Banning Russian AND American oil may push us OVER THE EDGE

President Biden’s decision to ban Russian oil imports in response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine makes sense ONLY IF the administration agrees to re-open American oil drilling at the same time (which seems highly unlikely). Otherwise, Glenn explains, this decision could hasten our nation’s decline. Americans already are on the edge with sky-high gas prices that now are likely to get worse. AND those prices will affect FAR MORE than travel. But, Glenn theorizes, Biden and his cronies truly don’t care: ‘They DESPISE the United States of America.’


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN:Okay. So we just have a -- a slide here, in front of one of our monitors, that says, we'll begin shortly.

STU: Oh. The drama of a Joe Biden speech.

GLENN: Yeah. It will be good.

STU: Will he be awake for it. Will he see a squirrel that no one else sees run by and distract him? Will he get through a sentence?

GLENN: Will he call Ukrainians, Iranians? We don't know. But he will announce something very, very big and important. Very big.

STU: Very big. This is something that has been demanded by both the left and the right, I would say. This idea of --

GLENN: And I'm -- I'm for it. At the same time, I'm against it. I'm for it, if we do one thing first. And that's open up our own old fields.

Supply our own oil. The energy independence, which we could do overnight.

STU: Right.

And I -- like having a two-parter here, is not a crazy thing to ask for.


STU: Like if you were to say, you know what, I'll get rid of all the junk food in the house.

I don't want anymore. I'll get rid of all the food in the house.

Then you don't replace it with food. Not exactly a good change. Not a healthy choice.

GLENN: Not a good idea.

STU: Right. So what you want to do is maybe replace it with healthier food. And that would be a good improvement.

Just throwing all the food out in your house, not a good idea. That seems to be the path we're on.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. And what are Republicans going to do, when the price of a tank of a gas, is what a price of a tank of gas is going to cost here in the next few days. And probably for a very long time.

What are they going to say, when they were the ones pushing for this -- this oil shutoff, with Russia? Without articulating part two.

Actually, it should be part one.

STU: Well --

GLENN: He should say today, this is what the president should come out and say. Look, we all know, we're watching the video from Ukraine. And it's really bad. It's really bad.

And so we're sitting here, between a rock and a hard place.

Especially me. And I think people would actually respect him for this. Especially me. Because as you know, I believe global warming is an existential threat, to the safety of everyone, and the entire world.

And I have taken massive steps, to shut down, the fossil fuel industry.

And we cannot go back on that.

However, this is a short-term problem.

But this short-term problem, is going to cost the American people, too high of a price. So I'm sitting here. And I look at three options.

Do nothing. Continue to fund the war, with Russia. While they're slaughtering people in Ukraine.

That's not acceptable to me.

Cut us off of Russian oil. And make the price of gas, groceries, everything, go sky-high.

That's not acceptable to me. I have to find a way to balance both. And the only way to do it is to reverse all the things that I have done, take the regulations off the oil industry, temporarily.

Understand this is a temporary movement. Because I believe that global warming is going to be the death of all of us.

So I'm removing those restrictions, today.

I am removing anything that hinders the oil industry, from getting oil and gas to the American people.

And, quite honestly, to Europe.

Because if I can promise them gas, they will shut off the gas and oil from Russia. And then we win.

So temporarily, that's what I'm going to do. I would be for that. I would say, there's presidential action. There's presidential action.

STU: Yeah. To give you an illustration of how this is done. Elon Musk yesterday, now, I hate to say it. But we need to increase oil and gas output immediately. Extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures.

Obviously this would negatively affect Tesla. But sustainable energy solutions simply cannot react instantaneously to make up for Russian oil and gas exports.

Now, here is a guy, who is, again, building spaceships shutdowns an electric car company. He really cares about global warming. But he's also being honest and realistic. And not -- and not -- and not wanting to punish the American people, because of his long-term ideology and beliefs.

And that's the opposite of what Joe Biden seems to want to do.

GLENN: See, the global warming thing is a lie. To think that Joe Biden and his people are making this decision based on global warming, is a lie. It's a lie.

Because if you did -- if you did, you wouldn't be buying the dirty oil, from Russia. You wouldn't be buying it from Iran.

It is clearly much better to have it pulled from here, than it is to have it pulled over there.

STU: It's true.

GLENN: It's much better for the environment.

STU: I think what their argument to that would be, if we lock it in here, then we are going to be taking steps in the wrong direction.

Where if we take a temporary purchase from Iran, or Venezuela. It's just a Band-Aid on this issue. We don't want -- they don't want to solve the issue.

GLENN: Right. Correct.

STU: They want to make it difficult for you to buy gas.

GLENN: Correct.

STU: In the long-term.

GLENN: But they also -- if you truly represented people. And you saw -- look, we see the suffering of the Ukrainian people. Do you know, Americans are on the edge right now.

They're on the edge.

Average Americans can't afford this kind of gasoline. So they're having to make tough choices. What do they do?

Well, if you see the suffering in Ukraine, you also have 350 million people, here in America.

You could cause all kinds of problems, including food shortages next year. Because we can't get natural gas to make fertilizer. Where are all the electric trackers?

Do we have a bunch of electric trackers? Anybody doing that?

STU: Not yet.

GLENN: Yeah. So we'll have food shortages. And we know we're having food shortages already. We know that today, that they're coming.

Why would you make it worse?

You don't care about people. If you really, truly believe that you can't do this. You have to -- you have to punish America. And reward Russia, or Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or Venezuela. You're, A, an idiot.

B, you don't care about people. I don't care what you say.

You don't care about people. And you certainly don't care about the United States of America.

And that's what I think is really driving this policy.

They don't care -- no. It's beyond that.

