How the Left REDEFINED 'extreme' to make Joe Rogan 'far right'

How the Left REDEFINED 'extreme' to make Joe Rogan 'far right'

The Left is doing all it can to redefine terms like "extreme," "misinformation," and "far right" to include anyone who disagrees with them — including Bernie Sanders supporter, Joe Rogan. “The War on the West” author Douglas Murray is another one of their targets, who leftists would love to suppress and censor. But Douglas joins Glenn to denounce this insanity and explain the real danger: If you call everything "far right misinformation," you're only making real extremism worse. Meanwhile, the Biden administration and mainstream media are pushing actual extreme misinformation on the public ...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Douglas Murray joins us now.

Douglas, how are you?

DOUGLAS: Very good, thank you. Good to be with you.

GLENN: Yeah. I have to tell you, I can't thank you enough for your voice, for your logic, and your reason.

You are one of the more powerful people out there. And I think that's why you're being targeted.

Did you happen to see the article, that I was talking about with Anna Stanley?

DOUGLAS: Yes, I did. I read it with considerable alarm. This was a young woman who worked the foreign office. She was an open intelligence analyst.

Spent on her government training program, to learn about counterterrorism. Counterextremism.

Of course, she revealed in the piece, that, first of all, many of the -- several of the participants, the lecturers, completely downplayed Islamic extremism. Terrorism, which government does regard. And they do regard, as the primary threat to security in the UK.

GLENN: Right. And no mention of immigration playing a role in that. None!

ERIC: Of course not. Of course not.

Why would they talk about anything truthful?

GLENN: Yeah.

DOUGLAS: And -- but, yes, more alarming to me, even than that, was the fact that one of the lecturers, a man called Peter Newman.

A very sinister figure, in my view.

Was -- said that the main threat. Or one of the main threats was the far right people.

And he named me, and Joe Rogan.

GLENN: Joe Rogan.

DOUGLAS: As a friend.

GLENN: Let me quote the two paragraphs. That says this.

The lecturer further argued that Douglas Murray and Joe Rogan are both examples of the far right. To what extent, I'm quoting, should Joe Rogan and Murray be suppressed, he asked.

They have millions of followers. To deplatform them would cause issues. Whoops. Did we lose him?

Concluding his talk, the lecturer told a room full of government professionals, so society needs to find other ways to suppress them.

Is Douglas with us? Getting him back on the phone.

STU: Easiest way to suppress him, is to hang up on him in the middle of the interview.

GLENN: Exactly right. That's the private sector suppressing him, I'll tell you that right now.

STU: There you go. You see what side you were on, Glenn.

GLENN: Well, no. It was just -- it was a coincidence. And I've deleted all my files about hanging up on Douglas Murray.

This accident. Yeah, that's crazy.

STU: Oh. Oh. That's sad. That's sad.

It's amazing to me, the people who are actually targeted in the middle of this too.

It's one thing to talk about it as an issue.

It's one thing to say, okay. Well, these things are happening. Or they are happening.

When it's happening to you.

Obviously, Glenn, you were named in that article. I was not.

Just keep the record clear.

But it's got to be hard to go through it. Yeah. He's back on.

GLENN: I think, Douglas, you're back. Thank you. I'm sorry. Suppressing your voice there for a minute. But what's really frightening here is I've been talking about this stuff coming for a long time.

And we've been hearing reports, that they're doing this or that.

They are so outspoken on this.

And so bold. And they are so far down the line.

What do you think is coming for you?


I don't know. Other than, anyone on earth is going to suppress or silence me.

But I certainly was think it's extraordinary.

The confidence that people have.

That they can suppress the -- who say things, which I think, not only are popular, but true. But I thought it's fascinating.

This man who has almost no following or recognition himself.

Experts in a non-expertise.

You know, that he should think that he could or other people should suppress me, and it's more than just about suppressing my voice.

I've got my lawyers, writing to his employers. Find out what he has in mind for me.

GLENN: Yeah. Well, they were in that very thing. They were talking using banks and everything. And we know they're doing this.


GLENN: And, you know, I said about four or five years ago, that there's going to come a time, where they are going to build a digital get zero.

And I know all the implications of using those words. And I was called an anti-Semite, and everything else.

But that is what they're building. You know, the Jews can talk all they want, do whatever they want.

Just behind this wall, so nobody hears them or sees them. And that's exactly the direction we're going.


And there's very particular moves that they're doing, to make that.

One is using the term far right, which alarms me enormously.

