THIS is why global elites & the WEF want you to OWN NOTHING

Global elites and the World Economic Forum may be trying to hide it now, but they’ve clearly stated in the past that by 2030, they want you to ‘OWN NOTHING.’ And that goal, Glenn explains, run entirely oppositely to the principles on which America was founded. Ownership is a HUGE part of the American experiment, so what happens when it’s taken away from us? In this clip, Glenn is joined by Carol Roth, author of ‘The War On Small Business.’ She says the anti-ownership goal of global elites is making us into ‘indentured servants,’ and that there’s one, huge way we can all peacefully fight back…


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Well, Carol, it's a new year. A new you.

How are you?

CAROL: You know, I'm doing well. I'm just making sure that my private jet is doing okay. Because, you know, there was a climate crisis going on. It was very important for me to go take my private jet to go talk about the climate crisis. And then have steak dinners, while I tell everybody that meat is bad. So just trying to get that all together.

GLENN: It is so crazy. By the way, did you hear today, let me see. It was just approved -- where is it? Where is it?

Yeah. The European Union just approved cricket powder, as a component of flower-based foods.

CAROL: Amazing. Amazing. Sounds tasty. Looking very forward to that.

GLENN: Yeah. I unfortunately have a deep allergy to crickets.

I can't have anything with crickets in it. It's too bad.

CAROL: We're all going to develop cricket allergies, as part of our crisis.

GLENN: Yes, and I want to play this clip. This is from the World Economic Forum, last week. Listen.

VOICE: What is a polycrisis? And how and when could it happen?

VOICE: We're actually in the midst of one at the moment. We have energy crisis and food crisis. And they're all happening at the same time. It's the set of concurrent cascading risks that happen at the same time.

So that's where we are today. That's 2023.

What we're seeing though, that in the two-year time frame. And the ten-year time frame, we're at the risk of more of these polycrises unfolding. Two years out, there's still a concern on the experts that we surveyed, that the cost of living will be number one. But at the same time, a big risk of natural disasters. Ten years out, it's all --

GLENN: It's all natural disasters. Nothing else, but natural disasters. She doesn't seem to find any irony in the fact that we're in an energy crisis and a food crisis and a trust crisis. When all of those come directly from the policies of the World Economic Forum.

CAROL: Yeah. First of all, I have to say it sounds more regal, if you say it with sort of a British accent.

Polycrisis sounds much more terrifying. So I think we should do that. But it is. It's so ironic that they're sitting here, and they're talking about the inflation.

They're talking about the energy issues. They're talking about the mistrust and disinformation that came from the policies, that stemmed from global governments, and the World Economic Forum.

I mean, they are the ones that shut down, and said, we need to have this wonderful Great Reset.

They're the ones. The central banks around the world. That printed trillions of dollars. They're the ones that moved away from traditional energy. Because of the push from the World Economic Forum. So they've caused these crisis. All of them. Except for this global climate emergency, that clearly no one is paying attention to.

So we now have to add into our polycrisis or have Al Gore go on an unhinged rant, to make it extra special.

GLENN: Can you give direct correlation to our inflation from ESG?

CAROL: 100 percent. If you think about what inflation looks like. A large percentage of that was gas. Some of that was shipping costs, related to the cost of gas. And then, you know, fossil fuels have 6,000 derivative products, that all thing up in price, because of the cost. And the cost went up because we didn't have enough supply. And we didn't have enough supply because of ESG policies. ESG policies directed capital away from investments in fossil fuel, to the extent that Saudi Arabia, and OPEC, says that we're underinvested by, like, $12.1 trillion over the next coming decades.

So by doing that, by ensuring that companies, who make the investments in drilling and processing, for fossil fuels. Couldn't do that.

They are directly attributable, to the increase in prices. As well as, you know, the obvious direct correlation to the increased energy prices.

GLENN: So here is something that you're hearing. And you're just hearing the setup, right now.

That the Republicans are going to be so dangerous on this debt ceiling. And we are just going to default on all of our debts. And we will have no credibility.

We have no credibility now. But we're not going to default on our debts. But they are talking about the debt ceiling.

Why should the average person care about this?

CAROL: So the reality is, we shouldn't care about the debt ceiling. We should care about spending.

I mean, the debt ceiling is just saying, we cannot finance our overspending with debt anymore. But they don't do that at the same time that they pass the bill. They do it after the fact. So they've already spent the money. And you have to pay for it.

Short-term, we're not going to default on -- on our debt. It's just stupid. We have plenty of assets, that we could lease or we could sell if we got into a pickle, or things that could be reconfigured around. But in the medium to long-term, the spending is unsustainable.

And so if you overspend, and you have a deficit, there are only so many ways to find it. And we're probably not selling off all our assets at this point in time.

So that means, we're going to finance it with debt. And it's just going to become by and large, and bigger. To the point, that it becomes unsustainable, from a tax standpoint. From a money printing and erosion of your wealth and value standpoint.

And so that's really the area that -- this whole debt thing is kind of the sideshow at the circus. We need to be focusing on the main act. And that is the spending.

And I said this before, Glenn. If we just rolled back, like, five years.

If we went back to 2018 spending, which, you know, two years before the pandemic. Or even the year before the pandemic, we would be running a surplus, we would be paying down debt.

Or 2018, we would be about breaking even. So it's not like we would have to change that much, to get this under control. And they refused to do it.

GLENN: Okay. There was a call last week, for a windfall tax on food companies.

I've never heard anything more dangerous and stupid than that.

CAROL: So there's a legendary investor named Charlie Munger. He's Warren Buffett's partner in Brookshire Hathaway, one of the best.

