EXPLAINED: What happens if Trump wins from PRISON?

EXPLAINED: What happens if Trump wins from PRISON?

Special counsel Jack Smith has revived his classified documents case against Donald Trump. But why is he doing this so close to the election? Will the Supreme Court's immunity ruling apply here? And what would happen if Trump wins the election from prison? Former U.S. DoJ Assistant Attorney General and Center for Renewing America senior fellow Jeff Clark joins Glenn to break it all down: “I would not be surprised if [this judge] sentenced President Trump to prison.” But he also explains why he believes the American people will see through the Left’s attempt to “criminalize politics” and realize that we have become a banana republic.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Jeff Clark, he is a senior fellow at the center for renewing America. And he knows this case, quite well.

The case against Trump. The latest indictment filed against special counsel Jack Smith.

Jeff, I have been trying to understand this story.

It's very complex. Can you just break it down for dummies, like me?

JEFF: Glenn, thanks for having me.

And, you know, you're definitely underestimating yourself, Glenn, but hopefully I can help the audience to understand the case.

GLENN: Okay.

JEFF: So, look, obviously this case was filed a way back.

And it's resulted in several important decisions, first as the district court, and then in the DC circuit, holding that President Trump was not immune.

You know, they tried to last that argument out of the lower courts, especially with this ridiculous SEAL team six hypothetical.

The idea that President Trump could order Seal Team Six to assassinate his political rivals.

And so the argument goes. You know, because that would not make any sense.

Therefore, he can't have any form of immunity. And I always thought that hypothetical was totally ridiculous, when the case eventually reached the Supreme Court. In a case called Trump v. United States, which was decided by the Supreme Court. Six to three, most of it, on July 1st of this year.

GLENN: Right.

JEFF: They gave that argument, short trip too. And they held, consistent with the fact, that every branch of government, has some form of immunity. That the president of the United States, and the one that was just applied to Donald Trump, it was applied to all presidents of the United States. Have to have, you know, a set of immunities. And the immunities they decided that he had, were basically a -- in a trichotomy.

So the first tier is that the president exercises his core executive powers.

You know, the things that are at the heart of being president. He is absolutely immune from those.

Full stop. Then second, per anything else that he does. Which is not within his core powers.

So that would include things like speaking, using the president's bully pulpit.

He's immune to the outer boundaries of his office. As long as it has the nexus to his official duties, which a lot of things do. And that there he has presumptive immunity. And in order to overcome it, you have to show that it would really make no impingement or inroads into the executive power. You know, to -- to be able to pierce that immunity. So that's also a very strong form of immunity.

GLENN: But that would be something like he's saying, you know, WWE is real. And somebody sues him. And says, it's not real.

It has nothing to do with the presidency. Right?

JEFF: Exactly right. So it certainly -- to my mind, let's take the speech, that he gave, you know, outside the -- the White House. On January 6th. He was clearly talking about matters of public concern, which the president can express himself on. And I think that that is presumptively immune. And I think to tell a president that he could not set out his views about an election, would be an inroads into the presidency. And therefore, he would also be immune for that.

GLENN: Yeah.

JEFF: So the left category, and the trichotomy is a category for which a president would not be immune, Glenn. That's the category of -- of an unofficial act. An act in a private capacity.

And so, after the Supreme Court's decision on July 1st, you know, it -- it kind of goes down each step. It steps down to the Court of Appeals level.

And they remand it back to the district court to Judge Chutkan.

And then Judge Chutkan started to set proceedings. More -- more on that in a minute.

And then what's ultimately come, once she now has jurisdiction back in the case, is that Jack Smith was off to the side, working with an entirely different grand jury, and he got this superseding indictment that came out yesterday.

And in -- in a phrase, what that indictment is, you know, new indictment. Meet the old indictment. You know, it's just the same as that old indictment.

He's just reformulated to try to make it consistent with and fit everything into the third box.

The box of everything President Trump did. That he had indicted before.

The first time. Is actually -- as opposed to a set of official acts.

And therefore, Jack Smith argues, he's not immune.

GLENN: So are they doing this, to smear him yet again. So late in the campaign.

Or is this a plan just in case he wins, they think this will keep him out of office?

JEFF: I think, Glenn, that they're doing it for all of those reasons. Right? Because they absolutely want to block him any way they can.
So this is election interference. There's no way you should be issuing a new indictment like this, using a new grand jury.

This close to a major presidential election. Especially --

GLENN: Correct.

JEFF: And it also shows me that this was being concealed. So what happens is that the court was told.

Because it was ready to go. Trying to set deadlines to try to march back toward a trial.

And Jack Smith made a filing. The last couple of weeks. Saying, no. No. No. Hold on. I need more time.

We're doing consultations inside the Justice Department.

Well, I'm sure they were doing consultations inside the Justice Department. But that's not the real reason. It's now clear, that the real reason is that he was actually in secret grand jury proceedings, getting this superseding indictment.

GLENN: Jeez.

JEFF: And the media, right? The media has been all over, watching the DC courthouse.

I mean, back in the real height of this, a year ago, you know, no one could walk into the courthouse, even if it was for an entirely different reason.

And not have the media report X, Y, Z. You know, this person went in. They must be going to the grand jury. Or there was speculation. But for this proceeding, for some reason, it surprised someone.

All the mainstream media, purported to say, well, Jack Smith was just consulting inside the Justice Department.

I think that that was essentially running a cover story for the fact that they were conveniently not -- purporting not to watch the courthouse.

Because they would have seen the prosecutors, regularly going to the grand jury to get this new indictment. And yet there was entire radio silence on that, until the surprise of yesterday.

GLENN: So what is supposedly new in this one, that changes the ground?

JEFF: It's not. It's essentially just a reformulation, right?

So the original indictment started out by saying, you know, Donald Trump, president of United States. You know, from -- from these dates, to candidate Trump.

So everything has been reframed. In the light of trying to fit it into the third box of being a private unofficial act.

GLENN: Person.

JEFF: Yeah. And otherwise, it's the same. It's the same four counts. There are -- even, you know, particularly remarkable to me, Glenn. Is not just that they have the -- trying to repackage the allegations, right? To go against Trump in his private capacity.

But the fact that two of the allegations were to this statute -- 28. I'm sorry. 18USC1512.

