Glenn's Show Prep

Donald Trump Was RIGHT. Kamala & Her Cronies FAKED a Race Fight

Donald Trump Was RIGHT. Kamala & Her Cronies FAKED a Race Fight

Glenn looks into the past to see who’s right: Donald Trump or the media. Trump claimed that Kamala Harris only started to emphasize her black heritage over her Indian heritage when it was convenient for her political career. The media called him racist for pointing that out. Well … Glenn opens the archives to prove that the media once sounded just like Trump – Don Lemon especially! Trump didn’t start a “race fight.” The media did. Glenn also reviews Harris’ first unscripted comment since launching her presidential campaign … and it went about as well as you’d expect.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let's start with Karine Jean-Pierre, about the plea deal on 9/11, that everybody is so happy about. Let's let those people not get the death penalty. What do they do? They only killed 3,000 people. Here's Karine Jean-Pierre.

VOICE: If you have a message to some of the 9/11 families, who wanted to see this kind of come to a fuller process.

VOICE: So, look, I think this is basically what Jake said. This is something that we had no involvement in. He didn't have any involvement in.

And so, the -- the White House played no role, in this process.

And the president directed his -- his team to consult as appropriate with officials and lawyers and Department of Defense obviously.

And, you know, we have said this before, you know, we -- we are -- you know, our hearts go out to the families, who lost the loved ones. On that -- on that day.

And, you know, the president of 9/11, has honored them every year, and the families, who, again, lost their loved one on that terrible day.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Okay. All right. Well, I feel like -- I feel like they've got things under control there at the White House.

Now, Joe Biden is -- is there on the tarmac. Waiting for the American citizens imprisoned in Russia.

And Biden is there. And he's -- he spots a cute little girl. Oh, God.

Cut two.

BIDEN: You all know we have a tradition in the Biden family. We say happy birthday. Right?

All of you.

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday, Dear Miriam. Happy birthday to you.

Remember, no serious --

GLENN: Dating advice. Yeah. That's right.

BIDEN: God bless you. She's his daughter.

GLENN: Oh, isn't that great? Hugging her. Giving her a little kiss. Keeping her close, you know what I mean?

Hey, no serious in dating until 30.

I'm not interested until after 30. So we have that going on.

Now, in this hostage release, what was really nice was Joe Biden said, you know, Donald Trump couldn't have gotten this deal done. He wouldn't have done this.

You know, I've got Putin on the horn. And we made a deal.

Let's talk about that for a second.

There's a couple of things that are wrong with that. First of all, why do you think Putin got on the phone with you? Right at election time?

Do you think he's for Donald Trump? Or is he for you being president.

So he's making a deal, which makes you look good. What does that tell you?

Does that tell you that Putin is afraid of you?

No. He's doing PR for you. He wants the Biden administration, not the Trump administration.

Hello, ding-dong. Also, you did make a deal. And it was lousy for us. Why is it, they got more than we got?

Well, why?

Because you're desperate. You're desperate, that's why.

And he knows that. And he wants to play in, to the political narrative, here in America.

Oh. Okay. So now, when -- when he's on the tarmac, Kamala has her first unscripted moment in the last couple of weeks.

They -- they -- they are talking -- her and Biden. And he's just standing there like, I have no idea what she's saying. And they say, what -- any comments on what's about to happen?

And here's what Kamala says, twenty-one, please.

KAMALA: This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy, and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy, and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day.

GLENN: What did she just say? Whatever circular -- oh, my gosh.

STU: By the way, Glenn. That is, I believe, officially the first question, she's been asked.

I may have missed something. I know RuPaul asked her a couple of questions. So not counting those. I'm saying, from a reporter.

And I believe it was, how do you feel about this amazing thing that happened? But she -- that's, I believe, the first question she's been asked.

And it was the easiest question imaginable. Basically, compliment yourself. And she still -- she still blew it.

That is -- we have to get her -- we just have to get her. You have to get her in front of these cameras.

As soon as people see this. You know, this little boom let goes away.

GLENN: You know, I tell you, I have a real problem with you, Stu.

Because you're so racist. She's still reeling from President Trump. Saying, I thought she was an Indian.

