The BIGGEST LIE of the Christmas season

The BIGGEST LIE of the Christmas season

This Christmas, let's remember the true meaning of the season. It's not about buying gifts and spending a fortune on extravagant lights and decorations. That is the biggest lie of the Holidays, Glenn says. And he would know. Glenn tells the story of two Christmases: One when he could barely afford anything and one when he went all-out. To this day, he's still humbled by which one his children remember more fondly. The true joy of Christmas isn't found in stuff, he says. "It's from the heart and from Christ."


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I want to address what I think is the biggest lie of the holidays.

And this comes from something personal. I was just reading that commercial there for American Financing.

And I remember when I couldn't put anything on my credit card.

I -- because I only -- I learned from my parents. Only American Express. It forces you to pay it off every month so you can't get behind. So I've never carried another credit card.

And been spooked by credit cards my whole life, because my parents cut them up and threw them in the fireplace. Because you know they went broke.

And I didn't have any money.

And I was living in the same apartment building that Stu was living in. And you were, what?

Nineteen years old. Eighteen years old?

STU: Yeah. Something like that.

GLENN: He started as an intern.

And I, who was the host of the morning show, was living in the same apartment complex, okay?

Broke. Broke. I think he actually had more money. I was living off of food certificates. That the radio station would give away. Okay?

And I remember the first Christmas like that. And I couldn't afford anything. For my kids.

Anything. And it was devastating.

And the whole buildup, all I could think of is, you're such a worthless dad.

You're such a worthless.

What are you doing?

You can't afford the cheapest of the cheap.

And it bothered me. Deeply.

And, in fact, ten years later, when I had turned my life around, and I become successful, I went out and I bought everything I could think of for my kids.

It was the most hollow Christmas I've ever had. The Christmas that I was broke, I actually remember that and so do the kids. They remember that Christmas. None of my kids remember the one where it was the presents were plentiful.

And I just remember after all the presents were opened, how empty everything felt.

The biggest lie is that you have to buy something for Christmas.

The biggest lie, hang on. I've got an ad coming up in a second. The biggest lie is that you have to go to a store. Or go online.

That's a lie. And we've gotten so far away from it.

It plays on us.

Because now our kids expect that.

Because that's what they see.

That's what Christmas has become.

Our Founders would have been abhorred by what Christmas has turned into.

Christmas was so sacred, around the time of the founding.

That you wouldn't have gone, taken off work.

You wouldn't -- it was so sacred. You kept that quiet. Personal.

It was your personal connection with God.

And the birth of his son. And so everybody would go to church.

But it isn't like it is now.

That's an American thing.

One of the things that I think we've really gone on. Is that we've lost the true meaning of Christmas. And exchanged it for presents.

Please, whether you have the ability or don't have the ability, remember the true meaning of Christmas.

It's not in a package. Or a bag.

It's from the heart. And from Christ.

Former RFK Jr. running mate: ‘Democrats feel entitled’ to destroy democracy

Former RFK Jr. running mate: ‘Democrats feel entitled’ to destroy democracy

One of the biggest talking points from the Democratic Party is that they're the party that respects democracy while portraying the GOP as the party standing in the way. But according to RFK Jr.'s former running mate, Nicole Shanahan, the exact opposite is true. In fact, according to Nicole, it's the LEFTS treatment of her and RFK Jr. during his 2024 presidential campaign that made Nicole reevaluate everything after seeing the attacks and attempts to destroy their campaign coming from one side of the aisle.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Nicole Shanahan is joining us. How are you, Nicole?

NICOLE: I'm doing well, Glenn. Thanks for having me back on. I'm good.

GLENN: I'm very good. I'm very good. You know, a few months ago, when RFK was running, and you joined.

I thought, well, there goes the conservative vote.

And anybody, you know, anybody who is watching it, because you are Oakland, California.

You are much more liberal. Or progressive.

And now, I'm reevaluating everything, again.

Because there are people that are on the left. Not left.

Well, that are -- well, lean left. That are -- have different points of view, but still love the country.

And we don't see those people very often. In -- in the -- in the news.

You know, and those people, we can get along with, all day long.

If you love the Bill of Rights, I'm with you.

I'm with you.

NICOLE: Yeah. There's a huge population out there right now. And they don't know where to go. A lot of them were attracted to our campaign. And our campaign was really a place to go, if you were kind of socially progressive or liberal. But intellectually educated. And saw what was happening with the Democratic Party, and just none of it reconciled. I mean, if you look at the Democratic Party, over the last eight years. You can't reconcile their relationship with the economy.

It doesn't make any sense. So if your businessperson went to -- and top educational institution, came out. Got a job.

Spent, you know, 20 years, of your career. In front of spreadsheets.

And you're seeing what's going on, under democratic leadership. Even on the state of California, it does not reconcile.

And so a lot of these folks, and lawyers too. Have nowhere to go right now.

And it's been really interesting for me, just in my personal experience. I'm an attorney. I came out of Oakland.

And I worked hard. And, you know, I did -- I did rely on government safety net.

To catch me. I was on government assistance. At times, as a child.

But it was -- it was never a place to stay. The goal was always to work your way out of that. And those were the foundations of the ethics that I grew up on.

GLENN: Right. Those are the ethics that I grew up on too.

You know, I learned about welfare from my father. He owned a bakery.

And a woman came in. And I was little.

And she used a welfare stamp.

To pay. And I had never seen one before.

And I said, Dad, that's not real money.

