Is AMERICA to blame for DESTROYING the Nord Stream Pipeline?

Is AMERICA to blame for DESTROYING the Nord Stream Pipeline?

A recent Substack article, titled ‘How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline’ by Seymour Hersh, makes some serious allegations about an alleged U.S. ‘covert sea operation’ that’s been kept a secret. The Nord Stream Pipeline was sabotaged in September 2022 and those responsible for the attack remain a mystery. There’s no reason to believe America was truly behind the event, but if we were, as Sen. Mike Lee recently tweeted, it could result in war. In this clip, Glenn and his senior researcher, Jason Buttrill, discuss what may have happened to the pipeline nearly five months ago…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. I want to bring in -- I want to bring in Jason Buttrill, who is with me. And is going to explain exactly what is going on, with this one report. From one source.

So I say that clearly at the beginning. There's problems with this reporting. Because it is one source.

And I wouldn't take that from the New York Times as gospel.

So let's remember, one source. But it's pretty damning. It has a ton of facts.

Tell me the story, Jason, on what happened. And where this report is coming from.

JASON: I struggle to even really describe how to tell the story. Because it sounds like -- you familiar with the term fan fiction?


JASON: That's what was off the internet, what would really happen if Anakin Skywalker didn't become Darth Vader. This is the story. That's what it sounds like.

GLENN: Right. Right.

JASON: But Mike Lee is exactly right. If this is true, this is an act of war.

And what they're alleging is that the CIA, the Biden administration came up with the plan, to eliminate the Nord Stream two pipeline. To blow it up. And we all remember -- I think I even came on this program. I think you asked me. Do you think this was us? I said, well, no.

We would never risk something like a direct attack on a Russian asset. Never risk it.

GLENN: Here's the thing: I think it was Germany or Sweden, released a report that showed, Russia didn't do it.

And how many countries have the ability to do something like this?

This was not an easy hit.

JASON: Not an easy hit. And not even an easy hit for Americans. It would take a long time.

It would take very specific assets, like SEAL team six.

GLENN: Correct.

JASON: But the article goes into that. They couldn't use a SEAL Team 6, or anyone in JSOC. Joint Special Operation Command. Because they didn't have to go through Congress. Now, this is a big part of the story, if true.

They use some obscure Navy divers that are not part of JSOC, so then the CIA could use them in a joint intelligence operation. Not a military operation, an intelligence operation.

That would allow them to keep this quiet from Congress.

Now, think about that. Like Mike Lee said, this would be an act of war, if they did it and we found out.

But we didn't inform Congress about it, if true. There are multiple layers to this, even right off the bat.

GLENN: Who is this written by?

JASON: This was written by a guy named Seymour Hersh.

He wrote for the New York Times.

GLENN: He was a guy who got the -- the Pulitzer, for exposing the melee in Vietnam.

And he has done many exposés, but they generally kind of lean against America, do they not?

JASON: Yeah, there was the one in -- well, I guess, the bigger one would be Osama bin Laden questioning how all of that went down. Even actually questioned Osama bin Laden's culpability in 9/11.

This is what you kind of see with journalists nowadays, especially we saw this in the Russiagate stuff.

It's almost like they got on this Woodward and Bernstein high, and they all want to top each other off of it.

So where do you go after topping something like Woodward and Bernstein. They are getting more and more fantastical, and always trying to one up.

GLENN: Well, but not necessarily. This story is why you need --

JASON: True.

GLENN: -- a credible press. Why you need journalistic standards and not activists.

JASON: Yeah.

GLENN: Because we are dealing with the story now, that if it is true, the American people gone for this.

But it's the American people, if true, that will pay the price.

It will be our sons and daughters, fighting a war, with Russia, and probably half of the world, because of something our out of control Deep State did.

JASON: Yeah.

GLENN: And we wouldn't have been for it.

Now, how do we prove it? Who do you believe?

Do you believe the investigators with Congress?

Do you believe the investigators from the New York Times?

Who do you believe? There's one source on this. Which I would love to have. Because you were former military Intel. So I would love to have your thought on this.

Something this large. Because the story is pages and pages and pages. And has great detail on it.

It's all coming from one source. What are the odds, that something this secret, this complex had more than a few -- maybe five -- maybe five key holders that could unlock all of the information.

JASON: So let me just -- from my Intel perspective.

My real world experience is Afghanistan. I was one of the first ground troops, conventional, into Afghanistan after 9/11. So I was part of the planning phase. Just on my small level, my unit.

I didn't know that certain things are going on in Northern Afghanistan.

I knew a lot of the stuff in the South.
When we got on the ground, I didn't even know that there were Special Forces in certain areas, that had been there for a while. That was not my need to know.

Must need to know that. And that was right before a war. So just that perspective.

There's no way, in my mind, that a mid- or lower level, say that carefully, person would have operational knowledge in that detail. You would need cabinet-level or director-level access.

GLENN: Now it's interesting, because the way you're phrasing this and you're being very, very accurate on things. A cabinet-level or director-level might have this information.

Why would you bring up director-level information, on something this sensitive.

I mean, director-level. This was done by the CIA. Okay?

So at least in this report. Done by the CIA. So it would mean, what? Like the director of the CIA.

Why would he rat himself out?

JASON: I mean, that's a really good question. That's a really good question. Unless he was doing his duty, and did not believe in what they were doing.

GLENN: Is there any example of a director level spilling their guts on something like this?

JASON: Deep throat.

GLENN: Hmm. What was that? Oh, that's right. That was the director of the FBI, right?

JASON: Which he we found out years.

Was it decades?

GLENN: Oh, decades. Yeah, decades later. Decades later.

JASON: Decades later. But then we were like, there's no way.