Because, of course, there are some people, particularly in Europe, who are what we would call far right. They are nowhere near the centers of power, but in bits of Germany and elsewhere. You know, there are very nasty things in the woodshed.

And unfortunately, what people have done in recent years, as you well know. Is that in the name of -- really nothing other than political opportunism. There's people who have decided to extend the parameters of what is allegedly far right.

And what they've done is, they've extended it not just to people, to call me. Or go Rogan. Far right.

Demonstrably absurd.

But what they're really doing, is they're trying to make public opinion, be deemed far right. And not just some public opinion, but majority public opinion.

Most people, in the United States, and the United Kingdom, are deeply concerned about illegal migration.

But once you say, concerned about illegal migration. As far right.

Therefore, the majority of the public are called far right.

And that has a lot of implications these people don't think about.

First of all, is that, of course, it makes actual far right, become completely normal. Because they will say, oh, well, everything is far right now.

And the second thing it does. Is that it defames and Liberia! Majority public concerns. Which are legitimate concerns.

You know, Americans are right to be fearful about the implications of having an entirely porous southern border.

And the Europeans and British people and others, are completely right.

To be concerned about having a totally porous southern border.

And to call these concerns extreme, or to try to choke them out in the mainstream, is something so antidemocratic and antipopular. That, I'm just very alarmed the way in which it is.

GLENN: Well, I don't know if you've been following Davos. I'm sure you have this week.

DOUGLAS: Of course.

GLENN: But they are making mis and disinformation a priority. Here in America. We've already had the Wall Street Journal.

We have had two stories now from NBC News this week on disinformation.

Listen to this paragraph in the story from NBC News. An increasing number of voters, have proven susceptible to disinformation, from former president Donald Trump and his allies.

Artificial intelligence technology is ubiquitous. Social media companies have slashed effort to see rein in misinformation on their platforms. And attacks on the work and reputation of academics, tracking disinformation, have chilled the research.

So they're -- they're making the case, that, you know, anybody who is -- even considering voting for Donald Trump, you are -- you've been captured by disinformation, which lead you to where Jordan Peterson is today.

You've got to go to a reeducation camp.

DOUGLAS: Right. Well, that's the thing. You know, is that -- this whole concept, that there are experts. And then there's us plebs, who is part of this problem. And the problem is not just how rude it is about us, the people. We, the people, to coin a phrase. It's the fact that these self-appointed experts are not experts in many occasions.

I mean, the BBC.

The BBC has a disinformation expert now. And she keeps on pumping out disinformation.

She keeps on getting things wrong.

Well, normally, that's the ebb and flow of journalism.

You know, one paper publishes one story.

Another paper says they're wrong.

That's fine.

But this idea that we have this sort of new priesthood cloth of academics.

Academic experts and disinformation. Sorry, the person we mentioned earlier.

From kings college London.

Academics are perfectly capable of pumping out lies and disinformation.

If I were to cite the famous Bill Buckley quote, you know, I would rather to go to the first hundred people in the phone book to find out what's true. Then -- then say the -- the board of Harvard University.

GLENN: Yes. You know, there's a story in the Washington examiner that just came out. Listen to this. While the Department of Homeland Security has allowed as many as 10 million who didn't notice to flood our southern border. Domestic surveillance state has prioritized something more important. According to documents now unearthed by the Media Research Center. DHS paid $700,000 from a counterterrorism program. To a self-described propaganda network.

The source of the funding was targeted violence, and terrorism prevention grant program, which was created by Barack Obama to target al-Qaeda.

That was put on hold, and then clandestinely revived by the then acting DHS head Kevin MacLeanen and Miles Taylor.

The infamous and insufferable anonymous resistance within the Trump administration.

The funding circumvented the White House budgeting process.

The beneficiary of the grand under-President Joe Biden is the university of Rhode Island's media education lab.

In their application for the money, it said propaganda can also be used for socially beneficial purposes.

Indeed, because the public has long recognized as being suggestable, the United States has long made use of the beneficial propaganda, during World War I, World War II, and the Cold War.

So what they did is they were the source coming after MAGA supporters. And saying that they're far right, anti-Semites.

This is funded by our government, and they're the ones telling us about disinformation?


Well, that's -- that's the other thing.

If I were somebody in the situation of government, in the last 15 years, I would think I would want to try at least to talk a look at myself. And wonder where I've gone wrong. You know.

And you see that.

I would wonder.

You know, they think the public don't trust scientists anymore.

I would say, what has a scientist done in recent years?

