanka, that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say, one mother to another, Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless ----" and then she said the most offensive word in the English language.
RELATED: Samantha Bee of 'Full Frontal' Talks With Glenn About Bridging the Divide
Most people — especially the feminist types who follow Bee — agree that the word should never, ever be used. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word that Bee used, is so unbelievably offensive that it's hard to even hint at. “All senses of this word are vulgar slang and are very strongly tabooed and censored . . . There are many words used to refer to people in sexual terms. However, to call a person a ----, especially a woman, is one of the most hateful and powerful examples of verbal abuse in the English language."
She continued: "Put on something tight and low-cut and tell your father to f***ing stop it."
She wasn't even on Ambien. She was on camera. Meaning, the line was scripted. The hypocrisy is actually nauseating.
Oh, but she apologized. "I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last night. It was inappropriate and inexcusable. I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it," she wrote in a tweet.
Will her show be canceled?
TBS, the network that airs her “political" show, wrote, "Samantha Bee has taken the right action in apologizing for the vile and inappropriate language she used about Ivanka Trump last night. Those words should not have been aired. It was our mistake too, and we regret it."
By not firing her, they're telling the nation's young women and girls, “It's okay to abuse women you don't agree with."
Her show is scripted. Meaning, that line was approved by a slew of writers, producers and lawyers — in other words, it is accurately representative of the network itself. Roseanne made a stupid joke, and she faced the consequences of it. ABC cancelled Roseanne's show, a lucrative and successful sitcom, because of a bad tweet. Will Full Frontal with Samantha Bee be cancelled for the heinous, inexcusable thing that Samantha Bee said, on air? They should. Her show, Full Frontal, is nowhere near as successful as Roseanne's.
Recently, it has been doing poorly. The show's viewership has taken a precipitous dive. TBS has lost ad revenue on the failing show. By not firing her, they condone the behavior. By not firing her, they're telling the nation's young women and girls, “It's okay to abuse women you don't agree with." In other words, conservative women.
Double standards aside — if that's even possible — Bee's comment is objectively awful, crass and demeaning. You can guarantee that, if a conservative had used that word to describe Hillary or Chelsea Clinton or really any woman at all, they would've been immediately been disemboweled by feminists.
If you polled feminists, if you asked them, “Is it ever okay to refer to a woman as a c---?" They would no doubt unequivocally say no. Why is it okay now? Worse, it's part of a pattern of terrible indiscretions and depraved insults against the women surrounding President Trump. Why? The most recent example were the excoriating remarks about Sarah Huckabee Sanders that Michelle Wolf, also a former Daily Show member, made at the Correspondents Dinner. (The Daily Show produces such a wonderful alumni.)
Leftists can say and do whatever they want, even things that nobody should do or say, and no one can stop them.
Two of Samantha Bee's sponsors, AutoTrader and State Farm Insurance, have pulled ads from the show. But the show has plenty of other advertisers: Orkin, Geico, Taco Bell, Apple, Verizon, Outshine Snacks, Haagen Daas, Jim Bean, Microsoft, Febreze, Discover. By not pulling advertisements, they are implicit in their support of Bee and her vile comment. If they had any sense — unlike TBS — they'd rebuke Bee and pull their ads. But no, it won't happen, because Leftists can say and do whatever they want, even things that nobody should do or say, and no one can stop them.
Samantha Bee used the most offensive word in the English language to describe Ivanka Trump. And, somehow, people are fine with it. This is the world we're going to leave to our children, our sons and our daughters.
UPDATE: Here's how the discussion went on air this morning. Watch the video below.
Glenn breaks down the Samantha Bee controversy
Samantha Bee lashes out with vulgar remark about Ivanka Trump.