How is he getting all this information? How the heck? That was a big part of it. Who was your source.

Never would have believed in my wildest dreams that it was a direct threat of the FBI. Never. That was this -- will we, decades later, say how the heck did this guy get his information? We find out it was the director of the CIA.

GLENN: If it's true.

JASON: If it's true.

GLENN: Now, where do we go from here?

Where do we go from here? Because no western ally, is going to verify this.


GLENN: Even if it is true, and they hate the fact that it is true, they know, if we say, you know what, I think it was the United States, this is an act of war.

JASON: Yeah.

GLENN: And Russia has the -- the righteous stance in the world. To take us down.

Or attempt to take us down. Take us to war.

This is an act of war.

So what -- what -- what does this mean? How do we ever find out anything?

JASON: Russia has actually responded. And they've said that because of these new air quote facts, that the White House needs to respond to this or to answer. Of course, the White House, and the State Department have all been asked, and they all categorically deny it. The article was so specific, to answer your question. In certain ways, in the time frame they pulled this off.

For instance, the article goes into, there was a big Naval exercise, that they used as cover, to send in these divers.

GLENN: And that exercise did happen.

JASON: That exercise did happen. He even puts a link into their specific excuse about using divers to -- to show off the capabilities of their mind-clearing capabilities.

GLENN: But it's -- it's -- I mean, you know -- even Satan uses some truth, and then mixes it with falsehood. So that doesn't prove anything.

JASON: Right. So there's that, which maybe they can, use some kind of -- maybe they're surveilling the areas. Maybe they can look at something. I don't know.

Then they go into the mind they use, to get around the Russian detection capabilities. They go into that. Then they go into -- this is going to seem weird.

How they were going to detonate, like 72 hours or 48 hours after this exercise.

And then all of a sudden, they had this afterthought of, oh.

Maybe that seems kind of suspicious.

Maybe we shouldn't just have it on a timed detonation, a couple of days after the exercise.

GLENN: That doesn't.

JASON: That doesn't jibe with me.

So then they're like, let's send in this buoy, that has this high-tech ping, that will drop it from a plane, and then it will set off these charges. That also seems odd to me. That also seems something that the Russians can verify.

So I wouldn't be surprised right now, if there are Russian surveillance planes, flying over the area. Gathering Intel. Possibly, you know, attempting to go and look. Take a second look.

I don't -- I definitely don't think we've heard the last of this. I'm sure they'll try to verify it, if they can. But they're Russian, really. Even if they don't, they probably will say, yeah. They did it anyway. Right?

GLENN: I mean, I would. I would.

JASON: I would too.

GLENN: And, quite honestly, I'm not sure we didn't do it.

JASON: I'm not either. Which is wild, I would have never thought of this.

GLENN: Twenty years ago, I would have said, absolutely not. No way. No way. But if you hit me today, if 9/11 happened, and we heard, you know, Bush and Clinton. And we had exactly what happened with Sandy Berger. At the National Archives, where he's smuggling documents out, about Bush and Clinton, and anything related to Osama Bin Laden, prior to the bombing -- I -- I would deeply question our government.

We have come a long way, on finding out how bad, our government can be and has been in the past.

The problem with this is, you are going to pay the price.

If this happened, or if Russia decides to go with it. You, your son, your daughter. You will pay the price.

And that's what's so infuriating. Because if it is true, the American people should demand, that these people, whoever was involved. Whoever had this decision, is in prison. And punished. And, you know what, I would be fine. I don't care who it is.

Let me just say this. And it wasn't. Couldn't have been. Because he wasn't in office.

But to show you how passionate. Even if it was the former president. Go ahead. Send him over to Russia.

Let him face a trial over in Russia.

I'm sorry. But you do something like this. And you don't inform Congress, I mean, this is -- this is the tweet from Mike Lee last night.

I'm troubled that I can't immediately rule this suggestion, that the US blew up the Nord Stream out.

He can't rule it out.

I checked with a bunch of Senate colleagues. Among those I asked, none were ever briefed on this.

If it turns out to be true, we've got a huge problem.

Yeah. We do. Yeah, we do.

Why Kamala's Trump-Hitler Speech Was INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS

Why Kamala's Trump-Hitler Speech Was INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS

Kamala Harris recently gave a surprise address from the Vice Presidential mansion where she used the power of her office to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. It was one of the most disturbing pieces of propaganda that Glenn has ever seen from our government, and he argues that it crossed a line. Glenn debunks Harris’ accusations piece by piece: Does Trump want his generals to abandon their oath to the Constitution and serve him? Can that even happen? Will he lock up Americans who don’t “bend the knee”? Can we trust the source of these accusations? Glenn also explains the one thing that makes this speech even more terrifying: how Harris decided to frame it.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. I want to tell you, yesterday, I saw something that was one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen, because I am a visual guy.

I'm -- I just wrote a book on propaganda.

And I saw something I thought I would never see.

Now, the left and the media has told Donald Trump over and over again, to turn down his rhetoric. I have to tell you, one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump is doing so well, is because he's become a happy warrior. He's not -- he's be the engaging in the kind of rhetoric, that gets people killed. Okay?

But they continue to say, he's got to turn down the rhetoric.

He will get somebody killed.

Well, they are doing so poorly in the polls. You can tell the wheels are coming off of that campaign, at record speed.


Because of things like this.

I want to play the full state, coming from Kamala Harris. And show you why this is so bad.

And different, than everything else, that you have seen.

KAMALA: So yesterday, we learned that Donald Trump's former chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four-star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said, he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler had.

Donald Trump said that. Because he does not want a military. That is loyal to the United States Constitution. He wants a military that is loyal to him.

GLENN: Stop!

Okay. Let's just dissect this for a second.

