The SHOCKING ways Democrats want to ALTER the Supreme Court

A new poll reveals the SHOCKING ways some Democrat-likely voters wish to fundamentally alter the Supreme Court. In fact, 39 percent of likely Democrat voters favor a constitutional amendment to allow the UNITED NATIONS power to reverse any SCOTUS decision that UN member nations feel violates human rights. Um, WHAT?! In this clip Glenn and Stu discuss why giving sovereignty to the UN makes NO sense and the other INSANE changes some Americans want enacted onto our judicial branch…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Hey, I just got a new poll in. Which is great, from the Heartland Institute.

It's -- hmm. It's going to come out tomorrow. Tomorrow, afternoon. The results are pretty terrifying. The poll was done by Rasmussen to see how Americans, how they feel about the Supreme Court.

Yeah. So here's what we have: Majority of Democrat likely voters. Not just registered Democrats. But likely voters, believe the Supreme Court is fundamentally racist. 56 percent. And fundamentally sexist, 67 percent.

That's not good. That's not good. Further, 53 percent of Democrat likely voters, want to abolish the current Supreme Court and establish a new Democratically elected Supreme Court, with justices chosen by the American people, directly. Can you even imagine, what a nightmare scenario that is?

39 percent of Democrats would strongly or somewhat favor a constitutional amendment, that would give the United Nations the authority to reverse U.S. Supreme Court decisions, that UN members believe violate human rights.

Could -- I mean, who are the Democrats?

Who are they? I -- I -- really? I mean, I've met this many dumb people, but that would mean all the dumb people in America are Democrat, and I don't believe that.

But I'm beginning to. I mean, 53 percent? 56 percent say it's fundamentally racist. Sixty-seven of Democrats say, fundamentally sexist. But 53 percent of those who are likely to vote, say they want to abolish the Supreme Court, and hold elections for the -- I mean, why don't we just -- why don't we just do America's Got Talent. America has judges.

STU: Look, that idea worked really well with the Senate. Look how great our Senate is doing now. Now that we elect them directly.

It's really improved that process quite a bit. You can kind of understand. Okay the fundamentally racist thing. Well, Democrats think literally everything is racist. Okay. Maybe. Fundamentally sexist. Maybe they just went through the Roe vs. Wade thing. A lot of Democrats are angry about that.

GLENN: I can cut you some slack on that. Maybe.

STU: No one is even proposing, that the UN is taking over vetoing our Supreme Court decisions. And still a giant chunk of Democrats believe that that's the way we should go. That is remarkable.

GLENN: So 39 percent of Democrats would strongly favor a constitutional amendment that would give the United Nations the authority to reverse U.S. Supreme Court decisions that UN members violate -- that's 39 percent. Here's the crazy part:

48 percent of all voters aged 18 to 39.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: Favored giving the United Nations the power to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court cases.

So wait. You want to give up our sovereignty?

To that group of people? Can you tell me what that group of people have done? One good thing! Honestly, one good thing. Audrey Hepburn was -- was -- was an ambassador for them.

And I loved her. She was great. That's it. That's as far as I can go.

STU: It's -- it really is amazing. Why would you want to do that, of all things? I guess at this point, they just want to overturn everything. Because they see the Constitution being upheld. And that's the problem here. Is that, again, the Supreme Court did not take away a right. They said, the right didn't exist the whole time. Which is true. And they took the power away from themselves. The Supreme Court initially created this right, out of thin air. Which is their argument, by the way.

Not my argument. Their argument is, they acknowledge it wasn't around during the time of the 14th Amendment. Because almost everybody had banned abortion at the time of the 14th Amendment. They can't argue that it was the initial intent. They just said that later on, they believed that updating standards. It's a living document. Now that power of the 14th Amendment, includes abortion. They, the Supreme Court, a bunch of men, created the right. And then a later Supreme Court, said yeah. You can't just create rights like that. That's not what you do. So we took the power out of their own hands. And people are still incredibly angry at them.

It really is ultra amazing.

GLENN: So I don't think people understand the second part of that. They took it out of their hands, because they said, it's not a right in the Constitution.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: It's not like they said, nope. That's not a right. They said, that's not a right, that the federal government has purview over.

The federal government has certain things that they have -- all the Bill of Rights. All those. That's what the federal government cannot do. Okay?

They can't violate any of those. Well, they're violating all of those right now. Nobody seems to care. It's what the government cannot do. Any other right, not listed there, goes to the people, and to the state. So you might have the right.

I haven't heard a good case on it.

You might have a right for an abortion. But that's for the people and the state to decide, not the federal government.

STU: And some state Constitutions allow for that right. Again, I think that's morally reprehensible. That's in several state constitutions. And you can get those abortions there, for the time being at least. You know, the whole point of this, and this is in several of these.

