Inflation vs. taxation: Which form of THIEVERY is worse?

Taxation is theft, but inflation may be even worse. Why? Carol Roth, financial expert and author of ‘The War On Small Business,’ tells Glenn that inflation is a PERMANENT thievery that robs you of EVERYTHING you’ve worked so hard to accomplish. Plus, today’s 9.1 percent inflation was ENTIRELY avoidable, if not for the disastrous central-planning policies enacted by today’s Federal Reserve. ‘It’s just so, so frustrating and angering,’ she says.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Carol Roth is a friend and friend of the program. She's the author of the book, The War On Small Business. She's a -- in her words, a recovering investment banker, worked on Wall Street for quite some time. But sees things from Main Street, and can explain things to Main Street as opposed to everybody else, who I just think talks about Wall Street stuff. And that doesn't matter to the average person. Unless you can break it down, and explain it.

Carol Roth, welcome to the program. Hi, Carol.

CAROL: Hi, Glenn. How are you doing?

GLENN: Good. Good.

I am -- do you agree with me on Sri Lanka? You've been following that I'm sure.

CAROL: Yes. I don't know if you know this, but Sri Lanka has an ESG score of 98. So good for them, that really worked out super well.

GLENN: Yeah. I know. Yeah, yeah, I know. So we have a couple of things I want to go through. First of all, the CPI, this is the Consumer Price Index. The inflation number, is at 9.1.

The -- I loved your tweet the other day. Let me see if I can find it. You said, first, there will be no inflation. Then inflation is transitory. Inflation is good for you.

Inflation only hurts the rich. Inflation is the consumer's fault. Inflation is greedy business' fault. Inflation is Putin's fault.

Inflation is backward looking. And your last one, bread lines are a great way to meet people. The latest is, it's backward looking. That's what the White House came out and said, those are old numbers. But they didn't say that the new numbers would be better.

CAROL: I mean, backward-looking. Forward-looking. Up, down, and in circle. Whichever way you're looking. This is something that is affecting all of our lives. You know, I was thinking about taxation. And how taxation is a theft.

But it is a one-time theft. It's a one-time theft of your earnings. Inflation is permanent theft. It permanently steals your ability to purchase goods and services. The wealth that you created.

Everything that you worked hard to earn. And saved. To ever

And this is what we're seeing. And, you know, while the 9.1 percent, you know, wasn't necessarily a surprise, it is still really shocking to see it on paper. And as you and I have discussed before. You know, these are the manipulated numbers. These are the formula changes that have happened, a few times since the 1980s. If you looked on this.

You know, how it would have been on an Apples to Apples basis. To the 1980s. It's probably about double that. So this is theft from the American people. By central planning. That was completely avoidable.

And it is just so, so frustrating and angering.

GLENN: So they -- they said, I read an article early this morning, that talked about, there's a possibility, that by the end of the month, the fed is talking now about raising it another point. Another point.

And you gave me a stat a while back. Because people don't think this. Our debt has interest attached to it.

CAROL: Right.

GLENN: And when we go out as a nation, for a trillion dollars, we have to pay interest. And you gave me a stat for every one point added, it adds to our debt and deficit, how much?

CAROL: Okay. So this is not a direct line. But basically, think about this. We have about, you know, a six to seven-year average on our debt. Which means that our national debt is constantly being refinanced. And as we take on new debt, we have to go out and pay for that at new rates. So whether you're refinancing it, or you're taking on a new debt. For every $1 trillion, that we either refinance or take on a new debt, that will be an extra 100 billion dollars. That is added to our interest service on the debt. So stuff we've always paid for.

It's not like when the fed's fund rate goes pick up. It automatically increases the debt, but it does trip through intervals through to the ten-year yields, and the three-year yields, and the two-year yields, which is the way that we have to finance our debt, and what's paid for.

GLENN: Right. So if we did -- have to redo five trillion dollars in our debt, which is not unusual.

If we had to buy and refinance another 5 trillion on our debt, that would add a trillion dollars' worth of debt. Would it not?

Because we've gone up two points. Or we will have gone up two points.

MEGAN: Yeah. That's correct. Yes.

GLENN: Yeah. Holy cow.

CAROL: Yeah. The projections.

GLENN: At what point -- at what interest rate --

CAROL: I was going to say, if you look at the CBO projections. They project out into the future. And the numbers in terms of the debt, and what we'll be paying on it in the future.

And they're using conservative numbers. They're not even expecting these fed rates, would absolutely blow your mind.

It becomes the largest item, that the government has to pay for, which obviously takes away spending from other areas. And/or increases your taxes.

GLENN: Unless you're using modern monetary theory, which we are now basically using, modern monetary theory. Which means, you can print whatever you want. The government doesn't have to worry about it.

But that's impala -- I mean, they said it in Sri Lanka. They're using modern monetary theory. And it's wiped them out. Wiped them out.

CAROL: Yeah, this is basically the concept of what's happening here, in terms of our liabilities.

They're trying to take a dollar from your left pocket, move it to your right pocket. And go, oh, look. You have a new dollar. You know, that's not the way any of this works.

And we're all feeling the effects of this fantastical buy-in to magic money tree, aka MMT, Modern Monetary Theory. The idea that just because you have the printing press, that you can keep printing money, without having a subsequent effect on the that are. You know, the money is supposed to stand for productivity. You earned this. This is a stable representation of your productivity.