They despise the United States of America.

And this will only hasten our end.

Gas went up 10 cents last night.

STU: Highest rise in a week, in history.

GLENN: Right. We find out today, that we're cutting off, how much oil, from Russia?

STU: 5 percent of the global -- 5 percent of the global supply. 7 percent of the global supply.

Again, that doesn't seem like a ton. When you need to replace it. It can make things very difficult.

GLENN: Well, you know what it is like. Your inflation is 10 percent right now. They say 7.5.

That's your inflation rate. I don't know. How are things going for you? Do you notice that 10 percent missing?

STU: So you know you're not going to get the oil out of the ground, from the Democrats. You know they're not going to do that. So do you take this step anyway?

Do you do -- do you cut off Russian oil, because punishing Russia is something that should be done? Based on what they are doing --

GLENN: No. At the expense of the United States of America, no. No.

I don't. Look, here's the thing. I really feel for the Ukrainian people. But this might be the -- this might be the death of us. This really, truly might be the death of us.

It's coming. And it's coming quicker and quicker. I think it will come before the election. I could be wrong. And if it doesn't happen before the election, I can guarantee you today, the Democrats are going to scream fraud.

That it's a stolen election, if Republicans win.

They will do everything times ten, that they accused Donald Trump of doing.

And there will be riots in the streets.

They will riot in the streets.

And nothing will happen to them.

And that's just going to push us over the brink, even more.

I just -- I'm sorry. You cannot print money like we have printed. And then cut off the oil supply.

Look, oil is -- is everything.

We literally don't get the vegetables to the table, without oil. In like 100 different ways. So saying that we're going to -- we're going to just cut back. And we're all going to have wear a sweater.

This is beyond wearing a sweater. This have this is way beyond wearing a sweater, like Jimmy Carter said in the 1970s.

This is the crippling of the economy.

You cannot make things, if you don't have oil.

Gee, and who does that benefit?

Let's see, if you can't make things. Then and people can't drive around. Then the demand is less.

Then they won't be have things to buy. We'll have plenty of money. But nothing our money can buy.

STU: Do you think -- we know they're not going to do what we want them to do. They're not going to open up -- show the power of the United States.

We're going to we're going to much of our own resources.

Is there any chance, you think Biden comes out and says, and throws a bone at that argument. And says, you know what. We did shut down drilling in this area and area. We'll open it up for the time being.

GLENN: No. No.

STU: No chance?

GLENN: He will say, he will open up the strategic oil reserves.

STU: Which is a terrible idea. Legitimately terrible.

GLENN: You're on the eve of possible World War III. That's not what I'm saying. That's what pundits are saying.

STU: It's obviously true. Right?

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

STU: They are one country away from a NATO --

GLENN: Correct.

STU: Attack.

GLENN: Anything could happen.

STU: Anything could happen.

It doesn't mean it's likely.

GLENN: It's correct.

STU: Very much more possible, now, than a month ago.

GLENN: So that's really exciting to know.

STU: You don't get rid of your oil.

GLENN: You don't. The strategic oil reserve, is for a situation, just like this.

That if you have to go to war, and you don't have the oil. And it's going to cripple everything at home.

Imagine trying to fill the tanks of the fleet. Okay?

Aircraft. Tanks. Everything else.

Independently, having to fill those tanks, for a war.

And, the price of gasoline, here in America.

Gee, how long would we last? How long would we be making new airplanes?

New tanks, new ships.

This is -- this is the road to destruction.

But we'll see what he has to say. He's now, what? Forty-five minutes late. For his --

STU: He's never on time for these things. Why do they even announce them? Why not let him stumble down on his PJs wherever he gets ready?

The REAL Threat to America: Pro-Hamas DC Riot or Jan 6?

The REAL Threat to America: Pro-Hamas DC Riot or Jan 6?

Pro-Palestine protesters took over parts of Washington, DC, to show their hatred of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Blaze Media national correspondent Julio Rosas was on the ground to document it. Julio tells Glenn how the protesters spray painted monuments with messages like “Hamas is coming,” tore down American flags at Union Station and replaced them with Palestinian flags, and burned the American flags. He also recounts the heroic actions of the US Park Police, which he says was sorely understaffed. Plus, he reveals the biggest differences between these protests and the January 6th Capitol Riot, which he also documented.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Julio Rosas is with us.

He's a Blaze media national correspondent. He was actually standing with the protesters yesterday. Not protesting. But I'll bet he was parading. He should be arrested.

But he was with the protesters, the Hamas protesters, who were absolutely vile. Outside of Union Station, where they took down the American flags, replaced them with Palestinian flags. And then defaced all of our monuments there at Union Station. Saying Hamas is coming.

Which I really like. You know, I like that warning. I don't think I needed it. But I like that warning. Julio is with us now, to tell us what it was like in the crowd. Hi, Julio.

JULIO: Hi, Glenn. Thanks for having me.

GLENN: You bet. So what did you see that surprised you? And what did it feel like?

JULIO: Well, nothing surprised me. I mean, the whole reason why I -- the whole reason why, you know, we were willing to -- Blaze was willing to send me is because I told them.

I said, this is going to get out of hand. Because this is not Biden. This is not Harris. This is Benjamin Netanyahu that is speaking to Congress. I mean, this is their guy, that they hate the most. He's in town.

So this will be their only shot to make their -- their attack, in terms of destruction and rioting.

And so I'm not surprised at all, that they are no longer hiding their Hamas support. And like you said, we've all known this for a while.

You, but now they're really letting the mask slip. Just because the war has continued. In Gaza. And there has been a cease-fire. There has been no -- Israel hasn't ceased with this. They are getting madder and madder as the months go on. It was crazy. Them tearing down the American flag. Inside Union Station. Again, it's not surprising.