And that statute went to the Supreme Court, also this past term, involving the January 6ers. And the Supreme Court decided that -- that 1512C2, about obstruction with official proceeding, which I'm sure you and many of our your listeners would have heard of. You know, a statute, that really, they stretched to try to apply to January 6th. Even though they didn't. The Supreme Court held, that it did not apply to the January 6ers. And it remanded.

So, you know, Jack Smith has never said aye. He's still using 1512. Many commentators thought that after the Supreme Court's Fischer decision, that's the one about 1512C2, that he would drop the 1512 counts. And he would just go with the conspiracy counts.

Two conspiracy counts. There's 118USC371, conspiracy to defraud the US.

And then the second conspiracy count is a conspiracy against civil rights. But, no. He's using exactly the same four counts that he used before.

That's why I say, you know, the new indictment is really the same as the old indictment.

GLENN: I have to tell you, I don't think the Rosenbergs went through this kind of trial and tribulation. That Donald Trump. I've never seen anybody treated like they treat Donald Trump.

Never. What -- what the courts have done to him, what the prosecutors have done to him, in these cherry-picked courthouses and districts is absolutely obscene.

And I -- I would love to them your point of view, Jeff. I think they will put him in jail in September.

JEFF: Well, I'm actually, Glenn, making preparations to go up there, to be in Judge Merchan's court in Manhattan, on September 18th if the sentencing goes forward.

Look, two days before that time, on September 16th, Judge Merchan is supposed to issue his decision about whether the Supreme Court's immunity decision, Trump v. the US, that I've been talking about.

Whether that essentially requires a new trial to be granted. And I don't see how it couldn't possibly -- you know, you could come to any other conclusion, to the fact that it requires a new trial. Because President Trump is immune for his official acts. And there's even, in addition to the three tiers of immunity that I've described to you.

The Supreme Court created a new exclusionary rule, and said that, in terms of liberation inside the executive branch, are -- are protected. And they cannot be presented in court, as evidence against the president. And so the Alvin Bragg prosecution, it presented precisely such prohibited evidence. It had Hope Hicks in the Oval Office, talking to the president. And testifying about various things.

The jury heard that. And you can't unring that bell. They produced a verdict, based on hearing that evidence.

Alvin Bragg is trying to argue. Oh, it's all harmless error. Right?

We would have gotten that, even if we hadn't presented that evidence. Well, who knows? No one knows that. And I don't believe it. And so he needs a new trial.

So I predict, sadly, you know, for the same reasons you say that the lawfare is just so intense and unprecedented against President Trump. And it really is a dagger at the heart of the republic, that I bet, you know, Judge Merchan is going to go ahead and deny the unite-based motion for a new trial. And then he will do the sentencing. And I actually would not be surprised if he sentenced President Trump, to prison.

And maybe he tries to, you know, soften it a little bit at the end. Just by saying, this sentence wouldn't begin to run until after the election, or something like that.

Or if you really wanted to go full bore, right? You can say, no, you're remanded into custody immediately. Or you're remanded into home confinement immediately. He has a lot of different options.

GLENN: Oh, my gosh. I have to tell you, I think the American people will lose their mind.

Both Republican and Democrat. And especially I think independents. I think there are a lot of people who are sick of this. And they will see, this is a banana republic.

JEFF: I agree. It's already gotten to a banana republic level in terms of the level of lawfare directed at President Trump, at myself.

GLENN: Right.

JEFF: You know, at Steve Bannon, and Peter Navarro. You know, all of my folks down in Georgia, with Fani Willis.

GLENN: It's crazy.

JEFF: Now they have a new case out in Arizona, which they're trying to press on. You know, it's relentless.

It really is something that is trying to criminalize politics. And criminalize the ordinary operations of laughter. And pretend that Donald Trump was the chief executive of the United States.

That he -- you know, some unprecedented threat, that requires a level of treatment, that no one has ever gotten before, in the history of our country.

Just take, Glenn, the Mar-a-Lago raid. Right?

What did they do with Vice President Pence and President Biden? They negotiated an agreement to go and search through their -- their homes, right? But did President Trump get that treatment?

No. He got a jackbooted raid. With armed agents. That wouldn't even show the president's lawyer, Christina Bobb at the time, the warrant initially, until she basically had to pry it out of him.

GLENN: Would you hold on just a second, Jeff?

Because I have to take a 60-second break. And then when we come back, I would just like to know, what happens if he go to jail? Can he be president of the United States?

How would that work? Does Secret Service go with him?

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From the Center for Renewing America, he's the senior fellow there. Also, former US DOJ Assistant Attorney General Jeff Clark is with us.

So if they put him in jail, can a president be in jail?

If he -- let's say he wins the election. But he's in jail. What happens?

JEFF: So there are two periods, right? One would be a period, prior to inauguration. There to answer your question, right before the break.

You know, the Secret Service would still protect him.

And, you know, indeed, Alvin Bragg had been talking to the New York jail system, about trying to make accommodations for that.

And then in the period after he's inaugurated, then I think all of the -- any kind of imprisonment would have to be ended for suspended.

It would be what lawyers call preempted by the Constitution since he would be the dully elected and inaugurated president of the United States.

He can't be kept from exercising those functions by a state conviction.

GLENN: That is absolutely unbelievable.

I mean, I don't think our Founders ever -- they -- I don't think they ever saw something like this happening.

I mean, you know, our -- our checks and balances are so far out of whack. And the administrative state is so strong now.

That, you know, almost anything can happen. It is really crazy. Jeff, thank you. Go ahead.

JEFF: Thank you. Yeah. I was going to say, you're absolutely right. The republic is hanging by a thread at this point. Hopefully Judge Merchan will come to his senses. And I think the Supreme Court is always in the background to make this all come out right, like they did in the Trump immunity case on July 1st.

GLENN: Hmm. Jeff Clark, thank you very much. I appreciate it.

You can follow him on Twitter, @JeffClarkUS. @JeffClarkUS. Thanks, Jeff. Appreciate it.

I mean, can you imagine, Stu?

STU: Yeah. I was thinking about that, as you were playing out the situations.

What if -- you putting them in jail, would send a message.

I think, as you pointed out. I think would backfire on them.

Could you see them do House arrest?

