How we should REACT to anti-Israel protesters chanting 'from the river to the sea'

The House of Representatives censured Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib for making statements that many believe were calls for the destruction of Israel, including the common pro-Palestinian chant, "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." But should protesters — and even members of Congress — be able to make statements like this? Or should we ban anything deemed a call for genocide, anti-Jewish, or pro-Hamas? Glenn argues that he'd rather be able to hear it from their mouths directly so he knows exactly where they stand: "What is shocking is that there are so many [in the West] so eager to do so." Glenn warns of the dangers of embracing a culture that silences speech it doesn't like, even speech it finds abhorrent.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Well, they have censored now Rashida Tlaib -- she has now been censured in Congress.

Now, it was over her anti-Israel statements. However, they didn't do it last time.

STU: No.

GLENN: But this time, she said that Joe Biden was a genocidal maniac. And gosh darn it, they got it done this time.

STU: Yeah. We talked about this literally yesterday. That they let Rashida Tlaib get off with all of her anti-Jew comments.

But I bet they have a better chance of censuring her now that she's bashed Joe Biden. And that's exactly what happened, 22 Democrats came on board. For that particular vote.

GLENN: Yeah. So she wept openly. Like a little girl, here she is.

VOICE: I can't believe I have to say this, but Palestinian people are not disposable.

STU: What. What.

GLENN: Oh, boy. Here she goes.

STU: Oh. Ilhan Omar is going to give it a hug. Have to get it in the camera shot as well.

GLENN: Standing with you. I'm here for you.

VOICE: We are human beings. Just like anyone else. My city, my grandmother, like all Palestinians just wants to live her life with freedom and human dignity we all deserve.

STU: All Palestinians feel that way. Some of them raped and murdered Jews and put children in ovens and live streamed the murder of grandmothers to their family members. Some Palestinians did that. I wouldn't say all fall into the category.

GLENN: Did you notice that her mom, who wants to live -- or her grandmother wants to live in dignity, is completely covered head to toe?

STU: Well, her eyes want to live in dignity. Because that's the only part you can see. Yes.

Very heartwarming. She has the performative cry thing down very, very well.

GLENN: Oh, she went nuts.

STU: She is nuts.

GLENN: Yeah. Going into, this is what I would expect from a body that owned slaves. You know, 100 -- it's -- yeah. She's nuts.

STU: Not only nuts. But boring. Boring.

GLENN: Yeah. So free speech. Free speech. Is this free speech?

Is this free speech at universities?

Do we have free speech?

Because you can barely say whatever you want, when it comes to killing Jews.

You have a gag order on a presidential candidate. You have big tech collusion. Pressuring of the press. Mostly peaceful protests, that are not mostly peaceful are okay. But some actually peaceful ones are not okay.

You can call for the murder of a president, while we sift through the sediment-free layers of that same presidential speech.

To prove he was calling for an insurrection.

And who is Ray Epps again?

Meanwhile, hoards are our street.

They are marching to that catchy tune from the river to the sea.

But I thought inciting violence was out. Should calls for genocide be protected?

Well, maybe.

Here's an uncomfortable position. Hamas supporters should be able to chant, from the river to the sea, just as Nazis should be able to March through Skokie.

That's my position.

If we can only see who they are and what we -- what they think.

If we listen closely, they tell us who they are. And what they attend.

That does not mean we support them.

It doesn't mean we ignore them.

It means we listen carefully.

When you are saying, to the river to the sea, that's all of Israel. That is a call for genocide.

If we listen to people, it's actually an advantage. But we have to be wise.

The shocking thing is that -- that so many are allowed to call for genocide in America. That's -- that's not the shocking thing.

What is shocking, is that there are so many right there, in the shining cities of the West. So eager to do so.

You should be allowed to say it. But look at the number of people. And they're not countered by a Million Man March. Saying, no.

This isn't who we are. If protests turn to burning cities down. Or breaking into capitols.

Those committing the violence, are to be punished.

Violence is violence.

But I would bet you, that as we saw at the White House, last week. When they were trying to tear down the gates around the White House, if they would have gotten through, they would have found a way to make that a mostly peaceful protest.