They've done that. Similar groups have done that all across the country. To the credit of the US park police. They did move in to stop -- and I filmed that for TheBlaze media.

GLENN: Yeah. I have to tell you, I watched it. Hang on just a second.

Can we play that video? If you happen to be watching TheBlaze right now. We'll play that video. And I'll describe what's happening. You're not seeing this anymore. You're seeing the depressing part of defacing and an angry crowd, and the Palestinian flags going up.

But you don't see what the US park police did, and it was -- they were greatly outnumbered.

And they go right into the crowd. In what was there, probably ten of them, Julio?

JULIO: Just about. Unfortunately, the park police, like other law enforcement agencies, they are severely understaffed. And that's something that their union has been vocal about for a very long time.

And so that's why, you know, they were able to make the arrests. They were able to save the flag, but they weren't able to prevent further destruction to the monuments or to the other flags.
And that's just because they didn't have the manpower to do that.

GLENN: Yeah. Well, we're $35 trillion in debt.

The cupboards are bare. You know, we're spending $4 trillion. But we don't have the money for extra law enforcement.

The -- the other picture you took. And I don't know how you got in there, to take this. But the picture you took of them folding the flag, inside the office. They took the flag back. And folded it up. And preserved it. That's remarkable.

JULIO: Yeah. And that is their -- they take that very seriously. I mean, the park police. They protect the national mall. They protect the monuments.

In New York and San Francisco as well.

And they take their job seriously. Because they protect these highly trafficked tourist areas. Things that are -- you know, when people say the United States. They automatically think of the national mall. You know, all these monuments and stuff.

So they try their best, in these United Nations situations to mitigate and prevent the destruction from happening. But like I said, unfortunately, they don't have the manpower to completely secure these areas, when there's that many rioters in the area. And this is the unfortunate consequences of the George Floyd -- post-George Floyd world.

They're not really allowed to, because the -- the police command and the general, you know, higher level in terms of politicians. Their approach is now, well, the police had to de-escalate. And what that is fancy for. The police have to leave the area. And not engage. And let people do what they want.

That's basically what they're told to do. But obviously, when they're able to take action, they -- they will try their best to do that.

GLENN: So can you compare this -- I mean, you weren't at January 6th. But can you compare the tone of the crowd, and the things that were happening at all.

Did it at all resemble January 6th?

JULIO: Actually, I did -- January 6th. I was there that day, and I made it.

GLENN: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that.

JULIO: No, no, no. It's all good. It was quite the day. But, no, so I can kind of compare the two.

So, obviously, the big difference between January 6th and July 24th -- J24, is that the authorities were actually prepared this time.

They brought in police from New York. They brought in police from Maryland. They brought in extra law enforcement. They actually secured the perimeter of the Capitol of the complex.

Which didn't happen January 6th. And I have always maintained that, yes. It was a riot. But it was the most preventable riot of that season.

You know, political violence is something that we have been experiencing for months. Prior to January 6th.

And so I don't know why -- so I -- it is my belief, that they allowed it to happen. By not adequately preparing for it.

So that's why, yesterday, you know, J20 tower. They didn't get close to the Capitol building. They tried. And that's why, within the first five minutes of the march.

They tried to push their way through a police line. That's why the police had to pepper spray, to get them to stop.

But, again, the rhetoric is openly praising terrorist groups. And making it known by defacing monuments.

I mean, that is -- that is something that has been happening for a long time.

I've actually been telling Congress, that they need to take this seriously.

And as typical of DC. They don't really start to get going, until it happens in their backyard. There are things happening now.

Okay. We should probably focus on the street protesters. There's a lot of focus on the college campuses. I'm not saying that is not important. But the street protests have been happening since October 8th of last year. And they have caused massive amounts of damage, a lot of violence.

And that's something that needs to be looked at, at the federal level.

So this was obviously not nearly as bad in terms of the Capitol building being breached. Because that didn't happen.

But again, that know didn't happen pause they actually prepared for it.

It's sad. If there will be a major protest. We have to wall up the White House.

We have to wall up the Capitol building. Or wall up the Supreme Court.

And nine times out of ten. It's because of the far left.

GLENN: Are you going to share the pictures of the cleanup, that you took this morning? have you shared them already? Or have I been misinformed? I understood that you were there taking pictures this morning of the cleanup or maybe not.

JULIO: No, I -- my flight was early this morning. So unfortunately, I wasn't able to do that. Sorry about that.

GLENN: Oh, yeah.

I hear that they were out scrubbing the monuments and cleaning up, you know, all the aftermath. Did anybody go to jail?

JULIO: So I was told by park police, that at least ten people were -- were arrested. And that was sort of the instruction of government proper. For defacing. And resisting arrest. Fighting.

But true to the area. A lot of them were quickly released.

That the -- the Palestinian groups were posting videos, showing their, quote, unquote, comrades, being released within -- within hours.

So that's another reason why the police are reluctant to go out of their way to put themselves into harm's way. They do know, even if they do arrest people, for not minor offenses, in these liberal jurisdictions. The rest of these -- it's just going to let that go.

GLENN: Julio, thank you so much.

Julio Rosas. You can find his personal Substack This was mostly peaceful, yesterday, I'm sure it was.

And you could also find his reports at -- on Blaze media and Thanks, Julio, I appreciate it.

JULIO: Yeah. Thank you for having me.

