Glenn has warned about the heavily funded, far-left efforts of George Soros for years. Now, Soros’ latest move is an attempt to suppress free speech on radio. Mike Gonzalez, Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, tells Glenn that Soros is trying to help purchase 18 Spanish-language radio stations throughout the country because the ‘humongous inroads’ conservatives are making with Spanish speaking voters is causing the far-left to 'panic.' He details the two women leading this charge, the stations at risk, and why this is a ‘play for the ideological suppression of free speech.’
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: So we have Mike Gonzalez on. He is the author of BLM. The making of a new Marxist revolution. He is also a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation. Mike, welcome to the program. Glad you're here.
MIKE: Thanks a lot, Glenn. It's great to be on with you.
GLENN: Thank you. So we've been -- we've been talking internally with you, over the last couple of weeks. On what Soros is doing on Hispanic radio stations. And I think this is really, really important. And I'll explain why in a second. But I would like to hear your telling of what's happening. And what the influence is.
MIKE: Well, it's really very subversive. He's buying -- he's financing a purchase of 18 Spanish language radio stations across the country. That is a third of -- of the -- of the -- the audience, that we call Hispanic, is very varied. But it's even greater. It's an even greater percentage of those who listen to Spanish. Many Mexican Americans. Cuban Americans, just in English.
So it's probably like 50 percent of Spanish speakers who turn to Spanish radio. Spanish radio is very important. And they're panicking. They're panicking because of the humongous inroads that conservatives are making with, for example, Mexican Americans and the Rio Grande Valley. You know that story very well. Texas 34 is the prime example of that with -- with Cuban-Americans in Miami. But not just Cuban-Americans. Columbian Americans and Venezuelan Americans. So this is really purely in play for the ideological suppression of free speech. The two women at the head of this media group, have zero experience in broadcasting, or any type of journalism, Glenn. They would take to own the venture, just because they're heartless. Heartless activists, in sources involved in this. They said, it's crystal clear. Soros has, as you know, finances many hard left causes around the globe. Including the election of rogue prosecutors, who refuse to prosecute criminals. And one of the reasons our cities are so crime infested. Because we had all these prosecutors elected. Now he's financing the purchase of 18 Spanish language stations, to suppress the transmission of conservative views. It is that the...
GLENN: Okay. So are these music stations? Are these talk stations? Are they all?
MIKE: They vary. They vary. Some of them are sports. Some of them are music. They will change, obviously, to left talk radio. By the way, it always fails, as you know, for some reason. Leftist talk radio is never a success.
Two stations in Miami. (inaudible) are -- are talk stations. They -- it's a -- a conservative radio station, that cater to the Cuban American community. This adds a double insult. Because one of the women, who owned this new media group. The media group, by the way, is called the Human Media Network. HMN. Owned now by two women. One is Stephanie Velencia. The other is Jess Morales Rocketto. Rocketto is a long-time associate of Black Lives Matter. You mentioned my book, BLM. In the process of writing that book, I discovered, many people are using their platforms to get their followers. Their social media followers to do BLM's bidding -- in the 2014, Ferguson riots, in the 2020 riots, she urged her followers on social media to take the orders from BLM. She said long-term associate of Alicia Garza, who was one of the cofounders of BLM, who is a fanatical Marxist. And this is what I'm coming to. It is really insulting that these two Miami radio stations. That are now transmitting conservative views, are going to be owned by Rocketto, who is an associate of BLM. Because BLM is a hard -- a strong supporter of the Cuban communist government, under which Cuban Americans have suffered. So this is one of the many ironies involved here.
GLENN: So the new influx of the Hispanics all over. This is the kind of stuff that they're probably used to hearing in their own country. Because I would imagine that in many places in South America, you're not getting a conservative viewpoint. Because the governments are -- many of them failed or near failed, or narco states. I mean, I think Mexico is damn near a failed state. So they won't recognize. They may tune into this. And they will think, our politics are just the same, as to where they came from?
MIKE: Well, you're 100 percent right with regards to the Cuban Americans and the Venezuelans and Columbian Americans, in south Florida. They have fled, in the case of Venezuelans and the Cubans. They have fled communist regimes, that had completely ruined their economies and their countries. And ended up in gulags and all that. In the case of Rio Grande valley, and this is really important. You have some people there, that go back to the 1700s. Whose roots go back to the 1700s. They're now immigrants. They are founding families. And this is the culture. So you know the symbolism of this is. And this is what keeps George Soros awake at night and these women awake at night. Is the idea that the -- and it's really in the RGV, in the Rio Grande Valley, that -- that you see, the most -- the most rapid movement towards conservatives. Those votes -- the county shifted like 30, 40 points between 16 in 2020 in support for Trump.
Trump even won one of them. The district, the Texas 34th just won by Mira Florez, south of San Antonio. So in -- in the -- in the Rio Grande valley. And I think -- and it's no coincidence. That five of these stations are in Texas, and three of them are in the RGV.
GLENN: Boy. They are working overtime. Overtime in Texas. To destroy what Texas has always been.