And he has this famous saying that says, show me the incentive, and I will show you the outcome.

The reality is that taxes influence behavior. And if you don't want something, you tax it. That's what you do. Right?

GLENN: Right. A tax on SUVs.

CAROL: Right. A tax on Sim products. Alcohol. We don't want them.

We tax those things. By the way, the things we want. We get tax credits.

GLENN: Marriage, kids. All of it. Yeah.

CAROL: So here's what you're saying. We're going to tax food. And it's saying, we do not want you to produce food.

Who says that, other than utterly nefarious, and crazy people, who want people to starve.

It is utter insanity. And the fact that people are like, oh, yeah. That makes a lot of sense.

We should definitely put a tax on food!

It's -- I mean --

GLENN: First of all, that -- that does not hurt anybody at Davos. But it hurts the very poorest among us, in the world.

And I'm not even talking about America. I mean the poor of the poor. And they're already in a food shortage. These people are so anti-human, they do want people to starve.

They also, you know, said that they are raising, I think it's $3 trillion, privately, and with the help of governments. To buy farmland. To buy up 30 percent of the land eventually, 50 percent, on the entire planet.

CAROL: Yeah.

GLENN: And they're talking about 30 percent by the end of this decade. And they're going to do it with fundraising. I mean, the guy who was talking about it, was -- was John Kerry.

I mean, it's insanity.

They -- when will people understand, they mean you will own nothing.

CAROL: Perhaps when they read my next book, which you have been instrumental in helping shape.

Which ironically, is called You Will Owe Nothing.

And connect the dots between all of these things that they are saying, and the destruction of our property rights and freedom.

I mean, when they come out and say, oh, you know, we -- you owe nothing. That's a right-wing conspiracy.

It's not. It was on their website. In an article in 2016, which now they -- I think they have pulled. So we --

GLENN: Yeah, they have. They have.

CAROL: We can use the wayback machine to resource it. Then they made a video that they put their logo on, that it was their first prediction.

So they're predicting the end of private property. This is not a coincidence. And, by the way, it's not like a cute little Jetsons fantasy. It's not Rosie the Robot folding your laundry. Like, these are scary things. But they're going, oh, this is going to be great for you.

This is not great. And so going through all the different things. That we've been talking about, ESG. The purchase of land by private individuals.

It is scary how much has been purchased by a small group of people, and as you said, the government is now paying to take some of that farmland, out of commission.

There are reasons for this. There are sort of empire cycle reasons for this. And there is a jockeying of the elite to put themselves in positions to rule.

GLENN: What do you mean an empire building process? What do you mean?

CAROL: End of empire. So basically, we are where the Romans were at one point in time. Where the British were. Where the Dutch were. And here's this sort of disconnect between high debt loads and power. And when we're in a high debt situation like the US is, and frankly a number of other countries, the people in charge get desperate. And they start doing desperate things. They never cut back on services.

They never try to salvage it. They just kind of run straight into that cliff. This has happened many, many times in history.

And we're moving in that direction. The elites see this.

So all these things we're seeing is basically them trying to reshape the outcome and put themselves up on top, by having you owe nothing.

GLENN: Correct.

I'm going to go back to owning nothing.

And the -- what that does to a nation, that was built around ownership.

That is a total reversal of the basic foundation of America, and most of the western world now.

More with Carol Roth. I'm sure you can -- can you order the -- the book yet?

CAROL: No. But you can sign up for more information at

And we'll let you know.

GLENN: Yeah. It will be a good book. I have seen the outlines. And it's really -- she's good.

All right. Donald wrote in about his dog's experience with Ruff Greens. He says, I've never seen my dog lick the bowl clean. I mean, she's licking the bowl clean all the time now.

Because she's looking for any remaining traces of Ruff Greens.

My dog does that too. And I'm like, dude, it's not soaking into the metal. You're done. You're done. And man, lick and lick and lick.

You really need to check out what Ruff Greens can do. It's not a dog food. It's a supplement. Developed by naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black. You sprinkle it on the dog's food. And it's chalked full of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, antioxidants. You name it.

If it's healthy for your dog, it's probably in Ruff Greens. I want you to see the special deal, where you can get the first bag free. It's just a trial bag that you can just test, to make sure your dog likes it.

They don't want to you pay for anything, if your dog doesn't like it. But if your dog likes it, then start on Ruff Greens.

And feed Ruff Greens -- put it on the food, every single day, twice a day.

And over the months, you'll see a huge difference in your dog, at least I have.

And so has everybody here, that's tried it. The first trial bag is free.

You just pay for shipping at Ruff Greens. That's Or you can call 833-Glenn-33. 833-Glenn-33. Ten-second station ID.

GLENN: So what does this mean, Carol, the -- the idea that you will own nothing, in a country that's whole identity and whole theory is that you can become wealthy. You can change your station by even landownership. Just being able to own something and call it yours, is fundamental to the American experiment.

What does that do to us?

CAROL: I mean, if you owe nothing, then the powers that be, own you.

It completely changes everything. It crushes the American dream. And it makes basically -- basically makes people indentured servants to the government.

And, you know, to some extent, big tech as well. I mean, that's really -- if you think about all these things that are being put out there, they sort of want to take your life and rent it back to you. Whether it be through a terms of service, or through, you know, dependence on the government. But that is the goal. They want that intradependence. They want you to not have freedom. Not to have agency. Not to make your own choice.

They want to control everything you do.

And it's coming from a wealth standpoint. It's coming from a technology standpoint. It's coming from a cultural standpoint.