And he gave me the look of death. This little old lady, who was buying stuff. And he pulled me back, after she left. And said, don't ever say that. Ever. Ever again.

That woman is struggling. That's what we do.

That's what a government safety net is for.
For people who need it like her. Don't ever embarrass her again.

And I'm like, sorry.

Then later, I don't know, about six or eight months later, my dad happened to come up front.

And it was a guy who had food stamps. And he paid. And my father was pretty nasty to the guy.

I mean, he was very cold. And I asked him. I'm like, well, that guy gave you the same kind of money.

And he said, that man, I know. That man can work. He decides to live off the rest of us.

That's where it goes wrong. I think all of us kind of grew up with that. I mean, most of us.

NICOLE: Yeah. Yeah. Well, except for young people today. And I think that's where the left is cannibalizing the best of itself.

And I think cannibalizing because it's actually working against its own interests for compassion and social growth.

And -- and, you know, trying to figure out how to help people.

Get through difficult times. I think that how it's cannibalizing itself really exists. And the identity politics.

I know you talk a lot about that. But I experienced it as a philanthropist. Trying to go back to Oakland.

And trying to really work on the issues that matter. And identifying them, with just a straight logical process.

I looked at the issues, around homelessness.

Around drug abuse. Around the education gap. And I realized so much of it has to do with nutrition and health.

And so I went about, trying to fix that, and I will tell you, all of the NGOs, I was approached by. And worked with.

None were interested in real food.

A lot of them were interested in activism, and funneling millions of dollars into these regrant programs.

That don't actually help people.

And make them reliant on these nonprofit dollars.

And so the mechanics of social mobility.

And you can look at it, strictly through the lens of economics. You can look at it through social dynamics. And you come out, realizing that you have to invest in -- in schools, in education, clean water say huge one. But also food.

Kids underperform when they don't eat well. And the fact that they're not addressing this on the left. That there's no NGOs. That are sincerely working on this.

Made me realize, that that entire framework. The culture of that -- that thinking about poor versus wealthy. Or black versus white.

It's all wrong. It's just the wrong way of looking at it.

And then realizing, how many people are profiting off of that. Model of the world. That framework of the world.

It's very predatory. It's predatory.

GLENN: It's grotesque.

NICOLE: Yeah. It's grotesque. It's predatory. It actually feeds into the cycle of racism. And it doesn't work. And things have actually gotten worse, as these NGOs have just gotten away with this kind of bad behavior.

GLENN: So, Nicole. What, what moved you to say, I think I've got to go stand with Donald Trump?

I mean, what?

That had to have shocked you, when you thought that.

What moved you there?

NICOLE: Well, you know, I -- there were so many things that have led to it.

But I will say that, when I left the democratic party, there were threats, kind of lobbed my direction.

But they were -- they kind of seemed like silly threats.

Like, oh, you'll never make it.

We'll -- they will do everything they can to ruin your reputation.

The machine is going to be pointed at you.

And I don't think you realize what we have in this machine. And I was like, oh.

Yeah. I can overcome that.

That's all silliness.

And -- and then, you know, and the then the media.

So first they unleash the media on you.

And I'm like, you know, maybe these things can be disproven.

Lost a lot of respect for the media. But I already had lost quite a bit of respect for them, prior.

And you can kind of get over all that name-calling. And once people have a chance to know, they realize that the media really had so much of you wrong. But then -- you know, then came the attack on our campaign directly.

And it all came from the left. None of it came from the right.

And even though, Republicans have actually out earned or out raised the Democrats. Republicans don't spend the money attacked their opponents, the way the Democrats do.

And this is the really underhanded stuff. That really makes you question election integrity.

In ways that I had actually never questioned election integrity.

I didn't believe that, you know, there was election interference in 2020.

I didn't believe the narrative coming from the right. At the election, was stolen.

And so --

GLENN: Do you now?

NICOLE: I do now. I do now.

GLENN: You do now? What brought you there?

NICOLE: You know, lived experience. They say the two things that really get people to change their minds are grief and God.

And I have to say, there are some really heart breaking moments during this campaign. We gave it everything.

And we followed the black letter law.

Very precisely.

GLENN: Yeah.

NICOLE: And we did -- the amount of heart and soul, and tears. And running around.

I mean, people were just constantly sweaty on our campaign. Because everyone wore six different hats.

And, you know, they would be crossing the country, four times every few days. I mean, it was -- it was so much work. And we did. We succeeded.

What many people thought was impossible.

Which was even just getting on and off the ballots. All 50 ballots. And we did.

The day that we did. That same, just within a few hours. You found out that New York. And they had been suing us.

We had won, seven cases. Seven of these ballot cases, where the Democratic Party came in, or they're running PACs, and sued us.

Attempted to sue us, to get us removed from the ballots. Which I can't believe is even legal. That a political opponent can sue you, can take you off the ballot.

But it's apparently common practice for the Democrats.

GLENN: It's crazy.

NICOLE: And Republicans still do this.

Republicans just don't, because they respect third parties. They respect democracy. They respect the things that make democracy a democracy.

So, anyway, we won all seven. We were seven-zero. We were feeling good. We just did this big press event.

Then New York came along. And the case in New York really opened my eyes, because this was a judge that was not acting on behalf of the American public.

This was a judge acting on behalf of the democratic party.

And there was -- there was just no room, for a legal argument. They seemed to have already been made by the time they arrived.

