STU: We just saw the present.
GLENN: Right.
STU: And I think your description of it is actually perfect. She is going to react that way. And it is as great as you said.
PAT: It's great. It's great. But she's going to say, "I don't that want. I don't want that in the house."
GLENN: Get it away from me.
STU: But knowing that you predicted this completely accurately, I believe, why would you go ahead with it if you think she's going to react that way?
PAT: Well, that's the question, right? That's Glenn Beck though.
JEFFY: That's the answer to your question right there. That's the answer to your question right there.
GLENN: What does that mean?
JEFFY: That's the answer to your question.
GLENN: What does that mean, exactly?
JEFFY: It means that you have decided that this person needs this.
PAT: That this person needs this.
JEFFY: And you've decided your reasoning behind this person needing it overrides the entire outcome of that other person.
STU: That's a great description, Jeffy.
GLENN: No, that's not --
STU: It's sort of a dictator sort of thing to do.
PAT: It's the risk big, win big type of mentality. If she does like it, it's a huge win.
GLENN: I have another reason because one of my children asked me, you know, what are you thinking?
And I said, "I guarantee you for generations in this family, they will fight over this."
JEFFY: Absolutely.
GLENN: That's -- that is the reason. Because this is everything -- to me, everything she is. And I think the children and the grandchildren and everyone else in the family will recognize that. And they will fight over it.
JEFFY: You can have it, mom always hated it.
GLENN: That's exactly right. That's exactly right. And if she dies first -- if I die first, the kids better run to the house.
They better to the run to the house. Because that thing will go out the door.
STU: Or it could stay in the house into the fireplace. I think that's possible.
GLENN: Yeah, yeah. It's possible.
STU: It's possible. But it's great. I mean, it's really cool. I can't wait to tell you what it is. And you might need to actually see it.
But I do expect her to react that way.
GLENN: So should I call her. She can't come in because she's working. But I can Skype her.
STU: You're going to Skype her, her Valentine's Day present. You are a romantic.
GLENN: I asked her to come in. She's like, "I'm not coming in." I said, I mean, it's Valentine's -- I have a Valentine's Day gift.
She's like, "I'm not coming in."
STU: See, I think part of this is how uncomfortable this moment is and should be for you.
STU: Is part of your justification for it being so amazing. Like, the fact that it makes you uncomfortable adds to, look at what -- what has been done here. This is such an extraordinary effort. You should probably appreciate it.
GLENN: Right! Right.
You get it. Right!
STU: I don't know if she's going to get it though. That's --
GLENN: No. And neither will I.
STU: Yeah.