A Complete Sellout?! Harley Davidson's Woke Agenda EXPOSED

A Complete Sellout?! Harley Davidson's Woke Agenda EXPOSED

Harley Davidson is seen as an all-American company. But recently, filmmaker Robby Starbuck exposed Harley Davidson's internal commitment to woke DEI initiatives. Starbuck reviews what he found: holding "explicitly racist" anti-white trainings, funding "all ages" Pride events with questionable activities, donating to extremely progressive groups ... "This is a complete sellout of common sense," Glenn says. So, why would Harley Davidson go woke? And will the company reverse course with enough customer backlash?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I don't know if you know the name Robby Starbuck. He's a filmmaker. And I know Matt Walsh. Rightfully gets a lot of credit for, you know, exposing the pediatric transgender clinic in Nashville. But it was actually Robby and his wife, that actually exposed that. And Matt picked it up and ran with it, and changed a lot of things. He has been exposing those companies, that are all in on DEI and LGBTQ and everything else. He's exposed John Deere. Gosh, what are the other companies that he's done?

Big ones. I mean, Bud Light did one commercial with a transgender person. And they were almost destroyed.

He now has exposed Harley-Davidson. I just want to go over what Harley-Davidson is doing. Harley-Davidson is, as you know, one of the most beloved American brands out there.

Harley and Indian, to me, are more American than -- than Chevy and Ford. I mean, these are true American brands.

And what he found is a complete sellout of, I think, their customers. And a complete sellout to -- of common sense.

He just -- they just sold common sense out. It's gone at Harley-Davidson. Robby is with us now, to explain exactly what he found, and what we can do about it.

Robby, how are you?

ROBBY: I'm doing well, thanks for having me, Glenn.

GLENN: You bet. And thanks for all your hard work on this. You've done some amazing things. So expose Harley-Davidson.

What did you find at Harley-Davidson?

ROBBY: Well, you know, it's pretty incredible. When somebody came to me first with Harley being one of these little companies after we went through Tractor Supply and John Deere, I didn't believe it. I kind of had a hard time believing it. Because the Harley brand is like this macho brand, and, you know. Everybody knows somebody who has a Harley.

And it's so diametrically opposed to who they are. So we kind of pulled the thread. And as we looked into it, you know, lo and behold, in these stainability reports, which usually reveal a lot about the company.

We found that they had put 1800 employees through these woke trainings, including one group of employees, specifically white males.

They sent to a white male only diversity training. And if you look at the company that does this, it's not like, trust me. It's not a favorable training.

You get the worst training. You get the one that white people bad. You know, white men have a specific, you know, place to have to behave a certain way.

It's explicitly racist in my opinion. When you go further down the line, they have a plan to what they call diversify.

Their supply chain. Which is really just corporate speak for we want less white people. And you think about that -- just the idea is just so far and away from what the American dream is. It should be about merit. And who are the best suppliers. Who is providing the best stuff?

How do you do all this? So if you force diversity in your supply chain, what's going to happen to safety, what is going to happen to all these other things? Because you have this benchmark that you want to reach. And so all these arbitrary benchmarks pop up. But then there's also the pride stuff. They're funding events. They fund one pride event that was considered, quote, all ages. Where it was described as a rage room, in the marketing materials, for people who need to let off steam.

And that's right across the area where drag queens interact with kids, for story time.

And they play catch with Dad area for anybody who had daddy issues. And I'm not joking. That's actually, those were the three things that were next to each other.

Okay? That's a sponsorship for events like that. It is so diametrically opposed to the values of Harley riders. And they're also a founding member, a platinum founding member of the Wisconsin, LGBTQ plus Chamber of Commerce.

Which, I would question, why does there even need to be a Chamber of Commerce, for what type of -- you know, I think that's pretty weird.

GLENN: I know. It's very weird. It's very weird. They also make February, March -- they also made February, March, months of inclusion.

Because we need three months? Not just Pride Month?

I mean, the money they have donated now to the United Way, promoting, you know, Antiracist Baby. You know, the Ibrahim Kennedy thing. They have a Pride ride.

Let's see. They have events at their corporate offices. Their legal department has -- has -- is being celebrated for its racial equity and literacy challenges. I mean, it goes on and on and on.

ROBBY: That is insane, by the way. Yeah. That permeates the legal industry. Just so people know. That 21-day training is something that is happening, you know, pretty much throughout most of legal America, if we could call them that.

And it's one of the craziest trainings out of them. They're right up there with the United Way 21-day -- they have the 21-day equity challenge United for Equity, is what they call it.

It's some of the most explicit, Marxist training programs you could possibly have, pushing, you know, the landmarks to disorganization, to you know, reparations. And people like, you know, Ibrahim Kennedy and Robin DiAngelo.

You have the whole list of these left activists, for not just the Democratic Party. But kind of for modern day communism. That's what they're pushing through.

GLENN: So Harley-Davidson is -- and a macho guy's bike. Always been. An American bike.

And I don't see a lot of transgender business going Harley-Davidson's way. What -- I mean, I know one of my close friends, that I work with, owns a Harley.

And he said, everybody in my bike club, is just -- their eyes are bleeding. They're so crazy about this. Because they just feel Harley-Davidson has betrayed them.

What are -- what is Harley-Davidson's reply?

ROBBY: So there's no response yet. But, you know, I would caution that in the case of Tractor Supply, it took three weeks of us continuing with the story and not letting it go. Releasing little bits of information every day, for them to relent and turn back on everything. In the case of John Deere, it took a week for them to backtrack on a good portion of the stuff that we had -- in Harley's case, I don't know if they can wait a week. They have Sturgis Rally, which if people don't know, it's a big biker rally that happens August 2nd.

And Harley has a booth there. I don't think -- and they have an event there, actually, too. I don't think that they want to talk to all these bikers out there, about this program and all of these donations. And what they've allowed corporate offices and everything. I think they would probably like to clean this up before then.