It was also in the EPA and several others in this session.

It was a theme. We are not the ones that are supposed to make these decisions.

If you guys want to do these things, pass laws.

Start passing laws, if you want these things to be done.

Go within the constitutional bounds of your power, and pass laws. Stop acting like we're going to do all this stuff for you. That's not our job. That's them saying, hey, we aren't going to take the power. We are actually going to cede the power, which for some reason the left wants us to have. We're going to cede it back to the legislatures, where it belongs.

That is what they've been doing over and over again. That's how this is supposed to work.

GLENN: So what is -- what's crazy. Let me do one more thing here. On abortion.

If you look at the numbers, more than one in three, 37 percent said their state should allow abortion only in cases of rape and incest. 37 percent. Another 12 percent, favored allowing abortion only in the first six weeks of pregnancy. And that's when you can detect a baby's heartbeat.

STU: 16 percent you said?

GLENN: Twelve.

STU: We're at half, basically.

GLENN: Yeah. We're at 49 percent of the country that would say, six weeks, that's it.

STU: Six weeks or less.

GLENN: Half of the country.

Yeah. Okay?

Another 23 percent would support a ban at 15 percent, meaning 72 percent of the country agrees with what Mississippi brought in front of the Supreme Court.

Because they said, they wanted a 15-week ban on abortions.

Women are more pro-life than men. And I think that's absolutely -- absolutely explainable. It's a woman's body. You don't have a right to say anything. I completely disagree with that. But how many guys, A, I'll keep the options open?

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: And, B, just been bullied into not having an opinion?

STU: I think that's true. I think, look, think of this stereotypical situation, that you would think of in these situations.

Guy goes out, hooks up with a girl he finds at a bar. They go back to the house. They do their thing. She's pregnant. And he's the one that is like, oh, I don't even want to talk to her again. Let alone raise a child with her, so, yeah, please, yeah. Abortion is great. Women's rights. Please, oh, my gosh. Women's right to choose. It's so important to me. What a fundamental right this is. They just want to get out of what they've done. Right?

They want to avoid the responsibility. So stereotypically, you assume that the guys would be the ones pushing for this. By the way, I might remind you, it was seven guys who brought the right to you.

So, you know, for all the thoughts that men shouldn't have an opinion here, the only person involved in a major abortion case, that actually decided it, that was a woman, really was -- was Amy Coney Barrett.

I mean, I guess in Casey, you can make the argument. Amy Coney Barrett is the one who is involved here. She's a woman. There were no women involved in the Roe vs. Wade decision at the Supreme Court level.

GLENN: Here's the most telling part of the poll: Majority, if I felt 5 percent said they opposed overturning Roe vs. Wade.

Even though, 72 percent would support a law, that Roe would have struck down. What's more, 25 percent, only 25 percent agreed that the Supreme Court, as opposed to state or federal lawmakers, should set the standards on abortion.

So wait.

STU: Amazing.

GLENN: 72 percent support the law, that it just overturned?

Or, that it just made possible by overturning it.

And only 25 percent say the decision should be in the hands of the Supreme Court. Which is what the Supreme Court said.

STU: Yeah. So basically, what that tells you is that people just don't know what Roe vs. Wade means. They think Roe vs. Wade means, if you overturn it, abortion goes away completely.

They, of course, will learn very soon, that that that's not the case.

Because 72 percent support the Mississippi law. And, you know, 25 percent. Like want the Supreme Court to make these rules. Well, that's what Roe vs. Wade was.

So you can't support Roe vs. Wade. And oppose the Supreme Court coming up with the rules.

Their whole argument in Roe vs. Wade was, you guys are really kind of at odds here. Why don't we come in and say, we'll just make up a standard, and that will kind of solve the problem.

And then Casey came along and they said, hey, that Roe vs. Wade thing sure didn't solve the problem. We'll give you a new standard. A new idea. And that's going to be viability. And that will solve it for you guys. And it didn't solve it at all. And then this Supreme Court said, hey. Maybe we shouldn't be giving us you the standards. Maybe you guys should solve this on your own. Through the normal process. Instead of us coming up with a universal solution for everybody. That's what everybody seems to want in the poll. They have no idea what Roe vs. Wade is, other than people who oppose it, are evil.

GLENN: Yeah. And the people who are for it, apparently love children and women. Even though now, New York has gone crazy. Absolutely crazy. Not only their new gun concealed carry permit. What do you call it? I don't even know.

Bureaucracy. It's worse than it was. It's worse than it was now. And there's no way this stands up in court. No way this stands up in court.

STU: No.

GLENN: And New York also said, they need to crack down on the pregnancy centers, that are offering life. Because they say, they are offering disinformation by saying that it's a baby already inside of you. And the other disinformation is, you're already a mother. You're carrying your child right now. So you already are a mother.