Social credit. So, you know, really, this is -- this is a war. And this is one that you're going to have to fight, on multiple fronts. And at the end of the day, we need people to own everything.

We need you to have that ownership, so that you can fight back, and not be at their whim.

And not be an indentured servant to big technology, to big business, and to the global elites.

GLENN: If we don't stop the regulatory state, the unelected officials from just being able to introduce new rules on things.

If we don't stop that, you -- you won't own anything.

Because they will make it so onerous, that there's no way you could afford to own it. They don't have to take it. If you're so broke, there's nothing else you can do, but sell it.

CAROL: Yeah. It used to be when they were looking for riches, they would go out and invade another land. And they would take those riches. And obviously that's somewhat politically unpopular. But for whatever reason, this legal plunder, the idea that they're stealing our wealth and doing it in a legal way, because they're passing the rules and the regulations that we have to deal with, somehow is more palatable to people. And it shouldn't be. This is your wealth.

GLENN: That's the sheriff of Nottingham story. I mean, all the king did was just say, hey, what's yours is now mine.

CAROL: Right.

GLENN: Go, sheriff, go out and take it. And he would take it.

That's Robin Hood. This is the part they always get wrong. They think Robin Hood worked for the government.

No. Robin Hood was against the government. Because they were doing exactly what they were proposing to do, to the entire world now.

CAROL: Yeah. And if you look at just a case study, like Venezuela, who, you know, mid-last century was the fourth wealthiest nation in the world, and they used this rhetoric. They said, things are unequal. And we wanted to make it more fair.

So us and the government, we'll just nationalize everything.

We'll take it over, and you'll be so much better off. And with that, they went from the fourth wealthiest country in the world, to, you know, a recent study, showed that the median net worth of a person in Venezuela was zero! Literally zero.

So that is, you know, a very clear case study on how quickly it can happen.

To say, it will never happen here in America. Ten years ago, 15 years ago, maybe I agree with you, Glenn. But look at what just happened over the past few years. Look at the level of compliance, with these COVID rules and regulations. They took away people's jobs and livelihood. Of course, they're going to continue down.

GLENN: I remember saying in 2008. We stay on this path, we will be Venezuela.

Venezuela had just really collapsed. And I realized at the time. And I said it at the time. It took 20 years, to take that strong state, that was the fourth wealthiest, and destroy it.

Well, we are now approaching a 20-year mark, where we have been doing it.

It's not out of the realm of possibility. In fact, every day we continue down this road, it becomes more likely. All right. Her new book coming out soon. You will own nothing. Will get you all the information.
Carol, talk to you again.

CAROL: Thanks, Glenn.


PBD Reacts to Glenn Beck's Prediction the Epstein Files WILL Be Exposed | Glenn TV | Ep 413

Radical transparency IS coming to America, Glenn says, but only if Kash Patel is confirmed to head the FBI. In fact, Glenn makes one of his boldest predictions yet: Kash will release the Epstein client list on his FIRST DAY leading the bureau. On tonight’s episode of "Glenn TV," Glenn is joined by ‪@PBDPodcast‬ host Patrick Bet-David and co-hosts Tom Ellsworth, Adam Sosnick, and Vincent Oshana. They discuss the damning ramifications releasing the Epstein list (or the Diddy list) may have for those who were associated with the island but were not guilty of partaking in criminal activity there — something President Trump expressed concern for before becoming elected. Plus, what will releasing the JFK files do to the CIA? We now know the CIA was in Miami following Lee Harvey Oswald, so why then didn’t the CIA stop him? Public trust in our federal government dropped substantially after the JFK assassination, and it continued to plummet over the next several decades until it hit a new low (14%) under Biden. Can Trump — with the radical transparency Glenn predicts is coming — turn that all around? PBD predicts Trump could increase that number to 50% or even 60%. Democrats see it coming, too. Their meltdowns over the DOGE and Elon Musk ending wasteful spending now are on fully display: “Accountability is here, and they’re panicking.” Lastly, Glenn and the "PBD Podcast" guys discuss how the first assassination attempt against Trump changed him as a person, providing him with both laser focus and an understanding that his job in the White House is much bigger than himself.


Trump’s Treasury Secretary SHUTS DOWN Reporter Trying to Attack DOGE

The Biden government hired 80,000 new IRS agents to make sure YOU followed every one of their complicated tax laws. But when President Trump ordered DOGE to audit the government, politicians and the media squealed! That should speak volumes about what their true priorities are, Glenn says. Glenn and Pat review some of the latest pushback from the establishment, including how Democrats are whining about Elon Musk and how a judge tried to block even Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent from accessing Treasury data.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: You know, it's astonishing how many people have found a very clear common sense voice and a lack of fear.

They seem to be all over this administration.

Stephen Miller is one of them, don't you think, Pat?

PAT: Definitely.

And he was talking about the angry Dems. And had some things to say about them. Deputy chief, Stephen Miller, cut 14.

VOICE: The Democrat use of the term unelected is really quite remarkable here. Donald Trump was elected in an overwhelming landslide.

These are Donald Trump staffers. It's like saying that Mike Walls, National Security adviser is unelected. Or Susan Wiles, the chief of staff is unelected. Or Donald Trump's communication team is unelected.

This is presidential staff that serves at the pleasure and for the president, just as I do. I am a staffer, for the president of the United States. He is elected. He is the one that the American people have chosen to implement his agenda. This is the agenda the American people voted for.

That he is asking his staff. His subordinates. His employees. To implement.

The unelected power in this country is the rogue bureaucracy.