Just what she's saying. We'll get to the rest in a minute.

What she's saying is that General Kelly, I guy who I believe Trump fired.

So has a bone with Donald Trump.

They don't like each other at all.

Experienced this, and is just now a week and a half before this election, decided to come out, with this statement.

Believable? No. Not in my opinion.

You know, these -- these generals were not loyal to the president of the United States.

They have taken an oath, to be loyal to the Constitution of the United States.

And they can reject anything the president says, if it goes against the Constitution. In fact, we are one of the only countries, that insists on loyalty to the Constitution, and insists, there's no such thing as I was only following orders.

Because in our military, you have the responsibility to stand up, to know the Constitution.
Know what you're fighting for. Know what's going on. And stand against it! But you don't sabotage!

Now, Kelly, if that actually happened, Kelly is discrediting himself from the beginning.

Because if that had happened, he should have gone in front of the American people, immediately.

But he didn't. So I don't believe this, in the first place.

Because I don't believe General Kelly's word. I just don't.

Now, did you notice what she said? That General Kelly said. And there's no -- there's no corroborating evidence of this.

If anything was said like this, I would believe that Donald Trump did not say like Hitler had.

I would say, he was wondering why the military wasn't following his commands. And if it was unconstitutional, then they should have said something. That it was unconstitutional. But that's not Hitler. That is following the commander-in-chief. And in Donald Trump's case, something happened in his first term, that I've never seen before.

They were sabotaging him. He would say, we're going this way, with our -- with our foreign policy. And the State Department and generals in the Pentagon were sabotaging that. They were calling our allies and our foes, and saying, don't worry about it. That's not been done before.

Now, she not only says what General Kelly said, that he wants generals. But then, she's adding the commentary, on why he said that.

She said, he said that, because he wanted people to disregard the Constitution. Not loyal to the Constitution, but loyal to him.

Now, is that a fact? Even if the first part of that statement is true! How do you assign his thoughts and feelings?

Because Donald Trump would have denied. Even if it was true, he would have denied he said that!

We know it's not true, or at least I strongly suspect it's not true.

And Donald Trump would know, that wouldn't be a good thing. So he would never say, well, this is why! So she's mixing fact with opinion.

And I'll tell you why that's so dangerous in this case here in just a second.

Go ahead.

KAMALA: Military that is loyal to him.

He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally.

One that will obey his orders, even when he tells them to break the law, or abandon their oath to the Constitution.

STU: Stop!

GLENN: When has he ever said?

He was president before. You could have gotten away with this, you know, with Hillary.

But we've seen him for four years.

When has he ever said, break your oath to the Constitution?

Go get citizens, and round them up?

He's never said that. Ever!

If you know the truth about January 6th, he was the guy saying, you should have troops, if you need, get the National Guard.

I -- I am telling you, this is January 4th!

I am telling you, I think you need the National Guard, there at the Capitol building.

Now, at first, they said, that he never said that.

Until it was proven. And then they turned that into, see, he wanted military, to help out!

Yeah. Not to help out the bad guys.

Why would he be suggesting that to Nancy Pelosi?

Not to help out the bad guys.

But to protect the Constitution, and our social order.

So they try to have it both ways.

She's treading very dangerous territory here. Listen.

KAMALA: Abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States.

In just the past week, Donald Trump has repeatedly called his fellow Americans the enemy from within. And even said he would use --

GLENN: Stop. What does he mean by that? The enemy from within?

Well, you know who else said that?

Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln. In fact, let me quote Abraham Lincoln. Because I just looked it up today, for some other -- for something in my journal.

If a country, founded on the principle, as pure as freedom, can be destroyed, it will be through suicide.

That's the enemy within! And quite honestly, in some ways, that's all of us! Because we have forgotten who we are. And one reason is because the enemy within has failed to teach us who we are. And, in fact, has changed our history so much, that our kids are confused.

They have no idea who an enemy is!

Because they think the government itself, our Constitution is a triggering document. And the enemy itself is the government!

I think -- I think we could all agree, even the left, because they may say, I'm the enemy within.

We can all agree, that there are forces within this country, that would like to tear us apart.

There are those in America, both left and right, who actually believe in the Bill of Rights. That do not want to tear us apart. That is not the enemy within. Even if we disagree how we get there.

How we return to the Bill of Rights. Even if we disagree.

If we agree, with the Bill of Rights, you're on the right side. Go ahead.

KAMALA: From within. And even said that he would use the United States military, to go after American citizens.

GLENN: Stop. Why did he say that?

He didn't say go after American citizens.

If the country is on fire, this is what he said on January 4th.

If there is a riot, we have to put it down. So use the National Guard.

And if it's so big, use the military, if you have to!

Okay? Now, does that cross Posse Comitatus?

I'm not sure. But you know who will fight against Posse Comitatus, who will say, you can't do that, Mr. President? Anyone who reveres the Constitution, because our military has to obey. They've sworn an oath to the Constitution.

And I think those guys are the only ones. I'm talking about the actual soldiers. Not the helium high up at the Pentagon. Those are the only people that actually look at their oath, and take it as a cred oath.

Go ahead.

KAMALA: Citizens.

And let's be clear about who he considers to be the enemy from within.

Anyone who refuses to bend a knee. Or dares to criticize him.

STU: It's a lie. It's a lie.

GLENN: Stop! I got to tell you, he has been around and spoken openly to, and just would like to be treated with respect.

I'm thinking about the black journalist in Chicago.

He went to talk to them openly.

He wasn't hostile to them.

They came out of the shoot hostile.

Now, who is the one that is trying to put Elon Musk, possibly behind bars.

They are now saying, that Elon Musk, may need to go to federal prison!