So he can't campaign anywhere.

He can't do any rallies. They put an ankle bracelet on him. I don't know. That one, I could see.

Especially if they're losing. I think the more -- the more dire they feel their situation is. The more likely that happens. That he goes to prison.

Because, you know, they will see this as, well, I mean, we've got this other card to play. Why not give it a shot?

We're losing. Right now, I don't think they feel like they're in that situation. I feel like they think they're winning, and why would they shake it up?

GLENN: I have to tell you though, I think if Donald Trump was under House arrest and he couldn't leave his house, first of all, he could do video from his house. I'm sure.

And there would be people like me. You know, I would be willing to take a hiatus and go campaign for the man, if he couldn't campaign himself. And not -- and not because, well, he's a Republican or anything.

Because --

STU: It's wrong.

GLENN: -- this is an American that has been wronged. And we all have to stand up for it.

I mean, they are out of control.

STU: That's going to be fascinating to see.

GLENN: Can you imagine if they win?

Oh, my gosh. Can you imagine how much trouble we're in if they win, Stu.

I mean, everything we've ever talked about, is happening right now.
As Jeff just said, a republic hangs by a thread. Who is going to rush in and save it?

Well, I will tell you, it will only be good and godly people.

Because it's got to be people of merit, that are trying to find favor in the eyes of God.

And say, we will be a fruitful nation. And we will bear good fruit, otherwise, he will curse us and we will whither on the vine. Quickly.

The ONLY way Trump can BEAT Kamala in a LANDSLIDE

The ONLY way Trump can BEAT Kamala in a LANDSLIDE

The evidence is clear: Americans have had enough of the Harris/Biden administration. Inflation and prices are up, homelessness is rising, and illegal immigration has turned safe towns into hotbeds for unchecked crime. But there’s only one way that this changes: People must go out and VOTE. If they do, Glenn predicts, Donald Trump will win in a landslide. But ONLY if Americans show up at the ballot office! Glenn reviews videos of concerned citizens whose life has been upended by illegal immigration and lax law enforcement. Plus, he reviews the claims that Haitian immigrants are eating ducks and cats in the streets of Springfield, Ohio.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So I have to tell you, I was with Tucker Carlson this weekend, and did his -- you know, his stage thing. And it was fantastic.

And there was just a spirit -- I had all day. I had to do some fundraisers earlier in the day, and I'm with these people.

And I'm just like, there is something happening today. At least in me.

And I don't know if people who saw the Carlson, you know, interview or I guess -- I don't know what it was. It was just two friends goofing around. But if you saw it, if you felt something change. But I think maybe it's just the realization that things could change for the better, that fast.

But we have to get out and vote.

But let me show you. You know, the poll numbers, Nate Silver just put out, his latest prediction. He says, Trump has a 68 percent chance of winning.

That's pretty remarkable. Tucker said, he's seen some polls, from both sides. And he said, Kamala is starting to crater.

STU: And just to -- 64 percent.

GLENN: Sorry.

STU: 63.3 percent is where you got the 68. Still, significant favor.

64, 36.

GLENN: It was a couple months ago.

STU: Harris was leading as of August 28 only a couple weeks ago.

GLENN: Right. Right. Okay. So let me tell you what I'm feeling, and you tell me that I am wrong. But I don't think I am.

I don't know if you've been -- I don't know if you've noticed, but people are starting to get pretty close to where they are, in Europe. About illegal immigration.

Now, they're farther ahead than we are. Maybe a year's worth. But everything is fundamentally changing.

I mean, the people in Ireland, now think Ireland is over! Unless, they act right now.

Okay? It is really bad. But let me just show you some things here in America. Here's a Springfield resident, Springfield, Ohio.

About the new Haitian population. Which I think there were 53,000 residents, and they added 10,000, 15,000 Haitians into that. The city is collapsing, right? Listen to this resident.

VOICE: That's what they're used to though. They're in the park. Grabbing up decks, by their neck, and walking off with them, and eating them, like it's only going to get worse.

And y'all are sitting up there in these chairs. All y'all need to get out here and do something. Y'all are making hundreds of thousands of dollars. And y'all need to put on some T-shirt and some Crocks.

And then y'all need to come out here in these streets. And ugh. I'm out here before the police is.

Like, y'all need to do something, bro. Y'all really need to stand on business. Y'all are getting paid all this money, just to wear a suit and sit in a chair.

GLENN: Okay. That's a black man in an Ohio city councilman, saying, where are you? What are you doing?

Let me give another resident, same meeting. Listen to this. Cut six.

VOICE: I'm done with what I'm seeing. It's so unsafe in my neighborhood anymore. I have the homeless that are trying to camp out. And I've made concessions with them, and I've tried to help them as best I can, to keep them from trying to squat on my property. But it is so unsafe. I have men that cannot speak English, in my front yard, screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard. Throwing trash in my front yard.

And I can't -- look at me. I weigh 95 pounds. I couldn't defend myself if I had to. My husband is elderly. And last night, after living in this home for 45 years, he said, Noelle, guess what. It's time to pack up and move.

He said, we can't do this anymore. He said, it's killing both of us mentally. I don't understand what you expect of both of us as citizens. I understand they're here under temporary protective status. You're protecting them.

And I understand that our city services are overwhelmed and understaffed. But who is protecting them. If we're protecting them. Who is protecting me. I want out of this town. I am sorry. Please, give me a reason to stay.

GLENN: Now, listen to her.

STU: Jeez.

GLENN: Now, she's obviously somebody who is not like I am, on illegal immigrants.

I want them sent back. She's saying, I understand we're protecting them. I understand we have to help them.

I don't understand that. But she does. She's coming from an entirely different place than I'm at. If somebody were putting, you know, mattresses on my front yard, I would be really pissed.

She's coming to them, and saying, please. Notice she also says, I don't know what you expect of us.

She's also somebody who has put herself as a -- as a servant of the government.

You know, I'm trying to do my part. I'm trying to help.

I know you're telling me we have to protect them.

So I'm trying to.

I don't know what you expect of us. No. Reverse that. If you're a right thinking American. You understand, you don't -- you're not here to serve them!

The leaders in our communities are put there, to serve us. To protect and defend us!