Opinions are sometimes really despicable.

But opinions are opinions. It's not violence.

But in the yearning for safety, or someone just to protect us, we accept -- many of us accept that some speech is dangerous.

Some needs to be silenced.

Because someone might hear it. And start thinking. And then start doing the wrong thing.

Voting the wrong way. Not behaving as they should. Only, who decides?

This is not about whataboutism. Or right versus left.

This is about how important and open and an even playing field really is.

And the only one that really counts. The playing field of ideas.

There's a court case, Whitney versus California. And Justice Louis Brandeis, who I despise. He wrote, listen to this carefully.

Quote, those who won our independence by revolution were not cowards. They did not fear political change.

They did not exalt order at the cost of liberty.

To -- to courageous, self-reliant men, with confidence in the power of free and fearless reasoning.

Applied through the process of popular government.

No danger flowing from speech, can be deemed clear and present.

Unless the incidence of the evil apprehended is so imminent.

That it may befall before there's an opportunity for full discussion.

If there's a time to expose through discussion, the falsehood and fallacies to avert the evil by the processes of education. The remedy to be applied is more speech. Not enforced silence.

Now, this guy, 20th century. Early 20th century. Twentieth century Wilsonian progressive.

Okay. Big with Wilson.

And a lot of that sounds really good. Right?

Starts well. Ends well.

But there in the middle, it goes wildly off the rails.

Did you necessity the giant carve-out?

Speech is good.

Unless full discussion cannot control its effects fast enough.

Okay. Now who decides that?

Because we're having that discussion right now. With global warming.

It's something that is not supposed to happen for another 50 or 100 years.

But we have to act right now. No discussion. Discussion is over.

You must not say this thing, because someone might hear you think, act.

Before we have time to feed them the approved truth. Then all speech has to be censored and filtered. After all, if I speak, you will hear.

And as soon as the words are out, well, in telling what might happen.

America, and after it, the West, used to be justly admired for one of its greatest innovations.

Peaceful transfers of power.

A democratic Republican process, resting on none other than free speech. An open marketplace of ideas.

An even playing field.

We supposedly choose our leaders and our policies, based on robust debate. Where all of us make up our own minds.

But is that true?

How many people are making up their own minds?

How many people are engaging.

I mean, look at what Google is doing. Look how social media is shaping.

Do you have free will? We're at the beginning of that debate.

And transfer of power, used to involve violence, wars, revolutions.

Coups. But we found a better way. So that when a Trump or a Biden enters or leaves the White House.

No tanks are needed, mostly.

But that only works with an even playing field. An open market. If one side can get their thumb over the other, for safety, then that all goes away.

And the alternative to free and open debate, is just like the alternative to free and open transfer of power. Violence.

The alternative to violence is dialogue. Real dialogue. Not the dialogue that's like, well, I will see if you can come my way.

No. Let's have a real dialogue.

If debate is not an option, what remains is force. Political force, at first. Eventually, actual force. Shout, shove, then shoot.

We're stuck after shove, right now. Will we go to shoot? Or will we reverse ourselves?

Because if a disagreement becomes intolerable, then you have to come up with a solution. And what is it the Palestinians are shouting in our streets now?

A final solution.

It's probably no accident, free speech is in the First Amendment.

Even though, that amendment is actually third in the Bill of Rights originally, submitted for ratification.

Is it a coincidence?

Or is it a finger of God?

One thing we know, the Bible doesn't have a First Amendment commandment.

But it does have plenty on speaking the truth, and it is crystal clear on the need for a playing field.

Don't recognize faces in Deuteronomy.

It means treat all people the same.

Kings and commoners, white and black, rich and poor. Democrats, Republicans. Ultra MAGA and Never Trumpers.

No special treatment, good or bad.


Because God wants us to be more like him.

He makes no distinction.

He demands the same of all of us.

Equality, not equity or safety.

Including speech. Neither God nor the First Amendment. Have carveouts.

Like, I mean, unless it's a micro aggression.

Unless it's unpopular, and makes people uncomfortable.

There are no carveouts. God is clear.

The truth needs to be spoken, especially when it's unpopular, uncomfortable, or dangerous, even in the face of tyranny.