He was the darling of the left, until he began to disagree with them!

Who else is trying to put people in jail, merely for disagreeing with them?

Well, Donald Trump.

Gabby Giffords.

She was called a Russian asset. Not Gabby Giffords.

You Tulsi Gabbard.

Yeah. Tulsi Gabbard. She's an enemy now.

That was, you know, working for the Russians.

You have person after person. Robert F. Kennedy.

An icon of that party. Destroyed forever. Because he dare say the king has no clothes. So which one is trying to destroy their enemies. Which one? It's clear.

STU: Can we also discuss how much of a lie this is, that she's saying?

There's a conversation, they're referring to, where he said, the problem is the enemy within.

And we may need to use the National Guard or maybe even the military.

She's saying, it's people disagreeing with him.



She had -- she had several examples there, of people, that he will target in this way.

The conversation is clear, what they are talking about, is people who cause chaos across the country, on Election Day.

He -- Maria Bartiromo. Brings up, what happens if the left brings up, causes all sorts of chaos if you win.

He says, they're talking about murderers, rapists. Terrorists that have come across the border.

He says, those people are bad. But I think maybe the bigger problem are the radical left lunatics who might do that stuff here. We may need to bring the National Guard on.

He's not talking about everyone who disagrees with them.

He's talking about people who are trying to like overthrow the government on Election Day.

Again, the same thing that the left has been saying they didn't want all this time.

GLENN: Right. Now, these are the same people. Kamala Harris is the one, who fought for the riots on the street on BLM. She supported it, and said, they shouldn't stop.

And they should never stop even after the election. She was the one bailing people out, if they were involved in these riots.

So we know she doesn't have a problem with riots. But I believe the American people, both left and right do have a problem with that.

Now, why is this beyond the pail here?

Why has this stepped over a line?

Well, Propaganda Wars.

Okay. Can we bring that image back up on the screen? And just freeze it. Put it in a box and freeze it for me.

In case you happen to be watching this program, on Blaze TV.

Let me -- or Pluto. Thank you for watching Pluto as well.

Let me explain why this is so dangerous.

Now, one, they always telegraph, what they're going to do. Or who they are. And I'm going to get into that, deeply in about five minutes.

So stand by. But I want to show you this image for a reason.

First of all, when you see two microphones like that, Stu.

What do you think?

Those particular two microphones?

You have never noticed?

STU: No.

GLENN: I've only seen those used by the president of the United States. Or by a vice president.


That microphone setup, is unlike any other setup, I've ever seen, with microphones. Okay?

That's -- that's the system, that is connected to those podiums that travel with the president.

And it's always those two microphones.

Underneath it, is the seal of the vice president of the United States.

To her -- let's see. That would be to her left. It would -- it is the flag of the vice president of the United States, which resembles. Except, it's white, not blue.

It resembles the presidential seal.

Then you have the American flag. And behind her, you have a White House.

Now, it's not the White House, but your average schlub will think, that's the White House.

So why is this important? This is important because this does not appear to be a campaign statement. This does not appear to be her opinion.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: This appears as a presidential, or vice presidential, or official government finding.

Okay? Now, some will say, she's violating the hatch act, I'm not sure that's right.

I will call into a couple of people today.

Because some people say, that she and the president can violate that. Because of their office.

Without the penalties.

I'm not sure if that's true or not.

It very well may be.

I'm not worried about the violation of the hatch act.

I'm telling you right now, that this presidential or vice presidential trapping was selected for a reason. To carry extra weight.

Not to the average person. But to those on the very far left, that are susceptible to this kind of propaganda. And this kind of propaganda is for two reasons. Scare the voters, that are with you. Come on. We need you to go out and vote.

This is not for the independent. This is for their base. Go out and vote. This man is dangerous.

But it is also a message for after the election.

What you MUST KNOW about DEEPFAKES before the 2024 election

What you MUST KNOW about DEEPFAKES before the 2024 election

The state-run media recently went nuts over an AI-generated image of Donald Trump in a Pittsburgh Steelers uniform. That’s NOT the kind of “deepfake” that you should worry about this election. But Glenn warns that REAL deepfakes WILL be a problem for elections eventually. They have already been deployed in elections around the world to mislead people, usually just a day or two before the election. So, Glenn and Justin Haskins, the co-author of his new book, “Propaganda Wars,” give a crucial tip that will help you avoid the REAL misinformation that may come in the form of deepfakes this November.

Order your copy of "Propaganda Wars" at


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Justin Haskins is with me. And we're talking about Propaganda Wars.

And the things that are happening currently now, that we pretty much predict in this book.

But one other thing that hasn't happened yet. But usually doesn't happen. At least in the last year, until the last one or two days.

It takes you about two days, for a deepfake to circulate, and then it's exposed as a deepfake.

All right? So prepare yourself for the October surprise of a deepfake. We'll tell you about it, where it's been done here in the last few months.

In just a minute.

The election. This is from page 150 thine.

The election challenges ahead are daunting. We've already entered the era of election fraud out of the past six presidential elections. Three have resulted in roughly half the country. Believing its candidate of choice, is screwed to the benefit of the other half of America.

If that trend continues, the United States will not survive very long.

There are good reasons to worry as well.

Many news outlets. Only provide viewers, listeners and readers what they want to hear.

Not well-established affects. Some government agencies. Laughter. And courts have been weaponized to serve political purposes.

Technological changes are occurring, that will undoubtedly alter the way people think about elections. As I explain in chapter four.

Algorithms and artificial intelligence are dramatically changing the way we experience and think about the news. They are shaping our thoughts and our feelings, often in unhealthy ways.

That further detach people against reality.

When it comes to our elections, the most dangerous threat of all. Is the one we're losing our ability to trust, what we see, and hear.