So there's two people just in this small town in, Ohio. Ohio is, you know, has been in the past, a bellwether, and also a swing state. Now, it's not probably a swing state this time.

But if these things are happening are in Ohio, you're going to see people, do one of two things.

One, stay at home, because they can't vote for Trump.

But they can't vote for this anymore.

Or two, they're going to go out and vote for Trump.

Let me give you another one.

This is a Chicago residents.


This is from a Fox 32 Chicago report.

And they're talking about the Venezuelan migrants in their community.

Cut seven.

VOICE: I don't want them there.

Take them someplace else, or send them back to Venezuela. I don't care where they go. This is wrong! You've got 73 percent of the people homeless in this city.

VOICE: There were lots of fireworks. Over the migrants moving into Lakeshore hotel for six months, where 300 can be housed. Also, the city said, it is a fluent situation, and it will need to revisit that time line.

GLENN: Okay. So now you have people -- let me play another one.

Cut 12. This is another woman, talking to the city council in Chicago.

She's a black woman, listen to this.

VOICE: You know, hang those signs. About black people hating on immigrants. Because black people have no reason to hate on immigrants.

VOICE: Let me tell you something, you get those signs down. Any time that you're in Boston -- and Silverstein. And what's that?

Up here. And talk about how they have a hate crime. You know, because swastikas was in my bags, in that community.

They hung this in our communities. We want it off the polls. We want that to be the beginning of a hate crime.

And that organization, which is a white, liberal organization, like in the words of Malcolm X, who told us, that the white liberal is the worst enemy to the black man.

And you're coming up in here, acting like y'all are representing some social justice. All you're doing is trying to use black people, to try to make some money. Let me tell you y'all something here, we're done! The Democratic Party is done!

VOICE: Y'all going to abuse us. They'll abuse the black American.

VOICE: Clean it up.

GLENN: Okay. Stop. Do you see what's happening?

People in small cities, people in big cities, have had enough.

And if you're listening to her, what she's saying is, it's just not you and the city council.

It's Democrats!

You have betrayed us.

I think this is going to crystallize like crazy, by the time we get to the election.

I -- I just think, we are in for a -- something pretty amazing.

Listen, here's Kamala Harris in a barbershop this weekend.

Cut 29, please. Roist and we're talking about specifically, something that happens with black people so we have to be specifically targeting to help those people.

Because if we put those people in a position. And everybody knows this. He need understands it.

In America. America, you did this to these people. You should write laws for these people.

Don't -- don't group us in with everybody. Because everybody did not -- let's be fair. We waited.

We don't -- we actually write the law. Those of us who are willing and able to do work. Will do work.

GLENN: Okay. Stop.

So here she is, this a barbershop. Now, Cut 52.

Listen to Cut 52. Here she is, talking to Al Sharpton.

ALAN: Reparations of descendents of African descent.

If you were elected president, would you sign that bill, if you came across your desk?

VOICE: When I'm elected president, I will sign it.

GLENN: So why is she saying this? Why is she saying this?

She knows the black community is cratering on her. So now, we're going to sign reparations.

Well, how are we going to afford that and all of the things that we're paying for, with the illegals?

We can't!

Cloward and Piven.

Collapse the system. That's exactly what's happening.

Let me go to cut 48.

This is illegals. And the school buses in California.

Somewhere a group of migrants tried to board a school bus this morning, while it was traveling to a school.

The superintendent for the union school district, informed parents of that incident earlier today. It happened at one of the stops on the school district's bus route, that heads to Oak Grove Middle School and (inaudible) Primary.

Meanwhile, yesterday afternoon, in a similar area, along another route, the superintendent says that a group of migrants tried to stop another bus.

Border Patrol CHP and the sheriff's office have now been informed of these incidents. The superintendent says, that for the safety of everyone, if a driver sees a group of migrants at a bus stop, they will drive past it on -- and move on to the next.

GLENN: Stop. Hmm.

So if a bus driver is going to pick up your kid, at a bus stop, and he sees a bunch of illegals there, he's going to drive past, and let your kid leave them alone at the bus stop.

Oh, well, that's great. I feel good. I feel really good.

No. Seriously. Minute kids to ride the bus.

I want my kids waiting for the bus.

Sounds pretty safe! I'm telling you, the chickens are coming home to roost!

I'm telling you right now, if you get up and you vote and you bring everybody you know to vote, and you start talking about, are you seeing this?

What's happening in our community? What's happening in our schools.

What's happening in -- with illegal immigration. What's happening in the grocery store.

This will be a blowout.

Why Alan Dershowitz LEFT the Democrat Party after 70 years

Why Alan Dershowitz LEFT the Democrat Party after 70 years

Attorney Alan Dershowitz has been a Democrat for 70 years. He has only voted for Democratic presidents since JFK. But now, he no longer recognizes the Democratic Party. Dershowitz joins Glenn to explain why he left the Democrats behind to become an independent. After defending then-president Donald Trump in his impeachment trial, many Democrats distanced themselves from him. Since then, hatred of Israel and Jews has grown amongst their ranks, censorship has become the norm, and the Party has embraced the socialist leanings of Bernie Sanders and AOC. But Dershowitz tells Glenn that he’s not alone: liberals are fleeing the Democratic Party in droves! Dershowitz also comments on Republicans Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney’s endorsements of Kamala Harris and RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law professor. Emeritus.

Host of the Dershow.

And Get Trump author.

He came out this weekend, joining his voice to many others.

Saying, I am not a Democrat anymore.

He's an independent. He's not saying he is going to vote for Trump. But there is a problem in the democratic party, as we've been pointing out for a while now.

They're not your grandfather's Democratic Party. Your father's. Even maybe your Democratic Party anymore. They're not. Dershowitz is joining us now. Alan, how are you, sir?

ALAN: Well, I'm feeling really good as an independent. I've been a Democrat for 70 years. I started supporting the Democratic Party, in the early 1950s, as a kid, who went around in a sound truck, supporting Phillip Shuffler. The Democratic candidate, the assemblyman in Brooklyn.

And I haven't voted for single non-Democrats for president, since -- since John Kennedy in 1960.

But like Ronald Reagan said, the Democratic Party has left me, by having people like Keith Ellison, who was a supporter of the reverend -- and the Reverend Sharpton, who conducted an anti-Semitic pogrom, in the Bronx and in Brooklyn back in the day. And AOC, who says that Israel is a genocidal state. And -- and -- and people like Bernie Sanders. That's not my party. I can't support a party like that.