That's when it's needed most of all. Darkness prevails if there is no light.

More light. Not less. More speech.

Not enforced silence. More honest questioning, not blindfolded fear. You have to make up your own mind.

You have to hold to the truth. You have to speak without fear.

If enough of us do, then none need to fear for those when lie. Or those who speak evil.

Because there will be enough of us speaking the truth. Fix reason firmly in her seat.

And stand.


Did USAID Really Fund Chelsea Clinton’s Wedding? Here's the FACTS

As DOGE continues to expose the many, many ways our government has wasted taxpayer dollars, Glenn gives a warning: “You have to be really careful [what you believe] because we don’t want to wreck our credibility.” While the things DOGE has uncovered have been true, there are also a lot of rumors and misinformation spreading online. Glenn addresses some of those rumors, like the seemingly-unfounded claim that USAID helped fund Chelsea Clinton’s wedding through the Clinton Foundation. We must ask questions, but we can’t jump to conclusions without being sure that we have the real facts. Glenn also addresses some provably true stories of government waste, like how the Pentagon overpays for things and why Glenn supports Trump’s decision to stop minting pennies.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Looking at the DOGE stuff, and I want to talk about this next hour.

We have to be really, really careful. Because I don't know about you, but when I heard that we possibly paid for Chelsea Clinton's wedding.

PAT: Yeah. Do we have that substantiated though?

GLENN: We don't. We don't.

And that's why I want to bring that up.

PAT: You have to be careful with that stuff. A ton.

STU: A lot of stuff coming out online.

And you can't quote this stuff. You have to be really, really careful.

Because we just don't want to, A, wreck our credibility.

And, you know, when we find out that it is absolutely true, that's when we can go and say, round them up!

Let's put them court.

PAT: Yeah. Yeah. There's -- there's a viral chart going around that shows Chelsea Clinton got, I don't know. Something like $84 million from the foundation from the Clinton foundation.

And that 3 million of that went to her wedding.

GLENN: Okay. So I think -- I think they did get $84 million.

PAT: I think that went to the foundation, right?

GLENN: Yeah. It went to the foundation.

Got it for the whole run. For Haiti or whatever.

And, you know, we know they spent $84 million in Haiti.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: Because look at the place now.

Oh, it's beautiful he has not it's beautiful.

PAT: Well, we were there, how many years after the earthquake.

And it still looked the same. As if the earthquake had just happened. You remember that?

GLENN: Oh, yeah. And the people from Haiti were saying to us, where is the money?

PAT: Where is the $10 billion? Yeah. Because that could have rebuilt. That could have rebuilt the entire country. 10 billion.

GLENN: About four times. About four times over, I think.

PAT: Yep. Yep.

GLENN: I mean, it is -- Haiti is just -- it's a sad, sad situation.

It's been ripped off by everybody in the world over and over again.

And I think the Clintons are, you know, they kind of lead the way on the -- on the charity for Haiti graft.

PAT: Yeah.

STU: But we don't know anything about that. We do know the Clinton initiative got $84 million.

But we don't know any more than that.

And, you know, honestly, if you're spending your tax dollars, I mean, that's what people have to realize.

Even if it is, you know -- even if it is -- it didn't go to Chelsea's wedding.

Which I would be surprised.

I would be shocked, if they were that bold!

PAT: Yeah.

STU: But, you know, this isn't an effective use of your money.

And people who are looking at it, and saying, well, it was only $5 million.

How much money have you paid your entire life in taxes?

Because I guarantee you, it's not going to be $5 million.

It's not! Very few people to have pay $5 million in their lifetime of taxes.

So that means, that everything that you paid. Everything that you worked for. When you work four months a year, to pay your income tax.

All of that has been wasted, your entire life.

I don't know!

I'm kind of pissed about that.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: I mean, what could you have done with all of that money?

And I -- I just don't -- I don't get people who are, you know, again, like we said, I'm for aid.

I'm absolutely for aid. I'm absolutely for looking at countries, and saying, how can we help you, if it's in our interest, and that's not aid.

That would be development. But I'm not for most of the development that has been happening. I'm not interested in nation building!