As noted in the previous chapter, deepfake images, audio, and video, are reaching a level of sophistication, that far surpasses anything we've seen before.

Now, here's how the mainstream media is dealing with this. Over the weekend, Donald Trump released a picture of himself, as a football player.


With what is it? The Green Bay Packers. No. Pittsburgh Steelers. Yeah, okay. So the Pittsburgh Steelers.

Now, this is clearly not him.

If you look at his arms, he is quite ripped.

JUSTIN: I don't know, Glenn. I don't know.

STU: That's what the picture says. I don't know. So it's him currently, in his 70s.

GLENN: Right. It's ridiculous.

STU: They don't employ any 70-year-old football players.

GLENN: Okay. So this is what the mainstream media is pointing out.

Well, that's a deepfake. That's not the type of deepfake, that you should worry about.

That's not deep. That's just fake. Okay?

Now, when you see your favorite or most hated politician say or do something. Where you can't be sure, it really is him, or her.

The uncertainty will grow, as it will in this election, and the coming years.

At some point, there is going to be a deepfake crisis.

And it could spark severe economic or political instability.

It's avoidable, but only if people soon understand the threats that we are faced with, before it's too late.

Americans also, need to be better prepared to know how to tell the difference between truth and lies, and to recognize the threats posed by large institutions, and powerful politicians, who benefit from the crisis, just as I outlined in chapter three.


So then I go into, in this chapter of the book. I go into a couple of things that are happening right now, that have happened in this election in America, that are not game-changing.

But very confusing. One of them happened in I think New Hampshire.

Yeah. New Hampshire.

And it was very confusing.

But it wasn't game-changing.

And people caught it, thank God, in time.

Now, this election, is happening all over the Western world. There are more elections happening around the world, than ever in human history.

This year. We're one of the last. So have deepfakes been used, in the last year?


Warning, usually in the last day or two.

Because there's not enough time, to combat it.

So right before everybody goes in for the final day, something is released on one of the candidates, and it shows them, doing something or saying something.

This -- this actually happened in Chicago, in 2023.

JUSTIN: That's right. Yeah. There was a mayoral race there. That was a really contentious race between a more socialistic candidate named Brandon Johnson who nobody thought was going to win. And the establishment candidate Paul Vallas.

Right before one of the front rounds of primary voting, a deepfake audio of Vallas came out, who was -- who was white. Brandon Johnson is African-American.

Basically, talking flippantly about back in his day, cops used to shoot people all the time, and nobody cared.

GLENN: Yeah. He said, cops in my day, would kill 17 or 18 people, and nobody would even bat an eye.

JUSTIN: That's right. And it supposedly came from this news source called Chicago lakefront news.

It was presented as a news story.

It happened right before the primary.

None of it was true. It was a deepfake audio.

None of it was true.

It was circulated widely, right before the election, and Brandon Johnson, ended up doing a lot better than people thought. And then in subsequent voting, because they do multiple rounds. Subsequent voting, he ended up winning!

And it surprised everybody. Now, Brandon Johnson was the, you know, anti-establishment. Socialist candidate. Presented himself to the African-American community, as I'm going to represent you.

Here you have an audio of the other candidate, saying I don't care if black people get killed by cops. Now, we don't know. Because there's no way of actually tracking the specific, you know, correlation, between this and the outcome of the race.

Just not possible.

But that's the whole point.

It creates all sorts of uncertainty, and confusion.

And we don't know how many people were impacted by this.

Maybe not enough to swing the election.

But maybe it was enough to swing the election.

GLENN: I'm going to say something that I want you to remember, in case a deepfake comes out two days before the election. Three days. Or one day before the election.

Even if it is against Kamala Harris, and it is just so juicy, that he's like, are you kidding me?

There she is with Fidel Castro, saying, yeah. We're going to take down the United States of America, and make it Communist. Do not believe it.

Do not believe it in the last couple of takes. It is happening.

Slovakia, the same thing happened this year. This was an audio recording, that was posted to Facebook. On it, were two voices.

One, who leads the liberal progressive Slovakian party. And the other from the daily newspaper. Over there.

They appeared to be discussing how to rig the election, partly by buying votes from the country's marginalized Roma minority.

Okay. The candidate immediately said, that's not us.

This is -- this is manipulated tape. This is AI. It's not us.

It was posted during a 48-hour moratorium, ahead of the polls.

This is a moratorium, where the press and the candidates are not allowed to say anything.

They're not allowed to speak ahead of the poll's opening.

The media outlets and the politicians are supposed to be silent.

That meant under their rules, the post couldn't really be widely debunked.

It was all over the media.

But no one could say anything about it.

Even if you could say something about it, two days is not enough, to reduce the damage.

Especially, honestly, if it came out against Donald Trump. Because the press would -- I mean, the press isn't going to do that anyway.

It would rely on people, that know how to tell the difference between a deepfake and not a deepfake. And I don't have that expertise. Do you?

JUSTIN: No. Now, what's really important about this. Especially as it pertains to Donald Trump. Is that the left, and this is the big theme of this book.

Is that the left, the elites, they're constantly preparing for all these different crazy scenarios, that could happen.

Not just deepfakes. But all sorts of things.

Then they use those golden opportunities. As prince Charles once talked about with COVID.

To reset the world.

This is what they do.

Well, when it comes to deepfakes. We know they are war gaming this out.

We know it. We talked about it in the book. We outline all the things they're doing.

They held a huge event called the deepfake dilemma. Earlier this year.

Where they prepared for -- they got all these government officials together. Democrats. And people in the media.

Alex Whit from MSNBC was there. And they held this event. To war game what happens, hypothetically, if a deepfake, benefiting Donald Trump, produced by Russia.