They treated Bobby with a petty criminal.
I later testified. My experience testifying. So it just got awful. Like I had done something wrong, by trying to run as a third party in this country.

And I think through this process and then realizing the extent of how much they're willing to denigrate the democratic process. In this country.

To win, and how entitled they feel, doing so.

And, you know, Bobby and I are -- our personalities are very much aligned with that California liberal mentality.

And to -- to be treated by friends, colleagues. People that know you. Like this.

Made me realize that that, something was very, very wrong.

And so -- I will say Trump. But, sorry, I don't want to cut you off. Go on.

GLENN: Nicole, you were -- you were in the middle of talking. And you were -- you know, when you said, there's two things that change you, God and grief. And you started going down that road. You know, about the grief you felt.

I remember early on, when I realized, oh, my gosh.

This system is not what I thought it was. I actually felt like I was in mourning trial.

It felt like part of me. My belief died.

And it was really hard to get through.

But if you get through it. It makes you stronger.

NICOLE: Absolutely.

And I will say, that the people that I'm trying to reach out to, today.

Are those that have a lot at stake.

These are moms. Who have their life of their children at stake right now.

Who have seen the system failing them, and their kids.

Trying to dissect a way, parental rights from their children.

And they dislike Donald Trump, because they view Donald Trump as a misogynist. And these are the conversations that I will be investing in, over the next several weeks. In the lead-up to the election. It's really digging into people's perceptions of Donald Trump, as this, you know, really kind of unsavory character.

And I have personally been doing my own fact-checked.

I will be releasing some of that soon.

We have -- I did a series with this really wonderful young 25-year-old journalist, Blake Warren, called TDS Therapy Hour.

Where I read letters that I've received from people. With grave concerns about our alignment with Donald Trump. And we impact all of those concerns very patiently, one after another.

GLENN: Great.

So great.

NICOLE: And I think that's how we do it, again. I know you were a Never Trumper. But I think once you realize how manipulated and programmed we are, by the mainstream media, to see Donald Trump, as this horrific personality. And once you start unpacking truth. You can begin to see truly what they've been up against.

GLENN: So, Nicole. I know you're out of time.

I know you have to run as well. I would love to have you back. I think you're absolutely fascinating.

And you are a very important voice to speak to women, who do have that feeling.

And are absolutely convinced to their core, and I would love to have you back.

Nicole, thank you so much.

NICOLE: Thank you. Have a good one.

GLENN: Nicole Shanahan.

Targeted attack?! Hezbollah leaders dead after mass pager explosion

Targeted attack?! Hezbollah leaders dead after mass pager explosion

Thousands of Hezbollah leaders throughout Lebanon carrying pagers were left injured, and some dead, after the pagers simultaneously exploded. While Israel has not taken responsibility for the attack, it appears that this was a coordinated attack and not just happenstance. Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jonathan Conricus joined me to lay out how this attack may have been planned out, why the attack occurred now, and if Hezbollah will retaliate.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus is with us now. He is a former Israeli defense forces spokesperson. Welcome to the program. Welcome back, sir. How are you?

JOHN: I am well, thank you for having me again.

GLENN: Good. I think the world was a little amazed at what happened yesterday. Just how -- how it was done, and the thinking that went behind it.

Can you talk about how Hezbollah got these pagers?

JOHN: Yeah. It's definitely the stuff of movies.

And I'm sure that movies will be made about it. And that this will inspire novels and thrillers in the future.

But if we connect ourselves back to the horrible reality that Israel is facing. Where about 70,000 Israeli civilians have been pushed out of their homes.

And Israel is under relentless rocket and drone fire from Lebanon.

They happen yesterday's operation. And what I'm saying here isn't an official Israeli claim of responsibility.

But I think it's safe to assume, that Israel is behind it. Well, basically Israel -- appears to have been able to do. Is to intercept. And if you would, contaminate the supply line of Hezbollah.

And to insert explosives into these beepers. The pagers.

That were disseminated by Hezbollah, to key personnel. And then once wanted to, to cause these devices to explode.

Now, it's unclear, the technical details are unclear. Whether it was causing the battery to overheat, and that caused an explosion. Or if there were inserted explosives inside the beepers. But what I think we can agree on, was that it was quite -- it had quite a massive effect on Hezbollah. They report about 5,000 of their members, that were targeted, some of them killed.

Eight, I believe, is the updated number.

And some of them significantly wounded. Many of them lost their eyesight. Others lost part of their body.

Now, what I think is interesting to look at now.

Where does this take us? Where does it take Hezbollah?

If Israel is indeed behind it, why did Israel choose to do it now.

GLENN: Wait. Wait. Wait.

Before we get to that, let me just ask you. Before we move off the pagers. How did you know?

Or -- I mean, I'm just speaking. At fiction here. Generally speaking, how would they know it was Hezbollah that had those pagers. That's an awful lot of pagers.

How do you know that those were going to Hezbollah? Do you have any idea? Speculation?

JOHN: Yeah. I will try to explain that. Hezbollah, they're a secretive organization. They're a terrorist organization. And they are aware of Israeli efforts to listen to their communications.
And to follow their activities by tracking cellular devices. Cell phones.

And as such, they have prohibited, most of their officers and ground personnel and terrorists, et cetera.

From actually having cell phones. And definitely not bringing them into secret locations. So these beepers.

They were basically an attempt by Hezbollah to circumvent Israeli listening. And eavesdropping.