You know, so, you know, even if you're for that, are you cool with it going 60 cents on every dollar? To the government officials?

Or to the charitable officials. And only 40 cents of that dollar?

I mean, I'm not happy with that. We've gotten so used to corruption, in our government, on, you know, the Pentagon spent $400 on, you know -- on a toilet seat.

We're so used to that. That we just expect it.

This is not that.

The corruption that we're finding now, is beyond imagination.

It's going to be hard for people to get their arms around, what you're actually looking at.

Because we expect a certain amount of -- unfortunately, a certain amount of corruption.

But nothing like this!

And if you're -- you know, if you are a Democrat and you're inclined, not to believe it.


I can understand that.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for a while.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. And say, I probably would have been skeptical, if Joe Biden -- I would have been skeptical if Joe Biden would have come in and said, we will route out all of the corruption.

I would have thought, well, no.

They're getting rid of anybody who is conservative on corruption.

That's why I'm so excited about the Pentagon because that's going to be a lot of conservative love.

You know what I mean?

So called conservative love. It's just graft and greed and cronyism.

But still, it -- it's -- we're supposed to be in love.

The left is supposed to be in love with aid.

We're supposed to be in love with death. I'm not -- I -- I am not blind to either one of those things.

But go into the Pentagon. I would love to see them take.

At you see the congressman or the senator last week, that held up a bag of bolts, and said, this is about $10 at the store?

It's $10,000, if the Pentagon buys it!

PAT: Jeez.

STU: Where is that money going?

PAT: Incredible.

GLENN: Who is getting that money?
And, you know, you would say, well, they're charging ten thousands of individuals dollars a bolt, because, you know, the aircrafts that they're building.

They're so expensive.

And they can't actually charge the price of what it takes.

No, they're charging us the price with all of the overruns.

All of the hundreds of billions of dollars in overruns.

They're charging us that as well.

So my question is: Where do those billions of dollars end up?

In just the pockets of, what? McDonnell-Douglas?

PAT: Raytheon?

GLENN: Raytheon.

PAT: Congress people?

GLENN: Right!

PAT: You know, a lot. A lot of it -- you know it's winding up in their pocketbooks. Has to be.

GLENN: And you know what really bothers me is, these people are taking our tax dollars. And then they're giving that money, through lobbying. To our politicians. Who are allowing the corruption to happen.

So it's just this giant circular -- I'm just going to leave it at that.

This giant circular, something.

I don't -- I don't know what happens in circles.

But there it is.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: By the way, the other thing that Trump said, first of all, he's getting rid of pennies.

Did you hear that?

Executive order. Thank you!

I mean, you know, takes 3 cents to create 1 cent. What are we doing?

That's the dims thing I've ever, ever seen.

PAT: Yes. Especially when nobody wants pennies. Nobody uses them.

If you ever use cash. And you get pennies back.

You just put it in their take a penny jar, usually.

And don't even want it messing up your pocket.

GLENN: Right. I mean, it's absolutely worthless to the American people.

And it's costing our government 3 cents to make 1 cent.

Finally, the president is -- I mean, all of this stuff is so common sense. That's what's so frustrating about all of this.

Should had it should have been done long ago.

But for some reason, we just couldn't. We've known about the penny thing.

I've known about the penny thing, when it was a cent and a half to make a penny.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: That long ago.

PAT: He's -- he's leaving no stone unturned right now.

You've got the penny thing.

And then he just did the straw situation.

Did you see that?

We're going back to plastic straws.

He signed an executive order, or he is going to. Ending the ridiculous Biden push for paper straws, which don't work. Back to plastic, he tweeted out! Or truthed out.

GLENN: I love that.

PAT: It's just -- it's amazing the things that he's covering, at a breathtaking speed.

GLENN: I love that.

Do we have the CBS anchor trying to explain how Trump's approval ratings are going through the roof? Listen to this. Cut ten.

VOICE: What's driving this?

VOICE: I will keep it simple, Margaret. He's doing what he said he would do in the campaign. There's political value in that. In fact, 70 percent of people say he's doing what he's promised. That's whether they approve of him or not.