And everybody -- everybody in the press. And they know what they're doing. They are -- they are taking and twisting his words.

He's not saying, she wasn't black. He was making a comment of, wait. But she never called herself black, until this point in the election.

Ask then, when she needed the black vote, had he said, oh, I'm black.

Here she is, Kamala Harris, 2019.

Cut 22.

VOICE: Is -- because you are an idiot.

Okay. And I don't know if anybody knows that. I find that wherever I go, and I see Indian people at the supermarket or the street.

Everyone is like, you know that Kamala Harris is Indian, right?

It's like our thing that we're so excited about, running for president.

We're both Indian. But actually we're both south Indian.

STU: Stop. We need to stop and address one thing here.

What Mindy Kaling has just said has never occurred.

Never, ever, one time, in her life, did this incredibly famous person, who was on one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time have someone walk up to her and say, did you know that Kamala Harris was Indian?

That story never, ever, ever occurred. That is complete nonsense.

I just want to get that on the record.

GLENN: Okay. Next. Here's Kamala Harris in 2020.

She's not black. She's Indian. Listen.

KAMALA: Today on August 15th, 2020, I stand before you as the first candidate for vice president of the United States of South-Asian descent.

GLENN: Okay. Now, nobody is -- nobody is not -- nobody is saying she's not black.

Okay? Yes, she's black. She's Indian.

She's half black. She's half Indian. We know how science works.

You're the ones confused about what's a woman.

So we got it. Her dad was black.

Her mom was Indian.

Even Don Lemon, when she started saying, that she was black. He was started to be offended. Because he was like, she's calling herself African-American.

Listen. This is Don Lemon.

VOICE: Black woman.

VOICE: I agree with that. Is she African-American? No, no, no, no.

But is she African-American?

There is a difference. There's nothing wrong with that. Nobody is trying to take anything away from her. I think you're falling into a trap with that. All she had to do was say, I am black.

GLENN: Okay. Stop. Trouble she got in for that. She's not African-American. No, she's not. She's Jamaican-Indian.

And there's nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with that happen. Except, she uses it to play on constituents. That's the only thing Donald Trump was saying. He's not questioning who she is.

We all know who she is now. But she said, she was Indian. When she was needing the Indian vote.

And then she's black, when she needs the black vote. She's both!

STU: Yeah. And the way --

GLENN: Can you please. It's so bad. The way he actually said it. You know, she turned black a couple years ago.

And like they are so dishonest, that they're acting as if they think he thought she just turned black. Literal statement. Now, they know Kelly what they're doing. It's amazing as well. This is coming from the same people who say, you can change races based on just saying it, right?

GLENN: I know. I know.

STU: This is like the Rachel Dolezal thing, if it was literal.

They would be supporting it. If she was just Indian her whole life and said she was black, they would then say, she is now black. But because Donald Trump made the point in a critical way. All of a sudden, that's not possible. It's racist to even suggest.

GLENN: I know. I know.

So I would like to suggest, she's not only Jamaican Indian. Black.

But she's also southern. Because, you know, she was raised in Berkeley.

That's Southern California, isn't it?

Which explains her speech this week, the southern accent.


VOICE: And you all helped us win in 2020. And we will do it again in 2024.

GLENN: That is -- that is Southern California.

I mean, she's -- she's all over it!

All over it. You know, I don't know if you heard Michael Malice, this week.

But I love Michael Malice. And what he said, on Joe Rogan, this week, about Kamala Harris.

VOICE: Officer Harris, you're either racist or sexist or ableist. So they will use --

VOICE: Yeah, because she's a retard. She's literally retarded. I mean, Ukraine is a country, in Europe. And Russia is another country, and a powerful country. And Russia invaded Ukraine, and that's wrong.

VOICE: This is really important, this is what could be unburdened by what has been. I think America is like a wine mom. Because it seems like she's three deep by noon. And she has got the three faces of wine mom. She's got happy drunk. Oh, my God, cackling. Cackling. Then there is trying to make drunk at work, where you're trying to make sense, but you don't. Space is around us all. And unites us all. And inspires us all.