I think Israel, somehow, found out about that Hezbollah was actually purchasing new beepers. And they were doing it in a large number.

And according to the reports that I've read so far, Israel was able to intercept where they were being manufactured from.

And they were able to, at some level, contaminate them. Either by implanting explosives or by having the ability to control them remotely.

I think it's more likely that they were -- yeah. That they were likely.

That they had explosives inserted into them.

From the videos, I have seen. If you haven't watched the videos. They're quite amazing.

It's really explosions that you see. And it's not a flash or a fire of the battery that is, you know, burning. But it's more, looks like explosives. And it is quite remarkable. I don't think that any other Intel organization has been able to do such a thing. To get into the supply lines of its enemy.

And to do -- and one thing I think that is important to mention. Is how targeted this operation is. Very little, if any, so-called collateral damage. Because the people who had these beepers. Were Hezbollah.

They were militants and terrorists who had this machine for a reason. And they had it for a reason.

Because they were persons of value, from a Hezbollah point of view. And they needed to get information. And messages quickly.

It's kind of like the best way of striking only the ones that you want to strike. And only striking the bad guys.

That's what Israel did. And it is in short, quite amazing.

GLENN: Yeah. I will tell you, that my first reaction was, that's why I always say on the air. We don't need to fight Israel's war for them. They'll do it. Just let them fight.

I thought this was ingenious. And, of course, Israel is saying, they could have harmed innocent people. Blah, blah, blah. How much more targeted does a war need to be? Other than right to the individuals?

All right. So why did they do it yesterday?

JOHN: Yeah. Yeah. By the way, I have to comment on what you said.

I think that's exactly what Israelis want. Let us fight. And help us win.

But we don't need anybody doing our fighting for us.

I think that's a super important point.

Especially for people who support freedom and democracy.

And, you know, want to do good for America.

I don't think Israel is asking them to do its fighting for it.

But we'll leave that aside. In terms of time.

This is where it gets interesting. And here are question marks. Because up until now.

We're almost 22 hours after the event.

Israel hasn't made a move.

And it makes sense, that, you know, for Israel to unleash, to do such an operation, it makes sense for this to be part of a bigger strategy. Designed at achieving something with Hezbollah.

GLENN: Right.

JOHN: So the questions was, was there something that Israel did because it sensed that the capacity was going to be exposed.

And it was either use it or it will get uncovered. Or it will be for nothing. That's all for nothing.

That's one option. Second option, that it is part of the negotiations. And it's part of the messaging campaign.

And basically, another effort to apply pressure on Hezbollah, which doesn't cause a war.

Because Israel has been under attack from Hezbollah now for 11 and a half months. And Israel, I think is still trying to do everything possible to get its people back home, without having to do a war in order for that to happen.

And this could be. What Israel did would perhaps be more of a blunt way of telling Hezbollah, listen. We have penetrated your organization from an Intel point of view. There's more to come.

It's in your interest. To agree to a deal.

And I think it's no coincidence. It could be no coincidence.

That envoy Volstead is in the Middle East now. Trying to bring that apart, to the parties.

Are those the two reasons. Otherwise, the third option.

This would be something that would be a preamble for an Israeli strike.

If that were the case. And Israel wanted to do more. Then, of course, the strike would be two hours after the --

GLENN: Yes. Or doing it, even.

JOHN: Exactly. Exactly.

GLENN: How is Hezbollah going to react to this? Do you think?

JOHN: Yeah. So Hezbollah, they have a few options. It will be interesting to listen to their leader. Hassan Asan (phonetic) is going to be speaking, 5:00 p.m. local. Middle Eastern time.

And we'll see, how -- what he says.

I would assume, that it would be a fire and brimstone kind of speech.

But they will get back at the evil Zionists.

And he has a lot to answer to now.

Because it's very humiliating.

And it's a significant blow.

Not that it will bring Hezbollah to its knees. But it's probably demoralizing, and there are important people who have serious injuries.

So they'll have to respond. My assessment is, that they will push back. And that they will not use this as an opportunity to de-escalate.

And to say, okay. We're in a bad spot.

Let's recalibrate. And think what we should do.

I think they will escalate from here. And that we will here very fierce rhetoric from Hezbollah.

I think that there's -- there's a slight, slight chance that the Iranians tell them, stand down. And don't escalate.

I think that what we will see from Masalah and from Hezbollah will be a response with rockets. And that they will -- enhance -- enhance the range of rockets that they are firing into Israel.

And it's quite likely, that we'll see other Iranian proxies, the Houthis in Yemen, and Iranian militias in Iraq -- enhance their attacks on Israel as well. Perhaps not quite at the level of all-out war.

But to do more, in order to try to get even. Last, point seven, as I say, that this event happened yesterday.

But a few hours before that, it was exposed that Hezbollah had planned and was actually quite close to planting an IED at Claymore. An anti-personal device in Israel. And the target was a former senior Israeli defense official. I think it was supposed to be assassinated. And that was something that the Israeli security forces. Our equivalent of the FBI. Were able to expose just hours before that.

And the things are connected.

GLENN: You shouldn't compare yourself to the FBI.

Especially now. It would have been on their radar. But they wouldn't have found it. Or done anything to stop it.

Let me -- let me take you here. I was reading today. And I think I saw it again yesterday.

That the people of -- of -- of Gaza. Are now starting to turn to Hamas. Do you believe that?

Is that propaganda? Or do you think that is war fatigue?