If you double or triple or quadruple the amount of -- of those dollars, without increasing productivity, then each one of those, in turn, is worth less. And that is what is happening, and that's why the value of our dollar is being eroded. Go back to that 1970's Saturday Night Live skit with Dan Aykroyd, pretending to be Jimmy Carter. You know, we'll all be millionaires. And we'll be driving around in cars, that cost, you know, $20 million. So it starts great from a top line standpoint, until you kind of get into it.

GLENN: Right. Okay.

So most people put their money in their IRA, and until they get older, they don't even look at it.

And that's probably a good thing, when you're dealing with the stock market. You just leave it in. And it has its ups and downs. And you start looking at it, when you're maybe 50 or 60. And you're like wait a minute. And start to make sure that it's secure. Because there's not a long horizon, that you're looking at.

What's happening to people's 401(k)s, right now, and what can they do?

CAROL: So there was a research study that I picked up, that came out. And they said, from the beginning of the year to June of this year, people have lost $3.4 trillion in their retirement funds, between 401(k)s and IRAs. This doesn't include any other money that may have been in the market. And this is, you know, a horrendous situation, that has been, you know, completely fueled by fed policy. Really going all the way back to the fed chair Alan Greenspan, who decided, he was going to never let the market fall too much, without having some intervention. Then in the Great Recession, financial crisis, Ben Bernanke took that, put it on steroids. And Glenn Powell and his group have done, has been completely crazy. And we are living through these crazy boom-and-bust cycles. I'm sure most of you have noticed that over the last several decades, things are very different, than they were in the decades before. You know, more of these huge booms and busts. And the reality is, that the people who are already wealthy and well-connected, who have that -- that long-term staying power.

They don't mind this at all, because they benefit when everything goes up, and then when everything goes bust.

And, you know, you as -- you know, as somebody who is panicking, and not sure what to do, you take your money out of the market. Or perhaps, you know, in the great financial -- the Great Recession, financial crisis, your home is foreclosed on. You know, all these things have been, and they fall on the shoulders of the little guy.

And then these -- you know, I call them vulture capitalists, come in. Well-capitalized, buy everything up, at pennies on the dollar. And then are positioned for the next boom cycle of interference.

And this is just an epic wealth transfer. It's been happening on an accelerated basis for decades and decades, and is the outgrowth of just this just horrible central banking experiments, that have gone wrong. And has been a complete menace to society, and to the wealth creation opportunities for the average American.

GLENN: So what do people do?

CAROL: So if you can --

GLENN: I think -- I think we're losing the -- I think we're losing the idea of retirement for a lot of people.

I just -- I don't think that retirement is going to be a thing of the -- of the near future.

CAROL: Yeah. Yeah. Certainly not at the ages, that I think people perhaps were expecting. Because you don't know what's around the corner.

This is where I encourage everybody to talk to their financial adviser. Because each person's scenario is so different. And depending on your time frame, you know, because of these boom-and-bust cycles that are caused by fed and central planning, you know, timing is really important. You know, depending on when it is, you decide to change your portfolio structure.

Change everything in your life. But if you are younger, and you have that ability to have the staying power. You want to do the same thing, that the well-capitalized people are doing. And wait for those bust cycles and be able to participate, as a vulture capitalist. Even though if it's on a smaller scale. And buy low. And ride the upside to that. But you need to have that planning in place. Because we are now living in a way that is not free market. It's completely driven by this sort of externality. And that means, that, you know, timing changes. And if you're somebody who is retiring in a bad cycle, you know, you'll feel that burden on an exponential factor.

GLENN: So I have one more question for you, Carol. Let me take a one-minute break, and talk about what all of this is doing.

What's happening is the president just said, hey, you have to be able to retire. And so I believe he just guaranteed all of the union pension. So that means, I'm now paying for union pensions, if they default. Which is insanity! But, again, it's just another give away. I predicted this, I think in 2009. That the government would step in, and take all the union pensions, I guarantee it.

But that -- that means, everybody else is paying for it.

And we're struggling our own selves. I want to talk to you a bit about that. And then also, if this is what is happening here, what is all of this doing to our countries? That have to pay for things, in dollars?

Back with Carol Roth in just a second. Sixty seconds, and we're back.

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GLENN: So, Carol, first of all, explain what the president did with the unions.

CAROL: So he still is running around, talking about the American rescue plan, which is, you know, hilarious. He's got absolutely nothing to hang his hat on.

So he's going back, running back, and talking about what he did in March 2021. Now, obviously, he's not talking about all the bad things that came out of that. You know, things like -- the stimulus, that caused inflation.

And raising the reporting requirements for Etsy. And e Bay. Or lowering them, excuse me, from $20,000. To $600. Because all those millionaires with $600 a pound. We need to crack down on them.

He's hanging his hat on a piece of the legislation. That was in that, that was called the (inaudible) Louis Act. And, basically, that was, we're going to -- to be the guarantor of the union pensions.

Now, we've been told that unions are very important. You know, they need to be there, in order to secure people's futures, and be there for the workers.

But apparently, they're not real good at managing the pensions. So now we need to get involved.

So he touted, this is going to impact, several million pensions. Some of the reports, I'm seeing, are downplaying that number. And saying, it's fewer.

But basically, what they did, is that there was a pension, Guaranteed Corp, and they allowed them to do some things, and change some things around, and make sure that these pensions were solvent. But what they didn't do was actually anything structural, to fix the pensions.

So just like, you know, Social Security. All of the, you know, state pensions, union pensions.