USAID is unelected. The FBI, that persecuted President Trump for eight years, is unelected.

The CIA and those who have laundered intelligence to try to change the foreign policy of the United States are unelected.

President Trump is restoring democracy, by controlling the federal bureaucracy.

There is one man in the country, who is elected bit whole American people, to implement an agenda they support. That is the president.

Every other officer in this country, members of Congress and Senate are elected at the state and local level. The Constitution puts one man in charge of the federal executive branch. And that's the president.

GLENN: Understood. Understood.

PAT: Let him finish.

GLENN: He's absolutely awesome.

And absolutely right.

I mean, that's the thing -- I just don't understand. When they were -- when the federal judge tried to block and did for this weekend.

But it's not going to last long.

Tried to block the secretary of the Treasury

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: From even looking at the data, that is produced by the Treasury?

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: Who is running things? My gosh.

PAT: Well, Treasury secretary Scott Bessent was interviewed over the weekend, and he had some things to say about -- just about that!

VOICE: Mr. Secretary, we are inside the cash room in the Treasury department. It's almost impossible to overstate how important the work that's done in the US building. Is the US financial system.

Yet right now, there is widespread concern about the DOGE teams access to sensitive payment systems.

Are you worried at all, that that access and that tinkering of the payment systems, could affect the Treasury's market or cause any disruption.

VOICE: Well, good. Thank you for asking me about that.

Because there's a lot of misinformation out there.

First of all, when you say the DOGE team, these are Treasury employees. Two Treasury employees, one of whom I personally interviewed in his final round. There is no tinkering with the system. They are on read only. They are looking. They can make no changes. It is an operational program to suggest improvements. So we make 1.3 billion payments a year. And this is two employees who are working with a group of long-standing employees.

VOICE: The letter that the treasury department sent earlier this week, talked about how the team currently does not have access to change the system.

Have they, at any point this year, had the ability to make changes?

VOICE: Absolutely not. This is no different than you would have at a private company.
By the way, the ability to change the system, sits at the Federal Reserve.

So it does not even lie in this building. So they can make suggestions on how to change the system, but we don't even run the system.

VOICE: And if they ask her, they request the ability to change the system. Would you grant that?

VOICE: No. Again, they have no ability to change the system.

I have no ability to grant that change. That they can make suggestions. Then it would go to the Federal Reserve. And just like any large system. There would be tests.

There would be this. There would be that.

And then the fed will determine whether these changes are robust or not.

VOICE: As the Secretary of Treasury, you also oversee the IRS.

Do you know what kind of access the team has to IRS data or individual taxpayer data?

VOICE: Well, I'm glad you asked that too.

Because, look, the IRS, the privacy issue is one of the biggest issues. And over the past four years, we've seen a lot of leaks out of there. The IRS systems are quite poor.

When I started in college in 1980, I learned the program. I think, there are 12 different systems at the IRS that still run on COBOL. But as of now, there is no engagement at the IRS.

VOICE: Elon Musk just a few -- half an hour ago, tweeted out that Treasury needs to stop approving certain payments. Has your staff tried to block any payments at the Treasury?

VOICE: We have not.

And I'm glad you asked that too. And just to put it in perspective, Elon and I are completely aligned in terms of cutting waste and increasing accountability and transparency for the American people.

I believe that this DOGE program in my adult life is one of the most important audits of government. Or changes to government structure, we have seen.

That when I was in my 20s, we had the grace report. And there's some great suggestions that came out of that.

Never implemented under Clinton and Gore.

I think it was to government efficiency. Or to reduce government. Nothing happened.

So, you know, President Trump came in. There's a big agenda.

And I think there are gigantic cost savings for the American people here.

And I think it's unfortunate the way the media wants to lampoon what is going on.

PAT: Yes.

GLENN: Thank you.

VOICE: These are highly trained professionals. And this is not some broken band going around doing things. This is methodical, and it is going to yield big savings.

PAT: Jeez. And what's wrong with that? Is there anything wrong with that? I don't think so.

GLENN: Right. Did you hear a nonhostile question coming from the Bloomberg reporter?

PAT: No. A nonhostile? No. But he handled it in a nonhostile way.

He was great, wasn't he?

GLENN: Yeah, very well.

I mean, yeah. And it's a little scary, that the Treasury Secretary can't make any of these decisions, they're all made by the Federal Reserve.

That's a problem, which is why DOGE wants to bring Ron Paul in for an audit of the Fed, which would be fantastic.

PAT: It would be great.

GLENN: Can you imagine what we would find at the Fed now?

PAT: Oh, my gosh. I can't imagine it. And it's the fed with the power to make these changes.

That's amazing too.

That they can't even do it from the Treasury. That's kind of eye-opening.

But I think they need to use that term audit of government more. Because what's wrong with that.

GLENN: Yes. That's why they're going into the Pentagon. The seventh audit failed.

Let me ask you something: You know, she brings up the IRS.

The government hired 80,000 new IRS agents, to go over your records. To make sure nothing -- no funny business is going on with you.

That you're paying every dime that you're supposed to pay. Because there's a shortfall.

No! There's not a shortfall.

They're spending too much. When we go in, and try to send accountants in, to say, how did you spend this money?

The same thing the IRS does to you, every year, they squeal like little pigs.

I don't know.

If -- you know, you went in to the IRS every year with the attitude that the Democrats have.

You would be audited every year. Because somebody, probably rightfully so would go, wait a minute.

Why are you panicking so much. Why are you saying we can't have access to your records?

This is a legal operation. What's happening here?

