Glenn’s job is to tell you the TRUTH, but when it comes to some details from the Ukraine/Russia conflict, currently he’s struggling to find it. Why? Because everything on social media is filtered, everything from the mainstream media or our White House is partisan, and there’s propaganda coming from BOTH sides. There may be a clear good guy and bad guy, but so many details and decisions still remain ‘in the fog of war,’ Glenn says. ‘My problem with this is [that] everybody is just jumping onto a bandwagon. And if you disagree or question and say, hey, let's not race to World War III…you're of course an enemy.’
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN:All right. So Kamala Harris has been doing the morning shows. And she was explaining how tough these sanctions are, on Russia.
Here she is.
VOICE: Is that something that the administration would consider in terms of further sanctions, cutting off the oil and gas, part of the economy?
GLENN: Stop for just a second. Just a second.
Is that something that the administration would -- would consider adding, in the future.
Cutting off the Russian oil supply.
Is that something they would consider?
See, I would think that that's where we would start. You know what I mean?
I would think, that's their major source of income.
Now, I'm not a balance a dancer. And I probably would not look good in a leotard. Probably.
However, if they hit me first, when they -- when they try to shut us down, if they hit me first, with no money from your balance a performances. I'm going to tell you, I'm going to cry. I'm going to weep. It's going to be terrible. Terrible.
Don't hit me, you know, like on the radio thing. Or the broadcasting thing. No, no, no, no.
A lot of my money comes through balance a dancing.
And then, if you say, I can't watch Batman. I can't -- what do you mean?
I'm going to have to wait? You're not going to give me an advanced showing of Batman? Are you out of your mind?
Between that and balance a dancing, how am I going to go on?
That's what Putin is thinking right now. So the question to our vice president is, would you guys consider cutting off his -- his money supply, by ban Russian oil exports?
VOICE: Is that something that the administration would consider in terms of further sanctions. Cutting off the oil and gas, part of the economy, for Russia?
GLENN: Consider. Listen to the answer.
VOICE: Well, as you know, that on this issue, for example, we applaud Germany, in terms of what it has done as it relates to Nord Stream 2. As it relates to what we need to do domestically, as well as what we need to do in terms of this issue generally, we have, as the president said, reevaluated what we're doing in terms of the strategic oil reserve here in the United States, to make sure --
GLENN: Stop. Anybody notice.
I mean, somebody. Please, send up a flare, if she gets close to answering the question. Just send up a flare. We'll come back to you.
STU: In terms of what?
GLENN: In terms of considering cutting the money off.
STU: In terms of oil? In terms of -- in terms of her answer of oil. In terms of that.
GLENN: Yeah. If you see that, just send up a flare.
STU: In terms of her answer? Okay. I mean, want to make sure I understand.
STU: In terms of her response to the question.
GLENN: So then she goes right into, as the president has said, we're addressing this now, with our strategic oil reserves. Now, let's just do a little math here. Okay.
First of all, we're talking about hurting the Russians.
Not America. Okay?
How do we cut their money off, from oil?
He's doing a bang-up job of cutting all our money off. By making oil and gasoline wildly expensive. Okay?
Hey. Don't you wish you could live up north right now, so you could pay for the oil and gas to heat your house?
Oh, my gosh. You and Boston must be having a blast right now.
Oh, by the way, in Boston, you're the one receiving the Russian oil.
All right. So we'll release the strategic oil reserve.
Let's look at those three words, shall we?
Strategic, oil, reserve. What does that imply? Well, it's a place you put oil, right?
STU: Uh-huh.
In terms of oil.
GLENN: You're reserving it, okay?
And you're reserving it for what?
STU: Some sort of strategic purpose.
GLENN: Huh. What is that?
Well, it's certainly not higher prices. The strategic oil reserve, is something we started, because when we got into global war, we went, jeez. If somebody cuts off our oil. We better have enough oil, so we can make the fuel for our planes and aircraft carriers.
That's what the strategic oil reserve is for.
Now, you know, it's not like we're on the edge of World War III.
It's not like we have a -- a global conflict.
Two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, none of us were thinking, hey, I wonder if they were going to launch missiles. None of us were thinking.
None of us were going, you know. It is a possibility, that we have World War III. I mean, it could happen tomorrow. None of us were thinking that.
I'm a guy who worries about everything. I wasn't worried about that two and a half weeks ago. Were you?
So, you know, two and a half weeks ago, maybe. Hey, we'll dip into the strategic oil reserves.
The oil that we have reserved, strategically, so our war machine could have fuel.
Let's dip into that. You know what, we're just going to release a whole bunch of stuff. It is according to Goldman Sachs, not going to make a dime of difference, at the gas pump.
But let's just get rid of some of that oil. Man, that oil is just sitting around, not doing anything.
Okay. Okay.
This is great.
You know what we should do?
We should go and try to destroy anything with the word Russian in it. Like the Russian tea room. Did you hear in Washington, DC, the Russian Waffle House, or whatever the hell it is. It's in DC. Probably run either by the Russian mob, or, you know, the KGB. Probably.
But, you know, I don't think we need to go in and destroy it. Do you?
I mean, as a private citizen, do you think that's really?
I mean, he did lose his black belt. Now, if he loses the Russian Waffle House, what is he going to do?