Like whatever it is, that typically has a defined benefit attached to it. It ends up being a huge drag or a huge burden on everybody. And, you know, not solvent. They just kick the can down the road. But since he had absolutely no other accomplishments to hang his hat on, this is what he was talking about. And with the part of it, that really bothered me. And why I wrote the piece from TheBlaze. Again, this is the picking of winners and losers, that we keep seeing, over and over again, with the government. And in this particular case, they're going to focus on making sure that the union folks, don't lose 40 percent of their pension. But as I just told you. You know, through June this year, they said $3.4 trillion was lost from 401(k)s and retirement funds, for other Americans who aren't affiliated with the unions. So that to me, seems again, just this government picking of winners and losers. And certainly, if you're going to do that. You would think, that wouldn't want to be one thing you want to brag about. Maybe you want to do that on the down low. But, you know, he's out there touting that as his accomplishment.

GLENN: All right. Carol, we will we have to cut you loose. I have to get back to an Ohio story in just a second. Would you come back?

I want to -- we are crippling nations all over. Especially emerging nations.

They are going to be starving to death soon. Some of them. And they have to pay their own debt back in dollars. Dollars are becoming more expensive for them. The world is going to hate us soon, I fear. We'll talk about that, when you come back. Thank you so much, Carol.

Inside Glenn Beck’s PRIVATE conversation with Donald Trump

Inside Glenn Beck’s PRIVATE conversation with Donald Trump

Glenn recently traveled to Mar-a-Lago to attend a PragerU event, but got a chance to talk with President-elect Donald Trump as well. Glenn discusses everything he can about the shocking conversation they had, which covered a wide range of topics: What’s happening to South Korea? What’s really going on with the Russia/Ukraine war? Do Biden and the Democrats want that war? How much of a threat is Iran? Why is Trump worried about ‘nuclear proliferation’? Glenn also explains what made this meeting very different than the others he has had with presidents and why he now believes it was a blessing that Trump lost in 2020: He’s a changed man now and he’s coming back with laser focus to change everything FAST.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I don't know where to even begin with -- I just had the most amazing, surreal experience at Mar-a-Lago, last night. Just surreal.

I was there to help raise money for Prager University. And Dennis Prager, who, by the way, let me give you an update on him.

He was severely injured. He fell in the shower. Hit his head, and it snapped his neck back.

And he has injuries to his neck.

And he is making progress. And only Dennis would be as positive. I mean, somehow or another, he's still like, huh? I'm doing great.

And it's going to be a long process to get him back. But he had been -- he wasn't able to breathe on his own. But that is over. And he spoke for the first time, here the last couple of days. And he's fully there. His body just isn't working. But he has a long road.

But he is -- he is doing better.

And believe me, he appreciates and can feel your prayers. He obviously wasn't there last night.

But he still is in the hospital.

So we were there, raising money for Prager U. Who they're just doing amazing things.

If you want to give for education, what they're doing now, on education, and Prager U. And the impact that they're having, is incredible.

Just incredible.

Dennis Prager. You know, Rush Limbaugh, when my generation, and maybe the generation, you know, after me, when we would go, people will remember Rush Limbaugh, if they read about the history of, you know, people who made some impact.

But even Rush Limbaugh, for his important and his legendary and as game-changing as he was, will eventually be forgotten.

I don't think Dennis Prager will because of Prager University. That thing is making a huge impact. And well worth your support, and it would I think make Dennis feel a lot better, knowing that they raised a lot of money last night.

And they really need your help. They have huge plans. Just go to -- it's And if you have some money that you would like to invest in the future, that's a great place to invest.

So I get to Mar-a-Lago. And I have a few minutes with the president. And I ask him, what the hell is going on with South Korea, North Korea, China, Syria, Ukraine, Russia?

He is laser focused on this. And, again, he reiterated to me, the nuclear proliferation that is coming, is going to be our biggest problem.

He said, we had Iran, absolutely crippled.

He said, I hope we can get them there quickly. He said, but nukes are up for sale now.

North Korea has them. And he said, I don't have any -- you know, evidence that they've sold them. But they are up for sale. And he said proliferation of nukes are coming.

And Russia is still the biggest threat. I asked him -- I just want to be really careful. Because it wasn't. It was just a personal conversation.

But I asked him about the next 40-some takes. I said, I'm very concerned that Biden or whoever is the president of the United States right now, the military industrial complex. Barack Obama. I don't know who it is.

Wants war. And he didn't get into who was the president or anything else. He just said, this man is so incompetent. He said, he has absolutely no idea the history of even Ukraine, let alone Russia.

He said, this -- this -- this should never have happened.

And he said, it is a meat grinder.

He said, when this is all over, and the world can see what's happened, he said, North Korea -- I asked him about the North Korean fighters.

I said, you know, are they good?

He said, Glenn, it's a country of 5 million soldiers. He's like, it's a religion over there.

Their state is the religion. Their supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, is like their God. If he says, you're going to war and you are going to fight and tie, he says, 5 million. And they'll just keep coming.

And he said, it -- the way he described it to me, it almost sounds like colonial days when everyone was just in a line. You know, and, you know, okay. We want to be fair.

We will wear the red coat so you can see where to aim. We are just going to stand in a big line.

I got the impression that that's almost how North Korea.

They have so many people, that wave after wave is coming. And he said, there's no respect for life. None.

He said, it's unlike anything modern. The modern world has seen in a long time.

He said, I don't remember exactly how he said it. But basically, they don't even have tourniquets.

He said, if the guys are shot in the legs, they bleed to death. And people are just walking over them.

He said, you're wounded, you die.

There's no medics coming for you.

You just die because they got plenty of soldiers behind you. And he said, it is bloodshed like the world cannot imagine.

And I asked him, I said, I -- I think everybody wants peace.

And he said, hmm. I think so too.