And it -- it kills me that the media is sticking up for corruption.

Whose side are they on?

PAT: Well, they're on the side of corruption. Because they're benefiting from it.

And that's been the problem for how many decades now?

How many centuries now?

GLENN: I know. I know.

PAT: Have we run the nation in a way that the Founding Fathers intended, since, I don't know. 1830. Probably not.

GLENN: No. So, you know what, I have a copy of the first budget. It was on the front page of a Columbia newspaper from South Carolina.

And it -- it lays out George Washington's budget.

And it actually asks Congress to increase the budget for firewood, because the Capitol was cold.

And they needed extra firewood to keep things warm.

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: And I don't even know if that got passed. I have no idea if that got passed.

PAT: Jeez.

GLENN: But that's the way we should be. Oh, you know what, put a sweater on, Congress. Oh, you're a little cold in there. Put a sweater on.

PAT: Exactly.

GLENN: They're the ones that should be putting the sweater on. Not us. Not us.

PAT: Look how Thomas Jefferson struggled with the Louisiana Purchase.

I mean, we almost didn't do it. Because he thought, it wasn't proper. He thought it was unconstitutional.

But it turned out to be too good a deal, and we did it anyway.

But they had a completely different mindset. You know, the funds that the federal government had, that they got from American taxpayers, whether they pay in excise taxes, or wherever their taxes came from. Those were sacred funds.

And they didn't just throw them out to anybody for any reason.

GLENN: Yes. And look at --

PAT: We've got to get back to that.

GLENN: We can spend a trillion dollars and have it all just vanish on us.

But if Donald Trump says, let's take $2 trillion and buy Greenland.

Everybody would freak out. Which one should you freak out about?

The investment, or the loss?

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: It's -- it's -- it's an unspeakable horror, what is going on. And how the people are reacting to it.

You know, everybody in America should be happy about this.

One other truth speaker. Somebody else who is just very good at saying exactly what he means. And getting right to the truth. Is Hegseth.

Here he is, talking about our strength. Cut 22.

VOICE: I think the single dumbest phrase in military history, is our diversity is our strength.

I think our strength is our unity. Our strength is our shared purpose. Regardless of our background. Regardless of how we grew up. Regardless of our gender. Regardless of our race. In this department, we will treat everyone equally.

We will treat everyone with fairness. We will treat everyone with respect, and we will judge you as an individual by your merit. And by your commitment to the team and the mission.

That's how it has been. That's how it will be.

Any inference otherwise, is meant to divide or create complications, that otherwise should not and do not exist.

GLENN: I've got to tell you. How is that controversial at all?

We're -- you know why they keep teams together.

You go through buds and you keep that team together, because their strength is their unity. You don't send them into war with a bunch of people that are all different with each other. You send them into war that all have different skills, yes.

But are acting as one, with one purpose.


New Task Force Could Expose The Government's DARKEST Secrets

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has been tapped to lead the House Oversight Committee's "Task Force on Declassification of Federal Secrets." This task force will look into declassifying information on the JFK, RFK, and MLK assassinations, UAPs/UFOs, the Jeffrey Epstein client list, the origins of COVID-19, 9/11, and more. But Glenn has a few questions, including whether getting Congress involved will slow the process down. Rep. Luna clears up the confusion and says that Trump appointees, like AG Pam Bondi and, hopefully, FBI Director Kash Patel, will still make the big decisions. Plus, she addresses criticism of her promise to subpoena witnesses related to the JFK assassination.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: Anna Paulina Luna is with me now from Congress.

She's just been appointed to lead the task force on declassification of federal secrets. Anna, welcome. How are you?

ANNA: Hey, Glenn. Happy to be back on. Thank you!

GLENN: Okay. Now, I just have to say, yesterday, unbeknownst to me before you are appointed, I was on a show with Patrick Bet-David.

And I said, within 15 days, they are going to release the client list for Jeffrey Epstein. No way! That can't be true. And I said, I'm telling you, Kash Patel, I talked to him over the summer. He is for radical transparency. It's in the hands of the director of the FBI.

I think he does it day number one. Let's give him a few days to settle in. They didn't believe me. They said, we're going to track this.

So, Anna, you're going to make me look bad.
And I don't care if lives are destroyed or whatever. But you can't make me look bad.

VOICE: No! You know, we actually also sent a letter yesterday to the Department of Justice. As you know, Pam Bondi is heading up that organization, and we also asked for it there. But I also -- I'm in the same belief, that Kash will get confirmed.

I think he will absolutely be pushing for radical transformation. I also too like to point out, you know, at the same time, that we're basically announcing our press conference at the declassification passports, we actually also found out that the SPI just so happened to locate thousands of pages of previously undiscovered JFK files.

So, look, I know a lot of people are like, well, the American people need to see the information first, and you actually will see it.

It will be declassified. But the reason why we're doing the task force is, A, just because President Trump signed an executive order doesn't mean that bureaucrats and even Intelligence agencies won't attempt to block it.

So we want to make sure that's followed through. We do have punitive authority to hold them accountable, if they don't, A.

And then, B, I think it's incredibly important to look at the evidence that we know now. Which is sure as heck a lot different than what they had even 60 years ago, and what we're finding. What we're finding, and from what I have looked at.

To stuff that's already out there. Also, too, taking into account, many of the doctors that were actually at that initial responding -- or at that initial hospital. I do think that there were two shooters.

And I think the whole Magic Bully theory that the Warren commission pushed, I think that was faulty.
I know another president at the time, also believed that that was a faulty theory.