And scientific experts, like Dr. Fauci.

What might they have done, slightly, the country into doubting scientists.

If I was a -- a political pundit or political expert within government in Washington, I would wonder, you know, not what it is, that the public have got wrong. But what it is, we have done, in recent years. That has undermined trust in the democratic process and much more.

And it never -- I never see it, you know. As the right turn of the thinker.

I try to do -- I try to be self-critical. I try to think about whether I think about something wrong. And these people just don't -- they're never wrong.

It's always us, the public that are wrong. And need to be corrected.

GLENN: Douglas Murray. We'll be back in 60 seconds.

First, let me tell you about Ruff Greens. Sharon wrote in about her dog's experience with Ruff Greens. She says, our pit bull Molly is a rescue.

Very rough shape when we adopted her ten months ago. She responded well to high-quality dog chow. But her coat still has small smell that bathing didn't eliminate. She had been on Ruff Greens now for several weeks.

And she loves eating it on her food. And her coat. Sorry.

I'm -- I'm either having bad gas problems, or somebody is drilling on the other side of a wall. She's been on Ruff Greens for several weeks now.

She likes eating it on her food.

Her coat smells much better. More energetic. Thank you for Ruff Greens.

This was developed by naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black.

You sprinkle it on your dog's food.

They love the stuff, and you will see a difference in your dog.

If it's healthy for your dog, it's -- oh. Excuse me. Still going. Maybe I need some Ruff Greens. Or call 833-Glenn-33. They will give you your first trial bag for free.

833-Glenn-33. Call them today. Ten-second station ID.

Okay. Douglas Murray. What should the average person do because this is -- with -- with more people voting for their officials. More than any time in -- in US or world history.

This year, more people will be voting in free and fair elections, hopefully. Than ever before.

What do we do?

How do we solve this?

Because they are going to start putting us, one by one, behind a wall that will not be easy to spot at first.

DOUGLAS: I think it's getting increasingly easy to spot, if I may so.

I think the public today are so much more informed. We are so much informed than we were 10 years ago or 20 years ago or 30 years ago.

And one of the things is, that a lot of things that could have been called us on us, 30 years ago. Are now very, very transparent.

We have media, that can address, the problems, when, you know, parts of the mainstream media get things wrong.

We are no longer able to be simply lectured to, or sermonized to, for the pulpit of the New York Times.

We no longer, you know, have that sort of innocence that we had in the public, in the past.

And I think that's a good thing.

And it means that we're all -- we're all -- we're all beholden to sort of know more. Admittedly. And to see through more.

And to recognize, just that it's true. That sometimes, we are told things that are completely true, and we should pass some authority some of the time.

We also shouldn't be completely trusting, and we can be skeptical.

And we can do our own research, to use a phrase that is now pooh-poohed by the so-called experts.

Who say that it's dangerous for the public to do in the search.

You know, we shouldn't be endlessly cynical. Nor should we be endlessly supine.

We shouldn't be endlessly trusting. And we don't need to be.

If someone simply told you -- gave you one opinion, on something incredibly important in your life. You probably wouldn't follow it. You probably would want to check. You know, when I get motor insured, I don't go from one place, to my -- my -- you know, insurance.

I look around. Well, if we can do that with our cars, we can do it with our life.

And we can do it with our political future.

And that's what we're all doing. And anyone who says, I'm the only font of news. I'm the only font of correct opinion. Don't trust anyone, other than me. It's somebody you should distrust.

And that, you know, frankly, as the Washington Post tag lined. Democracy ties in darkness. Well, yeah. Sure it had. And media can die in darkness as well. And sometimes the people who say, we're the only ones you can trust. Like the Washington Post, might just be the ones who end up flipping in some things along the way.

That's what they've done, and I think we the public, are in a much better position now, than we ever have been before, to see through it.

GLENN: Douglas, always great to talk to you. Thank you so much. Thank you for everything.
DOUGLAS: Much a pleasure.

GLENN: You bet.

So, by the way, talking about the Washington Post.

Here's the headline from the story that he was referring to.

Doing your own -- this is the Washington Post. Doing your own research, is a good way to end up being wrong.

Well, yeah. You could be wrong. But just listening to the Washington Post and the New York Times and CNN, and even Fox News, you got -- you've got an equal chance of being wrong there.

Do your own research.

Never close your mind. Never stop asking questions.

Humble yourself, so you're not arrogant. I know what the truth is!

Always be open to hearing a different opinion.