Occurs just before the election, showing election fraud.

But there really isn't election fraud. Or telling voters, in a swing state, the wrong time or place to vote.

What -- how are we going to handle this?

What are we going to do?

And their solution to it was, we need to set up a network, of trusted experts. That you can go to. If you're a local election official. In the event of a deepfake crisis. So we can talk to you, and we will tell you what the answer is to these problems. All the people involved in this. Are crazy, anti-Trump.

And scary anti-Trump.

One of the main people is a guy named miles --

STU: He was their Trump aide at one point, wasn't he?

He was in the department of -- he was the chief staff at the Department of Homeland Security in the Trump administration.

STU: Right. Right. Yeah.

GLENN: When he was in the Trump administration, he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times, anonymously saying I'm the leader of the resistance inside the Trump administration.

Then he wrote a book, anonymously, about it. Then he wrote another book, not anonymously. Admitting, that he was the guy all along.

He was the big hero on the left. Because he was working inside the government.

In the national security, to thwart the duly elected president of the United States. They have no problem, as we have now seen, with -- with -- they have no problem with it.

JUSTIN: And he's one of the leaders of these he people, who is preparing for this crisis that might break out at any moment! So what happens if this does occur? Even if it's a deepfake that doesn't matter.

Our local election officials are being trained to go to people like that. For the answer to the question, at the final hour.

Well, I -- do you trust that? I certainly don't trust Miles Taylor and people like that to have the right answer. This is -- this could potentially be, and we don't know. Maybe no deepfake crisis happens. But if it does, this is incredibly disturbing.

I mean, talk about unrest. Talk about people questioning the validity of the election, if something like this happens.

If I'm -- the thing I am most worried about is this.

GLENN: And you might think, well, we're so close to the election. No, no, no.

This is when that happens.

This is one of the reasons, we -- we released this book, right on top of the election.

Because there is things in it, you need to know.

Right now. And I must want to risk you forgetting about it.

Deepfakes are really important and very destructive.

And have already happened in this election cycle, with massive ramifications in other countries.

Four billion people voted this year.

And several places, several countries, deepfakes, have been used to sway the election, in the opposite direction, just days before the election.

Be very, very careful.

SHOCKING: "Several boats a week" dropping off UNVETTED illegals on California beaches

SHOCKING: "Several boats a week" dropping off UNVETTED illegals on California beaches

The Biden-Harris administration claims that illegal immigration is down, but San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond joins Glenn to expose the reality in southern California. From September 2023 to June 2024, Border Patrol dropped off 155,000 illegal immigrants into the county, he argues. But although this suspiciously stopped right before the election heated up, Desmond says that tons of illegals are still being shipped out of the city every day by bus to Arizona and every week by plane to Texas. And to make matters worse, “several boats a week” have been dropping off UNVETTED illegal immigrants into San Diego County for months. We have no idea who these people are, he argues, and thanks to California’s sanctuary state laws, local law enforcement can’t do anything about it.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let's see. We have Jim Desmond on with us.

I look at what's happening at our border. And they keep saying that they've gotten it under control.

Now they're trying to convince people, that it's, you know, lower numbers coming across, than when Trump was in office.

This is absolutely not true. So we have the supervisor for San Diego.

He's on with us. He is the county supervisor, and he has information on Border Patrol. On something that is, you know, now apparently happening, again on our border.

Welcome, Jim.

JIM: Glenn, thanks for having me this morning.

GLENN: You bet. So tell me what the Border Patrol informed you of.

JIM: Well, the numbers are down, but from record highs.


JIM: We still have more capacity. More people coming across the border, than we can actually handle here in San Diego County.

Or in the San Diego sector.

And what happens, you know, from September of last year. Until June of this year.

The Border Patrol dropped off over 155,000 people. To send sound bite streets of San Diego County.

GLENN: 155,000?

JIM: Yes. Absolutely.

They dropped off over that nine-month period of time.

And we had to absorb them. Or most of them left. And went to other parts of the country.

So they were just dropping off the excess here. In our -- in our transit stations here in San Diego County.

That stopped in June.

But what they have been doing every since, is we're still taking more people in that we can manage here.

There's about three buses a day. That they're taking migrants. Border Patrol is taking migrants in Yuma, Arizona, which is right outside the California/Arizona line. So about three buses per day, and they have about three to four flights per week, leaving San Diego, going to Texas.

Primarily McAllen, Texas.

So it's just smoke and mirrors. What they're doing is they're taking these numbers. They're no longer putting them on our streets.

Which is very in the open. And press and everything else.

Had access to that. And they're hiding them by busing them to Arizona or flying them to Texas.

GLENN: Well, I want to thank. I want to thank them for that. This is -- I mean, if -- if Trump doesn't win, what do you think is coming our way, Jim?

JIM: Well, I think it will go back to where it was before. Where we got several hundred dropped off each day, here in San Diego County.

And unfortunately, we became the number one spot for border crossings.

Or the number one spot for fentanyl.

We're up in one of the top spots for human trafficking.

You know, all of these things we don't want.

It's in June, right before the election, as far as the street drop-offs. That was the most visible thing that we could see.

I think unfortunately, we will go back to the mayhem we had, in the last -- you know, previous months. Where they were just dropping off more and more people, here in San Diego County.

That's what I hear.

GLENN: So you are a county supervisor.

What can you do, if anything?

JIM: Not much. Other than reporting it. What's happening.

And of you with the other things, what's happening here, in San Diego County.

We're getting several boats. A week. Just, where people run up on to our shores.

With boats. And smugglers. And people just getting off the votes. And walking into the -- our neighborhoods. And they just abandon the boats on the beach.