And so, you know, I'm eager to accommodate this. I know that there's many Democrats and Republicans that also want to get to the bottom of this.

And I am simply asking the questions that every American has been asking for decades.

GLENN: So I have a very good friend, Paul Biets (phonetic), who has the museum of the American soldier in Texas. And he had -- he spent a long time to get the exact right gun, the way it was modified. A scope and everything else, and he just had it redone. And I have to tell you, I've held it.

I will take it out to the range next week. I've held the gun, looked through the scope.

I just don't think you could do it. I mean, it's just so difficult!

ANNA: There were reports from doctors at the time, some of which were first and second-year med students who were at the hospital, in the room where Kennedy was brought. And they reported an entry wound in the neck. From some of the footage that you can see.

Video of Kennedy being shot.

But also the doctors that ran the autopsies at Bethesda, Maryland, had reported seeing an entry wound in the back. And so we're talking about multiple shots here.

I think the whole idea that they would try to just ignore the evidence, or at least try to bury that, and not even answer the question. Is suspect to me. And so I think the whole idea of wanting to push against declassification or even trying to pooh-pooh the evidence that has now been brought to the forefront.

Look, the obligation of the US government to release this to the American people -- Kennedy was arguably one of the most popular presidents, and he was assassinated.

So why did they try so hard to push back against any questioning?

And that's where I come in.

And where the task force comes in.

You know, I'm also telling people, if you're seeing people with large -- especially, pushing against declassification or attempting to discredit. And I thought, immediately after my press conference, try to discredit the efforts of Congress to actually follow through and get this done.

In my opinion, bad actors are just on both sides. If you really have nothing to hide, then you should not be afraid of the questioning.

You shouldn't be afraid of information getting out to the American people.

GLENN: Let me push back on a couple of things, just from, you know, playing devil's advocate.

ANNA: Yeah.

GLENN: Why would you start with the JFK? Why is that even important?

It happened a year before I was born. Yesterday was my 61st birthday. How is this relevant? How is this relevant?

ANNA: I think -- so when we chose to kind of go through the timelines. It's the MLK files and the JFK files that are going to be released first.

So we wanted to help go through that information. And then also clip some of the historical narratives that were painted on these assassinations.

Obviously, confirming -- or holding hearings to actually present you evidence, I think is important for knowing and fully understanding the story, right?

So that's the first thing.

GLENN: Are these going to be open hearings?

ANNA: Yeah. These are all open. And the reason I want them open. Is because I think the American people will go through the evidence. I am also going to be doing something similar to what I did, to the UAP hearings, which allowed people to ask questions. We're also bringing in experts.

There's a few individuals that I want to bring in. From the previous investigations. That actually were pointing out some pretty incredible evidence, that pointed potentially second shooter.

And they were pooh-poohed. And I think those people deserve a platform.

And if we find anything, it's -- you know, having Kash confirmed is incredibly important. He's also going to bring forward -- I would argue, that have been hidden from the American people.

So this is obviously a big effort. We're not perfect. But we do know that the American people deserve this.

And what we're fighting for is total and complete transparency.

GLENN: The other pushback question I have. And this one is actually pretty sincere from me.

And that is, once we get Congress involved. Then we're re-litigating everything.

The more Congress gets involved, the slower it will happen.

And the higher the percentage is.

It's just not going to come out. We will just get pages and pages of redacted crap.

LINDY: Well, so the whole purpose and objective of this task force is to actually ensure, with President Trump's executive order. That the agencies and the bureaucrats in those agencies, do exactly what that executive order says, which is to declassify it.

So we're not going to be siloing or holding any information, that won't be available to the American people.

So this is all going to be out there.

You will be able to go through it yourself. It will be online from what I gather.

Similar to how they've declassified previous documents from the FBI and the CIA.

So, again, we are simply, reopening the investigation with new evidence. Also, bringing in credible witnesses that will be verified and confirmed via House Oversight, the committee itself.

And we are going to be opening this up to the American people.

So you will access to the same documents that we are looking at.

We are simply ensuring, we will not get blockaded. Or this information is not siloed.

GLENN: Unbelievable.

And when do we get to the things?

By the way, the answer for me, the answer to my first question to you, was, it's relevant. Because I think they've been doing this kind of stuff forever.

And it shows a pattern. If they were doing it in 63. What are they doing now?

I just don't think -- go ahead.

ANNA: You know what is interesting is, if you ask those questions. There are some people.

And to be clear, these people largely exist in the media. And they're largely bad actors.

When you have someone, instead of answering the question, and having a respectful dialogue. To discredit something as a conspiracy theory or try to gaslight into you thinking, you should not be asking the question. That's when you know they are hiding something.

GLENN: Right.

ANNA: So I've talked to many Democrats. Many well-known Democrats. That are just like, we want in on this task force. Because we have questions.

And it just doesn't sit right. Look, this -- this entire task force. I don't believe that this would be possible. Had President Trump not gotten into office.

Had our CIA director not been confirmed. Had there not been people placed in positions of power, that are true ideologues like you and I.

You know, to be clear, I think that also Marco Rubio played a part at -- the Secretary of State's office.

I think that, you know, there are going to be many people. And some of these investigations that will at least give us access to whatever information.

Look, we've asked to declassify everything I've list in that press conference.

COVID-19 origin. 9/11 files. Look what just came out yesterday.

We find out that the FBI was basically ordering lunch for someone that was working with the pilots that crashed the plane into the twin towers. I mean, that's ridiculous. And that's all coming out now.

And that's why we ask these questions on the 9/11 files.

How could it have been prevented? How much did the government truly know?