I'm going to be independent. And I'm hoping maybe some day, the Democrats will come back to their roots.

But until then, don't count on my support.

GLENN: This is really earth-shattering, I think to some people.

And the minute I read this, Alan. I thought of your children and your wife.

Because I know, I know decisions that you make. Like decisions I make. Affect the whole family.

How -- how is that going?

ALAN: Yeah. Terrible. Terrible. My nephew wrote to me yesterday, and said, you're now to the right of -- and then he mentioned, some of the people who -- you know, the old Republicans.

Cheney and others who are now supporting Harris.

And my family -- every -- my family is a Democrat.

And most of my friends.

I don't have that many friends left.

Because I have supported Donald Trump's civil liberties. Even before I left the democratic party.

I'm a civil libertarian first.

And I hate what the Democrats have done to Donald Trump.

You know, that New York case. And --

GLENN: But you --

ALAN: I've been on his side of the legal issues for years now.

GLENN: But what they're doing on censorship overall is terrifying.

ALAN: Yeah. Yeah.

GLENN: Really terrifying.

ALAN: Well, it's happening around the world. It's what's happening in England. They're putting people in jail for protests.

GLENN: I know.

ALAN: It's horrible. And they're applying a double standard on universities. You know, you can't say a word negative about protected minorities on college campuses.

But, you know, if you use the wrong pronoun, you'll get expended. But you can call Israel a genocidal country. And you can say, you know, Jews are destroying America. That's okay. That's first America protected speech.

And I don't mind that, as long as you apply the same standard to everybody. They're not. They're not.

They're applying a double standard.

GLENN: So, Alan, do you sense that this is more than just you?

ALAN: Yeah. Oh, yeah.

I've gotten hundreds and hundreds of calls and emails, from people who say, you know, used to be Democrats. We still support a lot of the democratic platform.

On abortion rights and gay rights. But we can't be members of a party, for 50,000 -- or AOC. Or people like that. You know, the Republicans have their problem too, with Tucker Carlson.

He platformed recently a Holocaust denier. And he ought to be ashamed of himself for doing that. Neither party is perfect. But I think Republicans have done a better job of marginalizing their extremists than the Democrats have done.

GLENN: Well, I mean, you know, it's -- it's hard when Kamala came out, this weekend, saying, you know, I understand the Palestinians. Those who are standing up for the -- for Hamas.

Or the Palestinian cause.

I have sympathy for them.

And that's why Israel, they have to offer a two-state solution.

They don't want a two-state solution.

Israel has offered a two-state solution.

They don't want one.

ALAN: There isn't a single protester. I will give a thousand dollars to Hamas, if you can show me protesters, protesters who are calling for a two-state solution. What they're calling for is the end of Israel.

GLENN: River to the sea.

ALAN: What they're calling for is a victory of Hamas. What they're calling for is the end of Israel.

They're not calling for a two-state solution.

That's ridiculous.

And they're not even calling for a cease-fire.

Because Israel is agreeing to the cease-fire. Even the State Department says, it's all up to Hamas now.

Has a single protestor ever said, hey, Hamas, agree to a ceasefire, maybe then you can save some lives?

Nobody is calling for that. These are just calls for the end of Israel.

And they're calls for the end of America.

Recently, some of the protesters were burning American flags. And saying, our real goal is the destruction of America.

Because Israel is a surrogate for America. Why is there so much focus on Israel?

Is there any focus on Darfur and the Sudan, where people are literally dying of hunger and thirst? No! Because that has nothing to do with being anti-American. So it's all about anti-Americans.

GLENN: So when you left the democratic party, it's more than just their stance on Israel.

ALAN: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. It's the whole movement to the hard left.

And look I'm a centrist Democrat. I'm a liberal. I'm an antiradical. I believe in civil liberties, and free speech. All the basic aspects of the Bill of Rights. And the Democrats aren't supporting that these days. To them, it's free speech for me, but not for thee.

GLENN: So Dick Cheney came out. Speaking of your nephew.

ALAN: Yeah. Yeah.

GLENN: Dick Cheney came out this weekend and said, there's never been a bigger threat to the republic. Or I think he probably said the democracy. Than Donald Trump.

What do you make of that?

ALAN: I don't know.

You know, he was a pretty tough vice president.

And pretty aggressive in his support, of American policies.

I don't know that it has to do with -- I don't know what it has to do with his feeling that the Republicans haven't give up him enough deference.

He hasn't quit the Republican Party.

As far as I know, he's still a Republican. But he will still vote for Harris and against Trump.

I know people like that as well. And I know people on the other side.

This is an election that is very much about personalities. You know, I don't know very many people who will vote for anybody in this election.

I think there are a lot of people voting against a candidate. And they haven't decided against the candidate they are voting against yet. The American people really were entitled to a better choice.

GLENN: Yeah. So if you were -- if you were talking in front of a jury. Let's make America 12 men and women.

ALAN: Yeah.

GLENN: And you had to make a case, that the Democrats are actually a bigger threat, at least the way they're currently put together. How would you change -- how would you approach the jury?

ALAN: Well, I would approach the jury, by be looking at the facts. By seeing what the Democrats have done. How they've abused the rule of law.

How they're violating the First Amendment. The Fifth Amendment.

The -- the Sixth Amendment.

They're using lawfare. And politics.

They're distorting democracy.

And look, I don't like the fact that President Trump claims he won the last election. He didn't win the last election.

Although, I think a lot of people think he did. But I don't like the way the world. And the country. And the Democrats have reacted to that.

He has a free speech where I can make that position. He shouldn't have been indicted for any of the charges that he was indicted for.

And I think if you would have singled out one case, it's the New York case, against him.

Where they made up a crime.

Has done more damage to the rule of law. And to democracy. Than anything Donald Trump has done.

GLENN: Alan, thank you so much.

I --

ALAN: My pleasure.

GLENN: I feel for your family.

Because I know what it's like. I know.

ALAN: It's tough for them. It's tough for them.

But look, they have to buy the whole package. They know who I am.

I stand up for principle. And, you know, I put family first. But I put principle first too.

GLENN: Yeah.