Now, there's another part of this that continues over from the campaign. There are words he was described as being tough. Being energetic.

And he still is today, in big majority numbers.

So as people take a look in these first few weeks, there's been a lot of activity. They're getting that general sense of governance. And that's being reflected in these early numbers.

VOICE: So that's perception. What about the actual policies?

VOICE: Well, let's start with the ones that are popular.

Again, these echo the ones we see in the campaign. The idea of deporting those in the country illegally continues to be popular. We saw that in the campaign.

GLENN: 59 percent.

VOICE: Sending troops to the US-Mexico border. Again, majority --

GLENN: 64 percent.

PAT: Wow! Wow.

GLENN: I mean, it is -- and they're just baffled by it. I don't understand. No. Really.


Trump Border Czar WARNS Cartels, Illegal Immigrants, & Anti-ICE Politicians

White House Border Czar Tom Homan joins Glenn with the latest updates to the illegal immigration crackdown. He lays out why he took the job, how the deportations are going so far, and what’s coming next. Homan also explains why he’s “very concerned” about violent threats from the cartels. But he has a warning for them: “If they harm a SINGLE Border Patrol agent or soldier, President Trump is gonna rain hell down on them and I think he'll wipe them off the face of the earth." Plus, Homan has a message for anti-ICE politicians in sanctuary cities: "[Pam Bondi] will have NO PROBLEM if I recommend prosecution of a politician for impeding or knowingly harboring and concealing an illegal alien.”

Watch the FULL episode of Glenn TV HERE


From Reality TV to Deadly Rescue Missions | Diesel Brothers | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 244

When the State or National Guard can’t complete a rescue mission, it’s time to call the Diesel Brothers. “Heavy D” (‪@HeavyDSparks‬) and “Diesel Dave” rose to fame thanks in part to a prank that landed them on Jay Leno's show and then the Discovery Channel. But now they've found a much more meaningful passion. The Diesel Brothers have since carried out multiple rescue missions to recover crashed airplanes and missing persons, making use of their most impressive vehicles. These include Heavy D’s Black Hawk helicopter, which they say leaves the FAA asking, “Who are these guys and how do we know they aren’t going to kill themselves?” In a conversation about trucks, fame, and “rolling coal,” the two men outline their ongoing legal battles with an environmental group in Utah and give their take on the rise of electric vehicles. Heavy D, who has met the president himself, tells Glenn that “Trump has an authentic admiration of Glenn” because he is “legit,” and the three men applaud Trump for not taking on a “God complex” after the assassination attempt. In the end, the two put Glenn in the hot seat, asking him to name the one person — alive or deceased — that he would most want to have dinner with.


How Trump’s 15% Tax Plan Could UNLEASH American Prosperity

President Trump is working on a plan to lower corporate tax rates to 15% for companies that make their products in the United States. Informal Trump economic advisor and Committee to Unleash Prosperity co-founder Stephen Moore joins Glenn to make the case that this plan, coupled with tariffs, could unleash American prosperity. But Trump might not stop there. Moore addresses whether Trump could get a “15/15/15” tax plan past Congress, meaning 15% corporate tax, 15% income tax, and 15% tariffs. “If he could pull that off,” Glenn argues, “it’s a new world!”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Stephen Moore, welcome to the program. Committee to unleash prosperity cofounder.

If I remember right, you've been with me against tariffs for a long time. Have you changed on this?

Because I think I'm changing, Steven.

STEPHEN: Hey, Glenn, good to be with you. Also, I'm an informal adviser to Trump on the economy. And, by the way, he knows that I'm not a huge fan of tariffs. But you set this up very well.

You know, a tariff is basically a consumption tax.

GLENN: Oh, good. Correct.

STEPHEN: It's something you and I talked about over the years is the national retail sales tax replace the income tax. Well, if you did that, you would essentially be taxing everything when it came in to the country.

Because it will be consumed here. And so what Trump is basically talking about, which I think is a really interesting idea, is not necessarily getting rid of the income tax. But lowering all the tax rates to 15 percent. You know, right now, you know, it's 30 percent or more. And then imposing that --

GLENN: I was going to say, what kind of world do you live in? I would celebrate with 30 percent income tax.