JOHN: That is war fatigue. There's a the brain of truth to it.

Sadly, I think there still isn't in Gaza, an alternate system, an alternate government that can come in.

And oust Hamas from power. And it's a sad situation for Palestinians. Because they have been under the oppression of Hamas. 2 million people have been oppressed. And ruled under this tyrannic organization for 17, 18 years. They have been brainwashed. But at the end of the day, they're suffering now.

And many of them are coming to the understanding, that the cause of their suffering is not Israel.

It's Hamas' rule and Hamas' tactics. And Hamas' strategies. So there are uprisings. Currently, they're being dealt with, very bluntly by Hamas.

They're killing anybody that voices any criticism, towards, towards Hamas.

And I think that the most important thing that I find missing is structure, and a political organization. That could move in.

And push Hamas out of power. And also, very importantly, as long as Hamas controls the distribution of food and human aid in Gaza.

And as long as there is an UNA organization. The UN Relief and Works Agency.

As long as they're there, Hamas will be there, and Palestinians will continue to suffer.


Thank you so much, Jonathan, for being on and explaining this. Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Conricus. He is the former Israeli Defense Forces spokesperson, with an update on the Middle East.

Tulsi Gabbard: Democrat leaders PROVE they don't want “UNITY” after 2nd Trump attack

Tulsi Gabbard: Democrat leaders PROVE they don't want “UNITY” after 2nd Trump attack

Democrats like Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have called for "unity" after the SECOND attempt on Donald Trump's life. But how can they say that after calling him a national threat for so long?! Can there even be unity with a party that is now BLAMING Trump for his own assassination attempt?! Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, who is now supporting Donald Trump for president, joins Glenn to make the case for REAL unity...not with the political elites whose dangerously hypocritical rhetoric got us here in the first place, but between freedom-loving Americans. Many average Democrats are waking up, she says, to what's really going on...


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let me play a new Trump ad, that is exposing the rhetoric from the left. Here it is. Cut four.

VOICE: If you had to be stuck in an elevator with either President Trump, Mike Pence, or Jeff Sessions. Who would it be?

STU: Listen to this cackle.

VOICE: Does one of us have to come out alive?

VOICE: They always asked me, don't I wish I were debating him? No, I wish during high school, I could take him behind the gym.

I said, no. If I were in high school, I would take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.

VOICE: I just don't know why there aren't you uprisings all over the country. Maybe there will be. That you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.

VOICE: If you see anybody from that cabinet, in a restaurant, in a department store, in a gasoline station, you get out, and you get them on the ground, and you push back on them. And you tell them, they are not welcome!

VOICE: You know, there needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives.

VOICE: Enemies of the state.

VOICE: President Walker, how do you resist wringing her neck?

VOICE: When they go low, we kick.

VOICE: Please, get up in the face of Congresspeople.

VOICE: Yes. I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.

STU: Unbelievable. I mean, that is incredible. That's where we are.

And whose at fault, Glenn, for all of these -- you know, actual violence that's happening?

It's not the Democrats, of course. Listen to this.

VOICE: This really seems to be the confluence of two very bad, very bad things going on in the Republican Party.

On one side, the attempts to divide, to enrage the population. To put out false rumors. And misinformation.

STU: Oh.

GLENN: We know the -- the mayor in Springfield is begging the Republican Party. To stop with the false information.

On immigrants. They have portions of the town on lockdown. At this point.

And an increase in all of the partisanship and the fearmongering that's going on.

And then on the other side, we have this complete availability, of assault rifles, too.

It seems almost anyone who wants to have access.

GLENN: Oh, my God. Okay. Okay. Okay.

STU: I've got --

GLENN: First of all, how did -- how are you blame the -- the bomb threats on Trump, when we now know, it's been confirmed, all of those came from foreign sources? Outside the country.

STU: At least they were all hoaxes. Most of them apparently, from outside the country.

GLENN: Okay.

So that's -- really, I'm having a hard time with that.

The assault rifle thing, for the love of Pete. Why are you concentrating on that? Why aren't you asking the question, he was arrested, and charged with possession of a weapon of mass destruction.

Okay? That's the left's way of saying, he had a machine gun.

So if you have a weapon of mass destruction, I would think, that you would go to prison for a very long time.

I know if I had an illegal machine gun and I wasn't waving it around or doing anything, I just owned one, I would probably go to jail, for 20 years. To prison.

Because I think that's what the penalty is.

Why didn't he -- why -- why is there zero record of him going to prison?


Don't take to me about taking all of the machine guns.

He must buy it.

He didn't go and buy it from a store.

He had already had gun charges.

But there's no record of him spending any time in jail.

What is that? How -- how did that happen?

If that's not a Jeffrey Epstein kind of question. I don't know.

How does this guy just keep doing this? And then it just goes into a memory hole. And he never serves any time.

What the hell is that? Now, I'm not suggesting that, you know, he's like Jeffrey Epstein.

Was killed by the elites on the left.

STU: Oh, breaking news.

GLENN: I -- I am -- I'm not suggesting that he was a spy. But, I mean, he might have been. He might have been.

He had to be on the CIA's radar. Had to have been. I mean, he was praising the ayatollahs in Iran.

He tweeted, you have my permission now, to kill Donald Trump. How did he not have an FBI guy, going to his house?

I mean, if you say something like, we should meet to pray, in front of an abortion clinic.

You're in prison.

But you have my permission now to kill the president of the United States?