ALAN: And mostly my family has been supportive. Not everybody in the family. But mostly my family has been supportive.

GLENN: Yeah. Well, you're probably feeling a lot like Robert F. Kennedy.


Right now.

ALAN: Well, Bobby is an old friend of mine.

I've known him since he was a young man.

Of course, I've supported the Kennedys, right from the beginning.

I tell you a funny story about that. I was at a dinner party. And they see this Caroline Kennedy next to me, and she said, I know you were -- I wouldn't have come because you defended Donald Trump.

And I said, yeah, but I also defended Ted Kennedy.

That's how I first came to Martha's Vineyard. Defending Ted Kennedy at Chappaquiddick. Would you have walked on me, for that? Well, she had no answer.

GLENN: Huh. What do you think of Robert F. Kennedy joining the Trump thing?

ALAN: I'm not advised. I mean, they have a lot in common.

And, you know, he has very strong views. Some of which I agree with. Some of which I disagree with.

And he's a serious guy.

And I have to tell you, he's a great volleyball player. I've played against him a couple of times. My nose still hurts.

Into my face. But I like Bobby.

GLENN: Yeah.

ALAN: And, you know, I like his spiciness. I don't agree with all of his politics.

But he shouldn't be attacked by his family. He's an individual. He should be entitled to his own opinions.

GLENN: Alan Dershowitz. Appreciate it. Good to talk to you.

Jason Whitlock: I’m voting TRUMP because of THIS

Jason Whitlock: I’m voting TRUMP because of THIS

BlazeTV host Jason Whitlock has never voted in a national election. He tells Glenn that he has never believed politics solved any problems. But while he still believes that, he has decided to cast his first-ever vote this November for Donald Trump. Jason joins Glenn to explain the 3 things that convinced him to head to the ballot box: the Democrats' persecution of January 6th defendants, the bravery of Elon Musk to stand up to global powers, and the courage of Donald Trump to get back up and stay in the fight after surviving an assassination attempt: "Men are taking real risks right now and for me to say it's not worth my time to register to vote and vote, I would be a coward, a hypocrite, and worthy of disparagement."


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Mr. Jason Whitlock. I have a lot to talk to you about today.

But let me just start with, you're voting?

JASON: Yes, I'm voting. I've registered here in Tennessee. And I will be casting a vote for Donald Trump.

GLENN: Okay. So this is -- this is a big deal.

And we've talked about this for years, and there have been really important elections. Why did you never vote?

JASON: Because I've never believed the politics really solved any problems. That I always felt like, you know, there's no political solutions to spiritual problems.

I still believe that, but I -- I do believe the stakes and the consequences of this election and one particular issue that is just near and dear to my heart, if anybody has followed me for any period of time, on January 6th, 2021, I didn't wait until the 7th or the 8th or the 9th or a year later.

I -- I felt like those people were justified in their actions. I -- my instincts said, they've been set up.

There were agitators.

And that this was being overblown. And calling this an insurrection.

And I just -- Ashley Babette being murdered for no reason.

And the only way to provide those people, that they have put underneath prison. The only way to provide relief to them, is if Donald Trump gets reelected and pardons them.

And so I -- it's easier for me to see the consequences and/or benefits in this election. And -- and, you know, I could go on with all the other things, that the left are doing. That bothered me.

But I don't -- sometimes, I question whether, are the Republicans in on some of this other stuff, that the left is doing?

As it relates --

GLENN: You think?

JASON: As it relates to getting January 6 people out of these dungeons. Trump can, should, I hope will do it. And I can't sit on the sidelines. And say, I did nothing. When I'm -- you know, when I have an opportunity to do something.

GLENN: So, you know, what's really weird. With the things that are going on now.

Jason, where, you know, we talk about it before. And say, you know, looks like this might happen. This might happen. These things are happening. I mean, the way they're coming after Elon Musk, all over the world now in a coordinated effort, is a little terrifying. Don't you think?

JASON: It's -- it's terrifying. But I tend to look at it more of -- it's inspiring. Because that would be part two of, like, this -- this guy has pushed all of his chips into the middle of the table. He's Elon Musk. He's made himself an assassination candidate, a career financial suicide candidate. He's -- he's been very bold. And I can't stand on the sidelines.

And watch this guy risk everything.

And the third part of it would just be the shot that they took at Donald Trump is -- is -- I mean -- men are taking real risks right now.

And for me to say, it's not even worth my time to register to vote. And vote.

I would be a coward and hypocrite.

And worthy of, you know, disparagement.

GLENN: Wow. Good for you.

What do you think will happen with the jail time?

I think it's the 16th. The judge in New York has to decide, you know, what his sentence is.

If they put him in jail, Jason. How do you think that will play out?

JASON: I think it's going to inspire more of us. I think that, you know, I'll be praying for President Trump, but I -- I just think, it just -- it's just pushing more and more chips into the middle of the table. And making conflict more and more inevitable.

You know, I -- it's -- I have so little confidence in the integrity of the election process. We've clearly become a banana republic. And I -- there's a TV show called Narcos. It was popular on Netflix. And it was about, you know, drug cartels and their influence over politics and Colombia and other South American countries.

And I watch it now, or I remember it now, and go, holy cow. We're just like that.

The -- the corrupt criminals are actually -- we have Venezuelan gangs taking over neighborhoods and communities, that we have politicians doing nothing about it.

And today, Glenn, I'm going to -- on my show, I will get into a discussion about The Great Replacement. And I will use sports to -- to unpack it, so that people can perhaps hear it in a non-political way.

But this replacement thing that they have going on. That too many black people don't understand, and I know it's not just black people that don't understand it.

We've lost our reverence for American citizenship.

And we just think, hey. Anybody and everybody should just be able to come over here, and do whatever.

And we're so caught up. We lost site of like, religion.

Shared values based on religious belief.

Shared values based on our geography.

Shared values based on our language.

That's our identity. Not this other.

Who you have sex with.

How you have sex.

What skin color.

Those things are irrelevant. Your language. Your geology. And the values from your religion.

That is what you should be tying us together.

But we don't care. This whole people of color thing. Show me in the history of the world, where people have accomplished something great winning magnificent, healthy, based off of shared skin color.

