Newly released security footage from outside the DNC headquarters on January 6, 2021, has raised even more questions about the day's timeline. The footage shows a man with a bag getting out of a police vehicle and walking off camera in the direction where a pipe bomb was found just minutes later. So, did this man — possibly a Secret Service agent — plant the bomb? Glenn speaks with Blaze Media investigative journalist Steve Baker, who warns against jumping to conclusions too early. But he also explains how we can find out: "The FBI can solve this for us today if they will release the DNC's own security cameras." Steve also discusses why he believes the pipe bombs were planted in the first place.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Okay. We didn't spend a lot of time on it. Because I thought, well, it might have been that. It might have been a lot of things.
You know, I'll wait for Steve Baker to pin this down. Then this weekend, I saw Darren Beattie of Revolver News come out. And he said, it is the police.
Okay. That's kind of a big deal. I mean, that's earth-shattering. Steve Baker joins us now from the Blaze. Steve, is this new information, or the same information that you had?
STEVE: Hey, this is exactly the information that we had, and we released early last week.
But I think that whether it's Darren or any other journalist, stepping out and saying that this is conclusively proved that the police planted that bomb, is getting a little bit ahead of themselves.
And I'll tell you why, we had the video of the -- what we believe to be a Secret Service agent, exiting a metropolitan police vehicle.
He steps out of frame. He's carrying a bag in his hand.
But he steps out of frame.
And then two minutes later, he steps back into the camera frame once again. That is not proof, that he set a bomb down. But it does make us ask questions. And it makes us question the FBI directly, once again, as we did in our article, which was our lead in that article. Was the FBI can solve this for us today, if they will release the DNC's own security cameras. Their own security cameras. Are aimed and focused on exactly that spot.
Where the bomb was placed. But they have never released that to the public.
GLENN: So it is -- I mean, I have to tell you, I mean, if you have to take a leap of faith.
You're force Todd take a leap of faith. And you look at you all of the evidence. It is circumstantial. But it is pretty good, especially when the DNC has that video, and won't release it.
Why wouldn't you release the video?
STEVE: That's the great question about this bomb, and that's what makes as you're saying there, this so -- such a -- it's such an easy thing to come to a conclusion on, when you have a bomb that was allegedly placed, 17 hours earlier, around -- 7:30, 8 o'clock, the night before.
And then it allegedly sat there, undetected, during all that time, with so much foot traffic, that morning. So many officers on that building. From various agencies. Two different bomb teams, facility.
We know that from the OIG report that came out, a couple weeks ago.
There is this mounting evidence, that there -- there just couldn't have been a bomb there for 17 hours.
But somehow, some way, 15 minutes before it was discovered.
We see a guy, getting out of a car. Bag in his hand. He walks over that direction into that -- you know, it's a blind spot in the camera coverage from the CCTV --
GLENN: Because they moved it, right?
STEVE: Well, this particular camera, we went back. We went back, eight days.
That camera had been fixed for eight full days, prior to this event.
And than a camera begins moving five minutes after the alleged discovery of the bomb. By a plane clothes police officer. So then suddenly. So that camera starts moving by remote control.
It focuses in, it zooms in to that location. Between the benches. You can kind of pick up a little bit of a visual of the bomb, when that camera moves.
And then it sweeps away, and then within 30 minutes. Whoever the operator was, turned that camera off of the investigative seen, full 90 degrees away from it, and it never returned the rest of the day.
GLENN: So this takes us into a whole new territory, if this is true. And this is why, as much as I believe this probably is what happened, you don't want to go there. You know. Unless it's absolutely true.
And I don't know how we would ever prove that.
But this, you say. Why do you say this was a Secret Service agent?
STEVE: Mainly because of the way he was dressed. It was a Secret Service detail, and the Secret Service were mainly with metropolitan police officers that day in that detail, which is not uncommon. They do assist -- the local police do assist the Secret Service. And there was, of course, the facts that we learned sometime. Well, a year later, after January 6th, that Kamala Harris was actually inside the building at that time.
GLENN: So what do you think, why was it planted?
STEVE: This is no doubt. Now, I have no problem, going out, and declaring the reason for it, being planted. The reason for that bomb and the one for the RNC. The Capitol Hill club. Was diversionary. They were specifically planted, to divert resources from the Capitol. Bear in mind, that only five minutes, before the first breach of the West front there at the Capitol, on January 6th, that's when the first bomb was found at the RNC.