Huh. No prison time, after you've had gun charges. After you've been, you know, charged, and -- and convicted of -- of having a weapon of mass destruction.

What -- what?


It seems to me, that we're -- we're really missing some logic here.

First of all, how could Donald Trump's own rhetoric, get him killed?

I don't -- I mean, that's -- because that's some bad. That's some bad rhetoric. Really!

STU: It's the same time, Glenn.

GLENN: If you're ratcheting up the rhetoric. And you are the target, by your own supporter.

Which, by the way, is not the case.

The guy gave 15 times, to the democratic party, in Act Blue. So, I mean, the guy is -- he is -- he is a Democrat, through and through.

STU: I think, Glenn, it's the same. The same logic, that applies to turning a new page and finding a new way forward. With the current vice president.

If that works in your head, then all the stuff works.

GLENN: Yes. Exactly right.

Tulsi Gabbard is with us. Hey, Tulsi, how are you?

TULSI: Hey, good morning. I'm sorry, I'm a little bit late.

GLENN: No. No. No. Not a problem. We were just talking about how we find unity and how we reason with people who are really at a place to where they're saying, the problem is Donald Trump's rhetoric. He brought this upon himself.

Or it is a -- you know, it's the -- the problem is, that you can just go in and buy a gun.

The guy was convicted of owning a fully automatic machine gun, they called it in court. A weapon of mass destruction.

He had several gun charges. He was not -- he didn't go into a store and buy it legally.

And if he did, where was the breakdown. And he never -- we can't find any record of him going to prison.

When -- when your logic is -- will not allow any facts in, how do we change people's minds?

How do we reunite?

TULSI: Yeah. Glenn, you know, this is -- it really is about people who are reasonable. People who have common sense. People who can see clearly, continuing to speak the truth.

And point out, how dangerous, and insightful, their rhetoric is.

And how even as Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris, and other influential people in the Democratic Party, they say the word "unity." They say there is no place for political violence in our country, and yet, their actions and their inciteful (sic) rhetoric have the exact opposite effect and consequence.

You know, when we hear people like Kamala Harris call for unity, while at the same time, she and her surrogates. And those in the Democrat elite are over and over and over again. Calling President Trump, the most dangerous threat to our democracy.

Trump is saying, he's the modern day Hitler. I saw this morning. David Close, who is on Kamala Harris' campaign team, who was on President Obama's campaign team and presidency, saying that Donald Trump and his kind must be gotten rid of.

GLENN: Uh-huh.

TULSI: Period. Never to rise in power again. They have this sense of -- of so-called righteous justification for their rhetoric.

Which it should be no surprise, then.

To those who are listening to them.

Who feel that they must take action for the, quote, unquote, greater good.

To do what this guy tried to do the other day.

To do what the guy in Butler Pennsylvania, tried to do.

As long as they continue this.

And as you said, even on the day of.

On the day of. Within minutes, of this assassination attempt.

That happened in Florida, the other day.

We say some of the most influential Democrat continue this insightful rhetoric.

So those of us who cherish and love ask appreciate our country and our democracy. And peace.

We have to keep on speaking the truth. And speaking about reason, and common sense.

And pointing them out, for what they are doing, and how dangerous the consequences are. Their hypocrisy, is so glaring. To call for unity.

While, at the same time, you know, Hillary Clinton, calling anyone who voted for Donald Trump, the -- the deplorables. We have people on MSNBC, the other day, saying that every single voter and supporter of Donald Trump is despicable.

You know, this kind of rhetoric is what is dividing our country. And can lead to a very dangerous place.

GLENN: So I -- I believe that there are millions of good Democrats, that love the country. Want to do the right thing.

They may not like Donald Trump.

And they may not agree with all of their policies.

But that's where you and Bobby Kennedy.

And Alan Dershowitz. All of these icons. I mean, you ran for president. For a -- for the Democrats.

All of the icons, of the democratic party. It's not that you are coming out and saying, you know what.

I just woke up, and I just think, all of Trump's policies are just the very best.

I wouldn't change a thing. You actually -- correct me if I'm wrong. Are saying, there are some things that I really like. But I cannot vote for these people.

I have to vote for this. Because this party has become so dangerous.

Am I right?

TULSI: You are right. And, quite frankly, that really speaks to the very clear choice. And the different mindset, that exists between these two candidates. President Trump and vice president Harris, who are running for president.

And those who are supporting them. You know, there are those of us who stand with President Trump, because we recognize that in this election, he is our best hope, to preserve freedom. To work our way towards peace and prosperity. And Kamala Harris guarantees the exact opposite of those things, and this is not my opinion. The proof can be found in her record.

And we look at the reaction, that's held, for example. There's a very famous actress, who in this past week, expressed some appreciation and empathy for Melania Trump, former First Lady Melania Trump.

In her very heartfelt video, about what she went through. And what it was like for her, and her family. To see her husband, almost assassinated.

And this very famous actress, fell for her and her feelings. And was excoriated by Hollywood and by the propaganda media.

How dare she express empathy for this woman, whose husband was almost killed.

Almost shot in the face. And kudos to this actor for not backing down.

And simply saying, what are we as a country. When you have people, who are eager, to celebrate the death of another human being.

And that's how sick their mindset is. When we heard people after Butler, Pennsylvania, saying, oh, well, too bad the shooter missed. Be a better shot next time.

This is who these people are. And it speaks to how they see our country. How they see the American people. How they see the world. We don't want these people anywhere near the levers of power.