When does this start? When do these networks go on?
MIKE: Well, the FCC has to approve -- a lot of talk of Marco Rubio, in many -- some representatives like Carlos Humanez have written to the FCC, saying, before you allow this. You should take a look at this. What is going to be done. I'll tell you, the origins of this, Glenn.
This radio was going to buy these stations, and then Soros found out about it. And the left found out about it and complained to the Hispanic caucus, in Congress, in Washington. And then they put a fine. Put together the money. Salem had done $42 million. And then Soros came in. Because this is not -- Soros is not in for the money. He's in for the ideology. And he bid 60 million. For these same stations that Salem was going to buy for 42 million. So they're going to be -- so this is -- this is really the origin of that.
GLENN: So I know a lot of people that are Hispanic talk broadcasters. They are eager to speak Spanish on-air. Some of them are doing English shows. Lots of podcasters. We just had a new Spanish-speaking network move into the mercury studio compound. But what do we do? I mean, the problem is that so many people, you know, like me, I -- I can't get into this Spanish-speaking networks. Because I can't speak the language. So I would not be good at running it. Because they could be saying, oh, yeah. Man, Soros is the best. And I would have no idea. But I would talk to people on the right. And they just -- they just will not part with their money. I'm talking about it is big moneybags. They will not part with their money. Unless you see instant results. And this is a long-term indoctrination from the left. So what do we do?
MIKE: Right. Well, essentially 42 million. You're completely right. What do we do? First, we have to expose this. We have to he cannot pose. You know, they're saying, no, no, no. This is about keeping these radio stations, in Latino hands. First of all, that's BS. That's not what that's really about. It's about indoctrination and suppressing conservative views. And number two, nobody -- nobody in Miami, would care about the last name of the people who own the stations. What they care about is (inaudible). This is just a facade. This is the realest information, by the way. So we exposed this. We exposed the ties to Alicia Garza by (inaudible), which is not getting out. We need to say, look, she's been an associate of Alicia Garza for over a decade. She leads several organizations with Alicia Garza. Alicia Garza is the supporter of the Communist government, which puts people in prison, which is the reason why Cubans have had to flee, is because of the government. Rocketto is an ally. A long-term ally, an associate of this movement. And I tell you, in doing my research from the book on BLM, as I've said, they rely on a vast network of supporters. The reason why they got out so quickly, was because in Rocketto, the woman who is now going to own these stations, is one of the people who support BLM. And yet, it tells her followers. Thrown out to the marches. So I think exposure is a big thing. Other than that, is -- yeah. I think convincing deep pocketed conservatives. That if you don't do this --
GLENN: Yeah.
MIKE: Your children and grandchildren are not going to live in the country you like.
GLENN: Mike Gonzalez, he's the author of BLM. The making of a new Marxist revolution.
The Hispanic audience, they -- we're always told that they would fall more directly in line with conservative thought. And I buy that, same with African-Americans.
When you talk to them, not about politics, but about their values. They're right in line. However, they've been convinced, that the Republicans are whatever. How -- how open do you think Hispanic audiences would be to the conservative talk?
MIKE: I tell you, my own take on this, is that the huge movement that we have seen, to which conservatism has nothing to do with conservatism. So I'm sorry to say that. It's the left. The left has gone so nuts, in calling the boy girl. In saying, that everything is about race. That these voters, are looking around and saying, no. We want any part of this. This is crazy talk.
And there are different reasons, right? The reason why people in RGB, who would be of Mexican background. As I said, many of them have a multi-generational roots in this country.
They -- they really feel the culture. Texas, as you well know, is a fusion of Mexican culture. German culture. People who, you know, fuse and made Texas into the wonderful state culture that it is.
They have a lot of stake if the culture is eroded. If the culture is taken away or altered or transformed. And I think also the border issues really affect the Tejanos, and the RGB. As you know, the vast majority of the border guards are of Mexican origin. Whether they've been here a generation or 17 generations. The issue for the Cubans and the Venezuelans -- yes.
GLENN: No. Go ahead. Finish your sentence, I'm sorry.
MIKE: The issue with the Venezuelans and the Cubans in Miami are different. They suffered trauma, from seeing what socialism did to their country.
Now, one of the -- if you read reporting on this. People say, well, they were spreading this information. These stations.
They were calling Biden a socialista. You know, first of all, Biden himself doesn't know what he is.
But he's implementing -- you know, the action plans. The action plans that the White House issued in April, that were very sweeping. BLM. The main BLM group said they voted with them. They -- these equity action plans.
So they're implementing policy. And these were really extensive. Twenty-five action plans. Cowritten by fanatical Marxists. So he's unable to say this in Spanish, and explain this in Spanish. That is suppressing actual facts.
GLENN: So, Mike, I thank you so much for all the work you've done on BLM, and also following this. Love to have you back. BLM, the making of the new Marxist revolution, talking about George Soros, funding -- buying up an entire -- a very influential radio network, aimed right directly at Hispanics.