And then only two, three minutes before the breach, this particular -- what we think is a Secret Service agent, wearing a trench coat, carrying a bag, just two to three minutes before that barrier -- or, barricade breach at the Capitol, this guy disappeared, towards those benches. And then he's back, and then five minutes later -- or, 15 minutes later, some minutes after the barricade breach, the Capitol Police plainclothes officer found the bomb.
And that diverted resources from the Capitol that were needed.
GLENN: So do you think it was ever supposed to go off?
STEVE: No. The bombs were not viable. They were absolutely props.
And we know that beyond any shadow of a doubt. We have direct testimony from one of the agents, that worked on that bomb scene.
That worked on the investigation of the bomb. And he was told by his superiors, that these devices were not viable.
GLENN: What's your gut tell you on this?
STEVE: My -- my gut tells me, that we're going to learn who this man is.
That's the first thing. And that's one of the reasons why it would be reckless for us, to declare him -- that he had the bomb. That would be, there was probably some legal jeopardy to do that.
But it's suspicious. We will learn who he is.
We will also eventually going to learn after three and a half years, I hope why Kamala Harris was in that building. Why she was not in the Capitol, where she was being basically coronated as then vice president. She was a voting senator at the time. She was the VP Elect at the time.
And the debate for her ascendancy, to Vice Presidency -- certification of the electoral college vote was taking place at the Capitol at the time, when she had been scheduled according to this same OIG report, she had been scheduled according to the Secret Service logs, two days in advance, that she was going to be at the DNC from 11:30 to 3:30 during the scheduled debate and during the scheduled vote. She was not going to be there.
And this is -- I'm telling you, Glenn. That's a bigger mystery to me, than even the bombs. But if we do discover that these bombs were, in fact, planted by one of the agencies. Secret Service. FBI. NPT. Capitol Police. It doesn't heart. We discover that. It literally, no pun intended, blows this thing up.
GLENN: Tell me about what you know about the Secret Service, and the body of the would-be assassin of Donald Trump.
Being cremated before Congress had a chance to examine and investigate. And also, that they -- they cleaned up biological evidence, and that apparently doesn't happen. Is that true?
STEVE: It shouldn't have happened, as soon as it did. That's the first answer.
It is not 100 percent uncommon. That if a case is clearly solved, that they don't clean up. And they don't take the body away.
Or that they don't go ahead and turn the body back to the family for how they wish to take care of the body at that point.
It's not uncommon. But this is not a common case. And that's why this should not have been done so soon.
I think Representative Clay Aiken from Louisiana is absolutely correct in that.
Now, as the law enforcement officer himself, sheriff in Louisiana, he would have seen the disposal of all types, of all types of homicides.
And he would know, based on the significance of this, that it should have been preserved, the body of Thomas Crook should have been preserved to have other investigators, back up autopsies, other examinations from different agencies to confirm, validate findings. Because if you don't do that, all you do is open up the conspiracy theories.
And you let it ride, that there must be a cover up. Now, we -- we're pretty sure there is a cover-up.
We're just don't know if they're covering up their incompetence, or if they're covering up something, well, much more sinister.
GLENN: What's your gut tell you?
STEVE: In this case, I'm in the camp, solidly, Glenn, that this young man was groomed, that he had help.
STEVE: I do not believe for a second, that there was a second shooter on the scene. Those conspiracy theories are easily disproven.
GLENN: Right.
STEVE: But we have one of our absolute, most trusted sources. Is an individual, who for 30 years, did this very thing for our government, overseas. In Africa. Middle East. Asia. Central America.
He told me, and I'm quoting, he said, what disturbs him the most about this particular case and Thomas Crooks. Is he says, I recognize my own handiwork.
GLENN: Hmm. Are we going to find out who it is?
STEVE: I'll tell you what, you know that I'm looking. You know that Joe Hanneman, who wrote this article -- who I wrote this article with. We will be looking at this thing for a long time.
GLENN: I wish you luck. And I hope that -- thanks for being responsible on this. I'm not saying that the other reporters are not. They may know something that I don't know. Or we don't know.
But I don't want to rush to anything. And get it wrong.
This is way too important.
If that's true, then your Deep State is exposed.
And nobody is safe. Nobody is safe.
Thank you so much, appreciate it.
STEVE: Thank you, Glenn.
GLENN: You bet. Steve Baker from TheBlaze.