Those are the two pieces of misinformation or disinformation, they say, that they have to crackdown on. So they are now cracking down -- it doesn't matter. No longer. You can have all the abortions you want.

Celebrate all the abortions. We'll send you cakes. Just all the abortions you want. That's not good enough. They have to stop those 20 percent, that go to these pregnancy centers, and have their minds changed.

Interesting times, we live in. You will be forced to participate.

How Trump is putting the world ON NOTICE

How Trump is putting the world ON NOTICE

Axios recently released an article titled “Trump's shadow presidency clouds Biden's final weeks”, and Glenn has a few thoughts: “The only ‘shadow presidency’ that we should be talking about is, who the hell is president right now? It’s not Biden.” Glenn explains why Trump’s actions as President-elect are “promises kept” and a return to common sense. The world is being put on notice that a new sheriff is coming to town. Glenn also reviews some of Trump’s biggest moves, like his tariff threats to Canada and Mexico.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: There's this story in Axios today that just kills me.

Just the headline kills me: Trump's shadow presidency clouds Biden's final weeks.

Here's the only shadow presidency that we should be talking. Who the hell is president right now? It's not him. I don't care what anybody says.
It's not him!

Who is the president of the United States?

Interesting question. Nobody seems to want to talk about.

STU: I mean, it's going so poorly. It's hard to believe it's not him. You know, I've got to -- it kind of seems like central to his governing philosophy.

But I -- I -- I think you're right. It doesn't seem like he's really the president. And, by the way, you mentioned this the other day.

By the way, you mentioned this the other day, where did Kamala Harris go?

Haven't seen her, since I think the day after the election.

GLENN: No. Gone. Just gone. I have no idea. No idea.

Now, Axios says, here's why this matters. There can only be one man that occupies the White House.

Yeah, you're right. You're right.

They go on. Let me quote.

But the norm-busting assertiveness of Donald Trump and his transition team, and the rapidly fading relevance of the presidency in the US. It's something of a two-headed presidency.

No. Here's what's happened. This is not a shadow presidency. This is promises kept.

Okay? The world is being put on notice right now. There's a new sheriff in town.

I'm not there yet.

But I'm coming.

Now, we can play this two ways. You can understand that the time of insanity is over. And you can start preparing right now, to fix that.

Or when I get into office. Because I have promised the American people, I am going to fix this at lightning speed. I'm giving you the opportunity to get ahead of the curve.

Because Mexico, you don't fix the drug problem, you keep shipping people across your border.

I'm going to put a 25 percent tariff on everything you sell.

I'll cripple your markets.

Okay. Are you threatening? Yeah. I am. I am threatening you.

I mean, that's what I would say if I were the president. Why mess around?

This is what he means, what he says. Tariffs are coming.

So when he calls the new president of Mexico, and says that, it's not a shadow government.

It's somebody saying, this is what's coming.

You want to play ball? Or do you want to be outside?

And he's doing that, with almost everything. I mean, he did it with -- with Trudeau. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to send up additional helicopters and drones to protect the border.

And I'm -- I'm also going to put tariffs on you, Canada. And I personallily.

I love Canada. You should be the 51st state, okay?

You're not playing -- he's playing hardball with Trudeau.

He's telling Canada. We love you.

We love you. I don't have any problem. Just stop what's coming over the border.

Because we're not doing it anymore. What is the difference between that and when Joe Biden was the elect, and he was saying, we're not going to prosecute anybody?

What's the difference?

The difference is Donald Trump is telling heads of state, return to law and order.

Joe Biden was saying, there's no law and order here! There's no sheriff in town, soon!

On foreign policy. He -- they're criticizing. He's claimed credit for Iran's apparent decision not to retaliate against Israel for its October attack.

Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Who doesn't believe that?

Honestly, who doesn't believe that?

You've gone from Joe Biden, who has made them wealthy again. Give up them everything they want. Opened our coughers. Opened our doors.

Allowed them to get away with anything. And the guy who just four years ago had them on the brink of bankruptcy, had them on the brink of internal revolution. Which would have set a great people free, he's coming back.

Now, you're just one of the mullahs.

You might believe the, you know, 80 or 90, or however many virgins you're getting.

You know, you might think, hey, that's coming.

That's coming my way. Uh-huh. But there's also somebody else around you, that's a little pragmatic. That will go, yeah.

But we may just be blown up, ourselves.

You know, at some point, you ask yourself, I've got a pretty good life.

I'm not -- I mean, we're making some progress. Do I really want the United States to kill me? Do I?

That's what's happening in Iran.

They know. This is -- this is why he is such a great negotiator.

Because everyone knows. Do you know how he bought Mar-a-Lago?