And he kind of hedged his -- at least this is my impression, that he kind of -- my impression is, we're going to pay a very, very high price.

With Putin. Because we have violated every single red line, with Vladimir Putin.

Everything he said, don't do, we have done.

And I personally think -- this is my opinion. I didn't express this to the president.

But I personally think, one, they want war.

I don't know who they is.

The military-industrial complex. The Biden family to wipe out the corruption.

Ukraine is nothing, but a money-laundering system. That's all it is.

It's money being laundered. I don't know where it's going. Why isn't anyone concerned on how much money we're sending over? All these weapons.

They're being sold on the black market to our enemies.

What the hell is happening? Why is this happening?

And so my personal opinion is, either they're trying to wipe out -- remember, the Hunter Biden thing is for ten years.

For crimes that he's never even been accused of.

Statute of limitations runs out in five years, on most things.

Except for like murder, human trafficking.


Things like that.

But he's been -- never before in American history, has this ever happened.

Never before. A blanket pardon for anything he did, from 2014.

Gee. When did he go over to Ukraine? 2014.

And so I don't know if they're just trying to buy their way out of trouble. They want a war to destroy all of any evidence, or anybody involved.

I don't know.

But somebody wants war. And it might just be the military-industrial complex, just saying, you know, we really need to upgrade our military. So let's just give them all this old stuff. And we'll make new stuff for you, America.

It could be that.

It could be the State Department. The State Department. And I won't give you his response.

But I said, you realize, you have the opportunity, because we did talk about how this endless wars are just insane.

And I said, it's the State Department. It's the -- and you can -- you can stop that nonsense.

You can just fire them all.

And get people in here, who don't think the same way Woodrow Wilson did over 100 years ago.

He's very well aware of that.

And things are going to change. I was -- everything we talked about, he was laser focused.

I mean, you know, I've met with presidents before.

I met with Ronald Reagan

I met with George H.W. Bush. I met with George W. Bush. And I met with Donald Trump.

I have more confidence in Donald Trump now, than any other president I've met with. The guy is super, super informed.

It is a blessing, honestly.

It is a miracle, that he lost in 2020. And I say that, you listen to this show. You remember what I was saying. We're all doomed. We're all going to die. Okay?

The country is over if we don't correct this in four years. We would not have had this president, the man he is today, if it wasn't for his loss in 2020.

He had four years to go, okay. What did I do wrong? How did they get me?

How did they thwart me? How do I stop it? And how do I reverse this machine, while dismantling this machine? He is laser focused on that.

And if he said it once to me, he said it a thousand times. Glenn, it's going to be breathtaking. It's coming. Change is coming.

And it is coming fast. They are not going to know how to deal with it.

I'm filled with confidence, and, again, I say this with the caveat, that, you know, the left will never say.

But I say this with the caveat that I would say on any president. As long as he's constitutional. As long as he's following the Constitution and the laws, he -- he is going to be remembered as one of the greatest presidents of all time.

Because he's at least going to give it a college try. I mean, he's -- he's going for it.

We talked about his appointments. And what he had planned. There's some things that -- well, recommend take a one-minute break.

GLENN: So when we're looking at the world stage, everything that's happening is happening because America vacated the leadership role. I hope Americans realize, without the consequences, at least so far, how close we are to seeing what happens to the world, if America leaves the world stage.

And I don't want to be the world's policeman. I don't want to be involved in foreign wars.

The president doesn't want to be involved in foreign wars. He wants to end them. He wants us to concentrate on us.

But somebody has to be there, to say, knock it off!

And he's the guy -- he's already doing that. It's conversations of some conversations he has recently. And the world is being put on notice.

I'm back, very soon. You might want to change your behavior. Because everything you have been doing, is not going to happen anymore.

And I wish I could express the things that he expressed to me. Because he would be so excited.

He would like, oh, my gosh. This is fantastic.

STU: Isn't this sort of hopeful about the whole Russia, nuclear war stuff too.

Why would Vladimir Putin with eight weeks left, start what winds up being a nuclear war, when he's got somebody who is going to be a lot more sane in office, just a few weeks away.

GLENN: So because this is my impression.

Because he's being backed into a corner by Joe Biden. Every red line. He does not want to do it. But he's getting pressure from the hard-liners, in his country.

STU: Right.

GLENN: To use just even tactical nukes. Which we don't know what that would cause.

STU: Yep.

GLENN: And what our response would be -- if he drops a tactical nuke, Joe Biden will launch. He will. He will. He will.

STU: Put that's a massive step. Tactical nuke. That will be a massive thing. Why would he do that, knowing that this whole situation changes?

GLENN: Again, things are so dynamic.

Look at what's happening.

I wish I could get the president on the phone, to just have the conversation, he explained it so well.

STU: Sure.

GLENN: Look what's happening with Turkey. With Syria. With Iran.

Ukraine, Russia, North Korea, China. And South Korea.

They're not disconnected. Okay? They're all connected.

STU: Uh-huh.

GLENN: To each other. And he is -- he is confident that the Middle East will be solved. He's like, we'll get the Abrahamic Accords back.

They've dealt with me before, in the Middle East.

They know.

He said, everything else around the world is so on the edge. He was really pissed.

He was like, none of this -- I just would like to remind you, none of this was happening four years ago.

STU: Yep.

GLENN: He said, this is all because of incompetence, stupidity, and a complete misunderstanding of how the world works.

And he -- he, again, reiterated, nuclear war is -- I mean, every time I see him. And he must have said it three times last night. Nuclear war is real.

And it is endgame changing. And he said, at all costs, we have to avoid that.