People are also in New York City, be the going to the Russian tea room, in protest.
Now, let's think this one through. The Russian tea room.
Hmm. It was started in -- well, the 1920s. 1927.
Started by Russian ballet people.
Yeah, from the Soviet Union.
Yeah. That's -- that's the time. Now, I -- who knows what the Russian tea room really is, you know. But let me just tell you. I know it was started in the '20s. I know it was started by a bunch of Russians. And I know there were a bunch of ballerinas. I know they were performing at Carnegie hall.
And then they just left. They left their country. They needed to make ends meet. So they started the Russian tea room. My gosh, the infiltration in this country is crazy.
Now, let's not think and dwell too long. That maybe in 1927. Those members of the imperial ballet, didn't like what was happening in the Soviet Union. And defected.
Russian tea room. Wait a minute. No. It's all about Russia. That tea has got something in it, that makes me hate Ukrainians.
Let's not eat there, I'll tell you that right now. What is wrong with us?
This is the first time, this is the first time -- yeah. I think I can say -- it's the first time, that I have seen such a coordinated effort. On all fronts. I don't know what's true anymore.
I have no idea. I know I've done my homework over the last two years, because of the Trump nightmare. The lies that came from the media, last time about Ukraine. I know who they are. I know how they're connected to Joe Biden. And his lovely son.
I know that our State Department, is responsible for that little Nazi group.
What! How could you say that!
They hate Nazis. No. They really don't. Our State Department and our -- our CIA, they'll fund anyone, anyone.
Oh, that's crazy. They would never do that. They would never do that. I mean, certainly, they wouldn't have done that with Osama Bin Laden. We were the ones who financed all that.
And then it became a little tough. Now, all the newspapers. All of them. New York Times and Washington Post. They have done long stories, on this particular Nazi group.
Okay? They've been against it. They've been wait a minute. None of them are exposing that we financed it. With, gee. That missing $7 million. Where did I put that $7 million?
But now, the Washington Post and the New York Times, they're just rediscovering this Nazi group.
What? Have you heard? No, that's not. That can't be true. No. Ukraine is the good guy. That's -- it's a small group. It's nothing to worry about. Really? Because I read your newspaper. I read what you said before. How do you trust anything?
My job is to tell you the truth. I can't tell you the truth, of what's going on in Ukraine. Because I can't read anything other than what social media has -- has filtered for me, so I only see one side of it.
Or what the cable news companies are showing me.
I don't know.
I don't know. I just know, that Steven Miller is right. That this was the first war, that is all social media.
How dare you say that! Is it because you're white and these people are white. What about Syria?
No. No. No. This one is highly organized. This one involves everyone.
And it involves Zelinsky. Who I like.
But let's not forget, he's an actor.
Let's not forget, he knows how to use social media. Good for him. I'm glad.
But do we know?
I mean, look at how many things that we've heard. Have you heard about the ghost of -- what is it? The ghost of Kyiv? What was that ghost? The pilot.
STU: Yeah. That supposedly was knocking down all these planes. Not accurate.
GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. It's, what?
Don't pay attention to him. Did you hear about those brave Ukrainian soldiers that were in that island?
And the Russian ship came up. And said, hey, you give up your arms.
And they were like. Screw you, Russia! Yeah, that was a great story. Oh, not true.
STU: They did say that. They just didn't die after it.
GLENN: Yeah. Those brave soldiers, didn't go out in a blaze of glory.
STU: Still a badass move. But they didn't actually die.
GLENN: Who knows what stories are true or not. Okay?
We're in the fog of war. My problem with this is, everybody is just jumping on to a bandwagon. And if you disagree or question and say, hey, let's not race to World War III, you're, of course, an enemy.
STU: Yeah. To this point, Glenn. We're sitting here, talking about this furious, Ukrainian response. Which does seem to be real. And something that I'm cheering on.
GLENN: Me too. Me too.
STU: I want them to fight back. And fight back valiantly, as they are. But how many stories have we heard from the media, about how Russia stalled. They've tried to do this. It's been a lot harder.
They're not getting it to where they want it to be. So it's been a week, since this started. A week. It took us two weeks, to get to Baghdad.
So we are half of the time, that it took us -- in what we all would look at, the easiest, quickest war ever, for us to get to Baghdad.
That was -- remember the whole Baghdad Bob stuff?
Anyone who said they were defending -- they were coming up with the furious defense. They were mocked.
Because it took us two weeks.
It's only been one week.
And I know social media and the news sile, makes it seem like this has been going on forever.
It's been one week. And I feel we have a lot of really ugly days, coming here. In the coming weeks and months.
GLENN: That is -- that is my point.
STU: Yeah.
GLENN: How do you really know what's going on, on the ground?
Have you heard the Russian side?
I believe it's most likely propaganda. I can tell you, the West is all propaganda as well, right now.
This is the reason, you have a free flow of information.
So you can read differing accounts, and make your own decisions. But if you really are a nation of, wait a minute. So that's a big nation of a smaller country.
And that's somehow wrong. Well, then, I guess we need overlords to tell us, what we can do.
Yeah. And I'm going to go in, and I'm going to spit that tea out, at that Russian. That commie tea room.
Come on, America. We're better than this. We are better than this.