Mar-a-Lago, I will get the numbers wrong. But it was like $30 million.

It had been given to the United States by Merriweather Post in like '70 something, '72.

Been given to the United States government, as the Southern White House.

Okay? And when Jimmy Carter got in. He said, it's too expensive to keep up, we're just going to give it back.

So he gives it back.

Somebody else buys it. I think it was given again to the United States as the Southern White House. They give it back again.

And so Donald Trump buys it. Now, that thing was selling for -- and I will get the numbers wrong. It was selling for $30 million. Something like that.

It was worth so much more now.

But it was $30 million, and $10 million just for the -- just for the furniture.

This was built by E.F. Hutton and his wife, Merriweather Post, who Post -- as in Post cereal. Okay?

So it's a remarkable piece of property.

Donald Trump came in and said, okay. I'm going to buy it. But I won't pay $40 million for it.

Because it will take $40 million at least to get it back in shape. I want it for at least -- I'm making the numbers up. For 10 million. With the furniture.

Or 10 million, and then 2 million for the furniture.

They said, no. How dare you. How dare you.

Okay. So what did he do? He went and bought the little sliver of beach, right across the street from the mansion. That provided the view, to the ocean.

And then he went back, and he said, I just bought this.

I will just build a tall building here, that I will live in.

It will wreck your view. I mean, how much do you think your house will be worth then?

He -- he -- they knew, he meant what he said. I think he got it for $10 million total, with the furniture and the house.


He -- he is known, as saying what he means and means what he says.

So when he says, you know, this is going to end, yes. It ends.

So he's -- there's no shadow government here.

It's that the leaders of the world know, he will do it. Unlike every other president that we've had, including him the first time. Americans didn't know, neither did the world.

Will he actually do that? When he -- when he says, yeah. You little guy over there, in North Korea.

I might just have to blow you up. They now know, he'll do it. He'll do it.

So I really don't want to die. Also, they're saying, he's not responsible for the booming stock market right now.

You know, I don't know the stock -- I don't -- the stock market is completely unhinged from anything real.

Okay? It's way overvalued. It's -- it's ridiculous, what's going on.

Because we've been printing money and giving it to the banks. And the banks have been investing in their own companies. And driving the stock market up.

It's ridiculous. It's not real anymore. It's not actual capitalism.

However, the first sign of capitalism, that I have seen, is the bump of the stock market, after Donald Trump was elected.

Because everyone with money knew, they're going to increase our corporate taxes. They're going to increase the -- the regulations on everything we do.

They're going to start -- they're going to continue to pick winners and losers.

They knew.

They had to say, we want to save our money.

And buy as much of our company, as we can.

And hold on. And don't spend any money.

Because we have no idea, what these crazy people will do.

They know what Donald Trump will do.

Because he said it, and he's done it before.

And it may not be in their best interest. But it will be in the best interest of their bottom line. Because he's going to fix the economy for the American people.

Meaning, they will have more money to spend. And he will put the focus on American companies, not foreign companies.

So, yeah. Explain crypto without Donald Trump.

Crypto, has it broken 100,000 yet?

STU: It did yesterday. Yeah. Last night.

GLENN: 100,000.

STU: About 102,000 right now.

GLENN: So what do you think that is?

What do you think that is?

You know, another thing he's responsible for. The pardon of Hunter Biden.

Because -- and the blanket pardon, pardon of, no matter what he's done for ten years, that's happening.

They must just pardon him for the taxes and for the drugs and everything else that he was charged with.

For the first time in history. I don't even know if it's legal. First time in history.

They pardon him for anything he might have done.

From 2014 to December 1st.

Okay? Anything. You find anything -- you did anything wrong. He's pardoned for it.

Why is that? Because radical transparency is coming.

He's not going to go on a witch hunt.

He's going to start exposing the truth by declassifying, what's really been going on.

Biden goes to Angola this week.

And he says, we want to rebuild you.

We're going to give you a billion dollars. And yet, there are still piles of houses, 30 feet high.

In Appalachia.

There are Americans struggling. This isn't a shadow government. This is a complete return to common sense. And the world knows, the next president means it!

Glenn & Panel DEBATE Trump’s 10 Most Controversial Cabinet Picks | Ep 397

Glenn & Panel DEBATE Trump’s 10 Most Controversial Cabinet Picks | Ep 397

The last five years, including the pandemic, have destroyed trust in the federal government. The election handed Trump a mandate to do something about it — to root out the corruption and waste at the heart of this distrust. Trump has not taken the safe path with his Cabinet and agency picks: Kash Patel (FBI), Tulsi Gabbard (DNI), Pete Hegseth (DOD), Pam Bondi (AG), Kristi Noem (Homeland Security), Tom Homan (border czar), RFK Jr. (HHS), Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (NIH), Linda McMahon (Education), Lori Chavez-DeRemer (Labor), and Scott Bessent (Treasury). He has mostly gone for firebrands — nominees who are already sending the establishment into a panic. Will this strategy actually work? Or is the firebrand approach doomed out of the gate? BlazeTV’s Steve Deace, Liz Wheeler, Stu Burguiere, and Jason Buttrill join Glenn along with recovering investment banker Carol Roth and FBI whistleblower Steve Friend to break down the Cabinet controversies and debate these nominees. Will the swamp establishment let them survive the nomination process?

