For the first time, the United States has hit a national debt of $34 trillion. But according to President Biden's press secretary Karine Jean Pierre ... that's the REPUBLICANS' fault?! Glenn and Stu review KJP's ridiculous attempt to blame the debt on Republican tax cuts and "trickle-down economics." Plus, Glenn and Stu discuss ... Will we even make it to the next election???
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
STU: Did you see, we hit $34 trillion?
GLENN: I did. We're number one. We're number one.
Let's see if we can break that faster.
But, you know, this amazing accomplishment happened, while still cutting the budget more than anyone ever before.
STU: I know it's amazing.
Do we have that KJP clip. We've been playing on the four-minute Blaze today.
I don't know if we have that handy.
But it's her somehow trying to talk herself out of Joe Biden's failures with the debt in the cup.
It is -- I mean, again, we all know Karine Jean-Pierre. She's a complete moron. And throughout this entire answers, most of it, she's reading. And it's still this bad. You have to listen to this.
This is KJP I guess yesterday.
GLENN: Do you have any reaction to the new data our of Treasury that the national debt has hit a record of $34 trillion?
VOICE: So, yeah. If you look at that data. There's a trickle down at the time. If you think about it. Republican tax cuts are responsible for about 90 percent of it.
STU: Not true at all.
GLENN: Over the last few decades. Excluding mammalian spending.
STU: Oh. Oh. Wait a minute.
GLENN: Slow down here. Wait a minute. Excluding emergency spending?
STU: I love that.
Now, of course, the way the budget works. They don't believe up with one. They categorize all sorts of things as emergency spending. That is not emergency spending.
But just in recent history. Does anyone remember, I don't know. Six or $7 trillion we spent on just COVID?
GLENN: This is like, Stu. Stu. If you take Lisa, she is so frugal if you take away all of the purse spending.
STU: Right. She is a bargain basement.
GLENN: She's bargain basement. Okay. Just don't pay attention to the purse spending. Well, it's the purse spending that's the problem.
It's the -- it's the emergency spending that's the problem.
STU: Yeah.
It's like tell your wife. Look, honey, I'm completely loyal to you, without the exception of the Vegas trips. You know. With the exception of the trips to Epstein island. Everything is fine.
GLENN: Right. I do not have sex with underage children. Except when I go to the island with Jeffrey.
STU: I mean, it's completely ridiculous.
And, you know, these -- and you could see, as she's going through this.
I love the mind. Or lack thereof of Karine Jean-Pierre.
First of all, she's flipping through pages. She knows questions are coming on $34 trillion. Probably actually literally knew it was coming. Again, this is part of the preparation process I would imagine for something like this.
All she can remember is the word -- the phrase trickle down. She knows that's negatively associated with Republicans.
GLENN: I know.
STU: You know, if you think about it. It's kind of a trickle down thing.
Is it?
Is it a trickle down thing?
It's a completely ridiculous thing.
You know, nonsensical catchphrase, she's memorized. And she's flipping through the pages. To find the context of what she's talking about.
I mean, does this happen to any other person, at any other line of work.
She's stalling to get to the page in her notebook, so that she can read the answer which she herself knows is filled with lies.
GLENN: Stu, this is an honest question.
Because I was thinking, jeez. Are we going to be dealing with this person next year too?
Yeah, probably.
And then I thought, do we even make it to an election? And I mean this sincerely.
STU: It's not that far away.
GLENN: I know. But listen to this.
Okay. As the decisions are disqualifying former president Donald Trump from the 2024 election, work their way through the courts.
A new filing in Pennsylvania seeks the same ballot cleansing.
It's the only latest effort targeting congressional candidates as Democrats seek to bar opponents as insurrectionists. We have become a nation of -- early names. Blah, blah, blah.
In, where was it?
In North Carolina. In North Carolina, they, in their primary election, the Democrats have just taken the name of Dean Phillips.
Marianne Williamson. And Sank, what's-his-face?
Off of the ballot.
Leaving the only choice for Democrats, to be Joe Biden.
What the --
STU: I mean, again. Joe Biden is going to win that election by 60 points? Seventy points.
He's not in danger at all. Why would you do this?
Again, while you're arguing that we must protect democracy.