And then there's, I'm being stern, so you don't realize how plastered I am. And I'm making a point. And that little girl was me. Now I'm going to up stairs, and don't knock on the door. Because I'm going to pass out. So those are the three ways she talks.

VOICE: Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that's wrong.

GLENN: Can I tell you something though, when I listen to that. I just think, this is so vapid. But then I think, how many Americans need it broken down, that way?

STU: Certainly, her voters do.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah.

It was a -- it's a bigger country. And so then that's wrong.

Oh, okay. Thank you. Mamala. I appreciate that. Now, I understand big things.

Big countries shouldn't go into little countries. Can little countries go into big countries? Would that be wrong?

I mean, it is -- it's just -- it's amazing. Amazing.

STU: Do we know, Glenn, how many various ceilings, she would be busting through with this?

Because we know we would have the first black woman. We would have the first woman.

We would have the first Indian. We would have the first south Asian.

We would also have the first Asian. And this one particularly, is bothersome. Because at some point, I don't know.

Maybe it's 20 -- somewhere in the 20 years from now.

Some great who can't understand son, or who can't understand daughter, of a person, a Japanese-American, who was put into internment camps by the president that every Democrat thinks is the best president of all time, is going to rise to power, and maybe be elected president. And they'll be like, actually, you're the second Asian president.

Sorry, Kamala won back in 2024. God forbid.

And sorry, you don't count. You didn't break any ceilings. You're a giant zilch. You get no recognition. Sorry about that. Good night.

I mean, that's sad.

GLENN: It's -- did you hear the flashback of Ford from 1978, or '79? Where he was asked. He was running against Ronald Reagan at the time. And they were in the primaries. And he's asked by this little girl. You know, I'm eight years old.

And I want to see some day, a female president. What is it going to take? What advice would you give an 8-year-old girl who wants to be president.

Okay. So he says, well, I'll tell you. We'll have a female president. It is inevitable in the future. But let me tell you how it's going to come. Okay?

This is 1978 or 1979. Let me tell you how it's going to come. Either the Democrats or the Republicans are eventually going to nominate a woman to be the vice president.

And the vice president will be serving in that administration, until the president dies or bows out. And that's how she'll become president.

That will be your first president.

STU: Really? I have not heard that. That's an incredible, biz moment. Why was he -- was he just so convince that had Americans hated women? Or was he convince that had they were sexist. Or what was the reasoning for that?

GLENN: I don't know. I would imagine that -- he didn't think that kind of change could be made.

STU: Really?

GLENN: For a president.

STU: So it's a different era. You know, I understand.

GLENN: Run by white men. Keeping women down.

Men Punching Women FOR SPORT?! Who’s REALLY to Blame For Olympics NONSENSE

Men Punching Women FOR SPORT?! Who’s REALLY to Blame For Olympics NONSENSE

The Olympics is allowing men to punch women in the face for our entertainment – but who’s fault is this? We could blame the Olympics, Glenn says. But when society stays silent for so long about these issues, maybe we shouldn’t be too surprised when things like this happen. Glenn reviews the story, which saw a fighter from Algeria with XY chromosomes and a very male physique competing in women’s boxing at the Paris Olympics. The match led to the woman in the match crying on her knees. Is this what presidential candidate Kamala Harris means by allowing ourselves to be “unburdened by what has been?” Glenn warns that while Harris’ favorite saying might sound silly, its real meaning is VERY dangerous.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So what is the thing that has been setting you off in the last 24 hours?

STU: Why do you assume that there is something? Maybe it's been a really relaxing day. And everything has been fine.

Perhaps that's been my last 24 hours.

GLENN: Yeah. Somehow, I doubt that, Stu.

STU: Honestly, the thing that has been pissing me off more than anything. Is the basically male boxer beating the crap out of women in the ring.

That's been kind of the thing that's been bothering me. I kind of think that's real.

GLENN: Yeah, a little bit.

STU: I think the idea of domestic violence for entertainment is a strange thing.

And I've been following the story relatively closely.

And now the left is trying to say. Actually, she's intersex, or something like that.

It really doesn't matter. This doesn't have to be a statement about trans rights in America. To be a problem. The problem is a giant person with all sorts of male characteristics, and strength beyond almost any woman, is punching women in the face.