Mom ARRESTED for letting son WALK TO STORE speaks out

Mom ARRESTED for letting son WALK TO STORE speaks out

Brittany Patterson was recently arrested in Fannin County, Georgia, after a police officer found her 10-year-old son walking by himself. She was charged for violating the “reckless conduct” statute, which was ruled unconstitutional in 1997 by the Georgia Supreme Court. Brittany and ParentsUSA Executive Director & General Counsel David DeLugas join Glenn to tell this dystopian story. You can find out more and join the fight to protect parental rights at


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Brittany Patterson is on with us now.

And also her attorney. Want to make sure that she doesn't say anything that would cost her in court.

David Delugas is with the Parents USA.

He's an executive director, and general counsel. Brittany, tell this audience your story.

What happened to you?

BRITTANY: So basically I have two kids that homeschool. And two kids that go to public school.

And any time I leave the house to run errands, or take somebody to the appointment.

The homeschool kids always get the choice to stay or go.

So on this particular day, I had to take my older son, to an appointment.

And so I had to pick him up at school, and take him.

And I thought that both my homeschool kids were going to come.

But when I went back to holler for them. They didn't answer.

I waited for a minute.

Hollered again. Didn't answer. So I figured, he didn't want to come.

And he was somewhere out on the property.

Or somewhere in the House, where he couldn't hear me. Or something like that.

So, I mean, went ahead and left. And went and picked up my son.

Took him to the doctor. And while we were at the doctor, I got a call from a sheriff's deputy, saying that she had found Soren, less than a mile from our house. In a little tiny town of middle bluff.

GLENN: What's the population of that town?

BRITTANY: So I don't know exactly. But it's like 350, I think, 370 something like that.

GLENN: 370 people?


GLENN: Okay. All right. So huge metropolis.

BRITTANY: There's a four-way stop sign. That's all there is.

GLENN: Okay. Okay.

BRITTANY: So, anyway, she started asking me questions. If I knew he was there.

Of course, I said no. Because I didn't.

And, you know, she seemed very concerned that something terrible was going to happen to him.

I was not concerned.

So basically, she ended up putting her in her car. And bringing him back to my house.

And my dad just for some background. My dad lives in our basement apartment.

And he's pretty much here all the time.

Because he has a physical disability. So he can't drive.

GLENN: Okay.

BRITTANY: So there's basically always an adult in my house with my kids. Not that there needs to be. But there always is.

GLENN: Okay. And, I mean, want to make sure. Your kids are 11, 12, 14, and 16.

And at the time, Soren, the child that was out walking. Was ten. Correct?

BRITTANY: Correct. He was a few days from turning 11. But he was still ten.

So they brought him home, and dropped him back off at home.

With my dad down stairs. Which is exactly the same way that I left him.

And they left. And so he was here. You know, without me. Or without the police.

Exactly the way I left him, for about 20 minutes, before I -- and so, you know, of course, I had a talk with him. Because I do tell all my kids. You know, if you want to go somewhere.

Send me a text. Call me.

Let me know where you will go. So that way, I can kind of keep tabs on you.

And he obviously didn't do that. So I gave him a little talking to about that.

And then we just kind of went about our day.

And about five minutes later, around 6:30, is when they showed up to arrest me.

GLENN: Okay. I just -- hang on. I just want to bring people up to speed here.

So you know who you're listening to. She was a kindergarten teacher.

She has a master's degree in education leadership. And curriculum obstruction.

Professional teaching license in Atlanta and Georgia. Her husband, Josh. Been in an organization of 17 years.

At all levels. Has been the superintendent of schools, for seven years.

He has a doctorate degree in educational leadership. She left education to go into real estate, because the demands of the kids' competitive sports wasn't working with her teaching schedule.

And that's who you're dealing with. So you're not dealing with people who just -- who don't know what they're doing with children.

You know, they're teachers. They have a doctorate. They know so much more.

This is -- these are professional people.

That have spent their lifetime teaching children, and being around children.

So when they came to your door, in this town of, how many people again?

Thee hundred --

PETER: About 370.

GLENN: About 370 people.

So, you know, one of them leaving the other 369 at home in their beds. What did they say to you?

BRITTANY: They didn't really say anything, other than they asked me to step outside, and put my hands behind my back. So at that point, I asked why. And the female officer said, because you're under arrest. And so, again, I asked, what am I under arrest for?

And for the second time, I didn't get a straight answer.

She said for the incident we spoke about earlier. So then I asked again, so what am I under arrest for? And she said, child -- or reckless endangerment. Which my attorney has told me is not even a thing that exists in Georgia. It could have just been her misspeaking.

But the point is -- and at that point I was going to ask, you know, what -- what was reckless?

What led to this?

I was going to ask for a warrant, that they basically forced me to turn around. Put my hands behind my back.

And they weren't going to answer anymore with any more questions.

GLENN: That sounds like the Soviet Union. Yes, go ahead. David.

DAVID: Yeah. And Brit knows from the body cam. What we heard is Brit said, last time I checked, it wasn't illegal for a kid to walk to the store.

And remarkably, the deputy immediately says, it is when they're ten!

And I -- I assure everybody, it's not illegal for a 10-year-old to be out and about walking. Not in the state of Georgia, it's not. For a deputy to say, it is illegal when they're ten.

GLENN: I grew up in a different time. So make no mistake.

I'm 60.

I think at about six, I went to the store, for a pack of graduates, for my dad.

I mean, at ten. At ten, you could have bought a gun and bullets!

But now, you know, God forbid, in a town where, many my town of 450 people.

Kids can drive trucks, down the road, because it's a farming community.