Why Trump’s MAGA Mandate is the REVOLUTION Our Founders Hoped For

Why Trump’s MAGA Mandate is the REVOLUTION Our Founders Hoped For

Because of things like the COVID-19 pandemic, we now know how corrupt and out of control our government has become. But the American People have given Donald Trump a mandate to tear out the cancer and correct course. This, Glenn says, is what our Founders meant when they wrote in the Declaration of Independence: “when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” This is the kind of “revolution” our founders wanted us to have: not a bloody one, like communism demands, and not a destructive one like Antifa anarchists want. Instead, it’s a peaceful revolution. That is the MAGA mandate. But the Deep State won’t go down without a fight. Glenn explains the “best thing” that Trump and his Cabinet could do to win.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Okay. So earlier today, we had Congressman Brad Wenstrup on with us. He is the chairman of the select subcommittee of the coronavirus pandemic. He's a Republican from Ohio.

They've been doing Yeoman's work trying to get to the truth about what happened with COVID. You're going to be shocked, honestly. Hold your chin, because your chin and your mouth may fall so far open, when you hear this news. It could go to the floor.

It apparently came from a lab, in Wuhan.
This -- what I'm going to tell you right now is nonclassified. And because I had such a short time with Brad on the air, because we were up against this network clock, we must get to everything.

And he -- he asked to hold on. And talk to my producers, after we got off the air. And he said, tell gren, this is just the declassified stuff, that has come you out.

He said, the classified stuff and it's going to come out, he said, is jaw-dropping.

He said, it is so far out of control, our government and big farm.

And gosh, wouldn't it be ashame, to have somebody like Robert F. Kennedy, say I think this should be declassified. I talked to the president yesterday about RFK.

And he's like, he said to me, Glenn. There is a problem with something.

I don't know what it is. He thinks it's food and pharmaceuticals. But just with autism. The numbers are staggering. It is out of control.

And he's convinced, and so I told him, give me the science. Show me!

Prove it, and let's fix it, if that's what it is. And he's also very clear about transparency.

And I think if Robert F. Kennedy comes out and says, you know what, the coronavirus pandemic thing really needs to be declassified.

I think Donald Trump is going to declassify it, and it is going to be expose everybody. Everybody is involved in this. The intelligence community, the Justice Department.

The cover-up alone from the NIH, and Fauci's office. We know now that they were shredding and deleting information and emails.

They were intentionally, and even during the subcommittee, in the last, you know, year or so, while this was going on, the -- the Democrats were still trying to block getting any information on this.

The senior adviser for Fauci, unlawfully deleted federal COVID-19 records. Okay?

You don't do that. He then shared nonpublic information, about NIH grant processes with EcoHealth Alliance.

This is everything we said, we were -- I think the first ones to come out with a special, and a giant chalkboard to show you exactly what happened.

We were -- we were almost dropped entirely from YouTube, because of it.

And then Steve Deace. And gosh. What's his name.

I feel horrible. That wrote the book about, you know, how we're turning into Nazis.

STU: Daniel Horowitz.

GLENN: Yeah. Daniel Horowitz.

Then they came out with the book. And almost all of this stuff now is being proven.

And that's just the declassified stuff. This is -- we have a real problem. Our government is completely out of control.

And I am -- I just want to remind you, the Declaration of Independence says, hey, Dear King George, we really feel bad.

You know, we tried to talk to you about some things. And we really have to break away. But we apologize, that we're wanting to do that. But we feel we have to tell you why.

This revolution that we started, is unlike any other revolutionary document ever produced in the history of the world.

Read BLM's revolutionary documents. We're going to end this. We're going to destroy the traditional family.

We're going to do this, and this and this. Ours started with, hey, we have a respect for God and mankind, and we think we need to tell you why.

And then it doesn't go into, because you suck. It goes into, because we see things completely different.

We hold things that we don't believe to be self-evident. That all men are created equal. Yada, yada.

And then it goes into, and governments are instituted among men, to protect those rights. And paraphrasing, whenever a government begins to injure those rights, or harm those rights, it is the right and the duty of the public, to overthrow that government. And replace it with a government, more likely to protect those rights.

That's what happened, gang. We -- just went through that paragraph of the Declaration of Independence.