And I just -- you know, and, by the way, a person who has already failed a gender test, in a major international competition. So that's enough for me, to be a little upset.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

I know you're a betting man. I mean, let's just go with it. How long before we see a nonbinary person, or a person that has switched genders beat a woman to death, and the crowds cheer.

How long? How long? When do we get that special?

STU: Not long.

I mean, there was a story just the other day. It was two days ago. A 17-year-old girl was playing volleyball against a trans person.

GLENN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

STU: And she's now, I think paralyzed.

Which is --

GLENN: But she didn't die.

STU: She's paralyzed with brain damage. After a transgender opponent. Who cackled with delight, after knocking her to the ground.

So that's our world.

GLENN: Okay.

Well, doesn't count. Doesn't count.

Who feels bad for the athlete from Italy, that got punched in the face?

STU: I feel really bad for her, and it's a weird distinction, in that, I feel bad for her, and her rise through her sporting life. And all the work she's put in, and how this was her dream. And it's been ruined by nonsense.

Though, I feel worse for her, for being punched in the face by a man.

That's actually, the one I think is worse than the sporting event stuff. I'm all with you, with the sporting event stuff.

I think that's bad. When it gets to combat sports stuff. It becomes a whole 'nother level. I would argue borderline criminality. Without knowing all the facts, I can't I guess put them immediately in prison. But anyone who sanctions this sort of nonsense should be considered for a small home inside a cell.

GLENN: So I agree with all of that stuff.

But a little bit of me says, hmm. Ms. Italian police officer, I did feel really bad for you. And then you decided to walk off and go, but who am I to judge? Honestly, who am I to judge. I don't know. I just didn't want to be hit in the face by him anymore.

Who are you to judge? I don't know! An individual. A person. A woman.

If you don't stand up against this, it's never going to change. You can't let somebody else carry the water for you.

You had a global stage. Everybody saw you.

Everybody was with you.

And then you go, but I don't know. I mean, maybe I'm just a bigot. Maybe I'm just a hatemonger.

I don't think so, but it could be. No! No! I am a woman. When are we going to protect women?

When are we going to protect girls in sports?

When? You know what, you know what this is? This is the world being unburdened by those things that have been. You know what that means? Let me translate bullcrap to English. This is what that means. Forget everything you thought was true. Because we're changing everything tonight!

That's what that means. To be unburdened by those things that were. Yeah, no, thank you.

I know how to define a woman. Genetics.

You know, kind of -- kind of plays a role in life. I hate to bring this up. But science plays a role.

And you can't -- you can't pass as a biological female. You don't play.

But -- but no wait. We're being -- we're being -- we're unburdening ourselves from things like that icky science. Only in this category, however. Because science disagrees with this. Well, also, it does with global warming and a whole bunch of other stuff. Shh. Quiet, you hatemonger.

Stand up. Stand up. Title IX is going in some states are letting your kids go to school in the next few weeks. And they'll be kicked in the face by some female soccer player that's a dude!

Say it. Say it.

You know, it all stops having power, when you're not afraid anymore. What do you have to lose?

What do you have to lose? I could lose my job. You want to lose your soul?

Well, I have to take care of my kid. Really? And how are they going to take care of them? When we've unburdened ourselves with what has been. When they don't know history.

They don't know math. They don't know how to read or write. How are they going to survive, Dad? Mom?

They're not going to. If you don't stand up for them right now, they ain't going to.

STU: You know, Glenn, it's funny you say that. I have heard Kamala Harris say that so many times.

And basically, I've only considered it as something to mock, and just the fact that she's got nothing to say, and she's just repeating herself.

But as you point that out, isn't that essentially exactly what Michelle Obama said, all those years ago?

It's the same phrase. Right?


STU: Hey. We have to erase our history. We have to erase our traditions. We have to move to a new time. We have to --

GLENN: We have to unburned ourselves from the things that were!

STU: Yeah.

GLENN: That's exactly what she was saying.

STU: Unburdened by what has been.

GLENN: Yeah. You cannot just make Kamala Harris into a joke.