And you will find the truth. Prayerfully, you will find the truth.

Will Trump’s Release of MLK & JFK Files Reveal the DARK TRUTH

Will Trump’s Release of MLK & JFK Files Reveal the DARK TRUTH

President Trump has ordered officials to start the process of releasing the JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr. files. But the family of MLK has requested the opportunity to review the files before their release. What dark secrets may be hidden in them? Glenn and Stu review the rumors that the files may contain proof that MLK had affairs with 40 different women, among other heinous acts. But would this destroy his legacy and message of unity? Glenn and Stu also review JFK’s grandson’s response to Trump’s plan and why Glenn believes the truth MUST come out.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Big weekend this weekend. All right, we will talk about -- let's talk about what's happening in Washington, DC. The Martin Luther King family has reacted to Trump's executive order. And as has the JFK family.

They both say, this is a political stunt. I don't know how it's a political stunt. It was supposed to come out in 2027.

No. It was supposed to come out, when?

In the teens. Twenty teens? And then it kept getting delayed. Delayed. Then Donald Trump delayed it last term. Joe Biden, I -- he might have thought he was JFK for a while.

I'm not really sure.

Or Martin Luther King. And then it's come up again.

And people are tired of secrets.

And so Donald Trump said he would start releasing some of the secrets, that should be released.

And a few of those are the RFK files.

The JFK files.

And the MLK files. So hmm. What do they say?

Well, the Martin Luther King family, they would like to see everything first.

I don't know if you get that privilege. But okay.


Oh. Do you happen to remember what was said about these files last time.

Last time, they were about to come out.

The guy who is the Martin Luther King authorized biographer, has come out and said, really bad things are in this file.

We all know that he was a philanderer.

And I have to tell you, as I get older, I have more to do for people who did amazing things.

Because I don't -- perfect people aren't the ones that usually stand up and say, I'm going to risk my life for that cause.

Perfect people are usually the ones that are like, no, I've got way too much to lose here.

Martin Luther King was not the first guy that was approached to lead this movement. Just like Rosa Parks wasn't the first one approached on the bus. The first one was too flawed.

She was a teenager that was pregnant, and they didn't think she would garner enough sympathy. The other pastors that were approached to lead this movement all said, no, I've got way too much to lose.

No. They knew what it meant! Martin Luther King was the first one that stood up. And I think the same could be said about Donald Trump. He's not a perfect guy. But he's the first one that would say, yeah. I'll risk my life for it.

I'll do it. I'll stand.

I mean, who else gets up from an assassination, and looks at the crowd, and says, fight!

That's pretty amazing.

So they're not perfect people.

But Martin Luther King, you know, we know he was unfaithful, but apparently what is in this file, is really not good.

STU: Yeah. That's one way to state it. Uh-huh.

GLENN: First, it looks like there's an FBI letter that was trying to blackmail Martin Luther King. So something bad on the government. Trying to blackmail him. Saying, basically kill yourself or this is coming out.

But then there is information on intimate relationships with at least three women. One in Atlanta. One in Mount Vernon. One in New York. One in Washington, DC.

Another memo refers to a recording where King looked at -- this is according to his biographer, where King quoting looking on and laughed as the pastor of Baltimore's Cornerstone Baptist church allegedly raped a woman in the Willard Hotel.

Now, that pastor died in 1991. So there's no way to verify the FBI's information. It's not clear whether the agents involved were transcribing the true reality of his private life, or creating gossip. We don't know. But --

STU: They did, obviously, try to hurt him. And his reputation. That's kind of known. And it's been known for a long time. The question is, is this stuff true? As you point out, the guy who came out with this information in 2019, I think it was, is a very reputable guy. Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer. Right?

GLENN: Again, and authorized by the King family. So this is the guy the King family has said is credible.

STU: And it's hard to believe this lands in any other place than them saying, well, the government did this. And, you know, they will deny it, I think.

GLENN: Well, and does a tape exist? The letter is 500 words. Claims to be from an African-American who supported the civil rights movement.

It was, however, written by the FBI. It accuses King of immoral conduct lower than that of a beast. I'm quoting. And a giant liability to all of us Negroes. Quoting.

STU: Yeah. You didn't have to tell that was a quote.

GLENN: Well, I wanted to make sure.

STU: Unless I don't know something about your background. I don't know.

GLENN: It encourages King to listen to an endorsed -- an enclosed tape, so we don't know if the tape exists.