Anywhere near being this a position where you're making decisions. About life and death for Americans.

Or people in the world.

There's a huge the difference in that mindset. These people are motivated by hate. And fear of losing power.

And what I've seen, a number of rallies these past few days. I've been around a lot of Americans who are motivated by love of our country.

GLENN: Are you seeing Democrats? Are you seeing people?

TULSI: It was the other day. I was in Arizona the other day, with Bobby Kennedy. We had a great event. The first one of our Reclaim America Tour.

I asked the audience, raise your hand if you're a Democrat or a former Democrat. And almost half the hands in that audience went straight up in the air.

GLENN: Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Tulsi, thank you so much for joining us. I really appreciate everything you're doing. Thank you for taking the risk.

STATE-RUN MEDIA tries to BLAME TRUMP for 2nd assassination attempt?!

STATE-RUN MEDIA tries to BLAME TRUMP for 2nd assassination attempt?!

“We are entering a new time,” Glenn says. Modern-day political assassins historically come from 3 groups, “and they are all wound tight as a drum” right now. Glenn reviews the evidence that the Left, not the MAGA movement, is calling for violence — even after the first Trump assassination attempt. But how did the state-run media respond to the second Trump assassination attempt? By blaming … TRUMP?!


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: We are entering a new time.

Anybody who is paying attention, knows that. I've never, in my lifetime seen -- seen something so close to being a John F. Kennedy moment, as the assassination attempt, on Donald Trump.

I have seen an assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. It either, history shows, it comes from one of three groups.

Either crazies. John Hinckley.

Or wound up communists. Anarchists.

Socialists. Comes from the left. Pragmatism or it comes from Palestinian zealots. That's just a fact.

We have all of those zealots at a zenith of power right now. And they are wound tight as a drum. Our media doesn't really care.

When they targeted, yeah. And I use that word.

When they targeted Sarah Palin for using the word "targeted" -- we're targeting these districts. When Gabby Giffords was shot, they made a really big deal out of it. I mean, do you remember what they put her through?

But now, they don't seem to care, at all.

About their language. Now, after two assassination attempts. Here is the -- we put a montage together of their rhetoric against Donald Trump for the last few years. Listen to this. Cut two, please.

VOICE: When was the last time, an actor assassinated a president?

VOICE: Where is John Wilkes Booth when you need him?

VOICE: I believe that Trump poses a fundamental threat to America.

VOICE: Trump is as destructive a person in this century, as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were in the last century.

VOICE: President Trump is dangerous to America. And the future of America.

VOICE: We need to articulate the fact that Donald Trump is a danger to America.

VOICE: He must go. He is a clear and present danger to the nation.

VOICE: Donald Trump is a fascist leader. And he's mobilizing his forces.

VOICE: Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation.

VOICE: He's a threat to our freedom. He's a threat to our democracy.

VOICE: He is not only unfit. He is destructive, to our democracy.

And he has to be -- he has to be eliminated.

VOICE: The emphasis of threat to the United States of America is Donald Trump.

VOICE: I see Trump as a danger to democracy.

And I see him as a self-proclaimed fascist.

GLENN: Trump is an existential threat to the future of America.

VOICE: David Aaronovitch, who presents Radio 4's briefing room show, took to X/Twitter.

And wrote, if I was Biden, I would hurry it up, and have Trump murdered on the basis that's a threat to America's security.

GLENN: So there's assassination attempt number one after years of indoctrination.

That he is Hitler.

If you really believe he's Hitler, I mean, people have -- have, you know, played that little game even when we were kids, you know, if you could go back and assassinate Hitler as a baby, would you do it?

Of course, I would do it. Well, here's Hitler, about to take power.

If that's -- if you listen to them, that's what you believe. So, of course, you will wind up nutjobs, to go out and try to shoot.

Now, they immediately said, after the last assassination attempt, they said, we've got to -- you know, will anybody, you know, tone down the rhetoric?

Well, let's see, did they tone downtown rhetoric? This is the rhetoric since the first assassination. Cut one.

VOICE: You know, we're here to say (bleep) Trump, (bleep) MAGA. The whole agenda. The whole fascists.

VOICE: What do you think about the attempted assassination of Donald Trump?

VOICE: This was close.

We could be in a time line for Trump to be dead, and for me, that would have been okay.

VOICE: It's too bad the bandage was just over his ear. It should have been over his mouth.

VOICE: I think with every fabric of my body. I think that Donald Trump represents a threat to democracy. Look, are they a threat to democracy? Yes. Are they going to take our rights away? Yes.

VOICE: It is threats against democracy. I think it's important, to, you know, turn the page.

VOICE: He will focus on Donald Trump's threat to American democracy.

VOICE: He feels very strongly that Donald Trump say threat to our democracy.

VOICE: So Donald Trump was recently shot at one of his rallies. How do you feel about that?

VOICE: I wish he would have gotten shot in the forehead.

VOICE: Donald Trump is dangerous. And because he's dangerous, Project 2025 is dangerous.

VOICE: Right now, I feel like MAGA in general, they are threats to us domestically, and we see it time and time again.

GLENN: Okay. So that's them toning things down. Yesterday, just before the news broke, Kamala Harris was speaking at a rally.

And she said, Donald Trump must never again be allowed to stand behind a microphone. Or the seal of the president of the United States.

Now, you could say, when she said, stand behind the seal of the president of the United States, that she was just saying, that we can't allow him to be elected.