She means those things.

And you -- you don't see it that way. Because you're like, oh, look at the poetry lady is back.

STU: It is also fun to laugh. I'm not going to dismiss that part of it.

But you're right, though.

It's an interesting thing. If you -- if you're unburdened by what has been. Such as knowledge, traditions, things that have actually worked for civilizations.

Man, you can make all sorts of crazy decisions. The Constitution.

You're not unburdened by it, anymore. Really, I've never thought of it -- I never thought about what she was actually saying.

I was just laughing at her for saying, seemingly nothing. There's a lot of meaning behind that.

GLENN: I know. Uh-huh.

Now, may I -- I need your permission to do this, Stu. Because I never, ever do this. May I bring this to the Nazis?

STU: You know, you are usually so hesitant to bring up any sort of tie to Nazi Germany.

GLENN: I know. I know.

STU: I feel like in this case, it must be okay. Because you're just so normally not going down that road.

You're so normally unburdened by the Nazis. And what they have been.

GLENN: Right. What was it that the Nazi scientists were trying to do.

They were trying to create super people. Right?

They wanted to change, don't it make my brown eyes blue?

Well, injecting eyes with ink. Yeah. That makes your brown eyes blue, until you die.

So what they did is they unburdened themselves, of those things that had been.

Like, hey. Let's treat every child as sacred. Hey, let's have empathy for people who are unlike us. Let's -- let's unburden ourselves from this.

Let's just kill the people who have handicaps, okay? That was new, scientific thinking.

And when you unburdened yourselves from all the things that you have learned. All the things that the Lord had taught you forever. What makes -- what makes a Judeo-Christian different than any other religion, in the world. What is their main ethic?

Their main ethic is love God, love yourself, and love your neighbor. So let's unburden ourselves from God.

Let's unburden ourselves from the neighbor, if they're different than us. But dig me!

I love myself. You can't unburden yourself from the other two!

They are changing history in realtime, they are changing our -- our ethics in realtime.

Because they've said over night, how many times in the last 15 years, did you wake up, and there was like a new word you had to learn? What the hell was -- what? What does that mean?

I don't even know what that means. And like everybody was using it. It was almost like Kamala Harris. She's the worst. She can't get anybody.

Her staff hates her. She's the greatest woman in the world.

We just saw it again. They just change overnight, like there's some secret telegraph going off someplace.

Okay. Start tomorrow. Just to really freak Americans out, we're just going to start calling Kamala a hero and a -- and a genius.

Americans won't know what hit them. They'll think they woke up in a different world. A parallel universe.

Where you didn't yesterday. Everybody thought she was an idiot.

They'll never figure it you out, it's so funny. Stand up for what you know is true.

You will not save your children. If you cower now.
It's only going to get harder.

To the police officer from Italy, I feel bad for you.

I feel bad, because you probably worked your whole entire life, to get to that moment.

And then some dude comes in, and punches you in the face.

Why? Why are you throwing everything you have done in the past away? Why are you throwing everything you know to be true away?

Stand up for yourself. If you don't stand up for yourself, who are you expecting to do it for you?

Back in just a second.

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STU: Glenn, let me ask you real quick, while we're on this topic. Because I'm interested in your coverage here.

I want to do an Olympic medal ceremony. You have a gold, a silver, and a bronze to give away.
And you have to give it to the people in this story, that piss you off the most. Now, you just did a very long rant about the actual boxer, who was punched in the face. And the people have -- potential medal winners.

Are her, the person who is punched in the face, the person who punched her in the face, and the people who sanctioned the event, that allowed him to punch her in the face.

If you're doing a gold, silver, bronze, as most pissed off, who are you giving it to?

GLENN: In that order reversed? Gold, to the sanctioning people, to him and then her.

STU: So gold to --

GLENN: You're leaving out the real gold.

STU: Who is the real gold?

GLENN: The real gold goes to everybody who is just sitting here quietly.

It really goes to -- none of this would have happened.

