Let's play a round of "How far will Democrats take this?" First question: Will Democrats shoot down a bill that would literally require doctors to treat babies who survive abortions?
The answer is: You bet they will.
Yesterday, Senate voted on whether or not to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which, according to LifeSite News "defines infant survivors of abortion as "human beings" entitled to all the rights in the U.S. Constitution, was passed by both Democrats and Republicans in 2002 and signed into law by then-President George W. Bush."
The vote needed to be unanimous.
One Democrat voted against it, like leaving a single penny as a tip at a restaurant, only so much worse, because human lives are on the line. Senator Patty Murray, Democrat from Washington, voted against the bill, which is unlikely to pass in a Democrat-controlled House.
Murray's vote blocks a voice vote.
In response, two Representatives from Washington, Murray's home state, made statements reproving her vote.
Representative Newhouse, a Republican, said:
It doesn't matter how they have entered this world; providing medical care for babies who have just been born is a human rights issue. … I am deeply disappointed that the U.S. Senate—and Senator from Washington state—could not come to unanimous agreement to approve legislation to require medical care for newborn children. This is about the value our society places on newborn children.
Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers:
It's heartbreaking that extreme party politics just superseded the principle of basic human dignity. With technology today, we can look into the womb and we can see the development of the baby day-by-day. It's the most amazing thing in the world. I urge Democrats in the Senate who block the Born Alive Abortion Protection Act to take a step back, look at the science, and consider what this means. It should be unthinkable to end the life of a living baby.
Majority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell called the act:
Legislation that ought to be the very definition of something that receives unanimous consent in this body. It's harrowing that this legislation is even necessary. It was even more disturbing when last week, a Democrat governor was unable to simply state that of course — of course — these newborn babies have human rights that must be respected.
It's like the left is doubling down on murder. It's like they're saying, "Oh, you think regular abortion is bad? You think that's killing babies? You haven't seen anything yet."
As long as Donald Trump is president it's going to be like this. At least that long. Because, really, that's what the left is furious about. That's why the Covington thing happened. Joy Behar's exact words, after Whoopi Goldberg asked, "Why do we keep making the same mistake," was "Because we're desperate to get Trump out of office."