That would be my guess. If they don't, they are dumber than I thought they were. I think they're doing this to please a certain element within the sort of financial world that's pushing these DEI scores and everything.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

ROBBY: And it's not just -- as much as I would like to say it's BlackRock pushing this stuff. Because I have my issues with BlackRock and with Vanguard and State Street. On more insidious things, the real poison is -- you know, the woke mind virus is a virus. It's carried by somebody.

And it's carried by the HR people who have come out of these colleges, totally indoctrinated into leftism. And so their job when they get inside there is, okay. Spread the virus through the whole network.

And so they'll use societal down points. Societal pressure points. Like what happened with George Floyd. As a way to put pressure on the higher ups to say, hey. We need to do this. To respond effectively. We need to show our employees that we care.

So the higher ups, in many cases, they just relent because they don't want to look racist. They don't want to look bigoted. At least that's how it used to be.

Now, a lot of those executives are looking for a way out. We have had executives reach out to us, and beg us to go after their companies in the future.

Because they want an excuse to get rid of DEI, which I think it's still cowardly.

Because it's still going backwards. We have companies we really need to go after.

We have now, at this point. Since we started this against Tractor Supply, over a thousand whistle-blowers.

So we are just trying to scale up the operation to work with all these people and go through all the documents and evidence that has been handed over to us, so that we can look at, you know, how have these great corporate American brands betrayed their customers and the values, especially the ones that depend on conservative America?

Because if we can't save them, then we can't save our country.

GLENN: So, Robby, I really believe all of this started, because of Occupy Wall Street.

You know, when you look at -- it was -- they were -- they were, you know, camping right in front of all of the big financial firms.

All of the banks. All of, you know, Wall Street. And corporate.

And then all of a sudden, it just kind of stopped and went away. And I -- I am absolutely convinced that a deal was struck at that point. Don't come after us. We'll help you.

And it was right around that time, that all of this money, from these financial firms, and from corporations, started to go these radicalized groups. For the first time.

And I think this was a deal cut, by the banks and by the giant corporations, just stick it on the American people. We'll be your ally.

We'll help pay for it. And now they're destroying their own businesses.

ROBBY: You know, Glenn, there could be an element of that. And I wouldn't doubt it in the slightest. I almost think it's even more insidious that be that. Because the long march to the institutions. Corporations are not exempt from that. And there's been an element of these -- you know, folks that I would say, are really, really, deeply committed to Marxism. Who they have embedded themselves in every segment of the American life.

GLENN: Yes. Yes.

ROBBY: And I think they've done a much better job at it, than we have as conservatives, protecting our country. And that's really on -- you know, we could go on and on about who is at fault for that. But honestly, it doesn't matter. The people who are here now, like you and me and others, we need to be -- we need to be the line. You know, we're the line that says, okay. We're pushing back.

We're not just defending. We're going on offense. And that's what we're doing here. It's like, we have to go on offense, and take back some of these institutions. And that will help through election. It will help through getting Trump into office. It will happen a lot of different ways.

But you have to go through each one of these institutions.

I'm more concerned about this people embedded inside. How do you get rid of those people? The people who -- even if you beat back DEI, if you don't get the whole department fired, are going to reinvent it in some other name. You know, that's the real virus at this point. It's like, how do you get that out of the company?

GLENN: Robby, I'm big fan of what you do and your wife. Make sure you say hi to her for us.

Please let us know. We'll continue to watch. But please let us know how you can help.
Thank you for exposing it.
ROBBY: Appreciate it.
GLENN: You bet. Buh-bye.

Robby Starbuck. You can follow him on Twitter, and follow the story.

It is -- this one was a big one.

John Deere was bad. Tractor supply was worse. This one is crazy bad.

Tulsi Gabbard: Why "Anti-Democracy” Elites Are FORCING Kamala Harris on Voters

Tulsi Gabbard: Why "Anti-Democracy” Elites Are FORCING Kamala Harris on Voters

The Democrat Party claims to be the champion of "democracy." But Party elites seem to be practically coronating Vice President Kamala Harris to be their 2024 presidential nominee - WITHOUT consulting the voters. Former Democratic presidential candidate-turned-Independent Tulsi Gabbard joins Glenn to explain what's going on: "It is just a facade. [The nomination process has] already been wrapped up." Plus, Gabbard explains why Harris is NOT a moderate "unity" candidate. In fact, she may become the most progressive Democratic nominee ever. And Tulsi also discusses whether she would accept an offer to be Secretary of State or Defense in a second Trump administration.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Welcome to the program now, Tulsi Gabbard. How are you, Tulsi?

TULSI: Aloha, my friend. It's great to talk to you, always.

GLENN: By the way, I'm pushing for you to be the Secretary of Defense if Trump would win. I think you would make a great Secretary of Defense.

TULSI: I appreciate that. I think there will be opportunity, should Trump get elected, to serve as Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense. Be in a position to actually begin to reshape our country's foreign policy, to one that Trump has advocated for all along. One that puts the interests of the American people and our country first, and prevents from us getting into these unnecessary counterproductive regime change wars, and begins to enact those policies that allows our country to succeed.

GLENN: So I never thought of you as Secretary of State. That is an interesting idea. That might even be better than Secretary of Defense. But, anyway, let's talk about Tulsi Gabbard. I'm sorry. Kamala Harris.

Kamala is probably the most left candidate we've ever had. And she's being really installed by the Democratic Party.

I want to talk to you about the installation here in a second.

But first, what would we be getting from a cam Harris?