Why Biden’s Final Move Is to DESTROY the Supreme Court | Glenn TV | Ep 366

Why Biden’s Final Move Is to DESTROY the Supreme Court | Glenn TV | Ep 366

According to the Left, SCOTUS is totally out of control and it’s time to take emergency action! Immediately after the release of multiple U.S. Supreme Court decisions at the end of the court's latest term, the Left had a collective meltdown over the direction of the court. President Biden called for Americans to “dissent” from the court’s recent decisions. Amidst the chaos of dropping out of the presidential race, Biden made time in his Oval Office address to announce major Supreme Court “reforms.” Newly anointed Kamala Harris quickly made this a key part of her campaign. Meanwhile, Senate and House Democrats have moved to investigate and impeach Justices Thomas and Alito. Glenn unpacks the reasons for the Left’s Supreme Court freakout and exposes the dark-money groups campaigning to change and expand the court. Supreme Court reform has been the final play for every authoritarian regime all throughout history. Look no further than Venezuela. Chavez wanted to pack his country's high court with more judges. He wanted limited term limits. He wanted to ensure judicial autonomy with a code of ethics. Sound familiar? In the end, Venezuela's supreme court became exactly what the Chavez and Maduro regimes wanted — a political weapon for the dictator. Democrats are terrified that their judicial supremacy is over, and they’re determined to maintain their control of the Supreme Court by any means necessary …

What Are They NOT Telling Us About the 9/11 Mastermind Plea Deal?

What Are They NOT Telling Us About the 9/11 Mastermind Plea Deal?

Glenn can’t believe his eyes: The Pentagon has announced a plea deal with the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and two of his accomplices. The deal would spare them from the death penalty if they plead guilty. “If there is anyone who deserves execution,” Glenn says, “I think it’s somebody who killed 3,000 people.” So, did the American soldiers who lost their lives in the 20-year War on Terror die for a PHOTO-OP?! And why wouldn’t the government go through with a real trial? Are they trying to hide something? And if that’s not concerning enough, the Biden administration has also announced a prisoner swap with Russia. While the U.S. will get back 2 people that Glenn wants to see freed — journalist Evan Gershkovich and former marine Paul Whelan — he wonders, who or what did Biden give Russia in exchange?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. So hello, Stu.

STU: Glenn how are you?

GLENN: Oh. Fantastic.

Now, I say that, with such a fervor. Because we have some good news.

Russia, just announced that they are releasing the Wall Street Journal reporter, Evan Gershkovich. And former US marine Paul Whelan. Now, these were -- this is part of a prisoner swap, that the US and Russia have just made. We don't know who they swapped, for these two. But I'm sure it was a favorable deal for us.

STU: Always is. Always is. I love your optimism, Glenn. That's the right way to do it.

GLENN: Thank you.

STU: We typically in these moments. What the administration wants us to do, is engage in a benefit analysis.

And I -- look, the benefit analysis is really good. I really want these people back. We talked about them a bunch of times. We highlight hostages that are kept in areas. Unlike other networks you might see at the bottom corner of our screen. American hostages, 299 days in Gaza.

We focus on this, everyone else seems to ignore them.

But the benefit analysis here is good. The problem may wind up being, when you do a cost-benefit analysis.

And we don't like to do that with policies. And we don't always like to look at hostages in that same way. It's difficult, of course. To look at it that way. But I am very worried as to what happened here. What did we give up? For these two hostages.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Seeing that those details were not immediately available. I have a feeling it's probably not good.

Now, here's something else. I mean, these geniuses, they had their finger on the pulse of the American people.

And they're making good deals, really good deals. The next story that I've found, just kind of, well, fascinating. US lawmakers, are a little upset with the -- the Biden/Harris administration.

Plea deals have been reached now for the three Islamic terrorists who carried out 9/11. They -- prosecutors have entered into a pretrial agreement. These guys haven't been tried yet?

Pretrial agreement with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shik Mohammaed (all phonetic) and Wali Mohammed Sali and Mubarak Bin Atash. Oh. And Mustafa Ahmed Adam Elharswi. Okay.

So what they've done is an exchange for the removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment. These three accused have agreed to plead guilty to all of the charge defenses including the murder of 200-0976 people listed in the charge sheet.

Now, if there is anyone that deserves execution, I think it's somebody who killed 3,000 people.