I mean, look, I could care less if people think I'm crazy for doing this.

I can tell you, I am joined by many high-profile people in Congress, Democrats who have the same questions. And so we are not going to stop.

GLENN: Jeffrey Epstein. When is that coming out?

ANNA: Well, I have the letter out to Pam Bondi. I know Kash Patel has been supportive of it.

So hopefully, once they're confirmed, previously they said that the Epstein list could not be released. This is mind you, under Biden's Department of Justice because there was an open case.

Right? That's what they kept pointing to.

You hear that Pam Bondi. Before she was confirmed.

She called for the release of the Jeffrey Epstein client list. So we're pushing for it. Go ahead.

GLENN: So will Pam and Kash be the ones to make the decision, we're going to release it? They will be the ones.

ANNA: Yes, they will be the ones.

Again, I'm going off what we were told as the previous administrations. But what they were saying, that there was an open investigation.

So I believe that Pam has the authority to release that. And, look, I don't believe that any of that should have been classified.

If there are people that were doing bad things. We should know about it.

GLENN: It's unbelievable.

I mean, radical transparency.

It is the only thing that will heal our nation.

Is if we deal with all of the corruption that we have been dealing with. That we know has happened.

And if we can get an honest look.

You know, maybe. Maybe the Warren commission was right.

I don't know.

CAROL: We should be able to know that, and look at the evidence for ourselves. Yes.

GLENN: Yes. All of the evidence. All of the evidence. Without protecting anybody.
Anna, thank you.

It's got to be -- what was it like to be -- did you get the call from the president?

How did this work?

ANNA: Initially, in full transparency, this was actually supposed to -- the task force looked a little bit different. And I chose to expand it. Because even our investigators said, there's a lot here. If we're truly -- our absolute objective is to begin restoring trust in the relationship with the American people.

We have to go into these, you know, different theories. Going to these cases. And investigate. And actually find the truth. And let the American people decide.

I agree with them.

Also, Glenn. There were two other members that were potentially going to be taking over the initial task force.

And they turned it downed, because there was a climate of fear, that it was considered dangerous territory.

And what I will tell you, I do not believe that it's dangerous territory. Because we have, you know, the 800-pound gorilla in the White House, and our allies in the Intelligence Agencies. That are pushing for this.

So it's not just one person. I think where you had, you know, previous historical -- it was one person that was leading up the charge.

But when it's a group effort pushing for this, it's -- it's a systematic change that occurred.

And so in my opinion, I think I'm going to be okay.

But, you know, a lot of people. I had a reporter that called me actually, a very well-known reporter from Fox News yesterday said, it's interesting.

One of the initial reporters that had reported that there were three shots heard at the JFK assassination. One that was -- one of the prizes for writing. And he actually committed suicide several years later.

Stuff like that has happened in the past. And I just -- I'm in the perspective and belief, that right now, we have a very small window of time. To bring true change. You see everything happening with USAID.

Mike Benz has been uncovering a lot. Elon Musk has been uncovering a lot.

But there are a lot of good people that are really cleaning the system. You saw 40,000 federal employees resigned. Or not resigned, but chose to leave the workforce.

So you're seeing a big change happen, and I'm not saying that this is a complete fix. But it definitely is going to change I think our country long-term and historically.

I'll also tell you this, Glenn. Yesterday, after we made the announcement, I felt a massive orchestrated campaign, specifically coming from a lot of other people that had typically been political on social media. That were trying to discredit what I was saying about potential witnesses, and trying to spin it.

And the reason why they were doing it, is because the Warren Commission presented a faulty theory on the bullet. The magic bullet theory.

To think that that was how Kennedy was taken out. And the Texas governor --

GLENN: But they were -- they were saying, nobody is alive. So who were you going to --

ANNA: Yeah, that's not true. First of all, I was using the Warren commission, as an example of the commissions that have been set up. The hearings that have been set up. But who we are actually looking to subpoena. I don't want to say their names yet.

GLENN: No. No. No.

ANNA: Are individuals that, A, were -- are at Bethesda, in the room during the 8:00 p.m. autopsy that the military did. Individuals that were on the assassination board, that that did not agree with the findings initially with the new evidence coming out. I think that they will -- it will reflect their government employees, that should pass backgrounds. And then there's another individual who is going to be very key, in I think resetting the narrative upon Kennedy.

GLENN: Interesting. Anna, thank you so much. Interesting.

And you sound like you are. You know exactly what you're walking into. There's a new stat out this morning.

Over three times more people in DC are Googling criminal defense lawyer than anywhere else in the US right now.

So you've got a lot of people who are freaking out.

Keep up the good work.

God bless you.

Thank you.


The REAL Reason Democrats are TERRIFIED of Elon Musk & DOGE

Democrats are mad that President Trump is trusting Elon Musk with so much. Glenn explains why it’s dumb for them to whine about Elon being an “unelected billionaire” and getting rid of USAID – which isn’t even an “aid” agency. Plus, Glenn reviews how Democrats tried to force a security guard to let them into the Department of Education: “It’s quite amazing how these people are so freaked out. They’ve got to cover their tracks!”


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So Bret Baier asked Donald Trump if he trusts Elon Musk. Cut nine.

DONALD: I don't know if it's kickbacks, or what's going on.

Look, I ran on it, and the people want me to find it, and I've had a great help with Elon Musk, who has been terrific.

VOICE: You say you trust him?

DONALD: Trustee Elon, oh, he's not gaining anything.

In fact, I wonder how he can devote the time into it, he's so into it.