JIM: You know, the Democrats themselves tout President Biden as the most, quote, unquote, progressive president our country has ever seen. And this was supposed to the guy who was going to come in and be a moderating influence on the Democratic Party. The guy who said that he would unite all Americans and serve all Americans. And from day zero, he did exactly the opposite in dividing us by race. And enacting these radical, woke agendas, that are hurting our children, hurting our education system, hurting the safety of our communities. I could go on and on. You talk about these issues all the time.

We've talked about foreign policy. Really, when you look at Kamala Harris, you can expect more of the same. But worse. I think what it comes down to is just the need for us to make sure that we remind voters over and over, as we head into this election, even if a Democrat has changed their horse in this race, the substance, the policies, and, quite frankly, the real decision makers behind the scenes. Who have been pulling the strings.

Whether it's Robby Mook from Hillary Clinton's campaign. Or Tony Blinken Biden's.

You know, decades with President Biden. Or President Obama's lackeys in the White House.

These people were making decisions over the last three and a half years.

They're going to continue to call the shots. Which means we can expect the same disastrous policies that we have seen and worse.

GLENN: I really think that Biden was forced out.

I think they held something over his head, either the 25th Amendment or, you know, hey, look at your son. We may not be able to stop the impeachment proceedings because of the Hunter stuff. And they gave him a deadline of Sunday.

This is all my speculation, by the way. Gave him a deadline of Sunday, and he folded.

And I don't -- I mean, it's clear, that he's not running the country. He's not really running the presidency.

Because why -- why are you okay to be the president, but you're not there enough to run a campaign. That makes no sense.

But then they pick Tulsi Gabbard to replace her.

And it's surprising --

TULSI: Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris.

GLENN: Barack Obama is not for it.

What did you say?

PAT: Kamala. You said --

TULSI: You said they picked Tulsi Gabbard. They picked Kamala Harris.

GLENN: Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry.

TULSI: If it was me, I'm telling you, we would be having a very different conversation here.

GLENN: Yeah, I know we would. I knew we would. I know we would. I'm sorry. They picked Kamala Harris. And I don't think she's going to be running the -- the presidency either. I agree with you.

But who is actually -- who is this cabal?

Shouldn't we be asking that question and getting that answer?

TULSI: We absolutely should, Glenn.

You know, it's the people who are invested. Ultimately, it's those who -- whose power relies on having a figure head that they can role.

So, you know, you can look at some of the people that I have mentioned already. Who have been around Hillary Clinton. They are Hillary Clinton's lackeys. President Obama's lackeys.

People who have been with President Biden for a long time.

It's the military industrial complex that profit from our country being in a constant state of war.

It's those who are -- who are the unelected people in the national security state. Whose ability to -- to control and take more of our liberties. Again, relies on us being in a constant state of war. It's their friends in big tech and propaganda media.

Who benefit from them having access to that power, and that information.

And it's the big money billionaires. Yes. It's the George Soros source.

But others. Reid Hoffmann and others. Who are -- are being -- who are incredibly influential, beyond belief.

Because of their money and their ability to exert control. Fundamentally, what is at the heart of this?

All these different people who make up this cabal of woke warmongers.

Of course, Hillary Clinton is the lead of that.

They are people who don't care about our country.

And they don't believe in the Constitution.

And they're trying to remake this country into something that is their utopia of some sort. But that devise the very foundation of what our country was founded upon.

GLENN: So you were a Democrat. You still -- we still would disagree on many policies.

But I respect you. Because you're at least honest, and love the country.

And I truly believe, that there are millions of Democrats, that are all across the country that I may disagree with, but they love the country. And they don't want to see it fundamentally destroyed and transformed.

They don't agree with these policies. And they've been so brainwashed. That they don't stand up, against -- they believe that Donald Trump is the threat to democracy, and they don't see what their own party is doing.

How is it they can go out and vote, and then have these delegates, and these superdelegates, disregard that vote, entirely.

And say, no. This is who you get.

How are they not up in arms, Tulsi?

TULSI: Well, first of all, let's just go back, there were a number of states that did not even hold primaries. And so to -- and those that would not allow other Democratic candidates. Because, you know, obviously, Bobby Kennedy was running to be the Democratic nominee.

GLENN: Right.

TULSI: There was a member of Congress. I can't remember his name at the moment. Who was running. Obviously, Marianne Williamson, and may have been a few others who were running to be the Democratic nominee. Many other states would either not allow them on the ballot, or did not hold primaries at all.

So the Democratic party, led by President Biden, that claims to be the champions of democracy, would not even allow a democratic process within their own primary. So the anti-democracy initiative began there, and it continues through. So we shouldn't be surprised to see what they are doing today. You know, they are trying to pretend that this is not a coronation of Kamala Harris. President Obama saying, oh, you know. This will be brought to the convention, and delegates will have the opportunity to choose who the next Democratic nominee for president will be.

GLENN: Delegates.

TULSI: But we know that's just a facade. It is just a facade. It's already been wrapped up.

GLENN: Tulsi, thank you so much. Appreciate it. I know you've got to run. And you've just been overseas. And keep it up. Thank you so much.

TULSI: Thank you, Glenn. I appreciate you. Talk to you soon.

GLENN: You bet. You bet.

"They Basically Let Him Get Shot”: Secret Service Vet Dan Bongino Demands Firings After Trump Attack

"They Basically Let Him Get Shot”: Secret Service Vet Dan Bongino Demands Firings After Trump Attack

Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino joins Glenn as a guest to review the latest insane revelations about the security failures at the July 13th Trump rally: “They just let the line of sight threat exist…they basically let him get shot.” Bongino and Glenn review some of the basic questions that Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle failed to answer during her congressional hearing: Why didn’t she have a timeline of the day’s events? Why did the failed assassin have a drone, but the Secret Service allegedly didn’t have any aerial surveillance? Did Cheatle communicate with White House officials on messaging about the attack? Will she turn over her cell phones? Bongino also reacts live to the news that Cheatle has resigned.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Dan Bongino, good friend. Welcome to the program. How are you, sir?