No. It's shared values. It's shared language. It's shared geography. And we're just throwing it all away. Hey. Just let any and everybody in here. If they're from Somalia. If they practice some other form of religion. That's fine. That's great. And if there's some other skin color. Diversity is our strength. Shared values had been our strength. And we have to get back to that, or we're all throwing away our safety.

WHAT did the FBI know before the Apalachee High School tragedy?

WHAT did the FBI know before the Apalachee High School tragedy?

Once again, a killer was on the FBI’s radar. Glenn and Stu review the latest details about the Apalachee High School shooting, including some odd ones: Why is the 14-year-old killer’s father being charged? What happened after the FBI interviewed the family over a year ago? Why do we even have an FBI if all they do is spy on us illegally “for our own safety” and then fail to keep us safe?! And how do we already know so much about this killer when we still barely know anything about the attempted Trump assassin?


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Let's just assume, okay.

That you don't know anything about the -- the Georgia shooter, that went in and -- and murdered a bunch of people.

Just this week. Now, here's the headline. Now, Stu, I want you to do this with me. Pretend you don't know anything about this story. Okay? Other than some kid went this and shot.

STU: Terrible story.

GLENN: Here it is. Dad of alleged school shooter. Colt Gray. Arrested. Hit with murder and man slaughter charges.

What's your first emotion? What are you feeling?

STU: Anger. Anger at the father.

GLENN: At the father.

STU: Father and the son. Did he help plan this? Did he -- did he encourage it?

You know, it they have the texts of him saying, go do it, son?

What do they have on him?

GLENN: See. My first thought was, crimes that the son commits. You don't hold the father for. Or crimes of the father. You don't hold on the son.

That was my first reaction. Like, what are we doing now?

Okay? Colin Gray 54, charged with four counts of manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder. And eight counts of cruelty to children. This is according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.

This is the day after his 14-year-old son Colt Gray was charged with murder. The charges come after it was revealed that dad purchased an AR-15-style rifle to give to his son as a Christmas gift last year.

What's your emotion? What are you thinking?

STU: I mean, I can't believe he would do such a thing. Obviously, he wanted this to happen. This is what I'm supposed to feel.

GLENN: I got my first gun from my grandfather when I was 12. Try not to hurt yourself. Okay.

Try not to --

STU: That was a different era.

GLENN: My family.

STU: That's the era where they built the playgrounds with the 42-foot ladders with --

GLENN: With rocks. With no nets.

STU: Yes. That was that era.

GLENN: That's when we lived. That's when children lived. All right.

These charges. Now, I'm thinking to myself. Oh, now, this is another way to get guns. Because I can get my son a gun, as long as it's legal.

I can give him a gun.

I don't know what the laws are in Georgia.

These charges stem from Mr. Gray knowingly, allowing his son, Colt, to possess a weapon. Colt received the deadly present from his father, just seven months.

Now, things are going to change pretty hard.

He got his deadly present from his father. Just seven months after authorities visited the pair, when the FBI received tips about online school shooting threats.

So wait. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Dad gave him a gun after the FBI was at the house. Now I'm thinking that the dad is a total dirtbag and deserves everything.

Except, I also wonder -- now, wait a minute. The FBI knew about this kid. This is a roller coaster ride.

Okay. Colin Gray told the police at the time, that he had hunting guns at his home. But said Colt did not have unsupervised access to them.

Okay. The teen also denied making the threats. Oh. So it didn't happen then. Colt Gray allegedly gunned down two fellow students and two teachers, when he opened fire at the school on Wednesday morning. Those killed were students. Blah, blah, blah. Nine others. Seven students and two teachers were hospitalized with gunshot wounds.

Barrow County sheriff Judge Smith said, Thursday night, he was happy to reveal that all of those injured will make a full recovery.

Okay. The disturbed teenager came from a broken home. Now, this is the information that the FBI had, months before the -- the shooting.

The disturbed teenager came from a broken home. Where he and his sisters were regularly abused by their troubled mother, and visited frequently by police and child services.

Colt's mother, 43-year-old Marcy gray. Forty-three. Has a lengthy rap sheet. Spanning 17 years. And four Georgia counties.

Including arrest for drug possession, driving under the influence, and domestic violence. Lauren Vickers who lived next door to the Grays and Jefferson, said the children were always wearing dirty clothes and sometimes were hungry. It was constant abuse, she said.

Colt's aunt, Annie Brown told the Washington Post, that her nephew was struggling with mental health issues. And was, quote, begging for help from everyone around him, before he shot up the school.

Okay. Okay.

I think we know what happened here. Okay? I think we got a pretty good handle.

So I want to ask: Why do we have an FBI?

Why do we have one? You know, they're spying on us illegally, for our own safety. But I don't think it is for our safety.

You know, because they're not protecting us. Listen, Georgia school shooting, suspect, on FBI radar, since 2023.

How about this one?

FBI got a tip about shooting suspect before the -- the day before the 2021 arrest. Suspect shooter and attacks on Jewish men, was on FBI's radar.

I'm just reading headlines from the past. Iowa mass shooter on FBI's radar.

The Highland Park shooting highlights limitations in pursuing disturbing content online.
Ohio man was on the FBI's radar for months. Officials say, Ricky Schiffler, 42, was killed after hours after trying to breach an FBI office.

Main police were alerted weeks ago, about the shooters threats. Suspect in double homicide, kidnapping was on FBI's radar.

What went wrong? FBI missed signals in four mass shootings. What the hell are they -- they doing?

What are they doing? I mean, you know what, I think we should just have their radar.

I think that's all we should have. We should just have something. Boop. Boop. Boop. Just show us the radar. That's all we need.

We don't need any humans to man it. It could be running by itself. That radar. Always on their radar.

That could just be running by itself. In a room locked up. And nobody ever sees it.

That's how effective the FBI is on this. So congratulations. I wonder what they're doing. You know, besides arresting grandma. You know, the true villains of the deadliest of all deadly days.

January 6th. By the way, there's a -- there's a new series coming out from the Babylon Bee on January 6th.

Here's a -- here's a little preview. Do you have the preview here?

It's cut -- that's --

VOICE: Nagasaki. The heat of the universe. These are some of the deadliest days in history.

But none of them compare to the most deadliest day, January 6th, 2021.