Why on earth, there's no where you happen side at all. Dean Phillips is not going to win the election at the polls.
GLENN: But with enough positive thinking. And enough -- Marianne --
STU: Marianne Williamson may, with the right combination of crystals and oils may wind up winning. That's true. But like, it's not like he's in danger. Like when RFK Jr was on the ballot, maybe you could make an argument, he had a couple polls that looked good at the very beginning.
I don't know. It's a bizarre argument to me.
But he's not even doing. He's not even running anymore as a Democrat.
It's like, what is the point of this?
They're so anti-democracy.
And I know we're not a democracy. We're a constitutional republic. But inside of that, we do have elements of democracy.
GLENN: This is the democracy part.
You let the people vote.
You let that happen naturally vote.
Then they vote for the representative for the Republican.
STU: Yep.
GLENN: That's -- I mean, the only democracy part we have, they're trying to tear apart.
STU: I know.
And while they're making the argument with no pushback from the media.
And, you know, we might remind you had a the media has slogans like democracy dies in darkness.
Right? This is how they supposedly think about our system.
It's so sacred to them, that they can't possibly see it going away.
And yet, here they are.
Instead of just trying to go out and try to win. At some point, have the balls to admit you're in a contest against somebody else and win.
Like, you know, I'm so sick of people whining about losing.
GLENN: I know.
STU: And then acting as if -- just go out and win.
Ron DeSantis loses Iowa.
He should be able to come out. And say, hey, I got my ass kicked. That's what he should do.
GLENN: I haven't read anything in the National Review in a long time.
But I had to -- I had to read about, what if Trump wins?
The left can't handle a Trump victory in 2024, okay?
And it talks about how they are all saying, this is a dictator ship. This guy is going to destroy the country.
I mean, all the things that we say, about, you know, what the left is doing right now.
But we're still playing in the same sandbox.
These people, they're already subverting the Constitution. They're already breaking their own oaths and everything else. To keep him off the ballot. It's a pretty easy decision for the Supreme Court. There are five arguments. And at least three of them are -- you don't even have to be awake to go, yeah. That's not constitutional.
So they're doing these things now.
What happens, when the people who say, we were at a brink of a dictator ship. If he runs to pyro,it will be persecution.
People will lose their freedom. They will lose their property. He will take everything from them. He is just going to go on a vengeance tour. If you think that, really, and you think that the ends justify the means, and you're saving democracy. You cannot -- they're not going to sit down if he wins.
STU: Every single one of these outcomes seems to have a generous chunk of possibility that the entire system flames out.
Like, if -- if Donald Trump wins the primary and goes on and then gets put in prison, right? And maybe loses the election.
Like, can you imagine how people will react to that?
If the opposite happens, and he goes to prison and wins the election, can you imagine how the left would react to that?
Can you imagine if there's a close election that Donald Trump loses?
Let's just say, it's normal. That he just loses. Can you imagine how the people on the right are going to react to that, especially after what they believe happened in 2020.
Now, think of what happened with all of this, and you've got a potential dictator coming into power, as the left would say.
Imagine if Donald Trump just comes in and wins a boring close election. Can you imagine how they're going to react to that?
Like the chaos in the street, possibilities, are down every single term. I mean, look, maybe -- maybe the best argument to avoid it, in theory, would be someone who maybe -- Joe Biden isn't the candidate. And Donald Trump isn't the candidate. I don't know.
But I honestly don't even see -- there's passionate supporters on both sides of that. That wouldn't put up with it. I don't know what the heck would happen.
GLENN: Correct.
And also the left would just make the next Republican into somebody that is worse than Donald Trump.
STU: Worse. Yeah. Saying DeSantis is worse. He's going to be -- Nikki Haley is worse.
She will be a dictator. They will say, whatever they have to say.
And look, they have been trying that stuff for a long time.
It does seem they're at the end of their rope.
GLENN: You said, well, it's pretty hard to say it. Will you make it to the election, or past the election?
I mean, that's a real question.
STU: It's a real question. And I don't know.
You know, we've seen things break down in ways that we've never thought we would see in America. And we've seen it routinely, particularly after the past four World Series.
GLENN: And all of the unintended consequences that nobody -- it just doesn't work out, the way you always think it's going to.