Stop treating children, like they're morons. Anyway, go ahead.

BRITTANY: Yeah. Well, the point I was going to make is that when I went to jail, I still didn't understand even though I had asked multiple times. I didn't know really what I was being arrested for.

I didn't find that out, until I got to jail, had already been stripped down and changed and fingerprinted.

And body cammed. And all that stuff.

And then they hand me the arrest warrant.

So at that point, I was ready to read it, and understand what -- what they thought was the justification for arresting me.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh.

Could I just ask, what is this sheriff's name?

The sheriff. Not the deputy. The sheriff of your county.

BRITTANY: So the sheriff of Fannin County is Dane Kirby. And he's been the sheriff for quite some time. I don't know exactly how many years, but several terms.

GLENN: Probably time for him to go away. When is he up for reelection? Do you know?

BRITTANY: I think --

DAVID: Yeah, it's not necessarily -- matters.

I mean, you know, the people in the county can likely become informed, and decide what they will do. But we don't take a stance about his election, or his culpability.

GLENN: Oh, no. No, no, no.

I'm not suggesting you do.

I am. I am -- I am an advocate of sheriffs that follow the Constitution, sheriffs are there. To protect the people of their county.

From out of control government entities.

If they become out of control, the people have the right and the duty to remove them!

So if you happen to live in this county, and your sheriff is Dana Kirby.

I don't know what you're doing.

But I would be out -- I would be -- I would be -- there's only 300, what?

70-some doors to knock on.

I would be knocking on every single one.

Including his. And saying, we need to get this sheriff recalled.

But, anyway, I digress.

DAVID: It's a bigger county than 370. But I get your point. It's an extraordinarily valuable point.

Let me throw this in, while we're talking about following the Constitution. Really, really significant, the statute Brent was charged with violating, is actually called reckless conduct. And, hey, in 1997, the Georgia Supreme Court held that statute unconstitutional because it's too vague and gives law enforcement too much power. So how about that? 1997. You would think in what's -- 27 years? Law enforcement in Fannin County would figure out that that statute doesn't apply.

GLENN: What's the name of this county again in Georgia?
DAVID: Fannin. F-A-N-N-I-N.

GLENN: Fannin County in Georgia.


So what's next for you?

BRITTANY: Well, right now, we're just kind of in limbo. There's not been any real communication from the county. There's been no offers put on the table, or anything like that.

So really, kind of it's up to them, you know, what happens next.

They have multiple options that they could, you know, decide on. But in the meantime, you know, David and I have just been kind of raising awareness. Because before this happens to me.

I was living in the dark. I had no idea that this was even possible to happen to anybody. Review and since I kind of went public, and, you know, I've just been getting comments.

I've even gotten some cards in the mail and emails, and stuff like that.

From people all over the country, who some of them have found themselves in a similar situation, you know, at some point.

And so it kind of opened my eyes they can't be this is something that does happen.

That I think just a lot of us parents didn't even realize it was a possibility that was happening.

And so I'm just trying to bring that to light. That, you know, we do still have to kind of fight for our parental rights. And make sure that those are something that we get to hold on to.

Because I found that no matter which side of the aisle, people are on. Whether they want to be overprotective. Or let their kids be wild and free.

Both sides don't really want the government involved.

They want to be able to make those decisions as parents. And so it's just been interesting to see. Even though we might have philosophical differences on how to approach parenting. That we can still agree on that same thing.

GLENN: I mean, if you're sending your kid out to go to the store, to pick up some extra ingredients, so you can cook crack in the basement. That might be a problem.

But letting your kid go for a walk, to the store is absolutely normal. The country is out of control, when it comes to everybody and everything is a danger.

It's not. We're creating a society, where kids are -- are still kids, when they're 30 years old. And they don't know what to do.

Give your kids credit.

DAVID: You're on point there.

Absolutely. Let me throw a plug in for an organization called

And they published statistics and advocate for parents providing more responsibility and freedom for their children, because it's better for kids.

And one of the things they at that they do is dispel this notion, that kids are going to be kidnapped and snatched off the side of the roads. So you should never let your kids be alone.

CDC, to the extent that anybody protects the CDC. But the CDC far and away, the most danger that a child is in, is when they're in an automobile.

So what did this deputy do?

Put them in a car, and driving him, during which could have been an arrest.

And even maybe, more -- more dangerous. Could have been one of those calls. Shots fired.

Officer down. This deputy would have been wheeled right to the scene. And taken this kid right into an active shooter.

Don't put kids in the back of a car, because you will give them a ride home. Leave them alone!

4 MAJOR cover-ups Kash Patel would EXPOSE as FBI Director

4 MAJOR cover-ups Kash Patel would EXPOSE as FBI Director

President-Elect Donald Trump has tapped Intelligence Community veteran Kash Patel to lead the FBI. Glenn explains why he’s a big fan of that pick, and it stems from an interview that Kash gave Glenn back in 2023. Glenn plays a clip of the interview, where he urged Trump to declassify information on multiple major cover-ups, including Jeffrey Epstein’s black book, the January 6th pipe bomb incidents, the case of the “deleted” J6 text messages, and Russiagate. So, if he is confirmed as FBI Director, will he release all this information to the public?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: But Kash was -- Kash was on my show.

And we were talking about who holds -- who has the diary, who has the phone records, who has everything from Epstein? Do we have that cut?

Yeah. Go ahead. Play it.

Who has Jeffrey Epstein's black book?


GLENN: Porn music.