Those people aren't even checked or go through Border Patrol.

They're not fingerprinted. We have slightly no idea.

And that's been happening for months. And if you remember 9/11, was only a couple dozen people. Well, two votes say couple dozen people, coming on to our shores.

And that's happening, you know, several times a week, where we have these people, just completely unaccounted for.

GLENN: It is crazy. Let me play something here that came from Dr. Phil.

This -- he is talking to a special agent with ICE.

It's cut ten.

VOICE: So you're telling me that DHS has acknowledged that Venezuela, for example, is empty in their prisons. And their rehabilitation centers, with the understanding that you get out, if you leave here, and go to the United States?


VOICE: And DHS has in writing said, we know that's happening. We know they're coming here. We're processing them in. And have no idea where they are?

VOICE: Correct.

VOICE: How many people are we talking about?

VOICE: Millions, and in just Venezuela alone.

GLENN: How does a country survive that? How does a country survive that? How does San Diego survive that?

JIM: We don't. We're getting overrun.

And to be honest with you, the state of California, say sanctuary state.

Which means, that our local laughter cannot enforce immigration law.

So even these people that are getting off the boats and walking into you're neighborhoods.

Local laughter can't do a thing about it. They pull somebody over.

They can't ask them about their immigration status. And so, you know, we're a sanctuary state because of that. There's very little, you know, locally, that anybody can do about this stuff.

So that -- one of the issues. The other thing, that the federal government just did to us, recently.

They gave us $19 million for a migrant processing center, here in San Diego County.

Right after the -- right after the June drop-offs.

They gave us $19 million.

And that's FEMA dollars. That could have been going to hurricane relief.

Right now, we're not using that money at all.

But it's 19 million FEMA dollars, sitting in our pockets, waiting for a migrant center. Which probably, if Kamala wins, we will have to put up right away.

GLENN: Jeez. God bless you, Jim.

Thank you for breaking this news. I appreciate your courage. Thank you.

JIM: Glenn, thanks for putting it out there. I love it.

GLENN: You bet. That's county supervisor from San Diego. Jim Desmond, who posted, I think it was, what?

Last night, or the night before, about what's happening now. They are flying them out.
Flying them out!

Congratulations, Arizona. You get some. Texas, you get some.

STU: It's like Oprah.

Everyone has some under their chair. Congratulations.

GLENN: Actually probably -- kind of like literally that.
Oh, man.

STU: Disturbing.

THESE Harris & Walz picks reveal how global elites are LYING to you

THESE Harris & Walz picks reveal how global elites are LYING to you

If you want to know who Kamala Harris and Tim Walz really are, look at who they’ve picked to work in their campaign and administrations. Glenn and Stu review Team Harris-Walz’ pick for Climate Engagement Director, Camila Thorndike, who has called oil and gas WORKERS dangerous for the environment. So, why did she join the Harris campaign, which is now saying it WON’T ban fracking? If that wasn’t disturbing enough, Glenn and Stu introduce you to a man who’s helping shape Minnesota’s schools under Tim Walz. The propaganda machine insists that Critical Race Theory is harmless and barely used in our schools. But you have to hear what this appointee said about “deconstructing” the U.S. for yourselves. While the government lies to you, Glenn brings on Justin Haskins, the co-author of his new book, "Propaganda Wars," to explain how to cut through the propaganda and find the truth.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: We were talking last hour about the new appointee for Harris' campaign. She's a global warming extremist. That says, if you are in the oil and gas business, at all, you're a terrorist. You're an eco-terrorist.

She is somebody who is so extreme, on global warming. She doesn't like capitalism. She doesn't like oil and gas or anything like that.

So why would she join the Kamala Harris campaign, leave Bernie Sanders' legislation team, and go and be the spokesperson on economic -- or I'm sorry. On ecological issues.

Why would she join Kamala Harris? Because an extremist would say, she's changing everything she's doing.

She's saying, she's not even going to go after fracking anymore. That she's going to approve new oil leases.

STU: She's opposed to the green new deal.

GLENN: Right. She's a traitor to everything I believe.

That's what she should say. But she didn't. She joined on.

And then said, no. Kamala has really changed her mind. She's -- she's not going to do any of those things. Okay?

You have to ask why. Why?

So we went into that yesterday. Now, let me -- or earlier today. Let me go into the education czar. What's the title.

STU: Yeah. It's he actually is one of the people helping implement the framework, or curriculum.

For the new ethnic studies standards. In the state of Minnesota.

GLENN: Okay. Remember, you were told by the propaganda machine, that CRT is nothing. First of all, it's not anything. It doesn't even happen. It doesn't exist. We're not even doing that.

STU: Just a bunch of academics talking. We got to that phase.

GLENN: We got to, okay. It's in there. But it doesn't mean what you think it means. It's totally harmless.

Now, we don't even talk about it anymore.

Remember, this came in under Biden Harris.

This came into our schools.

They didn't dare release it, under Donald Trump.

But they put it into our schools, after the election.

Now, what does it mean?

Well, it certainly doesn't mean an end to the United States of America.

That's what Tim Walz would say. Then if that's true, why would he hire this guy?

STU: And it's Brian Lazinski.

He is an associate professor of Urban and Multicultural Education in St. Paul.

He was helping, with not just the ethnic studies, but also the social studies standards. Citizenship and government. Economics, geography, history, and now ethnic studies. This comes from Stanley Kurtz, by the way.

He did a great job reporting on that.

GLENN: Amazing.

STU: Let me give you his thoughts now on CRT. And what its role is in the schools. But also, what it actually means. And what he believes about it.

VOICE: And we're also sometimes lying on ourselves, when people say, like, oh, we can.

We use Critical Race Theory in school.

We don't use Critical Race Theory in school.