Coming soon, in the most epic movie event, since Robot Jocks, Left Behind, or maybe even Sunk the Mask.

The Babylon Bee investigates the darkest day in the history of democracy.

VOICE: Where were you on January 6th?

VOICE: In January? Storming the Capitol, baby.

VOICE: Scary stuff like this happened.

VOICE: Okay.

GLENN: Just shows a guy moving the podium.

VOICE: So a scale of nine to ten, how terrifying was what you just witnessed?

VOICE: Three? I don't know.

VOICE: We go on location. We bring you 100 percent true facts.

VOICE: Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was murdered over seven times.

VOICE: We asked the tough questions.

VOICE: Is it true that you have a Jewish space leader?

VOICE: This is incredibly boring. Can you please explain it to me using Marvel characters.

VOICE: The scariest crooks you'll ever meet.

VOICE: Are you a dangerous insurrection man?

VOICE: Who is asking?

VOICE: We're in. Into the lair of darkness I go. Darkness because these are Republicans, not because --

VOICE: Shame! Shame!

VOICE: This fall, the only way you can save democracy, is by becoming a member of the Babylon Bee. So you can see January 6th.

The most deadliest day.

VOICE: Where were you on January 6th?

VOICE: I was in that mob, that is going into the Capitol.

GLENN: Oh. You know, this is -- they had took something that we should be concerned about.

And just made it into a joke.

It's just a joke now. By -- by -- by calling it the deadliest day, in the history of America. Worst than the Civil War.


The most dangerous day to democracy. By doing all of that. And then going out and arresting grandmothers. And putting them in jail for two years.

You know, I think. I think they made a joke out of our Justice Department. And our justice system.

Well, that and Hunter Biden, you know, going to court yesterday.

And saying, I want to plead guilty. Without saying I'm guilty.

And the judge saying, no. You can't do that.

All right. Then I'm guilty. I did it. What? The Justice Department say total yolk. A total joke. And you know whose advantage that works out for? People that want to cause chaos? I don't know. I don't know. You know, when you can't arrest people, let me -- let me give you this. Cut -- cut 11. Here's cut 11.

VOICE: Answers about a weekend attack, police say, they found the victim lying in a bed with a pickax, embedded in his skull.

A witness says, that they saw 26-year-old Hanson Hernandez-Moran hitting the victim multiple times, with the farming tool. Hernandez is charged with second-degree attempted murder. And we showed you these pictures, a large police presence. And KPD cruisers lined up outside the home where it happened.

GLENN: What about the --

VOICE: According to the report, Hernandez-Moran ran off, turned himself in to the police at the scene. The victim was transported to UT Medical Center with --

GLENN: But is he a citizen? Yeah. No, you see. This is an illegal. An illegal took a pickax to somebody.

But that's -- you know, that's no big deal. That's really no big deal. You know.

Okay. So we have a few Venezuelan gangs. Do you know that the Venezuelan gangs, do you know that they made themselves apparent to the police, about a year ago?

STU: Here on the radar? Of the police?

GLENN: They were on the FBI radar.

Why? Why has nobody come in and just said, yeah. We're going to take all of these guys out. We're going to put them in prison, or we'll kill them.

But they're not going to do this. No.

I mean, where a-- where is this story?

Where has this story been for a year? Answer: Not with the media. Because they're lying to you. Just like that last story.

She didn't say who that guy was. It is important to say, he's not a citizen.

Let me translate. This wouldn't have happened if we didn't have open borders.

STU: That's why it's good that we have a prosecutor in chief, that can come into the Oval Office.

And she's the only one, Glenn, who has prosecuted cartels. The only one. And that is why we need her in there. The tough on the border, border hawkish Kamala Harris.

GLENN: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. She's prosecuted the cartels. You know, I'm a little more for Donald Trump, just sending planes with bombs over their compounds.

That's what I'm for. That's what I'm for. No prosecution. We don't have to prosecute them. We know where they live. We know who they are.

Stop -- you know, stop trading in children.

And stop making fentanyl, and shipping it across our border. Or we will deem you an enemy of the United States. Buh-bye.

Now, I would like a justice system. But I don't think we have one right now.

Don't think we have one.

STU: Well --

GLENN: And until we can scare the hell out of the bad guys, we're not going to have much time.

To go through court. You know, for three or four years.

Let's -- let's -- let's make sure that our enemies, that know we're serious. And I think Donald Trump will do that. I think he will do that.

STU: Can I ask a question on this entire series of stories? And perhaps maybe we take a break, and you come back, and we talk about.

GLENN: Well.

STU: The -- like, for example, this case in Georgia. You know what I listened to this morning?

Glenn. What I listened to this morning. Was the audio of the entire conversation, that police had with this kid and his dad. A year ago.

I know about him. I know about his family's history. I'm really -- I've heard about the abusive mom. I've heard about her leaving. I've heard about the Christmas presents he's purchased. I've heard an incredible amount of detail about this case. And great.

Why have I heard almost nothing about the guy who tried to shoot Donald Trump?

GLENN: Well, because he had no footprint. He had no digital footprint, Stu. None whatsoever. None was what. Back in just a minute, with a little more on that.

You know, it was a very disingenuous question, that Stu just posed.

You know, why -- why do I know everything about this shooter, but I don't know really, very much about Nashville?

You know, or the guy who killed the president.

Or tried to kill the president.

You know, we all know, he had no digital footprint.

I mean, there are a lot of teens that have zero footprint.

And even more teens that have secret encrypted accounts with foreign entities, in three different countries.

That happens all the time.

But the real answer on why we don't know, is because they're taking this so seriously, Stu. They're putting the same guy, that was -- was -- and still is, on the -- the Vegas shooting.

They got him on the assassination.

And he also -- I mean, he's got a lot of things going on.

He's also looking into the pipe bombs. At the DNC.

STU: Oh, good.


STU: So they were on top of it.

GLENN: Yeah. He's on top of it.

It's Bill.

He's like, oh, no. Another massive case?

All right. It will take me a little bit longer to get this information out.

But I'm the guy. I'm the guy.

So we have our best guy on it.

STU: Bill?

GLENN: Yeah. Bill.

I would like to tell you more about him.

But I can't get that information from the DOJ. Or the FBI.

But rest assured.

It's on their radar.

It's on their radar.