What this mandate was, is we are overthrowing, this out of control government, that is inflicting damage on our rights.

And we're replacing it with a bunch of outsiders, hopefully. That will be better equipped to protect our rights.


So we did this, the right way. This is fantastic news.

Our Founders saw the solution, and we actually did it.

Now we just have to make sure. Because these guys are going to fight with it -- there is so much money involved.

I mean, you want to -- just think of all the wars that are breaking out right now.

All of the wars.

You have South Korea.

You have North Korea. China. Violating South Korea.

You have China, with their drones. I don't know if you've seen the video of their drone armies.

Oh, my. Our aircraft carriers are over.

Mark my words. The next global war. The next serious war. Aircraft carriers are going to be the horse of World War I.

It's over!

They're going to take Taiwan. Possibly if Trump comes in. There's a chance of that stopping.

Or when Trump gets in.

But what are we doing?

We're depleting everything we have.

We built, rebuilt our armed forces under Trump.

Now, we don't have enough to fight a two-front war. We just don't have enough. We don't have it.

We've given it away. Why? Because the military industrial complex, says, you know what, we can -- why don't you give your stuff away.

We'll make more for you. You know the money that is involved?

This is -- think of Jason borne. Those movies where people are killed, because of small things like, you know, a billion dollars. Or power.

That is happening in almost every industry. And every big business around the world.


Health care. Intelligence. The military industrial complex.

The education complex.


When -- when these things are exposed, people are going to be in danger on both sides.

You're going to just start seeing people, oh, accidentally falling out of a window.

I'm convinced of it. Because it is so corrupt.

But the good news is, we are on it. And the best thing that can happen, is to release all of these documents.

And this is the one thing I do like about RFK.

RFK doesn't trust the government. The -- he does not trust the intelligence agencies. He doesn't trust the government, because he's seen two murders and assassinations in his own family.

He knows what Deep State can do. And I am absolutely convinced.

I was never convinced of this before. I am absolutely convinced, Oswald killed him.

But that was an operation. I'm absolutely convinced, that was an operation.

He was going to cut all of the endless wars that they were preparing for. Donald Trump is in that same situation.

The good news is, Donald Trump is not alone.

John F. Kennedy was kind of alone. Had his brother.

But kind of alone. But remember what -- remember what Hoover did.

That's why Kash Patel is so critical. In the FBI.

Kash Patel is -- they are -- they are pooping their pants, I mean, all day long.

I don't know how many changes of underwear they have to bring to the -- to Congress and the Senate. And to the FBI building every day.

But they've got to be changing their underpants a lot. Because that guy is serious.

I talked to his wife last night. And she said, Kash wanted to come up and make sure that I said hello. And I said, you make sure you tell him, I am 100 percent behind him.

Because we talked on -- on TV. Months ago, and he talked about, I wouldn't have released the JFK papers. He said, I can't explain why, but I saw them. I think that was a right decision.

But everything else, it just -- it needs to be declassified. Everything needs to be declassified.

This is -- this is too secretive.

So there is no accountability.

That guy is going to go in. And he is going to take things like this. And people are going to go to jail.

This is the kind of revolution, that our Founders wanted.

It is a peaceful revolution.

But they're not stopping their fight.

We are -- we are in for -- and I -- I hate to keep harping on this. But this is why I am so concerned about global war.

Because this isn't just an American problem. This is happening everywhere.

This is everyone. Every country. Every western country has this going on.

Look at Canada. Look at Trudeau. What do you think is hiding in the closet of Trudeau?

What do you think is hiding in the closets of the Labor Party, and even the Conservative Party over in England, or France, or Germany? That -- that doesn't have the kind of constitutional oversight like we have.

These secrets are everywhere. And they're connected. We have our work cut out for us.

But I just -- I have to tell you, I feel this from everything -- every part of my being. It is going to be very, very tough.

But God is with us. And Donald Trump is serious.

And he is looking for -- I don't get the feeling he is married to any one person. That he's appointing.

He is married to the mission!

And the mission is, get it done, get it done completely, and get it done fast! Before they can even react to cut our heads off.

Cut the heads of this snake.

And he's serious about it.

Inside Glenn Beck’s PRIVATE conversation with Donald Trump

Inside Glenn Beck’s PRIVATE conversation with Donald Trump

Glenn recently traveled to Mar-a-Lago to attend a PragerU event, but got a chance to talk with President-elect Donald Trump as well. Glenn discusses everything he can about the shocking conversation they had, which covered a wide range of topics: What’s happening to South Korea? What’s really going on with the Russia/Ukraine war? Do Biden and the Democrats want that war? How much of a threat is Iran? Why is Trump worried about ‘nuclear proliferation’? Glenn also explains what made this meeting very different than the others he has had with presidents and why he now believes it was a blessing that Trump lost in 2020: He’s a changed man now and he’s coming back with laser focus to change everything FAST.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I don't know where to even begin with -- I just had the most amazing, surreal experience at Mar-a-Lago, last night. Just surreal.