VOICE: Oh, that's under direct control of the director of the FBI. Just like the manifesto from the Nashville school shooting and the Catholic school. We haven't seen that yet. It's not the national police or PT --

GLENN: Ding, dong, pizza.

VOICE: The FBI says this is not going to happen. They do that because this is another government gangster operation. All these local law enforcement communities get funding from the DOJ and FBI for local programs.

And if you don't cooperate, you're not getting your million dollars for this.

You're not getting -- and that's a lot of money for these local districts. That's how they play the game.

That's why you don't have the black book.

GLENN: So, but the black book is not just sitting -- I mean, that's -- that's Hoover power times ten.

VOICE: And to me, that's a thing that I think President Trump should run on. On day one, roll out the black book. Oh, yeah. Please, I can't take anymore.

VOICE: On day one, roll out all the text messages and communications we were told were deleted. On day one, play the rest of the video of the pipe bomber.

He needed -- one of the forms I talked about, is you need a central note, to continuously declassify.

This is another thing they do. They overclassify. I'm telling you, as a former number two --

STU: Stop it.

GLENN: Yes! Yes!


VOICE: I know you can't see that. Nothing to see here. Gino was a master of it. Of doing it. And we still haven't seen the half of the Russiagate report that we wrote.

GLENN: Oh, yeah.

VOICE: It's still under lock and key.
I don't know how the ICA was originally constructed. We went -- we put 10,000 man-hours against John Brennan's team that did it.

And we found out why they came up with their bogus conclusions.

But we couldn't sell it to the world, because we couldn't talk about it. And the government gangsters came in and buried it.

GLENN: Wow. Let me tell you this. I think I need a whole pack of cigarettes after that.

He is --

PAT: He's going to be good.


STU: And that's the only reason this part is happening.

Because Kash Patel.

Glenn Beck likes him so much. Look he's definitely going to come after Hunter Biden.

And therefore, we didn't think -- we never would have predicted that Adolf Hitler would do something like this.

GLENN: Here's what -- here's what we need to start tweeting. Okay?

Everybody needs to start tweeting this.

Kash Patel.

We love you!

We love you!

Please, release all of the information on the Biden administration.

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: All of the information on Hunter Biden. You can't prosecute him.

But you certainly can prosecute everyone that was involved in the cover-up.

And, by the way, we would like the names on the Jeffrey Epstein list!

There's no reason, that if that was a bunch of truck drivers, we would know every truck driver's name!

Why don't we know this?

And it is too much power, in the hands of the FBI director.

Or the president.

Or whoever might have it.

The only way that thing becomes powerless, is if it is revealed.

Why Joe Biden’s PARDON of Hunter is NOT the end

Why Joe Biden’s PARDON of Hunter is NOT the end

President Biden has issued a pardon for his son Hunter that covers any crimes committed over the past 10 years. That would include any possible fraudulent dealings with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma or the Chinese Communist Party. So, is Biden just trying to protect himself? Glenn breaks it all down and also explains how Donald Trump can still bring criminals to justice: Biden only pardoned Hunter and, by extension, himself. But anyone else who was involved in the Biden family’s shady business dealings is still fair game, especially if Trump’s pick for FBI Director, Kash Patel, declassifies everything …


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. Well, let me -- let me start here.

We've been saying it for decades now.


Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

That used to be kind of like a bumper sticker thing back in the Reagan era, you know.

These things, I think it's lost its impact.

I don't know if people really understand it, anymore.

Even know it. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Joe Biden has given his blanket pardon to his son. But only for crimes that may have been committed for the last ten years.

Now, this is something that he said he would never do, but I'm not surprised. We're going to -- this is the least surprising story of the decade.

We all knew it. We all knew it was coming, right?

Now, this is the privilege of the US president. The final month of office, actually accounts for about 92 percent of pardons and presidential commutations. It's fairly normal then, for presidents to exercise that constitutional power. And it is his right to do it.

It has no constitutional or Supreme Court oversight. So he can do whatever he wants. It's one of the few powers, that we grant the executive office for which there is no check and balance process outlined in the Constitution.

It's been used every year since Herbert Hoover, when he pardoned the first Thanksgiving turkey.

Legally speaking, Joe Biden giving a blanket pardon to his son for felony crimes, that he's actually admitted to in court!

And sentenced to in court, after millions of dollars were spent, in not only covering up the crimes, but also denying the crimes.

And all of the corruption that went on with the Justice Department and the FBI and the IRS.

All of that now, is gone!

He admitted it, in a book. He admitted it, as soon as he knew dad was going to pardon him. And presidents can do this.

They have, you know, whole staffs dedicated to finding criminals, who may have gotten the short end of the stick.

And if I may pause here for a Glenn Beck moment. Short end of the stick. You know where that comes from?

It's actually a historic reference from the Scottish/Gaelic days where they had physical combat, where two men would take a tree branch and kind of like a wish bone, they would break it in half. And then they would beat each other to death with that stick.

So it's like the turkey wish bone, except the other person dies. Anyway, back to modern times. President can give a blanket pardon to a multi-felony son, directly in the face of his own Justice Department's investigations of the same son.

Now, we're at the point where if this were just cocaine and prostitutes. I don't think we would care that much. I really don't!

I mean, it would be bad. But I don't think him doing cocaine and prostitutes is that much of a surprise!

Would you be that surprised, if cocaine and prostitutes? Dad was doing them too?

No. However, we're talking about money laundering charges to the Biden family. What about the violation of the State Secrets Act?

You know that Biden granted his children, including Hunter, security clearance against the recommendations of the NSA, and the CIA. And that warned him over and over and over again, secrets are being leaked.

How about Chinese prostitute spies? You care about that much?