The writer tells King, it's all there on the record. Your sexual orgies. Listen to yourself, you filthy abnormal animal. You are on record. You have been on record, all of your adulteress acts. Sexual orgies, extending far into the past. But this someone, but a tiny sample. You have 34 days in which to do, dot, dot, dot. There is only one way out for you. You better take it before your filthy, fraudulent self is bared before the nation.

I mean, it's not going to make the FBI look good. And it may not make Martin Luther King look good.

STU: The other one you mentioned too, was affairs, which are well-known.

The buyer first says, it's been well-known for 35 to 40 years, that there have been multiple other girlfriends.

I always thought that there were probably ten or 12 over the course of four to five years. This new material makes clear that the total is more like 40 to 45.


STU: I mean, that's getting a lot of work there. You're a busy bee. Forty to 45, plus the civil rights thing. That's a busy schedule.

GLENN: When do you have time to eat?

STU: Right!

GLENN: The 32-year-old grandson of JFK made an announcement yesterday about JFK's assassination file being opened.

He said, that this is nothing more than a grand scheme. Let's see here.

STU: Grand scheme?

GLENN: Yeah. He said, there is no grand scheme to kill the president. Or, JFK.

And this scheme is just being a political prop, using John F. Kennedy as a political prop for Trump.

STU: How? Why?

GLENN: I don't know. I have no idea.

STU: It's hard to even understand the -- look, why would you not want to know this? What year is this? It's 2025. This happened a long time ago. It's about time we know what actually went on there.

And, look, there will be, I'm sure, some bad things. Some things that probably look for these guys. And some that look bad.

GLENN: Who cares?

STU: They're historical figures.

GLENN: We just want the true history. That's all I want. That's all I want.

STU: We already did a movie about it. It's time to find out what's going on.

GLENN: Yeah. And if you want the country to survive, we have to transparent. I want to know all the things. Even if everybody was pardoned. I want to know who was involved in the January 6th thing. I want to know all the facts.

STU: True.

GLENN: Even if we can't put everybody in jail, I want to know all the facts on -- on the Russia, Russia, Russia thing. On the Joe Biden, you know -- we have to expose these things.

STU: I want to know who hid and how they hid Joe Biden's mental time line from the American people.

GLENN: Big time.

STU: I want to know that. I want an investigation on that.

GLENN: Those people -- those people should go to jail, because I don't think they've been pardoned.

STU: That's true. Exactly.

It needs to be investigated. We need to know how far that went. This is one of the reasons, it feels like to me, hearing you over the years, that you put together the museum.

To unearth things like this. Good or bad, either way, the American people deserve to know the truth.

GLENN: Hello! You have to know the truth, and especially the dark sides of ourselves.
Otherwise, there's bitter and sweet. I mean, I will talk to you a little bit about AI, and AI is offering us a perfect world. Okay?

That's what this is going to be, a perfect life.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: The Garden of Eden. It already existed. Okay?

And we gave it up, for knowledge. Of good and evil.

There is oppose to everything. Good, evil, pleasure, pain. All of that.

And you have to have both sides.

Otherwise, you don't know really what you have.

So right now, Americans haven't seen a lot of pain in our lives. I mean, whatever you're going through, might seem like a lot of pain. But as a country, nothing like the Great Depression.

Nothing like World War II. We haven't experienced that. So we don't really appreciate what we have.

We have to know both sides. And, you know, when it comes to Martin Luther King, that's a holiday.

We took away the Abraham Lincoln holiday. And the George Washington holiday. To make it, a combined holiday for presidents, which presidents?

And then gave Martin Luther King his holiday.

Okay. Was that right? Was that a mistake?

I don't know. Let's just know who we're holding up here. And that doesn't mean that his ideas of America live up to your promises as important. It's probably more important now than ever before. Because the people who have been oppressed in the past, are being convinced that you're still oppressed, and now the only way to not be oppressed is to take Martin Luther King's message, and flip it upside, on its head.

And say, you've got to be a racist to be an antiracist. The only way to fix racism is to engage in racism. These are important conversations for us to have.

And I for one, applaud the president for doing this. And I think we should get all of it. Absolutely all of it. And I hope it doesn't stop here.