I was there to help raise money for Prager University. And Dennis Prager, who, by the way, let me give you an update on him.

He was severely injured. He fell in the shower. Hit his head, and it snapped his neck back.

And he has injuries to his neck.

And he is making progress. And only Dennis would be as positive. I mean, somehow or another, he's still like, huh? I'm doing great.

And it's going to be a long process to get him back. But he had been -- he wasn't able to breathe on his own. But that is over. And he spoke for the first time, here the last couple of days. And he's fully there. His body just isn't working. But he has a long road.

But he is -- he is doing better.

And believe me, he appreciates and can feel your prayers. He obviously wasn't there last night.

But he still is in the hospital.

So we were there, raising money for Prager U. Who they're just doing amazing things.

If you want to give for education, what they're doing now, on education, and Prager U. And the impact that they're having, is incredible.

Just incredible.

Dennis Prager. You know, Rush Limbaugh, when my generation, and maybe the generation, you know, after me, when we would go, people will remember Rush Limbaugh, if they read about the history of, you know, people who made some impact.

But even Rush Limbaugh, for his important and his legendary and as game-changing as he was, will eventually be forgotten.

I don't think Dennis Prager will because of Prager University. That thing is making a huge impact. And well worth your support, and it would I think make Dennis feel a lot better, knowing that they raised a lot of money last night.

And they really need your help. They have huge plans. Just go to -- it's And if you have some money that you would like to invest in the future, that's a great place to invest.

So I get to Mar-a-Lago. And I have a few minutes with the president. And I ask him, what the hell is going on with South Korea, North Korea, China, Syria, Ukraine, Russia?

He is laser focused on this. And, again, he reiterated to me, the nuclear proliferation that is coming, is going to be our biggest problem.

He said, we had Iran, absolutely crippled.

He said, I hope we can get them there quickly. He said, but nukes are up for sale now.

North Korea has them. And he said, I don't have any -- you know, evidence that they've sold them. But they are up for sale. And he said proliferation of nukes are coming.

And Russia is still the biggest threat. I asked him -- I just want to be really careful. Because it wasn't. It was just a personal conversation.

But I asked him about the next 40-some takes. I said, I'm very concerned that Biden or whoever is the president of the United States right now, the military industrial complex. Barack Obama. I don't know who it is.

Wants war. And he didn't get into who was the president or anything else. He just said, this man is so incompetent. He said, he has absolutely no idea the history of even Ukraine, let alone Russia.

He said, this -- this -- this should never have happened.

And he said, it is a meat grinder.

He said, when this is all over, and the world can see what's happened, he said, North Korea -- I asked him about the North Korean fighters.

I said, you know, are they good?

He said, Glenn, it's a country of 5 million soldiers. He's like, it's a religion over there.

Their state is the religion. Their supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, is like their God. If he says, you're going to war and you are going to fight and tie, he says, 5 million. And they'll just keep coming.

And he said, it -- the way he described it to me, it almost sounds like colonial days when everyone was just in a line. You know, and, you know, okay. We want to be fair.

We will wear the red coat so you can see where to aim. We are just going to stand in a big line.

I got the impression that that's almost how North Korea.

They have so many people, that wave after wave is coming. And he said, there's no respect for life. None.

He said, it's unlike anything modern. The modern world has seen in a long time.

He said, I don't remember exactly how he said it. But basically, they don't even have tourniquets.

He said, if the guys are shot in the legs, they bleed to death. And people are just walking over them.

He said, you're wounded, you die.

There's no medics coming for you.

You just die because they got plenty of soldiers behind you. And he said, it is bloodshed like the world cannot imagine.

And I asked him, I said, I -- I think everybody wants peace.

And he said, hmm. I think so too.

And he kind of hedged his -- at least this is my impression, that he kind of -- my impression is, we're going to pay a very, very high price.

With Putin. Because we have violated every single red line, with Vladimir Putin.

Everything he said, don't do, we have done.

And I personally think -- this is my opinion. I didn't express this to the president.

But I personally think, one, they want war.

I don't know who they is.

The military-industrial complex. The Biden family to wipe out the corruption.

Ukraine is nothing, but a money-laundering system. That's all it is.

It's money being laundered. I don't know where it's going. Why isn't anyone concerned on how much money we're sending over? All these weapons.

They're being sold on the black market to our enemies.

What the hell is happening? Why is this happening?

And so my personal opinion is, either they're trying to wipe out -- remember, the Hunter Biden thing is for ten years.

For crimes that he's never even been accused of.