I think it might be somebody who, you know, perpetrated the largest terrorist attack, the world had seen.

But maybe not. You know, maybe we just went over, and we sent our troops over, because we didn't really mean it.

You know, we were just doing a photo op. Maybe all of those soldiers. Those US soldiers died for a photo op. Because I think that's what happened in Afghanistan. Right?

Wasn't that a big photo op. Wasn't that just something we did. And we were like, you know what, I'm kind of tired this. We have enough photos.

And so we just pull out. And it was a beautiful, beautiful exit, that we made.

Now, just to complete the circle, no death penalty for these guys.

So that's good.

STU: Not even the trial.

So if you are a family of someone who lost people, in 9/11. Many of these families are complaining about this.

They don't even get the questioning, they don't get the evidence. And they don't get a trial. A punishment.

They skip all of that, with -- potential inclusion in their closure process. That's all gone. He just gets to say I'm guilty. And that's over.

VOICE: What would be another reason, not to have a trial?

To just -- I mean, sure, saving money. And our government is so frugal.

STU: Uh-huh.

VOICE: Saving time. You know, because they put a lot of research into this.

Almost 25 years of research.

That's a speedy trial for you, don't you think?

And then, on top of that, what else could there be?

Why wouldn't the government want a trial?

STU: Hmm. I mean, I -- we can only venture guesses at such a thing. But some might think that if an entire trial were to go on, we might learn some things about how the government handled this situation.

Who they were dealing with.


STU: What arrangements were made. For -- for potentially government officials from other countries.

There's maybe something they might not want us to know about.

GLENN: Wow. I didn't even think about that. Wow, what a conspiracy theorist! By the way, speaking of conspiracy theorists.

The New York Times has an op-ed out.

Right-wing lawmakers. Oh, I'm sorry. This is not an op-ed. This is a story.

Right-wing lawmakers and candidates have made baseless suggestions, that the shooting was orchestrated by Democrats, or government actors who targeted former president Donald J. Trump. Representatives -- representative Eli Crane, an Arizona republic. And former Navy SEAL. Says, he's no conspiracy theorist.

But in the weeks, since the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump. He has made the baseless suggestion that the shooting was part of a coordinated campaign by Democrats or shadowy government actors to try to stop the former president from reclaiming the White House. Not only did they try to bankrupt him. But they tried to put him in prison.

Mr. Crane told Orbitz, a right-wing radio personality in Arizona. When that didn't work, they tried to put him in prison for 750 years.

And many of us said the next step in this escalation is try to kill them, because they can't beat him fair and square.

An appearance on the Glenn Beck Program, Mr. Crane, who traveled to the Pennsylvania rally site where Mr. Trump was shot, to conduct his own investigation. Said, I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist.

But at the same time, I don't want to, you know, rule anything out. Because I don't put it past some of the people in our government to do anything necessary to hold on to power.

That is such a wild, baseless allegation.

That somebody in this vast government, would do something unethical. Or wrong. Or immoral.

To hold on to power. Or to shoot a guy, that they are convinced is Hitler!

How crazy is that!

I mean, that is just tinfoil hat, crazy.

STU: Yeah. How can you possibly blame people for having their minds warned to outlying possibilities. At this point.

I mean, I'm pretty sure I saw footage yesterday. Of the shooter building a Ferris wheel next to the speech grounds. And going to the top of it, to see if he can get a clear shot. And deconstructing it right in front of Secret Service officers. Everything that you could possibly think the guy was -- now he's just running back and forth on the roof in the background. And no one does anything.

I'm not -- I am saying.

GLENN: Hang on just a second. Play that video.

STU: You can see the head in the background in the white circle.

VOICE: The Republican Party.

STU: I mean, it's like. How -- it's inexplicable.

And this comes from a person, who is very skeptical of government competence. Like, I -- really, like, usually unfazed by government doing something pathetically incompetent.

And that does always almost explain everything. But it could be.

GLENN: And it could just be incompetence. It might be.

But to want consider that it might be something else. Is ridiculous.

Especially the way they've been behaving, on hoarding all of the information. And only releasing things when it seems to be good for them.

It is really not good.