Go out and get the vote.

But for a man to never be allowed to stand behind a microphone, how exactly do you do that?

Do you throw him in prison?

Oh, yeah. They're trying to do that. Or do you just kill him?

And I would say, yeah. They're trying to do that, as well.

How did they respond, yesterday?

Let's -- let's go to cut three. Here's MSNBC.


VOICE: The demonization of the other side. Where we simply, it's no longer politics.

It's gotten bigger than that. You know, the calls for violence. The violence rhetoric. That you look at what happens.

That this heated rhetoric can only go so far. Before unfortunately, it has led to violence. On both sides of the aisle.

So I think it's just something that Democrats and Republicans can --

GLENN: Can we stop?

Let me just ask you a question.

So are you saying, that Donald Trump is ratcheting up the rhetoric, which then his people use to go and try to kill him?

Because that doesn't make any sense.

He's ratcheting up the rhetoric.

No. I've heard him talk about facts.

I've heard him talk about facts like she's -- she grew up a Marxist. And she's lying to you.
And if you had a -- a non-state press, which ABC is now.

You have to stop thinking of these people as press.

They are one and the same. They are Pravda. They are a government propaganda arm.

That is clear.

If you would have had a fair debate, you would have had a few things corrected.

But what was happening?

Well, what happened in that debate, was exactly what Kamala Harris said would happen.

But she accused Donald Trump of being the one who would do it.

She said, you will hear nothing, but name-calling.

You will hear lies and smears.

And that's exactly what she did, the whole time.

Because her whole strategy, was to piss him off.

I don't know if name-calling counts when you just say somebody is weak.

You're weak. You're weak.

You're pathetic. You're weak.

She was egging him on.

Now, if that's the person that wants to be the leader of the free world, now, that's interesting.

That's interesting.

Now, you can say, well, Donald Trump did that.

Yes. But you hated him doing that. So why have you gone down to his level. If that's what you think?

Well, it's the only way to win. Oh. So you believe the ends justify the means.

I don't believe that. I don't like things that Donald Trump said. Has said in the past.

I don't hear him say these things anymore.

I think the man has changed. I know him.

I would consider him a friend, now.

I didn't like him at first. Actually, I liked him at first.

And then I thought, he was playing me.

Which he wasn't.

I really thought he was playing me, I have learned, that's who this guy is.

And then, what did he do?

He got into office.

And what did he do?

He made America better? He ended the wars. He was unwinding things rationally, he was exposing the lies. Of the Deep State, that you now know exists.

I mean, the whole Russian collusion thing.

Even the media has mentioned it, that it was a lie.

They're still giving the same crap.

They're still talking to the same insiders in the intelligence community, tell us.

They're still using the same sources. But they had to admit that, yes. Those sources were lying.

So while they said that he was a Russian asset. Well, they said, that he was doing all kinds of things that he shouldn't have been doing.

Nothing was ever proven.

In fact, the you know the guy who came out on the perfect phone call.

Ukraine. That everybody just loves so much. He was the perfect whistle-blower!

Vindman. Oh, my gosh. He was great.

We got to listen to Vindman. Right?

Right? We have to listen to him, right?

Do you know his brother is running for office, in Virginia?

His brother.


You vote for Vindman. You know, you should have your head examined.

But Vindman actually came out, the wife of Vindman.

Came out this weekend, and said, carry on with your Sunday afternoon.

No ears were harmed.

That was her response.

Hmm. She doubled down.

After a Congress -- a congressman came out and said, you know, that's probably not the right thing to do.

You shouldn't -- you probably shouldn't vote for the brother. She doubled down. She said, I condemn you. I condemn your lack of integrity. Your attacks on immigrants.

Your desecration of Arlington National Cemetery.

Really? I was with the families, this weekend.

I was with them.

I was with them. I want you to meet them.

They're amazing. They're -- they're not anti-Democrat, anti-Republican. Anti-anything.

They are just pro-the truth. And they have been smeared and destroyed.

And they asked Donald Trump to go to Arlington National Cemetery.

They asked him. He did.

These people are -- they're nuts.

And, you know, many -- maybe many of our families have been infected by this.

But I urge you, not to -- I urge you, before you concentrate on anybody else. Concentrate on yourself.

Clean out your own house.

Make sure that your house is in order.

Make sure that you have nothing, that you are doing, that is against, you know, common sense.

Against the teachings of Christ.

Clean it all out. Whatever you're doing. Stop it right now.

Clean it out.

Finish it. Put it in the past. Repent.

And prepare yourself.

Have to. I firmly believe. And I -- you know, everybody said this, from the dawn of time.

And they've been wrong every time.

So I'm most likely wrong. Probably 99 percent chance I'm wrong. But I think the Lord is coming. And you have to choose, which side you're on.

I'm not on Donald Trump's side. I'm on the Lord's side. And the Lord will use anyone as flawed as they are, if they just will stand up.

Just stand up. And protect what is right. No matter how flawed they are. Martin Luther King is was a very flawed man. He stood up, and did what was right.

This guy is not going to stop. He doesn't need it for his family. He doesn't certainly need it for his business.

He doesn't need it for money. He doesn't need it for fame.

Why the hell is this guy running?

Why the hell is this guy -- they tried to kill him now, twice. Almost killed him the first time.

And he stood up, and looked at the audience. And said, fight! Yesterday, his response was, I am just going to play through.

No. Mr. President, we need to get you off the golf course. Why?