Statute of limitations runs out in five years, on most things.

Except for like murder, human trafficking.


Things like that.

But he's been -- never before in American history, has this ever happened.

Never before. A blanket pardon for anything he did, from 2014.

Gee. When did he go over to Ukraine? 2014.

And so I don't know if they're just trying to buy their way out of trouble. They want a war to destroy all of any evidence, or anybody involved.

I don't know.

But somebody wants war. And it might just be the military-industrial complex, just saying, you know, we really need to upgrade our military. So let's just give them all this old stuff. And we'll make new stuff for you, America.

It could be that.

It could be the State Department. The State Department. And I won't give you his response.

But I said, you realize, you have the opportunity, because we did talk about how this endless wars are just insane.

And I said, it's the State Department. It's the -- and you can -- you can stop that nonsense.

You can just fire them all.

And get people in here, who don't think the same way Woodrow Wilson did over 100 years ago.

He's very well aware of that.

And things are going to change. I was -- everything we talked about, he was laser focused.

I mean, you know, I've met with presidents before.

I met with Ronald Reagan

I met with George H.W. Bush. I met with George W. Bush. And I met with Donald Trump.

I have more confidence in Donald Trump now, than any other president I've met with. The guy is super, super informed.

It is a blessing, honestly.

It is a miracle, that he lost in 2020. And I say that, you listen to this show. You remember what I was saying. We're all doomed. We're all going to die. Okay?

The country is over if we don't correct this in four years. We would not have had this president, the man he is today, if it wasn't for his loss in 2020.

He had four years to go, okay. What did I do wrong? How did they get me?

How did they thwart me? How do I stop it? And how do I reverse this machine, while dismantling this machine? He is laser focused on that.

And if he said it once to me, he said it a thousand times. Glenn, it's going to be breathtaking. It's coming. Change is coming.

And it is coming fast. They are not going to know how to deal with it.

I'm filled with confidence, and, again, I say this with the caveat, that, you know, the left will never say.

But I say this with the caveat that I would say on any president. As long as he's constitutional. As long as he's following the Constitution and the laws, he -- he is going to be remembered as one of the greatest presidents of all time.

Because he's at least going to give it a college try. I mean, he's -- he's going for it.

We talked about his appointments. And what he had planned. There's some things that -- well, recommend take a one-minute break.

GLENN: So when we're looking at the world stage, everything that's happening is happening because America vacated the leadership role. I hope Americans realize, without the consequences, at least so far, how close we are to seeing what happens to the world, if America leaves the world stage.

And I don't want to be the world's policeman. I don't want to be involved in foreign wars.

The president doesn't want to be involved in foreign wars. He wants to end them. He wants us to concentrate on us.

But somebody has to be there, to say, knock it off!

And he's the guy -- he's already doing that. It's conversations of some conversations he has recently. And the world is being put on notice.

I'm back, very soon. You might want to change your behavior. Because everything you have been doing, is not going to happen anymore.

And I wish I could express the things that he expressed to me. Because he would be so excited.

He would like, oh, my gosh. This is fantastic.

STU: Isn't this sort of hopeful about the whole Russia, nuclear war stuff too.

Why would Vladimir Putin with eight weeks left, start what winds up being a nuclear war, when he's got somebody who is going to be a lot more sane in office, just a few weeks away.

GLENN: So because this is my impression.

Because he's being backed into a corner by Joe Biden. Every red line. He does not want to do it. But he's getting pressure from the hard-liners, in his country.

STU: Right.

GLENN: To use just even tactical nukes. Which we don't know what that would cause.

STU: Yep.

GLENN: And what our response would be -- if he drops a tactical nuke, Joe Biden will launch. He will. He will. He will.

STU: Put that's a massive step. Tactical nuke. That will be a massive thing. Why would he do that, knowing that this whole situation changes?

GLENN: Again, things are so dynamic.

Look at what's happening.

I wish I could get the president on the phone, to just have the conversation, he explained it so well.

STU: Sure.

GLENN: Look what's happening with Turkey. With Syria. With Iran.

Ukraine, Russia, North Korea, China. And South Korea.

They're not disconnected. Okay? They're all connected.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: To each other. And he is -- he is confident that the Middle East will be solved. He's like, we'll get the Abrahamic Accords back.

They've dealt with me before, in the Middle East.

They know.

He said, everything else around the world is so on the edge. He was really pissed.

He was like, none of this -- I just would like to remind you, none of this was happening four years ago.

STU: Yep.

GLENN: He said, this is all because of incompetence, stupidity, and a complete misunderstanding of how the world works.

And he -- he, again, reiterated, nuclear war is -- I mean, every time I see him. And he must have said it three times last night. Nuclear war is real.

And it is endgame changing. And he said, at all costs, we have to avoid that.