But I told him to do that. Then I will tell him, very soon, like maybe in 24 hours, to go check the Department of Education. He will find the same thing.

Then I will go to the military. Let's check the military. We will find billions. Hundreds of billions of dollars of fraud and abuse. And, you know, the people elected me on that.

GLENN: He's absolutely right about this. I don't know how everybody is squealing.

First of all, you know, he's an unelected bureaucrat. Well, almost all bureaucrats are.

I don't know if you --

PAT: Uh-huh.

GLENN: If you follow that. But, you know, the Treasury Secretary, is also somebody who, you know, wasn't voted in.

Unelected bureaucrat.

He was appointed by the president to do this.

And we're going to -- we're going to find out about what's happening with this judge. See if it's overruled. Did you hear about what happened with the judge over the weekend, with the Treasury Department?

PAT: Yeah. Where they blocked going into the treasury books. Which --

GLENN: It was so -- it was so poorly written, that they didn't even differentiate between Elon Musk's people, and the Treasury secretary.

PAT: Right.

GLENN: So as it's written, the Treasury secretary can't even look at any of the data.

PAT: It's incredible.

He also, the judge who did the block.

Also didn't mention what law they're violating. He just said, it's violating the law. What law is being violated here?

GLENN: What law? What law?

PAT: This is a person appointed by the president to look into this.

So I don't see how that could violate any laws.

GLENN: No. No.

I mean, and who is not for looking into all of this stuff?

Honestly, I mean, you know, I can't wait until he gets to the Pentagon. Because how are the Democrats going to say, that we somehow or another, are, you know -- we don't care about national defense? We care about national defense!

PAT: Yeah.

GLENN: I also care about fraud. You know, it's -- the same thing with all of this stuff about aid.

First of all, aid, USAID, it's not aid. It's AID. Okay? It is for international development. That's what that's for.

It's not an aid program. Or an aid agency.

We have aid agencies. That's not one of them.

This is soft power.

And, quite honestly, it is from the beginning, been a CIA operation.

So how are -- I'm not against aid.

I'm against corruption. And I'm also against a lot of this soft power being done, that nobody knows about.

Why are we just finding out about this stuff?

And what we going to find in the Pentagon, oh, my gosh. We're going to find really bad stuff in the Pentagon. Really bad.

PAT: And none of us is against aid. It's just the aid that is being dispersed to people that you mentioned isn't aid.

And the other thing, it's not government agencies, that should be doing this.

It's individuals who are tasked with charity.


PAT: And helping others.

We're the ones, individual choice. To -- we shouldn't be forced!

Once you're forced into it, it's not charity anyway.

GLENN: No. It's not.

PAT: So I don't understand how all of the responsibility for aid worldwide is now on the US government.

That's not the way it's supposed to be.

GLENN: Nope. Nope.

And I don't know if you saw this.

But the NIH. They're going crazy now.

Because the NIH. When Trump's people first came in.

They said, we're going to cut the maximum indirect cost rate for research institutions.

Now, most people read that. And they don't even understand what that is. That means, how much of this is going?

How much of 1 dollar is going actually to the program, of research, and how much is going for overhead?

Again, we told you before, any charity that is 85 cents on the dollar. Is one that you start to look at.

If it's 80, 75 cents. You're getting a bad rating for that.

This is 60 cents on the dollar, goes to the management.

Goes to overhead costs.

I want 40 cents on every dollar? You think that's wise?

This is going to save us billions. They're predicting now $9 billion for this project alone. $9 billion.

So go ahead and play cut two, here.

If members of Congress -- peoples cut 12.

This is members of Congress, trying to get into the Department of Education over the weekend.

VOICE: Do they know that --

VOICE: Ask the question again. That's important.

VOICE: Were you told. Are you making the decision to stand in front of the store, on your own behalf. On behalf of the Department of Education.

GLENN: This is the security guard.

VOICE: So everybody is --

VOICE: We're doing our jobs.

GLENN: Okay. So here they are, members of Congress trying to get in, trying to break into the Department of Education. It's closed for the weekend. And they say, they're doing their job. And they're questioning the security guard. Why aren't you letting us in. And all he said, it's not going to happen. Not today. It's not going to happen. You're not going in.

It's quite amazing how these people are so freaked out, they've got to cover their tracks.

I'm convinced that's what it is.

Here's Donald Trump responding to this. Cut 13.

VOICE: Democratic lawmakers trying to get into the Department of Education earlier today.

VOICE: Oh. I see the same ones.

I see Maxine Waters.

A low-life. I see all these people. They don't love our country. They don't love our country.

We want great education. So they ranked 40 countries in education, we're ranked dead last. Dead last.

But the good news is, we're number one in one category. You know what that is? Cost per pupil. We spend more per pupil than any other country in the world.

You look at Norway, Denmark, Sweden, various countries all up and down, Finland. China does very well in education, and then you look at us.

We spend much more money than they do per pupil than any other way. But we spend much more money than they do, and yet we're ranked this year, Biden's last year -- congratulations, Joe. We're ranked dead last. So what I want to see is education -- number one, I like choice. We all like choice.

But beyond choice, long beyond choice, I want to see it go back to the states, where great states who do so well, have no debt, they-re operated brilliantly. They'll be as good as Norway or Denmark or Sweden or any of the other highly ranked countries. They will -- I figure 35 to 38 states will be right at the top.

And the rest will come along. They'll have to come along, competitively. And, by the way, we will be spending --

GLENN: I will tell you -- I will tell you that it feels a little like when the allies marched into Germany, and the Germans were burning all of their documents to hide all the crimes.

It kind of feels a little like that.