The REAL Reason Trump Wants Greenland and the Panama Canal | Glenn TV | Ep 407

The REAL Reason Trump Wants Greenland and the Panama Canal | Glenn TV | Ep 407

Glenn Beck debunks the hysterical claims that President Trump wants to conduct military invasions because of his interests in Greenland and the Panama Canal. His critics ignore the big picture. This isn’t some imperialistic power play — it is strategic maneuvering to counter Chinese and Russian ambitions. The U.S. has a long history of planting a flag in Greenland to combat threats from Nazis and the Soviet Union. Greenland also has some of the world’s largest untapped deposits of rare earth minerals, including graphite, copper, and lithium, that are essential for making all kinds of tech, vehicles, and planes. Glenn argues that it’s in our national security interest to collapse China’s stranglehold on mining and refining the world’s rare earth minerals. Trump’s critics also forget the history of the Panama Canal. Ronald Reagan reminded us in 1976: “We bought it. We paid for it.” So why shouldn’t we keep it? The U.S. is still the number one customer of the Canal, but China is number two. President Trump knows the canal is a chokepoint for our economy and fired a warning shot at China in his inaugural address. At the end of the day, the two places are high stakes real estate deals, and who better to negotiate those deals than our new 47th president?

How to Expose WOLVES in the Second Trump Era | Glenn Beck at TPUSA’s AmFest 2024

How to Expose WOLVES in the Second Trump Era | Glenn Beck at TPUSA’s AmFest 2024

Donald Trump has returned as the 47th President of the United States of America. But the fight to make America free again has just begun. Speaking at Turning Point USA’s 2024 AmericaFest, Glenn Beck highlights a million ways the country could tear itself apart and the ONE way it can stay together. Glenn heads to the chalkboard to explain how to figure out who’s really on Team Truth and who’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Plus, he breaks out plenty of historical artifacts that help tell the story: Darth Vader’s helmet, a cup from the Mayflower, a “Batman Begins” cowl, the Holy Grail from “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” and more …

Illegal Immigrants FLEE America as Trump Deportations Begin

Illegal Immigrants FLEE America as Trump Deportations Begin

President Trump’s mass deportation operation has begun and reports are already coming out that illegal immigrants are voluntarily deporting themselves! But the legacy media is in full panic mode, insisting that Americans should shed tears as Trump and the military rip children from their mothers. But is that actually what he’ll do? Glenn and Stu review what Trump’s real plan is. Plus, Glenn has a message for “sanctuary cities” like Chicago: “You’re only getting more people deported quicker.”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Oh, boy. Stu, Al Sharpton is very upset. Very upset today.

STU: Oh, no.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He is very upset that companies are dropping the enforcement of diversity, equity, and inclusion policies. He said, why did we have DEI? We have DEI because you have denied us diversity. You denied us equity. You denied us inclusion.

If you want to put us in the back of the bus, we're going to do the Dr. King/Rosa Parks on you. I don't know if that's a new dance move or what.

STU: It's a TikTok dance.

GLENN: It's a TikTok dance. But, you know what, I really don't fear Al Sharpton.

STU: No?

GLENN: You know, used to be a fear of Al Sharpton with some. And no.

I don't think -- you watch how insignificant that is going to be.

Americans have heard it all. They've done it all.

They're not afraid of it anymore. Oh, my gosh. They're marching in front of us. Calling us racist.

Oh, my gosh.

Well, let's give them a little something to make them go away. They don't go away. Okay?

They don't go away!

You hire, and you take activists, bringing them into your company. Or you play ball with those activists.

Revolutionaries. That's all you're going to have left in the end. So congratulations with that. Saw that. It doesn't work.

No interest. It's not going to make a difference.

STU: It's a mindset change. You know.

GLENN: It is. It is.

STU: I remember the first time we got protested by one of these organizations.

And it was like, gosh, what's happening.

Wait a minute.

I didn't understand it. We came from a -- we started a local radio show, that wound up going national.

When you get to that level. These things start happening. And then like, I don't know. A few times after it occurs.

GLENN: You roll your eyes.

STU: You roll your eyes. When I go on Twitter. And you see something negative about you or whatever.

You just don't -- generally speaking, you just don't care.

It comes and goes. You just get to that point, none of it makes any difference to you. It becomes a superpower.

Because you just don't care about any of it.

GLENN: And especially now, nobody cares about it. Nobody cares about it. You know, do you mind being called -- now people are wearing that as a badge of honor.

Oh, Al Sharpton. Yeah. He came after me because I believed in actual diversity. Because I believed in actual racism. Was bad. I believed in that idea, and the best way to fight it, is to forget about color. And to just look for merit.

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I'm scared. It's not going to change anything.

Let me give you a couple of other things that Donald Trump -- in fact, I could go a full hour of the stuff just remaining in the last two hours, of the things he's done in the last 24.