DAN: Hey, good to talk to you, Glenn. Doing okay.

GLENN: Dan, I remember when we first met, you were still on presidential detail. And I said that you were standing in the room with these guys, while I was on the air. And they hated me.

And because of their reaction, you started really paying attention, to what was being said in those rooms. And I told you, I'm really concerned about the security, of the president.

Because I was on the outside looking at you, and people like you. And seeing the Secret Service being completely inept from the top. Not necessarily the agents.

It's gotten so bad now, Dan. And I'm not sure that it is -- they're being inept. I'm not sure what the hell is going on.

DAN: Yeah. These problems aren't new. And there's a lot of kind of -- Johnny-come-lately commentary on this, on the left-wing media good news.

But the reality is people like me, were calling attention to this problem over a decade ago.

And, you know, I have the receipts to back it up. You can go look at interviews I gave to the Washingtonian, a book I wrote, called Protecting the President.

All while diagnosing all the problems with the Secret Service. You will read the book. You're going to say, gosh, did he write this ten minutes ago? No, I wrote it ten years ago. And what wound up happening.

You know, a subject you're probably unfortunately familiar with is, the left-wing media, rather than analyzing Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Hannity, and Dan Bongino say, they go on attack mode right away. They just don't like us.

See, I don't feel the same about them. If I hear something from the left-wing media, I can independently vet.

It doesn't mean it's naturally false. Unfortunately, a lot of times, it is. But the irony is they claim to be journalists. They attack me as a conspiracy theorist for telling -- for telling folks on my show in August of 2023, it's Episode 2079, if anyone wants to listen from last year. Where I said that Donald Trump was likely going to be hurt or killed.

I was getting that information from high-ranking Secret Service sources. Who were very troubled by the minimal security posture applied to Donald Trump.

And the repeated requests for enhanced security, that was being rebuffed.

And Daniel Arkin, from NBC wrote a piece. You can still read, because it's embarrassingly still up. Calling me a conspiracy theorist, saying, I was stating this without evidence. Without ever having speaking to me, or asking me what my evidence was. So, you know, if you listen to shows like this and your program.

You know, you're six weeks, six months, six years ahead of the news cycle. You're listening to the liberal media, you're consistently stunned by attempts like this on Donald Trump's life, thinking, what happened?

GLENN: So tell me your gut at this point. And I know I'm asking you to go on limited facts, because they're not releasing everything.
But you have inside connections.

Is your gut -- does your gut tell you, this is just more of the same incompetence, times a thousand? Or is something nefarious going on?

DAN: Well, listen, the ladder, I can't answer. One thing I never do is I never go down road, where I don't know if it ends up off a cliff. Because then you wind up like the left-wing media. Oh, look, there's a pee-pee tape out there. Have you seen it? No. I don't know if it's nefarious.

I can tell you, the level of incompetence leads naturally to the second question: You're not crazy to ask it. But the level of incompetence here is stunning. Because people think in threes and nuggets and pieces of information.

I'm going to give you a couple of chunks of information here, from over ten years of experience. And having worked with three presidents. Two Democrats and a Republican.

Having done hundreds of advances and having actually done four foreign lead advances too. So, you, I know what I'm talking about.

To number one, why was President Trump on the X? We recall the X. Why was he out on the podium at all?

It's a question that nobody can answer. It's also the question in the hearing yesterday.

If you go back and listen to it, the director, Kim Cheatle, a failed human being, who disgracefully, still sitting in a job, putting a nation at risk from incompetence.

It's why she won't answer the time line question. Did you notice how cryptic she was?

She won't answer the time line question, because she gives you a time that is recognized. Then the obvious next question is, well, if you knew there was a threat, up to an hour out, potentially 18 minutes out, depending on who you believe.

Why was President Trump walking on the stage, in the middle of a -- getting scoped out, and range located by a sniper? And she can't answer it.

GLENN: So, Dan, so -- but her answer will seem to be in the coming days, that while yes, but we didn't have communications open with the people that were there.

Those were local.

Don't you have a command center, that --

DAN: Yes. Don't waste your time.

You just said it. Don't even -- I don't care what her answer is. It's called the command post. Glenn, you have zero experience as a Secret Service agent. You're a very talented radio guy.

Even you knew that. You never worked in the Secret Service. You're like, wait. Didn't they have a command center? Here's the answer.

Yes. It's called the CP, the Command Post.

Every single law enforcement entity working that operation had either a representative or a radio in there.

There is absolutely zero chance the Command Post did not get information that they were working to suspicious mail, surveilling the outside of the perimeter with a range finder. There's zero chance.

So when you ask questions like, well, how had he walked off stage? The answer is such incredible gross incompetence. I don't blame people for saying, there's got to be something more here.

I just don't know that. All I'm telling you is that the failure here is so apocalyptic, everyone there on that advanced team should have resigned the next day. The director, the deputy director, all of them.

How they still have jobs is incredible. Let me throw one more thing out at you.

Let's just say all of the director's stupid stories are accurate. They're not. Let's just say they are. The roof was sloped.

It was hot that day. Whatever ridiculous excuse you make.

I've read problems in the past, where we could not secure a line of site problem.

We didn't have enough bodies, whatever. I had a sight with Hillary Clinton. Just didn't have enough bodies to secure a dorm room, looking out at her speech sight at Hofstra University. You know what I did?

I have them go out, get a 5-dollar can of that snow spray, that fake snow.