STEPHEN: Yeah. Right. If you're really rich, you could be uphill by 40 percent.

So I kind of like that idea. So I go with Trump the other day.

To say, the 15-15-15. So how about we have a 15 percent corporate rate, a 15 percent individual income tax rate, a 15 percent universal tariff, 15 percent capital gains/dividends.

Can you imagine that?

GLENN: It would unleash prosperity like nobody's business.

STEPHEN: Prosperity. Yeah. It would.

No country could compete with us here. Let me give you an example, you know, Glenn, that I think everybody can relate to because you have listeners all over the country.

You know what states in the United States have the biggest in migration right now?

GLENN: Yeah. Florida and Texas.

STEPHEN: And Tennessee.

GLENN: Okay.

STEPHEN: Now, for a bonus question, I know you're supposed to be asking questions. What you know those states have in common?

GLENN: No income tax.

STEPHEN: No income tax. So businesses, capital, and jobs, migrate to the places with low tax rates. So if we have the lowest tax rates in the world, on top of the greatest workers in the world, the freest country in the world, I mean, we would just blow away the rest of the world. And Trump is very -- I don't know. You know, it will be tough to get that done. But that's where he wants to end up.

GLENN: I tell you, that's the problem we've always had with tariffs, for me at least. It's just a tax, and you're already taxing us.


GLENN: Well, then buy American, and then you don't to have pay for that tariff.

But I'm are already being taxed a pretty high rate.

Please, I don't want to pay more for things that maybe I want. Or maybe they're cheaper.

Because they're coming from China.

STEPHEN: Yeah. This is a good conversation for people who have this.

Trump said different things at different times.

In my conversation in the last week. It basically was saying, he put it very simply.

He said this to some of the speeches too. What he wants to do is charge a 15 percent tax on things that are made in China. Or, you know, Europe.

GLENN: Right.

STEPHEN: Or Japan.

But if it's made in Michigan or Ohio or Pennsylvania or California or Maine, he wants to have the rate 15 percent.

I'm like, well, I can live with that, Mr. President. I think that's a pretty cool idea.

I mean, I'm an America First guy. I'd rather have people buy things that are made in America, all things equal.

GLENN: Wait. Wait. Wait.

You just said, if it's from China, you're paying 15 percent tariff. But if it's made in America, you say you pay an extra 15 percent. That's zero!

STEPHEN: No. What I'm saying, you're going to pay a 15 percent income tax, if it's made in the United States. In other words, the profits you make on selling something. Let's say you make widgets. And you make a profit in making widget does in Pennsylvania and wherever it is.

GLENN: Right. But to buy that product, if it's made in America, you don't pay any tax!

STEPHEN: No, no, no.

In other words, what you're trying to do is skew the table a little bit more in favor of buying things in the US versus other countries. By the way, that's what other countries do to us.

GLENN: I know. I know.

I have to tell you, I think the way the president is handling really, everything.

I've never seen anything like this, Steven. Have you?

STEPHEN: Me either. No. I've been in the game as long as you have. I have arrived in Washington in the Reagan years.

So I still think Reagan was one of our greatest presidents. I still think Trump, it's interesting. Because whenever we have meetings, with Trump, he's always talking about -- he's very kind of envious. He wants to go down in history, as one of the great presidents like Reagan. To role model that out.

So I think, I think we're -- and he also will understand, Glenn, he's only got really about two years to get it done.

And then we will -- he's a lame duck. He can't run for reelection again. He understands that. That's why he races out of the gate like sectator out of the office.

I think I said on your show a month ago, or so. Buckle up. Because this will be a hell of a ride. And it's only been three weeks.

GLENN: I know. Seven days. And I think he's accomplished more than most presidents have done in their entire term.

STEPHEN: Definitely. Definitely.

GLENN: And I don't think it will stop any time soon.

Because I said, you've got only two years to do this. He said, Glenn, two years. I've got 100 days.

If I don't have all this done in 100 days. It's not going to get done.

STEPHEN: There's a lot of truth to that. There's a lot of truth to that. That's why we have to get this tax cut done.