The first tenant of Critical Race Theory is that the United States, as constructed, is irreversibly racist.

STU: Hmm.

VOICE: So if the nation state as constructed is irreversibly racist, then it must be done with. It must be overthrown, right?

And so we can't be like, oh, no. Critical Race Theory is about telling our stories. It's not about that. It's about overthrow.

It's insurgent. And we need to be, I think more honest about that.

And it's funny that they -- they don't understand Critical Race Theory.

But they actually tell some truth, when they're like, yeah. It's antistate.

You can't be a critical race thirsty. And be pro-US.

STU: Hmm.

GLENN: Okay. It's an antistate theory.

That says that the United States needs to be deconstructed period. Right?

That's -- and so I think -- I think it's an interesting argument there.

And that's why I'm a critical race thirsty.

STU: Oh. that's why he's a Critical Race Theorist.

Because the overthrow of the government, and the insurgency and all.

Now, you might say, if you had a picture taken with you at a party with this man, you know, you will deny that.

You will --

GLENN: You would say, I didn't have any idea who that guy was.

STU: I had no idea who that guy was. Think about the prospect of not only associating yourself with him. But also promoting him to design the curriculum for the students of Minnesota.

This guy is out there.

He's a teacher. He's a football coach.

A hunter. He's America's dad.

What you just heard is who Tim Walz actually is.

What he's telling you is that he's America's dad, but that's who he really is. That's what he wants.

His education department chose that guy, to design your kid's classes.

GLENN: So the first thing to avoid propaganda, is to constantly ask why. And be willing to accept the truth.

So there are so many Democrats right now, that won't accept that, why?

Because they'll hear it from me. Or they'll hear it from Fox News.

So it's a convenient way just to dismiss it.

But there's the audio of the guy, Tim Walz, put in charge of the history and critical race curriculum, in Minnesota schools.

JUSTIN: Right. Yeah. I think what's so important about propaganda wars is we want to equip people with the ability to figure out these things on their own, all right? We don't want people to rely just on shows like this. We need people to become trusted sources of information in their own lives. Teach people how to be citizen journalists. This is what we desperately need. And what you find, when you go to the original sources over and over and over again, what we discovered and what we outline in this book, is that there is a propaganda industrial complex, that it goes well beyond just what's in the media. That there is a vast network of left-wing groups. And big money organizations.

And others. Many of whom, people listening to these shows.

As active listeners as they may be. Have never heard of these organizations. Now, you brought up the education thing. This is really interesting.

So in the first chapter of the book, where we just talk about how screwed up everything is, it's called welcome to the clown world.

We talk about this nonprofit organization called education trust west.

That's the name of it. Education trust west.

They are one of these people that believe that there's all this racism, inherently in mathematics. They believe that public education has a responsibility to inject social justice ideology, into every subject, including mathematics.

They said, and this is a direct quote. That finding -- not this first part of it is not the correct quote. But finding the correct answer to a math problem, is, quote, white supremacy culture.

Unquote. Now, they've been distributing these workbooks all over the company.

In California. In Georgia. In Ohio. Are those far left-wing states. California is. But not Georgia and Ohio.

These things are everywhere. Now, we get into who these major players are. Not just these organizations. But who is funding them.

Where do we get their money? Because they're not selling their money to the public. Well, they just so happen to get their money from a little organization.

Just a tiny, little one. Most people have never heard of. Call the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. So they're pumping all of this money into these textbooks that are teaching kids at the local level, that racism is everywhere.

You're a white supremacist, if you're trying to get people to find the right answer.

This is everywhere. So what you have to do, and what we try to show people in this book, is that you have to find the sources of this misinformation.

It's not just enough to say, well, that's crazy. That's the kind of thing that happens in Portland. Well, yeah.

That does happen in Portland. But it's also happening in Portland. It's also happening in Georgia.

And it's because these organizations exist everywhere. The network is vast.

George Soros and people like that are pouring hundreds of millions and billions of dollars worldwide, into these kinds of efforts.

And if you don't know who they are. You don't know what to look out for.

GLENN: So one of the biggest questions I have gotten asked over the years, and I hear it asked very seldom now. And I wonder why.

Used to be, why do these people do this? Why would Bill and Melinda Gates do this?

Why would they teach that math is racist? Because you have to now start to think, unlike Americans used to think.

Americans used to think. Well, we all want what is best.

You now have to understand what the elites think is best. Is best for them. Not for you.

They are teaching our children, to be slaves.

They are teaching them not to ask questions. Let me ask you: If you believe that math is racist, therefore I don't really have to do it. It's racist to ask me to do it. It's racist for me to try to figure it out on my own.

How do those people build bridges? How do those people even -- even measure a wall to make a house?

How do you do the basic stuff that you have to do? If you can't do math.

You -- Elon Musk what he did, it already kind of looks like magic to me.

But I know it's all based in science.

But if I find out that science and mathematics is racist, I can't do what Elon Musk -- I can't even explain, what Elon Musk is doing. It does become magic.

These people are training a whole continent. In fact, the whole world. The Western world, to be slaves.

You cannot think for yourself. Why would they do that? Because they have control.

They want the money. They want the power.

And they actually believe and so do I, in many ways, that if they control AI. They win.

Once they control AI, and Putin has said this. Whoever gets it first. Controls the world.

They're putting all of their eggs in that basket. And we unfortunately, have been saying to ourselves, you know what, AI. Why even learn that?

AI will teach you. You can just go online and just say, hey. How do I build a bridge? And it will show you.

So why do I even have to learn math? Why do I have to learn to read, when I can just say, AI. What does this say?

What is that about? Can you write a paper on that for me?

We're being taught to rely, not on technology. On those who control the technology.