President Donald Trump declared the global corporate minimum tax. Did you know we had one?


The Biden administration signed us up for this one.

A global minimal tax.

So, in other words, companies we promised. We promised the whole world, we're never going to have a tax rate lower than 15 percent.

The global minimum tax. Because that would be unfair. And Donald Trump said, yeah, screw you. We're not doing that. And let everyone know, that uh-uh. No. We're not going to do that.

Now, that doesn't mean we will have a tax lower than 15 percent.

STU: Let's do it! Let's embrace it.

GLENN: I would love it.

STU: I will say, when it comes to economic competition. I want to be unfair. I want to be the country, where everyone else is like, gosh, I've got to get there.

How do we get involved with them? That's exactly who I want to be. Not to mention, it really benefits the people here in the United States, more than all.

GLENN: Yeah. Now, not everybody agreed to it.

Because after Biden agreed to it, the pillar one talks. That should really scare you.

This is pillar one. The pillar one talks stalled. Because we just kind of lost interest, I guess.

Countries, Italy, France, UK. Turkey.

Weren't really excited about reinstating their digital taxes. And now with Donald Trump in, there's no way they will do it.

So congratulations to the rest of the world. We have helped set you free, again!

Now, Rand Paul has introduced some legislation to repeal Corporate Transparency Act.

This is so important. The CTA. Corporate Transparency Act.

We talked about this. This is -- this will protect small businesses, and it was signed into law as part of fiscal year 2021, the National Defense Authorization Act. What does this have to do with national defense?

It requires individuals with an ownership interest in a limited liability company. An LLC, to disclose all their personal information to the US Treasury Department's financial crimes enforcement network.

And they go after American small business owners. And any failure to comply could result in up to two years, in prison and up to $10,000 per violation.

So they are repealing that, or at least that has been introduced. Because, you know, farmers, restaurants, gyms.

Lawn service companies. All of these people -- what? I have to -- I have to register with the Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Unit. I don't think so. No.

STU: That's a big one. We talked a lot. That one when it happened.

GLENN: That's a big, big, big one.

STU: Pain. Giant pain at the very least going away, hopefully.

GLENN: Yes. Also, an update on the border. The Southern Border, apparently, witnessed an outflow of persons, that came into the United States over the last four years.

I don't -- I don't know if you heard that.

There was an outflow of persons. Even on inauguration day.

Illegal aliens were voluntarily deporting themselves.

And saying, I --

STU: Yeah. You know, that's -- good! First of all.

That's -- if you're illegally, you should leave. You should leave. And you should leave on your own.

It's interesting.

There's a poll Axios had today.

Which is, the share of Americans who agree with immigration policies, like deporting immigrants, who are in the country illegally.

The number overall, 66 percent. So a popular -- a popular policy.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

STU: But they -- the take from Axios is, they don't agree with the ways to do it.

Right? And so they say, here are their examples of this.

Using active duty military to find undocumented immigrants.

Only let's say 38 percent agree with that.

Deporting immigrants that came to the US illegally as children, 34 percent agree.

Quickly deporting detained immigrants, even if it involves separating families or sending people to countries, other than their country of origin, 34 percent.

Using money allocated to pay for the US military for deportation, 28 percent.

Deporting immigrants who are in the country legally, 11 percent.

Who the hell is talking about deporting people in the country legally?

GLENN: And who is 27 percent or 25 percent for that?

STU: Yeah, it was 11 percent.

Now --

GLENN: Very well. Eleven.

STU: Right. But are any of those -- any of those policies really the policies you're talking about on a day-to-day basis? There are waves of this, right?

It starts with, obviously, criminals. That have committed other crimes. Then you have people who come in contact, with law enforcement for other things that they may have done. If you are busted. Let's say in a -- a raid of a factory.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

STU: Those people would get deported now. As opposed to released and they would go to another factory.

Those types of things are the interactions that would lead to a deportation.

Like, they are trying to paint this picture. I heard all sorts of coverage on this, this morning. Like, we're going to have military members, going school to school, to find children, who are illegal immigrants and deport them.

GLENN: It's ridiculous.

STU: That's not what these policies are going to do.

And what more likely, the overwhelming majority of these, quote, unquote, deportations are going to be of the self-deportation variety.

When people start seeing that, hey. I got pulled over for, you know -- because I got in a car accident. Or whatever.

And, you know, the police came over. And they investigated. Found out, somehow, we're illegal immigrants.

You will get deported for something like that. People start seeing that.