I don't even know how you face yourself in the mere, if you're part of the White House Press Corp, or anybody in the mainstream media. Who has been saying the whole time: None of this happened. None of this happened!

He's not going to pardon his son. He's not going to need to.

I mean, I feel very bad in a small way for KJP, who has to stand there today, to defend what she's been saying the whole time.

No! I stand by what the president has said for the last two years.

Now she's got to say, if it wasn't -- if it wasn't the president's son, would he then prosecute it?


He would have been prosecuted. In fact, he would have been in jail years ago!

So when Joe Biden says, yeah, well, there was -- you know, there was a miscarriage of justice here.

I mean, he got special treatment. Yes, he did. You know, the reason why all of this is a big deal. Is because the Justice Department and the FBI and the IRS made a deal, that one judge said, wait a minute.

I've never seen a deal like this. What's going on here?

That's why this whole thing came undone.

They were trying to sweep it up.

Yes! He was getting a sweetheart deal, that you wouldn't have gotten. Your son wouldn't have gotten.

How are they going to defend it? The same way. The same way.

It doesn't matter. That's why I say it's the least surprising story of the decade.

Nobody is surprised by it. We all knew. We knew this was happening when he was running.

Now, if Trump is who we think he is, or who he's, I hope, going to be.

An agent of change, he can completely blow the lid off of this. And effectively destroy -- and just destroy any semblance of respect Biden had left. Even if he couldn't prosecute Hunter or Joe. That's fine.

But he can declassify every single document in the Biden investigation. From cocaine, China, and the Middle East. And destroy not just the Biden legacy.

He's already destroyed that.

But he can destroy the press.

He can destroy everyone that was involved in this.

The entire apparatus around it!

Biden only granted Hunter immunity.

Only Hunter.

And by extension, himself.

But not the gross military intelligence industrial complex. And the team around them.

All those people can be exposed.

All of those people can go to jail.

And with the appointment of Kash Patel, I predict it's going to happen.

So now why not hearings?

I mean, we could impeach Biden right now.

But you want to spend the money on that?

You want to spend the time on that? Justice would say yes. Our country demands that we say yes. If we want a country, and we have a family that has built billions -- I'm sorry. Millions of dollars, from other countries. Why are we -- why are we in Ukraine?

Why is all this money going to Ukraine? Where is it going?

Where is it ending up?

You know, no one has followed the money on that one. Why? Why?

Is there even more corruption?

You know, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, they really were the ones that kind of industrialized this whole game.

They did it with China. But everybody turned their head.

No big deal. Oh, they were out of office now.

Joe Biden perfected it. If we let this family get away with this, what do you think is going to happen the next time, a president decides to sell themselves and the office.

People must go to jail. The president has every right. Every right to pardon his son.

But Kash Patel, if he's half the man I think -- no, if he is half the man I know he is, declassify all of it!

All of it!

Call out the corruption, that is everywhere.

I have to ask half the country a question. And I know you think that we're stupid, because Donald Trump is a felon. Is he? Is he?

He's a felon on -- on what? On what?

Charges that were brought against him? That have never been brought against anyone ever, in the history of the country?

That's called weaponization. And is it a surprise that they were brought, when he was running? You see, the Hunter Biden thing, that should have been in the pipeline, years before.

But couldn't do it. Because of Biden's grasp on the system. How stupid are you?

I mean, I'm sorry. I don't in between insult you. Because you think I'm stupid. What is it going to take.

You're still donating and supporting the Democratic party?

They just -- they lied to you, on so many things.

But they lied to you, about this.

They lied to you about the laptop being real when they knew it was real!

The FBI was part of it. They tried to make a deal. An underhanded deal, that you would have never gotten. Remember, why would you stand up for someone's extra rights, that you would never get.

If it's right for them, it has to be right for you. Remember, we lend our rights to them, to protect them. They don't have extra rights. They have none. They can't print rights. They come from us.

I -- you know, it is so hard -- you know, we just went through Thanksgiving. And hopefully, you had a big Thanksgiving. And hopefully, you didn't have big battles and fights and everything else.

Hopefully things went well.

But I've got to tell you, it is hard.

I marvel at the blindness of so many Americans.

I marvel at it. And I know they think the same of us.

I know.

That's fine. But we have the Constitution on our side.

We are fighting for the Constitution. Believe me, if Donald Trump, we found out, was selling secrets to Russia. Was selling secrets, or selling his office to China, I would be first in line.

Be first in line to impeach him.

If he was enriching his children, exactly the same way, that Joe Biden was, I would be for his prosecution, and his jail time!

Can you say that?

Until you can rationally describe to me that this isn't just pure nepotism, that utterly destroys Biden's entire career. His entire legacy. His entire presidency.

Everything that this man does. Has done, we now know, for the last ten years.

This isn't just, hey. I pardoned him for this crime. I pardoned him for every crime he may have committed for a ten-year period!

I mean, I just -- if we meet in a grocery store, you know, God bless you. But if you still think that that's okay, I might just pat you on the head and send you down the cereal aisle with the same kind of kindness I show a retarded puppy. But holy cow. Justice is more than a specific outcome. It is a philosophy.

It's a mentality. It's an absolute. We may not get it right every time.

Because we're human. But we should strive for justice.

What if Hunter's crimes were rape or murder?

Would that be okay? Would you still support a blanket pardon?

Or would you say, no. That's too far. But selling my children and your children into slavery, by granting China and others special access to our White House and to our secrets, that's okay?

Good on you. It's not for me.

But good on you.

And let me just end it with, surprise!

He pardoned his son.