As I lay me down to sleep....
I see that the MSM decided that the movement we kicked off was anti-gay marriage.
Nothing about genocide.
It is puzzling to me as I spent three hours today explaining what this was about.
Even more puzzling because I believed government should get out of the marriage game LONG BEFORE our president had his "change of heart". I didn't need one. I believed people should be allowed to make their own choice as they did before government got involved nearly to stop inter racial marriages, before gay marriage 'was cool'.
We all must stand for what we believe in.
I believe, you have the right to be married.
I also believe churches have a right to marry gay people and straight people should they choose. If they chose to only marry gay people so be it or another may choose to only marry traditional couples ..if so God bless them. It is their choice and their right.
The real answer is we all have a right to follow our conscience.
Don't make who you love about what someone else must do. Just as I won't make you worship God in the way I do.
But this is beside the point.
I began today to ask people to come together and stand against those who are throwing homosexuals off of roof tops!
I asked, "can we as Americans stand against those who are crucifying children and selling 9year old girls into slavery?"
This is real injustice.
I have the video of homosexuals being stoned, thrown off buildings, and whipped in the public square.
I have the price list for girls. The most expensive of them are the 8 and 9 year old virgins girls.
What is it that you can't agree with? You do not need to join me at anyone's house of worship. I am going there because historically it has been the people of real faith that stopped things like slavery and genocide.
It is people of perverted faith or no faith that start slavery, persecution or death camps.
What is wrong with all of us?
Can we not set Priorities?
You want to fine bakers and will stand against me for my POV which includes your right to marry.
I want to save the lives of people just Like you that are living in fear tonight for at sunrise they may be found and killed ONLY because they love another human being.
Let's drop the anger and hate and come together for the sake of not only our souls, as God will not hold us blameless should we do nothing, but save the lives of those who cry out tonight for someone ... Anyone to hear their plea.
My family decided that we actually meant: "never again." When we were in Poland we decide that we would stand against the entire world if we had to, should God forbid genocide began again.
It has begun. Isis is the new Nazi.
We will die for others should it be required.
I will stand for you.
If they come for the Jew, then I will raise my hand and claim to be Jewish as well. If they come for the Christian, atheist or homosexual I will stand with you and raise my hand, because never again is now.
Will you stand for me?
No purple triangles (people of faith), no red triangles (capitalist or communist) brown, green, black, yellow or pink!
We are brothers and sisters.
All life matters.
I ask you to join me even if we vote differently, have different faiths, color, gender or sexual preference because in the grand scheme of things it seems to me that those things don't really make us all that different.
For more on Never Again Is Now, visit Mercury One.