They will be like, wait a minute. There's no longer this giant welcome mat. For us to come here illegally.

And that message --

GLENN: Right. It will be too much stress on the family. Too much.

And they will say, what will we do with the children? Take them back home with you. Yeah, what is wrong with you?

STU: You shouldn't just leave them here. What do you do, when you leave a park? You don't just leave them at the park. You take them with you.

GLENN: What do I do with children, when I take them to the park?

STU: You take them home with you.

And that is what a large portion of this, will be people saying. You know, and when we talk about this.

They say, oh, they're coming here to do jobs. And Americans won't do.

When we say those jobs aren't here.

They're not going to come. Right?

When we're not rewarding companies for giving jobs to illegal immigrants. Who are paying them less than the minimum wage.

GLENN: The majority of people are going to self-deport.

Also, the cities that are sanctuary cities are only making it worse. Because if they won't turn over the criminals. When they're released. Or they're in jail.

If they won't do that, then they release them. And our -- ICE needs to go find them.

And if they're hiding with the family and stuff like that or a different family, when we do find them, they'll bust everybody. They'll bust everybody.

So, you know, any sanctuary city that is saying, we're not going to help ICE. You're only helping more people get deported quicker.

And you're not really helping. Now, let me give you this from the Chicago Tribune.

When reports surfaced over the weekend, that mass deportations could potentially begin on the Chicago area on Tuesday.

Martin Ramos informed his boss he was taking time off from work. He stocked up on groceries and decided his kids would skip soccer practice this week.

Ramos, who immigrated from Guadalajara Mexico, without the necessary work permits, spent the first full day of Donald Trump's second presidency hunkered down with his family, trying to avoid being picked up by ICE agents.

An arrest, he knows, would destroy everything that he and his wife have worked for, and force their two boys into an uncertain future.

Force their two boys into an uncertain future. They're staying home from school because they play soccer. And they can't play soccer. We have to do everything possible to keep our children safe.

What will they do, if we get deported?
They will go home, with you!

ICE agents did not show up at the Juliet Factory where Ramos and his wife both work on Tuesday. But fear inflicted upon the employees there was evident.

A coworker told Ramos that only ten out of the typical 40 to 50 coworkers showed up.

In Little Village, one of Chicago's largest Mexican immigrant communities, streets were mostly deserted and quiet. Tamale vendors, a hardy group used to braving all kinds of weather, weren't lined up on the sidewalks.

The hardware store parking lots, where day laborers searched for work, were also largely empty.

So, in other words, they aren't hanging out with a sign that says, we'll work for food. We'll work for anything.

And picked up by construction workers that don't want to pay union workers in Chicago. Is that what I'm hearing from the Chicago Tribune?

The possibility of mass deportations have terrified some of the area's roughly 400,000 undocumented immigrants. Prompting many to skip work.

Keep their kids out of school. And stay hidden until the promised raids end.

They are not going to end. They are not going to end.

Now, Chicago is saying that they're not going to help at all.

That's okay.

That's okay.

Sunday mass at saint Agnes of Bohemia Catholic Church was unusually empty. And the church personally advised a group of street vendors, based on the southwest side to stay home during the week.

Until they will learn how ICE will operate. Out of the thirteen street vendors, only one was out there. Most vendors declined to speak to the Tribune out of fear, they might be identified and targeted.

People are hiding. They call me and ask me what to do. But my hands are tied. I don't think anyone knows what to do. Yeah. Here's what you do.

You tell them to go home!

You tell them that this government is serious about applying the laws, equally. And holding on to those laws.

And you then tell all minorities, in Chicago, you know, I've got to tell you, if your city continues to defy federal law, then your city is going to get funding, cut off from the federal government.

Let the minorities know that they are embraced bit federal government. But due to the city and the state's stance on protection of those who come here illegally and took your jobs and receive things the Democrats would have never given to you, or any other American.

The federal government only has one lever. And that is: To shut off the funding to Chicago.

So recognize who the bad guy here is. It's up to you, Chicago. It's up to you to stand up.

Now, the question is, are you going to stand up with illegals? Are you going to stand up for the absolute vast minority? Are you going to stand up against the minorities in your city, that are Americans?

Because they've been protesting this whole time, saying, wait.

Why are we getting the shaft, and these guys are getting hotel rooms, and free food, and everything else.

You never gave us any of that stuff.

Yeah. Well, it's time for Chicago to wake up. And these states will either be absolutely left behind, or they will wake up.

And that goes for California too. You are going to see that choice on Friday.