That's one of my highest priorities is making sure we make the tax cuts that we cashed in 2017 permanent. I want to make sure your listeners understand something.

I think most of your listeners know this. But a lot of people are not aware of it.

If Congress does nothing, everybody's taxes are going to go up next year. Everyone's. You know, we don't want Donald Trump raising taxes on people.

And so we have to get this tax cut done. I like his idea of no tax on tips. I like the idea of no tax on overtime. We'll add some other things on it.

But these are all oriented toward making an American economy great again. And it's going to work!

GLENN: So why aren't we going for 15-15-15, over doing -- you know, making this permanent, why not in just one move try to go for the whole enchilada?

STEPHEN: Well, stick around, my friend, it may happen. We'll see how it turns out.

At the very minimum, we have to make those taxes permanent.

But we may go further than that. We may go with 15-15-15, and that would be a remarkable accomplishment.

And then we will produce American energy. He's already slashed the regulation clause.

So it will make America incredibly competitive.

And the jobs are going to flow here, not in China and Japan, and all the other countries. It's a beautiful thing.

GLENN: We not only have to grow our bottom line, grow our way out of this. Which we can. But we also must cut. It will take I think 65 years at this point. At the speed of DOGE.

And they're cutting like crazy, to actually balance the budget.

Are we going to be able to cut enough?

Is there an appetite for that?

STEPHEN: Well, as I said, I've been in this town for 40 years. And Republicans talk a good game. But when it comes right down to it, we like to spend money just as much as Democrats do. I think, how about what Trump is talking about. About getting rid of all this crazy foreign aid programs. I mean, the left is hyperventilating about this. But those programs never work.

They don't -- they don't need any development. They just create a huge international bureaucracy of people who hate America.

I mean, this guy has -- has a spine of steel. I mean, he really does.

GLENN: He really does. He really does.

Steven, thank you so much. God bless you.

Keep us informed, will you?

STEPHEN: Check in more often.

GLENN: Yeah. I will. I will.

Thank you very much.

Stephen Moore, Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

I have to tell you, I think if he did 15-15-15, it would explode.

PAT: Which is 15 percent flat income tax. Fifteen percent corporate?

GLENN: Corporate. And 15 percent tariff.

PAT: Tariff. Wow.

GLENN: So you don't make it in America. You know how many people -- what's the company that bought Ford and Jaguar and everything?


Can't remember the name of that company.
But they're now talking about coming back to America. Because of the tariffs. They're going to make the Jeep back in Detroit. They've already moved 1500 jobs back to a factory here in America. They're going to move them also back to Detroit. To make the Jeep back in America. That's what happens.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: If you have a tariff and you have 15 percent tax! This is why -- you know, it's fascinating. This is why, when we were headed towards that global government, this is why the president and all the leaders of the West, tried to get an agreement that there would be a minimum corporate tax. Do you remember that?

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: And we were a part of that. A minimum corporate tax. No! No.

We're not going to play -- we're not going to hobble everybody.

If we can work it to our advantage, so we grow, why would we hobble ourselves?

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: And 15-15-15 would blow the world away. Blow it away.

PAT: Because far more competitive than any other industrialized nation.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

The jobs that would be created here.

You would get more money into the coffers of the United States government, because the prosperity would be so high! It would be amazing.

PAT: Yeah.

And to replace the progressive income tax with just a 15 percent flat tax. That -- that would make such a huge difference in American's lives.

GLENN: Think of just this. If we had a flat tax, think of how many dollars are wasted on IRS audits. How many -- how much time is wasted at places like H&R Block.

Your accountant. How much time you spend putting your taxes. Getting the receipts. Figuring it all out.

PAT: My gosh.

GLENN: Think of just the man-hours. Forget about the money that's being lost in preparing it! Just the man-hours.

If you had those man-hours back, what could we be doing with that money and those man-hours?

Just that is game-changing and growing the economy.

Because you have more money, to keep!

And more time to do what you want to do!

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: I'm telling you, if he can do 15-15-15, if he can pull that off, it's a new world.

PAT: And Stephen Moore said, it's a possibility. That's pretty amazing!

GLENN: That is amazing. That is amazing.