Why would I do that? Because I sprayed the window. Because I figured, listen, if we can't mitigate this line of sight threat, and this potential sniper, at least we can block the line of sight so they can't see what they're shooting. Sometimes it's the best you can do.

They didn't even do that. They didn't even do that. They just let the line of site threat exist.

And the counter surveillance, which is a piece of paperwork, the countersurveillance team looks at, that will show that they knew that that was a vulnerability. And yet they did nothing about it. They basically let him get shot.

GLENN: They haven't released that, though, have they? That document?

DAN: No. They will claim it's classified. It's not. And here's another two pieces of paperwork. There's a survey, called the CS survey. The Countersniper Survey. That Countersniper Survey will point out every single elevated high point in the area.

That will be on there, and you will see something. I will break this later on my show. I'm not trying to be cryptic or funny about it on your show. I'm just working the angle right now, and I want to be sure I'm correct. But that specific high point, there's a major, major fiasco that happened there.

There was a communication lapse, that is totally unforgivable. But the countersurveillance and countersniper survey will show that that high point was a vulnerability. And then they will have to answer questions like, when that wasn't posted, when he was on stage.

And allowed that person to get up there. Because there was no post there or nothing. Why didn't you guys follow up?

The Secret Service is ultimately responsible. Why didn't the sight agents just notice that one of the posts they had wasn't there?

I mean, this is an unforgivable, unfortunate series of events, that basically caused this. There's no other explanation.

GLENN: So I had Eli Crane on. The Congressman from Arizona, that was up on the roof.
And posted a video, up at -- yesterday.

And he was standing in the barn, if you will. Right behind, where the shooter was.

And he's on the second floor.

Inside, air-conditioning. In an office.

And it has a window, that looks right out on that roof!

If it was too hot or dangerous, why were they on the first floor, and not on the second floor, looking at the roof!

DAN: Glenn, again, the incompetence here. These are hard interviews for me to give because of the questions you're asking. Again, as a guy with no Secret Service experience at all -- my wife asked me the same questions.

She's a database developer.

They're not explainable. Other than absolute, abject ignorance and stupidity. Whoever gave the advance that day. I don't know how they still have a job.

I really don't, and here's another thing: That -- here's the third question. I brought up the line of site. I brought up the paperwork.

There's another question that needs to be asked.

How did you not deploy -- we have an aerial surveillance branch in the Secret Service.

Why was the aerial surveillance, a drone, a helicopter, a -- an infrared -- a thermal. Why were these -- why were these simple tools we use over and over, not employed that day?

You would have seen the guy on the roof, the second he got up there.

You know, Kim Cheatle, the failed director, said yesterday at the beginning of the hearings, you go back and listen: We employ a 360-degree security coverage. Well, 360, is a three-dimensional sphere.
That means above and below. Well, where the hell was the above coverage?

There was nothing above. We didn't have a drone. Glenn, go to Amazon right now. Get a drone for 40 bucks. We couldn't send a drone up in the air?

You have a 6 trillion-dollar federal budget. What the hell is the federal government good for? Why was there no drones? The answer is, again, absolute stupidity.

And how these people have not been fired or resigned, is really deeply disturbing at this point.
The government has no accountability whatsoever.

GLENN: Dan, when I heard the congressman yesterday.

DAN: Wait. Glenn, hold on.

I'm hearing breaking news, that the director may be leaving very soon. So I'm just getting this now. So we may --

GLENN: Oh, good. Good.

DAN: I predicted this last night. We'll see what happens.

Yeah, she has no political support. But the Biden/Harris team doesn't want the headache. The Democrats have bailed on her. This woman needs to go. She's a disgrace. I'm getting this from a Secret Service friend now. Said, and she's out.

So whether he's got something we're breaking on your show or not, but this guy has been a reliable source for me.

GLENN: Tell me, when I heard the congressman yesterday say that, have you used any kind of encrypted apps to communicate with anyone.

I was shocked to hear her say yes.

But when -- when -- I don't know if congressman -- or, you know, are smart enough to think this way.

But I know I really try not to ask a question, especially, if I'm -- if I am in a situation, where I'm trying to prove somebody wrong.

I make sure I kind of know the answer to the question. Before I ask it.

That way, when we come back to it later. I've got her on the record.

What the hell is -- on her private phone. That's against the law.

DAN: Well, because we've been friends for a long time. I'm not going to spin your wheels.

There are two people on this phone call.

And one of them may have contributed to the asking of that question. So you could probably figure out by the fact that -- so, yeah.

They're -- Cheatle has no friends, anymore in the Secret Service.

They are horrified by her leadership. Let's just say a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend, may have sent to a friend, exactly that question. Who passed to a friend of a friend of a friend of another friend. And it made it into the hearings. That's what --

GLENN: What was the friend of a friend of a friend saying that we should get that on the record for?

DAN: Because the communications may -- may have involved communications with significant White House officials on messaging. And it may have involved.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

DAN: Yes. So we'll -- we'll see what comes out in the wash. Now, keep in mind.

GLENN: Did it maybe involve this -- this event?

DAN: Oh. Oh, yeah. That's a distinct possibility.

I mean, we will have to find out. I don't know the exact content. Because I don't have her phone.

But her agreeing to turn over her personal phone for forensic analysis to Lauren Boulder, who asked all the right questions, by the way. They should take her up on that offer. I can almost guarantee her, she will bail and lawyer up, if she's asked to turn her personal phone over.

Or she's probably deleting messages right now.

GLENN: Unbelievable.

Dan, as always. Great to talk to you.

And I'm so happy for your success.

Nobody deserves it more than you, Dan.

DAN: You're a food friend and a mentor. So I love you too, brother. Thanks, man. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it.